October 1999, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 677-685 Wave propagation along interacting fiber-like lattices
by V. Nekorkin & V. Kazantsev & D. Artyuhin & M. Velarde - 677-685 Wave propagation along interacting fiber-like lattices
by V. Nekorkin & V. Kazantsev & D. Artyuhin & M. Velarde - 687-690 Model of population evolution with and without eugenics
by S. Cebrat & A. Pȩkalski - 687-690 Model of population evolution with and without eugenics
by S. Cebrat & A. Pȩkalski
October 1999, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 365-368 Anisotropic electrodynamics of low dimensional metals: Optical studies of (TMTSF) 2 ClO 4
by W. Henderson & V. Vescoli & P. Tran & L. Degiorgi & G. Grüner - 365-368 Anisotropic electrodynamics of low dimensional metals: Optical studies of (TMTSF) 2 ClO 4
by W. Henderson & V. Vescoli & P. Tran & L. Degiorgi & G. Grüner - 369-375 Monte-Carlo analysis of tracer diffusion mechanisms in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+c
by K. Skwarek & A. Pȩkalski & M. Ausloos - 369-375 Monte-Carlo analysis of tracer diffusion mechanisms in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+c
by K. Skwarek & A. Pȩkalski & M. Ausloos - 377-383 Heavy electron YBNi 2 B 2 C and giant exchange YbNiBC: 170 Yb Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization studies
by P. Bonville & J. Hodges & Z. Hossain & R. Nagarajan & S. Dhar & L. Gupta & E. Alleno & C. Godart - 377-383 Heavy electron YBNi 2 B 2 C and giant exchange YbNiBC: 170 Yb Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization studies
by P. Bonville & J. Hodges & Z. Hossain & R. Nagarajan & S. Dhar & L. Gupta & E. Alleno & C. Godart - 385-399 Anomalous temperature dependence of resistivity in quasi-one-dimensional conductors in a strong magnetic field
by A. Zheleznyak & V.M. Yakovenko - 401-406 Weak ferromagnetism in LaMnO 3
by V. Skumryev & F. Ott & J. Coey & A. Anane & J. Renard & L. Pinsard-Gaudart & A. Revcolevschi - 407-421 Influence of carrier correlations on the excitonic optical response including disorder and microcavity effects
by C. Sieh & T. Meier & A. Knorr & F. Jahnke & P. Thomas & S. Koch - 423-428 Phase separation in the strongly correlated Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions
by B. Letfulov - 423-428 Phase separation in the strongly correlated Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions
by B. Letfulov - 429-437 Orbital effect of a magnetic field on two-leg Hubbard ladder
by S. Haddad & M. Héritier & R. Bennaceur - 429-437 Orbital effect of a magnetic field on two-leg Hubbard ladder
by S. Haddad & M. Héritier & R. Bennaceur - 439-444 Homogeneous and inhomogenous polyacrylamide gels as observed by small angle neutron scattering: A connection with elastic properties
by L. Benguigui & F. Boué - 439-444 Homogeneous and inhomogenous polyacrylamide gels as observed by small angle neutron scattering: A connection with elastic properties
by L. Benguigui & F. Boué - 445-453 Surface reorientation dynamics of nematic liquid crystals
by S. Faetti & M. Nobili & I. Raggi - 445-453 Surface reorientation dynamics of nematic liquid crystals
by S. Faetti & M. Nobili & I. Raggi - 455-462 Synchrotron X-ray study of the q-fold quasicrystalline symmetry of the smectic C twist grain boundary phase (TGB C )
by P. Barois & F. Heidelbach & L. Navailles & H. Nguyen & M. Nobili & M. Petit & R. Pindak & C. Riekel - 455-462 Synchrotron X-ray study of the q-fold quasicrystalline symmetry of the smectic C twist grain boundary phase (TGB C )
by P. Barois & F. Heidelbach & L. Navailles & H. Nguyen & M. Nobili & M. Petit & R. Pindak & C. Riekel - 463-468 Overlap properties and adsorption transition of two Hamiltonian paths
by S. Franz & T. Garel & H. Orland - 463-468 Overlap properties and adsorption transition of two Hamiltonian paths
by S. Franz & T. Garel & H. Orland - 469-480 Eden growth model for aggregation of charged particles
by Y. Ivanenko & N. Lebovka & N. Vygornitskii - 469-480 Eden growth model for aggregation of charged particles
by Y. Ivanenko & N. Lebovka & N. Vygornitskii - 481-489 Phase separation and structure in a concentrated colloidal dispersion of uniform plates
by A. Brown & C. Ferrero & T. Narayanan & A. Rennie - 481-489 Phase separation and structure in a concentrated colloidal dispersion of uniform plates
by A. Brown & C. Ferrero & T. Narayanan & A. Rennie - 491-496 Two-dimensional electron systems in inversion layers of p-type Hg 0.8 Zn 0.2 Te metal-insulator-semiconductor structures
by O. Rousière & D. Lemoine & H. Folliot & S. Hinooda & R. Granger - 497-504 Kinetics of shape equilibration for two dimensional islands
by P. Jensen & N. Combe & H. Larralde & J. Barrat & C. Misbah & A. Pimpinelli - 497-504 Kinetics of shape equilibration for two dimensional islands
by P. Jensen & N. Combe & H. Larralde & J. Barrat & C. Misbah & A. Pimpinelli - 505-512 Self-assembled monolayers as interfaces for organic opto-electronic devices
by L. Zuppiroli & L. Si-Ahmed & K. Kamaras & F. Nüesch & M. Bussac & D. Ades & A. Siove & E. Moons & M. Grätzel - 505-512 Self-assembled monolayers as interfaces for organic opto-electronic devices
by L. Zuppiroli & L. Si-Ahmed & K. Kamaras & F. Nüesch & M. Bussac & D. Ades & A. Siove & E. Moons & M. Grätzel - 513-516 When do finite sample effects significantly affect entropy estimates?
by T. Wit - 513-516 When do finite sample effects significantly affect entropy estimates?
by T. Wit - 517-524 Convective and absolute instabilities in the subcritical Ginzburg-Landau equation
by P. Colet & D. Walgraef & M. Miguel - 517-524 Convective and absolute instabilities in the subcritical Ginzburg-Landau equation
by P. Colet & D. Walgraef & M. Miguel - 525-533 Pressure screening and fluctuations at the bottom of a granular column
by L. Vanel & E. Clément - 525-533 Pressure screening and fluctuations at the bottom of a granular column
by L. Vanel & E. Clément
September 1999, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 199-206 Incommensurability in the magnetic excitations of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain
by O. Golinelli & Th. Jolicœur & E.S. Sørensen - 207-215 Density functional study of the ternary Si 2 CN 4 and C Si : Si 3 N 4 compounds
by B. Amadon & F. Finocchi - 207-215 Density functional study of the ternary Si 2 CN 4 and C Si : Si 3 N 4 compounds
by B. Amadon & F. Finocchi - 217-225 Magnetic anisotropy and low-frequency dielectric response of weak ferromagnetic phase in κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2 Cu[N(CN) 2 ]Cl, where BEDT-TTF is Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene
by M. Pinterić & M. Miljak & N. Biškup & O. Milat & I. Aviani & S. Tomić & D. Schweitzer & W. Strunz & I. Heinen - 227-233 Effect of relevant umklapp process on the two-leg Hubbard ladder with a half-filled band under pressure
by S. Haddad & R. Bennaceur - 227-233 Effect of relevant umklapp process on the two-leg Hubbard ladder with a half-filled band under pressure
by S. Haddad & R. Bennaceur - 235-242 Doping and temperature dependence of the spin susceptibility in the p-d model
by R. Citro & M. Marinaro - 243-254 Canted antiferromagnetism and magnetoelastic coupling in metallic Ho 0.1 Ca 0.9 MnO 3
by K. Hagdorn & D. Hohlwein & J. Ihringer & K. Knorr & W. Prandl & H. Ritter & H. Schmid & Th. Zeiske - 243-254 Canted antiferromagnetism and magnetoelastic coupling in metallic Ho 0.1 Ca 0.9 MnO 3
by K. Hagdorn & D. Hohlwein & J. Ihringer & K. Knorr & W. Prandl & H. Ritter & H. Schmid & Th. Zeiske - 255-259 Nonlinear ac response of the vortex system in the cubic (K, Ba)BiO 3 superconductor
by A. Conde-Gallardo & I. Joumard & J. Marcus & T. Klein - 255-259 Nonlinear ac response of the vortex system in the cubic (K, Ba)BiO 3 superconductor
by A. Conde-Gallardo & I. Joumard & J. Marcus & T. Klein - 261-272 Microscopic membrane elasticity and interactions among membrane inclusions: interplay between the shape, dilation, tilt and tilt-difference modes
by J. Fournier - 273-285 Aperiodic extended surface perturbations in the Ising model
by L. Turban - 287-292 Shear-driven heat flow in absence of a temperature gradient
by R. Nettleton - 293-308 Brownian rotation of classical spins: dynamical equations for non-bilinear spin-environment couplings
by J. García-Palacios - 293-308 Brownian rotation of classical spins: dynamical equations for non-bilinear spin-environment couplings
by J. García-Palacios - 309-315 Circular-like maps: sensitivity to the initial conditions, multifractality and nonextensivity
by U. Tırnaklı & C. Tsallis & M. Lyra - 317-325 Generalized off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in random Ising systems
by G. Parisi & F. Ricci-Tersenghi & J. Ruiz-Lorenzo - 327-343 Mechanisms of CVD diamond nucleation and growth on mechanically scratched Si(100) surfaces
by J. Arnault & L. Demuynck & C. Speisser & F. Normand - 327-343 Mechanisms of CVD diamond nucleation and growth on mechanically scratched Si(100) surfaces
by J. Arnault & L. Demuynck & C. Speisser & F. Normand - 345-360 Multi-affinity and multi-fractality in systems of chaotic elements with long-wave forcing
by H. Nakao & Y. Kuramoto - 361-364 Multifractal critical phenomena in traffic and economic processes
by A. Bershadskii
September 1999, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-4 Self-organized criticality on quasiperiodic graphs
by D. Joseph - 1-4 Self-organized criticality on quasiperiodic graphs
by D. Joseph - 5-11 On evaluation of transverse spin fluctuations in quantum magnets
by A. Singh - 5-11 On evaluation of transverse spin fluctuations in quantum magnets
by A. Singh - 13-20 Inelastic neutron scattering study of the relaxor ferroelectric PbMg 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3 at high temperatures
by A. Naberezhnov & S. Vakhrushev & B. Dorner & D. Strauch & H. Moudden - 13-20 Inelastic neutron scattering study of the relaxor ferroelectric PbMg 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3 at high temperatures
by A. Naberezhnov & S. Vakhrushev & B. Dorner & D. Strauch & H. Moudden - 21-26 On the competition between magnetic order and local Kondo effect in Kondo lattice
by H. Razafimandimby & M. Taguchi & J. Parlebas - 21-26 On the competition between magnetic order and local Kondo effect in Kondo lattice
by H. Razafimandimby & M. Taguchi & J. Parlebas - 27-39 Landau theory of the Mott transition in the fully frustrated Hubbard model in infinite dimensions
by G. Kotliar - 27-39 Landau theory of the Mott transition in the fully frustrated Hubbard model in infinite dimensions
by G. Kotliar - 41-58 Small bipolarons in the 2-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model. I. The adiabatic limit
by L. Proville & S. Aubry - 41-58 Small bipolarons in the 2-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model. I. The adiabatic limit
by L. Proville & S. Aubry - 59-63 Ground state description of bound polarons in parabolic quantum wires
by Qinghu Chen & Yuhang Ren & Zhengkuan Jiao & Kelin Wang - 65-73 Improvement of absolute band gaps in 2D photonic crystals by anisotropy in dielectricity
by Zhi-Yuan Li & Ben-Yuan Gu & Guo-Zhen Yang - 75-81 TA 1 [110] phonon dispersion and martensitic phase transition in ordered alloys Fe 3 Pt
by J. Kästner & J. Neuhaus & E. Wassermann & W. Petry & B. Hennion & H. Bach - 75-81 TA 1 [110] phonon dispersion and martensitic phase transition in ordered alloys Fe 3 Pt
by J. Kästner & J. Neuhaus & E. Wassermann & W. Petry & B. Hennion & H. Bach - 83-89 Interlayer exchange coupling: Preasymptotic corrections
by P. Bruno - 91-100 Lattice-Boltzmann study of spontaneous emulsification
by O. Theissen & G. Gompper - 91-100 Lattice-Boltzmann study of spontaneous emulsification
by O. Theissen & G. Gompper - 101-119 Polymer depletion interaction between a particle and a wall
by A. Bringer & E. Eisenriegler & F. Schlesener & A. Hanke - 101-119 Polymer depletion interaction between a particle and a wall
by A. Bringer & E. Eisenriegler & F. Schlesener & A. Hanke - 121-126 Experimental investigations of a new TGB C mesophase
by A. Ribeiro & Ph. Barois & Y. Galerne & L. Oswald & D. Guillon - 127-130 Bilayers of neutral lipids bear a small but significant charge
by F. Pincet & S. Cribier & E. Perez - 131-142 On granular surface flow equations
by S. Douady & B. Andreotti & A. Daerr - 143-159 Quantum corrections to the energy density of a homogeneous Bose gas
by E. Braaten & A. Nieto - 143-159 Quantum corrections to the energy density of a homogeneous Bose gas
by E. Braaten & A. Nieto - 161-175 Dichroism in angular resolved VUV-photoemission from the (0001) surfaces of thin Gd and Nd films epitaxially grown on W(110)
by G. Fecher & J. Braun & N. Cherepkov & L. Chernysheva & Th. Jentzsch & J. Morais & A. Oelsner & Ch. Ostertag & J. Paul & H. Ufer & G. Schönhense - 161-175 Dichroism in angular resolved VUV-photoemission from the (0001) surfaces of thin Gd and Nd films epitaxially grown on W(110)
by G. Fecher & J. Braun & N. Cherepkov & L. Chernysheva & Th. Jentzsch & J. Morais & A. Oelsner & Ch. Ostertag & J. Paul & H. Ufer & G. Schönhense - 177-185 Group-embeddings for NMR spin dual symmetries, to λ SA ⊢ n: Determinate [ 10 BH] 12 2− $\left( {SU\left( {m \leqslant 12} \right) \times \mathcal{S}_{12} \downarrow \mathcal{I}} \right)$ natural subduction via symbolic $\mathcal{S}_n$ combinatorial generators: Complete sets of bijective maps, CNP-weights
by F. Temme - 177-185 Group-embeddings for NMR spin dual symmetries, to λ SA ⊢ n: Determinate [ 10 BH] 12 2− $\left( {SU\left( {m \leqslant 12} \right) \times \mathcal{S}_{12} \downarrow \mathcal{I}} \right)$ natural subduction via symbolic $\mathcal{S}_n$ combinatorial generators: Complete sets of bijective maps, CNP-weights
by F. Temme - 187-192 Nematic liquid crystals formed by living amoeboid cells
by H. Gruler & U. Dewald & M. Eberhardt - 193-197 Hierarchical structure in financial markets
by R. Mantegna - 193-197 Hierarchical structure in financial markets
by R. Mantegna
June 1999, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 595-598 Unusually flat hole dispersion relation in the two-dimensional Hubbard model and restoration of coherence by addition of pair-hopping processes
by F.F. Assaad & M. Imada - 599-606 Models for magnetoresistance in tunnel junctions
by S. Zhang & P.M. Levy - 607-621 Phase diagram of doped spin-Peierls systems
by M. Fabrizio & R. Mélin & J. Souletie - 623-633 Low frequency elastic properties of neutron-irradiated quartz. Comparison with glasses
by J. Classen & I. Rohr & C. Enss & S. Hunklinger & C. Laermans - 635-640 Magnetic measurement and a crystal field investigation [4] of Ho 2 crystal
by R. Gupta & S. Biswas & U.S. Ghosh & C. Basu - 641-648 Influence of atomic order on TA 1 [110] phonon softening [4] and displacive phase transition in Fe 72 Pt 28 Invar alloys
by J. Kästner & W. Petry & S.M. Shapiro & A. Zheludev & J. Neuhaus & Th. Roessel & E.F. Wassermann & H. Bach - 649-662 From semiconductors to superconductors: a simple model for pseudogaps
by P. Nozières & F. Pistolesi - 663-672 Swelling behavior and viscoelasticity of ultrathin grafted hyaluronic acid films
by A. Albersdörfer & E. Sackmann - 673-679 Shapes of heaps and in silos
by Y. Grasselli & H.J. Herrmann - 681-686 Electro-optical properties of excitons in polydiacetylene chains
by M. Dressler & F. Bassani & G. Czajkowski - 687-703 Violation of finite-size scaling in three dimensions
by X.S. Chen & V. Dohm - 705-718 Diffusion and rheology in a model of glassy materials
by R.M.L. Evans & M.E. Cates & P. Sollich - 719-729 Dissipation, decoherence and preparation effects in the spin-boson system
by M. Grifoni & E. Paladino & U. Weiss - 731-738 Quantum spin- $${3 \over 2}$$ models on the Cayley tree - optimum ground state approach
by H. Niggemann & J. Zittartz - 739-760 Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting gases
by M. Holzmann & P. Grüter & F. Laloë - 761-766 Spontaneous surface magnetisation of single crystal MnF 2 in the antiferromagnetic state
by V.I. Nizhankovskii & A.I. Khar'kovskii & A.J. Zaleski - 767-779 Quantitative study of laterally inhomogeneous wetting films
by C. Bauer & S. Dietrich - 781-785 High reproduction rate versus sexual fidelity
by A.O. Sousa & S. Moss de Oliveira - 787-787 Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. B 10, 197–200 (1999)
by Núñez- Regueiro - 787-787 Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. B 10, 197–200 (1999)
by Núñez- Regueiro
May 1999, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 197-200 Origin and doping dependence of the photoemission pseudogap in Cu oxides
by M.D. Núñez-Regueiro
November 1998, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 163-165 Invariable-profile wavefunctions and Brittingham's focus wave modes
by V.V. Borisov - 167-181 Zero temperature phase transitions in spin-ladders: Phase diagram and dynamical studies of Cu 2 (C 5 H 12 N 2 ) 2 Cl 4>
by G. Chaboussant & M.-H. Julien & Y. Fagot-Revurat & M. Hanson & L.P. Lévy & C. Berthier & M. Horvatic & O. Piovesana - 183-193 Light-induced bistability in spin transition solids leading to thermal and optical hysteresis
by A. Desaix & O. Roubeau & J. Jeftic & J.G. Haasnoot & K. Boukheddaden & E. Codjovi & J. Linarès & M. Noguès & F. Varret - 195-199 Local field dynamics in a resonant quantum tunneling system of magnetic molecules
by T. Ohm & C. Sangregorio & C. Paulsen - 201-205 Ladders in a magnetic field: a strong coupling approach
by F. Mila - 207-212 Effect of topological thresholds on thermal behaviour of germanium telluride glasses containing metallic additive
by K. Ramesh & S. Asokan & K.S. Sangunni & E.S.R. Gopal - 213-223 Optimal coupled-cluster approximation for the ground-state properties of a spin-boson model
by W.H. Wong & C.F. Lo - 225-231 Tracer dispersion in power law fluids flow through porous media: Evidence of a cross-over from a logarithmic to a power law behaviour
by V. Chaplain & C. Allain & J.P. Hulin - 233-243 Langevin dynamics of the glass forming polymer melt: Fluctuations around the random phase approximation
by V.G. Rostiashvili & M. Rehkopf & T.A. Vilgis - 245-256 Nematic ordering in anisotropic elastomers: Effect of frozen anisotropy
by Y.O. Popov & A.N. Semenov - 257-271 Envelope solitary waves on two-dimensional lattices with in-plane displacements
by Y. Gaididei & R. Huß & F.G. Mertens - 273-276 Computer study of boron and phosphorus at the Si(100)̶2 ╳ 1 surface
by V.G. Zavodinsky & I.A. Kuyanov & E.N. Chukurov - 277-292 Modeling film flows down inclined planes
by C. Ruyer-Quil & P. Manneville - 293-293 Erratum to: Random polyelectrolytes and polyampholytes in solution
by I. Borukhov & D. Andelman & H. Orland - 293-294 Erratum to: Cavitation in superfluid helium-4 at low temperature
by H. Lambaré & P. Roche & S. Balibar & H. J. Maris & O. A. Andreeva & C. Guthmann & K. O. Keshishev & E. Rolley
November 1998, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 835-838 Smectic A-Cholesteric liquid crystal phase transition: A density study
by E.L. Duarte & A.J. Palangana & R. Itri & A.R. Sampaio & A.A. Barbosa - 839-846 The phonon dispersion in 6H-SiC investigated by inelastic neutron scattering
by B. Dorner & H. Schober & A. Wonhas & M. Schmitt & D. Strauch - 847-858 Low temperature penetration depth and the effect of quasi-particle scattering measured by millimeter wave transmission in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ thin films
by S. Djordjevic & L.A. de Vaulchier & N. Bontemps & J.P. Vieren & Y. Guldner & S. Moffat & J. Preston & X. Castel & M. Guilloux-Viry & A. Perrin - 859-867 Static magneto-optical birefringence of size-sorted γ-Fe 2 O 3 nanoparticles
by E. Hasmonay & E. Dubois & J.-C. Bacri & R. Perzynski & Y.L. Raikher & V.I. Stepanov - 869-880 Random polyelectrolytes and polyampholytes in solution
by I. Borukhov & D. Andelman & H. Orland - 881-897 Entropy-driven polymer collapse: Application of the hybrid MC/RISM method to the study of conformational transitions in macromolecules interacting with hard colloidal particles
by P.G. Khalatur & L.V. Zherenkova & A.R. Khokhlov - 899-904 Tension of polymers in a strip
by J.F. Stilck & K.D. Machado - 905-911 Mixed monolayers of cationic surfactants and anionic polymers at the air-water interface: Surface tension and ellipsometry studies
by A. Asnacios & D. Langevin & J.F. Argillier - 913-917 Phase behavior of coherent tunneling through a quantum dot: A consideration of the off-diagonal elastic coupling
by Q. Sun & T. Lin - 919-926 Reconstructions upon thermal desorption in ultra high vacuum of InSe covered Si(111) surfaces
by F. Proix & V. Panella & S. El Monkad & A. Glebov & J.P. Lacharme & M. Eddrief & K. Amimer & C.A. Sébenne & J.P. Toennies
July 1998, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 131-134 How popular is your paper? An empirical study of the citation distribution
by S. Redner - 135-138 Fluctuation-dissipation ratio in lattice-gas models with kinetic constraints
by M. Sellitto - 147-157 Filling carbon nanotubes with metals by the arc-discharge method: the key role of sulfur
by N. Demoncy & O. Stéphan & N. Brun & C. Colliex & A. Loiseau & H. Pascard - 159-167 Charge states of transition metal in “Cr, Co and Ni” doped Ln 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3 CMR manganites
by O. Toulemonde & F. Studer & A. Barnabé & A. Maignan & C. Martin & B. Raveau - 191-194 Impurity scattering in d-wave superconductivity. Unitarity limit versus Born limit
by E. Puchkaryov & K. Maki - 195-203 A theory of double exchange in infinite dimensions
by B.M. Letfulov - 205-217 Effects of ionic strength and charge annealing in star-branched polyelectrolytes
by O.V. Borisov & E.B. Zhulina - 219-221 Field theoretical calculation of the specific heat exponent for a classical N-vector model in a random external field
by K. Ghosh & A. Dutta & J.K. Bhattacharjee - 223-231 Magnetic quantum coherence in trigonal and hexagonal systems
by J.-L. Zhu & R. Lü & X.-B. Wang & X. Chen & L. Chang & F.-C. Pu - 233-246 Hysteresis and elastic interactions of microasperities in dry friction
by C. Caroli & P. Nozières
June 1998, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 413-416 Universal scaling properties of extreme type-II superconductors in magnetic fields
by T. Schneider & J. Hofer & M. Willemin & J.M. Singer & H. Keller - 417-420 Self organization of interacting polya urns
by M. Marsili & A. Valleriani - 421-426 Charge density wave transport in submicron antidot arrays in NbSe 3
by Y.I. Latyshev & B. Pannetier & P. Monceau - 427-435 Charge correlations in the weakly doped t-J model calculated by projection technique
by M. Vojta & K.W. Becker - 437-446 Electronic structure and magnetism in 4d-transition metal clusters
by R. Guirado-López & D. Spanjaard & M.-C. Desjonquères & A.M. Oleś - 447-454 Anharmonic dynamical behaviour in bcc zirconium
by O. Dubos & W. Petry & J. Neuhaus & B. Hennion - 455-461 Optical response of thin plasma-polymer films with non-spherical silver nanoparticles
by A. Heilmann & M. Quinten & J. Werner - 463-469 Transition from small to big charged unilamellar vesicles
by J. Oberdisse - 471-476 Melting of columnar hexagonal DNA liquid crystals
by K. Kassapidou & J.R.C. van der Maarel - 477-484 A polymer chain trapped between two parallel repulsive walls: A Monte-Carlo test of scaling behavior
by A. Milchev & K. Binder - 485-496 Depinning of a domain wall in the 2d random-field Ising model
by B. Drossel & K. Dahmen - 497-505 Activated drift motion of a classical particle with a dynamical pinning effect
by F. Thalmann - 507-515 The smooth structural change in mesoscopic Peierls chains
by I. Bâldea & H. Köppel & L.S. Cederbaum - 517-534 A new construction for spinor wave equations
by S. de Toro Arias & C. Vanneste - 535-546 Elastically coupled molecular motors
by A. Vilfan & E. Frey & F. Schwabl
July 1998, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 139-140 Inverse cubic law for the distribution of stock price variations
by P. Gopikrishnan & M. Meyer & L.A.N. Amaral & H.E. Stanley - 141-142 Quasi Bernoulli fluctuations in random and disordered systems
by A. Bershadskii - 143-148 Magnetothermal instabilities in an organic superconductor
by D. Monier & L. Fruchter - 149-154 Optical conductivity of the Bechgaard salts: the sum rules revisited
by V. Vescoli & J. Favand & F. Mila & L. Degiorgi - 155-161 Sonic stop-bands for cubic arrays of rigid inclusions in air
by M.S. Kushwaha & B. Djafari-Rouhani & L. Dobrzynski & J.O. Vasseur - 163-167 New slow and short range magnetic correlations in superconducting La 2-x Sr x CuO 4
by S. Petit & A.H. Moudden & B. Hennion & A. Vietkin & A. Revcolevschi - 169-174 Structure, composition and magnetocaloric properties in polycrystalline La 1-x A x MnO $$_{3 + \delta }$$ (A=Na, K)
by W. Zhong & W. Chen & W.P. Ding & N. Zhang & A. Hu & Y.W. Du & Q.J. Yan - 175-178 Methodological aspects of calculations of the thermodynamic factor in interdiffusion
by S. Dorfman & D. Fuks & H. Mehrer - 179-183 Anharmonic behaviour of BaFCl using Raman scattering
by B. Sundarakkannan & R. Kesavamoorthy - 185-188 Magnetic phase diagram of perovskite Mn oxides at T=0
by Y. Liu & J. Dong & D.Y. Xing - 189-196 Transfer of smectic films to a solid substrate by the method of Maclennan
by I.V. Chikina & N. Limodin & A. Langlois & M. Brazovskaia & C. Even & P. Pieranski - 197-202 Stability and vibrations of catenoid-shaped smectic films
by M. Ben Amar & P.P. da Silva & N. Limodin & A. Langlois & M. Brazovskaia & C. Even & I.V. Chikina & P. Pieranski - 203-209 Undulation instability in two-dimensional foams of magnetic fluid
by F. Elias & I. Drikis & A. Cebers & C. Flament & J.-C. Bacri - 211-216 Anomalous adhesion in adsorbed polymer layers
by T.J. Senden & J.-M. di Meglio & P. Auroy - 217-223 Polymer adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces
by G. Huber & T.A. Vilgis - 225-236 Crystalline structures and phase transition of the ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers, a neutron diffraction study
by E. Bellet-Amalric & J.F. Legrand - 237-245 Field-induced winding of chiral polymers
by P.I.C. Teixeira & E.M. Terentjev - 247-252 Dynamic critical properties of a one-dimensional probabilistic cellular automaton
by P. Bhattacharyya - 253-256 Quenching problem of globally coupled bistable stochastic systems with finite size
by Y. Zhang & G. Hu - 257-261 Resonance splitting effect in semiconductor superlattices
by Y. Guo & B.-L. Gu & Z.-Q. Li & Q. Sun & Y. Kawazoe - 263-270 Transmission resonances in magnetic-barrier structures
by Y. Guo & Z.-Q. Li & B.-L. Gu & Q. Sun & J.-Z. Yu & Y. Kawazoe - 271-276 The effect of DNA phase structure on DNA walks
by S. Cebrat & M.R. Dudek
May 1998, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-5 Hydrogen storage in icosahedral and related phases of rapidly solidified Ti-Zr-Ni alloys
by R. Nicula & A. Jianu & A.R. Biris & D. Lupu & R. Manaila & A. Devenyi & C. Kumpf & E. Burkel - 7-15 Brillouin scattering study of transverse elastic waves in the α, incommensurate and β phases of AlPO 4
by N. Magneron & Y. Luspin & G. Hauret & E. Philippot - 17-22 Dynamical spin and charge response functions in the doped two-dimensional Hubbard model
by T. Saikawa & A. Ferraz - 23-33 The role of power law nonlinearity in the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the formation of stationary localized states in the Cayley tree
by K. Kundu & B.C. Gupta - 35-40 Macroscopic quantum coherence of the Neel vector in antiferromagnetic system without Kramers' degeneracy
by R. Lü & J.-L. Zhu & X. Chen & L. Chang - 41-44 Effective magnetic anisotropy of nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Ti-N hard magnetic alloys
by Z.-Q. Jin & W. Tang & J.-R. Zhang & H.-X. Qin & Y.-W. Du - 45-57 Behavior of one inelastic ball bouncing repeatedly off the ground
by E. Falcon & C. Laroche & S. Fauve & C. Coste - 59-72 Identification of flow mechanisms for a soft crystal
by F.R. Molino & J.-F. Berret & G. Porte & O. Diat & P. Lindner - 73-82 Polymorphism and chevron layer structure of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal studied by X-ray diffraction
by P. Cluzeau & P. Barois & H.T. Nguyen & C. Destrade - 83-96 A neutron reflectometry study of polystyrene network interfaces
by M. Geoghegan & F. Boué & G. Bacri & A. Menelle & D.G. Bucknall