March 1938, Volume 196, Issue 1
- 262-262 FEUCHTWANGER, LION. Moscow, 1937. Pp. xiii, 151. New York: Viking Press, 1937. $2.00
by Elias Tobenkin - 262-263 MAUNIER, RENÉ. Sociologie coloniale. Vol. II. Psychologie des expansions. Pp. 441. Paris: Les Editions Domat- Montchrestien, 1936
by Charles T. Loram - 263-264 LIPS, JULIUS. The Savage Hits Back. Pp. xxxi, 254. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1937. $5.00
by Edwin M. Loeb - 264-265 HARRISSON, TOM. Savage Civilization. Pp. 461. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1937. $4.00
by A. Irving Hallowell - 265-266 BARZUN, JACQUES. Race—A Study in Modern Superstition. Pp, x, 353. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1937. $2.50
by Frank H. Hankins - 266-267 PLANT, JAMES S. Personality and the Cul tural Pattern. Pp. x, 442. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1937. $2.50
by Willard Waller - 267-268 MURCHISON, CARL (Ed.). Handbook of Social Psychology. Pp. xii, 1195. Wor cester, Mass.: Clark University Press, 1935. $6.00. KLEMM, OTTO. Psychologie des Gemein schaftslebens. Pp. viii, 317. Jena: Gus tav Fischer, 1935. RM 18.00
by Howard Becker - 268-268 THYSSEN, JOHANNES. Geschichte der Ge schichtsphilasaphie. Pp. 141. Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt Verlag, 1936. Fox, DIXON RYAN. Ideas in Motion. Pp. 126. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1935. $1.25
by Howard Becker - 268-268 SHRYOCK, RICHARD HARRISON. The De velopment of Modern Medicine. Pp. xiv, 442. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1936. $4.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 268-269 ASCH, BERTA, and A. R. MANGUS. Farm ers on Relief and Rehabilitation. Pp. xx, 226. Washington: Works Progress Administration, Division of Social Re search, 1937
by C.F. Kraenzel - 269-270 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD. Social Security in America. Pp. xix, 592. Washington, 1937. 75¢
by Frank J. Bruno - 270-273 SALOMON, ALICE. Education for Social Work. Pp. vi, 265. Zurich: Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft, 1937. $3.00
by J.P. Shalloo - 273-273 McKELVEY, BLAKE. American Prisons. Pp. xiv, 242. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $3.00
by J.P. Shalloo
January 1938, Volume 195, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Herbert F. Goodrich - 1-1 Foreword
by W. Brooke Graves - 1-10 Today's Legislatures
by Henry W. Toll - 1-11 Civil Liberties: Court Help Or Self-Help 1
by Grenville Clark - 11-20 Reapportionment and Urban Representation
by David O. Walter - 12-31 The Two Fourteenth Amendments
by F. Lyman Windolph - 21-31 Tenure and Turnover of Legislative Personnel
by Charles S. Hyneman - 32-39 Legislative Personnel in Pennsylvania
by William T.R. Fox - 32-45 Full Faith and Credit
by Bernard F. Cataldo - 40-44 They Legislate for Missouri
by Howard B. Lang JR - 45-52 Legislative Personnel in California
by Dean E. McHenry - 46-52 Public Price Fixing and Due Process
by Charles Bunn - 53-61 Lawyers as Legislators
by M. Louise Rutherford - 53-64 Supreme Court Protection of Private Rights Against State Action
by Oliver Peter Field - 62-71 Racial Groups in the New Mexico Legislature
by John C. Russell - 65-78 Equal Protection of the Laws
by Noel T. Dowling - 72-78 Influence of the Governor upon Legislation
by Leslie Lipson - 79-86 Present Importance of the First Amendment
by Edward P. Cheyney - 79-87 Lobbies and Pressure Groups: A Political Scientist's Point of View
by Belle Zeller - 87-120 The Impairment of Obligation of Contracts
by John G. Hervey - 88-94 Lobbies and Pressure Groups: A Lobbyist's Point of View
by Gertrude L. Schermerhorn - 95-102 Lobbies and Pressure Groups: A Legislator's Point of View
by Henry Parkman JR - 103-109 Influence of Organizations of Local Government Officials
by David H. Kurtzman - 110-115 Problems Peculiar to the Short-Session Legislature
by William E. Treadway - 116-122 The Introduction of Bills
by J.A.C. Grant - 123-128 The Legislative Process in Minnesota
by Lloyd M. Short - 129-136 Interpersonal Relationships and the Legislative Process
by Garland C. Routt - 137-143 Technical Services for State Legislators
by Edwin E. Witte - 144-150 The Development of the Legislative Council Idea
by Frederic H. Guild - 151-158 Methods of Improving Legislative Procedure
by Paul Mason - 159-167 Nebraska's First Unicameral Legislative Session
by John P. Senning - 168-175 The Use of Mechanical Equipment in Legislative Research
by Mona Fletcher - 176-182 The State Legislature as Training for Further Public Service
by John Brown Mason - 183-188 Two Functions of the American State Legislator
by T.V. Smith - 189-197 A Reappraisal of State Legislatures
by Roger V. Shumate - 198-204 Modern Reconstruction of State Government
by Paul T. Stafford - 205-205 SMITH, T. V. The Promise of American Politics. Pp. xiii, 290. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1936. $2.50
by Walter R. Sharp - 205-206 KIMMEL, LEWIS H. Cost of Government in the United States, 1934-36. Pp. xiii, 137. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Harold W. Guest - 206-207 PHILLIPS, ROBERT. American Govern ment and Its Problems. Pp. xv, 813. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1937. $3.50
by Roy V. Peel - 207-208 GOSNELL, HAROLD F. Machine Politics: Chicago Model. Pp. xx, 229. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937. $2.50
by J.T. Salter - 208-209 CRAM, RALPH ADAMS. The End of De mocracy. Pp. viii, 261. Boston: Mar shall Jones Co., 1937. $3.00
by John Pomfret - 209-210 BUEHLER, ALFRED G. The Undistributed Profits Tax. Pp. ix, 281. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. $3.75
by H.R. Enslow - 210-210 KEIR, MALCOLM. Labor's Search for More. Pp. xii, 527. New York: Ron ald Press, 1937. $3.50
by S. Perlman - 210-211 JOINT COMMITTEE, CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT AND INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. International Economic Recon struction. Vol. I, pp. 225. Paris, 1936
by John Donaldson - 211-212 KINSMAN, DELOS O. Our Economic World. Pp. xi, 584. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1937. $3.50
by D. Philip Locklin - 212-212 FRAIN, H. LARUE. An Introduction to Economics. Pp. xviii, 693. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1937. $3.00
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 212-213 GEMMILL, PAUL F., and RALPH H. BLODGETT. Economics—Principles and Problems. Vol. I, pp. x, 704; Vol. II, pp. viii, 652. New York: Harper & Bros., 1937. $2.50 each
by Broadus Mitchell - 213-214 ROOS, CHARLES FREDERICK. NRA and Economic Planning. Pp. xxii, 588. Bloomington: Principia Press, Inc., 1937
by Joseph Mayer - 214-215 MACKENZIE, FINDLAY (Ed.). Planned Society—Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Pp. xxvii, 989. New York: Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1937. $3.75
by Roy V. Peel - 215-215 HOHLFELD, H. H. Die Englisch-Ameri kanischen Geldmarktbeziehungen unter dem Goldstandard. Pp. vii, 186. Stutt gart : Poeschel Verlag, 1936. RM 12.00
by Hans Neisser - 215-217 MITCHELL, WESLEY C. The Backward Art of Spending Money. Pp. vii, 421. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. $3.00
by A.B. Wolfe - 217-217 DOHR, JAMES L. The Law of Business. Pp. xviii, 659. New York: Ronald Press, 1937. $4.00
by Clarence N. Callender - 217-218 BOSLAND, CHELSIE C. The Common Stock Theory of Investment. Pp. ix, 154. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1937. $2.50
by G. Wright Hoffman - 218-218 MORLAN, GEORGE. America's Heritage from John Stuart Mill. Pp. viii, 209. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $2.00
by Hymen Ezra Cohen - 218-219 WALKER, CHARLES RUMFORD. The Amer ican City. Pp. xvii, 278. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937. $2.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 219-219 WALKER, HARVEY. Public Administration. Pp. x, 698. New York: Farrar & Rine hart, 1937. $3.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 219-220 ROSAHN, BEATRICE GREENFIELD, and ABRA- HAM GOLDFELD. Housing Management: Principles and Practice. Pp. xiii, 414. New York: Covici-Friede, 1937. $4.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 220-221 SCHÄR, ARNOLD (Ed.). Das Werk von Bernhard Collin-Bernoulli. Pp. 208. Basel: Verband Schweizerischer Kon sumvereine, 1935
by Otto E. Ruhmer - 221-222 RUHMER, OTTO, and ROBERT SCHLOESSER. Entstehungsgeschichte des deutschen Genossenschaftswesens. Pp. xxvi, 294. Hamburg: Johs. Kroegers Buchdruc kerei, 1937. RM 5.80
by Arthur E. Albrecht - 222-223 PIERCE, BESSIE LOUISE. A History of Chi cago, 1673-1848. Pp. xvii, 455, xxxi. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1937. $5.00
by John Pomfret - 223-226 BRADY, ROBERT A. The Spirit and Struc ture of German Fascism. Pp. xix, 420. New York: Viking Press, 1937. $3.00
by Harold C. Deutsch - 226-227 HEIDEN, KONRAD. Ein Mann gegen Europa. Pp. 390. Zurich: Europa Verlag, 1937. S. Fr. 6
by Louis Leo Snyder - 227-227 HUMMEL, HANS. Südosteuropa und das Erbe der Donaumonarchie. Pp. 64. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1937. RM 1.05
by Josef L. Kunz - 227-228 SCHUMACHER, RUPERT VON. Siedlung und Machtpolitik des Auslandes. Pp. 74. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1937. RM 1.12
by Josef L. Kunz - 228-229 TAUBE, MICHAEL VON. Der Grossen Katastrophe Entgegen. Pp. viii, 415. Leipzig: K. F. Koehlers Antiquarium, 1937. RM 10.00
by Ralph Haswell Lutz - 229-230 GOWER, ROBERT. The Hungarian Minori ties in the Succession States. Pp. 123. London: Grant Richards, 1937. 2s. 6d
by Louis Leo Snyder - 230-230 HALPERIN, S. WILLIAM. The Separation of Church and State in Italian Thought from Cavour to Mussolini. Pp. ix, 115. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937. $2.00
by William G. Welk - 230-231 QUIGLEY, HAROLD S. (Ed.) . Peace or War? Pp. 205. Minneapolis: Univer sity of Minnesota Press, 1937. 50¢
by Vernon A. O'Rourke - 231-232 CRUTTWELL, C. R. M. F. A History of Peaceful Change in the Modern World. Pp. iii, 221. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1937. $3.00
by Phillips Bradley - 232-233 CLARK, THOMAS D. A History of Ken tucky. Pp. xiv, 702. New York: Pren tice-Hall, Inc., 1937. $5.00
by Roy F. Nichols - 233-233 FRIEDERICI, GEORG. Der Charakter der Entdeckung und Eroberung Amerikas durch die Europäer. Vol. II, pp. xvi, 571; Vol. III, pp. xvi, 520. Stuttgart: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1936. Vol. II, RM 10.75; Vol. III, RM 12.50
by Richard H. Heindel - 233-235 MISES, LUDWIG VON. Socialism: An Eco nomic and Sociological Analysis. Pp. 528. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $5.50
by Eduard Heimann - 235-235 WATSON, J. P. Economic Backgrounds of the Relief Problem. Pp. xiii, 144. Pittsburgh: Bureau of Business Research, University of Pittsburgh, 1937
by Robert W. Kelso - 235-236 HYDE, GEORGE E. Red Cloud's Folk. Pp. xi, 331. Norman: University of Okla homa Press, 1937. $3.50
by John H. Provinse - 236-237 MEAD, MARGARET (Ed.). Coöperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples. Pp. xii, 531. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1937. $4.00
by George Peter Murdock - 237-238 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. The Problem of Nu trition. Vol. III, "Nutrition in Various Countries." Pp. 271. New York: World Peace Foundation, 1936. $1.40. —. The Problem of Nutrition. Vol. IV, "Statistics of Food Production, Consumption and Prices." Pp. 110. New York: World Peace Foundation, 1936. 75¢. INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE. Workers' Nutrition and Social Policy. Pp. vii,249. New York: World Peace Foundation, 1936. $1.50
by James H.S. Bossard - 238-238 SCHMID, CALVIN F. Mortality Trends in the State of Minnesota. Pp. ix, 325. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1937. $3.50
by John Collinson - 238-239 LYND, ROBERT S. and HELEN MERRELL. Middletown in Transition. Pp. xviii, 604. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1937. $5.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 239-240 BORCHARD, E. M., and WILLIAM POTTER LAGE. Neutrality for the United States. Pp. xi, 380. New Haven: Yale Univer sity Press, 1937. $3.50
by Phillips Bradley - 240-241 MADIGAN, C. T. Central Australia. Pp. xi, 258. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. $5.00
by C. Hartley Grattan - 241-241 HUDSON, G. F. The Far East in World Politics. Pp. vii, 276. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1937. $3.00
by J.H. Landman - 241-242 ISHII, RYOICHI. Population Pressure and Economic Life in Japan. Pp. xix, 259. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1937. 12s. 6d
by Jean Reischauer - 242-243 DULLES, FOSTER RHEA. Forty Years of American-Japanese Relations. Pp. ix, 289. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1937. $3.00
by Harry Emerson Wildes - 243-244 WILDES, HARRY EMERSON. Aliens in the East. Pp. viii, 360. Philadelphia: Uni versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. $3.00
by Maurice T. Price - 244-244 TUPPER, ELEANOR, and GEORGE E. MCREY NOLDS. Japan in American Public Opinion. Pp. xix, 465. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.75
by Richard H. Heindel
November 1937, Volume 194, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James H.S. Bossard & W. Wallace Weaver - 1-5 Modern Youth—Retrospect and Prospect
by W. Wallace Weaver - 6-17 Youth as a Population Element
by Newton Edwards - 18-24 What Is the American Youth Problem?
by Homer P. Rainey - 25-33 The Special Problems of Rural Youth
by Bruce L. Melvin - 34-41 The Vocational Guidance of Youth
by J.H. Bentley - 42-47 Youth and the Labor Unions
by Ordway Tead - 48-58 The Prospect for Youth and the Church
by Ray H. Abrams - 59-66 Youth and Leisure
by Eduard C. Lindeman - 67-72 Youth in Politics
by Franklin Spencer Edmonds - 73-78 Youth in Sports
by Lawson Robertson - 79-86 Youth and Crime
by J.P. Shalloo - 87-99 The Health of Youth
by Selwyn D. Collins - 100-110 Mental Hygiene for Youth
by Bruce B. Robinson - 111-118 Youth and Marriage
by Emily Hartshorne Mudd - 119-128 The Government's Responsibility for Youth
by Aubrey Williams - 129-140 The Civilian Conservation Corps Program
by Robert Fechner - 141-151 Youth Movements in the United States
by Thomas F. Neblett - 152-164 The European Labor Service
by Kenneth Holland - 165-173 International Aspects of Modern Youth Problems
by W. Thacher Winslow - 174-180 Leadership for Modern Youth
by A.G. Knebel - 181-186 Organizations Serving Youth
by M.M. Chambers - 187-196 The Maryland Study of the American Youth Commission
by Howard Bell - 197-206 Finding the Facts About Youth
by D.L. Harley - 207-216 The Literature of Youth Problems
by M.M. Chambers - 217-218 DAVIS, MAXINE. They Shall Not Want. Pp. xiii, 418. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $2.50
by Edward Berman - 218-219 SCHNEIDER, MARGARET GRANT. More Se curity for Old Age. Pp. xiii, 191. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, Inc., 1937. $1.75
by Francis Bardwell - 219-220 MILLIS, HARRY ALVIN. Sickness and In surance. Pp. ix, 166. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1937. $2.00
by C.A. Kulp - 220-221 CHANG, DUCKSOO. British Methods of Industrial Peace. Pp. 332. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $4.25
by Frederick L. Ryan - 221-222 KING, BEATRICE. Changing Man: The Ed ucation System of the U.S.S.R. Pp. 319. New York: Viking Press, 1937. $2.75
by Thomas Woody - 222-222 GRIZZELL, E. D. American Secondary Education. Pp. xiv, 312. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1937. $2.00
by Harold Benjamin - 222-223 MACIVER, ROBERT M. Society: A Text book of Sociology. Pp. xii, 596. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1937. $3.75
by Floyd N. House - 223-224 SOMBART, WERNER. A New Social Philos ophy. Pp. xii, 295. Princeton: Prince ton University Press, 1937. $3.50
by H.M. Kallen - 224-225 GLUECK, SHELDON AND ELEANOR. Later Criminal Careers. Pp. xi, 403. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1937. $3.00
by Courtlandt C. Van Vechten - 225-226 MEAD, MARGARET, et al. Coöperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples. Pp. xii, 531. New York: McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., 1937. $4.00
by Lloyd H. Fisher - 226-227 OGBURN, WILLIAM F. Social Characteris tics of Cities. Pp. v, 69. Chicago: In ternational City Managers' Ass'n, 1937. $1.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 227-227 DREIS, THELMA A. A Handbook of Social Statistics of New Haven, Connecticut. Pp. xiii, 146. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1936. $2.50
by Hugh Carter - 227-228 SARKAR, BENOY KUMAR. The Sociology of Population. Pp. ii, 139, ii. Calcutta: N. M. Ray-Chowdhury & Co., 1936. RS. 3
by Herbert A. Miller - 229-229 BLÃ HA, IN. ARNOÅ T. Sociologie Inteli gence. Pp. 398. Praha: Orbis, 1937. KÄ . 50
by J.A. Neprash - 229-230 Fox, RALPH. The Novel and the People. Pp. 172. New York: International Pub lishers, 1937. $1.50
by James H. Barnett - 230-231 KINGSBURY, SUSAN M., HORNELL HART, and associates. Newspapers and the News. Pp. xi, 238., New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1937. $2.50
by Malcolm M. Willey - 231-232 LEE, ALFRED MCCLUNG. The Daily News paper in America. Pp. xiv, 797. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.50
by Malcolm M. Willey - 232-233 BARON SALO WITTMAYER. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol. I, pp. xiv, 377; Vol. II, pp. x, 462; Vol. III, pp. xii, 406. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1937. Vols. I & II, $3.75 each; Vol. III, $4.00
by E.A. Beller - 233-234 KELLETT, E. E. The Story of Dictator ship. Pp. 831. New York: E. P. Dut ton & Co., Inc., 1937. $1.75
by William B. Guthrie - 234-235 MACHRAY, ROBERT. The Poland of Pilsud ski, 1914-1936. Pp. 508. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1937. $3.75
by Hans Kohn - 235-236 MAZOUR, ANATOLE G. 1825-The First Russian Revolution. Pp. xviii, 324. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1937. $4.00
by Hans Kohn - 236-237 TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY. Grey of Falladon. Pp. xiii, 447. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1937. $3.75
by Leonidas Dodson - 237-238 MARCHANT, JAMES (Ed.). History through The Times. Pp. xi, 619. London, Cas sell & Co., 1937. 10/6
by Hans Kohn - 238-240 PRATT, JULIUS W. Expansionists of 1898. Pp. viii, 393. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1936. $3.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 240-240 CURTI, MERLE. The Learned Blacksmith. Pp. ix, 241. New York: Wilson-Erick son, Inc., 1937. $3.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 240-241 SMITH, ARTHUR D. HOWDEN. Old Fuss and Feathers. Pp. 386. New York: Greystone Press, 1937. $4.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 241-242 TOWLE, DOROTHY S. (Ed.). Records of the Vice-Admiralty Court of Rhode Is land, 1710-1752. Pp. 595. Philadel phia: American Historical Association, 1937. $7.50
by Cyrus H. Karraker - 242-242 PUSEY, MERLO J. The Supreme Court Crisis. Pp. vi, 108. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $1.00
by Bernard F. Cataldo - 242-243 NEWCOMER, MABEL. Central and Local Finance in Germany and England. Pp. xi, 381. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1937. $3.50
by Denzel C. Cline - 243-244 OAKES, EUGENE E. Studies in Massachu setts Town Finance. Pp. 237. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937. $2.50
by Richard A. Girard - 244-245 SLAUGHTER, JOHN A. Income Received in the Various States, 1929-1935. Pp. xv, 167. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Lucile Bagwell - 245-245 PEARCE, FREDERICK LEON. Income Tax Fundamentals. Pp. xxiv, 581. Chicago: The Foundation Press Inc., 1936. $5.00
by J. Lockwood - 245-246 EGGER, R. A., and J. E. GATES. Municipal Ownership of Electric Undertakings in Virginia. Pp. xx, 132. University, Va.: Bureau of Public Administration, 1937. $1.00
by Charles F. Marsh - 246-247 LANCASTER, LANE W. Government in Rural America. Pp, xi, 416. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1937
by William Anderson - 247-248 CIRIACY-WANTRUP, SIEGFRIED VON. Agrar krisen und Stockungsspannen. Pp. 445. Berlin: Paul Parey, 1936. RM 23.00
by Hans Neisser - 248-249 MITCHELL, BROADUS. General Economics. Pp. x, 772. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1937. $3.00
by William W. Hewett - 249-249 BERNHEIM, ALFRED L. (Ed.) . Big Busi ness, Its Growth and Its Place. Pp. xv, 102. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, Inc., 1937. $1.35
by Horace M. Gray - 250-250 BERNHEIM, ALFRED L. (Ed.) . How Prof itable Is Big Business? Pp. xviii, 201. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, Inc., 1937. $2.00
by Horace M. Gray - 250-251 RUDDICK, J. A., et al. The Dairy Indus try in Canada. Pp. xxxii, 299. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1937. $3.75
by Warren C. Waite - 251-252 ROBBINS, LIONEL. Economic Planning and International Order. Pp. xv, 330. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $8.50
by Francis A. Linville - 252-253 BURROWS, RAYMOND. The Problems and Practice of Economic Planning. Pp. ix, 280. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1937. 10s.6d
by Frank H. Knight - 253-254 VALK, W. L. Production, Pricing and Un employment in the Static State. Pp. xii, 138. Rotterdam: Netherlands Eco nomic Institute, 1937. Fl. 2.00; bound Fl. 3.00
by Vernon A. Mund - 254-254 HARDY, MARGARET. The Influence of Or ganized Labor on the Foreign Policy of the United States. Pp. viii, 270. Liége: H. Vaillant-Carmanne, 1936
by Edward Berman - 254-255 HARTLEY, LIVINGSTON. Is America Afraid? Pp. xi, 462. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1937. $2.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 255-257 BIENSTOCK, GREGORY. The Struggle for the Pacific. Pp. 299. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $4.00
by J.H. Landman & Maurice T. Price - 257-258 LEWINSOHN, RICHARD. The Profits of War. Pp. 287. New York: E. P. Dut ton & Co., Inc., 1937. $3.00
by H.C. Engelbrecht - 258-259 STALEY, EUGENE. Raw Materials in Peace and War. Pp. x, 326. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1937. $3.00
by J.H. Landman - 259-260 ELLIOTT, W. Y., et al. lnternational Con trol in the Nan-Ferrous Metals. Pp. xxi, 801. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $6.50
by John Donaldson - 260-261 APELT, FRIEDRICH. Abhangige Mitglieder volkerrechtlicher Verbände. Pp. 211. Brünn: Rudolf M. Rohrer, 1937
by H. Janzen
September 1937, Volume 193, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Julius Grodinsky - 1-7 Restriction of Unfair Foreign Competition with Domestic Sugar Refining
by Earl D. Babst - 8-13 A Dog Has Nine Lives: The Story of the Phonograph
by H.S. Maraniss - 14-21 Financial Recovery of the Kraft Industry
by David B. Jeremiah - 22-33 The Fertilizer Industry1
by Charles J. Brand - 34-48 Cotton Consumption in the United States
by Charles K. Everett - 49-61 The Steam Railroad Industry
by Julius Grodinsky - 62-69 The Freight Locomotive Industry
by George H. Houston - 70-87 The Department Store—A Problem of Elephantiasis
by Frank Thomson Hypps - 88-98 The United States Shipping Industry
by Hobart S. Perry - 99-109 Recovery of American Foreign Trade
by Roland L. Kramer - 110-119 Improvements in the Lumber Industry
by J.P. Simpson & Edmund L.C. Swan - 120-129 Price Fixing in the Bituminous Coal Industry
by Edward W. Carter - 130-130 Foreword
by Arthur G. Coons - 133-139 Significance of Japanese Industrial and Commercial Growth
by Kazuo Kawai - 140-144 Exit American Oriental Trade
by Clayton D. Carus - 145-149 Recent Japanese Politics
by Charles B. Fahs - 150-153 Governmental Reconstruction in China
by Claude A. Buss - 154-164 China and Soviet Russia
by Russell M. Story - 165-218 Book Department
by N/A
July 1937, Volume 192, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-4 The Outlook in Europe
by Eduard Beneš - 5-14 The Far East and American Foreign Policy
by Frederick V. Field - 15-23 Storm Warnings of Conflict
by Phillips Bradley - 24-30 Where the Dangers Lie
by Walter Millis - 31-37 Public Opinion and Peace
by Harwood L. Childs