July 1962, Volume 342, Issue 1
- 9-20 The Conflict Involving Communism in Mid-Africa
by Julius Momo Udochi - 21-29 Tribalism, Nationalism, and Pan-Africanism
by William R. Bascom - 30-41 The Goals of United States Policy in Latin America
by Roy R. Rubottom JR - 42-53 The Chemistry of Political Change in Latin America
by A. Curtis Wilgus - 54-58 The Economic Basis of Politics in Latin America
by Victor Andres Belaunde - 59-68 Has the United States Overextended Its Commitments to Resist Communism?
by Louis Fischer - 69-79 The Future Role of the United States in the United Nations
by Harlan Cleveland - 80-88 Arms Control and Disarmament in a Divided World
by William C. Foster - 89-104 The United States and the Far East
by W. Averell Harriman - 105-110 The Appeals of Communism in Asia
by William C. Johnstone - 111-122 Prudent Limits to an American Commitment on European Political Union
by Clarence K. Streit - 123-129 Is NATO Solid and Is It Otherwise Adequate?
by Jean-Claude Winckler - 130-137 The United States Faces Economic Unity in Europe
by Gabriel Hauge - 138-146 Making Foreign Policy on the New Frontier
by Charles Burton Marshall - 147-153 The Influence of Congress in the Formulation of Disarmament Policy
by Joseph S. Clark - 154-160 American Hegemony and the Prospects for Peace
by Reinhold Niebuhr - 161-162 International Relations
by Oliver Benson - 162-162 MILTON KOVNER. The Challenge of Co existence: A Study of Soviet Economic Diplomacy. Pp. vi, 130. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $3.25
by Robert Loring Allen - 162-164 SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON. The Common Defense: Strategic Programs in National Politics. (Institute of War and Peace Studies.) Pp. xviii, 500. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $8.75. SIR JOHN SLESSOR. What Price Coexist ence?: A Policy for Western Alliance. Pp. 153. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.50
by William R. Kintner - 164-165 RICHARD KOEBNER. Empire. Pp. 393. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1961. $8.50
by Vernon J. Puryear - 165-166 STEPHEN D. KERTESZ (Ed.). American Diplomacy in a New Era. Pp. xi, 601. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1961. $10.00
by Frank M. Russell - 166-166 MYRES S. MCDOUGAL and FLORENTINO P. FELICIANO. Law and Minimum World Public Order: The Legal Regulation of International Coercion. Pp. xxvi, 872. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961. $12.50
by Arthur N. Holcombe - 166-167 WOLFGANG G. FRIEDMANN and GEORGE KALMANOFF (Eds.). Joint International Business Ventures. Pp. xi, 558. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $15.00
by Jerome B. Cohen - 167-168 SAMUEL HALPERIN. The Political World of American Zionism. Pp. ix, 431. De troit : Wayne University Press, 1961. $8.00
by Samuel Koenig - 168-169 European Government and History
by John W. Oliver - 169-170 RICHARD H. ULLMAN. Anglo-Soviet Rela tions, 1917-1921, Vol. I: Intervention and the War. Pp. xvi, 360. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $7.50
by Louis Fischer - 170-171 WALTER STAHL (Ed.). Education for De mocracy in West Germany: Achieve ments—Shortcomings—Prospects. Pp. xi, 356. New York: Frederick A. Praeger for Atlantik-Bruecke, 1961. $4.50
by Eugene Davidson - 171-171 JULIUS BRAUNTHAL. Otto Bauer: Eine Auswahl aus Seinem Lebenswerk. Pp. 338. Wien: Verlag der Wiener Volks buchhandlung, 1961. No price
by Walter A. Friedlander - 171-172 GINO LUZZATTO. An Economic History of Italy From the Fall of the Roman Em pire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. Translated by Philip Jones. Pp. viii, 180. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1961. $5.00
by Robert S. Lopez - 172-173 CHARLES F. DELZELL. Mussolini's Enemies: The Italian Anti-Fascist Resistance. Pp. xix, 620. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50
by Norman Kogan - 173-174 THOMAS GARDEN BARNES. Somerset, 1625- 1640 : A County's Government During the "Personal Rule." Pp. xiii, 369. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. $7.50
by Preston Slosson - 174-175 MARGARET COLE. The Story of Fabian So cialism. Pp. xv, 366. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $6.50
by Mary E. Murphy - 175-175 H. H. WILSON. Pressure Group: The Campaign for Commercial Television in England. Pp. 232. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $4.00
by Richard W. Lyman - 175-176 Asia and Africa
by Harold S. Quigley - 176-177 ROBERT J. C. BUTOW. Tojo and the Coming of the War. Pp. 584. Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1961. $10.00
by Paul F. Langer - 177-178 FRANKLIN W. HOUN. To Change a Nation: Propaganda and Indoctrination in Com munist China. Pp. x, 250. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1961. No price
by Theodore H.E. Chen - 178-179 CHÃœN-TU HSÃœEH. Huang Hsing and the Chinese Revolution. (Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science, XX.) Pp. xi, 260. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $5.75
by Earl Swisher - 179-180 RICHARD BUTWELL. Southeast Asia To day : A Political Analysis. Pp. x, 182. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.25 clothbopnd; $1.25 paper-bound
by Harry J. Benda - 180-181 GEORGE K. TANHAM. Communist Revolu tionary Warfare: The Vietminh in In dochina. Pp. 166. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $5.00
by Frank N. Tracer - 181-182 D. MACKENZIE BROWN. The Nationalist Movement: Indian Political Thought From Ranade to Bhave. Pp. x, 244. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1961. $1.50
by Charles H. Heimsath - 182-182 SACHIDANAND. Sarvodaya in a Communist State: A Socio-Economic Study of Gramdan Movement in Kerala. Pp. xvi, 206. Bombay: G. R. Bhatkal, 1961. Rs. 10.00
by M.L. Dantwala - 182-183 MAMADOU DIA. The African Nations and World Solidarity. Translated by Mercer Cook. Pp. xii, 145. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.85 cloth bound ; $1.85 paper-bound
by K.A. Busia - 183-184 F. P. SPOONER. South African Predica ment: The Economics of Apartheid. Pp. 288. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $5.00
by D. Hobart Houghton - 184-184 American Government and History
by Wallace S. Sayre - 185-185 E. WILDER SPAULDING. Ambassadors Ordi nary and Extraordinary. Pp. ix, 302. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $5.00
by Julius W. Pratt - 185-186 CHARLES A. GARRETT. The La Guardia Years: Machine and Reform Politics in New York City. Pp. ix, 423. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $8.50
by Hugh A. Bone - 186-187 L. ETHAN ELLIS. Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925-1929. Pp. ix, 303. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $7.50
by Earl Latham - 187-188 ARI HOOGENBOOM. Outlawing the Spoils: A History of the Civil Service Reform Movement, 1865-1883. Pp. xi, 306. Ur bana : University of Illinois Press, 1961. $6.50
by Ernest A. Engelbert - 188-189 WILLIAM H. NELSON. The American Tory. Pp. vi, 194. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1961. $4.80
by Ralph Adams Brown - 189-189 FRANCIS F. MCKINNEY. Education in Vio lence: The Life of George H. Thomas and the History of the Army of the Cumberland. Pp. xiv, 530. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1961. $9.50
by T. Harry Williams - 189-190 PHILIP SHRIVER KLEIN. President James Buchanan: A Biography. Pp. xviii, 506. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962. $7.50
by Richard W. Van Alstyne - 190-191 BERNHARD KNOLLENBERG. Origin of the American Revolution, 1759-1766. Pp. 350. New York: Crowell-Collier Pub lishing Company, 1961. $1.50
by Lawrence A. Harper - 191-191 BENJAMIN QUARLES. The Negro in the American Revolution. Pp. xiii, 231. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1961. $6.00
by Gerald D. Nash - 191-192 CLEMENT EATON. The Growth of South ern Civilization, 1790-1860. (The New American Nation Series.) Pp. xvii, 357. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $4.50
by George B. Tindall - 192-193 THOMAS P. ABERNETHY. A History of the South, Volume IV: The South in the New Nation, 1789-1819. Pp. xvi, 529. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univer sity Press for the Littlefield Fund for Southern History of the University of Texas, 1961. $7.50
by Cecil Johnson - 193-194 Philosophy and Religion
by Reinhard Bendix - 194-194 CHARLES L. SANFORD. The Quest for Paradise: Europe and the American Moral Imagination. Pp. x, 282. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. $5.00
by H. Hale Bellot - 195-195 WALTER ULLMAN. Principles of Govern ment and Politics in the Middle Ages. Pp. 320. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961. $6.00
by Kenneth M. Setton - 195-197 W. T. JONES. The Romantic Syndrome: Toward a New Method in Cultural An thropology and History of Ideas. (In ternational Scholars Forum, 14.) Pp. xv, 255. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. 23.75 guilders. LUCIO MENDIETA Y NUNEZ. Sociologia del Arte. Pp. 326. Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 1962. No price
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 197-198 RODERICK SEIDENBERG. Anatomy of the Future. Pp. 173. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1961. $3.50
by C.E. Ayres - 198-198 JUNE BINGHAM. Courage to Change: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr. Pp. xii, 414. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961. $7.50
by Louis William Norris - 198-199 RENÉ DUBOS. The Dreams of Reason: Science and Utopias. Pp. xii, 167. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $5.00
by Charles L. Sanford - 199-200 HAROLD EUGENE DAVIS (Ed.). Latin- American Social Thought: The History of its Development Since Independence, With Selected Readings. Pp. iv, 557. Washington, D. C.: University Press of Washington, D. C., 1961. $7.00
by W. Rex Crawford - 200-201 EGBERT DE VRIES. Man in Rapid Social Change. Pp. 240. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company for the World Council of Churches, 1961. $4.50. PAUL ABRECHT. The Churches and Rapid Social Changes. Pp. 216. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, 1961. $3.95
by Lewis M. Hoskins - 201-202 Economics
by Ronald H. Wolf - 202-203 ALLEN M. SIEVERS. Revolution, Evolution, and the Economic Order. Pp. vii, 173. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall (A Spectrum Book), 1962. $3.95 cloth bound; $1.95 paper-bound
by Edmund Whittaker - 203-203 CARTER GOODRICH (Ed.). Canals and American Economic Development. Pp. vi, 303. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1961. $7.50
by Charles Hoffmann - 204-204 ROBERT ENGLER. The Politics of Oil: A Study of Private Power and Democratic Directions. Pp. viii, 565. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. $7.50
by Charles R. Cherington - 204-205 STANLEY ANDREWS. The Farmer's Dilemma. Pp. vii, 184. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $4.50
by J.E. Wills - 205-206 HANS AUFRICHT. Central Banking Legis lation: A Collection of Central Bank, Monetary, and Banking Laws. Pp. xxi, 1012. Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fund, 1961. $10.00
by Arthur Leon Horniker - 206-207 EARL F. CHEIT. Injury and Recovery in the Course of Employment. Pp. xviii, 377. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. $11.95
by Arthur H. Reede - 207-208 ALEC NovE. The Soviet Economy: An In troduction. (Minerva Series of Students' Handbooks, No. 5.) Pp. 328. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $6.75 clothbound; $2.25 paper-bound. NICOLAS SPULBER (Ed.). Study of the So viet Economy: Direction and Impact of Soviet Growth, Teaching and Research in Soviet Economics. Pp. xiii, 169. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1961. No price
by Jan S. Prybyla - 208-209 Sociology and Education
by A. Vidich - 209-210 JAMES C. N. PAUL and MURRAY L. SCHWARTZ. Federal Censorship: Obscen ity in the Mail. Pp. xv, 368. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1961. $7.50
by Lucius Wilmerding JR - 210-211 RICHARD KYLE-KEITH. The High Price of Pornography. Pp. vii, 230. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $4.50
by William Albig - 211-211 NATHAN GLAZER. The Social Basis of American Communism. (The Commu nism in American Life Series.) Pp. 244. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961. $5.50
by O.H.K. Spate - 211-212 BERNARD A. WEISBERGER. The American Newspaperman. (The Chicago History of American Civilization.) Pp. x, 226. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. $4.50
by Patrick D. Hazard - 213-213 E. GARTLEY JACO. The Social Epidemi ology of Mental Disorders: A Psychi atric Survey of Texas. Pp. 228. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1960. $3.50
by Edmund H. Volkart - 213-214 DAVID M. SCHNEIDER and KATHLEEN GOUGH (Eds.). Matrilineal Kinship. Pp. xvii, 761. Berkeley and Los An geles : University of California Press, 1961. $11.75
by Bernard S. Cohn - 214-215 JOHN C. BOLLENS (Ed.). Exploring the Metropolitan Community. Pp. xvii, 492. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. $7.50
by Noel P. Gist - 215-216 UNITED STATES COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS. 1961 Report, Books 1-5: Vot ing, Education, Employment, Housing, Justice. Pp. lxvii, 1391. Washington, D. C.: United States Government Print ing Office, 1961. $5.95
by Arnold M. Rose - 216-217 CHARLES HERBERT STEMBER. Education and Attitude Change: The Effect of Schooling on Prejudice Against Minority Groups. Pp. xvii, 182. New York: In stitute of Human Relations Press, 1961. No price
by J. Milton Yinger - 217-218 JAMES BRYANT CONANT. Slums and Sub urbs: A Commentary on Schools in Metropolitan Areas. Pp. viii, 147. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1961. $3.95 clothbound; $1.95 paper- bound
by Richard V. Rapacz - 218-219 WILLIAM J. MCGLOTHLIN. Patterns of Professional Education. Pp. xviii, 288. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1960. $6.75
by Paul L. Essert - 219-219 JAMES W. WILSON and EDWARD H. LYONS. Work-Study College Programs: Appraisal and Report of the Study of Cooperative Education. Pp. xii, 240. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $3.50
by William J. Mcglothlin - 220-220 DAVID D. HENRY. What Priority for Edu cation?: The American People Must Soon Decide. Pp. 92. Urbana: Univer sity of Illinois Press, 1961. $2.50
by Frederick E. Ellis - 220-221 Letters to the Editor
by N/A - 221-221 LONDON, May 9, 1962
by Arnold J. Toynbee - 221-221 Other Books
by N/A
May 1962, Volume 341, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by J.K. Zawodny - 1-7 Unconventional Warfare: One Military View
by William P. Yarborough - 8-18 Guerrilla and Sabotage: Organization, Operations, Motivations, Escalation
by J.K. Zawodny - 19-29 Antiguerrilla Operations
by Charles T.R. Bohannan - 30-41 International Law and Its Protection for Participants in Unconventional Warfare
by Morris Greenspan - 42-52 Cuba: A Case Study of a Successful Attempt to Seize Political Power by the Application of Unconventional Warfare
by Merle Kling - 53-64 Unconventional Warfare : Strategy and Tactics in Internal Political Strife
by Klaus Knorr - 65-73 Patterns of Subversion by Violence
by Russell Rhyne - 74-81 Unconventional Warfare: American and Soviet Approaches
by Slavko N. Bjelajac - 82-92 Are Americans and Their Cultural Values Adaptable to the Concept and Techniques of Unconventional Warfare?
by Robin M. Williams JR - 93-101 Unconventional Warfare as a Concern of American Foreign Policy
by Charles Burton Marshall - 102-107 Appendix
by N/A - 108-112 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1961
by James C. Charlesworth & Stephen B. Sweeney & Norman D. Palmer & M. Albert Linton & Lewis M. Stevens & Thorsten Sellin & Raymond T. Bowman & Joseph H. Willits & James P. Warburg & Howard C. Petersen & Roy F. Nichols & Loren C. Eiseley - 113-114 MORTON A. KAPLAN and NICHOLAS DEB. KATZENBACH. The Political Founda tions of International Law. Pp. xi, 372. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. $6.95
by Martin B. Travis - 114-115 ADOLF GRABOWSKY. Raum, Staat und Geschichte: Grundlegung der Geopolitik. Pp. 263. Berlin: Carl Heymanns Ver lag, 1960. No price
by Robert Strausz-Hupé - 115-116 HEDLEY BULL. The Control of the Arms Race: Disarmament and Arms Control in the Missile Age. (Studies in Inter national Security, II.) Pp. 215. New York: Frederick A. Praeger for the Institute for Strategic Studies, 1961. $3.95
by Bernard Brodie - 116-116 ANNE ARMSTRONG. Unconditional Sur render : The Impact of the Casablanca Policy Upon World War II. Pp. xiv, 304. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $6.50
by Alfred J. Hotz - 116-117 ANTHONY SOKOL. Sea Power in the Nuclear Age. Pp. vii, 268. Washing ton, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $6.00
by Leland P. Lovette - 117-118 WILLIAM R. WILLOUGHBY. The St. Law rence Waterway: A Study in Politics and Diplomacy. Pp. xiv, 381. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. $6.00
by Maurice W. Armstrong - 118-119 WILLIAM BENTON. The Voice of Latin America. Pp. xix, 204. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $3.95
by Donald Marquand Dozer - 119-120 J. LLOYD MECHAM. The United Stdtes and Inter-American Security, 1889-1960 Pp. xii, 514. Austin: University of Texas Press for the Institute of Latin- American Studies, University of Texas, 1961. $7.50
by J. Fred Rippy - 120-121 HARLAN CLEVELAND, GERARD J. MANGONE, and JOHN CLARKE ADAMS. The Over seas Americans. Pp. xv, 316. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1960. $5.95
by Clarence E. Thurber - 121-122 STANLEY G. PAYNE. Falange: A History of Spanish Fascism. (Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science, XXII.) Pp. ix, 316. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $6.00
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 122-122 RICHARD A. WEBSTER. The Cross and the Fasces: Christian Democracy and Fas cism in Italy. Pp. xiii, 229. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1960. $5.00
by William Ebenstein - 122-123 DONALD G. BISHOP. The Administration of British Foreign Relations. Pp. xvi, 410. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse Uni versity Press, 1961. $7.00
by Charles Jeffries - 123-125 A. J. P. TAYLOR. The Origins of the Second World War. Pp. x, 296. New York: Atheneum Publishers, 1962. $4.50
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 125-126 RAUL HILBERG. The Destruction of the European Jews. Pp. x, 788. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1961. $17.50
by H.G. Reissner - 126-126 W. S. WOYTINSKY. Stormy Passage: A Personal History Through Two Russian Revolutions to Democracy and Freedom, 1905-1960. Pp. xxii, 550. New York: Vanguard Press, 1961. $10.00
by Alexander Dallin - 126-127 MARTIN MALIA. Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812- 1855. (Russian Research Center Studies, 39.) Pp. ix, 486. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. $10.00
by Jesse D. Clarkson - 127-128 EDWARD TABORSKY. Communism in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1960. Pp. xii, 628. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50
by Josef Korbel - 128-129 PAUL KECSKEMETI. The Unexpected Rev olution : Social Forces in the Hungarian Uprising. Pp. vi, 178. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $4.75
by E.C. Helmreich - 129-130 LAWRENCE HENRY GIPSON. The British Empire Before the Revolution, Vol. X: The Triumphant Empire: Thunder- Clouds Gather in the West, 1763-1766. Pp. lxxv, 414, lii. New York: Alfred F. Knopf, 1961. $8.50
by Vernon J. Puryear - 130-131 Letters and Documents of Napoleon, Vol. I: The Rise to Power. Selected and translated by John Eldred Howard. Pp. xxxiv, 540. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1961. $8.80
by Robert F. Byrnes - 131-132 The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections. Translated by Henry Bertram Hill. Pp. xx, 128. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. $3.75
by Joseph F. Costanzo - 132-132 The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. V: The Ascendancy of France, 1648- 1688. Edited by F. L. Carsten. Pp. xxiv, 630. New York: Cambridge Uni versity Press. 1961. $8.50
by C.V. Wedgwood - 132-133 F. G. EMMISON. Tudor Secretary: Sir William Petre at Court and at Home. Pp. xx, 364. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1961. $8.50
by Mildred Campbell - 133-134 DOUGLASS ADAIR and JOHN A. SCHUTZ (Eds.). Peter Oliver's Origin and Prog ress of the American Rebellion: A Tory View. Pp. xxi, 173. San Marino, Calif.: Huntingdon Library, 1961. $5.00
by Curtis P. Nettels - 134-135 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3: January 1, 1745 Through June 30, 1750. Edited by Leonard W. Labaree and Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. Pp. xxv, 513. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961. $10.00
by William E. Lingelbach - 135-136 THOMAS JEFFERSON. The Papers oj Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 16: 30 November 1789 to 4 July 1790. Edited by Julian P. Boyd, with Alfred L. Bush, Assistant Editor, and Lucius Wilmerding, Jr., Consulting Editor. Pp. xliii, 675. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50
by Leslie Lipson - 136-137 STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. The Letters of Stephen A. Douglas. Edited by Robert W. Johannson. Pp. xxxi, 558. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. $10.00
by Rembert W. Patrick - 137-138 NORMAN A. GRAEBNER (Ed.). Politics and the Crisis of 1860. Pp. xii, 156. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1961. $3.00
by Carrol H. Quenzel - 138-138 WILLIAM M. LAMERS. The Edge of Glory: A Biography of General William S. Rosecrans, U. S. A. Pp. x, 499. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961. $6.95
by E.M. Coulter - 138-139 WILLIAM BARNES and JOHN HEATH MOR GAN. The Foreign Service of the United States: Origins, Development, and Func tions. Pp. xiii, 430. Washington, D. C.: Historical Office, Bureau of Public Af fairs, Department of State, 1961. $3.50
by Warren F. Ilchman - 139-140 NORMAN A. GRAEBNER (Ed.). An Uncertain Tradition: American Secretaries of State in the Twentieth Century. Pp. ix, 341. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Com pany, 1961. $6.95
by Charles W. Shull - 140-141 ERNEST R. MAY. Imperial Democracy: The Emergence of America as a Great Power. Pp. vii, 318. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. $6.75
by Jeannette P. Nichols - 141-141 DEAN ALBERTSON. Roosevelt's Farmer: Claude R. Wickard in the New Deal. Pp. ix, 424. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1961. $6.00
by James J. Flynn - 141-142 PAUL T. DAVID (Ed.). The Presidential Election and Transition, 1960-1961. (The Brookings Lectures and Additional Papers.) Pp. ix, 353. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1961. $3.75
by Cortez A.M. Ewing - 142-143 CLAUDE A. Buss. The Arc of Crisis. Pp. 479. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, 1961. $5.95
by Russell H. Fifield - 143-144 LEA E. WILLIAMS. Overseas Chinese Na tionalism : The Genesis of the Pan- Chinese Movement in Indonesia, 1900- 1916. Pp. xiv, 235. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $4.50
by Guy J. Pauker - 144-145 Records of the Grand Historian of China, Vol. I: Early Years of the Han Dynasty, 209 to 141 B. C.; Vol. II: The Age of Emperor Wu, 140 to Circa 100 B. C. Translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch'ien by Burton Watson. (Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies, No. LXV.) Pp. xi, 563; viii, 563. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $10.00; $10.00
by Allan B. Cole - 145-146 C. K. YANG. Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors. Pp. viii, 473. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. $9.50
by Werner Levi - 146-146 D. V. COWEN. The Foundations of Free dom, With Special Reference to South ern Africa. Pp. 258. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1961. $7.00
by Arthur Keppel-Jones - 146-147 RAYMOND F. BETTS. Assimilation and As sociation in French Colonial Theory, 1890-1914. Pp. ix, 224. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $5.00
by Philip Mason - 147-148 MORTIMER J. ADLER. The Idea of Free dom, Vol. II: A Dialectical Examination of the Controversies About Freedom. Pp. x, 754. Garden City, N. Y.: Double day & Company, 1961. $7.50
by Horace M. Kallen - 148-149 EDMOND CAHN. The Predicament of Democratic Man. Pp. 194. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. $3.95
by Eugene P. Chase - 149-150 GLENN ABERNATHY. The Right of As sembly and Association. Pp. vi, 262. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1961. $6.25
by Franklin L. Burdette - 150-151 PAUL F. SCHMIDT. Religious Knowledge. Pp. ix, 147. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1961. $4.00
by A. Campbell Garnett - 151-151 ALFRED E. KUENZLI (Ed.). Reconstruc tion in Religion: A Symposium. Pp. xvi, 253. Boston: Beacon Press, 1961. $3.95
by Leonard D. Cain - 151-152 IRVING LOUIS HOROWITZ. Radicalism and the Revolt against Reason: The Social Theories of Georges Sorel, With a Trans lation of His Essay on the Decomposi tion of Marxism. Pp. viii, 264. New York: Humanities Press, 1961. $6.00
by Kurt H. Wolff - 152-153 HELMUT SCHOECK and JAMES W. WIGGINS (Eds.). Relativism and the Study of Man. Pp. x, 259. Princeton, N. J.: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1961. $6.50
by John P. Gillin - 153-154 JUSTUS BUCHLER. The Concept of Method. Pp. viii, 180. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $4.00
by Roy G. Francis - 154-155 WILLIAM J. NEWMAN. The Futilitarian Society. Pp. 412. New York: George Braziller, 1961. $6.00
by Ralph H. Gabriel - 155-156 OLIVER C. CARMICHAEL. Graduate Educa tion : A Critique and a Program. Pp. ix, 213. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $4.50
by Roy F. Nichols - 156-158 DEAN RUSK. The Role of the Foundation in American Life. Pp. xi, 65. Clare mont, California: Claremont University College, 1961. $2.75
by George S. Counts - 158-158 THEODORE BRAMELD. Education for the Emerging Age: Newer Ends and Stronger Means. Pp. viii, 244. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $5.00
by Frederick E. Ellis - 158-160 PER JACOBSSON. The Market Economy in the World of Today. (Jayne Lectures for 1961.) Pp. x, 77. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1961. $1.50
by Arthur Leon Horniker - 160-161 SUMNER H. SLICHTER. Economic Growth in the United States: Its History, Prob lems, and Prospects. Edited by John T. Dunlop. Pp. xi, 196. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1961. $5.00
by Raymond W. Goldsmith - 161-161 KURT B. MAYER and SIDNEY GOLDSTEIN. The First Two Years: Problems of Small Firm Growth and Survival. (Small Business Research Series, No. 2.) Pp. x, 233. Washington, D. C.: United States Government Printing Office for the Small Business Administration, 1961. $1.00
by Arnold C. Cooper - 161-162 JAMES W. KUHN. Bargaining in Grievance Settlement: The Power of Industrial Work Groups. Pp. xii, 206. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $4.50
by Mark Perlman - 162-163 H. C. GANGULI. Industrial Productivity and Motivation: A Psychological Anal ysis. Pp. xi, 92. Bombay: Asia Publish ing House (Distributed by Taplinger Publishing Company, New York), 1961. $2.25
by Ronald Gross - 163-164 WOLFGANG KÖLLMANN. Sozialgeschichte der Stadt Barmen im 19. Jahrhundert. Pp. xvi, 315. Tübingen, Germany: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1960. DM 29.00
by Bert F. Hoselitz - 164-165 GIDEON SJOBERG. The Preindustrial City: Past and Present. Pp. xii, 352. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $6.75
by S.N. Eisenstadt - 165-166 ROSCOE C. MARTIN, FRANK J. MUNGER, and OTHERS. Decisions in Syracuse. (Metro politan Action Studies, No. 1.) Pp. xvi, 368. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1961. $6.95
by Winston W. Crouch - 166-167 JEAN GOTTMANN. Megalopolis: The Ur banized Northeastern Seaboard of the United States. Pp. xi, 810. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1961. $10.00
by William L.C. Wheaton - 167-168 S. D. CLARK (Ed.). Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society. Pp. vii, 150. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961. $3.50
by H.F. Angus - 168-169 VICTOR A. THOMPSON. Modern Organiza tion. Pp. viii, 197, xi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. $3.75
by Charles P. Loomis - 169-170 JAMES AVERY JOYCE. Capital Punishment: A World View. Pp. 288. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1961. $5.00
by Hugo Adam Bedau - 170-171 ROBERT C. O'HARA. Media for the Mil lions : The Process of Mass Communica tion. Pp. xviii, 421. New York: Random House, 1961. $4.25
by Patrick D. Hazard - 171-172 ELLIOTT M. RUDWICK. W. E. B. DuBois: A Study in Minority Group Leadership. Pp. 382. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1961. $6.00
by Benjamin Quarles - 172-173 DAVID YAUKEY. Fertility Differences in a Modernizing Country: A Survey of Lebanese Couples. Pp. xviii, 204. Prince ton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $4.00
by Lincoln Armstrong - 173-173 NATHAN L. WHETTEN. Guatemala: The Land and the People. (Caribbean Series, 4.) Pp. xvi, 399. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961. $6.00
by J. Lloyd Mecham
March 1962, Volume 340, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Charles C. Killingsworth - 1-9 The Intellectual Foundations of Automation
by J.F. Reintjes - 10-20 Artificial Intelligence: A Frontier of Automation
by Arthur L. Samuel - 21-28 Detroit Automation
by Anderson Ashburn - 29-37 Process Control: Past, Present, and Future
by Thomas M. Stout - 38-45 The Application of Information Technology
by John Diebold - 46-52 The Great Employment Controversy
by Walter Buckingham - 53-59 Automation and Skill
by Seymour L. Wolfbein - 60-68 Automation and the Employee
by William A. Faunce & Einar Hardin & Eugene H. Jacobson - 69-80 Industrial Relations and Automation
by Charles C. Killingsworth - 81-89 Automation and the Management Process
by Thomas L. Whisler & George P. Shultz - 90-99 Automation and Unemployment: A Management Viewpoint
by Malcolm L. Denise - 100-109 Policies for Automation: A Labor Viewpoint
by Walter P. Reuther - 110-116 The Role of Government
by Arthur J. Goldberg - 117-126 Automation Outside the United States
by David A. Morse - 127-128 International Relations
by Jay H. Cerf - 128-129 SHELDON APPLETON. The Eternal Triangle ? : Communist China, the United States and the United Nations. Pp. xiv, 274. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1961. $5.95
by Werner Levi - 129-130 G. F. HUDSON, RICHARD LOWENTHAL, and RODERICK MACFARQUHAR. The Sino-Soviet Dispute. Pp. ix, 227. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $5.00
by H. Arthur Steiner - 130-130 SETH P. TILLMAN. Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Pp. xiv, 442. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $8.50
by Arthur Willert - 130-131 LOUIS HENKIN (Ed.). Arms Control: Issues for the Public. Pp. ix, 207. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1961. $3.50
by Theodore Ropp - 131-132 BERNHARD G. BECHHOEFER. Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control. Pp. xiv, 641. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1961. $8.75
by Otto Heilbrunn - 132-133 CHE GUEVARA. Guerrilla Warfare. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1961. $3.50
by Renzo Sereno - 133-134 BRYCE WOOD. The Making of the Good Neighbor Policy. Pp. x, 438. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $7.50
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 134-135 HERBERT L. MATTHEWS. The Cuban Story. Pp. 318. New York: George Braziller, 1961. $4.50
by A. Curtis Wilgus - 135-136 THOMAS L. KARNES. The Failure of Union : Central America, 1824-1960. Pp. xii, 277. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1961. $6.00
by Mario RodrÃguez - 136-136 JOHN W. F. DULLES. Yesterday in Mexico: A Chronicle of the Revolution, 1919-1936. Pp. xvi, 805. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961. $8.50
by K.H. Silvert - 136-137 European Government and History
by David Hecht - 137-138 R. CONQUEST. Power and Policy in the U.S.S.R.: The Study of Soviet Dynastics. Pp. x, 485. New York: St. Martins Press, 1961. $7.95
by Ralph Haswell Lutz