July 1966, Volume 366, Issue 1
- 152-154 HAROLD A. HOVEY. United States Military Assistance: A Study of Policies and Practices. Pp. xiv, 306. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $15.00
by John D. Montgomery - 154-154 DREW MIDDLETON. The Atlantic Community: A Study in Unity and Disunity. Pp. x, 303. New York: David McKay, 1965. $5.95
by Julius W. Pratt - 155-155 FRANK O'BRIEN. Crisis in World Communism: Marxism in Search of Efficiency. Pp. 191. New York: Free Press, 1965. $4.95
by A. Nove - 155-156 HENRI TAJFEL and JOHN L. DAWSON (Eds.). Disappointed Guests: Essays by African, Asian, and West Indian Students. Pp. vii, 158. New York: Oxford University Press, under the auspices of the Institute of Race Relations, London, 1965. $4.00
by Richard H. Heindel - 156-157 BRYANT M. WEDGE. Visitors to the United States and How They See Us. Pp. xi, 168. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1965. $4.95
by Eugene Jacobson - 157-157 W. PHILLIPS DAVISON. International Political Communication. Pp. xii, 404. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1965. $7.50
by Edward L. Bernays - 157-158 NORTH AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY SELIG ADLER. The Uncertain Giant, 1921-1941 : American Foreign Policy between the Wars. Pp. xi, 340. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965. $6.95
by Henry M. Wriston - 158-159 M. S. VENKATARAMANI. Undercurrents in American Foreign Relations: Four Studies. Pp. x, 218. New York: Asia Publishing House (Distributed by Taplinger), 1965. $6.00
by Martin B. Travis - 159-160 ITHIEL DE SOLA POOL, ROBERT P. ABELSON, and SAMUEL L. POPKIN. Candidates, Issues, and Strategies: A Computer Simulation of the 1960 and 1964 Presidential Elections. Pp. xi, 193. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1965. $2.45
by David Wallace - 160-161 REXFORD G. TUGWELL. How They Became President: Thirty-Five Ways to the White House. Pp. 587. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964. $8.95
by Lawrence H. Chamberlain - 161-162 MARVIN R. WEISBORD. Campaigning for President: A New Look at the Road to the White House. Pp. v, 208. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1964. $4.50
by Roy V. Peel - 162-162 ALFRED DE GRAZIA. Republic in Crisis: Congress against the Executive Force. Pp. 303. New York: Federal Legal Publications, 1965. $7.95
by Charles W. Shull - 163-163 EDWARD S. FLASH, JR. Economic Advice and Presidential Leadership: The Council of Economic Advisers. Pp. x, 382. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965. $8.95
by Michael D. Reagan - 163-164 GLENDON SCHUBERT. Judicial Policy-Making: The Political Role of the Courts. Pp. 212. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1965. $3.75
by Leo Weinstein - 164-165 MARK DEWOLFE HowE. The Garden and the Wilderness: Religion and Government in American Constitutional History. Pp. x, 180. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. $4.50
by James E. Curry - 165-165 DAVID EUGENE CONRAD. The Forgotten Farmers: The Story of Sharecroppers in the New Deal. Pp. 223. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965. $5.00
by Ellis W. Hawley - 165-166 DAVID FELIX. Protest: Sacco-Vanzetti and the Intellectuals. Pp. 274. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1965. $5.95
by Michael A. Musmanno - 166-167 CURTIS D. MACDOUGALL. Gideon's Army, Vol. I : The Components of the Decision. Pp. xiii, 305. New York: Marzani & Munsell, 1965. $6.50
by Murray Polner - 167-167 PAUL E. ISAAC. Prohibition and Politics: Turbulent Decades in Tennessee, 1885-1920. Pp. xi, 301. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, in co-operation with the Tennessee Historical Commission, 1965. $6.00
by George H. Callcott - 168-168 ARTHUR S. LINK. Wilson: Campaigns for Progressivism and Peace, 1916-1917. Pp. x, 464. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $8.50
by Victor S. Mamatey - 168-169 EDWARD CHASE KIRKLAND. Charles Francis Adams, Jr., 1835-1915: The Patrician at Bay. Pp. viii, 256. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $5.95
by Arthur Mann - 169-170 WILLIAM E. PARRISH. Missouri under Radical Rule, 1865-1870. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1965. $7.00
by William T. Doherty - 170-171 RICHARD B. MORRIS. The Peacemakers: The Great Powers and American Independence. Pp. xviii, 572. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. $10.00
by Cecil Johnson - 171-171 JOHN FRANCIS McDERMOTT (Ed.). The French in the Mississippi Valley. Pp. ix, 247. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965. $6.75
by George D. Harmon - 171-173 GUSTAVE LANCTOT. A History of Canada, Vol. III: From the Treaty of Utrecht to the Treaty of Paris, 1713-1763. Translated by Margaret M. Cameron. Pp. xiv, 304. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $6.75
by Maurice W. Armstrong - 173-174 EUROPEAN GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY DAVID SCHOENBRUN. The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle: A Biography. Pp. 373. New York: Atheneum, 1966. $6.95
by Robert Edwin Herzstein - 174-175 RONALD W. CLARK. Tizard. Pp. xvii, 458. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1965. $10.00
by Richard M. Leighton - 175-175 DEREK JARRETT. Britain, 1688-1815. Pp. xi, 507. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1965. $5.00
by Preston Slosson - 175-176 JOSEPH HAMBURGER. Intellectuals in Politics : John Stuart Mill and the Philosophic Radicals. Pp. viii, 308. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Carl Joachim Friedrich - 176-177 MAURICE LEE, JR. The Cabal. Pp. 275. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965. $6.00
by Alfred F. Havighurst - 177-178 JAMES D. O'DONNELL. How Ireland Is Governed. Pp. xi, 166. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 1965. 21s
by Norman D. Palmer - 178-178 GABRIEL H. LOVETT. Napoleon and the Birth of Modern Spain, Vol. I: The Challenge to the Old Order; Vol. II: The Struggle Without and Within. Pp. vii, 884. Washington Square: New York University Press, 1965. $20.00
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 178-179 HARVEY MITCHELL. The Underground War against Revolutionary France: The Missions of William Wickham, 1794-1800. Pp. 286. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. $5.60
by Crane Brinton - 179-180 GEORGE GEORGIADES ARNAKIS, with the collaboration of EURYDICE DEMETRA-COPOULOU. Americans in the Greek Revolution, Vol. I: George Jarvis. Pp. xxxii, 282. Thessalonike, Greece: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1965. No price
by Harold F. Alderfer - 180-181 STUART PIGGOTT. Ancient Europe: From the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity. Pp. xxiii, 343. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $7.50
by Truesdell S. Brown - 181-182 ASIA AND AFRICA JOHN DEANE POTTER. Yamamoto: The Man Who Menaced America. Pp. xvii, 332. New York: Viking Press, 1965. $6.50
by Herrymon Maurer - 182-182 LESLIE PALMIER. Indonesia. Pp. 240. New York: Walker, 1965. $6.50
by Justus M. Van Der Kroef - 182-183 VICTOR PURCELL. Malaysia. Pp. 224. New York: Walker, 1965. $6.50
by M.G. Swift - 183-184 HERBERT P. PHILLIPS. Thai Peasant Personality: The Patterning of Interpersonal Behavior in the Village of Bang Chan. Pp. xii, 231. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965. $6.00
by A. Thomas Kirsch - 184-185 ASOK CHANDA. Federalism in India: A Study of Union-State Relations. Pp. 347. New York: Hillary House, 1965. $7.00
by Marcus F. Franda - 185-186 EUGENE BRAMER MIHALY. Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal: A Case Study. Pp. vii, 202. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. $6.75
by Margaret W. Fisher - 186-186 K. S. SALIBI. The Modern History of Lebanon. Pp. xxvii, 227. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $6.50
by Don Peretz - 186-188 BARNET LITVINOFF. To the House of Their Fathers: A History of Zionism. Pp. 311. New York: Frederic A. Praeger, 1965. $6.95
by Joseph B. Schechtman - 188-188 VICTOR C. FERKISS. Africa's Search for Identity. Pp. 346. New York: George Braziller, 1966. $6.50
by Newell M. Stultz - 188-189 L. FRANKLIN BLITZ (Ed.). The Politics and Administration of Nigerian Government. Pp. xiv, 281. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $7.50
by Clement H. Moore - 189-190 PETER C. W. GUTKIND. The Royal Capital of Buganda: A Study of Internal Conflict and External Ambiguity. Pp. xx, 330. The Hague: Mouton, 1963. No price
by Kenneth Ingham - 190-191 ROBIN HALLETT. The Penetration of Africa: European Exploration in North and West Africa to 1815. Pp. xxii, 458. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. $10.50
by Pierre L. Van Den Berghe - 191-191 JOSEPH S. NYE, JR. Pan-Africanism and East African Integration. Pp. x, 307. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Basil Davidson - 191-192 WALDEMAR A. NIELSEN. African Battle-line: American Policy Choices in Southern Africa. Pp. x, 155. New York: Harper & Row, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1965. $3.50
by Arthur Keppel-Jones - 192-193 SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY MAX GLUCKMAN (Ed.). Closed Systems and Open Minds: The Limits of Naivety in Social Anthropology. Pp. x, 274. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $7.95
by Jacob W. Gruber - 193-194 JOHN M. DYER and FREDERICK C. DYER. Bureaucracy Vs. Creativity. Pp. 153. Coral Gables: University of Miami Press, 1965. $5.75
by Harry Cohen - 194-195 ERNEST GELLNER. Thought and Change. Pp. 224. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. $5.00
by Everett E. Hagen - 195-196 CHARLES J. ADAMS (Ed.). A Reader's Guide to the Great Religions. Pp. xv, 364. New York: Free Press, 1965. $6.95
by Malcolm Pitt - 196-196 JOHN PORTER. The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada. Pp. xxi, 626. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965. $15.00
by Everett C. Hughes - 197-197 A. F. DAVIES and S. ENCEL. Australian Society: A Sociological Introduction. Pp. 333. New York: Atherton Press, 1965. $8.50
by Edmund Des. Brunner - 197-198 JOHN W. C. JOHNSTONE and RAMON J. RIVERA. Volunteers for Learning: A Study of the Educational Pursuits of American Adults. Pp. xxviii, 624. Chicago : Aldine, 1965. $12.50
by J.R. Morton - 198-199 SETH M. SCHEINER. Negro Mecca: A History of the Negro in New York City, 1865-1920. Pp. ix, 246. Washington Square: New York University Press, 1965. $6.50. KARL E. TAEUBER and ALMA F. TAEUBER. Negroes in Cities: Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Change. Pp. xvii, 284. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. No price
by Leonard Blumberg - 199-199 JACK E. WELLER. Yesterday's People: Life in Contemporary Appalachia. Pp. xx, 163. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, with the collaboration of the Council of the Southern Mountains, 1965. $4.75
by Marshall R. Colberg - 199-201 C. G. JUNG. The Collected Works, Vol. 10: Civilization in Transition; Vol. 11: Mysterium Coniunctionis: An Inquiry into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites in Alchemy; Vol. 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy: Essays on the Psychology of the Transference and Other Subjects. Translated by R. F. C. Hull. Pp. xxxvii, 1,699. New York: Pantheon Books, for the Bollingen Foundation, 1964. $6.75; $7.50; $4.50
by Philip Rieff - 201-201 JOHN R. PLATT (Ed.). New Views of the Nature of Man. Pp. 152. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. $5.00
by J.R. Kantor - 201-202 HARRY BEST. Public Provision for the Mentally Retarded in the United States. Pp. 455. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1965. $10.00
by Peter Knowlton - 202-203 BARNEY G. GLASER and ANSELM L. STRAUSS. Awareness of Dying. Pp. xi, 305. Chicago: Aldine, 1965. $6.95
by Leonard Reissman - 203-204 DEREK MILLER. Growth to Freedom: The Psychosocial Treatment of Delinquent Youth. Pp. xxv, 224. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Simon Dinitz - 204-204 ECONOMICS NAUM JASNY. Khrushchev's Crop Policy. Pp. 243. Glasgow: George Outram, 1965. 35s
by Frank O'Brien - 204-205 JANE DEGRAS (Ed.). Soviet Planning: Essays in Honor of Naum Jasny. Pp. xi, 225. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1964. $8.50
by Wayne S. Vucinich - 205-206 GEORGE W. WILSON, SCOTT GORDON, and STANISLAW JUDEK. Canada: An Appraisal of Its Needs and Resources. Pp. lxx, 453. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1965. $7.50
by James A. Maxwell - 206-207 DONALD W. BAERRESEN, MARTIN CARNOY, and JOSEPH GRUNWALD. Latin American Trade Patterns. Pp. xix, 329. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1965. $6.00
by Henry William Spiegel - 207-208 CLAUDIO VELIZ (Ed.). Obstacles to Change in Latin America. Pp. viii, 263. New York: Oxford University Press, under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1965. $6.75
by Clarence Senior - 208-208 CYRIL S. BELSHAW. Traditional Exchange and Modern Markets. Pp. viii, 149. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965. No price
by Manning Nash - 208-209 MILTON DERBER, W. E. CHALMERS, and MILTON T. EDELMAN. Plant Union-Management Relations: From Practice to Theory. Pp. x, 179. Champaign: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Illinois, 1965. $4.75
by Dale Yoder - 209-210 THOR HULTGREN, with the assistance of Maude R. Pech. Cost, Prices, and Profits : Their Cyclical Relations. Pp. xxvi, 229. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research (Distributed by Columbia University Press), 1965. $6.00
by Theodore J. Kreps - 210-217 MARSHALL R. COLBERG. Human Capital in Southern Development, 1939-1963. Pp. xv, 136. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965. $5.00
by Ernest J. Eberling
May 1966, Volume 365, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by J. Norman Parmer - 1-11 The Peace Corps in Our Past
by Charles J. Wetzel - 12-20 A Discovery of Commitment
by Joseph G. Colmen - 21-28 Selection of Volunteers
by Edwin R. Henry - 29-45 The Preparation of Peace Corps Volunteers for Overseas Service: Challenge and Response
by Donald R. Shea - 46-54 The Beginnings of Peace Corps Programming
by George E. Carter - 55-62 Volunteers in the Field: Great Expectations
by Neil A. Boyer - 63-71 The Peace Corps Volunteer in the Field: Community Development
by Kirby Jones - 72-82 Volunteers in the Field: Teaching
by Arnold Deutchman - 83-92 The Overseas Staff
by Lewis H. Butler - 93-104 The Peace Corps and the Private Sector: The Failure of a Partnership
by Thomas D. Scott - 105-118 The Returning Volunteer
by Robert Calvert JR - 119-128 Evaluation and the Question of Change
by Meridan Bennett - 129-146 The Future of the Peace Corps
by Harris Wofford - 147-160 Recent Developments in the History of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
by Robert V. Allen - 161-164 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1965
by M. Albert Linton & Thorsten Sellin & Stephen B. Sweeney & Norman D. Palmer & James C. Charlesworth & Howard C. Petersen & Roy F. Nichols & Loren C. Eiseley & Donald R. Young & Walter M. Phillips & Paul R. Anderson & Karl R. Bopp - 165-225 Book Department
by N/A
March 1966, Volume 364, Issue 1
- 1-7 A Preface to Violence
by Marvin E. Wolfgang - 8-18 Some Social Functions of Violence
by Lewis A. Coser - 19-27 Violence and the Masculine Ideal: Some Qualitative Data
by Jackson Toby - 28-36 Violence in American Literature
by David Brion Davis - 37-49 Controversies about the Mass Communication of Violence
by Otto N. Larsen - 50-59 Violence: A Neglected Mode of Behavior
by Bruno Bettelheim - 60-72 Implications of Laboratory Studies of Aggression for the Control and Regulation of Violence
by Richard H. Walters - 73-85 Aggressive Crimes
by Ronald H. Beattie & John P. Kenney - 86-95 Violence and Organized Crime
by Gilbert Geis - 96-112 Violent Crimes in City Gangs
by Walter B. Miller - 113-119 Violence in Prison
by John P. Conrad - 120-126 The Escalation of Violence through Legitimation
by William A. Westley - 127-140 Violence in American Labor Disputes
by Philip Taft - 141-148 Violence on the Fanatical Left and Right
by Arnold Forster - 149-157 Violence and Human Development
by Elton B. Mcneil - 158-168 Recent Thinking on Economic Growth and Fluctuations
by Elmer C. Bratt - 169-229 Book Department
by N/A
January 1966, Volume 363, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James C. Charlesworth - 1-3 Profiles of Ethics: A Tribute to Lewis Miller Stevens
by Roy F. Nichols - 4-11 Should the Code of Ethics in Public Life be Absolute or Relative?
by Eugene Carson Blake - 12-22 Some Ethical Problems of Congress
by Joseph S. Clark - 23-27 Correctives for Dishonest and Unfair Public Administrators
by Blair Bolles - 28-35 Political Party Officials: Responsiveness to the Public
by Ivan Hinderaker - 36-43 A Report on Judicial Ethics
by Gray Thoron - 44-51 The Ombudsman: Tribune of the People
by Henry S. Reuss & Stanley V. Anderson - 52-59 What Can Be Done about Pettifoggery and Legal Delays?
by Glenn R. Winters - 60-69 The Morals of Medicine
by Oliver Garceau - 70-78 Can Organized Religion Be Unethical?
by Paul C. Empie - 79-86 Journalism: Public Enlightenment or Private Interest?
by John Tebbel - 87-94 Public Entertainment and the Subversion of Ethical Standards
by Gilbert Seldes - 95-101 Business Morality: Some Unanswered (and Perhaps Unanswerable) Questions
by Arthur Selwyn Miller - 102-107 Insurance Ethics—From the Inside Looking Out
by Henry K. Duke - 108-116 Sharp Practice in Merchandising and Advertising
by E.T. Grether - 117-125 Ethical Aspects of Union Policy and Conduct
by Emanuel Stein - 126-136 Ethics and the Professional Patriots
by Mulford Q. Sibley - 137-153 Some Recent Developments in Studies of Social and Cultural Change
by Bernard J. Siegel - 154-209 Book Department
by N/A
November 1965, Volume 362, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction
by Cecil V. Crabb JR - 6-17 Nonalignment as a Diplomatic and Ideological Credo
by Khalid I. Babaa & Cecil V. Crabb JR - 18-27 Is Containment Moral?
by D.F. Fleming - 28-35 The European Version of Neutralism
by Jacques Freymond - 36-43 Nonalignment in the Arab World
by Don Peretz - 44-51 Asian Nonalignment
by Sisir K. Gupta - 52-61 Nonalignment in Africa
by Thomas Patrick Melady - 62-70 Latin America and Neutralism
by Nelson De sousa sampaio - 71-80 The Neutralist World and Disarmament Negotiations
by Joseph L. Nogee - 81-91 The "Third Force" and the United Nations
by Khalid I. Babaa - 92-101 The United States and the Neutralists: A Decade in Perspective
by Cecil V. Crabb JR - 102-112 The Soviet Union and the Neutralist World
by John S. Reshetar JR - 113-120 Communist China and the Uncommitted Zone
by Harold M. Vinacke - 121-128 The Future of Nonalignment
by M.S. Rajan - 129-138 Demography and Ecology
by Philip M. Hauser - 139-208 Book Department
by N/A
November 1965, Volume 362, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-139 Index To Subjects, Contributors, Titles and Names
by N/A - 140-206 Index To Book Reviews
by N/A
September 1965, Volume 361, Issue 1
- 1-9 Assumptions About the Learning of Political Values
by Roberta Sigel - 10-19 The Family's Role in Political Socialization
by James C. Davies - 20-31 High School Extracurricular Activities and Political Socialization
by David Ziblatt - 32-39 Education and Political Enlightenment in America
by Edgar Litt - 40-57 The Child's Image of Government
by David Easton & Jack Dennis - 58-70 Parental Overprotection and Political Distrust
by Frank A. Pinner - 71-80 The Need to Be Liked and the Anxious College Liberal
by Robert E. Lane - 81-95 Personality and Political Socialization: The Theories of Authoritarian and Democratic Character
by Fred I. Greenstein - 96-111 Political Socialization and Leadership Selection
by Kenneth Prewitt - 112-127 The Political Socialization of the American Negro
by Dwaine Marvick - 128-129 In Retrospect
by Roberta Sigel - 130-140 Group Structure and Role Behavior
by Jay Jackson & Charles Mcgehee - 141-194 Book Department
by N/A
July 1965, Volume 360, Issue 1
- 1-10 The Pattern of Development in Latin America
by Richard N. Adams - 11-26 Opinions of Latin-American Intellectuals on Population Problems and Birth Control
by J. Mayone Stycos - 27-47 Urban Concentration, Agriculture, and Agrarian Reform
by George Jackson Eder - 48-62 Urban and Rural Development in Latin America
by John P. Powelson & Anatole A. Solow - 63-67 Disparities in Progress Among Nations
by Thomas C. Mann - 68-77 Mexican Economic and Social Development
by Hugo B. Margain - 78-84 What Will Be the Instruments of Latin-American Advancement?
by Ricardo M. Arias E. - 85-98 Changing Concepts of the Role of the Military in Latin America
by Lyle N. McAlister - 99-109 Communists, Socialists, and Christian Democrats
by Tad Szulc - 110-119 Some Legal Aspects of the Colonial Problem in Latin America
by Carlos Maria Velazquez - 120-124 American Regionalism and the United Nations
by Carlos Gibson - 127-138 Can Pax Americana Succeed?
by D.F. Fleming - 139-162 Supplement
by Karl W. Deutsch & Leroy N. Rieselbach - 163-171 Supplement
by Hans J. Morgenthau - 172-177 Special Supplement
by James C. Charlesworth - 178-179 POLITICAL SCIENCE, GOVERNMENT, URBAN PLANNING ROBERT R. ALFORD. Party and Society: The Anglo-American Democracies. Pp. xxiii, 396. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1964. $6.50
by Oscar Glantz - 179-180 DAVID EASTON. A Framework for Political Analysis. Pp. xvi, 143. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965. $4.95
by John C. Wahlke - 180-180 LEONARD W. DOOB. Patriotism and Nationalism : Their Psychological Foundations. Pp. xiii, 297. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1964. $6.75
by Ross Stagner - 180-181 JOSEPH LAPALOMBARA (Ed.). Bureaucracy and Political Development. Pp. xiv, 487. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963. $8.50
by Eugene V. Schneider - 181-182 ARTHUR FREUD. Of Human Sovereignty. Pp. v, 341. New York: Philosophical Library, 1964. $6.00
by E.C. Helmreich - 182-183 SALO ENGEL (Ed ), with the co-operation of Rudolf A. Métall. Law, State, and International Legal Order: Essays in Honor of Hans Kelsen. Pp. ix, 365. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1964. $10.00
by William Ebenstein - 183-184 CARL J. FRIEDRICH and JOHN W. CHAPMAN (Eds.). Nomos VI: Justice. Pp. 325. New York: Atherton Press, 1963. No price
by Gilbert Geis - 184-185 MARTIN SHAPIRO. Law and Politics in the Supreme Court: New Approaches to Political Jurisprudence. Pp. xi, 364. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1964. No price
by R.K. Faulkner - 185-186 JAMES D. BARBER. The Lawmakers: Recruitment and Adaptation to Legislative Life. Pp. xii, 314. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1965. $7.50
by Lester G. Seligman - 186-187 CORNELIUS P. COTTER and BERNARD C. HENNESSY. Politics without Power: The National Party Committees. Pp. ix, 246. New York: Atherton Press, 1964. $6.75
by Hugh A. Bone - 187-188 CHARLES O. JONES. Party and Policy-Making : The House Republican Policy Committee. Pp. ix, 174. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Harold R. Bruce - 188-188 WILLIAM D. MILLER. Mr. Crump of Memphis. Pp. xiii, 373. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964. $6.75
by George Osborn - 188-189 JOHN W. REPS. The Making of Urban America: A History of City Planning in the United States. Pp. xv, 574. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $25.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 189-190 MARTIN ANDERSON. The Federal Bulldozer : A Critical Analysis of Urban Renewal, 1949-1962. Pp. xiv, 272. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1964. $5.95
by Richard Rapacz - 190-191 MORRIS HAMBURG and JOHN H. NORTON. An Evaluation of Selected Data Requirements and Availability for Urban Economic Planning and Development in Pennsylvania. Pp. vii, 160. Harrisburg: Bureau of Statistics, Department of Internal Affairs, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1963. No price
by Robert D. Campbell - 191-192 GABRIEL KOLKO. Railroads and Regulations, 1877-1916. Pp. vii, 273. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965. $5.00
by Kent T. Healy - 192-192 Economics and LaborJOHN M. LETICHE (Ed.). A History of Russian Economic Thought: Ninth through Eighteenth Centuries. Translated with the collaboration of Basil Dmytryshyn and Richard A. Pierce. Pp..xv, 690. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1964. $12.50
by Frederick L. Schuman - 192-193 DRAGOSLAV AVRAMOVIC and Associates. Economic Growth and External Debt. Pp. xiii, 207. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1964. $6.00
by Gordon Tullock - 193-194 EDWARD A. MCCREARY. The Americanization of Europe: The Impact of Americans and American Business on the Uncommon Market. Pp. xiv, 295. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964. $5.50
by Richard H. Heindel - 194-194 RICHARD GOODE. The Individual Income Tax. Pp. xvi, 367. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1964. $6.75
by Leo Cohen - 194-195 PHILIP Ross. The Government as a Source of Union Power: The Role of Public Policy in Collective Bargaining. Pp. xiv, 320. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1965. $6.50
by Frederick L. Ryan - 195-196 ARTHUR M. Ross (Ed.). Employment Policy and the Labor Market. Pp. viii, 406. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Uniersity of California Press, 1965. $7.50
by Bruno Stein - 196-196 ART PREIS. Labor's Giant Step: Twenty Years of the CIO. Pp. ix, 538. New York: Pioneer Press, 1964. No price
by Philip Taft - 196-197 Sociology, Anthropology, EducationORRIN E. KLAPP. Symbolic Leaders: Public Dramas and Public Men. Pp. 272. Chicago: Aldine, 1964. $5.95
by Lewis M. Killian - 197-198 BERTRAM M. GROSS. The Managing of Organizations: The Administrative Struggle, Vols. I and II. Pp. xx, 971. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1964. $19.95
by Robert L. Peabody - 198-199 ARTHUR KOESTLER. The Act of Creation. Pp. 751. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1964. $8.95
by H.J. Eysenck