January 1895, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 140-143 National Life and Character; a Forecast. By CHARLES H. PEAR- SON. Pp. 357. Price, $2.00. New edition. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by C.H. Lincoln - 143-145 Eight Hours for Work. By JOHN RAE. Pp. 340. Price, $I.25. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by H.H. Powers - 145-146 The Life and Times of James the First, the Conqueror, King of Aragon, etc. By F. DARWIN SWIFT, B. A., formerly scholar of Queens College, Oxford. Pp. xx, 3II. Price, $3.25. London and New York : Macmillan & Co., I894
by Edward G. Bourne - 146-148 Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Socialismus. By ROBERT TÖHLMAUN. I. Band. München: Beck, I893
by Ludwig Gumplowicz - 148-149 History of Taxation in Vermont. By FREDERICK A. WOOD, Ph. D. Columbia College Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Vol. IV, No. 3. Pp. I28. Price, 75 cents. New York : Columbia College, I894
by Carl C. Plehn - 149-153 Notes on Economics
by Henry R. Seager - 154-163 Notes
by N/A - 164-168 Miscellany
by N/A - 169-179 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A - 180-192 Sociological Notes
by N/A
October 1894, Volume 5, Issue 9_suppl
- 1-1 Preamble
by N/A - 7-22 The Constitution of Italy
by N/A - 23-44 The Constitution of Itaty
by Charles Albert
September 1894, Volume 5, Issue 8_suppl
- 7-25 A Brief Sketch of the Origin and Nature of the Prussian Constitution
by James Harvey Robinson - 26-54 The Constitution of Prussia
by N/A
August 1894, Volume 5, Issue 7_suppl
- 5-5 Preface
by N/A - 7-12 The Theory of Sociology
by N/A - 13-36 Chapter II
by N/A - 37-42 Chapter III
by N/A - 43-62 Chapter IV
by N/A - 63-75 Chapter V
by N/A - 76-80 Chapter VI
by N/A
July 1894, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-18 Why Had Roscher so Little Influence in England?
by W. Cunningham - 19-44 Reasonable Railway Rates
by H.T. Newcomb - 45-60 The Economic Function of Woman
by Edward T. Devine - 61-81 Relief Work Carried on in the Wells Memorial Institute
by Helena S. Dudley - 82-88 Utility, Economics and Sociology
by Franklin H. Giddings - 88-93 The Organic Concept of Society
by S.N. Patten - 93-95 Professor J. B. Clark's Use of the Terms "Rent" and "Profits."
by J.H. Hollander - 96-104 Personal Notes
by N/A - 105-106 Reviews
by L.S. Rowe - 106-128 Restrictions upon Local and Special Legislation in State Constitu tions. By CHARLES CHAUNCEY BINNEY. Pp. 195. Price, $I.50. Philadelphia: Kay & Bros., 1894
by N/A - 129-135 Notes
by N/A - 136-139 Miscellany
by N/A - 140-144 Notes on Municipal Government
by N/A
June 1894, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-60 The Ultimate Standard of Value
by E. Von Böhm-Bawerk & C.W. Macfarlane - 61-93 Relation of Labor Organizations to the American Boy and to Trade Instruction
by Edward W. Bemis - 94-108 Mortgage Banking in Russia
by D.M. Frederiksen - 109-112 The Beginning of Utility
by Simon N. Patten - 112-121 Present Condition of Sociology in the United States
by Ira W. Howerth - 121-123 Tee Improvement of Country Roads in Massachusetts and New York
by Emory R. Johnson - 124-136 Personal Notes
by N/A - 137-163 Book Department
by N/A - 164-168 Notes
by N/A
May 1894, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-27 The Future Problem of Charity and the Unemployed
by John Graham Brooks - 28-47 Peaceable Boycotting
by N/A - 48-89 The Significance of a Decreasing Birthrate
by J.L. Brownell - 90-103 Rent and Profit
by C.W. Macfarlane - 104-106 Personal Notes
by N/A - 107-108 Reviews
by Dana C. Munro - 108-109 Public Assistance of the Poor in France. By EMILY GREENE BALCH. Pp. 179. Publications of the American Economic Association, Vol. VIII. Nos. 4 and 5. Price, $1.00. Baltimore: 1893
by David I. Green - 109-111 The Resources and Development of Mexico. By HUBERT HOWE BANCROFT. Pp. xii, 325. Price $4.50. San Francisco: The Bancroft Company, 1893
by F.W. Blackmar - 111-113 Les Destinées de l'Arbitrage International depuis la sentence rendue par le tribunal de Genéve. By Professor E. ROUARD DE CARD. Pp. 264. Price 5 fr. Paris : 1892
by Jeremiah W. Jenks - 113-114 An Essay on Judicial Power and Unconstitutional Legislation. By BRINTON COXE. Pp. xvi, 415. Price $3.00. Philadelphia : Kay & Brother, 1893
by Charles F.A. Currier - 114-116 The Union Pacific Railway. A Study in Railway Politics, History and Economics. By JOHN P. DAVIS, A. M. Pp. 247. Price $2.00. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1894. National Consolidation of the Railways of the United States. By GEORGE H. LEWIS, M. A. Pp. 326. Price $1.50. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893
by Emory R. Johnson - 116-117 Histoire des Doctrines Êconomiques. Par A. ESPINAS, Professeur à la faculté des lettres de Bordeaux. Pp. 359. Paris : Armand Colin et Cie, 1892
by D. Kinley - 118-122 The Economics of a Russian Village. By ISAAC A. HOURWICH, Ph. D. Pp. 182. Price $1.00. Columbia College Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Vol. II, No. I. New York, 1893
by William Harbutt Dawson - 122-123 Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaft. Von Dr. JULIUS LEHR. Price 9 M. Leipzig: Hirschfeld, 1893
by Karl Diehl - 123-128 Principles of Political Economy. By J. SHIELD NICHOLSON. Vol. I, Pp. 452. Price $3.00. London: Macmillan & Co. 1893
by H.H. Powers - 128-136 Wesen und Zweck der Politik, als Theil der Sociologie und Crundlage der Staatswissenschaften. Von GUSTAV RATZENHOFER. 3 vols. Pp. 400, 363 and 481. Price 20 m. Leipzig: Bockhaus, 1893
by Ludwig Gumplowicz - 136-138 The Repudiation of State Debts. By WILLIAM A. SCOTT, Ph. D. Pp. x, 325. Price $1.50. Library of Economics and Politics, Number 2. Richard T. Ely, editor. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,1893
by George P. Garrison - 138-139 An Analysis of the Ideas of Economics. By L. P. SHIRRES. Pp. 260. Price $2.00. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1893
by Sidney Sherwood - 139-139 Note of Correction
by J.W. Jenks - 140-148 Notes
by N/A
March 1894, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 1-26 The Problems of Municipal Government
by Edwin L. Godkin - 27-47 The Reform of Our State Governments
by Gamaliel Bradford - 48-62 A Decade of Mortgages
by George K. Holmes - 63-91 The Failure of Biologic Sociology
by Simon N. Patten - 92-109 Minutes of the Proceedings
by N/A - 110-113 Money as a Measure of Value
by L.S. Mfrriam - 113-116 An Unfinished Study By Dr. Merriam
by John B. Clark - 116-118 School Savings Banks
by Sara Louisa Oberholtzer - 119-122 Personal Notes
by N/A - 123-125 Reviews
by William Harbutt Dawson - 125-126 Introduction to the Study of Political Economy. By LUIGI COSSA. Translated by LOUIS DYER. Pp. x., 587. New York : Macmillan & Co., I893
by Jeremiah W. Jenks - 126-129 A Standard Dictionary of the English Language. Prepared under the supervision of ISAAC K. FUNK, D. D., editor-in-chief. In two volumes. Vol. I. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., I894
by Emory R. Johnson - 129-131 How to Study and Teach History. By B. A. HINSDALE, Ph.D., LL. D. Edited by Dr. W. T. HARRIS, U. S. Commissioner of Edu cation. Pp. xxii, 346. New York: D. Appleton & Co., I894
by H. Mace - 131-134 Histoire générale du IVe Siècle à nos Jours, publié sous la direction de MM. E. LAVISSE et A RAMBAUD. Tome I, Les Origines 395- I095. Tome II, L'Europe feodale, les Croisades I095-I270, pp. vi, 805 and 987. Paris: Armand Colin et Cie. I893
by D.C. Munro - 134-136 Il malthusismo e i problemi sociale. By VITTORIO LEBRECHT, Torini: Loescher, I893
by Achille Loria - 136-137 Abraham Lincoln. By JOHN T. MORSE, JR. American Statesmen Series, 2 vols. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I893
by J.A. James - 138-139 The Future of Silver. By EDUARD SUESS, Professor of Geology at the University of Vienna. Translated by ROBERT STEIN, U. S. Geological Survey. Published by direction of the Committee on Finance, U. S. Senate. Pp. I0I. Washington: Government Printing Office, I893
by Roland P. Falkner - 139-142 American Railroads as Investments. A Handbook for Investors in American Railroad Securities. By S. F. VAN OSS. Pp. xv., 824. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. London : Effingham Wilson & Co., I893. Compendiusn of Transportation Theories. Kensington Series, First Book. A compilation of Essays upon Transportation Subjects by Eminent Experts. Publication of series under direction of C. C. McCAIN. Pp. 295. Washington, D. C.: Kensington Publishing Company, I893. Addresses Delivered Before the World's Railway Commerce Congress, held in Chicago, Ill., June I9-23, I893, Under the Auspices of the World's Columbian Auxiliary of the World 's Columbian Expo sition. Official Report. Pp. 265. Chicago: The Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader, I893
by Emory R. Johnson - 142-143 Die Naturwissenschaft und die Socialdemokralische Theorie; ihr Verhältniss dargelegt auf Grund der Werke von Darwin und Bebel. Von HEINRICH ERNEST ZIEGLER, Professor at Freiburg i. B. Stuttgart : Enke, I894
by Ludwig Gumplowics - 143-145 Sources of the Constitution of the United States Considered in Relation to Colonial and English History. By C. ELLIS STEVENS, LL.D., D. C. L. Pp. xii, 277. New York and London: Macmillan & Co., I894
by James Harvey Robinson - 146-152 Notes
by N/A
July 1894, Volume 4, Issue 6_suppl
- 5-6 Introductory Note
by Edmund J. James - 7-10 Chapter I
by N/A - 11-20 Chapter II
by N/A - 21-29 Chapter III
by N/A - 30-40 Chapter IV
by N/A - 41-51 Chapter V
by N/A - 52-66 Chapter VI
by N/A - 67-99 Chapter VII
by N/A - 100-135 Chapter VIII
by N/A
February 1894, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 1-41 The Idea of Justice in Political Economy
by Gustav Schmoller - 42-56 Classification of Law
by Russell H. Curtis - 57-67 American Life Insurance Methods
by Miles Menander Dawson - 68-93 Relation of Taxation to Monopolies
by Emory R. Johnson - 94-102 The Farmers' Movement
by C.S. Walker - 102-109 The Grange and the Co-Operative Enterprises in New England
by Florence J. Foster - 109-113 The Pennsylvania Tax Conference
by H.R. Seager - 114-119 Personal Notes
by N/A - 120-122 Reviews
by George H. Haynes - 122-126 The Distribution of Wealth. By JOHN R. COMMONS. Pp. 258. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. I893
by Lester F. Ward - 126-128 Bankruptcy: A Study in Comparative Legislation. By S. WHITNEY DUNSCOMB, Jr., Ph. D. Pp. ix, I67. Columbia College Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Vol. II. No. 2. New York, I893
by John Lowell - 129-130 The Early Records of the Town of Providence, Vols. I-IV, printed under authority of the City Council of Providence by HORATIO ROGERS, GEORGE MOULTON CARPENTER and EDWARD FIELD. Providence, I892-93
by Charles M. Andrews - 131-133 The Labor Movement. By L. T. HOBHOUSE, M. A. Pp. 98. London: T. Fisher Unwin. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. I893. Kritik des Socialismus. Von LUDWIG FELIX. Pp. II7. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. I893
by A. Scott - 133-134 Staatsschuldentilgung und Staatsbankerott. By Dr. ALOIS KÖRNER. Pp. I04. Vienna, I893. La Grèce Économique et Financière en I893. By DEM. GEORGIADÈS. Pp. I44. Paris, 1893
by W.M. Daniels - 134-136 Die Preisbewegung der Edelmetalle seit I850 verglichen mit der der anderen Metalle, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Produk tions- und Konsumtionsverhältnisse, Von Dr. SAMUEL McCUNE LINDSAY. Pp. 2I9. Jena : Gustav Fischer. I893
by Roland P. Falkner - 137-138 Agricultural Insurance in Organic Connection with Savings Banks, Land Credit and the Commutation of Debts. By DR. P. MAYET (translated from the German by REV. ARTHUR LLOYD, M. A.). London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co
by William Harbutt Dawson - 138-139 Socialism, its Growth and Outcome, by WILLIAM MORRIS and E. BELFORT BAX. Pp. viii., 335. London: Swan, Sonnenchein & Co. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. I893
by H.H. Powers - 139-140 Politische Geographie der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der natürlichen Bedingungen und wirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse. By Dr. FRIEDRICH RATZEL, Pro fessor der Geographie an der Universität zu Leipzig. Zweite Auflage. Pp. 763. München: R. Oldenburg. I893
by Bllen C. Semple - 141-142 The Financial History of Virginia, I609-I776. By WILLIAM ZEBINA RIPLEY, PH. D. Columbia College Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Vol. IV, No. I. Pp. I70. New York: I893
by C.C. Plehn - 142-144 Darwin and Hegel, with other Philosophical Studies. By DAVID G. RITCHIE, M. A. Pp. xv., 285. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.; New York: Macmillan & Co. I893
by Frank I. Herriott - 144-145 I Primi Due Secoli della Storia di Firenze, Recerche di PASQUALE VILLARI. Vol. I. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni. I893
by L.S. Rowe - 145-149 Staatenbund und Bundesstaat, Untersuchungen über die Praxis und das Recht der modernen Bunde, von Dr. J. B. WESTERKAMP. Pp. 549. Leipzig, I892
by James Harvey Robinson - 150-153 Notes
by N/A - 154-160 Miscellany
by N/A
January 1894, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-36 Indian Currency
by Guilford L. Molesworth - 37-64 The Adaption of Society to Its Environment
by William Draper Lewis - 65-89 The Federal Revenues and the Income Tax
by Frederic C. Howe - 90-127 The Political Ethics of Herbert Spencer
by Lester F. Ward - 128-154 La Science Sociale
by Paul De Rousiers & Cornelia H.B. Rogers - 155-168 Personal Notes
by N/A - 169-194 Book Department
by N/A - 195-204 Notes
by N/A
November 1893, Volume 4, Issue 5_suppl
- 1-1 Errata
by N/A - 5-13 Chapter I
by N/A - 14-19 Chapter II
by N/A - 20-36 Chapter III
by N/A - 37-47 Chapter IV
by N/A - 48-62 Chapter V
by N/A - 63-72 Chapter VI
by N/A - 73-89 Chapter VII
by N/A - 90-102 Chapter VIII
by N/A - 103-109 Chapter IX
by N/A - 110-121 Chapter X
by N/A - 122-132 Chapter XI
by N/A - 133-146 Chapter XII
by N/A - 147-156 Chapter XIII
by N/A - 157-160 Bibliography of Works Consulted
by N/A
September 1893, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-11 Interest and Profits
by Arthur T. Hadley - 12-41 The Austrian Theory of Value
by S.M. Macvane - 42-67 The Subjective and the Objective View of Distribution
by John A. Hobson - 68-88 Congress and the Cabinet—Ii
by Gamaliel Bradford - 89-105 The Total Utility Standard of Deferred Payments
by Edward Alsworth Ross - 106-119 Briefer Communications
by N/A - 120-131 Personal Notes
by N/A - 132-150 Book Department
by Roland P. Falkner & Emory R. Johnson & Simon N. Patten - 151-156 Notes
by N/A
August 1893, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-32 The First State Constitutions
by William C. Morey - 33-64 Married Women's Property in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Law and the Origin of the Common-Law Dower
by Florence Griswold Buckstaff - 65-74 The Peons of the South
by George K. Holmes - 75-78 The Mediæval Manor
by E.P. Cheyney - 79-91 Translation of the Text
by N/A - 92-97 A National Department of Health
by W.W. Willoughby - 97-99 A Successful School Savings Bank
by W.F. Harding - 99-101 Bullion Notes and an Elastic Currency
by John R. Commons - 102-105 Annual Congress of the Society of Social Economy, at Paris, May 29 to June 4
by Leo S. Rowe - 106-115 Personal Notes
by N/A - 116-116 Étude sur la Politique de l'Empereur Frédéric II. en Allemagne et sur les Transformations de la Constitution allemande dans la première moitié du XIIIe. Siècle. Par GEORGES BLONDEL. Pp. xlvi., 440. Paris : Picard et Fils. 1892
by Roland P. Falkner & Emory R. Johnson - 117-121 A History of the Theories of Production and Distribution in English Political Economy from I776 to I848. By EDWIN CANNAN. Pp. 4I0. London: Percival & Co. 1893
by Simon N. Patten - 121-122 The Law of the Canadian Constitution. By W. H. P. CLEMENT. Pp. xxii, 672. Toronto : Carswell & Co. 1892
by N/A - 122-124 Les Origines de Pancienne France. Par JACQUES FLACH. Xe. et XIe. Siècles, Vol. II. Les Origines Communales, la Féodalite et la Chevalerie. Pp. 584. Paris : Larose et Forcel. I893
by D.C. Munro - 124-125 Studies in the Civil, Social and Ecclesiastical History of Early Maryland. By REV. THEODORE C. GAMBRALL, A. M., D. D. Pp. vii, 240. New York: T. Whittaker. I893
by R.C. Chapin - 125-127 Epochs of American History, edited by ALBERT BUSHNELL HART ; The Colonies, I492-I750, REUBEN G. THWAITES. Pp. 30I; Formation of the Union, I750-I829, ALBERT BUSHNELL HART. Pp. 278; Division and Reunion, I829-I889, WOODROW WILSON. Pp. 326. New York. Longmans, Green & Co. 189I-93
by N/A - 128-130 The French War and the Revolution. By WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE, PH. D., L. H. D. Pp. 409. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. 1893. Nullification, Secession, Webster's Argument and the Kentucky Resolutions, considered in reference to the Constitution and Historically. By CALEB WILLIAM LORING. Pp. I7I. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. I893
by Lyman P. Powell - 130-132 The Industrial and Commercial History of England : Lectures delivered to the University of Oxford. By the late JAMES E. THOROLD ROGERS. Pp. XI., 473. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1892
by Sidney Sherwood - 132-135 The Gild Merchant. A Contribution to British Municipal History. By CHARLES GROSS. 2 vols. Pp. 332 and 447. Oxford : Clarendon Press. I890
by Georg V. Below - 136-136 Notes
by N/A
July 1893, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-33 The Progress of Economic Ideas in France
by Maurice Block & Cornelia H.B. Rogers - 34-60 The Relation of Economic Study to Public and Private Charity
by James Mavor - 61-81 The Monetary Situation in Germany
by Walther Lotz - 82-90 Taxation of Large Estates
by R.T. Coleurn - 91-149 On the Use of Silver as Money in the United States
by Arthur B. Woodford - 150-164 Minutes of the Proceedings
by N/A - 165-166 Personal Notes
by N/A - 167-168 Reviews
by Charles H. Hull - 168-179 Crundriss der politischen Oekonomie, Von Dr. EUGEN VON PHILIPPOVICH. Erster Band; Allgemeine Volkswirthschaftslehre (aus Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechtes : Einleitungsband). Pp. viii and 348. Leipzig: J. C. B. Mohr. 1893
by H.R. Stager - 179-181 Recent Works on Monetary Problems
by N/A - 181-183 State Papers and Speeches on the Tariff. With an introduction by F. W. TAUSSIG, LL.B., Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy in Harvard University. Pp. 385. Published by Harvard University, Cam-bridge, Mass. 1892. The Tariff Controversy in the United States, I789-I833, with a Summary of the Period before the Adoption of the Constitution. By ORRIN LESLIE ELLIOTT, Ph.D. Leland Stanford Junior University Monographs. History and Economics, No. I. Pp. 272. Published by the University, Palo Alto, Cal. I892
by N/A - 183-185 The Dawn of Italian Independence : Italy from the Congress of Vienna, I8I4, to the Fall of Venice, I849. By WILLIAM ROSCOE THAYER. 2 vols., pp. 453-446, with two maps. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co. I893
by N/A - 185-186 Dell' Abbreviature nella Paleografia Latina, studio di ZANINO VOLTA. Con 36 Tavole litografiche e figure in zincotypia intercalate nel testo. Pp. 328. Milano : Max Kantorowicz, 1892
by D.C. Munro - 187-190 Works On Social Topics
by N/A - 191-200 Notes
by N/A
June 1893, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 1-22 The Relation of the State to Education in England and America
by N/A - 23-34 Our Failures in Municipal Government
by Gamaliel Bradford - 35-67 Cost and Expense
by Simon N. Patten - 68-95 Home Rule for our American Cities
by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer - 96-116 The Relation of Economic Conditions to the Causes of Crime
by Carroll D. Wright - 117-141 The Nature of the Federal State
by E.V. Robinson - 142-146 Personal Notes
by N/A - 147-163 Book Department
by N/A - 164-170 Notes
by N/A
May 1893, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 1-30 National and State Banks
by Horace White - 31-38 American Banking and the Money Supply of the Future
by N/A - 38-44 In the House of Representatives
by Michael D. Harter - 45-52 State and National Bank Circulation
by A.B. Hepburn