January 1939, Volume 201, Issue 1
- 277-277 WILLIAM, PHYLLIS H. South Italian Folkways in Europe and America. Pp. xviii, 216. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $2.50
by Caroline F. Ware - 277-278 BENSON, ADOLPH B., and NABOTH HEDIN (Eds.). Swedes in America 1638-1938. Pp. xvi, 614. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $3.00
by Herbert Adolphus Miller - 278-279 KARPF, MAURICE J. Jewish Community Organization in the United States. Pp. xv, 234. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1938. $2.00
by Frank J. Bruno - 279-280 Chicago Recreation Survey 1937: Vol. I, Public Recreation, pp. xiv, 268; Vol. II, Commercial Recreation, pp. viii, 167. Chicago: Chicago Recreation Commission, 1938
by Walter C. Reckless - 280-281 SAIT, UNA BERNARD. New Horizons for the Family. Pp. xiii, 772. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $4.00
by Willystine Goodsell - 281-281 GALPIN, CHARLES JOSIAH. My Drift into Rural Sociology. Pp. xi, 151. University : Louisiana State University Press, 1938. $1.00
by Dwight Sanderson - 282-282 DIXON, RUSSELL A., and E. KINGMAN EBERHART. Economics and Cultural Change. Pp. xi, 550. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938. $3.00
by Robert K. Merton - 282-283 WILSON, LOUIS R. The Geography of Reading. Pp. xxiv, 481. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1938. $4.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 283-283 SAVADJIAN, LÉON. Bibliographie Balkanique 1937. Pp. 118. Paris: Société Générale d'Imprimerie & d'Édition, 1938. 100 fr
by Harry N. Howard - 283-284 WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION. Index of Research Projects, Vol. I. Pp. vi, 291. Washington, 1938
by N/A - 284-284 Letter to the Editor
by J.A. Leighton
November 1938, Volume 200, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Edward P. Cheyney - 1-1 Foreword
by Roy F. Nichols - 1-12 Freedom and Restraint: A Short History
by Edward P. Cheyney - 13-31 Restraints upon the Utilization of Inventions
by Bernhard J. Stern - 32-59 Freedom and Interference in Medicine
by Richard H. Shryock - 60-75 Freedom of the Newspaper Press
by Gerald W. Johnson - 76-94 Freedom of Expression in Literature
by Huntington Cairns - 95-101 Freedom in the Arts
by W. Rex Crawford - 102-118 Academic Freedom
by Henry W. Tyler & Edward P. Cheyney - 119-143 Freedom for the School Teacher
by Howard K. Beale - 144-164 Limitations on the Freedom of Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences
by Edward A. Shils - 165-184 Freedom of Speech for Clergymen
by John M. Mecklin - 185-209 Freedom for Wage Earners
by Witt Bowden - 210-234 The German Universities and the Government
by E.Y. Hartshorne - 235-253 The Press and the Universities in Italy
by Max Ascoli - 254-274 Freedom of Artistic Expression and Scientific Inquiry in Russia
by Philip E. Mosely - 275-291 Observations and Generalizations
by Edward P. Cheyney - 292-306 Appendix Tributes to the Ideal of Freedom of Expression
by N/A - 307-307 Hartshorne, Edward Y., Jr. The German Universities and National Socialism. Pp. 184. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1937. 6s
by E.J. Gumbel - 308-309 Gellermann, William. The American Legion as Educator. Pp. 280. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1938. $3.15
by Belle Zeller - 309-310 Magil, A. B., and Henry Stevens. The Peril of Fascism. Pp. 319. New York: International Publishers, 1938. $2.50
by Gerald M. Spring - 310-310 Seton-Watson, R. W. Britain and the Dictators. Pp. xviii, 460. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $3.50
by Hans Kohn - 310-311 Demiashkevich, Michael. The National Mind—English, French, German. Pp. xii, 508. New York: American Book Co., 1938. $3.50
by Hans Kohn - 311-312 Wiskemann, Elizabeth. Czechs and Germans. Pp. viii, 283. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $5.00
by Hans Kohn - 312-312 Bruck, W. F. Social and Economic History of Germany from William II to Hitler, 1888-1938. Pp. xv, 292. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $4.50
by Frederick L. Schuman - 312-313 Albrecht-Carrié, René. Italy at the Paris Peace Conference. Pp. xv, 575. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. $5.25
by Harry N. Howard - 313-314 Macartney, Maxwell H. H., and Paul Cremona. Italy's Foreign and Colonial Policy, 1870-1937. Pp. vii, 335. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $3.00
by Harry N. Howard - 314-314 Reed, Douglas. Insanity Fair: A European Cavalcade. Pp. 420. New York: Covici Friede, Inc., 1938. $3.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 314-315 Kolnai, Aurel. The War against the West. Pp. 711. New York: Viking Press, 1938. $4.00
by Richard H. Heindel - 315-315 Jacks, L. P. Co-operation or Coercion? Pp. xvii, 153. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1938. $2.00
by G. Leighton Lafuze - 315-316 Janowsky, Oscar I. People at Bay. Pp. 193. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $1.75
by Leslie Lipson - 316-317 Ali, Zaki. Islam in the World. Pp. xi, 428. Lahore, India: Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf, 1938. 7s. 6d
by Hans Kohn - 317-318 Nitobé, Inazo. Lectures on Japan. Pp. xii, 393. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. $2.00
by K.S. Latourette - 318-319 Edwards, George W. The Evolution of Finance Capitalism. Pp. xvi, 429. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1938. $4.00
by Corliss Lloyd Parry - 319-319 Kuznets, Simon. Commodity Flow and Capital Formation. Vol. I. Pp. ix, 505. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1938. $5.00
by James G. Smith - 319-320 Field, Kenneth. Corporation Finance. Pp. xvi, 529. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1938. $4.00
by Walter M.W. Splawn - 320-322 Noyes, C. Reinold. The Institution of Property. Pp. xiv, 645. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1936. $7.50
by Oliver Peter Field - 322-323 Maclaurin W. R. Economic Planning in Australia, 1929-1936 . Pp. xv, 304. London: P. S. King and Son, 1937. 15s
by Paul H. Douglas - 323-323 Creighton, D. G. The Commercial Empire of the St. Lawrence, 1760-1850. Pp. vii, 441. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $3.75
by A.R. Upgren - 323-324 Glazebrook, G. P. De T. A History of Transportation in Canada. Pp. xxv, 475. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Emory R. Johnson - 324-325 Gettys, Luella. The Administration of Canadian Conditional Grants. Pp. xiv, 193. Public Administration Service, 1938. $2.75
by A.R. Upgren - 325-326 MacKenzie, Norman, and Lionel H. Laing (Eds.). Canada and the Law of Nations. Pp. xxvii, 567. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Herbert W. Briggs - 326-327 Sabine, GeorgeH. A History of Political Theory. Pp. xvi, 797. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1937. $4.00
by Francis W. Coker - 327-328 National Resources Committee. Our Cities—Their Rôle in the National Economy. Pp. xvi, 88. Washington: U. S. Gov't Printing Office, 1937. 50¢
by Eduard C. Lindeman - 328-329 Momford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. Pp. xii, 586. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1938. $5.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 329-330 Griffith, Ernest S. History of American City Government. The Colonial Period. Pp. 464. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $3.75
by Jennings B. Sanders - 330-330 Walker, Mabel L. Urban Blight and Slums. Pp. xvi, 442. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Ernest M. Fisher - 330-331 Woolston, Howard B. Metropolis. Pp. xii, 325. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1938. $2.75
by Malcolm M. Willey - 331-331 Brill, Jeanette G., and E. George Payne. The Adolescent Court and Crime Prevention. Pp. xiii, 230. New York: Pitman Publishing Corp., 1938. $2.50
by Edwin H. Sutherland - 331-332 Straus, Michael W., and Talbot Wegg. Housing Comes of Age. Pp. 259. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $2.75
by Charles S. Ascher - 332-332 Leiffer, Murray H. City and Church in Transition. Pp. xii, 301. Chicago: Willett, Clark & Co., 1938. $2.50
by Ray H. Abrams - 332-333 Marsh Leonard C., et al. Health and Unemployment. Pp. xxv, 243. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938 $3.00
by Michael M. Davis - 333-334 MacNeil, Douglas H. Seven Years of Unemployment Relief in New Jersey, 1930-1936. Pp. xii, 307. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1938. $1.25
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 334-335 Morgan, Christine Margaret. The Attitudes and Adjustments of Recipients of Old Age Assistance in Upstate and Metropolitan New York. Pp. 131. Poughkeepsie: 1880 Fund for Old Age Welfare, Vassar College, 1937. $1.50
by C.A. Kulp - 335-336 Sundelson, J. Wilner. Budgetary Methods in National and State Governments. Pp. xvi, 640. Albany: State of New York Department of Taxation and Finance, 1938
by A.E. Buck - 336-337 Kimmel, Lewis H. Cost of Government in the United States, 1935-1937. Pp. xv, 163. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1938. $3.50
by Henry J. Bittermann - 337-337 Royal Institute of International Affairs, a Report by a Study Group of Members of the. The Republics of South America. Pp. x, 374. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $8.50
by Roland L. Kramer - 337-338 Stuart, Graham H. Latin America and the United States. 3rd Ed. Pp. x, 510. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1938. $4.00
by Simon G. Hanson - 338-339 Daniels, Jonathan. A Southerner Discovers the South. Pp. viii, 346. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $3.00
by Newbell N. Puckett - 339-339 Parkins, Almon E. The South: Its Economic-Geographic Development. Pp. ix, 528. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1938. $4.00
by Alex Mathews Arnett - 339-340 Phillips, Charles F. Marketing. Pp. xviii, 781. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1938. $3.75
by Paul H. Nystrom - 340-341 Harvard Tercentenary Publication. The Future of the Common Law. Pp. xx, 250. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937. $3.00
by William Seagle - 341-342 Birge, John Kingsley. The Bektashi Order of Dervishes. (Oriental Religion Series, Vol. 7.) Pp. 291. London: Luzac and Co., 1937. 17s. 6d
by Harry N. Howard - 342-343 Firth, Raymond. We, the Tikopia. Pp. xxv, 605. New York: American Book Co., 1936. $6.00
by R. Linton - 343-344 Buck, John Lossing. Land Utilization in China. Vol. I, pp. xxxii, 494, $5.00; Vol. II, "Atlas," pp. xii, 146, $5.00; Vol. III, "Statistics," pp. xv, 475, $10.00. Per set, $15.00. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937
by Maurice T. Price - 344-344 Baker, Harry J., and Virginia Traphagen. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Behavior-Problem Children. Pp. xiv, 393. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 345-346 Albrecht, Gerhard, et al. Reine und Angewandte Soziologie. Pp. vii, 403. Leipzig: Hans Buske Verlag, 1936. RM 12.37. TÖNNIES, FERDINAND. Geist der Neuzeit. Pp. viii, 214. Leipzig: Hans Buske Verlag, 1936. RM 6.00
by Howard Beckfr - 346-349 Durkheim, Émile. The Rules of Sociological Method. Pp. Ix, 146. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. $2.00
by Willard Waller
September 1938, Volume 199, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by N/A - 1-19 The Legal Standards of Municipal Government
by Charles W. Tooke - 20-25 The Criterion of Efficiency
by Clarence E. Ridley & Herbert A. Simon - 26-32 Public Attitudes and Government Efficiency
by Herman C. Beyle & Spencer D. Parratt - 33-38 The Objectives of the Appraiser
by Frederick L. Bird - 39-42 The Investment Analyst Looks at Municipal Securities
by Russell McInnes - 43-49 Nonpartisan, Nonpolitical Municipal Government
by Thomas L. Holling - 50-56 Appraisal of Council-Manager Cities
by Harold A. Stone & Kathryn Stone & Don K. Price - 57-63 Kansas City: Where the Manager Plan Has Failed
by Walter Matscheck - 64-70 Dallas Makes the Manager Plan Work
by Roscoe C. Martin - 71-77 Commission Government Has Not Redeemed Newark
by Howard G. Fishack - 78-82 Atlanta: The Collapse of the "Weak Mayor" System
by Thomas H. Reed - 83-90 The Triumph of Good Government in Cincinnati
by Murray Seasongood - 91-98 Good Government Under the Old Forms
by Jewell C. Phillips - 99-105 Local Government in the San Francisco Bay Region
by Milton Chernin & Samuel C. May - 106-110 Objectives and Methods of the Surveyor
by David L. Robinson JR - 111-118 Measuring Municipal Finance and Staff Services
by Carl H. Chatters - 119-127 Broader Horizons and Improved Methods in Education
by George Anselm - 128-132 Attainable Standards in Housing
by Langdon W. Post - 133-142 Improvement of Recreation Facilities
by Jay B. Nash - 143-152 How Far Can We Go in Standardizing Public Works?
by Frank W. Herring - 153-164 How Effective Is a Police Department ?
by Spencer D. Parratt - 165-170 Accepted Tests of Welfare Administration
by Fred K. Hoehler - 171-175 Contributions of Citizen Research to Effective Government
by Lent D. Upson - 176-182 Citizen Groups, Tool of Democracy
by Howard P. Jones - 183-189 The "1313" Group in Chicago
by Hal Hazelrigg - 190-198 The Federal Government and the Cities: A Problem in Adjustment
by Paul V. Betters - 199-205 Political Parties and City Government
by Lane W. Lancaster - 206-214 Changing Bases of American Municipal Government
by Albert Lepawsky - 215-219 Can Municipal Government Be Made Scientific?
by Theodore H. Skinner - 220-229 Bibliography
by N/A - 233-242 Some Economic Aspects of the Sino-Japanese Conflict
by Chih Meng - 243-253 Economic Conditions in Japan
by Yakichiro Suma - 254-292 Book Department
by N/A
July 1938, Volume 198, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-8 Self-Sufficiency and Imperialism
by Leo Grebler - 9-14 Power Economy versus Welfare Economy
by Eugene Staley - 15-21 The Cost of Self-Sufficiency
by Charles R. Whittlesey - 22-26 Trade Barriers and Their Effects on the Consumer
by Alexander V. Dye - 27-34 National Planning as Affecting Trade Barriers
by Leland Rex Robinson - 35-42 The Consequences of Trade Barriers
by Henry F. Grady - 43-47 Trade Barriers and Their Consequences
by George Fort Milton - 48-52 A Critique of the Trade Agreements Program
by William R. Castle - 53-58 The Haves and the Have-Nots, a Breeding Factor of War
by René Seydoux - 59-64 To Have Not and Want to Have
by HU Shih - 65-72 The League of Nations and the Spanish Civil War
by Francis O. Wilcox - 73-92 Agricultural Productivity and Pressure of Population
by Ellsworth Huntington - 93-100 Levels of Living and Population Pressure
by Warren S. Thompson & P.K. Whelpton - 101-108 Pressure of Population as a Cause of War
by Frank H. Hankins - 109-115 Public Opinion—First Line of Defense
by Harwood L. Childs - 116-123 Propaganda from Within
by Gregory Zilboorg - 124-127 Public Education for Democracy
by Edward L. Bernays - 128-132 Our Relations with the Other American Republics
by Laurence Duggan - 133-142 The Philippines and Our Asiatic Position
by Theodore Roosevelt - 143-143 HEIMANN, EDUARD. Communism, Fas cism, or Democracy. Pp. 288. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.,1938. $2.50
by A.N. Holcombe - 144-144 LAWLEY, F. E. The Growth of Collective Economy. Vol. I, pp. xx, 534; Vol. II, pp. xv, 485. London: P. S. King & Son, 1938. 35s
by Broadus Mitchell - 144-145 PIGOU, A. C. Socialism versus Capitalism. Pp. vii, 139. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $1.75
by Louis Leo Snyder - 145-146 CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY. Collec tivism. Pp. vi, 265. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $2.00
by A.O. Sarkissian - 146-146 STEINHAUSEN, HERRMANN. Die Zukunft der Freiheit. Pp. 239. Zürich: Europa Verlag, 1938. Fr. 6.50
by Frederick L. Schuman - 146-147 LIPPINCOTT, BENJAMIN E. Victorian Crit ics of Democracy. Pp. ix, 276. Minne apolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1938. $3.75
by Edward McChesnay Sait - 147-148 OPPENHEIM, L. International Law. Vol. I, Peace. 5th ed. Pp. lvi, 819. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1937. $16.00
by Phillips Bradley - 148-148 BRIGGS, HERBERT W. (Ed.) . The Law of Nations. Pp. xxix, 984. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1938. $8.00
by Johannes Mattern - 148-149 BALLIS, WILLIAM. The Legal Position of War. Pp. xi, 188. The Hague: Marti nus Nijhoff, 1937. Gld. 4.00
by William J. Ronan - 149-150 DUPUY, R. ERNEST, and GEORGE FIELDING ELIOT. If War Comes. Pp. x, 368. New York: Macmillan Company, 1937. $3.00. CRANSTON, EARL. Swords or Plowshares? Pp. 256. New York: Abingdon Press, 1937. $2.00
by H.C. Engelbrecht - 150-150 LYDDON, W. G. British War Missions to the United States, 1914-1918. Pp. 245. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Richard H. Heindel - 150-151 McKENZIE, VERNON. Through Turbulent Years. Pp. ix, 304. New York: Robert M. McBride, 1938. $2.75
by N/A - 152-152 FREUND, RICHARD. Watch Czechoslovakia! Pp. 113. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $1.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 152-153 JANOWSKY, OSCAR I., and MELVIN M. FAGEN. International Aspects of Ger man Racial Policies. Pp.xxi,266. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $2.00
by Frank H. Hankins - 153-154 WOLFE, HENRY C. The German Octopus. Pp. xii, 316. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1938. $2.50
by J.S. Roucek - 154-155 MACARTNEY, C. A. Hungary and Her Suc cessors. Pp. xxi, 504. New York: Ox ford Univ. Press, 1938. $8.50
by Hans Kohn - 155-155 FODOR, M. W. Plot and Counter-Plot in Central Europe: Conditions South of Hitler. Pp. xvi, 317. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1937. $3.50
by Harry N. Howard - 155-156 SWIRE, J. King Zog's Albania. Pp. 302. New York: Liveright Pub. Corp., 1937. $3.00
by J.S. Roucek - 156-156 MANUEL, FRANK A. The Politics of Mod ern Spain. Pp. xiii, 194. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1938. $1.50
by Roscoe R. Hill - 156-157 WHITE, WILBUR W. The Process of Change in the Ottoman Empire. Pp. ix, 315. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. $3.50
by Harry N. Howard - 157-158 THOMPSON, VIRGINIA. French Indo- China. Pp. 517. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $5.00
by Grayson Kirk - 158-159 KNIGHT, MELVIN M. Morocco as a French Economic Venture. Pp. xi, 244. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1937. $2.25
by R. Stanley Thomson - 159-159 IRELAND, PHILIP WILLARD. 'Iraq. Pp. 510. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $3.75
by Harry N. Howard - 159-160 SIDEBOTHAM, HERBERT. Great Britain and Palestine. Pp. ix, 310. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $4.00
by S.D. Myres JR - 160-161 HUGHES, E. R. The Invasion of China by the Western World. Pp. xvi, 324. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $3.50
by Richard H. Heindel - 161-162 BERTRAM, JAMES M. First Act in China: The Story of the Sian Mutiny. Pp. xxii, 284. New York: Viking Press, 1938. $3.00
by George W. Shepherd - 162-163 WILLIAMS, ALBERT RHYS. The Soviets. Pp. xiii, 554. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1937. $3.00
by Karl Scholz - 163-164 SMITH, ANDREW. I Was a Soviet Worker. Pp. 298. New York: Dutton & Co., 1937. $1.00
by Michael B. Scheler - 164-164 GIDE, ANDRÉ. Return from the U.S.S.R. Pp. xvi, 94. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1937. $1.00
by A.O. Sarkissian - 164-165 STEINER, H. ARTHUR. Government in Fas cist Italy. Pp. xii, 158. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938. $1.50
by Renzo Sereno - 165-165 FIELD, G. LOWELL. The Syndical and Cor porative Institutions of Italian Fascism. Pp. 209. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1938. $2.75
by H. Artur Steiner - 166-166 CONFEDERATION FASCISTE DES TRAVAIL- LEURS DE L'AGRICULTURE. La charte du travail et l'agriculture. Pp. 375. Rome, 1937. 15 Francs
by Carl T. Schmidt - 166-167 KNUDSON, JOHN I. A History of the League of Nations. Pp. vi, 445. At lanta : Turner E. Smith & Co., 1938. $3.00
by Vernon A. O'Rourke - 167-167 MANNING, C. A. W. (Ed.). Peaceful Change: An International Problem. Pp. viii, 193. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $2.50
by Grayson Kirk - 167-168 ANGUS, HENRY F. The Problem of Peace ful Change in the Pacific Area. Pp. vii, 193. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1937. $2.00
by Phillips Bradley - 168-169 HOLLAND, W. L., and KATE L. MITCHELL (Eds.). Problems of the Pacific 1936. Pp. ix, 470. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. $5.00
by Harley Farnsworth Ma - 169-169 MACKENZIE, NORMAN (Ed.). The Legal Status of Aliens in Pacific Countries. Pp. xii, 374. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1937. $7.00
by Phillips Bradley - 169-170 FORDE, C. DARYLL. Habitat, Economy and Society. 2nd Ed. Pp. xv, 500. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1937. $4.00
by W.C. Ma - 170-171 TAYLOR, GRIFFITH. Environment and Na tion. Pp. 571. Chicago: Univ. of Chi cago Press, 1936. $4.00
by John Pomfret - 171-171 LINDROTH, HJALMAR. Iceland. Pp. x, 234. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1937. $3.50
by J.S. Roucek - 171-172 MADGWICK, R. B. Immigratian into East ern Australia 1788-1851. Pp. xii, 270. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1937. $3.50
by Lennox A. Mills - 172-172 DUNCAN, W. G. K., and C. V. JANES (Eds.). The Future of Immigration into Aus tralia and New Zealand. Sydney: Angus & Robinson Ltd., 1937
by C. Hartley Grattan - 172-173 WRONG, GEORGE M. The Canadians. Pp. viii, 455. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $3.50
by Carl Wittke - 173-174 WARE, NORMAN J., and H. A. LOGAN. La bor in Canadian-American Relations. Pp. xxxviii, 212. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1937. $3.75
by J. Raymond Walsh - 174-177 CURTIS, LIONEL. Civitas Dei. Vol. I, pp. xxiii, 297, $4.25; Vol. II, pp. xliii, 557, $3.00; Vol. III, pp. xi, 131, $1.75. Lon don : Macmillan Co., 1937
by William C. Smith - 177-178 JUNEK, OSCAR WALDEMAR. Isolated Com munities. Pp. xxiv, 131. New York: American Book Co., Inc., 1937. $2.50
by F.G. Speck - 178-178 WILLIAMSON, ROBERT W. Religion and Social Organizatian in Central Polynesia. Pp. xxxi, 340. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $9.00
by Ralph Linton - 178-179 PARSONS, TALCOTT. Structure of Social Action. Pp. xii, 817. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1937. $6.00
by W. Rex Crawford - 179-180 KILLOUGH, HUGH B. International Trade. Pp. xiv, 622. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938. $4.00
by John Donaldson - 180-181 MARTIN, ROBERT F. International Raw Commodity Price Control. Pp. xvi, 166. New York: National Industrial Conf. Board, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Benjamin B. Wallace - 181-182 TASCA, HENRY J. The Reciprocal Trade Policy of the United States. Pp. xiv, 371. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylva nia Press, 1938. $3.50
by Benjamin B. Wallace - 182-183 BASTER, A. S. J. The Twilight of American Capitalism. Pp. ix, 218. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1937. 9s
by Alvin H. Hansen - 183-185 LUNDBERG, FERDINAND. America's 60 Fami lies. 2nd ed. Pp. xxii, 544. New York: Vanguard Press, 1937. $3.75
by F. Cyril James - 185-186 ABBOTT, CHARLES CORTEZ. The New York Bond Market 1920-1930. Pp. xvii, 224. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1937. $2.50
by Lucile Bagwell - 186-186 MALOT, DEANE W. Problems in Agricul tural Marketing. Pp. xiii, 410. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938. $3.00
by G. Wright Hoffman - 186-187 JENSEN, EINAR. Danish Agriculture. Pp. xvi, 417. Copenhagen: J. H. Schultz Forlag, 1937. $3.75
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 187-188 RICHES, NAOMI. The Agricultural Revolu tion in Norfolk. Pp. x, 194. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1937. $2.50
by Karl Brandt - 188-189 WALLACE, DONALD H. Market Control in the Aluminum Industry. Pp. xxix, 599. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1937. $5.00
by Arthur Robert Burns - 189-189 BAKKEN, HENRY H., and MARVIN A. SCHAARS. The Economics of Coöpera tive Marketing. Pp. viii, 583. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. $4.00
by Otto E. Ruhmer - 189-190 GAYER, A. D. (Ed.). The Lessons of Mone tary Experience. Pp. xii, 449. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937. $3.50
by Charles R. Whittlesey - 190-191 CHEN, YIN-KWONG. Die Landwirtschaft lichen Genossenschaften in China. Pp. 114. Leipzig: Hans Buske, 1937. RM 3.37
by Maurice T. Price - 191-191 DONALDSON, JOHN. The Dollar. Pp. xix, 271. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1937. $3.75
by J. Solterer - 191-192 WIRTH, FREMONT P. The Discovery and Exploitation of the Minnesota Iron Lands. Pp. viii, 247. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Torch Press, 1937. $2.50
by Shaw Livermore - 192-193 DUNNING, WILLIAM A. Truth in History. Pp. xxviii, 229. New York: Columbia University Press, 1937. $2.75
by Roy F. Nichols - 193-193 BESTON, HENRY. American Memory. Pp. xxi, 498. New York: Farrar & Rine hart, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Alphonse B. Miller