November 1966, Volume 368, Issue 1
- 146-156 Work Patterns of Americans in India
by John Useem - 157-170 Some Minor Pathologies in the American Presence in India
by Richard D. Lambert - 171-172 American Government and History
by Eugene P. Chase & Alexander Deconde - 172-173 Arthur H. Dean. Test Ban and Disarmament : The Path of Negotiation. Pp. xiii, 153. New York: Harper & Row, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1966. $3.50
by Lincoln P. Bloomfield - 173-174 Ernest H. Van Der Beucgel. From Marshall Plan to Atlantic Partnership. European Integration As a Concern of American Foreign Policy. Pp. xxi, 480. New York: American Elsevier, 1966. $9.75
by Percy W. Bidwell - 174-175 Joseph E. Walker. Hopewell Village: A Social and Economic History of an Iron-Making Town. Pp. 526. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1966. $10.00
by Edwin B. Bronner - 175-175 John D. Milligan. Gunboats Down the Mississippi. Pp. xxxii, 217. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute, 1965. $7.50
by Rembert W. Patrick - 176-176 James Sterling Young. The Washington Community, 1800-1828. Pp. xvi, 307. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. $7.95
by Noble E. Cunningham Jr - 176-177 Benjamin Franklin. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 9: January 1, 1760 through December 31, 1761. Edited by Leonard W. Labaree, with the assistance of Helen C. Boatfield, Helene H. Fineman, and James H. Hutson. Pp. xxvi, 429. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1966. $10.00
by Viola F. Barnes - 177-178 Geoffrey Blodgett. The Gentle Reformers : Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era. Pp. xiii, 342. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1966. $6.95
by Ari Hoogenboom - 178-179 Ray Allen Billington, with the collaboration of C. P. Hill, Angus J. Johnston, II, C. L. Mowat, and Charles F. Mullett. The Historian's Contribution to Anglo-American Misunderstanding. Pp. xv, 118. New York: Hobbs, Dorman, 1966. $3.50
by Cushing Strout - 179-182 European Government and History Barbara W. Tuchman. The Proud Tower: A Portrayal of the World before the War, 1890-1914. Pp. xv, 528. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966. $7.95
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 182-182 Willson H. Coates, Hayden V. White, and J. Salwin Schapiro. The Emergence of Liberalism: An Intellectual History of Western Europe. Pp. x, 357. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. $6.95
by Herbert J. Muller - 182-183 Francis B. Randall. Stalin's Russia: An Historical Reconsideration. Pp. 328. New York: Free Press, 1965. $6.95
by Bertram D. Wolfe - 183-184 Raymond L. Garthoff. Soviet Military Policy: A Historical Analysis. Pp. viii, 276. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. $6.50
by John Shelton Curtiss - 184-185 J. F. Brown. The New Eastern Europe: The Khrushchev Era and After. Pp. vii, 306. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. $6.50
by Yaroslav Bilinsky - 185-186 Gerhard Ritter. The German Problem: Basic Questions of German Political Life, Past and Present. Translated from the German by Sigurd Burckhardt. Pp. ix, 233. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1965. $6.00
by Franklin L. Ford - 186-187 Karl R. Stadler. The Birth of the Austrian Republic, 1918-1921. Pp. 207. Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1966. No price
by Andrew C. Janos - 187-187 Walter Christaller. Central Places in Southern Germany. Translated by Carlisle W. Baskin. Pp. 230. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966. $9.95
by John E. Brush - 188-189 Henry Parris. Government and the Railways in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Pp. xii, 243. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965. $5.75
by P.A. Bromhead - 189-189 Donald Southgate. "The Most English Minister": The Policies and Politics of Palmerston. Pp. xxx, 647. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1966. $15.00
by Chester H. Kirby - 189-190 Herman Ausubel. John Bright: Victorian Reformer. Pp. xvi, 250. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. $5.95
by Dudley W.R. Bahlman - 190-191 Asia and Africa Arnold C. Brackman. Southeast Asia's Second Front: The Power Struggle in the Malay Archipelago. Pp. xv, 341. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. $6.95
by Frank N. Trager - 191-192 Donald E. Nuechterlein. Thailand and the Struggle for Southeast Asia. Pp. xvi, 279. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1965. $5.95
by Dale Pontius - 192-193 Richard L. Clutterbuck. The Long, Long War: Counterinsurgency in Malaya and Vietnam. Pp. xiv, 206. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. $5.95
by J.K. Zawodny - 193-195 John Whitney Hall. Government and Local Power in Japan: A Study Based on Bizen Province, 500 to 1700. Pp. x, 446. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $12.50
by Ivan Morris - 195-196 George R. Packard. Protest in Tokyo: The Security Treaty Crisis of 1960. Pp. xiv, 423. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $9.00
by Lawrence H. Battistini - 196-197 A. T. Steele. The American People and China. Pp. x, 325. New York: McGraw-Hill, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1966. $7.50
by Harold R. Isaacs - 197-198 Hugo Portisch. Red China Today. Translated from the German by Heinz von Koschembahr. Pp. 383. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1966. $6.95
by Albert E. Kane - 198-199 Y. C. Wang. Chinese Intellectuals and the West, 1872-1949. Pp. xiv, 557. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966. $10.00
by Richard H. Heindel - 199-199 W. Norman Brown. Man in the Universe : Some Continuities in Indian Thought. Pp. ix, 111. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966. $4.00
by M.B. Emeneau - 199-200 Edmund Burke. The Correspondence of Edmund Burke, Vol. V: July 1782-June 1789. Edited by Holden Furber, with the assistance of P. J. Marshall. Pp. xxx, 496. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. $12.00
by Alfred F. Havighurst - 200-201 Subhas Chandra Bose. An Indian Pilgrim : An Unfinished Autobiography and Collected Letters, 1897-1921. Pp. viii, 199. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1965. $7.00
by Pamela K. Daniels - 201-202 Arne Naess. Gandhi and the Nuclear Age. Pp. vii, 149. Totowa, N.J.: Bedminster Press, 1965. $5.00
by Paul F. Power - 202-202 George N. Molesworth. Curfew on Olympus: The Last Days of British Rule in India. Pp. viii, 296. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1965. $10.25
by T.J. Leonard - 202-203 Erwin I. J. Rosenthal. Islam in the Modern National State. Pp. xxi, 416. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1965. $10.50
by Philip K. Hitti - 203-204 S. Abid Husain. The Destiny of Indian Muslims. Pp. vii, 276. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1965. $10.75
by Hafeez Malik - 204-204 Nirad C. Chaudhuri. The Continent of Circe: An Essay on the Peoples of India. Pp. 320. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. $7.00
by Dorothy M. Spencer - 205-205 Jean Herskovits Kopytoff. A Preface to Modern Nigeria: The "Sierra Leonians" in Yoruba, 1830-1890. Pp. x, 402. Madison and Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin Press, 1965. $8.95
by W.R. Crocker - 205-206 William Burnett Harvey. Law and Social Change in Ghana. Pp. xiii, 453. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $10.00
by K.A.B. Jones-Quartey - 206-207 Roger Anstey. King Leopold's Legacy: The Congo under Belgian Rule, 1908-1960. Pp. xiv, 293. New York: Oxford University Press, under the auspices of the Institute for Race Relations, London, 1966. $7.20
by J. Vansina - 207-207 H. T. Alexander. African Tightrope: My Two Years As Nkrumah's Chief of Staff. Pp. xii, 152. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $4.95
by R. Smith Simpson - 207-208 Lloyd A. Fallers. Bantu Bureaucracy: A Study of Integration and Conflict in the Political Institutions of an East African People. Pp. xix, 283. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1965. $5.00
by Arthur Tuden - 208-209 David C. Gordon. The Passing of French Algeria. Pp. 265. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. $6.75
by I. William Zartman - 209-210 Robert C. Suggs. Marquesan Sexual Behavior. Pp. xviii, 251. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966. $5.95
by David M. Schneider - 210-211 Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien and Howard W. Winger (Eds). Area Studies and the Library: The Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School, May 20-22, 1965. Pp. vi, 184. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966. $4.50
by Cecil Hobbs - 211-212 Economics and Labor Abram Bergson. Essays in Normative Economics. Pp. ix, 246, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. $5.95
by Ralph W. Pfouts - 212-213 W. M. Clarke. The City in the World Economy. Pp. xiii, 234. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1965. 2gns
by Arthur Leon Horniker - 213-214 William G. Demas. The Economics of Development in Small Countries with Special Reference to the Caribbean. Pp. xv, 150. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1965. $4.50
by José J. Villamil - 214-215 Wendell C. Gordon. The Political Economy of Latin America. Pp. x, 401. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965. $8.75
by Howard S. Ellis - 215-216 Aalbert Lauterbach. Enterprise in Latin America: Business Attitudes in a Developing Economy. Pp. xviii, 207. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1966. $6.75
by Thomas C. Cochran - 216-217 Robert Jones Shafer. Mexico: Mutual Adjustment Planning. Pp. xxiv, 214. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press. $4.25
by Byron White - 217-218 John S. Lambrinidis. The Structure, Function, and Law of a Free Trade Area: The European Free Trade Association. Pp. xxii, 303. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs, 1965. $12.50
by Richard N. Swift - 218-219 Emil Kauder. A History of the Marginal Utility Theory. Pp. xxii, 248. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $6.50
by N.V. Sovani - 219-220 George H. Hildebrand. Growth and Structure in the Economy of Modern Italy. Pp. xx, 475. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $11.95
by Maurice F. Neufeld - 220-221 Harold F. Breimyer. Individual Freedom and the Economic Organization of Agriculture. Pp. vi, 314. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1965. $6.50
by M.M. Kelso - 221-222 J. Z. Rowe. The Public-Private Character of United States Central Banking. Pp. 210. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1965. $6.00
by C. Canby Balderston - 222-222 State and Local Taxes on Business: Symposium Conducted by the Tax Institute of America, October 28-29-30, 1964. Pp. xiv, 352. Princeton, N.J.: Tax Institute of America, 1965. $8.00
by J. Randolph Coleman - 222-223 Ralph C. James and Estelle Dinerstein James. Hoffa and the Teamsters: A Study of Union Power. Pp. xviii, 430. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. $6.95
by Arthur Shostak - 223-224 Joe S. Bain. International Differences in Industrial Structure: Eight Nations in the 1950's. Pp. xiv, 209. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1966. $5.00
by George Rosen - 225-225 Thomas O. Wilkinson. The Urbanization of Japanese Labor, 1868-1955. Pp. xiii, 243. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1965. $6.00
by Irene B. Taeuber - 225-227 Robert J. Alexander. Organized Labor in Latin America. Pp. x, 274. New York: Free Press, 1965. $5.95
by J.A. Hasson - 227-227 Richard A. Lester. Manpower Planning in a Free Society. Pp. xiv, 227. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $5.00
by Melvin J. Segal - 227-228 Arthur J. Altmeyer. The Formative Years of Social Security. Pp. x, 314. Madison and Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966. $6.50
by John J. Corson - 228-229 Sociology Stanislav Andreski. The Uses of Comparative Sociology. Pp. x, 383. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965. $6.50
by Alex Inkeles - 229-230 Eugene J. Webb, Donald T. Campbell, Richard D. Schwartz, and Lee Sechrest. Unobtrusive Measures: Nonreactive Research in the Social Sciences. Pp. xii, 225. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1966. $3.50
by Roy G. Francis - 230-231 Irving Louis Horowitz. Three Worlds of Development: The Theory and Practice of International Stratification. Pp. xiv, 475. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. $8.50
by Werner Levi - 231-232 Walter Goldsmith. Comparative Functionalism: An Essay in Anthropological Theory. Pp. xii, 149. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966. $3.95
by Robert J. Smith - 232-232 Rose Giallombardo. Society of Women: A Study of a Women's Prison. Pp. ix, 244. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. $6.50
by Norman S. Hayner - 232-233 David A. Ward and Gene G. Kassebaum. Women's Prison: Sex and the Social Structure. Pp. xi, 269. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $7.50
by Mabel A. Elliott - 234-234 Pauline Morris. Prisoners and Their Families. Pp. 327. New York: Hart, under the auspices of Political & Economic Planning, 1965. $5.95
by Norman S. Hayner - 234-235 Jerome H. Skolnick. Justice without Trial: Law Enforcement in Democratic Society. Pp. xi, 279. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. $7.95
by Michael Banton - 235-236 Samuel Enoch STUMPFtumpf. Morality and the Law. Pp. xiv, 247. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1966. $5.00
by Nicholas S. Timasheff - 236-237 Seymour Parker and Robert J. Kleiner. Mental Illness in the Urban Negro Community. Pp. xiv, 408. New York : Free Press, 1966. $9.95
by Howard E. Mitchell - 237-238 John G. Turnbull, with the assistance of Malcolm S. Cohen and Mary Pepple. The Changing Faces of Economic Insecurity. Pp. ix, 157. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1966. $5.00
by Gordon S. Watkins - 238-238 Alex Weingrod. Israel: Group Relations in a New Society. Pp. vi, 82. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, for the Institute of Race Relations, London, 1965. $4.00
by Walter P. Zenner - 238-239 Norman E. Whitten, JR. Class, Kinship, and Power in an Ecuadorian Town. Pp. viii, 238. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1965. $6.75
by Nathan L. Whetten - 239-240 Wayne Dennis. Group Values through Children's Drawings. Pp. xiii, 211. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. $6.95
by W.G. Eliasberg - 240-240 Fred Davis (Ed.). The Nursing Profession : Five Sociological Essays. Pp. xii, 203. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. $6.95
by Odin W. Anderson - 240-241 J. Clarence Davies III. Neighborhood Groups and Urban Renewal. Pp. viii, 235. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. $6.75. S. J. Makielski. The Politics of Zoning : The New York Experience. Pp. x, 241. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. $6.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 242-242 Philosophy and Religion David Easton (Ed.). Varieties of Political Theory. Pp. vi, 154. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966. $6.60
by Henry Teune - 242-243 Nils Diederich. Empirische Wahlforschung : Konzeptionen und Methoden im Internationalen Vergleich. Pp. xii, 240. Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1965. No price
by Peter H. Merkl - 243-244 Herbert J. Muller. Freedom in the Modern World. Pp. xv, 559. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. $10.00
by L.S. Stavrianos - 244-245 Carroll Quigley. Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Times. Pp. xi, 1348. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966. $12.50
by Oscar G. Darlington - 245-245 Hans Neisser. On the Sociology of Knowledge: An Essay. Pp. 151. New York: James H. Heineman, 1965. $4.95
by Kurt H. Wolff - 245-248 Edward Wakin and Father Joseph P. Scheuer. The De-Romanization of the American Catholic Church. Pp. 318. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966. $6.95
by John J. Kane
September 1966, Volume 367, Issue 1
- 1-3 The New Immigration: An Introductory Comment
by Edward P. Hutchinson - 4-14 Immigration and National Origins
by Helen F. Eckerson - 15-22 The Demography of Immigration to the United States
by Ernest Rubin - 23-32 The Immigrant Worker
by Frank L. Mott - 33-42 Scientific Personnel and the Professions
by Thomas J. Mills - 43-52 Refugees
by Richard Ferree Smith - 53-62 Migration between Canada and the United States
by K.V. Pankhurst - 63-72 From the Other Side: A European View
by Brinley Thomas - 73-84 Travel and Domestic Controls
by Mario T. Noto - 85-92 Ameliorating Hardships under the Immigration Laws
by Charles Gordon - 93-104 The Role of the State Department in the Administration and Enforcement of the New Immigration Law
by Abba P. Schwartz - 105-114 Immigration and the Department of Labor
by Frank H. Cassell - 115-126 The American Community and the Immigrant
by Ruth Z. Murphy & Sonia Grodka Blumenthal - 127-136 The Immigration and Nationality (McCarran-Walter) Act of 1952, as Amended to 1965
by Marion T. Bennett - 137-149 The Immigration Act of 1965
by Edward M. Kennedy - 150-162 Attitude Formation and Public Opinion
by Daniel Katz - 163-164 International Relations
by Bernard Brodie - 164-165 A. J. P. TAYLOR. Politics in Wartime and Other Essays. Pp. 207. New York: Atheneum, 1965. $5.00. PAUL GUINN. British Strategy and Politics, 1914 to 1918. Pp. 359. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. 45s
by Klaus Epstein - 165-166 VICTOR ALBA. Alliance without Allies: The Mythodology of Progress in Latin America. Pp. vii, 244. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $6.95
by Adolf A. Berle - 167-167 BORIS GOLDENBERG. The Cuban Revolution and Latin America. Pp. 376. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $8.00
by Lowry Nelson - 167-168 E. BRADFORD BURNS. The Unwritten Alliance: Rio-Branco and Brazilian-American Relations. Pp. xiv, 305. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. $6.95
by C.G. Fenwick - 168-169 DONALD G. BISHOP The Roosevelt-Litvinov Agreements: The American View. Pp. viii, 297. Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Anthony L. Milnar - 169-170 JAMES PATRICK SEWELL. Functionalism and World Politics: A Study Based on United Nations Programs Financing Economic Development. Pp. xii, 359. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $6.50
by John Pincus - 170-171 CHARLES SEYMOUR. Letters from the Paris Peace Conference. Edited by Harold B. Whiteman, Jr. Pp. xxxii, 289. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Donald G. Bishop - 171-171 DIRK U. STIKKER. Men of Responsibility : A Memoir. Pp. xii, 418. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. $7.95
by Raymond L. Garthoff - 172-172 American Government and History
by Robert B. Yegge - 172-173 ROBERT B. MCKAY. Reapportionment: The Law and Politics of Equal Representation. Pp. x, 498. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1965. $7.00
by Andrew Hacker - 173-174 RICHARD A. MUSGRAVE (Ed.). Essays in Fiscal Federalism. Pp. xvi, 301. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1965. $6.00
by A.A. Baylor - 174-175 ROSCOE C. MARTIN. The Cities and the Federal System. Pp. viii, 200. New York: Atherton Press, 1965. No price
by Paul A. Pfretzschner - 175-176 ALAN ALTSHULER. The City-Planning Process: A Political Analysis. Pp. x, 466 Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1965. $8.50
by James R. Bell - 176-176 MARION R. FREMONT-SMITH. Foundations and Government: State and Federal Law and Supervision. Pp. 564. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1965. $8.50
by Wilmer Shields Rich - 176-178 DAVID T. STANLEY. Changing Administrations : The 1961 and 1964 Transitions in Six Departments. Pp. x, 147. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1965. $3.95
by Peter Woll - 178-179 HARRY COHEN. The Demonics of Bureaucracy : Problems of Change in a Government Agency. Pp. xvi, 2 76. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Marshall W. Meyer - 179-179 FREDERICK C. THAYER, JR. Air Transport Policy and National Security: A Political, Economic, and Military Analysis. Pp. xxiii, 352. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965. $8.00
by Victor K. Heyman - 179-180 JOHN D. MARTZ. Acción Democrática: Evolution of a Modern Political Party in Venezuela. Pp. xiii, 443. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $12.50
by Donald Marquand Dozer - 180-181 ROBERT H. FERRELL. George C. Marshall. Pp. xiv, 326. New York: Cooper Square, 1965. $7.50
by Claudius O. Johnson - 181-182 ELLIS W. HAWLEY. The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly: A Study in Economic Ambivalence. Pp. xv, 525. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1966. $10.00
by Thomas C. Blaisdell JR. - 182-182 JOHN L. SHOVER. Cornbelt Rebellion: The Farmers' Holiday Association. Pp. vi, 239. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965. $5.95
by James J. Flynn - 183-183 VAUGHN DAVIS BORNET. Labor Politics in a Democratic Republic: Moderation, Division, and Disruption in the Presidential Election of 1928. Pp. xiii, 376. Washington, D.C.: Spartan Books, 1964. $6.95
by Joel A. Tarr - 183-184 DAVID J. ROTHMAN. Politics and Power: The United States Senate, 1869-1901. Pp. x, 348. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. $6.95
by Nelson W. Polsby - 184-185 DONALD G. MATHEWS. Slavery and Methodism: A Chapter in American Morality, 1780-1845. Pp. xi, 329. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Sydney E. Ahlstrom - 185-186 WALKER LEWIS. Without Fear or Favor: A Biography of Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney. Pp. viii, 556. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. $7.50
by George Osborn - 186-187 RICHARD P. MCCORMICK. The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era. Pp. x, 389. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966. $7.50
by Roy N. Lokken - 187-188 JACKSON TURNER MAIN. The Social Structure of Revolutionary America. Pp. viii, 330. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Hugh F. Rankin - 188-189 European History
by Alexander Dallin - 189-190 LAWRENCE HENRY GIPSON. The British Empire before the American Revolution: The Triumphant Empire, Vol. XI: The Rumbling of the Coming Storm, 1766-1770 ; Vol. XII: Britain Sails into the Storm, 1770-1776. Pp. lxix, 579; lvii, 372. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965. $20.00
by Vernon J. Puryear - 190-191 RICHARD W. VAN ALSTYNE. Empire and Independence: The International History of the American Revolution. Pp. ix, 255. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965. No price
by Viola F. Barnes - 191-191 SIDNEY POLLARD. The Genesis of Modern Management: A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. Pp. 328. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $7.95
by Raymond G. Cowherd - 191-192 OWEN CONNELLY. Napoleon's Satellite Kingdoms. Pp. xix, 387. New York: Free Press, 1965. $8.95
by Jonathan E. Helmreich - 192-193 Asia and Africa
by W.H. Morris-Jones - 193-194 WALTER CROCKER. Nehru: A Contemporary Estimate. Pp. 186. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. $5.00
by Charles H. Heimsath - 194-195 ANDRÉ BÉTEILLE. Caste, Class, and Power: Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village. Pp. 238. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965. $5.00
by Joan P. Mencher - 195-196 EDMUND S. WEHRLE. Britain, China, and the Antimissionary Riots, 1891-1900. Pp. xii, 223. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1966. $5.50
by John K. Fairbank - 196-197 ROBERT A. SCALAPINO (Ed.). The Communist Revolution in Asia: Tactics, Goals, and Achievements. Pp. 405. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1965. $10.00
by Howard Wriggins - 197-197 DWIGHT H. PERKINS. Market Control and Planning in Communist China. Pp. viii, 291. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. $7.00
by Harold M. Vinacke - 197-198 YOUNG HUM KIM. East Asia's Turbulent Century: With American Diplomatic Documents. Pp. xiii, 386. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966. $3.95
by John F. Melby - 198-199 JAMES W. MORLEY. Japan and Korea: America's Allies in the Pacific. Pp. 152. New York: Walker, 1965. $4.50
by Hilary Conroy - 199-200 DONALD EUGENE SMITH. Religion and Politics in Burma. Pp. xiii, 350. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $7.50
by John F. Cady - 200-200 CRANLEY ONSLOW (Ed.). Asian Economic Development. Pp. x, 242. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $7.00
by A.F.A. Husain - 200-201 FRANK GREGORY SNYDER. One-Party Government in Mali: Transition toward Control. Pp. xiv, 178. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1965. $5.00
by Leon B. Poullada - 201-202 RENÉ LEMARCHAND. Political Awakening in the Congo. Pp. xii, 357. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1964. $7.95
by William J. Hanna - 202-203 K. D. D. HENDERSON. Sudan Republic. Pp. 256. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $8.50
by Majid Khadduri - 203-204 NEVILL BARBOUR. Morocco. Pp. 239. New York: Walker, 1965. $6.50
by William G. Andrews - 204-205 MICHAEL F. LOFCHIE. Zanzibar: Background to Revolution. Pp. 316. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Gwendolen M. Carter - 205-206 Sociology and Education
by Roy Wilkins - 206-207 ARTHUR I. WASKOW. From Race Riot to Sit-In: 1919 and the 1960's: A Study in the Connection between Conflict and Violence. Pp. xviii, 380. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1966. $5.95
by Allen D. Grimshaw - 207-207 C. ARNOLD ANDERSON and MARY JEAN BOWMAN (Eds.). Education and Economic Development. Pp. x, 436. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $10.75
by Marvin Bressler - 208-208 H. W. HANNAH. Resource Book for Rural Universities in the Developing Countries. Pp. xiv, 375. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1966. $8.50
by Robert C. Hammock - 208-209 ALBERT J. REISS, JR. (Ed.). Schools in a Changing Society. Pp. x, 224. New York: Free Press, 1965. $6.95
by William H. Cartwright - 209-210 A. F. K. ORGANSKI. The Stages of Political Development. Pp. xiii, 229. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965. $5.75
by Joseph Gusfield - 210-211 ANDIE L. KNUTSON. The Individual, Society and Health Behavior. Pp. 533. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1965. $6.50
by Bernard Kutner - 211-212 HANS TOCH. The Social Psychology of Social Movements. Pp. xiv, 257. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. $6.50
by Theodore Abel - 212-213 HERMANN MANNHEIM. Comparative Criminology. Pp. xvi, 793. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. $12.50
by Marvin E. Wolfgang - 213-213 HUGH DALZIEL DUNCAN. Culture and Democracy: The Struggle for Form in Society and Architecture in Chicago and the Middle West during the Life and Times of Louis H. Sullivan. Pp. xxii, 616, Totowa, N J.: Bedminster Press, 1965. $12.50
by Richard Neutra - 213-215 WILLIAM V. D'ANTONIO and WILLIAM H. FORM. Influentials in Two Border Cities: A Study in Community Decision-Making. Pp. xii, 272. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1965. $7.95
by Paul E. Mott - 215-216 FRANK CANCIAN. Economics and Prestige in a Maya Community: The Religious Cargo System in Zinacantan. Pp. xv, 238. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Ralph L. Beals - 216-216 WINIFRED BELL. Aid to Dependent Children. Pp. xvi, 248. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965. $6.50
by K. Mukundarao - 216-217 Philosophy and Science
by Oliver L. Reiser - 217-218 JOHN G. CAWELTI. Apostles of the Self-Made Man. Pp. xi, 279. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. $6.95
by James J. Flink - 218-219 MICHAEL WALZER. The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. Pp. x, 334. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $6.95
by Sidney Lens - 219-220 ELIAS BERG. Democracy and the Majority Principle: A Study in Twelve Contemporary Political Theories. Pp. 166. Göteborg, Sweden: Akademiförlaget-Gumperts, 1965. No price
by David Spitz - 220-221 LEONARD KRIEGER. The Politics of Discretion : Pufendorf and the Acceptance of Natural Law. Pp. xii, 311. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1965. $6.50
by Helmut Kuhn - 221-222 Louis B. FIERMAN (Ed.). Effective Psychotherapy : The Contribution of Hellmuth Kaiser. Pp. xxvi, 217. New York: Free Press, 1965. $6.95
by John Paul Brady - 222-223 WILLIAM GILMAN. Science: U. S. A. Pp. xii, 499. New York: Viking Press, 1965. $7.95. DON K. PRICE. The Scientific Estate. Pp. xi, 323. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $5.95
by Norman Kaplan - 223-225 Economics
by Richard A. Easterlin & John Adams - 225-226 ANDREW SHONFIELD. Modern Capitalism: The Changing Balance of Public and Private Power. Pp. xvi, 456. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. $10.50
by John J. Corson - 226-227 J. E. MEADE. The Stationary Economy. Pp. 238. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $6.00
by David Cass - 227-227 S. ANDREW OZGA. Expectations in Economic Theory. Pp. 303. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $7.95
by Robert Rockafellow - 227-228 DICK NETZER. Economics of the Property Tax. Pp. xviii, 326. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1966. $6.75
by Leo Cohen - 228-229 MARINA VON NEUMANN WHITMAN. Government Risk-Sharing in Foreign Investment. Pp. xii, 358. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $8.50
by William Diebold JR. - 229-229 ALBERT FISHLOW. American Railroads and the Transformation of the Ante-Bellum Economy. Pp. xv, 452. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $10.00
by D. Philip Locklin
July 1966, Volume 366, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James C. Charlesworth - 1-16 American Studies Abroad: Culture and Foreign Policy
by Robert E. Spiller - 17-32 American Education and the Developing Areas
by Kenneth W. Thompson - 33-40 Education as an Instrument of American Foreign Policy
by William Benton - 41-50 The World Impact of American Technology
by Bartlett Harvey - 51-59 The Effect Abroad of American Private Enterprise
by Arthur Smithies - 60-67 The Overseas Image of American Democracy
by George V. Allen - 68-77 The Impact and Potential of American Diplomacy
by Paul Findley - 78-88 The Appeal Abroad of American Medicine and Public Health
by Luther L. Terry - 89-98 The United States Space Program and Its International Significance
by Arnold W. Frutkin - 99-107 An Assessment of Current American Influence in Africa
by Rayford W. Logan - 108-116 Contemporary American Influence in South and Southeast Asia
by Wayne A. Wilcox - 117-125 An Assessment of Current American Influence in Latin America
by R. Richard Rubottom - 126-126 Addenda
by James C. Charlesworth - 127-138 The Costs and Consequences of the Cold War
by D.F. Fleming - 139-148 Foreign Policy and Political Style
by Herbert J. Spiro - 149-150 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS LOUIS J. HALLE. The Society of Man. Pp. 203. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. $4.95
by David Bidney - 150-150 DAVID EASTON. A Systems Analysis of Political Life. Pp. xvi, 507. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965. $8.95
by J.W. Burton - 150-151 HERMAN KAHN. On Escalation: Metaphors and Scenarios. Pp. xvii, 308. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $6.95
by David M. Abshire - 151-152 MARTIN C. MCGUIRE. Secrecy and the Arms Race: A Theory of the Accumulation of Strategic Weapons and How Secrecy Affects It. Pp. vii, 249. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $5.95
by Arnold Kramish - 152-152 PETER GRETTON. Maritime Strategy: A Study of Defense Problems. Pp. xvi, 210. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $6.75
by Leland P. Lovette