March 1997, Volume 550, Issue 1
- 12-41 Consolidating Democracy in the Americas
by Larry Diamond - 42-50 NAFTA and the Mesoamerican States System
by Marco A. Almazan - 51-58 NAFTA and New Paradigms
by Antonio Lara Tellez & Francisco Hernandez Aguilar - 59-71 Judicial Reform: The Neglected Priority in Latin America
by William Ratliff & Edgardo Buscaglia - 72-84 NAFTA and Chiapas
by Paul Rich - 85-95 Forecasts and Decisions on Economic Pacts in Mexico
by Roberto Ley-Borras - 96-104 NAFTA and the Future of Mexican Higher Education
by Guillermo De Los Reyes - 105-121 The Fourth Member of NAFTA: The U.S.-Mexico Border
by Timothy C. Brown - 122-129 Mexico and NAFTA: The Case of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
by Roman Lopez Villicana - 130-152 The Mexican Crisis and the Weakness of the NAFTA Consensus
by Isidro Morales - 153-167 Supplement: Children and Television: A Conference Summary
by Amy B. Jordan - 168-169 International Relations and Politics
by Stephen Salkever - 169-170 International Relations and Politics
by Alexander Bloom - 170-171 International Relations and Politics
by Arden Bucholz - 172-172 International Relations and Politics
by Russell J. Leng - 172-173 International Relations and Politics
by George M. Thomas - 173-174 International Relations and Politics
by Beverly Springer - 174-175 International Relations and Politics
by Jay M. Shafritz - 175-176 International Relations and Politics
by Edward A. Tiryakian - 176-177 International Relations and Politics
by Gerald Torres - 177-178 International Relations and Politics
by Valerie Schwebach - 178-179 Europe
by Gerard S. Sloyan - 180-181 Europe
by JOSEPH F. DiMENTO - 181-182 United States
by Robert Moroney - 182-183 United States
by Mark J. Stern - 183-183 United States
by Lloyd G. Nigro - 183-184 United States
by Sharon Rush - 184-185 United States
by Stephen Arons - 185-186 United States
by Michael B. Katz - 186-187 United States
by Jamshid A. Momeni - 187-188 United States
by Jane Isaacs Lowe - 188-189 United States
by Robert H. Abzug - 189-190 Sociology
by SALLY S. McMILLAN - 190-190 Sociology
by Clifford Lee Staten - 190-191 Sociology
by Charlotte G. Borst - 191-192 Sociology
by Robert Strom - 192-193 Sociology
by Nancy Eisenberg - 193-194 Sociology
by Mimi Abramowitz - 194-195 Sociology
by WILFRED M. McCLAY - 195-196 Sociology
by Mary E. Guy - 196-197 Economics
by Teresa A. Sullivan - 197-198 Economics
by James R. Kluger - 198-198 Economics
by Rodney Fort
January 1997, Volume 549, Issue 1
- 8-9 Preface
by William G. Johnson - 10-23 Ideology and Independent Living: Will Conservatism Harm People with Disabilities?
by Andrew I. Batavia - 24-36 The ADA and Deaf Culture: Contrasting Precepts, Conflicting Results
by Bonnie Poitras Tucker - 37-52 Can the ADA Achieve its Employment Goals?
by Marjorie L. Baldwin - 53-70 Employment Discrimination Laws for Disability: Utilization and Outcome
by Nancy R. Mudrick - 71-83 Post-ADA: Are People with Disabilities Expected to Work?
by Richard V. Burkhauser - 84-100 HIV Infection and the Americans with Disabilities Act: An Evolving Interaction
by David M. Studdert & Troyen A. Brennan - 101-116 Who is Protected by the ADA? Evidence from the German Experience
by Mary C. Daly - 117-128 The Employment of People with and without Disabilities in an Age of Insecurity
by Edward H. Yelin - 129-147 Is the ADA Successful? Indicators for Tracking Gains
by Frederick C. Collignon - 148-159 Disability as Human Variation: Implications for Policy
by Richard K. Scotch & Kay Schriner - 160-172 The Future of Disability Policy: Benefit Payments or Civil Rights?
by William G. Johnson - 173-184 Supplement: Genes and Society: Puzzles, Promises, and Policy
by Eric Churchill - 185-186 International Relations and Politics
by Heather A. Hazard - 186-187 International Relations and Politics
by Russell F. Weigley - 187-188 International Relations and Politics
by Bruce L. Gardner - 188-189 International Relations and Politics
by David Vogel - 189-190 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Marilyn Silberfein - 190-191 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Seymour Drescher - 191-192 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by John F. Copper - 193-195 Europe
by Robert Hardaway - 195-196 United States
by Charles S. Liebman - 196-197 United States
by William L. O'Neill - 197-198 United States
by Surinder K. Mehta - 198-199 United States
by Anthony Champagne - 199-200 United States
by Louis Cain - 200-201 United States
by Bradley C. S. Watson - 201-202 Sociology
by Francesco Cordasco - 202-203 Sociology
by Herman Gray - 203-204 Sociology
by Lorraine V. Klerman - 204-205 Sociology
by Kathleen Staudt - 205-207 Sociology
by Roland Littlewood - 207-208 Sociology
by Brian Collins - 208-208 Sociology
by Robert L. Hampel - 209-210 Economics
by Ellen Messer - 210-211 Economics
by David B. Audretsch
November 1996, Volume 548, Issue 1
- 7-13 Preface
by Franklin H. Littell & G. Jan Colijn & Marcia Sachs Littell & Irene G. Shur - 14-22 The Impact of the Holocaust
by Yehuda Bauer - 23-44 Holocaust and Holy War
by Richard L. Rubenstein - 45-69 “Havel to the Castle!†The Power of the Word
by Violet B. Ketels - 70-77 Holocaust Revisited: A Catalyst for Memory or Trivialization?
by Judith E. Doneson - 78-93 Lessons Learned from Gentle Heroism: Women's Holocaust Narratives
by Myrna Goldenberg - 94-104 Teaching the Unteachable: A Canadian Perspective
by Christopher R. Friedrichs - 105-115 Teaching a Multidisciplinary Course on the Holocaust and German Culture
by Marion Faber - 116-122 The Holocaust Course at the United States Air Force Academy
by Edward B. Westermann - 123-137 Circles of Hell: Jewish and Non-Jewish Victims of the Nazis
by Mary Johnson & Carol Rittner - 138-155 Learning from the Christian Rescuers: Lessons for the Churches
by David P. Gushee - 156-168 Paradigms of Genocide: The Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and Contemporary Mass Destructions
by Robert Melson - 169-190 The Interwar Polish Catholic Press on the Jewish Question
by Ronald Modras - 191-199 Ethnic Conflict and Genocide: Reflections on Ethnic Cleansing in the Former Yugoslavia
by Damir Mirkoviä† - 200-218 Some Theological Aspects of Jewish Memory in the Holocaust Memoir
by David Patterson - 219-220 International Relations and Politics
by Hilary Conroy - 220-221 International Relations and Politics
by K. S. Brown - 221-224 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Brian Loveman - 224-225 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Jeffery T. Brannon - 225-227 Europe
by Karl Peter - 227-228 United States
by Paul R. Henggeler - 228-229 United States
by William E. Pemberton - 229-230 United States
by Athan Theoharis - 230-231 United States
by Eugene Webb - 231-232 United States
by William L. Kissick - 232-233 Sociology
by Susan Brown Eve - 233-234 Sociology
by Sanford F. Schram - 234-236 Sociology
by Surinder K. Mehta - 236-237 Sociology
by Ronald A. Pincomb
September 1996, Volume 547, Issue 1
- 8-10 Preface
by Max J. Skidmore - 11-23 Hong Kong: Colonial Legacy, Transformation, and Challenge
by Ming K. Chan - 24-36 Political Developments in Hong Kong: Implications for 1997
by Elfed Vaughan Roberts - 37-53 Hong Kong Design and the Roots of Sino-American Trade Disputes
by Matthew Turner - 54-67 Negotiating Emigration and the Family: Individual Solutions to the 1997 Anxiety
by Khun Eng Kuah - 68-78 The Myth of Political Apathy in Hong Kong
by Michael E. Degolyer & Janet Lee Scott - 79-90 Claim Jumping at Century's End: University Student Identity in Late-Transition Hong Kong
by Stacilee Ford - 91-103 The Past is another Country: Hong Kong Women in Transition
by Veronica Pearson - 104-117 Law in Hong Kong and China: The Meshing of Systems
by Peter Wesley-Smith - 118-130 Promise and Peril in Combating Corruption: Hong Kong's ICAC
by Max J. Skidmore - 131-143 China's Muffling of the Hong Kong Media
by James E. Sciutto - 144-152 America's Long-Term Interest in Hong Kong
by Richard W. Mueller - 153-164 Asia-Pacific Economic Links and the Future of Hong Kong
by Clyde A. Haulman - 165-170 The Rule of Law in Hong Kong: Implications for 1997
by Martin C. M. Lee - 174-175 International Relations and Politics
by Richard J. Payne - 175-176 International Relations and Politics
by Harold Molineu - 176-177 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Charlotte G. O'Kelly - 177-178 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Thomas B. Gold - 178-179 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Craig Baxter - 179-180 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Victor B. Howard - 180-181 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Jere R. Behrman - 181-182 Europe
by Lesley A. Rimmel - 183-183 United States
by William J. Quirk - 183-185 United States
by George Blyn - 185-186 United States
by William L. Kissick - 186-187 United States
by Robert Garson - 187-188 United States
by Frederick J. Roberts - 188-188 Sociology
by Victor B. Howard - 188-189 Sociology
by Ann Braden Johnson
July 1996, Volume 546, Issue 1
- 8-8 Preface
by Kathleen Hall Jamieson - 9-21 Political Communications Infrastructure
by W. Russell Neuman - 22-33 And Deliver Us from Segmentation
by Elihu Katz - 34-47 What Voters Learn from Media
by David H. Weaver - 48-58 How Americans Get Political Information: Print Versus Broadcast News
by Steven Chaffee & Stacey Frank - 59-70 Framing Responsibility for Political Issues
by Shanto Iyengar - 71-84 News Frames, Political Cynicism, and Media Cynicism
by Joseph N. Cappella & Kathleen Hall Jamieson - 85-96 Say it with Pictures
by Doris A. Graber - 97-108 Bad News, Bad Governance
by Thomas E. Patterson - 109-119 Easy Citizenship: Television's Curious Legacy
by Roderick P. Hart - 120-131 Public Expression Outside the Mainstream
by Susan Herbst - 132-140 The Televised Deliberative Poll: An Experiment in Democracy
by James S. Fishkin - 141-153 The New Paradigm for News
by Ellen Hume - 154-155 International Relations and Politics
by Regina U. Gramer - 155-156 International Relations and Politics
by Charles E. Walcott - 156-157 International Relations and Politics
by Bassel F. Salloukh - 157-158 International Relations and Politics
by Jean Bethke Elshtain - 158-159 International Relations and Politics
by Anne Blair - 159-161 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Rene Peritz - 161-162 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by John F. Copper - 162-163 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Dickson A. Mungazi - 163-164 Europe
by Paul C. Helmreich - 164-166 Europe
by Paul Hollander - 166-167 Europe
by Richard M. Hunt - 167-168 United States
by Jennifer Hochschild - 168-169 United States
by Robert A. Goldberg - 169-170 United States
by LISA J. McINTYRE - 170-170 United States
by Stephen L. Wasby - 171-172 United States
by Daniel T. Lichter - 172-173 United States
by Anne Permaloff - 173-174 Sociology
by Adam Fairclough - 174-175 Sociology
by Paul Johnston - 175-176 Sociology
by Daniel A. Nuxoll - 176-177 Sociology
by Arthur B. Shostak - 177-178 Sociology
by Leon Anderson - 178-179 Economics
by Ervin Miller - 179-180 Economics
by Ian M. Taplin
May 1996, Volume 545, Issue 1
- 8-13 Preface
by Howard Kunreuther & Paul Slovic - 15-24 How Risks are Identified and Assessed
by John D. Graham & Lorenz Rhomberg - 25-34 Government Risk Regulation
by Robert A. Pollak - 35-43 Scientific Uncertainty and the Political Process
by Dale Jamieson - 44-53 Risky Thinking: Irrational Fears about Risk and Society
by William R. Freudenburg - 54-63 Valuing Risks to the Environment
by Robin Gregory & Thomas C. Brown & Jack L. Knetsch - 64-74 Risk and the Human Environment
by Roy A. Rappaport - 75-84 Public Values in Risk Research
by Baruch Fischhoff - 85-94 Three Phases in the Evolution of Risk Communication Practice
by William Leiss - 95-105 The Social Amplification and Attenuation of Risk
by Roger E. Kasperson & Jeanne X. Kasperson - 106-115 Hazard Communication: Warnings and Risk
by W. Kip Viscusi & Richard J. Zeckhauser - 116-125 Science, Values, and Risk
by Howard Kunreuther & Paul Slovic - 126-134 The Role of Values in Risk Management
by Ralph L. Keeney - 135-143 Rethinking Risk Management in the Federal Government
by Robin Cantor - 144-155 The Risk Management Dilemma
by Richard J. Zeckhauser & W. Kip Viscusi - 156-164 Risk and Justice: Rethinking the Concept of Compensation
by Patrick Field & Howard Raiffa & Lawrence Susskind - 165-175 Reforming Risk Regulation
by Roger G. Noll - 176-183 Risk and the Legal System
by James E. Krier - 184-185 International Relations and Politics
by William R. Thompson - 185-186 International Relations and Politics
by Andrew Kirby - 186-187 International Relations and Politics
by T. Balderston - 187-188 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by William E. French - 188-189 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Paula J. Pettavino - 189-190 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Surinder M. Bhardwaj