December 2018, Volume 91, Issue 12
- 1-7 Kinetic temperature relaxation and nonequilibrium fluctuations in two-dimensional Lennard–Jones systems during nonstationary heat transfer
by Marat N. Ovchinnikov - 1-7 A DFT study on the electronic and magnetic properties of triangular graphene antidot lattices
by Zahra Talebi Esfahani & Alireza Saffarzadeh & Ahmad Akhound - 1-7 Diffusion and microstructure in sodium silicate liquids
by Pham Khac Hung & Le The Vinh & Nguyen Thi Thu Ha & Nguyen Van Hong & Fumiya Noritake - 1-8 The Zeno effect and relaxation rates in a triple quantum dot system
by Xue-Ning Hu & Hong Jiang & Chao Zhang - 1-8 Sorption of natural gas in cement hydrate by Monte Carlo simulation
by Matthew Lasich - 1-9 Monte Carlo simulations of a disordered superconductor-metal quantum phase transition
by Ahmed K. Ibrahim & Thomas Vojta - 1-9 Electronic structure of ZnO(0001)/AgBr(111) heterojunction interface based on the TB-mBJ approximation
by Mahsa Pirhashemi & Ali Tavana & Aziz Habibi-Yangjeh - 1-10 Influence of bolstering network reciprocity in the evolutionary spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma game: a perspective
by K. M. Ariful Kabir & Jun Tanimoto & Zhen Wang - 1-11 First principles calculations of the thermoelectric properties of α-MnO2 and β-MnO2
by Mirriam Chepkoech & Daniel P. Joubert & George O. Amolo - 1-11 Spherical quantum dot in Kratzer confining potential: study of linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and refractive index changes
by Kriti Batra & Vinod Prasad - 1-11 Density distribution in two Ising systems with particle exchange
by Jean-Yves Fortin & Segun Goh & Chansoo Kim & MooYoung Choi - 1-12 Good influence transmission structure strengthens cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma games
by Penghui Liu & Jing Liu - 1-13 High energy shift in the optical conductivity spectrum of the bilayer graphene
by Vardan Apinyan & Tadeusz K. Kopeć - 1-13 Synchronization patterns in LIF neuron networks: merging nonlocal and diagonal connectivity
by Nefeli-Dimitra Tsigkri-DeSmedt & Ioannis Koulierakis & Georgios Karakos & Astero Provata - 1-19 Fractional-order two-component oscillator: stability and network synchronization using a reduced number of control signals
by Romanic Kengne & Robert Tchitnga & Alain Kammogne Soup Tewa & Grzegorz Litak & Anaclet Fomethe & Chunlai Li - 1-23 Anomalous scaling in the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model with finite time correlations: two-loop renormalization group analysis of relevant composite operators
by Eva Jurčišinová & Marian Jurčišin & Martin Menkyna
November 2018, Volume 91, Issue 11
- 1-1 Erratum to: Effects of Coulomb interactions and disorder in triple-Weyl semimetals
by Aditya Banerjee - 1-5 Termini effects on the optical properties of graphene nanoribbons
by Claudia Cardoso & Andrea Ferretti & Deborah Prezzi - 1-5 Quantum correlations between two cavity QED systems coupled by a mechanical resonator
by Jhon Edinson Ramírez-Muñoz & Juan Pablo Restrepo Cuartas & Herbert Vinck-Posada - 1-5 Magnetic response in silicene, germanene, and stanene rings with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange field
by Ning Xu & Jian Wen Ding & Bao Lin Wang & Heng Yi Xu - 1-5 Determination of the electric field gradient and the magnetic field in Mössbauer spectroscopy
by Krzysztof R. Szymański - 1-6 Criticality of the magnon-bound-state hierarchy for the quantum Ising chain with the long-range interactions
by Yoshihiro Nishiyama - 1-6 Enhancement of nonlinear response using vibrational resonance in a nonlinear oscillator; sum and difference frequency generation
by Debapriya Das & Deb Shankar Ray - 1-6 Special issue in honor of Eberhard K.U. Gross for his 65th birthday
by Miguel A. L. Marques & Fernando Nogueira & Angel Rubio & Carsten A. Ullrich - 1-6 Mimicking complex dislocation dynamics by interaction networks
by Henri Salmenjoki & Mikko J. Alava & Lasse Laurson - 1-6 Stochastic sensitivity of cycles in periodic dynamical systems
by Irina Bashkirtseva - 1-6 Spin–orbit interaction effects in ZnO/ZnS core–shell and ZnS/ZnO inverted core–shell quantum dots
by Hamid Reza Esmaeili & Behrooz Vaseghi & Ghasem Rezaei - 1-7 Band gap modulation of graphene on SiC
by Stefan Kolev & Victor Atanasov & Hristiyan Aleksandrov & Teodor Milenov - 1-7 Hybrid multilane models for highway traffic
by Taiyi Zhang & Yu-Cheng Lin - 1-8 Mechanics of disordered auxetic metamaterials
by Maryam Hanifpour & Charlotte F. Petersen & Mikko J. Alava & Stefano Zapperi - 1-9 Molecular velocity auto-correlation of simple liquids observed by NMR MGSE method
by Janez Stepišnik & Carlos Mattea & Siegfried Stapf & Aleš Mohorič - 1-10 Mitigation strategies with feedback against cascading failures
by Liang-Rui Tang & Yang Yang & Bing Fan & Run-Ze Wu - 1-10 Spin-state energetics of iron(II) porphyrin from the particle-particle random phase approximation
by Balazs Pinter & Rachael Al-Saadon & Zehua Chen & Weitao Yang - 1-10 Structural, optical and magnetic properties of nanophase NiWO4 for potential applications
by Hitha Harshan & Karathan Parakkandi Priyanka & Aikkara Sreedevi & Anjali Jose & Thomas Varghese - 1-10 Modified spin–orbit couplings in uniaxially strained graphene
by Hamed Rezaei & Arash Phirouznia - 1-11 Dynamical behaviour of solitons in a 𝒫𝒯-invariant nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation with distributed coefficients
by Kannan Manikandan & Seenimuthu Stalin & Murugaian Senthilvelan - 1-11 Epidemiological impact of waning immunization on a vaccinated population
by Ewa Grela & Michael Stich & Amit K Chattopadhyay - 1-11 Theoretical study of methyl-ammonium lead iodide perovskite’s response under tensile/compressive loads
by Saeed Momeni Bashusqeh & Esmaeil Zarezadeh & Javad Eshaghi & Kamran Farajzadeh - 1-12 Scaling behavior in interacting systems: joint effect of anisotropy and compressibility
by Michal Hnatič & Georgii Kalagov & Tomáš Lučivjanský - 1-12 Study of Brownian functionals for a Brownian process model of snow melt dynamics with purely time dependent drift and diffusion
by Ashutosh Dubey & Malay Bandyopadhyay - 1-12 Wavelet-based multiscale similarity measure for complex networks
by Ankit Agarwal & Rathinasamy Maheswaran & Norbert Marwan & Levke Caesar & Jürgen Kurths - 1-12 Molecules with two electronic energy levels: coupling between the molecules in the solid state via the optical and acoustic phonon branches
by Jamil A. Nasser - 1-13 Physical properties of niobium-based intermetallics (Nb3B; B = Os, Pt, Au): a DFT-based ab-initio study
by Mosammat I. Naher & Fahmida Parvin & Azharul K. M. A. Islam & Saleh H. Naqib - 1-13 Dynamical regimes of vortex flow in type-II superconductors with parallel twin boundaries
by Harshwardhan Chaturvedi & Nathan Galliher & Ulrich Dobramysl & Michel Pleimling & Uwe C. Täuber - 1-15 London penetration depth in the ensemble of spin polarons of cuprate superconductors
by Dmitry M. Dzebisashvili & Konstantin K. Komarov - 1-15 Grasping asymmetric information in price impacts
by Shanshan Wang & Sebastian Neusüß & Thomas Guhr - 1-16 Approximate energy functionals for one-body reduced density matrix functional theory from many-body perturbation theory
by Klaas J. H. Giesbertz & Anna-Maija Uimonen & Robert van Leeuwen - 1-25 Strong disorder RG approach – a short review of recent developments
by Ferenc Iglói & Cécile Monthus
October 2018, Volume 91, Issue 10
- 1-1 Erratum to: Band structures of symmetrical graphene superlattice with cells of three regions
by Abdellatif Kamal & El Bouâzzaoui Choubabi & Ahmed Jellal - 1-1 Erratum to: Emergence of novel phenomena on the border of low dimensional spin and charge order
by Charles R. S. Haines & Siddharth S. Saxena - 1-1 Correction to: Low dimensional dynamics in birdsong production
by Ana Amador & Gabriel B. Mindlin - 1-3 Unraveling the Landau’s consistence criterion and the meaning of interpenetration in the “Two-Fluid” Model
by J. L. Alonso & F. Ares & J. L. Brun - 1-4 Large successive magnetocaloric effects around room temperature in Ni50Mn34In15Al alloy
by Yao-Wen Mao & Cheng-Cheng Zhang & Rui-Long Wang & Hai-Bo Xiao & Ling-Fang Xu & Zheng-Cai Xia & Chang-Ping Yang - 1-5 Quantum optical oscillations of the Fermi level in a graphene-based Schottky junction
by Ricardo Vega Monroy & Katia Arrieta Carbonó - 1-5 One-dimensional phononic crystals that incorporate a defective piezoelectric/piezomagnetic as a new sensor
by Arafa Hussein Aly & Ahmed Nagaty & Ahmed Mehaney - 1-5 Thermal properties of one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal
by Arafa H. Aly & Ahmed Nagaty & Ahmed Mehaney - 1-6 Nontrivial tensile behavior of rutile TiO2 nanowires: a molecular dynamics study
by Matin-Alsadat Mostaan & Jamal Davoodi & Hadi Alizadeh & Mohsen Yarifard - 1-6 The isotropic Compton profile difference across the phase transition of VO2
by Kari O. Ruotsalainen & Juho Inkinen & Tuomas Pylkkänen & Thomas Buslaps & Mikko Hakala & Keijo Hämäläinen & Simo Huotari - 1-6 Exotic entanglement scaling of Heisenberg antiferromagnet on honeycomb lattice
by Cheng Peng & Shi-Ju Ran & Maciej Lewenstein & Gang Su - 1-6 Effect of exchange-correlation spin–torque on spin dynamics
by John Kay Dewhurst & Antonio Sanna & Sangeeta Sharma - 1-6 The impact of neutral reward on cooperation in public good game
by Chunpeng Du & Danyang Jia & Libin Jin & Lei Shi - 1-6 Electron-polaron—electron-polaron bound states in mass-gap graphene-like planar quantum electrodynamics: s-wave bipolarons
by Oswaldo M. Del Cima & Emerson S. Miranda - 1-6 Cu segregation at α-Al (1 1 1)/δ′-Al3Li (1 1 1) interface
by Jian-Gang Yao & Rong-Kai Pan & Yong Jiang & Deng-Feng Yin & Hua Wang - 1-6 Controllable spin-dependent transport in silicene superlattice
by Farhad Sattari & Soghra Mirershadi - 1-7 Nonunitary triplet pairing in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2
by Gábor Csire & Balázs Újfalussy & James F. Annett - 1-7 Temperature dependent volume expansion of microgel in nonequilibria
by Adam Gadomski & Natalia Kruszewska & Piotr Bełdowski - 1-7 Monte Carlo simulation of equilibrium and dynamic phase transition properties of an Ising bilayer
by Yusuf Yüksel - 1-7 A v0-representability issue in lattice ensemble-DFT and its signature in lattice TDDFT
by Thomas Rössler & Claudio Verdozzi & Carl-Olof Almbladh - 1-7 A projected entropy controller for transition matrix calculations
by David Yevick - 1-7 Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of irradiation particles behavior in tungsten
by Min Luo & Sanqiu Liu & Chuying Ouyang - 1-7 Electron dynamics on gold surfaces driven by short laser pulses
by Yoshiyuki Miyamoto - 1-7 On the possibility of magnetic Weyl fermions in non-symmorphic compound PtFeSb
by Maia G. Vergniory & Luis Elcoro & Fabio Orlandi & Benjamin Balke & Yang-Hao Chan & Juergen Nuss & Andreas P. Schnyder & Leslie M. Schoop - 1-7 Benchmarking nonequilibrium Green’s functions against configuration interaction for time-dependent Auger decay processes
by Fabio Covito & Enrico Perfetto & Angel Rubio & Gianluca Stefanucci - 1-7 Parametric disorder effects on a subcritical stationary bifurcation under nonlinear gradient term
by Martine Limi Wokwenmendam & Timoleon Crépin Kofane - 1-7 Negative differential conductivity in liquid aluminum from real-time quantum simulations
by Xavier Andrade & Sébastien Hamel & Alfredo A. Correa - 1-8 Kinetic-exchange-like opinion dynamics in complex networks: roles of the dimensionality and local interaction topology
by Xu-Sheng Liu & Zhi-Xi Wu & Jian-Yue Guan - 1-8 Determination of allowed transitions types and the optical parameters of Se–Ge–Ag chalcogenide films
by Amira M. Shakra & Essam G. El-Metwally - 1-8 A theoretical investigation of structural, mechanical, electronic and thermoelectric properties of orthorhombic CH3NH3PbI3
by Ibrahim Omer A. Ali & Daniel P. Joubert & Mohammed S. H. Suleiman - 1-9 The early scientific work (1976–2000) of E.K.U. Gross
by Carlos Fiolhais - 1-9 Multiple solutions of asymmetric potential bistable energy harvesters: numerical simulation and experimental validation
by Wei Wang & Junyi Cao & Chris R. Bowen & Grzegorz Litak - 1-9 Publisher Correction to: The family of topological Hall effects for electrons in skyrmion crystals
by Börge Göbel & Alexander Mook & Jürgen Henk & Ingrid Mertig - 1-9 Exact partition potential for model systems of interacting electrons in 1-D
by Yan Oueis & Adam Wasserman - 1-9 The role of dispersal in competition success and in the emerging diversity
by Els Heinsalu & David Navidad Maeso & Marco Patriarca - 1-9 Size-dependent optical absorption of Cu2ZnSn(Se,S)4 quantum dot sensitizers from ab initio many-body methods
by Sabine Körbel & Paul Boulanger & Xavier Blase & Miguel A. L. Marques & Silvana Botti - 1-9 Electronic stopping and proton dynamics in InP, GaP, and In0.5Ga0.5P from first principles
by Cheng-Wei Lee & André Schleife - 1-9 Modulational instability and peak solitary wave in a discrete nonlinear electrical transmission line described by the modified extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation
by Guy Roger Deffo & Serge Bruno Yamgoue & Francois Beceau Pelap - 1-10 Non-Markovian feature of the classical Hall effect
by Ilkhom B. Abdurakhmanov & Gurgen G. Adamian & Nikolay V. Antonenko & Zakir Kanokov - 1-10 Ultrafast relaxation dynamics in a polymer: fullerene blend for organic photovoltaics probed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
by Antonietta De Sio & Franco V. d. A. Camargo & Katrin Winte & Ephraim Sommer & Federico Branchi & Giulio Cerullo & Christoph Lienau - 1-10 Time-dependent transport through a T-coupled quantum dot
by Georgios E. Pavlou & Nikolaos E. Palaiodimopoulos & Panayiotis A. Kalozoumis & Anastasios Sourpis & Fotios K. Diakonos & Alexandros I. Karanikas - 1-10 Ion beam sputter deposition of TiO2 films using oxygen ions
by Lukas Pietzonka & Thomas Lautenschläger & Daniel Spemann & Annemarie Finzel & Jürgen W. Gerlach & Frank Frost & Carsten Bundesmann - 1-10 Dissecting energy level renormalization and polarizability enhancement of molecules at surfaces with subsystem TDDFT
by Alina Umerbekova & Shou-Feng Zhang & Sudheer Kumar P. & Michele Pavanello - 1-11 A non-Markovian approach for two dissipative quantum walks
by Manuel O. Caceres & Marco Nizama - 1-11 Analytical and numerical simulations of energy harvesting using MEMS devices operating in nonlinear regime
by Abdolreza Pasharavesh & Mohammad Taghi Ahmadian - 1-12 Melting a Hubbard dimer: benchmarks of ‘ALDA’ for quantum thermodynamics
by Marcela Herrera & Krissia Zawadzki & Irene D’Amico - 1-12 The interplay between wetting and demixing in non-additive symmetric mixtures at selective walls
by Andrzej Patrykiejew - 1-12 Kinetic models for optimal control of wealth inequalities
by Bertram Düring & Lorenzo Pareschi & Giuseppe Toscani - 1-12 Occupation probabilities as variables in electronic structure theory: cooper pairing, OP-NSOFT-Cs,t, and the homogeneous electron liquid
by Ralph Gebauer & Morrel H. Cohen & Roberto Car - 1-13 Spectral control for ecological stability
by Giulia Cencetti & Franco Bagnoli & Giorgio Battistelli & Luigi Chisci & Duccio Fanelli - 1-13 Optimal power series expansions of the Kohn–Sham potential
by Timothy J. Callow & Nikitas I. Gidopoulos - 1-13 Spin dynamics from time-dependent density functional perturbation theory
by Tommaso Gorni & Iurii Timrov & Stefano Baroni - 1-14 Topological plasmons in dimerized chains of nanoparticles: robustness against long-range quasistatic interactions and retardation effects
by Charles A. Downing & Guillaume Weick - 1-19 Numerical construction of the density-potential mapping
by Soeren E. B. Nielsen & Michael Ruggenthaler & Robert van Leeuwen - 1-19 Dynamical decoherence of a qubit coupled to a quantum dot or the SYK black hole
by Klaus M. Frahm & Dima L. Shepelyansky - 1-21 Variations on the “exact factorization” theme
by Xavier Gonze & Jianqiang Sky Zhou & Lucia Reining - 1-23 On the inclusion of dissipation on top of mean-field approaches
by Phuong Mai Dinh & Lionel Lacombe & Paul-Gerhard Reinhard & Éric Suraud & Marc Vincendon
September 2018, Volume 91, Issue 9
- 1-2 Coexistence of long-range orders in low-dimensional systems
by Sudhakar Yarlagadda & Peter B. Littlewood - 1-7 Mott localization nurtures several competing and coexisting orders
by Ganapathy Baskaran - 1-7 Emergence of novel phenomena on the border of low dimensional spin and charge order
by Charles R. S. Haines & Siddharth S. Saxena - 1-7 Coercive field enhancement in microstructured (La0.4Pr0.6)0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films
by Daniel Grant & Michael Ryan & Amlan Biswas - 1-7 Two-step melting of three-sublattice order in S = 1 easy-axis triangular lattice antiferromagnets
by Dariush Heidarian & Kedar Damle - 1-8 Magnetization plateaus and supersolid phases in an extended Shastry–Sutherland model
by Keola Wierschem & Zhifeng Zhang & Andrew Wibawa & Pinaki Sengupta - 1-9 Correlations and confinement of excitations in an asymmetric Hubbard ladder
by Anas Abdelwahab & Eric Jeckelmann - 1-9 Dimensionality, nematicity and superconductivity in Fe-based systems
by Khadiza Ali & Kalobaran Maiti - 1-10 Competing effects of Hund’s splitting and symmetry-breaking perturbations on electronic order in Pb1−xSnxTe
by Sarbajaya Kundu & Vikram Tripathi - 1-11 Exact ground states of the extended Hubbard model on the Kagomé lattice
by Masaaki Nakamura & Satoshi Nishimoto - 1-12 Study of supersolidity in the two-dimensional Hubbard–Holstein model
by Amrita Ghosh & Satyaki Kar & Sudhakar Yarlagadda - 1-14 Density waves in strongly correlated quantum chains
by Martin Hohenadler & Holger Fehske - 1-16 The competition and coexistence of antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity: probing coupled thermal fluctuations in a two dimensional minimal model
by Samrat Kadge & Pinaki Majumdar
August 2018, Volume 91, Issue 8
- 1-5 Theory of field emission
by Shi-Dong Liang - 1-6 A shortcut to gradient-corrected magnon dispersion: exchange-only case
by Florian G. Eich & Stefano Pittalis & Giovanni Vignale - 1-6 Entanglement in a fermionic spin chain containing a single mobile boson under decoherence
by Hamid Arian Zad & Majid Moradi (MKMajid) - 1-6 Time-dependent strain in graphene
by Anha Bhat & Salwa Alsaleh & Davood Momeni & Atikur Rehman & Zaid Zaz & Mir Faizal & Ahmed Jellal & Lina Alasfar - 1-6 Sum-rules of the response potential in the strongly-interacting limit of DFT
by Sara Giarrusso & Paola Gori-Giorgi & Klaas J. H. Giesbertz - 1-6 Capturing intensive and extensive DFT/TDDFT molecular properties with machine learning
by Wiktor Pronobis & Kristof T. Schütt & Alexandre Tkatchenko & Klaus-Robert Müller - 1-7 Electronic stopping power from time-dependent density-functional theory in Gaussian basis
by Ivan Maliyov & Jean-Paul Crocombette & Fabien Bruneval - 1-7 Dynamic correlation effects on drag resistivity of a symmetric electron–electron bilayer
by Priya Arora & Gurvinder Singh & R. K. Moudgil - 1-7 Bonds, lone pairs, and shells probed by means of on-top dynamical correlations
by Stefano Pittalis & Daniele Varsano & Alain Delgado & Carlo Andrea Rozzi - 1-7 Tunability of electronic and optical properties of the Ba–Zr–S system via dimensional reduction
by Yuwei Li & David J. Singh - 1-7 Switching behavior induced by different substituents of group in single molecular device
by Baoan Bian & Jingjuan Yang & Xiaoxiao Han & Haifeng Shi & Yuqiang Ding - 1-7 The family of topological Hall effects for electrons in skyrmion crystals
by Börge Göbel & Alexander Mook & Jürgen Henk & Ingrid Mertig - 1-9 Studying the occupied and unoccupied electronic structure of LaCoO3 by using DFT+embedded DMFT method with the calculated value of U
by Paromita Dutta & Sohan Lal & Sudhir K. Pandey - 1-9 Spin excitations and thermodynamics of the t-J model on the honeycomb lattice
by Artem A. Vladimirov & Dieter Ihle & Nikolay M. Plakida - 1-9 Superconductivity in doped polyethylene at high pressure
by José A. Flores-Livas & Miglė Graužinytė & Lilia Boeri & Gianni Profeta & Antonio Sanna - 1-9 On-top density in the nonlinear metallic screening and its implication on the exchange-correlation energy functional
by Yasutami Takada - 1-10 Superconductivity in hydrogenated carbon nanostructures
by Antonio Sanna & Arkadiy Davydov & John Kay Dewhurst & Sangeeta Sharma & José A. Flores-Livas - 1-10 From one to three, exploring the rungs of Jacob’s ladder in magnetic alloys
by Aldo H. Romero & Matthieu J. Verstraete - 1-10 Interaction of water with stepped Co(0001): how is it different from flat Co(0001)?
by Jing-Jie Ma & Li-Fang Wang & Shu-Hong Ma & Jie Yang - 1-11 Statistical properties of market collective responses
by Shanshan Wang & Sebastian Neusüß & Thomas Guhr - 1-12 Shedding light on correlated electron–photon states using the exact factorization
by Ali Abedi & Elham Khosravi & Ilya V. Tokatly - 1-12 An ab-initio approach to describe coherent and non-coherent exciton dynamics
by Davide Sangalli & Enrico Perfetto & Gianluca Stefanucci & Andrea Marini - 1-14 Light-matter interactions via the exact factorization approach
by Norah M. Hoffmann & Heiko Appel & Angel Rubio & Neepa T. Maitra - 1-15 Characterizing a high spin magnetic impurity via Andreev reflection spectroscopy
by Subhajit Pal & Colin Benjamin - 1-22 Spectroscopy of the Hubbard dimer: the spectral potential
by Marco Vanzini & Lucia Reining & Matteo Gatti
July 2018, Volume 91, Issue 7
- 1-4 A train of bright and dark-rogue wave solitons in a polariton fluid with inhomogeneous strength interaction
by Guy Richard Kol - 1-5 Density functional investigation of Kondo behavior, electronic structure and magnetic properties of CeRuPO-nano-layer
by Maryam Noorafshan & Zahra Nourbakhsh - 1-5 Micro electro-mechanical logic device at fundamental energy limit
by Miquel López-Suárez & Igor Neri - 1-5 Exchange and correlation in finite-temperature TDDFT
by John J. Rehr & Joshua J. Kas - 1-6 Effect of the hexagonal warping on the dynamical conductivity of surface states in a topological insulator
by Qinjun Chen & Ye Yang & Chao Zhang - 1-6 On symmetric and asymmetric Van der Pol-Duffing oscillators
by Vinícius Wiggers & Paulo C. Rech - 1-6 Heat-source transformation thermotics: from boundary-independent conduction to all-directional replication
by Liujun Xu & Chaoran Jiang & Jiping Huang - 1-7 Interaction of longitudinal phonons with discrete breather in strained graphene
by Iman Evazzade & Mahmood Rezaee Roknabadi & Mohammad Behdani & Fatemeh Moosavi & Daxing Xiong & Kun Zhou & Sergey V. Dmitriev - 1-7 Assessment of quality and reliability of band structures from exact-exchange-only Kohn–Sham, hybrid, and GW methods
by Egor Trushin & Andreas Görling - 1-7 Microscopic theory of refractive index applied to metamaterials: effective current response tensor corresponding to standard relation n2 = εeffμeff
by Giulio A. H. Schober & Ronald Starke - 1-7 Ab initio study of the (2 × 2) phase of barium on graphene
by Cesare Tresca & Nikolay I. Verbitskiy & Alexander Grüneis & Gianni Profeta - 1-7 Pulse shape and molecular orientation determine the attosecond charge migration in Caffeine
by Thomas A. Niehaus & Mehdi Meziane & Franck Lepine & Alexandre Marciniak & Kaoru Yamazaki & Hirohiko Kono - 1-7 Geometric symmetry modulated spin polarization of electron transport in graphene-like zigzag FeB2 nanoribbons
by Jian-Hua Li & Yan-Dong Guo & Xiao-Hong Yan & Hong-Li Zeng & Xiao-Chen Song & Xin-Yi Mou - 1-8 Exact-exchange optimized effective potential and memory effect in time-dependent density functional theory
by Sheng-Lun Liao & Tak-San Ho & Herschel Rabitz & Shih-I Chu - 1-8 Second generation Car-Parrinello MD: application to the h-BN/Rh(111) nanomesh
by Tiziana Musso & Sebastiano Caravati & Jürg Hutter & Marcella Iannuzzi - 1-8 Fixed volume effect on polar properties and phase diagrams of ferroelectric semi-ellipsoidal nanoparticles
by Eugene A. Eliseev & Victoria V. Khist & Yevhen M. Fomichov & Maxim V. Silibin & George S. Svechnikov & Andrei L. Kholkin & Dmitry V. Karpinsky & Vladimir V. Shvartsman & Anna N. Morozovska - 1-8 Local vertex corrections from exchange-correlation kernels with a discontinuity
by Maria Hellgren - 1-9 Constructing null networks for community detection in complex networks
by Wen-Kuo Cui & Ke-Ke Shang & Yong-Jian Zhang & Jing Xiao & Xiao-Ke Xu - 1-9 Electronic transport in graphene nanoribbons with disorder look at the pseudo-spin polarization: Dirac versus tight-binding model
by Luis I. A. López & Michel Mendoza - 1-9 Landauer’s limit and the physicality of information
by Neal G. Anderson - 1-9 Time-dependent generalized Kohn–Sham theory
by Roi Baer & Leeor Kronik - 1-10 How sharply does the Anderson model depict a single-electron transistor?
by Krissia Zawadzki & Luiz N. Oliveira - 1-10 Ab initio calculations of the mechanical and acoustic properties of Ti2-based Heusler alloys under pressures
by Yufeng Wen & Xiaoguang Yu & Xianshi Zeng & Yuanxiu Ye & Donglan Wu & Qingdong Gou - 1-10 Visualizing electronic excitations with the particle-hole map: orbital localization and metric space analysis
by Edward A. Pluhar & Carsten A. Ullrich - 1-10 Asymptotic nodal planes in the electron density and the potential in the effective equation for the square root of the density
by Paola Gori-Giorgi & Evert Jan Baerends - 1-11 When the exact factorization meets conical intersections..
by Federica Agostini & Basile F. E. Curchod - 1-11 Natural orbitals of helium in linearly polarized laser fields
by Julius Rapp & Dieter Bauer - 1-12 Pentameric PdAu and PdPt nanoparticles on the MgO(1 0 0) surface and their CO and O2 adsorption properties
by Mikail Aslan & Roy L. Johnston - 1-12 CT-MQC – a coupled-trajectory mixed quantum/classical method including nonadiabatic quantum coherence effects
by Basile F. E. Curchod & Federica Agostini & Ivano Tavernelli - 1-12 An exact-factorization perspective on quantum-classical approaches to excited-state dynamics
by Federica Agostini - 1-12 Nuclear quantum effects in electronic (non)adiabatic dynamics
by Federica Agostini & Ivano Tavernelli & Giovanni Ciccotti - 1-14 On the challenge to improve the density response with unusual gradient approximations
by Julian Garhammer & Fabian Hofmann & Rickard Armiento & Stephan Kümmel - 1-14 An efficient implementation of two-component relativistic density functional theory with torque-free auxiliary variables
by Alessio Petrone & David B. Williams-Young & Shichao Sun & Torin F. Stetina & Xiaosong Li - 1-16 Dissipative quantum dynamics and optimal control using iterative time ordering: an application to superconducting qubits
by Daniel Basilewitsch & Lutz Marder & Christiane P. Koch - 1-18 Exploring weight-dependent density-functional approximations for ensembles in the Hubbard dimer
by Killian Deur & Laurent Mazouin & Bruno Senjean & Emmanuel Fromager - 1-21 Linear response time-dependent density functional theory of the Hubbard dimer
by Diego J. Carrascal & Jaime Ferrer & Neepa Maitra & Kieron Burke
June 2018, Volume 91, Issue 6
- 1-4 Thermodynamic reversible transformations in micro-electro-mechanical systems
by Igor Neri & Miquel López-Suárez - 1-4 Crossover between collective and independent-particle excitations in quasi-2D electron gas with one filled subband
by Vladimir U. Nazarov - 1-5 Iterative approach for the moment representation of the density-density response function
by Paul Ahlert & Arne Scherrer & Christian Dressler & Daniel Sebastiani - 1-5 Coupled Brownian motors
by Julián I. Peña Rosselló & Roberto R. Deza & Horacio S. Wio - 1-5 Plastic avalanches in the so-called elastic regime of metallic glasses
by Alexandra E. Lagogianni & Chen Liu & Kirsten Martens & Konrad Samwer - 1-5 Density-functional energy gaps of solids demystified
by John P. Perdew & Adrienn Ruzsinszky - 1-6 Time-dependent electron momenta from Born-Oppenheimer calculations
by Thomas Schaupp & Julian Albert & Volker Engel - 1-6 Effect of magnetic impurities in chiral p-wave superconducting nanoloops
by Guo-Qiao Zha & Zhao Zhan & Shi-Ping Zhou - 1-6 A first-principles study on DNA sequencing using graphene quantum dot
by Morteza Rastgoo & Seyed-Mohammad Tabatabaei & Morteza Fathipour - 1-6 Spin active split-ring resonator for THz high harmonic generation
by Dominik Schulze & Jonas Wätzel & Jamal Berakdar - 1-6 Bond-breaking excitations with diverging coupling matrix of response density functional theory from highest-level functionals
by Robert van Meer & Oleg V. Gritsenko