July 1965, Volume 360, Issue 1
- 199-200 T. SCOTT MIYAKAWA. Protestants and Pioneers: Individualism and Conformity on the American Frontier. Pp. 306. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. $7.50
by Philip Rieff - 200-201 MARION T. BENNETT. American Immigration Policies: A History. Pp. xiii, 362. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1964. $6.00
by Benjamin Munn Ziegler - 201-202 ROBIN M. WILLIAMS, JR., in collaboration with JOHN P. DEAN and EDWARD A. SUCHMAN. Strangers Next Door: Eth nic Relations in American Communities. Pp. xiv, 434. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964. $12.00
by Otto Klineberg - 202-203 BENJAMIN MUSE. Ten Years of Prelude: The Story of Integration Since the Supreme Court's 1954 Decision. Pp. ix, 308. New York: Viking Press, 1964. $5.00
by G. Franklin Edwards - 203-204 ROBERT A. MANNERS (Ed.). Process and Pattern in Culture: Essays in Honor of Julian H. Steward. Pp. ix, 434. Chicago : Aldine, 1964. $8.75
by John J. Honigmann - 204-204 WILBUR SCHRAMM. Mass Media and National Development: The Role of Information in the Developing Countries. Pp. xiv, 333. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1964. $7.50
by George Gerbner - 204-205 VANCE PACKARD. The Naked Society. Pp. xii, 369. New York: David McKay, 1964. $5.95
by Samuel Dash - 205-206 ROBERT N. WILSON (Ed.). The Arts in Society. Pp. xii, 372. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964. $9.00
by Lewis A. Coser - 206-207 DANIEL GLASER. The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System. Pp. xix, 596. Bobbs-Merrill, 1964. $10.00
by John P. Conrad - 207-208 LEWIS YABLONSKY. The Tunnel Back: Synanon. Pp. xi, 403. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1965. $6.95
by Alfred R. Lindesmith - 208-208 GALE JENSEN, A. A. LIVERIGHT and WILBUR HALLENBECK (Eds.). Adult Education : Outlines of an Emerging Field of University Study. Pp. xiv, 334. Chicago: Adult Education Association, 1964. $6.00
by Edmund Des. Brunner - 208-209 GARY S. BECKER. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education. Pp. xvi, 187. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1964. $5.00
by André Daniere - 209-210 Latin AmericaWILLIAM V. D'ANTONIO and FREDRICK B. PIKE (Eds.). Religion, Revolution, and Reform: New Forces for Change in Latin America. Pp. x, 276. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1964. $5.95
by K.H. Silvert - 210-211 Latin AmericaJOHN J. JOHNSON (Ed.). Continuity and Change in Latin America. Pp. xiii, 282. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1964. $6.75
by Benjamin Higgins - 211-212 Latin AmericaCHARLES WAGLEY (Ed.). Social Science Research on Latin America. Report and Papers of a Seminar on Latin-American Studies in the United States held at Stanford, California, July 8-August 23, 1963. Pp. xi, 338. New York: Columbia University Press, 1964. No price
by H.M. Phillips - 212-213 Asia and AfricaTA-CHUNG LIU and KUNG-CHIA YEH. The Economy of the Chinese Mainland: National Income and Economic Development, 1933-1959. Pp. xvi, 771. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1964. $10.00
by Ronald Hsia - 213-214 VIDYA PRAKASH DUTT. China's Foreign Policy, 1958-62 . Pp. xii, 336. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1964. $10.75
by Alice Langley Hsieh - 214-216 Asia and AfricaGEORGE GINSBURGS and MICHAEL MATHOS. Communist China and Tibet: The First Dozen Years. Pp. 218. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1964. 23.25 guilders. W. F. VAN EEKELEN. Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China. Pp. ix, 220. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1964. 22.50 guilders
by Albert E. Kane - 216-217 Asia and AfricaWARREN S. HUNSBERGER. Japan and the United States in World Trade. Pp. xvii, 492. New York: Harper & Row, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1964. $9.95
by Jerome B. Cohen - 217-218 Asia and AfricaHAROLD R. ISAACS. India's Ex-Untouchables. Pp. 188. New York: John Day, 1965. $4.50
by Gerald D. Berreman - 218-219 Asia and AfricaMARSHALL R. SINGER. The Emerging Elite: A Study of Political Leadership in Ceylon. Pp. xii, 203. Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1964. $7.50
by Bryce Ryan - 219-220 Asia and AfricaJOEL M. HALPERN. Government, Politics, and Social Structure in Laos: A Study of Tradition and Innovation. Pp. xi, 184. New York: Cellar Bookshop, for Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, 1964. No price
by Lucian W. Pye - 220-220 Asia and AfricaWILLIAM J. FOLTZ. From French West Africa to the Mali Federation. Pp. ix, 235. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1965. $6.50
by I.William Zartman - 220-221 Asia and AfricaCOLIN and MARGARET LEGUM. South Africa: Crisis for the West. Pp. vi, 333. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1964. No price
by Newell M. Stultz - 221-222 BiographyARTHUR S. LINK. Wilson: Confusions and Crises, 1915-1916. Pp. ix, 386. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1964. $8.50
by Wilfred E. Binkley - 222-223 BiographyJOHN DEWEY and ARTHUR F. BENTLEY. A Philosophical Correspondence, 1932-1951. Edited by Sidney Ratner and Jules Altman, with James E. Wheeler as Associate Editor. Pp. vii, 737. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1964. $12.50
by Lewis S. Feuer - 223-223 BiographyCHARLES J. TULL. Father Coughlin and the New Deal. Pp. x, 292. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Ralph E. Ellsworth - 224-235 Letters To the Editor
by Roy Wilkins & James H. Laue
May 1965, Volume 359, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Harry W. Reynolds JR - 1-9 Trends in Intergovernmental Relations
by George C.S. Benson - 10-22 The Shaping of Intergovernmental Relations in the Twentieth Century
by Daniel J. Elazar - 23-34 The Role of the Federal Government in the Design and Administration of Intergovernmental Programs
by William G. Colman - 35-43 State and Local Government Participation in the Design and Administration of Intergovernmental Programs
by Charles R. Adrian - 44-52 Urban Renewal: A Case Study in Emerging Goals in an Intergovernmental Setting
by Clifford C. Ham - 53-59 Interstate Relations—Some Emergent Trends
by Phillip Monypenny - 60-70 Conflict and Co-operation among Local Governments in the Metropolis
by Winston W. Crouch - 71-80 Allocation of Responsibilities and Resources among the Three Levels of Government
by James C. Charlesworth - 81-93 Merit Controls, the Hatch Acts, and Personnel Standards in Intergovernmental Relations
by Harry W. Reynolds JR - 94-106 National-State-Local Systems of Government and Intergovernmental Aid
by Alan K. Campbell - 107-115 Politics and Federalism: Party or Anti-Party?
by William Buchanan - 116-126 Pressure Groups and Intergovernmental Relations
by Totton J. Anderson - 127-136 Intergovernmental Relations as Seen by Public Officials
by Robert W. Mcculloch - 137-146 A Behavioral Approach to the Study of Intergovernmental Relations
by Vincent Ostrom & Elinor Ostrom - 147-156 The Dawn of a Community-Defining Federalism
by Henry C. Hart - 157-164 The Writing of West European History: A Bird's-Eye View of Trends between 1960 and 1964
by Sylvia L. Thrupp - 165-170 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1964
by M. Albert Linton & Thorsten Sellin & Stephen B. Sweeney & Norman D. Palmer & James C. Charlesworth & Howard C. Petersen & Roy F. Nichols & Loren C. Eiseley & Donald R. Young & Carroll V. Newsom & John Fischer & Walter M. Phillips - 171-248 Book Department
by N/A
March 1965, Volume 358, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Karl Von Vorys - 1-13 The Concept of Political Development
by Lucian W. Pye - 14-19 Toward a Concept of Political Development
by Karl Von Vorys - 20-28 The Rate and Costs of Political Development
by Manfred Halpern - 29-40 Patterns (Structures) of Modernization and Political Development
by Marion J. Levy JR - 41-51 Economic Factors and Political Development
by Wilfred Malenbaum - 52-64 Political Integration and Political Development
by Myron Weiner - 65-76 Soldiers and the Nation-State
by Davis B. Bobrow - 77-88 The Rise and Role of Charismatic Leaders
by Ann Ruth Willner & Dorothy Willner - 89-100 Bureaucrats and Citizens
by Douglas E. Ashford - 101-108 Parties and the Masses
by K.H. Silvert - 109-113 A New Experiment in Democracy in Pakistan
by Mohammed Ayub Khan - 114-122 Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Development in India
by Wayne Wilcox - 123-135 Politics of Distrust in Iran
by Andrew F. Westwood - 136-149 One-Party System in Tanganyika
by Harvey Glickman - 150-158 Democratic Revolution in Venezuela
by Robert J. Alexander - 159-169 Constitutional Socialism in Yugoslavia
by Ivan Maksimovi - 170-179 Trends in International Economics
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 180-255 Book Department
by N/A
January 1965, Volume 357, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Arnold M. Rose - 1-17 The American Negro Problem in the Context of Social Change
by Arnold M. Rose - 18-29 The Rise of the Negro Protest
by Daniel C. Thompson - 30-47 Racial Inequality in Employment: The Patterns of Discrimination
by Herbert Hill - 48-54 Protest Against the Political Status of the Negro
by Allan P. Sindler - 55-64 Protest Against the Legal Status of the Negro
by Pauli Murray - 65-72 The Negro Protest Against Segregation in the South
by Tilman C. Cothran - 73-79 The Protest Against Housing Segregation
by Loren Miller - 80-88 Economic Forces Serving the Ends of the Negro Protest
by Alan B. Batchelder - 89-96 Ideological Forces and the Negro Protest
by Jane Cassels Records & Wilson Record - 97-101 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Its Strategy
by John A. Morsell - 102-107 The Urban League and Its Strategy
by Whitney M. Young JR - 108-112 The Southern Regional Council
by Leslie W. Dunbar - 113-118 The Congress of Racial Equality and Its Strategy
by Marvin Rich - 119-126 The Changing Character of Negro Protest
by James H. Laue - 127-133 Some Present Aspects of Physical Anthropology
by W.W. Howells - 134-202 Book Department
by N/A
November 1964, Volume 356, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Donald N. Bigelow & Lyman H. Legters - 1-11 The Leadership of the Universities
by George E. Taylor - 12-22 The Role of the Foundations
by George M. Beckmann - 23-29 The Federal Government and the Universities
by Kenneth W. Mildenberger - 30-44 The Social Sciences in Non-Western Studies
by Milton Singer - 45-53 The Humanities and Non-Western Studies
by Albert H. Marckwardt - 54-62 South Asia Studies: A History
by W. Norman Brown - 63-69 East Asian Studies: A Comprehensive Program
by Wm. Theodore De Bary - 70-75 Southeast Asia: An Economist's Viewpoint
by Frank H. Golay - 76-85 Language Study and the Middle East
by Charles A. Ferguson - 86-92 Uralic and Altaic: The Neglected Area
by Denis Sinor - 93-99 Area Studies: Russia and Eastern Europe
by Henry L. Roberts - 100-105 The Interdisciplinary Effect in African Studies
by Conrad C. Reining - 106-112 The Strange Career of "Latin-American Studies"
by Richard M. Morse - 113-118 Instruction in Chinese and Japanese in Secondary Schools
by Frederick H. Jackson - 119-125 Provincialism and Constitutionalism: The Role of the States in Foreign Area Studies
by Ward Morehouse - 126-132 Development of Library Resources
by Paul L. Berry - 133-141 International Study at Home and Abroad
by Stephen A. Freeman - 142-167 Some Recent Trends in Stratification Theory and Research
by Raymond J. Murphy - 168-230 Book Department
by N/A
September 1964, Volume 355, Issue 1
- 1-8 Child Welfare Services Today: An Overview and Some Questions
by Alan Keith-Lucas - 9-19 Unmet and Future Needs
by E. Elizabeth Glover & Joseph H. Reid - 20-30 Child Welfare Research: A Review and Critique
by Edmund V. Mech - 31-41 Foster-Family Care: Has It Fulfilled Its Promise?
by Mary Lewis - 42-48 The Child-Caring Institution on the Move
by Hansel H. Hollingsworth - 49-55 New Methods of Care
by Donald D. Dowling - 56-61 Part-Time Care: The Day-Care Problem
by Eleanor M. Hosley - 62-68 A Community Approach to the Home: Homemaker Service
by John T. Mcdowell - 69-74 Adoption: The Created Family
by Carl Schoenberg - 75-81 Aid to Families with Dependent Children: The Basic Service
by Kermit T. Wiltse - 82-89 Helping Neglectful Parents
by Julia Ann Bishop - 90-97 Helping the Child Who Comes into Conflict with the Law
by Richard G. Farrow - 98-104 The Residential Treatment Center
by John G. Milner - 105-111 Child Guidance as a Community Service
by Donald Brieland & Norman J. Booth - 112-120 Maternal and Child Health Problems
by Alfred Yankauer - 121-127 The Handicapped Child
by Charles R. Gardipee - 128-133 The Licensing of Child-Care Facilities
by Claud B. Corry - 134-139 Guardianship: Every Child's Right
by Irving Weissman - 140-199 Book Department
by N/A
July 1964, Volume 354, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James C. Charlesworth - 1-8 The Soviet Union and African Countries
by Nikolai Fedorenko - 9-21 Africa vis-Ã -vis the Western Powers
by Cherif Guellal - 22-32 Tribalism and Social Evolution in Africa
by Colin M. Turnbull - 33-45 The Last Revolution: Community and Nation in Africa
by Douglas E. Ashford - 46-53 Recent Economic Growth in Africa
by Andrew M. Kamarck - 54-64 Diplomatic Rapport between Africa and the United States
by G. Mennen Williams - 65-74 American Aid to Africa
by Edmond C. Hutchinson - 75-83 The Influence of Africans on American Culture
by John A. Davis - 84-90 Africa: An African Evaluation
by J. David Rubadiri - 91-96 The Sweep of Nationalism in Africa
by Thomas Patrick Melady - 97-109 Political Stability in the New African States
by Herbert J. Spiro - 110-121 Democracy on Trial in Africa
by St. Clair Drake - 122-134 The Role of Africa in the United Nations
by Thomas Hovet JR - 135-144 Apartheid and the United Nations
by Ram C. Malhotra - 145-152 The United Nations and Colonialism in Africa
by Roy Welensky - 153-162 Recent Developments in Culture and Personality
by John J. Honigmann & Richard J. Preston - 163-228 Book Department
by N/A
May 1964, Volume 353, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Lee S. Greene - 1-13 The Changing Pattern of Urban Party Politics
by Fred I. Greenstein - 14-26 Boss and Faction
by James A. Riedel - 27-39 Bosses, Machines, and Ethnic Groups
by Elmer E. Cornwell JR - 40-51 Organized Labor and the City Boss
by Louis L. Friedland - 52-63 Leadership in a Large Manager City: The Case of Kansas City
by Stanley T. Gabis - 64-71 Dade County: Unbossed, Erratically Led
by Thomas J. Wood - 72-83 Metropolitics and Professional Political Leadership: The Case of Nashville
by Daniel R. Grant - 84-94 From Bossism to Cosmopolitanism: Changes in the Relationship of Urban Leadership to State Politics
by William C. Havard - 95-106 Urban Leadership during Change
by Gladys M. Kammerer & John M. Degrove - 107-121 The Decentralized Politics of Los Angeles
by Francis M. Carney - 122-130 Recent Developments in Latin-American History
by Robert N. Burr - 131-136 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1963
by N/A - 137-208 Book Department
by N/A
March 1964, Volume 352, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Robert B. Mitchell - 1-12 The Place of Nature in the City of Man
by Ian L. McHarg - 13-24 Physical and Mental Health in the City
by E. James Lieberman & Leonard J. Duhl - 25-32 Urban Social Differentiation and the Allocation of Resources
by Raymond W. Mack & Dennis C. McElrath - 33-38 Culture Change and the Planner
by Anthony N.B. Garvan - 39-47 Urban Economic Development
by John H. Nixon & Paul H. Gerhardt - 48-61 Administrative and Fiscal Considerations in Urban Development
by Werner Z. Hirsch - 62-73 The Political Side of Urban Development and Redevelopment
by Scott Greer & David W. Minar - 74-83 The Urban Pattern
by Hans Blumenfeld - 84-94 The Public Art of City Building
by David A. Crane - 95-106 City Schools
by Patricia Cayo Sexton - 107-118 Housing and Slum Clearance: Elusive Goals
by William G. Grigsby - 119-128 Social-Welfare Planning
by Elizabeth Wood - 129-140 Recreation and Urban Development: A Policy Perspective
by Lowdon Wingo JR - 141-151 Urban Transportation Criteria
by Henry Fagin - 152-164 Theoretical Economics
by Sidney Weintraub - 165-226 Book Department
by N/A
January 1964, Volume 351, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by D.F. Fleming & D.F. Fleming - 1-14 The Sino-Soviet Conflict in Perspective
by Robert A. Scalapino - 15-23 The Gaullist Revolt against the Anglo-Saxons
by Cecil V. Crabb JR - 24-29 Defense against Gaullist Isolationism
by James P. Warburg - 30-39 What Kind of NATO Nuclear Force?
by Raymond H. Dawson - 40-49 The Sino-Soviet Balance Sheet in the Underdeveloped Areas
by C.P. Fitzgerald - 50-57 India after the Chinese Attack
by Henry C. Hart - 58-71 The Southeast Asian Cockpit
by John Gange - 72-80 Cuba: Issues and Alternatives
by William Appleman Williams - 81-91 Can the Alliance for Progress Succeed?
by Willard F. Barber - 92-101 The Test-Ban Negotiations: Implications for the Future
by Harold Karan Jacobson - 102-109 The Warfare State
by Fred J. Cook - 110-120 Noneconomic Factors in the Institutionalization of the Cold War
by Irving Louis Horowitz - 121-131 Economic Alternatives to Arms Prosperity
by Seymour Melman - 132-139 Can a Nuclear World War Be Avoided?
by Norman A. Graebner - 140-147 Living with China as a Great Power
by O. Edmund Clubb - 148-156 The Unsolved German Settlement
by Fred Warner Neal - 157-169 The Turn toward Peace
by D.F. Fleming - 170-179 The Growth of the World Community
by Evan Luard - 180-180 Epilogue
by D.F. Fleming - 181-193 Selected Aspects of Archaeology, 1958 to 1963
by Robert H. Dyson JR - 194-257 Book Department
by N/A
November 1963, Volume 350, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Solomon Barkin & Albert A. Blum - 1-9 Is There a Crisis in the American Trade-Union Movement? Yes
by Edward T. Townsend - 10-15 Is There a Crisis in the Labor Movement? No
by Philip Taft - 16-24 Is There a Crisis in the American Trade-Union Movement?—The Trade Unionists' Views
by Solomon Barkin & Albert A. Blum - 25-35 Automation—End or a New Day in Unionism?
by James L. Stern