December 1992, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 407-421 Flexible Internationalisation in the Electronics Industry: Implications for Regional Economies
by J Morris - 423-438 Setting up in Silicon Glen: Inward Investment and Implications for Spin-off and Supplier Linkages
by J McCalman - 439-450 The Electronics Industry: Inward Investment versus Indigenous Development—The Policy Debate
by I Brunskill - 451-465 The Effects of Unemployment on Voting in British Elections: A New Specification of a Political-Economic Model of Constituency Voting
by J G Gibson - 467-483 Unemployment, the Poll Tax, and the British General Election of 1992
by R J Johnston & C J Pattie - 485-488 Review: The Government of London, the Limits of Law: The Public Regulation of Private Pollution
by R J Bennett & M W Garcia - 489-491 Indexes
by N/A
September 1992, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 253-265 The Geographical Incidence of Local Government Revenues: An Intraurban Case Study
by D Martin & P Longley & G Higgs - 267-281 Enter the Supermarket: Entrepreneurial Medical Practice in New Zealand
by R A Kearns & J R Barnett - 283-298 The Assignment of Functions to Decentralized Government: From Theory to Practice
by B Dafflon - 299-316 Regulatory Federalism in the European Community
by G Majone - 317-331 The Use and Interpretation of Tenant Satisfaction Surveys in British Social Housing
by M Satsangi & A Kearns - 333-353 Labour Market Segmentation, Flexibility, and Recession: A British Columbian Case Study
by R Hayter & T J Barnes - 355-369 Purpose Built for Failure? Local, Regional and National Government in Britain
by P C Cheshire & E D'Arcy & B Giussani - 371-374 Review: Subsidiarity: The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the Jacques Delors Colloquium, Housing Policies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Challenges to Local Government
by R J Bennett & W van Vliet & R Batley
June 1992, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 123-146 Special Interest Politics and the Crisis of Financial Institutions in the USA
by H I MacDonald - 147-158 Interstate Differentials in State and Local Business Taxation, 1971–86
by N Bania & L N Calkins - 159-172 Goals for Restructuring Local Government Boundaries: Canadian Lessons
by A Skaburskis - 173-187 Canadian Provincial and US State Roles in Urban Planning and Development: A Study of London, Ontario, and St Cloud, Minnesota
by M Keating & A Mehrhoff - 189-209 The Politics of Gun Control: Comparing Canadian and American Patterns
by G A Mauser & M Margolis - 211-228 Public Subsidy, Property Development, and Economic Activity: An Evaluation of Britain's Rural Development Commission's Redundant Building Grant
by G Dabinett & P Lawless - 229-248 Beyond ‘1992’: The Evolution of European Community Policies towards the Automobile Industry
by D Sadler - 249-252 Review: The Myth of American Eclipse: The New Global Age, Global Challenge and Local Response: Initiatives for Economic Regeneration in Contemporary Europe, Ethnicity and Nationalism in Postimperial Britain
by G Ó Tuathail & M Mayer & J Agnew
March 1992, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-17 Informal Local Taxation in Developing Countries
by R Prud'homme - 19-36 New Directions in Decentralisation and Urban Policy in France: The Search for a Postdecentralisation State
by P Le Galès - 37-50 Taxation and Grants Policy in Multilevel Government: Options for the European Community
by P B Spahn - 51-60 The US Experience with Local Economic Development
by J M Levy - 61-76 Lessons from Canada's Housing R&D Experience
by G Hack & A Skaburskis - 77-90 The Health-Care State in Europe: Convergence or Divergence?
by M Moran - 91-103 School Segregation: Managed Integration or Free Choice?
by W A V Clark & F M Dieleman & L de Klerk - 105-120 Explaining the Extent of Local Economic Development Activity: Evidence from Canadian Cities
by L A Reese - 121-122 Review: Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 37. Leadership and Urban Regeneration: Cities in North America and Europe
by N Krumholz
December 1991, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 371-381 Successful Entrepreneurs and Their Problems in Starting New Businesses in Rural America: A Four-State Study
by T F Buss & M G Popovich & D Gemmel - 383-398 Meaning and Action in Local Economic Development Strategies: A Comparison of Policies in Britain and the United States
by P B Meyer - 399-400 Commentary on Meyer's “Meaning and Action in Local Economic Development Strategiesâ€
by G Stoker - 401-402 Response to Stoker's Commentary on “Meaning and Action in Local Economic Development Strategiesâ€
by P B Meyer - 403-416 Industry—Academic Links: The Case of Oxford University
by H Lawton Smith - 417-429 The Economic Case for an International Law of the Atmosphere
by B P Herber - 431-452 Transit Joint Development in the USA: An Inventory and Policy Assessment
by J Landis & R Cervero & P Hall - 453-465 Concepts of Equity, Fairness, and Justice Expressed by Local Transport Policymakers
by A Hay & E Trinder - 467-484 Organised Interests and the European Internal Market
by J Greenwood & K Ronit - 485-492 Review: Urban Planning under Thatcherism: The Challenge of the Market, Place, Policy and Politics: Do Localities Matter?, Studies in Society and Space 4. The Shek Kip Mei Syndrome: Economic Development and Public Housing in Hong Kong and Singapore, the Politics and Economics of the Poll Tax—Mrs Thatcher's Downfall, American Federalism: The Third Century, Changes in the State: Causes and Consequences, Race and Public Policy
by C G Pickvance & D Valler & Y-M Yeung & R J Bennett & R Honey & P J Taylor & D Monti - 493-496 Indexes
by N/A
September 1991, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 245-256 UK Public Attitudes to Urban Traffic Problems and Possible Countermeasures: A Poll of Polls
by P M Jones - 257-265 Even Some Lump-Sum Grants Can Stimulate More Than others
by R R Barnett & R Levaggi & P Smith - 267-279 Innovative Service Provision for the Elderly: A European Perspective
by P Nijkamp & S Rosdorff & C Wilderom - 281-293 Gatekeepers and Administrative Allocation of Goods under Socialism: An Alternative Perspective
by B Domański - 295-317 The Rise of Urban Growth Coalitions, UK-Style?
by A Harding - 319-340 The Changing Romanian Countryside: The CeauÅŸescu Epoch and Prospects for Change following the Revolution
by D Turnock - 341-362 The Changing Nature of Economic Development Activities: A Longitudinal Analysis of Local Authorities in Great Britain, 1981 to 1987
by J M A Sellgren - 363-370 Review: Political Gerrymandering and the Courts, the State and the Spatial Management of Industrial Change, Developments in French Politics, Government and Industry: A Comparative Analysis of the US, Canada, and the UK, Back to the Future: Modernity, Postmodernity and Locality, the Future of Local Government, Deciphering the Enterprise Culture: Entrepreneurship, Petty Capitalism and the Restructuring of Britain, Comparative Urban and Community Research 3. Breaking Chains: Social Movements and Collective Action
by R J Johnston & G L Clark & R Prud'homme & B P Bosworth & A D Chapman & P Levin & R E Pahl & F J Schuurman
June 1991, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 127-141 Toward a New Political Economy of Metropolitan Regions
by W R Barnes & L C Ledebur - 143-153 A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of the Vocational Training Centre for Adults
by J de Koning & M Koss & A Verkaik - 155-171 Privatizing Government Service Delivery: Theory, Evidence, and Implications
by K P Voytek - 173-188 Participation Ideologies in Israeli Planning
by S Gertel & H Law-Yone - 189-206 Reconsidering Innovation Policy for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Canadian Case
by J N H Britton - 207-224 Socialist State Planning Reconsidered: Regional Policy in China, 1949–1989
by O-K Lai & T-K Lai - 225-236 Agricultural Land-Use Policies and Rural Spatial Differentiation in Colonial and Postcolonial Zimbabwe
by C O Rambanapasi - 237-244 Review: The Changing Agenda of West German Public Policy, Public Policy under Thatcher, Geographic Dimensions of United States Social Policy, Urban Planning for Latin America: The Challenge of Metropolitan Growth, Consuming Public Services
by H Zimmermann & J Mohan & E H Wohlenberg & J L Scarpaci & R J Bennett
March 1991, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 Corporatism and ‘Political Context’ in the Federal Republic of Germany
by G Fuchs & A M Koch - 15-30 Urban Policy in the Thatcher Decade: English Inner-City Policy, 1979–90
by P Lawless - 31-50 Concepts of Equity, Fairness, and Justice in British Transport Legislation, 1960–88
by E Trinder & A Hay & J Dignan & P Else & J Skorupski - 51-63 Stages in the Adoption of a Spatial Decision Support System for Reorganizing Service Delivery Regions
by R Honey & G Rushton & P Lolonis & B T Dalziel & M P Armstrong & S De & P J Densham - 65-78 The Impact of the World Student Games on Sheffield
by P Foley - 79-94 Deprivation Payments to GPs: Not What the Doctor Ordered
by M L Senior - 95-110 Political Party Influence on Preschool Services in England, 1977–88
by K Hoggart & E J R Shrives - 111-118 A Quantitative Approach to Process Evaluation: The Case of the Vermeend-Moor Act
by J de Koning & P J van Nes - 119-126 Review: Health Services Privatization in Industrial Societies, London Papers in Regional Science 20. Growth and Change in a Core Region: The Case of South East England, Privatism and Urban Policy in Britain and the United States, Urban Innovation Volume 1. Urban Innovation and Autonomy: Political Implications of Policy Change, the Social Effects of Health Policy: Experiences of Health and Health Care in Contemporary Britain
by D R Phillips & D Massey & M O Stephenson & K Newton & D R Phillips
December 1990, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 363-378 Enterprise Zones: 2. A Comparative Analysis of Zone Performance and State Government Policies
by R A Erickson & S W Friedman - 379-393 Consensus and Dissension among Contemporary Environmental Activists: Preservationists and Conservationists in the US and Canadian Context
by B S Steel & M A E Steger & N P Lovrich & J C Pierce - 395-415 Agenda Setting and the Rise and Fall of Policy Issues: The Case of Criminal Victimization of the Elderly
by F L Cook & W G Skogan - 417-426 Government Land Preservation and Communication Policies in Fast-Growing Counties of the United States of America
by M R Greenberg & F J Popper - 427-438 Regional Policy and National Politics in Britain
by I R Gordon - 439-454 Unfair Housing Subsidy and Public Housing in Hong Kong
by A G O Yeh - 455-476 Regional Distribution of Industry and the Role of the State in Greece
by L Labrianidis & N Papamichos - 477-487 Political Ideology and Housing Policy in Modern China
by G-C Lim & M-H Lee - 489-492 Reviews: Unequal Partnerships: The Political Economy of Urban Redevelopment in Postwar America, Coping with the Economic Crisis: Alternative Responses to Economic Recession in Advanced Industrial Societies, Reshaping Housing Policy: Subsidies, Rent and Residualisation
by M Gottdiener & S Sacks & D Sim - 493-495 Indexes
by N/A
September 1990, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 241-250 Neighborhood Rehabilitation and Policy Transfer
by P R Dommel - 251-267 Enterprise Zones: 1. Investment and Job Creation of State Government Programs in the United States of America
by R A Erickson & S W Friedman - 269-282 Thatcherism—One Nation or Two? An Exploration of British Political Attitudes in the 1980s
by C J Pattie & R J Johnston - 283-296 Local Fiscal Variables and Intrametropolitan Firm Location: Regression Evidence from the United States and Research Suggestions
by R W Wassmer - 297-314 Regional Discontinuities of Planning Objectives in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
by L J Gorenflo - 315-326 The Individual Travel-Cost Method and the Value of Recreation: The Case of the Montgomery and Lancaster Canals
by K G Willis & G D Garrod - 327-346 Deregulation of Domestic Passenger Air Transport Services in the United Kingdom, 1980–89: A Case Study of Northern Ireland
by B J Graham - 347-357 Private Investment in Rental Housing
by P Dent & J Doling - 359-362 Review: Delivering Public Services in Western Europe: Sharing Western European Experience of Para-Government Organization, Urban Government in the 1990s: Lessons from the USA, Housing and the National Economy, European Political Cooperation: Towards a Framework of Supranational Diplomacy?
by K Newton & K Walsh & D Sim & R Paddison
June 1990, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 123-138 Government Spending, Policy Outputs, and Policy Outcomes: Health Policy in Yugoslavia
by C Clark - 139-148 A Style of Economic Regulation, France 1969–86: A Comparison between France and West Germany
by H Dumez & A Jeunemaître - 149-165 The Elderly, Economic Dependency, and Local Government Revenues and Expenditures
by M W Rosenberg & E G Moore - 167-178 Modelling Interactions between Economic Development and Environmental Change: A Policy Life-Cycle Interpretation
by F Brouwer & P Nijkamp - 179-193 Collective Order and Economic Coordination in Industrial Agglomerations: The Technopoles of Southern California
by A J Scott & A S Paul - 195-201 Measuring the Benefits of Water Quality Improvement in Municipal Water Use: The Case of Lake Biwa
by K Hagihara & Y Hagihara - 203-216 Determinants of the Growth of Transfers in the United Kingdom: A Causal Analysis
by R Levaggi - 217-232 Intergovernmental Social Transfers and the Welfare State: Menace or Promise?
by D E Ashford - 233-238 The Incidence of Business Rates on Household Income in the United Kingdom, 1979
by D Mair - 239-240 Review: The Political Economy of British Regional Policy
by P Lloyd
March 1990, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-11 Sclerosis, Convergence, and Taxes: Determinants of Growth among the US States
by D W Rasmussen & T W Zuehlke - 13-28 Explaining the Growth of Social Benefits in Advanced Capitalist Countries, 1960–80
by V A Mahler - 29-40 President Carter's Comprehensive National Urban Policy: Achievements and Lessons Learned
by F J James - 41-52 Tax Reform, Revenue Windfalls, and Elderly Taxpayers
by J R Gist - 53-68 Education as an Economic Development Resource
by E W Hill & H M Rock - 69-86 Gains and Losses from the Changes in the System of Grants Paid to English Local Authorities
by D N King - 87-110 Transforming Rural Local Government: Zimbabwe's Postindependence Experience
by A H J Helmsing - 111-122 Review: Studies in Society and Space 2. Wrecking a Region: State Policies, Party Politics, and Regional Change in North East England, Health Care in America: The Political Economy of Hospitals and Health Insurance, the Politics of the Urban Crisis, Contributions in Political Science, Number 200. Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Politics and Policy, the Politics of ‘Race’ and Residence: Citizenship, Segregation and White Supremacy in Britain, Accounting for Public Policy: Power, Professionals and Politics in Local Government, Community Conflict, Partition and Nationalism, the Distributional Impacts of Public Policies, Territory and Administration in Europe, Monetäre Verflechtungen Zwischen öffentlichen Institutionen am örtlichen Finanzmarkt. Schriften zur öffentlichen Verwaltung und öffentlichen Wirtschaft, Volume III
by A G Champion & J R Bohland & M Parkinson & J V Mitchell & J Doherty & K Newton & P J Taylor & T Swanstrom & R Paddison & R-D Postlep
December 1989, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 371-374 Centralization and Decentralization in West German Federalism
by H Zimmermann - 375-383 Optimal Decentralization—A Conceptual Approach to the Reform of German Federalism
by D Biehl - 385-393 Fiscal Equalization between States in West Germany
by H Zimmermann - 395-402 Regional Planning
by B Dietrichs - 403-409 Regional Economic Policy within the Framework of Cooperative Federalism
by P Klemmer - 411-422 Entrepreneurs in America: Are They Really a Different Breed?
by R D Bingham & J E Melkers - 423-444 Polish Local Government in Transition
by J Regulski - 445-470 Federal Expenditure-to-Revenue Ratios in the United States of America, 1971–85: An Exploration of Spatial Equity under the ‘New Federalism’
by C Thompson - 471-474 Multidimensionality in State Policy and Programs: A Critique of Pluralist State Theory
by T Klak - 475-482 State and Society: Some Reflections on Theory and Theory-Building
by G-C Lim - 483-488 Review: Remaking Planning: The Politics of Urban Change in the Thatcher Years, the Reform of Local Government Finance in Britain, Local Government Finance: International Perspectives, Government Policy and Industrial Change, Land Use Planning and the Mediation of Urban Change: The British Planning System in Practice
by T Gore & H J Davies & E Thöni & H D Watts & D Sim - 489-492 Indexes
by N/A
September 1989, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 245-259 Local Tax Equalisation in England: An Empirical Analysis
by G A Boyne - 261-272 Shaping a Racially Divided Society: State Housing Policy in South Africa, 1920–50
by S Parnell - 273-284 Local Government Allocation of Labour and the Grant System: An Applied Model Analysis of Local Government Behaviour in Norway
by J Rattsø - 285-299 Grant Systems and Vulnerability to Fiscal Stress: A Comparative Study of Danish and North American Local Government
by P E Mouritzen & B J Narver - 301-312 Institutional Design and Central—Local Strategies: Introducing the New Block Grants System in Norway
by N Aarsaether - 313-320 Local Authority Responses to Grants: Different Types of Response and Equilibrium
by M M Barrow - 321-340 Social Security Spending in the United Kingdom: Bridging the North-South Economic Divide
by R Walker & M Huby - 341-351 Privatisation versus Poll Tax: A Public Choice Analysis of the Popularity of Two Thatcher ‘Flagships’
by J G Gibson & P A Watt - 353-359 Swiss Federalism: Problems of Interdependence and the Role of the Cantons
by S Bieri - 361-370 Review: Housing Markets and Policies under Fiscal Austerity, Ideology, Strategy and Party Change: Spatial Analyses of Post-War Election Programmes in 19 Democracies, Sociology, Politics and Cities. The State and the City, the Regeneration of Local Economies, the International Politics of New Information Technology, Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness
by D C Thorns & R J Johnston & K Newton & U Wannop & K Flamm
June 1989, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 119-119 High Technology and Public Policy
by Chris Thompson - 121-152 High-Technology Theories and Public Policy
by C Thompson - 153-172 High-Technology Industry and Regional Development in Britain: The Case of the Cambridge Phenomenon
by D E Keeble - 173-192 Technology Parks and Their Contribution to the Development of Technology-Oriented Complexes in Australia
by R A Joseph - 193-204 Venture Capital Investment in Minority Business Enterprise: An Evaluation of MESBIC Investment Preferences
by R B McNaughton & M B Green - 205-222 Patterns of Preference for Venture Capital Investment in the United States of America, 1970–85
by M B Green - 223-241 Does High Technology Polarize the Work Force?
by T Klak - 243-244 Review: The Possibility of Politics: A Study in the Political Economy of the Welfare State
by D Clapham
March 1989, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Utility of the UK Pollution Panels in Achieving Integrated Pollution Control
by C Wood - 13-26 Regional Governance in the United States: For Whom?
by R L Morrill - 27-38 The Military Industrial Firm, Economic Control, and Local Development
by N Ettlinger & J R Crump - 39-58 A Model of Educational Outcomes at Local Authority Level, with Implications for Local Expenditure Needs
by G Bramley - 59-80 Specialty Costs for Health Service Planning: Model-Based Approaches to Estimation
by P G L Forte & A G Wilson - 81-91 Integrated Pollution-Control in the United Kingdom: Prospects and Problems
by S Owens - 93-96 Distributional Effects of Open-Ended Matching Grants
by E Jonsson - 97-101 Allocational Effects of Reducing a State Grant to Local Governments
by E Jonsson - 103-118 Review: Nuclear Power in Crisis: Politics and Planning for the Nuclear State, the Politics of Anxiety: Sellafield's Cancer-Link Controversy, Public-Private Partnerships: Improving Urban Life. Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science 36(2), the Funding of Political Parties in Britain, Sage Library of Social Research 162. The Decline of Urban Politics: Political Theory and the Crisis of the Local State, Rethinking Policy Planning: A Study of Planning Systems Linking Central and Local Government, Wheels within Wheels: A Study of the Road Lobby, Resolving Locational Conflict, Patterns of Development, Regional Problems, Problem Regions and Public Policy in the United Kingdom, Western Sunrise: The Genesis and Growth of Britain's Major High Tech Corridor, Central and Local Government Relations: A Comparative Analysis of West European Unitary States, De-Industrialization and Foreign Trade, Listen to the People: Participant-Observer Evaluation of Development Projects, Changing Boundaries of the Political: Essays on the Evolving Balance between the State and Society, Public and Private in Europe
by A Kirby & R A Beauregard & R J Johnston & P Saunders & D Clapham & P Hall & R Bordessa & J D Kasarda & H M Begg & C Thompson & R Honey & S Fothergill & R Burnham & J Urry
December 1988, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 371-374 Technology Policy at the Crossroads of Economic Policy and Physical Planning
by P Nijkamp & W Stöhr - 375-381 Technology Policy under Changing Socioeconomic Conditions
by W Zegveld - 383-399 Technology and Regional Development: Some Thoughts on Policy
by E J Malecki & P Nijkamp - 401-413 Public and Private Technological Innovation Strategies in a Spatial Context: The Case of France
by J W Dyckman & E A Swyngedouw - 415-425 A Deconcentrated Technology Policy—Lessons from the Sophia-Antipolis Experience
by J C Perrin - 427-439 Decentralized Technology Policy: The Case of Japan
by T Kawashima & W Stöhr - 441-448 US Technology Policies and Their Regional Effects
by R Premus - 449-455 Trends in Israel's Agriculture Budgets
by Z Shepher & B Mevorach - 457-474 Principles of Environmental Economics and the Political Economy of West German Environmental Policy
by J R Miller & L Miller - 475-488 School Integration Impacts on Residential Change: Evaluation and Tests
by W A V Clark - 489-496 Review: Economic Change in British Cities. Inner Cities Research Programme Series 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Uneven Development and Regionalism: State, Territory and Class in Southern Europe, the Geography of the National Health: An Essay in Welfare Geography, the Geography of Health Services in Britain, the Search for Government Efficiency: From Hubris to Helplessness, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 30. Cities in Stress, Drought and Hunger in Africa: Denying Famine a Future
by N J Williams & R J Bennett & P L Knox & J R Gist & K Newton & D Grigg - 497-500 Indexes
by N/A
September 1988, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 249-250 Nuclear Power
by J H Johnson Jr & D J Zeigler - 251-268 Post-Chernobyl Prospects for Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom
by S Openshaw - 269-287 Czechoslovakia: Nuclear Power in a Socialist Society
by F W Carter - 289-310 Post-Chernobyl Nuclear Reactions in the USA
by J H Johnson Jr & D J Zeigler - 311-322 High-Level Nuclear Waste Transportation: Political Implications of the Weakest Link in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
by A M Kirby - 323-333 Locational Conflict and the Siting of Nuclear Waste Disposal Repositories: An International Appraisal
by F M Shelley & B D Solomon & M J Pasqualetti & G T Murauskas - 335-347 An Evaluation of the Role of Africa in the World Nuclear Economy
by B I Logan - 349-357 Remarks on the Geographical Nature of Social Infrastructure Provision in a Centrally Planned Economy
by M Ciechocińska - 359-370 Review: The Political Economy of Corporatism, Studies in Urban and Regional Policy 4. Race, Class and State Housing: Inequality and the Allocation of Public Housing in Britain, Positive Discrimination, Social Justice, and Social Policy: Moral Scrutiny of Policy Practice, the Crisis of Growth Politics: Cleveland, Kucinich and the Challenge of Urban Populism, Industrial Change in Advanced Economies, the Built Environment Series. Local Planning in Practice, Local Government in the Soviet Union: Problems of Implementation and Control, New Technology and Regional Development, Political Communications: The General Election Campaign of 1983, Immigrant Labour and Government Policy: The Cases of the Federal Republic of Germany and France, the City in Transition: Policies and Agencies for the Economic Regeneration of Clydeside, Transportation Planning in a Changing World
by S E Clarke & D Sim & J Eyles & J R Gist & H D Watts & W Cox & R J Bennett & E J Malecki & R J Johnston & P E White & M Pacione & B J Turton
June 1988, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 127-130 A Framework for Research on Transport Communications, and Mobility
by I Masser & P Nijkamp & S Reichman - 131-144 The Changing Context of Transport and Infrastructure Policy
by H J Noortman - 145-152 The Impact of Technological Change
by M Frybourg - 153-158 Policy Analysis: A Story
by W Brög - 159-172 An Organisational Approach to Analysis of Policy Innovation by Local Authorities in Britain: The Importance of the Concepts of Scrutiny, Conflict, and Centralisation
by F J Burdett & M G Bradford - 173-185 The Potential Gains from Creative Accounting in English Local Government
by P Smith - 187-208 Urban Regeneration in London Docklands: A Five-Year Policy Review
by A Church - 209-223 Monergy: Qualifying Imperfect Measures of Need and of Performance
by S M Macgill & B Sheldrick - 225-236 Theory and Taxonomy of Sectoral, Distributional, and Spatial Policies
by G-C Lim - 237-248 Review: Race and Politics: Ethnic Minorities and the British Political System, Black Politics and Urban Crisis in Britain, Progress in Political Geography, the Federal Government and Urban Housing: Ideology and Change in Public Policy, the Political Economy of Innovation, the Common Good: Its Politics, Policies and Philosophy, Local Government in the Modern State, Parties, Opposition and Society in West Germany, Decentralisation and Change in Contemporary France, the Growth of Government in Developed Economies, from Nation to States: The Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program, Sunbelt City? A Study of Economic Change in Britain's M4 Growth Corridor
by V Robinson & N Smith & M J Schussheim & A Kavanaugh & J A Rohr & R Paddison & R J Bennett & I B Thompson & C L Taylor & P R Dommel & S Pinch
March 1988, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-6 Tax Reform in English-Speaking Countries
by R L Mathews - 7-20 Criteria for Tax Reform
by B S Grewal - 21-40 Social Security Constraints on Tax Reform
by D Dixon & C Foster - 41-52 The Public Choice Approach to Tax Reform
by G Brennan - 53-70 Tax Reform in the United Kingdom and Ireland
by C T Sandford - 71-92 The Attempt to Reform Taxation in the United States
by D G Davies - 93-114 Tax Reform in Australia and New Zealand
by P D Groenewegen - 115-126 Review: The State in Global Perspective, Politics, Geography and Social Stratification, Studies in Social Policy and Welfare 21. Responses to Poverty: Lessons from Europe, Police and Public Order in Europe, Housing Policy and Equality: A Comparative Study of Tenure Conversions and Their Effects, on Human Geography, Housing, States and Localities, Cambridge Human Geography. Crime, Space and Society, Capitalism and Public Policy in the UK
by J A Agnew & A M Kirby & S Rosenberg & S J Smith & J van Weesep & D M Smith & L S Bourne & D Herbert & D E Ashford
December 1987, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 383-410 The Political Economy of Federalism: A Critical Appraisal
by J Wiseman - 411-415 Wiseman on Federalism: A Critical Comment
by A Scott - 417-431 Definitions of ‘High Technology’ Used by State Programs in the USA: A Study of Variation in Industrial Policy under a Federal System
by C Thompson - 433-446 Revitalizing the Mahoning Valley
by T F Buss & R J Vaughan - 447-468 The Provision of Housing and Social Services in China's Special Economic Zones
by D R Phillips & A G O Yeh - 469-480 The Changing Geography of Preschool Services in England between 1977 and 1983
by S Pinch - 481-490 Norwegian Local Tax Policy
by T Hansen - 491-496 Reviews: How Britain Votes, Voters Begin to Choose: From Closed-Class to Open Elections in Britain, New Firms and Regional Development in Europe
by R J Johnston & C Thompson - 497-500 Indexes
by N/A
September 1987, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 237-238 Regional Government and the Case of Spain
by R J Bennett - 239-250 Regionalism: A Reform Concept and its Application to Spain
by M Hebbert - 251-256 The Autonomous Communities: Politics and Economics
by J R Lasuén Sancho - 257-266 Financing Regional Government in Spain: Main Trends and a Comparative Perspective
by A Castells Oliveres - 267-285 Tax Assignment in Multilevel Systems of Government: A Political-Economic Approach and the Case of Spain
by R J Bennett - 287-299 Financial Aspects of Political Decentralization in Spain
by J V Sevilla Segura