October 1998, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 591-604 Chambers of Commerce and Local Development in France: Problems and Constraints
by S Waters - 605-624 Planning Cooperation and Transboundary Regionalism: Implementing Policies for European bOrder Regions in the German—Polish Context
by J W Scott - 625-630 Reviews: Energy Policy in the European Union, Developments in West European Politics, British Environmental Policy and Europe: Politics and Policy in Transition, Battery Park City: Politics and Planning on the New York Waterfront, Comparative Housing Policy, Government and Housing in Advanced Industrialized Countries
by A Jordan & M Goldsmith & C L Spash & M Hebbert & S Duncan
August 1998, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 379-394 The Changing Role of the Development Plan in Managing Spatial Change
by A Hull & G Vigar - 395-409 Private Tenants and ‘Perverse Incentives’ in the Housing Benefit Scheme
by P A Kemp & P McLaverty - 411-421 Local Finance in Portugal: Recent Proposals and Consequences for Urban Management
by C N Silva - 423-431 Urban Sustainability: Problems Facing the ‘Local’ Approach to Carbon-Reduction Strategies
by D McEvoy & D C Gibbs & J W S Longhurst - 433-448 Barriers to Technology Transfer: Local Impediments in Oxfordshire
by H Lawton Smith - 449-462 Localism in the NHS Quasi-Market
by M Exworthy - 463-479 Interrelationships between Key Actors in Local Economic Development
by C Wong - 483-497 The Urban Implications of the Developing European High-Speed-Train Network
by L van den Berg & P M J Pol - 499-503 Reviews: Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies, Social Policy in Britain: Themes and a Fresh Start for Local Government, Developments in British Politics 5, Competitiveness, Localised Learning and Regional Development: Specialisation and Prosperity in Small Open Economics
by M Hebbert & H Glennerster & J Sellgren & R J Johnston & D Henderson
June 1998, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 225-246 Development, Dependency, and Devolution: The Anomalous Political Economy of Communist and Postcommunist Societies
by S E Hanson - 247-251 Review: Politics and Society in Scotland: Rethinking Local Democracy, Sustainable Democracy: Individuality and the Politics of the Environment, Wohlfahrtsstaat Zwischen Wachstum und Verteilung, European Welfare Policy: Squaring the Welfare Circle, the Environmental Impact of Land and Property Management
by J Fairley & M R Jones & Y Rydin & F Schneider & H Glennerster - 253-253 Editor's Announcement
by Mark Rosenberg - 254-254 Referees 1997
by N/A - 255-264 The Siting Problem of Nimby Facilities: Cost – Benefit Analysis and Auction Mechanisms
by E Quah & K C Tan - 265-280 Business Link, Strong Ties, and the Walls of Silence: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and External Business-Service Expertise
by J R Bryson & P W Daniels - 281-306 Democratization, Economic Liberalization, and Transformational Slump: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Twenty-One Postcommunist Countries
by P Dostál - 307-322 Urban Economic Policy Networks in Britain and France; A Sociometric Approach
by P John - 323-340 Macroeconomic Control of Subcentral Governments: Experience from the USA and Scandinavia
by J Blom-Hansen - 341-361 The Sulfur Dioxide Allowance-Trading Program in the USA: Recent Developments and Lessons to be Learned
by B Hansjürgens - 363-372 The Principles of the ‘New Competition’: An Empirical Assessment of Ireland's Position
by S Roper - 373-377 Review: Review Essay: Cities down Under—Urban Development Politics and Policies in Australia the Perils of Urban Consolidation: A Discussion of Australian Housing and Urban Development Policies: Technological Change and the City, Australian Cities: Issues, Strategies and Policies of Urban Australia in the 1990s, England under Review: Local Government Structure in the English Shires, European Spatial Development Perspective: First Official Draft, Presented at the Informal Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Spatial Planning of the Member States of the European Union
by D Fasenfest & M Chisholm
April 1998, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 127-153 Restructuring, Democracy, and Geography in New Zealand
by N Lewis & W Moran - 155-172 Integrated Regional Policy: Lessons from Switzerland
by A Thierstein & U K Egger - 173-189 Local Policymaking under Fiscal Centralism in the Netherlands: Consequences for Local Environmental Policy
by J G Groenendijk - 191-209 Voluntary Corporate Environmental Initiatives: A Typology and Preliminary Investigation
by S Labatt & V W Maclaren - 211-224 The Determinants of Municipal Debt Policy: A Pooled Time-Series Analysis
by R A Cropf & G D Wendel
February 1998, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 The Development of Government and Policy
by N/A - 3-24 The Geography of Corporate Philanthropy in the United Kingdom
by H Hurd & C Mason & S Pinch - 25-50 Metropolitan Government in Amsterdam and Eindhoven: A Tale of Two Cities
by J Van der Veer - 51-68 The Agri-Environment Regulation EU 2078/92: The Role of the European Commission in Policy Shaping and Setting
by A Jones & J R A Clark - 69-84 Crisis and Dysfunction of Spatial Development and Management in Taiwan
by T-L Chou - 85-104 Geographies of Justice: Preschool-Childcarc Provision and the Conceptualisation of Social Justice
by S L Holloway - 105-120 Potentials for East — West Integration: The Case of Foreign Direct Investment
by M van Geenhuizen & P Nijkamp - 121-125 Review: The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics (2nd Edition), Environment and the Nation State: The Netherlands, the European Union and Acid Rain, the Offshore Interface: Tax Havens in the Global Economy
by P J Taylor & T Crossett & A C Hudson
December 1997, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 383-398 The Invention of Regions: Political Restructuring and Territorial Government in Western Europe
by M Keating - 399-411 Administrative Systems and Metropolitan Regions
by M Barlow - 413-436 The EU and the Regions; Towards a Three-Tier System or New Modes of Regulation?
by I Tömmel - 437-462 Towards Regional Government in Central Europe: Territorial Restructuring of Postcommunist Regimes
by W Surazska & J Bucek & L Malikova & P Danek - 463-480 Institution Building and Decentralization in Formerly Socialist Countries: The Cases of Poland, Hungary, and East Germany
by H Wollmann - 481-495 Evaluation and Assessment of Privatization Outcomes: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Evidence
by R Molz & T Hafsi - 500-500 Referees 1996
by N/A
September 1997, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 273-284 Training and Enterprise Councils as Facilitators of a Networked Approach to Local Economic Development: Forms, Mechanisms, and Existing Interpretations
by R Huggins - 285-303 The Use of Planning Methodologies in Local Economic Development Decisionmaking
by L A Reese - 305-327 Environmental Policy in Thailand: Values, Attitudes, and Behavior among the Slum Dwellers of Bangkok
by A G Daniere & L M Takahashi - 329-346 Benefits and Costs of Regulating the Environment: Eight Case Studies
by H Bonus & H Niebaum - 347-361 Political Power and Corporate Managerialism in Local Government: The Organisation of Executive Functions
by C Collinge - 363-372 Ideology and Privatization Policy in Israel
by M Harris & Y Katz & G Doron & A Woodlief - 373-378 Reviews: Governing the UK in the 1990s: Policies for Cities in Britain and France: A Comparative Assessment, Local Government in Scotland: Reform or Decline, Public Sector Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice, The British Economy in Transition: From the Old to the New
by V Bogdanor & M Goldsmith & J Fairley & R J Bennett & E Swyngedouw
June 1997, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 127-128 Guest Editorial
by J Regulska - 129-142 Decentralization and Democracy in Eastern Europe: A Sceptical Approach
by C G Pickvance - 143-159 Between Centralism and Localism: On the Development of Local Self-Government in Postsocialist Europe
by I Elander - 161-175 Decentralization in Public Administration and Provision of Services: An East — Central European View
by T M Horváth - 177-186 Local Self-Government in Central and Eastern Europe: Decentralization or Deconcentration?
by K Zsamboki & M Bell - 187-207 Decentralization or (Re)Centralization: Struggle for Political Power in Poland
by J Regulska - 209-218 Public Administration Reform: An Incentive for Local Transformation?
by M Grochowski - 219-228 State Control and the Delivery of Health Care: A Preliminary Study in Eleven European Countries
by G P Westert - 229-243 Bad Land and Bad Law: The Role of Local Authorities in the Formulation of New Legislation and Guidance for Contaminated Land in the United Kingdom
by W Walton - 245-251 Review: The Living City: How America's Cities are Being Revitalized by Thinking Big in a Small Way, Selling Places: The City as Cultural Capital, Past and Present, the Government and Politics of Spani, the British Planning System. An Introduction, Central — Local Government Relations in the 1980s: Glasgow and Liverpool Compared, British Social Welfare: Past, Present and Future
by E Jeep & A RodrÃguez-Pose & G Yigar & C Skeleher
March 1997, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-17 Directing the Show? Business Leaders, Local Partnership, and Economic Regeneration in Sheffield
by I Strange - 19-36 The Delivery of Planning Policy in Great Britain: Explaining the Implementation Gap. New Evidence from a Case Study in Rural England
by A W Gilg & M P Kelly - 37-51 The Legitimacy of Norwegian Local Government: The Impact of Central Government Controls
by R J Sørensen - 53-72 Evaluating the Role of Regression Methods in the Determination of Standard Spending Assessments
by R W Thomas & E S Warren - 73-87 Planning for Housing Land in the English Regions: A Critique of Household Projections and Regional Planning Guidance Mechanisms
by M Baker & C Wong - 89-111 Where Territorial Political Culture Makes Urban Institution: The ‘Metropolitan City’ of Bologna
by B Jouve & C Lefèvre
December 1996, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 411-430 Financing Local Governments in Spain: New Solutions to Old Problems
by J Suárez-Pandiello - 431-450 The Adoption of New Technology in West Virginia: Implications for Manufacturing Modernization Policies
by P Shapira & T Rephann - 451-468 Pollution, Political Agendas, and Policy Windows: Environmental Policy on the Eve of Silent Spring
by W D Solecki & F M Shelley - 469-488 Safety and Shopping: Peripherality and Shopper Anxiety in the City Centre
by C J Thomas & R D F Bromley - 489-500 Evaluation of Negative Externality by Pollutees
by I H Ozsabuneuoglu - 501-514 Fragmentation, Concentration, and Local Government Structure: Top-Tier Authorities in England and Wales, 1831–1996
by G Boyne & M Cole - 515-529 The Professionalisation of Urban Cultural Policies in France: The Case of Festivals
by E Négrier
September 1996, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 285-300 Analysing Italian Local Authorities' Expenditure Behaviour: A Tentative Interpretation
by R Levaggi - 301-323 A Review of the Potential of GIS and Spatial Modelling for Planning in the New Education Market
by G P Clarke & R Langley - 325-350 A Change in the Rules and a Change in the Outcomes? An Evaluation of the Work of the Boundary Commission for England in its Third and Fourth Periodic Reviews
by R J Johnston & D J Rossiter & C J Pattie - 351-366 The Reform of Schools Funding: Some Case-Study Lessons
by M Barrow - 367-384 Emission Trading in Theory and Practice: An Analysis of RECLAIM in Southern California
by O Fromm & B Hansjürgens - 385-406 Regulatory Parking Policies at the Firm Level
by E Verhoef & P Nijkamp & P Rietveld
June 1996, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 179-191 Statutory Division of Public Assets following Local Government Reconfiguration: An Economic Analysis
by G Knaap - 193-209 Nationalism and the Power of Business: The Manufacturers' Association of Israel
by D Levi-Faur - 211-225 Privatizing the Russian Economy: The Nizhny Novgorod Experience
by T F Buss & L C Yancer - 227-250 The Political Economy of Deficit Spending: A Cross Comparison of Industrialized Democracies, 1955–90
by S D Hahm - 251-267 TECs, LECs, and Small Firms: Differences in Provision and Performance
by K T Parker & S Vickerstaff - 269-279 Urban Regeneration, Property Development, and the Land Market
by C Jones - 281-284 Review: The European Challenges Post-1992: Shaping Factors, Shaping Actorsm, European Competitiveness
by R Nanetti
March 1996, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-2 Geography and Public Administration
by N/A - 3-23 Municipal Budgets in Poland and the Czech Republic in the Third Year of Reform
by W Surazska & J Blazek - 25-37 Processes of Suburbanisation and its Effects on the Finances of Cities in West Germany: The Example of Bremen and the Surrounding Communities
by J Pohlan - 39-54 Municipal Reform in the Tel Aviv Metropolis: Metropolitan Government or Metropolitan Cooperation?
by E Razin - 55-69 Regional Patterns in South Africa's Postapartheid Election in 1994
by A J Christopher - 71-87 Growth and Institutional Change: The Influence of the Spanish Regionalisation Process on Economic Performance
by A RodrÃguez-Pose - 89-100 Multiple Environmental Designations: A Case Study of Their Effectiveness for the Ythan Estuary
by A Ross & A Stockdale - 101-120 The Rates Revisited? A Geographical Reassignment of Property Valuations and Local Tax Burdens under the Council Tax
by P Longley & G Higgs & D Martin - 121-143 Strengthening the Links between Housing Estates and the Labour Market: A Model for Consideration
by R R Pinto - 145-158 Disconnected Policy: The Shaping of Local Energy Management
by S Guy & S Marvin
December 1995, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 379-393 Urban Administration in Post-Soviet Russia: Continuity and Change in St Petersburg
by H Hinton - 395-424 Global Competition, International Trade, and Regional Concentration: The Case of the German Chemical Industry during the 1980s
by H Bathelt - 425-439 Supporting Peripheral Economies or Industrial Policy in Favour of National Growth? An Empirically Based Analysis of Goal Achievement of the Japanese ‘Technopolis’ Program
by R Sternberg - 441-458 Size of Municipalities, Efficiency, and Citizen Participation: A Cross-European Perspective
by M R Martins - 459-478 Policy Windows and Two-Level Games: Explaining the Passage of Acid-Rain Legislation in the Clean Air Act of 1990
by M V Simon & L R Alm - 479-501 The Right to Die: A Cross-National Analysis of Agenda Setting and Innovation
by J D Smith & H R Glick - 503-524 From Urban Competition to Urban Collaboration? The Development of Interurban Telematics Networks
by S Graham - 525-530 Review: Social Justice and Local Development Policy, People in Cities: A Transatlantic Policy Exchange, Economic Reforms in New Democracies, Sources of Metropolitan Growth
by I Turok & R J Bennett & G S Strom & B McLean - 531-532 Indexes
by N/A
September 1995, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 253-271 Conflicting Objectives for Rural Local Government: Service Provision to Exurban Communities in Israel
by D Newman & L Applebaum - 273-296 The State of Metropolitan Planning: Decline or Restructuring?
by O Yiftachel & I Alexander - 297-314 Industrial Development and Municipal Reorganization: Conflict, Cooperation, and Regional Effects
by E Razin & A Hazan - 315-334 The Regulation of Restructuring: Corner Brook 1984
by G Norcliffe - 335-350 A Comparison of the Reagan and Thatcher Administrations' Efforts to Reform Social Security in the United States and the United Kingdom
by A S Clark - 351-360 Expenditure Reassignment and Fiscal Decentralisation: An Empirical Study of State and Local Government in India
by S Nath & B C Purohit - 361-377 Trends in Labour Supply and the Future of Employment in China
by J Shen & N A Spence
June 1995, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 127-140 An Optimal Grants-in-Aid Allocation Rule in the Context of an Asymmetry-of-Information Model
by R Levaggi - 141-158 The Legitimation Problems of New Democracies: Postcommunist Dilemmas in Czechoslovakia and Hungary
by E G Frankland & R H Cox - 159-177 Urban Processes in the Face of China's Transition to a Socialist Market Economy
by F Wu - 179-194 Two Models of Local Development Politics
by M Baglioni & S Vicari - 195-216 A Consumer Perspective on Performance Indicators: The Local Housing Authority Reports to Tenants Regimes in England and Wales
by P Symon & R M Walker - 217-252 Private Sector Criteria and the Radical Change in Provision of Social Housing in England
by M Pryke & C Whitehead
March 1995, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-23 Intergovernmental Transfers and Poverty Alleviation
by M G Rao & A Das-Gupta - 25-45 Transportation Planning and Implementation in Cities of the Third World: The Case of Bangkok
by A G Daniere - 47-66 The Implications for Planning of Local Government Reorganisation in Wales: Purpose, Process, and Practice
by N Harris & M Tewdwr-Jones - 67-78 Horticultural Change and the Horticultural Buildings and Orchard Replanting Grant Scheme in England
by B W Ilbery & I R Bowler - 79-95 City Challenge: Sustainable Process or Temporary Gesture?
by S Davoudi & P Healey - 97-124 The Industrial Resurgence of Southern California? Advanced Ground Transportation Equipment Manufacturing and Local Economic Development
by A J Scott & D Bergman - 125-126 Review: The Rise of the Gunbelt: The Military Remapping of Industrial America
by B McLean
December 1994, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 383-407 Total Factor Regional Productivity in Greece
by N Vagionis & N Spence - 409-424 Which Business Establishments are Really Generating New Employment?
by S B White & L S Binkley & T J Chefalo & W F McMahon & M M Thomas - 425-447 The State—Local Regulatory Nexus in US Growth Management: Claims of Property and Participation in the Localist Resistance
by T A Clark - 449-472 The Changing Role of the State in High-Tech Industrial Development: The Experience of Hong Kong
by A G-O Yeh & M K Ng - 473-483 Urban Productivity and the Neighborhoods: The Case for a Federal Neighborhood Strategy
by W Wiewel & J Persky - 484-489 Neighborhood Reinvestment, Service Factories, and Commercial Gentrification: A Policy Solution That Will Not Work
by E W Hill - 490-493 The Case against a Misdirected Federal Neighborhood Strategy
by M Bendick Jr & T L Geiger - 494-496 Rejoinder to Hill and to Bendick and Geiger
by W Wiewel & J Persky - 497-502 Reviews: Unemployment Insurance in the United States: The First Half Century, Banking the Furnace: Restructuring of the Steel Industry in Eight Countries, Globalisation of Industrial Activities. Four Case Studies: Auto Parts, Chemicals, Construction and Semiconductors, Women's Lives and Public Policy: The International Experience
by J Cabral & T DuBois & B Nissan & A M Wood & K Pothukuchi - 503-504 Indexes
by N/A
September 1994, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 261-261 Editorial
by R M Bird - 263-276 Local Finance and Economic Reform in Eastern Europe
by R M Bird & C Wallich - 277-292 The Challenge of Expenditure-Assignment Reform in Russia
by J Martinez-Vazquez - 293-307 Revenue Sharing in Russia
by R Bahl & S Wallace - 309-318 The Taxation of Natural Resources and the Future of the Russian Federation
by C E McLure Jr - 319-331 Implementing Property-Tax Reform in Transitional Countries: The Experience of Albania and Poland
by R Kelly - 333-346 Decentralization, Privatization, and the Solvency of Local Governments in Reforming Economies: The Case of Budapest
by J Alm & R M Buckley - 347-360 Does Governmental Termination Exist?
by J Greenwood - 361-379 Yesterday in Parliament: British Politicians and Debate over Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, 1970–92
by M Purvis - 381-382 Review: Successful Tax Reform: Lessons from an Analysis of Tax Reform in Six Countries
by R J Bennett
June 1994, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 127-143 Economic Development in Taiwan: Escaping the State—Market Dichotomy
by S Chan & C Clark - 145-163 The Development Plan in Policy Implementation
by M Tewdwr-Jones - 165-176 Institutions, Interests, and Ideology in Economic Policy in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States
by N C Thomas - 177-194 The Politics of Central—Local Grants in Britain and France
by M Keating & A Midwinter - 195-212 Urban Regime Theory in Comparative Perspective
by G Stoker & K Mossberger - 213-224 Central Regulation of Local Government Borrowing: A Game-Theoretical Approach
by F Carlsen - 225-241 Red and Green: Air Pollution Levels and Left Party Power in OECD Countries
by R F King & A Borchardt - 243-255 The Privatisation of Social Housing in European Welfare States
by J Doling - 257-260 Review: Technology and the Economy, the Key Relationships, Cities and New Technologies, Managing Community Growth: Policies, Techniques, and Impacts, Regulation for Revenue: The Political Economy of Land
by W J J Manshanden & M Jaffe
March 1994, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Standard Spending Assessment as a Measure of Spending Needs in Nonmetropolitan Districts
by R Flowerdew & B Francis & S Lucas - 15-21 The Use of Regression Analysis for Resource Allocation by Central Government
by H Goldstein - 23-51 The English Standard Spending Assessment System: An Assessment of the Methodology
by M L Senior - 53-70 Population Distribution as a Factor in the Costs of Fire Services
by M Coombes & M Charlton - 71-86 An Inquiry into Lowi's Policy Typology: The Conservation Coalition and the 1985 and 1990 Farm Bills
by R Roberts & L E R Dean - 87-107 Regulation and Liberalisation in the UK Scheduled Airline Industry
by B J Graham - 109-122 The Determination of Eligible Rents for Housing Benefit: The Implementation by Local Authorities of Central Government Policy
by P A Kemp & P McLaverty - 123-126 Reviews: Focus on European Environmental Law, City Planning in America: Between Promise and Despair, Rethinking the Latin American City
by T Feldman & T Zhang & J Betancur
December 1993, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 367-379 Telematics for the Community? An Electronic Village Hall for East Manchester
by K Ducatel & P Halfpenny - 381-393 Urban Policy in England and Wales and in France: A Comparative Assessment of Recent Policy Initiatives
by P Booth & H Green - 395-417 Deliberate Disease: Biological Weapons, Threats, and Policy Responses
by M I Chevrier - 419-430 Spatial Shifts and the Emergence of Innovative Milieux: The Case of the Jura Region between 1960 and 1990
by O Crevoisier - 431-446 Border Regions and Infrastructure Networks in the European Integration Process
by P Nijkamp - 447-464 Social Theory and the Region: From the Regional Planning Association of America to the Restructuring of Sociospatial Theory, with Policy Implications
by R Banai - 465-477 Research and Policy: A Northern Ireland Perspective
by R D Osborne - 479-488 Review: The Politics of Urban Redevelopment: A Study of Old Delhi, State Restructuring and Local Power: A Comparative Perspective, the Privatization Decision, Competition in Government-Financed Services, Privatization and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, Justice outside the City: Access to Legal Services in Rural Britain, European Research in Regional Science 1. Infrastructure and Regional Development, Retrospectives on Public Finance, Creating an Economic Development Action Plan: A Guide for Development Professionals
by M Howland & M P Smith & E Fregetto & H Stein & P Cloke & T J McGuire & J G Bretting & W A Slaughter - 489-491 Indexes
by N/A
September 1993, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 245-261 High-Technology Industries as a Vehicle for Growth in Israel's Peripheral Regions
by D Shefer & E (Lambert) Bar-El - 263-278 Urban Planning and the Entrepreneurial State: The View from Victoria, Australia
by I Winter & T Brooke - 279-289 A Review of Recent Structural Changes to District Health Authorities as Purchasing Organisations
by M Exworthy - 291-315 Defense-Less Territory: Workers, Communities, and the Decline of Military Production in Los Angeles
by R M Law & J R Wolch & L M Takahashi - 317-330 Innovative Networks and the Technopolis Phenomenon: The Case of Sophia-Antipolis
by C Longhi & M Quéré - 331-348 The Impact of Government-Assisted Management Training and Development on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Britain
by J N Marshall & N Alderman & C Wong & A Thwaites - 349-364 Creating Welfare States in Czechoslovakia and Hungary: Why Policymakers Borrow Ideas from the West
by R H Cox - 365-366 Review: Comparative Urban Politics: Power and the City in the United States, Canada, Britain and France
by D R Judd
June 1993, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 123-141 Changing Regional Demography in the Federated States of Micronesia: Contrasting Planning Challenges in an Emerging Pacific Nation
by L J Gorenflo - 143-160 Australian Metropolitan Development: Local Government Reform and Urban Growth into the 1990s
by A M G Jarman & A Kouzmin - 161-170 The Farm Diversification Grant Scheme: Adoption and Nonadoption in England and Wales
by B W Ilbery & I R Bowler - 171-198 Local Democracy and Innovation in Eastern Europe
by T N Clark - 199-211 Child and Family Benefits in Eastern and Central Europe and in the West: Learning from the Transition
by S B Kamerman & A J Kahn - 213-231 Disablism, Planning, and the Built Environment
by R F Imrie & P E Wells - 233-238 Fiscal Perception and Voting
by N Bosch & J Suárez-Pandiello - 239-244 Review: Local Government in Europe: Trends and Developments, Nothing to Fear: Risks and Hazards in American Society, Power and Policy in Liberal Democracies, Challenging Uneven Development: An Urban Agenda for the 1990s
by A Coulson & C E Ellison & M Keating & P Eisinger
March 1993, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-18 Public and Private Sectors in the Delivery of Public Infrastructure: The Case of the Channel Tunnel from an International Perspective
by G Marcou - 19-34 Measurement of Spatial Equity
by M Truelove - 35-53 Territorial Justice and Thatcherism
by G A Boyne & M Powell - 55-67 Japanese Inward Investment in the Northeast of England: Reassessing ‘Japanisation’
by F Peck & I Stone - 69-85 Foreign Debt in the New East-Central Europe: A Threat to European Integration?
by R A Gibb & W Z Michalak - 87-102 The Limits of Property-Led Regeneration
by R Imrie & H Thomas - 103-117 Improving Citizen Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking: The Use of Transformative Mediator Techniques
by C P Ozawa - 119-122 Review: The Global Region: Production, State Policies and Uneven Development, the High-Tech Potential: Economic Development in Rural America, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, Volume 38. Big City Politics in Transition, Water Resources Management: In Search of an Environmental Ethic
by A M Wood & B Becker & M Keating & M Morrone
December 1992, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 375-385 Industrial Policy in a Period of Organisational and Institutional Change: The Case of Inward Investment and the Electronics Sector
by A C Pratt & P Totterdill - 387-405 Strategies of Modernisation: The Market and the State
by M Dunford & D Perrons