July 1938, Volume 198, Issue 1
- 194-194 MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT, and HENRY STEELE COMMAGER. The Growth of the American Republic. 2nd ed. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 702; Vol. II, pp. xvi, 695. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. Each volume, $3.00
by Charles F. Strong - 194-195 SANDERS, JENNINGS B. Early American History 1492-1789. Pp. xxi, 705. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1938. $3.75
by Charles F. Strong - 195-196 HowE, M. A. DEWOLFE. John Jay Chap man and His Letters. Pp. 499. Bos ton: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1937. $4.00
by Charles F. Strong - 196-196 DODD, WILLIAM E. The Old South: Strug gles for Democracy. Pp. vii, 312. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.75
by Charles F. Strong - 196-197 HERTZ, EMANUEL (Ed.). The Hidden Lin coln: From the Letters and Papers of William H. Herndon. Pp. ix, 461. New York: Viking Press, Inc., 1938. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 197-198 McELROY, ROBERT. Jefferson Davis. Vol. I, pp. xiii, 1-368; Vol. II, pp. v, 369-783. New York: Harper & Bros., 1937. The set, $8.00
by Charles F. Strong - 198-199 WESLEY, CHARLES H. The Collapse of the Confederacy. Pp. xiii, 225. Washing ton : Associated Publishers, Inc., 1937. $2.15
by Alphonse B. Miller - 199-199 PETERSEN, WILLIAM J. Steamboating on the Upper mississippi. Pp. 575. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1937. $3.50
by George M. Stephenson - 199-200 FOREMAN, GRANT (Ed.). Adventure on Red River. Pp. xxxi, 199. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1938. $2.50
by Lloyd H. Fisher - 200-201 SMITH, ABBOT EMERSON. James Madison: Builder. Pp. vii, 366. New York: Elliot Pub. Co., 1937. $4.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 201-201 JAMES, MARQUIS. Andrew Jackson. Pp. 627. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1937. $5.00
by William F. Swindler - 201-202 NEATBY, HILDA M. The Administration of Justice under the Quebec Act. Pp. 383. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minn. Press, 1937. $6.00
by Carl Wittke - 202-203 PERKINS, DEXTER. The Monroe Doctrine 1867-1907. Pp. ix, 480. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1937. $3.50
by David P. Barrows - 203-204 MOORE, DAVID R. A History of Latin America. Pp. xiii, 826. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1938. $4.00
by Lillian Estelle Fisher - 204-205 CHAPMAN, CHARLES EDWARD. Republi can Hispanic America. Pp. xvii, 463. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.00
by Lillian Estelle Fisher - 205-206 BELAUNDE, VICTOR ANDRÉS. Bolivar and the Political Thought of the Spanish American Revolution. Pp. xxiv, 451. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1938. $3.50
by Roscoe R. Hill - 206-206 PHELPS, VERNON LOVELL. The Interna tional Economic Position of Argentina. Pp. xv, 276. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. $3.00
by Simon G. Hanson - 206-207 LEVENE, RICARDO. A History of Argen tina. Pp. xiii, 565. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1937. $4.00
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 207-208 DAVIES, R. TREVOR. The Golden Century of Spain, 1501-1621. Pp. vi, 327. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $6.00
by Roscoe R. Hill - 208-208 HOLBORN, HAJO. Ulrich von Hutten and the German Reformation. Pp. xii, 214. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1937. $3.00
by Conrad Bergendoff - 208-209 BOWMAN, ISAIAH (Ed.) . Limits of Land Settlement. Pp. vii, 380. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Karl Brandt - 209-210 NOLEN, JOHN, and HENRY V. HUBBARD. Parkways and Land Values. Pp. xiv, 135. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1937. $1.50
by Carol Aronovici - 210-211 GOLDFELD, ABRAHAM. The Diary of a Housing Manager. Pp. ix, 115. Chi cago : National Assn. of Housing Offi cials, 1938. $1.00
by David T. Rowlands - 211-212 SAIT, EDWARD McCHESNEY. Political In stitutions. Pp. vi, 548. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1938. $3.50
by Harvey Pinney - 212-213 JOHNSON, ALVIN W. The Unicameral Legislature. Pp. ix, 198. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1938. $2.50
by David Fellman - 213-214 PORTER, KIRK H. State Administration. Pp. xi, 450. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1938. $3.50
by J. Alton Burdine - 214-215 KEY, V. O., JR. The Administration of Federal Grants to States. Pp. xviii, 388. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1937. $3.75
by A.E. Buck - 215-216 MAXWELL, JAMES A. Federal Subsidies to the Provincial Governments in Can ada. Pp. xi, 284. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937. $3.00
by Arthur R. Upgren - 216-217 WYATT, BIRCHARD E., and WILLIAM H. WANDEL. The Social Security Act in Operation. Pp. xiii, 382. Washington: Graphic Arts Press, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by C.A. Kulp - 217-218 COLM, GERHARD, and FRITZ LEHMANN. Economic Consequences of Recent American Tax Policy. Pp. xii, 108. New York: New School for Social Re search, 1938. $1.00
by Alfred G. Buehler - 218-219 TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND, INC. Studies in Current Tax Problems. Pp. xxiii, 303. New York, 1937. $3.50
by Harold R. Enslow - 219-219 DAMERVALLE, PIERRE. La nature juri dique de la créance d'impot. Pp. 199. Paris: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1937
by Paul Studenski - 219-220 O'BRIEN, TERENCE H. British Experi ments in Public Ownership and Control. Pp. 304. New York: Norton & Co., 1938. $3.00
by Leslie Lipson - 220-221 THURSTON, JOHN. Government Proprie tary Corporations in the English-Speak ing Countries. Pp. xii, 294. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1937. $3.50
by Oliver Peter Field - 221-222 ROBSON, WILLIAM A. (Ed.). Public En terprise. Pp. 416. London: George Al len and Unwin, Ltd., 1937. $3.00
by Phillips Bradley - 222-223 CLOKIE, HUGH McDOWALL, and J. WIL LIAM ROBINSON. Royal Commissions of Inquiry. Pp. viii, 242. Stanford Uni versity: Stanford University Press, 1937. $3.00
by Phillips Bradley - 223-223 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Highway Administration and Finance in Fifteen Countries. Pp. 168. Paris, 1937. Fr. 20.00
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 223-224 BERNSTEIN, E. M. Public Utility Rate Making and the Price Level. Pp. x, 142. Chapel Hill : Univ. of N. C. Press, 1937. $2.50
by John Bauer - 224-225 CAMPBELL, E. G. The Reorganization of the American Railroad System. Pp. 366. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1938. $4.50
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 225-226 JOHNSON, EMORY R. Government Regula tion of Transportation. Pp. xiv, 680. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1938. $5.00
by Abraham Berglund - 226-226 SHARFMAN, I. L. The Interstate Com merce Commission (Part IV and Conclu sion). Pp. xiii, 550. New York: Com monwealth Fund, 1937. $4.50
by Emory R. Johnson - 226-227 REIS, BERNARD J. False Security. Pp. xv, 362. New York: Equinox Coöper ative Press, 1937. $2.75
by Howard M. Teaf JR - 227-228 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RE SEARCH. Studies in Income and Wealth. Vol. I, pp. xviii, 348. New York, 1937. $2.50. KUZNETS, SIMON. National Income and Capital Formation, 1919-1935. Pp. x, 86. New York: National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, 1937. $1.50
by James G. Smith - 228-231 LEVEN, MAURICE. The Income Structure of the United States. Pp. x, 177. Wash ington: The Brookings Institution, 1938. $1.50
by E. Wight Bakke - 231-231 RUCKER, ALLEN W. Labor's Road to Plenty. Pp. xxii, 221. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1937. $2.50
by Carroll R. Daugherty - 231-232 ARNDT, PAUL, DJINI SHEN, and CHÜ-FEN Lo. Der Arbeitslohn in China. Pp. xii, 352. Leipzig: Hans Buske, 1937. RM 7.50; bound, RM 9.00
by Maurice T. Price - 232-233 CLARK, MARJORIE R., and S. FANNY SIMON. The Labor Movement in America. Pp. 208. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1938. $2.00
by Frederick L. Ryan - 233-234 WALSH, J. RAYMOND. C.I.O. Industrial Unionism in Action. Pp. 293. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1937. $2.50
by Michael B. Scheler - 234-235 HENIG, HARRY. The Brotherhood of Rail way Clerks. Pp. x, 300. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1937. $3.00
by Herman Feldman - 235-235 BALDERSTON, C. CANBY. Profit Sharing for Wage Earners. Pp. xii, 156. New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., 1937. $2.00
by Edward Berman - 235-235 YODER, DALE. Personnel and Labor Rela tions. Pp. xix, 644. New York: Pren tice-Hall, Inc., 1938. $5.36
by C. Canby Balderston - 236-236 CALKINS, CLINCH. Spy Overhead. Pp. 363. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1937. $2.50
by Frederick L. Ryan - 236-237 RAINEY, HOMER P., et al. How Fare American Youth? Pp. ix, 186. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1937. $1.50
by Harrison Allen Dobbs - 237-237 FROST, S. E., JR. Education's Own Sta tions. Pp. xiv, 480. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. $4.00. —. Is American Radio Democratic? Pp. xv, 234. Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. $2.50
by Herman S. Hettinger - 237-238 WILLEY, MALCOLM M., et al. Depression, Recovery and Higher Education. Pp. x, 543. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. $4.50
by Harold Benjamin - 238-239 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, FINAL REPORT OF THE MIXED COMMITTEE OF THE. Nutrition: The Relation of Nutrition to Health, Agri culture and Economic Policy. Pp. 327. Geneva,1937
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 239-240 ALLPORT, GORDON W. Personality: A Psychological Interpretation. Pp. xiv, 588. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1937. $3.50
by Ellsworth Faris - 240-241 NEWMAN, HORATIO H., FRANK N. FREE MAN, and KARL J. HOLZINGER. Twins: A Study of Heredity and Environment. Pp. xvi, 369. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. $4.00
by Arnold Gesell - 241-242 MURPHY, LOIS BARCLAY. Social Be havior and Child Personality. Pp. ix, 344. New York: Columbia University Press, 1937. $3.50
by Ruth Arrington - 242-242 TANNENBAUM, FRANK. Crime and the Community. Pp. xiv, 487. Boston: Ginn and Co., 1938. $3.00
by George B. Vold - 242-243 OSBORN, ALBERT S. The Mind of the Juror. Pp. xv, 239. Albany: Boyd Printing Co., 1937
by Jerome Hall - 243-244 SUTHERLAND, EDWIN H. (Ed.). The Pro fessional Thief. Pp. xiii, 257. Chi cago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. $2.50
by C.E. Gehlke - 244-244 TEETERS, NEGLEY K. They Were in Pri son. Pp. xii, 541. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1937. $3.00
by Nathaniel Cantor - 245-245 GILCHRIST, DONALD B. (Ed.). Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Uni versities: 1936-37. Pp. xvii, 105. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1937. $2.00
by Thorsten Sellin
May 1938, Volume 197, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-6 Economic Progress in Sweden
by Bertil Ohlin - 7-19 The Standard of Living in Sweden
by Richard Sterner - 20-24 The Administration of Social Welfare
by Sven Skogh - 25-39 The Financial Policy During Depression and Boom
by Ernst Wigforss - 40-46 The Labor Market and Its Regulation
by Sven Skogh - 47-71 The Unemployment Policy
by Gustav Möller - 72-79 The Care of the Indigent in Sweden
by Karl J. Höjer - 80-92 Social Insurance in Sweden
by Tor Jerneman - 93-103 Maternal and Child Welfare
by Otto R. Wangson - 104-119 Public Health and Medical Care
by Axel Höjer - 120-133 Treatment of Criminals and Other Asocial Individuals
by Hardy Göransson - 134-153 The Temperance Movement and Temperance Legislation in Sweden
by Halfdan Bengtsson - 154-159 Home Ownership in Sweden
by Waldemar Svensson - 160-170 Social Housing Policy in Sweden
by Alf Johansson - 171-184 The Consumer Cooperative Movement in Sweden
by Mauritz Bonow - 185-199 Agricultural Cooperation in Sweden
by G.R. Ytterborn - 200-215 Population Problems and Policies
by Gunnar Myrdal - 216-231 Swedish Women in Industry and at Home
by Alva Myrdal - 232-242 Adult Education in Sweden
by Ragnar Lund - 243-249 Bibliography
by RoY V. Peel - 250-251 BRATT, IWAN. Det Svenska Missnöjet. Pp. 163. Stockholm: Bokf. Natur och Kultur, 1935. AHLBERG, ALF. Tankelivets Frigörelse. 3rd ed., pp. 187. Stockholm: Koopera tiva Förbundets Bokförlag, 1935. LJUNGLUND, LEON. De Tre Frestelserna. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1936
by Roy V. Peel - 251-255 BRUSEWITZ, AXEL, et al. Studier över den Svenska Riksdagens Sociala Samman sättning. Pp. 233. Stockholm: Alm quist & Wicksell, 1936. Kr. 4.25. SÖDERHJELM, HENNING. Finskt och Svenskt i Finland. Pp. 157. Stock holm : Bokf. Natur och Kultur, 1935. Kr. 3.50. MARSTRAND, EVEN, ANDREAS BOYE, and FRODE SØRENSEN (Eds.). Den Danske Stat. Pp. 383. Copenhagen: Nyt So cialt Bibliotek, Martins Förlag, 1935. Kr. 4.00
by Roy V. Peel - 255-255 BAKER, JACOB. Cooperative Enterprise. Pp. xv, 266. New York: Vanguard Press, 1937. $2.00
by Arthur E. Albrecht - 256-256 FORD, JAMES and KATHERINE M. The Abolition of Poverty. Pp. ix, 300. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $2.50
by Stuart A. Queen - 256-257 WALKER, E. RONALD. Unemployment Policy. Pp. xi, 258. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, Ltd., 1936. 5 shillings
by C. Hartley Grattan - 257-257 ZNANIECKI, FLORIAN. Social Actions. Pp. xiv, 746. New York: Farrar & Rine hart, Inc., 1936. $4.50
by Constantine Panunzio - 258-259 HABERLER, GOTTFRIED VON. Prosperity and Depression. Pp. xv, 363. New York: Columbia University Press, 1937. $2.00
by James D. Paris - 259-260 CHAPIN, F. STUART, and STUART A. QUEEN. Social Work in the Depression. Pp. xii, 134. COLLINS, SELWYN D., and CLARK TIBBITTS. Social Aspects of Health in the Depres sion. Pp. xiii, 192. EDUCATIONAL POLICIES COMMISSION. Education in the Depression. Pp. xi, 173. KINCHELOE, SAMUEL C. Religion in the Depression. Pp. ix, 158. SANDERSON, DWIGHT. Rural Life in the Depression. Pp. vii, 169. SELLIN, THORSTEN. Crime in the Depres sion. Pp. vii, 133. STEINER, JESSE F. Recreation in the De pression. Pp. vii, 124. STOUFFER, SAMUEL A., and PAUL F. LAZ- ARSFELD. The Family in the Depres sion. Pp. x, 221. THOMPSON, WARREN S. Internal Migra tion in the Depression. Pp. vii, 86. VAILE, ROLAND S. Social Aspects of Con sumption in the Depression. Pp. vii, 86. WAPLES, DOUGLAS. Social Aspects of Reading in the Depression. Pp. xvi, 228. WHITE, R. CLYDE and MARY K. Social Aspects of Relief Policies in the Depres sion. Pp. xi, 173. YOUNG, DONALD. Minority Peoples in the Depression. Pp. ix, 252. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1937. $1.00 ordered sin gly. $10.00 entire set
by George A. Lundberg - 260-262 SCHMIDT, EMERSON P. (Ed.). Man and Society. Pp. xv, 805. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1937. $3.75. MYERS, ALONZO F., and CLARENCE O. WIL- LIAMS. Education in a Democracy. Pp. xxvi, 434. New York: Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1937. SKINNER, CHARLES E., and R. EMERSON LANGFITT (Eds.). An Introduction to Modern Education. Pp. xv, 491. Bos ton : D. C. Heath, 1937. $2.80
by Joseph S. Roucek - 262-263 BROWN, FRANCIS J., and JOSEPH SLABEY ROUCEK (Eds.). Our Racial and Na tional Minorities. Pp. xxi, 877. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1937. $5.00. ANDERSON, ELIN L. We Americans. Pp. xii, 286. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937. $3.50
by L. Guy Brown - 263-264 HARVARD TERCENTENARY PUBLICATION. Factors Determining Human Behavior. Pp. vii, 168. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1937. $2.50
by Ellis Freeman - 264-265 SARTON, GEORGE. The History of Science and the New Humanism. Pp. xx, 196. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937. $2.00
by C.W. Churchman - 265-265 GUÉRARD, ALBERT. Art for Art's Sake. Pp. xxxiii, 349. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co., 1936. $3.00
by James H. Barnett - 265-266 HUNT, EDWARD EYRE. Greathouse. Pp. 423. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1937. $2.50
by Otto T. Mallery - 266-267 JOHNSON, GUION GRIFFIS. Ante-Bellum North Carolina. Pp. xvi, 935. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1937. $6.00
by Charles C. Tansill - 267-268 BREWTON, WILLIAM W. The Son of Thun der: An Epic of the South. Pp. ix, 468. Richmond, Va.: Garrett & Massie, 1937. $3.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 268-268 JENNINGS, WALTER W. A History of the Economic and Social Progress of the American People. Pp. xiii, 811. Cin cinnati : South-Western Publishing Co., 1937. $3.50
by Roger W. Shugg - 268-269 AMBLER, CHARLES H. Francis H. Pier- pont. Pp. xiii, 483. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1937. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 269-270 HAMILTON, MILTON W. The Country Printer: New York State, 1785-1830. Pp. xiii, 360. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $3.75
by Malcolm M. Willey - 270-271 BAKER, ELIZABETH FEASTER. Henry Wheaton. Pp. xi, 425. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. $4.00
by Eugene I. McCormac - 271-272 RUTHERFORD, M. LOUISE. The Influence of the American Bar Association on Pub lic Opinion and Legislation. Pp. ix, 393. Chicago: Foundation Press, 1937. $3.00
by Charles E. Clark - 272-272 ELLIOTT, CHARLES WINSLOW. Winfield Scott. Pp. xviii, 817. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 272-273 KUHN, ARTHUR K. Comparative Commen taries on Private International Law or Conflict of Laws. Pp. xii, 381. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $4.50
by Walter Wheeler Cook - 273-274 NOTTER, HARLEY. The Origins of the For eign Policy of Woodrow Wilson. Pp. vi, 695. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1937. $4.50
by Cromwell A. Riches - 274-275 MITCHELL, NICHOLAS PENDLETON. State Interests in American Treaties. Pp. x, 220. Richmond: Garrett and Massie, 1936. $3.00
by Charles C. Tansill - 275-276 BARNES, HARRY ELMER. A History of His torical Writing. Pp. xii, 434. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1937. $3.50
by J.H. Landman - 276-276 HOOVER, CALVIN B. Dictators and Democ racies. Pp. xi, 110. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $1.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 276-277 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, ALBRECHT. The War and German Society. Pp. xiv, 299. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1937. $2.75
by Hans Von Hentig - 277-279 SCHMIDT, CARL T. The Plough and the Sword. Pp. ix, 197, New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1938. $2.50
by H.M. Kallen - 279-280 SCHMITT, BERNADOTTE E. The Annexation of Bosnia, 1908-1909. Pp. viii, 264. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.75
by Harry N. Howard - 280-281 ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AF FAIRS. The Colonial Problem. Pp. xi, 448. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $8.50
by Phillips Bradley - 281-282 PORTEUS, S. D. Primitive Intelligence and Environment. Pp. viii, 325. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.00
by Otto Klineberg - 282-282 AYDELOTTE, WILLIAM OSGOOD. Bismarck and British Colonial Policy. Pp. xii, 179. Philadelphia: Univ. of Penna. Press, 1937. $2.00
by G. Leighton Lafuze - 283-283 EMERSON, RUPERT. Malaysia, A Study in Direct and Indirect Rule. Pp. xii, 536. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $5.00
by Lennox A. Mills - 283-284 DESMOND, ROBERT W. The Press and World Affairs. Pp. xxv, 421. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1937. $3.25
by Malcolm M. Willey - 284-285 GULICK, LUTHER, and L. URWICK (Eds.). Papers on the Science of Administration. Pp. vii, 195. New York: Institute of Public Administration, 1937
by Leonard D. White - 285-286 MILLSPAUGH, A. C. Crime Control by the National Government. Pp. xiv, 306. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1937. $2.00
by Bruce Smith - 286-287 LAWRENCE, DAVID. Who Were the Eleven Million? Pp. 79. New York: D. Ap pleton-Century Co., 1937. $1.00
by David Fellman - 287-287 ARNOLD, THURMAN W. The Folklore of Capitalism. Pp. vii, 400. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1937. $3.00
by Marshall E. Dimock - 288-288 SHULTZ, WILLIAM J., and M. R. CAINE. Financial Development of the United States. Pp. xxviii, 757. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1937. $5.00
by A.E. Buck - 288-289 WILGUS, WILLIAM J. The Railway Inter relations of the United States and Can ada. Pp. xvii, 304. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1937. $3.00
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 289-290 PEAKE, ORA BROOKS. The Colorado Range Cattle Industry. Pp. vi, 357. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1937. $6.00
by A.F. Vass - 290-291 WATKINS, MYRON W. Oil: Stabilization or Conservation? Pp. xi, 269. New York: Harper & Bros., 1937. $3.50
by Ben W. Lewis - 291-292 MANN, FRITZ KARL. Steuerpolitische Ideale. Pp. xii, 364. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1937
by Paul Haensel - 292-292 WILLIS, PARKER B. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Pp. xiii, 277. New York: Columbia University Press, 1937. $3.00
by F. Cyril James - 293-293 ROWLAND, JAMES P. The Legal Protec tion of the Worker's Job. Pp. 168. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylva nia, 1937. $1.50
by Ordway Tead - 293-293 BROWN, LYNDON O. Market Research and Analysis. Pp. xiv, 487. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1937. $4.00
by Roland S. Vaile
March 1938, Volume 196, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Paul F. Douglass - 1-8 The Evolution of the Consumer
by Arthur Feiler - 9-13 Brief for the Consumer
by Broadus Mitchell - 14-19 The Consumption Unit of Society—The Family
by Howard F. Bigelow - 20-24 The Family as a Unit in Industrial Society
by Charles W. Coulter - 25-34 The Margin of Economic Security for Farm Families
by Louis H. Bean - 35-44 The Effects of Insecurity on Family Life
by William Haber - 45-51 Legal Attempts Toward Minimum Security
by Robert W. Kelso - 52-56 Revolution in the Idea of Thrift
by William L. Nunn - 57-62 The Pay-as-You-Use Idea
by Frank Parker - 63-73 What Consumer Credit Is
by M.R. Neifeld - 74-78 Volume and Classification of Consumer Loans
by Margaret Grobben - 79-85 The Market for Consumer Credit: A Case in "Imperfect Competition"
by Theodore O. Yntema - 86-92 Consumer Credit and Individual Bankruptcy
by John H. Cover - 93-98 Consumer Credit and Economic Instability
by Thomas Nixon Carver - 99-110 Effect of Consumer Credit on the Business Cycle
by Ray B. Westerfield - 111-120 Charge Accounts of Retail Merchants
by Arthur H. Hert - 121-129 Installment Selling and Finance Companies
by Milan V. Ayres - 130-134 The Licensed Lender
by Edgar F. Fowler - 135-141 The Personal Loan Department of a Large Commercial Bank
by John B. Paddi - 142-148 Industrial Banks
by Gilbert Harold - 149-154 Pawn Shops
by Edmund Mottershead - 155-161 Coöperative Consumer Credit
by C.R. Orchard - 162-175 Government Agencies of Credit
by Shirley K. Hart - 176-180 Borrowing on Life Insurance Policies
by Edward Berman - 181-188 The Development of Regulation
by John S. Bradway - 189-192 Rethinking Usury Laws
by Reginald Heber Smith - 193-197 How Regulation Works in Practice: The Regulator
by Earl E. Davidson - 198-204 Consumer Credit as It Comes to The Legal Aid Society of New York
by W. Bruce Cobb - 205-210 The Changing Philosophy of Small Loan Regulation
by Rolf Nugent - 211-220 A Case Study of the Effects of Consumer Credit Upon the Family
by Earle Edward Eubank - 221-224 The Social Worker in the Service of the Small Loan Business
by Charles A. Gates - 225-228 Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1937
by N/A - 230-231 LARCOM, RUSSELL CARPENTER. The Dela ware Corporation. Pp. vii, 199. Balti more: Johns Hopkins Press, 1937. $2.25
by Adolf A. Berle JR - 231-232 GARVER, FREDERIC B., and ALVIN HARVEY HANSEN. Principles of Economics. Rev. ed. Pp. x, 686. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1937. $4.00. ELY, RICHARD T., and RALPH H. HESS. Outlines of Economics. 6th ed. Pp. xviii, 1,064. New York: Macmillan Company, 1937. $3.50
by Ralph A. Young - 232-233 DICKINSON, HOBART C. The Mechanics of Prosperity. Pp. xvi, 136. Balti more : Williams and Wilkins Company, 1937. $2.00
by Walter E. Spahr - 233-234 TRIVANOVITCH, VASO. Economic Develop ment of Germany under National So cialism. Pp. xvii, 141. New York: Na tional Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Eduard Heimann - 234-235 NATIONAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE. Tech nological Trends and National Policy. Pp. viii, 388. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1937. $1.00
by J.G. Brainerd - 235-238 STEWART, PAUL W., and RUFUS S. TUCKER, with the assistance of CAROLYN STETSON. The National Debt and Government Credit. Pp. xvii, 171. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1937. $1.75
by Paul Studenski & Lane W. Lancaster - 238-240 BONBRIGHT, JAMES C. The Valuation of Property. Vol. I, pp. xx, 632; Vol. II, pp. xi, 633-1271. New York: McGraw- Hill Book Company, 1937. $12.00
by Ben W. Lewis - 240-240 KURTZ, EDWIN B. The Science of Valua tion and Depreciation. Pp. xiv, 221. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1937. $4.50
by C. Canby Balderston - 240-241 SCHMIDT, EMERSON P. Industrial Rela tions in Urban Transportation. Pp. xii, 264. Minneapolis: University of Minne sota Press, 1937
by Paul F. Brissenden - 241-242 DALMULDER, J. J. J. On Econometrics. Pp. 88. Haarlem: DeErven F. Bohn N. V., 1937. F. 1.50 paper; F. 2.50 cloth
by William R. Pabst - 242-243 SKINNER, RICHARD DANA. Seven Kinds of Inflation. Pp. xvii, 273. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1937. $2.50
by Arthur W. Marget - 243-243 EINZIG, PAUL. World Finance, 1935-37. Pp. xvi, 342. New York: Macmillan Company, 1937. $3.00
by Ralph A. Young - 243-245 SALTER, SIR ARTHUR. World Trade and Its Future. Pp. 101. Philadelphia: Univer sity of Pennsylvania Press, 1936. $1.50 LARKIN, JOHN DAY. The President's Con trol of the Tariff. Pp. xii, 207. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936. AULD, GEORGE P. Rebuilding Trade by Tariff Bargaining. Pp. 74. New York: National Foreign Trade Council, Inc., 1936. $1.00. CULBERTSON, WILLIAM S. Reciprocity. Pp. x, 298. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1937. $3.00
by Roland Laird Kramer - 245-246 MITSUBISHI ECONOMIC RESEARCH BUREAU. Japanese Trade and Industry. Pp. xviii, 663. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1936. 21/-
by Roland Laird Kramer - 246-247 COHEN, HYMEN EZRA. Recent Theories of Sovereignty. Pp. ix, 169. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937. $3.00
by Peter H. Odegard - 247-247 CAILLAUX, J., et al. La Réforme de l'état. Pp. 290. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1936. Fr. 15
by Hymen Ezra Cohen - 247-248 JOHNSON, CLAUDIUS O. Government in the United States (rev. ed.). Pp. xii, 735. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1937. $4.00
by W. Brooke Graves - 248-249 PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRA TIVE MANAGEMENT, THE. Report of the Committee with Studies of Administra tive Management in the Federal Govern ment. Pp. xiii, 382. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1937. $1.00
by Harvey Pinney - 249-250 ARENA, C., et al. La Camera dei Fasci e delle Corporazioni. Pp. 253. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1937. Lire 18
by H. Arthur Steiner - 250-251 JAMES, C. L. R. World Revolutian, 1917- 1936. Pp. xii, 429. New York: Pioneer Publishers, 1937. $3.50
by Harry N. Howard - 251-252 DUNN, FREDERICK SHERWOOD. Peaceful Change. Pp. vii, 156. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1937. $1.50
by R. Heathcote Heindel - 252-252 GIHL, TORSTEN. International Legisla tion. Pp. vi, 158. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $3.75
by Phillips Bradley - 252-254 KUNO, YosHi S. Japanese Expansion on the Asiatic Continent. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 373. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1937. $4.00
by Harley Farnbworth Macnair - 254-254 RASCHHOFER, HERMANN. Die Tschechoslo wakischen Denkschriften für die Frie denskonferenz von Paris, 1919-1920. Pp. xxxi, 331. Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1937
by J.S. Roucek - 254-255 WILLING, KARL. Der Geist Spartas. Pp. x, 160. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Ver lagsbuchhandlung, 1935
by Howard Becker - 255-255 BURN, ANDREW ROBERT. The World of Hesiod. Pp. xv, 263. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1937. $3.50
by George M. Calhoun - 255-256 HAMM, ERNST. Die Deutsche Stadt im Mittelalter. Pp. xi, 323. Stuttgart, Germany: Stuttgarter Verlags-Institut, 1935. RM.18.50
by Howard Becker - 256-256 HITTI, PHILIP K. History of the Arabs. Pp. xvii, 767. London: Macmillan & Co., 1937. $10.50
by Harry N. Howard - 256-258 MARCHAM, FREDERICK G. A History of England. Pp. x, 975. New York: Mac millan Company, 1937. $4.25. HALL, WALTER PHELPS, ROBERT GREEN- HALGH ALBION, and JENNIE BARNES POPE. A History of England and the British Empire. Pp. vi, 989. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1937. $4.60
by Hans Kohn - 258-259 DAWSON, ROBERT MACGREGOR. Develop ment of Dominion Status, 1900-1936. Pp. xiv, 466. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1937. $5.00. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AF FAIRS. The British Empire. Pp. vii, 336. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $6.00
by Phillips Bradley - 259-260 ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH H. The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918. Pp. xii, 270. New York: Columbia University Press, 1937. $3.00
by Carl Wittke - 260-261 WILSON, HAROLD FISHER. The Hill Coun try of Northern New England. Pp. xiv, 455. New York: Columbia University Press, 1937. $4.25
by Nathan L. Whetten - 261-262 BALL, M. MARGARET. Post-War German- Austrian Relations. Pp. ix, 304. Cal ifornia : Stanford University Press, 1937. $4.00
by Hans Kohn