July 2004, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 74-81 Organic Farming
by Suraj Prakash Ghulati - 83-85 Managing Organizational Deviance
by Debi S. Saini
January 2004, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-6 Leveraging ICTs for Agricultural Development: A case study of E-choupals of ITC
by Sukhpal Singh - 7-14 An Integrated Approach for Effective Supply Chain Management A Case Study of Amul
by N. Subrahmanyam - 15-19 Mind Your Education
by Sharat Kumar - 20-36 Ethical Dilema for Union Management Co-operation on Change in Technology in the Context of Globalisation in Indian Industry
by S.N. Ray - 37-45 Knowledge Management And Organisational Flexibility: Linkages And Implications
by Shiri Ahuja & Ravi Shankar & D.K. Banwet - 46-54 What Does A Customer Want In A Bike
by Pramod Pathak & Saumya Singh - 55-62 Conflicts: Types, Causes And Resolution Strategies
by Suresh Subramoniam - 63-80 Role-Structures In The Buying Decision Process For Durables
by Pavleen Soni - 81-97 Emerging Microfinance Practices
by B.P. Pethiya & Teki Surayya - 98-113 E-Mail Surveillance At Workplace
by Kamal Kishore Jain & Alok Mohan Sherry - 114-138 Creativity ‘In (corporated)’ Pradip Khandwalla
by Mansi
July 2003, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-19 Locating Service Centres for a GSM Mobile Network
by Pradeep Kumar Bhaumik - 20-39 Dynamics of Family Decision-making: Purchase of Consumer Durables
by DPS Verma & Sheetal Kapoor - 40-59 Taguchi's Robust Design and Its Alternatives: A Review
by Roma Mitra Debnath - 60-74 A Management Decision Problem in Sugar Industry
by D. Sampangi Raman & D. K. Manna - 75-90 Key Issues And A Framework For Managing Global Supply Chains
by Subrata Mitra - 91-104 Multilevel - Multidimensional Model of Banking Service Quality
by Navdeep Aggarwal & Mohit Gupta - 105-116 Forecast of Indian Automobile Industry Using Mathematical Models
by Naresh Kumar & Balraj Singh - 117-125 Environment Marketing In Indian Fast Food Industry: A Study
by R.P. Das & Vikas Nath - 126-139 Issues on e-learning developments in India
by Atanu Ghosh - 140-142 C++ Power Packed: Tips And Techniques For Programmers Kabir Khanna
by Kamna Malik - 143-144 Industrial Relations in India :Shifting Paradigms Ratna Sen
by PN Singh - 145-146 Service Management & Operations Cengiz Haksever/Barry Render/Roberta S. Russell/Roberta G.Murdick
by Siddharth Varma
January 2003, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-14 An Empirical Analysis of Asset Returns and Inflation
by Deepak Chawla & Amit Sharma - 15-23 Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessment of Global and Indian Trends and Prospects
by Pushpam Kumar - 24-36 Service Quality in Commercial Banks: A Comparative Study
by A. Gani & Mushtaq A. Bhat - 37-45 Emotional Competence at work
by Naval Karrir - 46-58 Indian Alcoholic Beverages Industry: A Strategic Analysis
by Seema Gupta - 59-68 Electronic Retailing: Indian Scenario
by Subrata Mitra & Anirudh Ralli & V. Somasekhar & Jojoe Cherian - 69-80 Decision-Aids for Local Area Management and Planning
by Subhash Datta - 82-92 Global Competitiveness With Core Competence: A Case Study of HCL
by Anjana Kak - 94-102 Relevance of Green Marketing In Present Scenario: An Overview
by Pradeep K. Khandelwal - 103-108 Banking Revisited: Key Trends Reshaping Banking in India
by Vinay Dutta - 109-111 High Quality at Economical Cost
by Siddharth varma
July 2002, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-10 Job Attitudes and Learned Helplessness: Implications for Individual Competitiveness in Indian Industries
by Sanjyot Petre & Sushama Chaudhari - 11-21 How do Prospective Candidates Evaluate a Business School?
by S.K. Bhattacharyya & Zillur Rahman & Anil K. Sharma - 22-38 Companies’ Practices and Customers’ Perception Regarding Drivers of Customer Delivered Value: A Comparative Analysis
by Navdeep Aggarwal & Raghbir Singh - 39-51 Volatility Study and Test of Market Efficiency in Selected Indices of BSE & NSE
by Sathya Swaroop Debasish - 52-69 Attractiveness Of The Indian Market In Comparison To Chinese Market: A Critical Analysis
by Dilip Roy & Kaushik Mandal - 72-86 Conceptual Framework For Revival Strategy Of A Sick Company - A Case Study
by Anil K. Sharma - 87-101 Introducing Spc At Spring Factory
by Anwar Ali - 104-106 Erp: Changing Manufacturing………again!!!
by Sanath R. Pulikkal - 107-121 Call Centres: A Customer Centric Business Activity
by Vinod Dumbleker - 123-130 Ascending The Value Spiral: From Insight To Innovation
by Dr. Manipadma Dutta
January 2002, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-9 Radical Change Management (RCM): From Managing Pyramids to Managing in Chaos
by Subhash Sharma - 10-28 Identifying Emotional Intelligence Related Competencies among Highly Successful Managers for Corporate Success: An Empirical Study
by R.S. Dwivedi - 29-49 Building Relationship through Pricing
by M.L. Agrawal & N.C. Borah - 50-67 Quadratic Programming Approach to Portfolio Selection
by J.K. Sharma & A.K. Bhargava - 68-79 Empowerment as a Process of Power Enhancement
by Jyotsna Bhatnagar & Anuradha Sharma - 80-89 Competitive Intelligence: An Effective War-Game
by M.A. Sahaf - 90-103 A Logit Model to Predict Bond Ratings in India
by Deepak Chawla & Sharma Amit - 106-113 Bio-diversity: We need to Conserve and Manage it
by M.A. Haque - 114-117 Human Resources Outsourcing .... Pause and Think
by D. Subramanyam - 118-121 Culture and Wealth of Nations
by Sharat Kumar - 124-133 Managing Indian Banks – The Challenges Ahead
by Nilanjan Chattopadhyay
July 2001, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by SK Sachdev - 1-11 Role of Technology in Manufacturing Units
by Ankur Agrawal - 12-21 Sales Promotion Types and Customer Sensitivity
by Harsh V Verma - 22-32 Revenue Increment Model for Indian Software Industry
by Deepali Singh & D P Agrawal & B Geeta - 33-45 Operational Risk: Measurement and Management Techniques
by T P Ghosh - 46-56 Management of Productivity in the Manufacturing Sector: An Analysis
by Mohi-ud-Din Sangmi - 57-62 Knowledge Economy: A Strategic Economic Transformation
by Nikhil Agarwal & AM Sherry - 63-71 Disinvestment - The Road Ahead
by R K Pandey - 72-79 A Case Study on Emerging Influence of Internet on Indian Retail Business: Will E-tailing Firm be a Success?
by S Shajahan - 82-89 Corporate Governance: Genesis and Some Issues
by O P Chopra - 90-94 Snakes and Ladders of Success
by Sharat Kumar - 95-98 Technology, Ecology and Management
by N K Uberoi - 99-104 HRD Processes in Management Education
by P U B Rao - 106-107 Future Wealth
by N.K. Uberoi
January 2001, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by SK Sachdev - 1-9 A Model for Industry Attractiveness with Two Case Analyses
by Dilip Roy & Isita Lahiri - 10-18 The Strategic Link
by Sorab Sadri - 19-32 Indian Prospects for the Tiger Economy of 21st Century
by Manoj Kumar - 33-45 Relative Strength Hypothesis of Weak form Efficiency in Indian Stock Market: An Empirical Study
by Deepak Chawla & Munish Makkad - 46-52 Stock Market Responses to Sovereign Rating Revisions – The Indian Experience
by SSS Kumar - 53-72 Academic Status of Librarians of Management Education Institutions
by Ramesh C Gaur & BK Sharma - 73-85 A Road Map Towards Establishing a Successful Electronic Market Exchange
by Kartik Sehgal & Twinkle Gupta & Aditya Jain & Gaurav Zalpuri & Kamna Malik - 86-97 Micro-profiling of Shopping Mall Customers in Chennai: A Study
by S Shajahan - 98-112 Trends in Foreign Investment Interaction Between India and ASEAN in 1990s
by Sanjay Ambatkar - 114-119 Downward Slide of MBA Programme – Is It Real?
by Nageshwar Rao & RP Das - 120-125 Rural Marketing – The Need of the Hour
by Sabita Mahapatra - 126-128 The MBA
by N K Uberoi - 129-133 The Illusion of Intelligence
by Sharat Kumar - 136-139 Business Environment
by Prof SK Sachdev
July 2000, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by SK Sachdev - 1-11 Electronic Word of Mouth
by Deepali Singh - 12-20 Enhancing Knowledge-Workers’ Productivity through Potential Performance Programming
by S Shajahan - 21-30 Source of Industrial Growth in an Open Economy: An Econometric Study
by Justin Paul & A Ramanathan - 31-39 Project Exports — The Indian Dimension
by SK Mehta - 40-51 Product - Its Association with the Personality
by Shekhar Trivedi & Sudhanshu Pandiya & Suneel Gupta - 52-65 Influence of Lifestyles on Consumers’ Buying Behaviour
by DPS Verma & Savita Hanspal - 66-77 Belief Structure of Consumers Towards Advertising: An Empirical Investigation
by RP Saxena - 78-87 Strategic Investment Decisions of Transnational Corporations in the Indian Insurance Sector
by Mohammad Washid & Azhar Kazmi - 88-108 Indian Banking: Current Issues and Challenges
by Raj Agrawal - 109-130 An Empirical Test of Association between Dividend Payout and Stock Returns
by Chinmoy Sahu - 132-134 Our Students, Our India
by N K Uberoi - 135-139 I Believe
by Sharat Kumar - 142-145 New Product Planning
by SK Sachdev
January 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by S.K Sachdev - 1-11 European Economic and Monetary Cooperation from an Historical Perspective
by V K Bhalla - 12-27 Market Orientation and Business Performance
by Harsh V Verma - 28-34 Factor Analysis – An Application to Assess Customer Satisfaction
by Sangeeta Arora - 35-50 Scope for Relationship Marketing in Lubricant Industry
by Gulnar K Sharma & Vinaya K Ratna Pandey - 51-62 Internet-Based Distance Education
by Parag Diwan & Vinod Dumblekar - 63-76 Software on Rent
by Deepali Singh - 77-84 E-Commerce and Globalisation
by N S Bisht & Amit Joshi & Rakesh Belwal - 85-98 The Moderating Effect of Locus of Control on Organisational Role Stress
by Vidhu Mohan & Daisy Chauhan & S P Chauhan - 99-110 Owners of Premium Cars and their Satisfaction Level: An Empirical Investigation
by R P Saxena - 111-121 Strategic Traps: A Case Based Analysis
by Dilip Roy & Anindya Dutta - 122-128 Marketing of Rural Non-Farm Products: A Case Study of Handicrafts
by Sukhpal Singh - 129-143 Information Technology Initiatives in Indian Banking Sector
by AM Rawani & MP Gupta - 146-150 Growing as a Knowledge Worker
by Kalyan M Raipuria - 151-159 Blending the Best of the East and the West in Management Education
by Subir Chowdhury - 160-162 Research at Management Institutions
by N K Uberoi - 163-169 Liberalising Governance
by Sharat Kumar - 171-182 Sales and Distribution Management
by DR RP Saxena
July 1999, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by S.K Sachdev - 1-11 Organisational Restructuring for the Next Millennium
by DR Vinnie Verma & DR Kamlesh Misra - 12-17 A DSS for Facility Location
by S. Datta - 18-23 Creating Creativity
by DR Manjari Srivastava - 24-27 Business School and Moral Education
by N.K. Uberoi - 28-37 Strategic Learning: A Key to Competitive Strategy
by DR A.M. Shah - 38-48 Need for an Outsourcing Strategy
by Srinivas Shirur - 49-56 Seeking Word of Mouth: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Motivations
by Prashant Mishra & Vasant G. Kondalkar & Ankit Singh - 57-64 Presence of Friday Effect in the Indian Stock Market
by DR. Bishnupriya Mishra - 65-74 Information Technology – The Hidden Cost
by Saurav Mitra - 75-80 Information Technology and Education Delivery
by Reema Khurana - 81-94 What Human Resource Managers Need to Know in the New Millennium
by DR Sami A. Khan - 95-104 Information Technology as a Strategic Tool for Attaining Success in Global Environment
by DR R.P. Saxena - 105-117 The Role of Private Foreign Capital in the Growth and Development of Developing Economies with Special Reference to India: Some Key Issues and Policy Options
by DR Mukesh Kumar Mishra - 118-122 Corruption: A Managerial Challenge
by Sharat Kumar - 123-128 The Innovation War
by Prof. M.L. Bhatia
January 1999, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by S.K Sachdev - 1-6 The Ultimate Management: Unfinished Agenda of Management Education and Development
by DR. C.R. Prasad Rao & DR. T. Tammaiah & MR. G.V. Subba Raju & S.V.K.P.& DR. K.S. Raju - 7-18 Managing Performance Through Excellence
by Satinder Gill & Madhavi Mehta - 19-31 Determinants of Task Procrastination: Public vs Private Sector Comparison
by Madan Pal Sharma - 32-44 Marketing Strategy of Family Business in FMCG Sector
by Srinivas Shirur - 45-52 Reoriented Marketing Strategies in the Changed Environment: Some Perspectives
by Prof. Nageshwar Rao & DR. R.P. Das - 53-62 Organizational Culture in Action
by DR. Harish Kumar - 63-75 Strategy Formulation and Implementation with Core Competencies: A Comparative Study of Two Organizations
by Anjana Kak & Sushil - 76-90 Relationship between Size of the Organization and Quality of Worklife of Indian Managers
by Naval Karrir & Amulya Khurana - 91-98 Further Evidence on Weak Form Efficiency in the Indian Stock Market
by S.S.S. Kumar - 99-133 Economic Value Added and Shareholder Wealth - An empirical study of relationship
by Ashok Banerjee - 134-144 Business People Reengineering (BPR)
by DR Sushil & A Agnihotri - 145-153 E-Commerce & You
by Prof. Sanjeev Gupta & A Agnihotri - 154-159 Studies on the profile of IMT's Distance Learning Students
by N.K. Uberoi - 160-163 Plastics: Wonder Material in Trouble
by DR. M. A. Haque - 164-171 An OR- Approach Based on Markov Modelling To Analyse Immigration Process
by N. Venugopal & Tesfa-Yesus Mehary & K.S. Rao - 172-181 Quantitative Decision Making: A Case of Route Selection for Laying Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines
by PROF. Prashant Kumar Dey - 182-185 Management of Mind: Learning how to learn
by Sharat Kumar - 186-189 Short Communications: Indian Export Earning - An Analysis
by Khawaja Amjad Saeed - 190-198 Management by Consciousness: A Spirituo-technical Approach
by Prof. Parag Diwan - 199-213 Index
by N/A
July 1998, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by S.K. Sachdev - 1-9 India in the Changing Global Economy-Managerial Challenges
by Subir Chowdhury - 10-21 Human Resource Management Fact, Fiction and Fallacy
by E.M. Rao - 22-27 Harnessing the Potential of Female Workforce
by Sujit Sen & Shailendra Saxena - 28-39 Emerging Challenges for Managing People in New Business Scenario
by Debi S. Saini - 40-47 Reengineering and Organizational Competencies: A Work Redesign Perspective
by Anjana Kak & Anuradha Sharma - 48-55 Quality Circles : Key to Participative Management
by S.K. Sachdev - 56-63 Towards Creating a Learning Organisation-the HRD Climate Focus
by Neelu Rohmetra - 64-71 Living Pattern of VRS Opted Employees – A Study
by R.P. Das & K.K. Shukla - 72-78 What Are The Management Schools Doing
by N.K. Uberoi - 79-86 A Comprehensive Framework For Evaluating Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
by N.N. Sharma - 87-96 Liberalization of Consumer Goods: Issues, Status and Impact
by Sanjib Pohit - 97-107 Assessing Competitiveness of Indian Garment Export Firms: An Investigation
by Sanjay K. Jain - 108-119 Goal Programming Applications in Management: A Categorized Bibliographic Survey
by Dinesh K. Sharma & Julius A. Alade & Hari P. Sharma - 120-126 Employment Relation in Comercial Banking Organisations: An Empirical Study in Selected Branches
by Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya - 127-130 The British Raj : A Historical Case Study in Management
by Sharat Kumar - 131-138 “A White Elephant†– A Case Study
by Harish Kumar - 139-149 India's Competitive Advantage as a Nation for Exporting Floriculture A Case Study of Floricuture Sector
by Raj Agarwal - 150-157 Building Immortal Brands–A Practical Approach
by Aditya Bhalla, B. Tech & Abhay Srivastava, B.E. - 158-170 Corporate Excellence
by Prof. Parag Diwan
January 1998, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by Atmanand - 1-9 Analysis of Interstate Banking Deregulation in The United States
by Dinesh K. Sharma & Julius A Alade & Hari P. Sharma - 10-13 Transforming Corporate Governance
by Mrityunjay Athreya - 14-31 Globalisation, Competition and Economic Stability
by V. R. Panchamukhi - 32-35 Imagination: Springboard of Management
by Sharat Kumar - 36-40 Asia and Pacific Growth Springs to Hasten East-West Economic Integration
by Kalyan Raipuria - 41-47 A Model for Faculty Development for Management Schools
by N.K. Uberoi - 48-59 Power Sector Financing in India
by S.K. Chaudhuri - 60-63 Electricity Reforms: A Review
by V. Ranganathan - 64-69 Loss making PSUs: Issue of Corporate Governance
by Atmanand - 70-77 Raising Productivity in a Service Organisation: The Role of Pace and Customer Participation
by Rakesh Singh - 78-81 Concentrate on Industry, Give Some Money and Subsidies to Agriculture Will this attitude Revive Industrial Growth
by Rakesh Singh - 82-85 Supercomplan: Five Commandments
by T.N. Swaminathan - 86-93 Ethics and Professional Values in Business and Industry in India
by Azhar Kazmi - 94-99 Managing Quality Improvement
by R.S. Chalapathi - 100-108 Global Sourcing and Global Manufacturing Competitiveness
by S.K. Sachdeva - 109-120 Privatization and Public Regulation
by Simrit Kaur & S.P. Jain - 121-134 Prospects of Agro-Exports to European Union in the Emerging Environment
by Atul Sharma & Pradeep Kumar Mehta - 142-146 Cyber National Corporations: Utopia or Virtual Reality
by Karunesh Saxena - 142-146 Cyber National Corporations: Utopia or Virtual Reality
by Karunesh Saxena - 147-153 Strategic Management: The Role of the Chief Executive Officer
by A.M. Shah - 154-160 Corporate Restructuring
by A. Prasad & A. Munjal & S. Shivani - 161-167 Competitive Advantage for India in Exporting Education: A Case Study based on Michael Porter Model
by Raj Agarwal