July 1937, Volume 192, Issue 1
- 38-41 The Prelude to War
by Carl W. Ackerman - 42-50 The United States in a War Minded World
by Carroll Binder - 51-55 Neutrality and International Responsibility
by Charles G. Fenwick - 56-66 Cause and Occasion of Our Entry into the World War (1917)
by Stanley K. Hornbeck - 67-73 The World Situation and the Way Out
by George Paish - 74-81 War and American Foreign Investments
by Max Winkler - 82-88 Interrelation of Politics and Economics in Modern War
by David Mitrany - 89-92 American Economic Policies for the Impending World War
by James D. Mooney - 93-98 Economic Preparation for Neutrality
by George Soule - 99-106 Planned Neutrality
by Philip C. Jessup - 107-112 Dangers of Local Neutrality Legislation
by William R. Castle JR - 113-122 How Can the United States Aid in Maintaining Peace?
by Felix Morley - 123-130 American Trade Policy and World Peace
by Peter Molyneaux - 131-137 An Active Peace Policy
by Elbert D. Thomas - 138-155 Sociological Clarification of International Relations
by Maurice T. Price - 159-210 The Economics of Isolation
by N/A - 211-212 BEMIS, SAMUEL FLAGG. A Diplomatic History of the United States. Pp. xii, 881. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1936. $4.00
by N/A - 212-212 CALLAHAN, JAMES MORTON. American Foreign Policy in Canadian Relations. Pp. 576. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $4.00
by Donald C. Masters - 212-213 LENIN, V. I., et al. The Soviet Union and the Cause of Peace. Pp. viii, 191. New York: International Publishers, 1936. $1.75
by Philip E. Mosely - 213-214 BUNYAN, JAMES. Intervention, Civil War, and Communism in Russia, April-De cember 1918. Pp. xv, 594. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1936. $4.50
by Philip E. Mosely - 214-214 SCHACHER, GERHARD. Central Europe and the Western World. Pp. 224. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1937. $2.75
by Philip E. Mosely - 214-215 VONDRACEK, FELIX JOHN. The Foreign Policy of Czechoslovakia 1918-1935. Pp. 451. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1937
by Joseph S. Roucek - 215-215 NINTCHITCH, MOMTCHILO. La crise bos niaque (1908-1909) et les puissances européennes. 2 vols. Pp. 418, 412. Paris: Alfred Costes, 1937. Frs. 120
by Philip E. Moseley - 216-216 MITRANY, DAVID. The Effect of the War In Southeastern Europe. Pp. 260. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1936. $3.00
by Harry N. Howard - 216-218 PLANAS-SUà REZ, SIMÓN. La PolÃtica Eu ropea y la Sociedad de las Naciones. Pp. 535. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1935. 20 pesetas
by Joseph L. Kunz - 218-218 SCELLE, GEORGES. Théorie Juridique de la Revision, des Traités. Pp. 97. Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1936
by Hymen Ezra Cohen - 218-219 LAMBERT, JACQUES. La Vengeance Privée et Les Fondements du Droit Interna tional Public. Pp. 133. Paris: Li brairie du Recueil Sirey, 1936
by Hymen Ezra Cohen - 219-220 LASH, JOSEPH P., and JAMES A. WECHSLER. War Our Heritage. Pp. 159. New York: International Publishers Co., 1936. $1.00
by Ray H. Abrams - 220-220 GOOCH, G. P., and HAROLD TEMPERLEY (Eds.). British Documents on the Ori gins of the War, 1898-1914. Vol. X, Part I, "The Near and Middle East on the Eve of War. Pp. lxx, 1009. New York: British Library of Information, 1936. $4.65
by Edward Mead Earle - 221-221 TEMPERLEY, HAROLD. England and the Near East: The Crimea. Pp. xxviii, 548. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1936. $10.00
by William E. Lingelbach - 221-222 ENNIS, THOMAS E. French Policy and Developments in Indo-China. Pp. ix, 230. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $3.00
by Robert Stanley Thomson - 222-223 RAPHAEL, LOIS A. C. The Cape-to-Cairo Dream. Pp. 514. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1936. $4.50
by Walter P. Hall - 223-224 FISHER, H. A. L. A History of Europe. Vol. III, "The Liberal Experiment." Pp. xii, 1268, xviii. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1936. $4.00
by Leonidas Dodson - 224-225 ECKHARDT, CARL CONRAD. The Papacy and World Affairs. Pp. xiv, 310. Chi cago : University of Chicago Press, 1937. $4.00
by E.A. Beller - 225-225 HEINBERG, JOHN GILBERT. Comparative Major European Governments. Pp. xvii, 537. New York: Farrar & Rine hart, Inc., 1937. $3.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 225-226 WOODHEAD, H. G. W. The China Year Book, 1936. Pp. xxiv, 510. Shanghai: North-China Daily News and Herald, Ltd., 1936
by Roland L. Kramer - 226-227 COOK, THOMAS I. History of Political Philosophy from Plato to Burke. Pp. xviii, 725. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1936. $5.00
by Carl Joachim Friedrich - 227-227 JENNINGS, WALTER W. A History of the Economic and Social Progress of Euro pean Peoples. Pp. xiii, 713. Lexington, Ky.: The Kernel Press, 1936
by Joseph Mayer - 227-228 HABELER, GOTTFRIED VON. The Theory of International Trade, with Its Applica tions to Commercial Policy. Pp. xv, 408. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $5.75
by John Donaldson - 228-229 HALL, RAY OVID. International Transac tions of the United States. Pp. xv, 230. New York: National Industrial Confer ence Board, 1936. $3.00
by Alvin H. Hansen - 229-230 MADDEN, JOHN T., et al. America's Ex perience as a Creditor Nation. Pp. xvi, 333. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Lucile Bagwell - 230-231 HARRIS, S. E. Exchange Depreciation. Pp. xxix, 516. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1936. $5.00
by F. Cyril James - 231-231 NEISSER, HANS. Some International As pects of the Business Cycle. Pp. xiv, 176. Philadelphia: University of Penn sylvania Press, 1936. $2.50
by William G. Welk - 231-232 SAKOLSKI, A. M., and MYRON L. HOCH. American Economic Development. Pp. xii, 448. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1936. $3.00
by Collis Stocking - 232-233 BIRNIE, ARTHUR. An Economic History of the British Isles. Pp. ix, 391. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1936. $4.00
by Herbert Heaton - 233-234 OPPENHEIMER, FRANZ. Stadt und Bürger schaft: Die Neuzeit (third part of Abriss einer Sozial- und Wirtschafts geschichte Europas von der Völker wanderung bis zur Gegenwart, which in turn makes up Vol. IV of the System der Soziologie). Pp. xvi, 509 (813-1322 of Vol. IV). Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1935. RM 24 paper, 25.55 boards
by Howard Becker - 234-235 OHLIN, BERTIL. Fri eller Dirigerad Eko nomi. Pp. 239. Stockholm: J. F. Hall mans, 1936. Kr.2:50
by Arthur R. Upgren - 235-236 CARR-SAUNDERS, A. M. World Population, Past Growth and Present Trends. Pp. xi, 329. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. $4.00
by Constantine Panunzio - 236-237 GOODRICH, CARTER, et al. Migration and Economic Opportunity. Pp. xvii, 763. Philadelphia: University of Pennsyl vania Press, 1936. $5.00
by A.B. Wolfe - 237-238 MUKERJEE, RADHAKAMAL. Le Migrazi oni Asiatiche. Pp. xlv, 310. Rome: Tipografia Failli, 1936. Lire 30
by Constantine Panunzio - 238-239 MYERSON, ABRAHAM, et al. Eugenical Sterilization. Pp. 211. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.00
by Paul Popenoe - 239-240 MACK, RUTH PRINCE. Controlling Re tailers. Pp. 551. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $4.50
by Reavis Cox - 240-240 ARONOVICI, CAROL, and ELIZABETH McCAL- MONT. Catching up with Housing. Pp. xvi, 243. Newark: Beneficial Man agement Corporation, 1936. $2.00
by Bernard J. Newman - 240-241 BASSETT, EDWARD M. Zoning: The Laws, Administration, and Court Decisions During the First Twenty Years. Pp. 275. New York: Russell Sage Founda tion, 1936. $3.00
by Bernard J. Newman - 241-242 HERRING, JAMES M., and GERALD C. GROSS. Telecommunications. Pp. x, 544. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1936. $5.00
by Truman C. Bigham - 242-243 SHAFFER, ALICE, et al. The Indiana Poor Law. Pp. x, 378. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $3.00. BRUCE, ISABEL CAMPBELL, et al. The Michigan Poor Law. Pp. xii, 287. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $2.50
by James H.S. Bossard - 243-243 ROBINSON, VIRGINIA P. Supervision in Social Case Work. Pp. xv, 199. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1936. $2.50
by Mildred D. Mudgett - 243-244 TAYLOR, GRAHAM. Chicago Commons Through Forty Years. Pp. xiv, 322. Chicago: Chicago Commons Associa tion, 1936. $1.50
by Arthur E. Fink - 244-245 CAHN, FRANCIS, and VALESKA BARY. Welfare Activities of Federal, State and Local Governments in California, 1850- 1934. Pp. xxiv, 422. Berkeley: Uni versity of California Press, 1936. $8.50
by James Ford - 245-246 FREEMAN, ELLIS. Social Psychology. Pp. xii, 491. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1936. $2.50. GURNEE, HERBERT. Elements of Social Psychology. Pp. xi, 467. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1936. $2.50
by Kimball Young - 246-247 Ross, EDWARD ALSWORTH. Seventy Years of It. Pp. 341. New York: D. Apple- ton-Century Co., 1936. $3.00
by John Dollard - 247-249 BATES, SANFORD. Prisons and Beyond. Pp. xii, 334. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.50
by J.P. Shalloo - 249-249 ISRAELI, NATHAN. Abnormal Personality and Time. Pp. 123. Lancaster, Pa.: Science Press Printing Co., 1936. $2.50
by Horace B. English - 249-250 PATTERSON, S. HOWARD, et al. The School in American Society. Pp. xii, 570. Scranton: International Textbook Co., 1936. $3.00
by Claude C. Bowman - 250-251 BOER, CECIL DE. The If's and Ought's of Ethics. Pp. xv, 379. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 1936. $2.50
by W. Rex Crawford - 251-251 TENENBAUM, JOSEPH. The Riddle of Woman. Pp. vii, 477. New York: Lee Furman, 1936. $3.50
by Ray H. Abrams - 251-252 WANDELL, SAMUEL H. Aaron Burr in Lit erature. Pp. xx, 302. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1936. $4.50
by Alphonse B. Miller
May 1937, Volume 191, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by J.G. Brainerd - 1-6 An Introduction to the History of Consumers' Coöperation
by James C. Drury - 7-16 Basic Principles of Coöperation
by James Peter Warbasse - 17-28 Economic Theory of Consumers' Coöperation
by Arthur E. Albrecht - 29-37 The Democratic Theory of Coöperation
by Merlin G. Miller - 38-45 Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of Consumer Coöperation
by H.M. Kallen - 46-54 Psychological Aspects of Consumers' Coöperation
by Leonard W. Doob - 55-61 Relationship of Consumer and Producer Coöperatives
by Roland N. Benjamin - 62-69 Consumers' Coöperation and the Labor Movement
by James Myers - 70-75 The Coöperative Movement and the Church
by M.A. Dawber - 76-83 Consumers' Coöperative Educational Methods
by E.R. Bowen - 84-90 Consumers' Coöperation and Political Action
by George W. Jacobson & Iver Lind - 91-102 Consumers' Coöperation in the United States
by Florence E. Parker - 103-108 Farm Purchasing Coöperatives
by I.H. Hull - 109-112 Oil and Gasoline Coöperatives
by Howard A. Cowden - 113-124 Comparative Retailing Costs of Consumers' Coöperatives
by Clark Kerr - 125-130 Coöperative Insurance and Finance
by Murray D. Lincoln - 131-136 Coöperative Supply of Services
by Bertram B. Fowler - 137-143 Coöperative Housing in the United States
by Abraham E. Kazan - 144-148 Coöperative Credit
by Roy F. Bergengren - 149-154 Coöperative Recreation
by Carl R. Hutchinson - 155-164 Consumers' Cooperation in Great Britain
by George Darling - 165-176 Consumers' Coöperation in the Scandinavian Countries
by Roy V. Peel - 177-185 Examples of European Cooperatives1
by N/A - 186-191 A Business Man's View of Consumer Coöperatives
by Clem D. Johnston - 192-201 A Critique of Consumer Coöperative Theory and Practice
by E. St. Elmo Lewis - 205-218 Economic Thinking in the New Germany
by Otto Dietrich - 219-225 The Economic Doctrine of National Socialism
by Emil Lederer - 226-227 KALLEN, HORACE M. The Decline and Rise of the Consumer. Pp. xx, 484. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1936. $2.75
by Dexter M. Keezer - 227-227 FREUNDLICH, EMMY. Housewives Build a New World. Pp. 142. London: In ternational Cooperative Women's Guild, 1936
by M. Borsodi - 227-228 GALLA, KAREL. Sociology of the Coöpera tive Movement in the Czechoslovak Vil lage. Pp. 124. Prague: Library of the Country Life Association, 1936
by Joseph S. Roucek - 228-229 NEWFANG, OSCAR. Ecanmnic Welfare. Pp. vi, 187. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1936. $1.50
by A.M. Mcisaac - 229-229 JAVITS, BENJAMIN A. The Common wealth of Industry. Pp. xiv, 229. New York: Harper & Bros., 1936. $3.00
by Ben W. Lewis - 230-230 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIAL SECU RITY. Social Security in the United States—1936. Pp. 170. New York, 1936
by Edison L. Bowers - 230-231 COMMITTEE ON OLD AGE SECURITY OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND. The Town- send Crusade. Pp. 93. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1936. 50¢
by Edison L. Bowers - 231-232 PATERSON, DONALD G., and JOHN G. DAR- LEY. Men, Women and Jobs. Pp. v, 145. Minneapolis: University of Minne sota Press, 1936. $2.00
by Morton A. Seidenfeld - 232-233 WOLMAN, LEO. Ebb and Flow in Trade Unionism. Pp. xviii, 251. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1936. $2.50
by Carroll R. Daugherty - 233-233 MARJOLIN, ROBERT. L'Évolution du Syn dicalisme aux États-Unis de Washington à Roosevelt. Pp. 256. Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan, 1936. 25 Fr
by Hymen E. Cohen - 233-234 ROUNTREE, G. M., et al. The Railway Worker. Pp. xx, 364. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1936. $3.00
by Leslie T. Fournier - 234-235 HALL, W. SCOTT. The Journeymen Bar bers' International Union of America. Pp. 121, xiv. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1936. $1.25
by Melvin J. Segal - 235-235 SHLAKMAN, VERA. Economic History of a Factory Town: A Study of Chicopee, Massachusetts. Pp. 264. Northamp ton : Smith College Department of His tory, 1936. 75¢
by Edward C. Kirkland - 236-236 NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD. Savings Plans and Credit Unions in In dustry. Pp. ix, 72. New York, 1936. $1.00
by Everett D. Hawkins - 236-236 BENEY, M. ADA. Wages, Hours and Em ployment in the United States, 1914- 1936. Pp. x, 197. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1936. $2.50
by Lester V. Chandler - 236-237 BENEY, M. ADA. Cost of Living in the United States, 1914-1936. Pp. ix, 99. New York: National Industrial Confer ence Board, 1936. $2.50
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 237-238 MARTIN, ROBERT F. National Income and Its Elements. Pp. xiii, 134. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1936. $2.50
by James G. Smith - 238-239 KEMMERER, EDWIN WALTER. Money. Pp. xii, 406. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.00
by F. Cyril James - 239-240 HUBBARD, L. E. Soviet Money and Fi nance. Pp. xix, 339. New York: Mac millan Co., 1936. $4.50
by Howard S. Ellis - 240-241 MILLS, FREDERICK C. Prices in Recession and Recovery. Pp. xv, 581. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1936. $4.00
by William G. Welk - 241-242 BEZANSON, ANNE, et al. Wholesale Prices in Philadelphia, 1784-1861. Pp. xxiii, 443. Philadelphia: University of Penn sylvania Press, 1936. $4.00
by Ralph M. Hower - 242-243 MARTIN, ROBERT F. Income in Agricul ture, 1929-1935. Pp. xviii, 168. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1936. $2.50
by John M. Cassels - 243-243 PEEK, GEORGE N., and SAMUEL CROWTHER. Why Quit Our Own? Pp. 353. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1936. 50¢
by Guy B. Johnson - 243-244 KEPNER, CHARLES DAVID, JR. Social Aspects of the Banana Industry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $3.00
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 244-244 BECK, JAMES M., and MERLE THORPE. Neither Purse nor Sword. Pp. xii, 210. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.00
by Edward S. Corwin - 245-245 CARR, ROBERT K. Democracy and the Su preme Court. Pp. 142. Norman: Uni versity of Oklahoma Press, 1936. $1.50
by Bernard F. Cataldo - 245-246 BATES, ERNEST SUTHERLAND. The Story of the Supreme Court. Pp. 377. New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1936. $3.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 246-247 SOULE, GEORGE. The Future of Liberty. Pp. 187. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.00
by Raymond D. Thomas - 247-248 ROSEN, S. McKEE. Modern Individual ism. Pp. ix, 174. New York: Harper & Bros., 1937. $1.50
by H.M. Kallen - 248-249 WHITEHEAD, T. N. Leadership in a Free Society. Pp. xv, 266. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936. $3.00
by M.R. Gabbert - 249-249 NOACK, ULRICH. Katholizität und Geistes freiheit Nach den Schriften von John Dalberg-Acton. Pp. 377. Frankfurt; 1936. RM 8.50
by E.A. Beller - 249-250 MUNSCH, ROGER. L'Individu dans le Déséquilibre Moderne. Pp. 233. Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan, 1936. 15 Fr
by Burnham N. Dell - 250-251 RAPPARD, WILLIAM E. L'Individu et l'État dans l'Evolution Constitutionelle de la Suisse. Pp. ix, 566. Zurich: Edi tions Polygrapbiques, Société Anonoyme, 1936. 14 Fr
by Max A. Shepard - 251-251 MERRIAM, CHARLES E. The Rôle of Poli tics in Social Change. Pp. 149. New York: New York University Press, 1936
by Lane W. Lancaster - 251-252 McIlwain, Charles Howard, Essays in History and Political Theory in Honor of. Pp. x, 371. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937
by Joseph R. Strayer - 252-253 STRAUSS, LEO. The Political Philosophy of Hobbes. Pp. xviii, 172. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. $3.50
by Hymen Ezra Cohen - 253-253 THOMAS, NORMAN. After the New Deal, What? Pp. ix, 244. New York: Mac millan Co., 1936. $2.00
by Roger W. Shugg - 253-254 DIMOCK, MARSHALL E. Modern Politics and Administration. Pp. xiii, 440. New York: American Book Co., 1937. $3.00
by Frances L. Reinhold - 254-255 BROMAGE, ARTHUR W. State Government and Administration in the United States. Pp. ix, 678. New York: Harper and Bros., 1936. $3.50
by Lane W. Lancaster - 255-256 SENNING, JOHN P. The One-House Legis lature. Pp. xviii, 118. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., 1937. $1.50
by Charles C. Rohlfing - 256-257 GAUS, JOHN M., et al. The Frontiers of Public Administration. Pp. ix, 146. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $2.00. MERIAM, LEWIS. Public Service and Spe cial Training. Pp. ix, 83. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $1.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 257-257 JENSEN, JENS P. Government Finance. Pp. xxxii, 595. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1937. $3.50
by Paul Studenski - 257-258 JENNINGS, W. IvoR. Cabinet Govern ment. Pp. vii, 484. New York: Mac millan Co., 1936. $5.50
by E.P. Chase - 258-260 WEDGWOOD, JOSIAH C., and ANNE D. HOLT. History of Parliament: Biographies of the Members of the Commons House, 1439-1509. Pp. lv, 984. New York: British Library of Information, 1936. $10.25
by Joseph R. Strayer - 260-261 LACHAPELLE, GEORGES. Elections législa tives, 26 avril et 3 mai, 1936. Pp xviii, 344. Paris: Le Temps, 1936
by F.A. Hermens - 261-261 LINEBARGER, PAUL MYRON ANTHONY. The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-sen. Pp. xiv, 278. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1937. $2.75
by Payson J. Treat - 261-262 BRIERLY, J. L. The Law of Nations. Pp. viii, 271. 2d ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. $1.75
by Josef L. Kunz - 262-264 BUSTAMANTE Y SIRVÉN, ANTONIO SANCHEZ DE. Derecho Internacional Público. Tomo III. Pp. 602. Habana: Carasa y CÃa., 1936
by Josef L. Kunz - 264-264 ZIMMERN, SIR ALFRED, et al. Neutrality and Collective Security. Pp. xviii, 277. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. $2.50
by John C. Ross - 264-265 BAKER, NEWTON D. Why We Went to War. Pp. vi, 199. New York: Harper & Bros., for Council on Foreign Rela tions, 1936. $1.50
by Roger W. Shugg - 265-266 GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY. Preface to Chaos. Pp. xvi, 341. New York: Dodge Pub lishing Co., 1936. $3.00
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 266-268 STIMSON, HENRY L. The Far Eastern Crisis. Pp. xii, 293. New York: Harper & Bros., 1936. $3.75
by Jerome D. Greene - 268-269 WILLOUGHBY, WESTEL W. The Sino- Japanese Controversy and the League of Nations. Pp. xxv, 733. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1935. $5.00
by Maurice T. Price - 269-269 COLEGROVE, KENNETH W. Militarism in Japan. Pp. 77. New York: World Peace Foundation, 1936. 75¢
by Robert Karl Reischauer - 269-270 KERNER, ROBERT JOSEPH, and HARRY NICH OLAS HOWARD. The Balkan Confer ences and the Balkan Entente, 1930- 1935. Pp. x, 271. Berkeley: Univer sity of California Press, 1936. $3.00
by Philip E. Mosely - 270-271 JOLLES, MATHYS. Das Deutsche National bewusstsein im Zeitalter Napoleoms. Pp. 288. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klos termann, 1936. 8.50 RM
by Hans Kohn - 271-272 PARKER, HAROLD T. The Cult of Antiq uity and the French Revolutionaries. Pp. ix, 215. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1937. $2.00
by Leo Gershoy - 272-273 BURCKHARDT, CARL J. Richelieu, der Auf stieg zur Macht. Pp. 534. Munich: Georg D. W. Callwey, 1935. MK. 9
by E.A. Beller - 273-274 VIOLETTE, EUGENE M. English Constitu tional Documents since 1832. Pp. xi, 226. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. 50¢. NEILSON, N. Medieval Agrarian Econ omy. Pp. vi, 106. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1936. $1.00. KIMBALL, ELISABETH GUERNSEY. Ser jeanty Tenure in Medieval England. Pp. xi, 227. New Haven: Yale Univer sity Press, 1936. $3.00
by Joseph R. Strayer - 274-275 NEHRU, JAWAHARLAL. An Autobiography. Pp. 618. London: John Lane, 1936. 15 sh
by Mans Kohn - 275-275 MILLER, WILLIAM. The Ottoman Empire and Its Successors. Pp. xiv, 642. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $4.75
by Joseph S. Roucek - 275-276 MASON, JOHN BROWN. Hitler's First Foes. Pp. v, 118. Minneapolis: Burgess Pub lishing Co., 1936. $1.75
by Ray H. Abrams - 276-277 HANKE, LEWIS (Ed.). Handbook of Latin American Studies. Pp. xv, 250. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936
by Arthur E. Gropp - 277-278 FELLER, A. H. The Mexican Claims Com missions 1923-1934. Pp. xxi, 572. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $7.00
by Josef L. Kunz - 278-278 CALLCOTT, WILFRID HARDY. Santa Anna. Pp. xiv, 391. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1936. $3.00
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 279-279 NEVINS, ALLAN (Ed.) . The Letters and Journal of Brand Whitlock. 2 vols. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1936. $10.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 279-280 NEVINS, ALLAN. Hamilton Fish. Pp. xxi, 932. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1936. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 280-280 JOHNSON, THOMAS CARY, JR. Scientific Interests in the Old South. Pp. vii, 217. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1936. $2.50
by B.B. Kendrick - 280-281 HESSELTINE, WILLIAM B. A History of the South, 1607-1936. Pp. xiii, 748. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1936. $3.75
by Charles F. Strong - 281-282 LANNING, JOHN TATE. The Diplomatic History of Georgia. Pp. 275. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1936. $4.00. FULLER, JOHN DOUGLAS PITTS. The Movement for the Acquisition of All Mexico, 1846-1848. Pp. 168. Balti more : Johns Hopkins Press, 1936. $1.50
by John E. Pomfret
March 1937, Volume 190, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by David T. Rowlands & Coleman Woodbury - 1-6 Factors in the Housing Problem
by Bernard J. Newman - 7-16 A Survey of Approaches to the Housing Problem
by Warren Jay Vinton - 17-23 An Investment Approach to Housing
by Charles F. Lewis - 24-36 Economic Factors Related to Residential Building
by Lowell J. Chawner - 37-49 The Industrial Organization of Housing: Its Methods and Costs
by A.C. Shire - 50-59 The Land Problem in Relation to Housing
by Arthur C. Holden - 60-74 Merchandising Residential Properties
by Richard R. Mead - 75-82 Developments in Home Financing
by David L. Wickens - 83-93 Urban Housing Activities of the Federal Government
by David T. Rowlands - 94-100 Housing Aspects of Resettlement
by E.L. Kirkpatrick - 101-108 Economic and Social Significance of Housing Design
by Miles L. Colean - 109-119 Methods of Holding Residential Property
by Ira S. Robbins - 120-130 Consumption Standards and Housing
by J. Bion Philipson - 131-137 Population Growth and Housing Demand
by Warren S. Thompson - 138-144 Industrial Location and the Housing Market
by Edgar M. Hoover - 145-150 The Costs of Bad Housing
by Edith Elmer Wood - 151-161 The Subsidy in Low-Rental Housing
by Evans Clark - 162-175 Integrating Private and Public Enterprise in Housing
by Coleman Woodbury - 176-183 Administrative Problems of Government in Housing
by Edmond H. Hoben - 184-190 Public Regulation of Urban Housing
by John Ihlder - 191-204 The British Housing Program1
by N.H. Engle - 205-213 Housing in the Netherlands
by Arie Keppler - 214-225 Forms of Financial Assistance to Housing in Europe
by Ernest M. Fisher & Richard U. Ratcliff - 226-233 Bibliographical Notes on Housing
by Adelaide R. Hasse - 234-236 Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1936
by N/A - 238-239 FORD, JAMES, et al. Slums and Housing. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936. $10.00
by Bernard J. Newman - 239-239 BEMIS, ALBERT FARWELL. The Evolving House: Rational Design. Pp. xxii, 625. Cambridge, Mass.: The Technology Press, 1936. $4.00
by Bernard J. Newman - 239-240 ABBOTT, EDITH. The Tenements of Chi cago, 1908-1935. Pp. xxii, 505. Chi cago : University of Chicago Press, 1936. $5.00
by Maurice R. Davie - 240-241 GEIGER, GEORGE RAYMOND. The Theory of the Land Question. Pp. 237. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.00
by Karl Scholz - 241-242 CHASE, STUART. Rich Land, Poor Land. Pp. x, 361. New York: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $2.50
by Frank E. Williams - 242-243 CHEN HAN-SENG. Landlord and Peasant in China. Pp. xvii, 144. New York: International Publishers, 1936. $2.00
by Henry C. Taylor - 243-243 TAFT, DONALD R. Human Migration. Pp. xxiii, 590. New York: Ronald Press, 1936. $4.00
by J.P. Shalloo