March 1937, Volume 190, Issue 1
- 243-244 ALLEN, JAMES S. The Negro Question in the United States. Pp. 224. New York: International Publishers, 1936. $2.00
by Melville J. Herskovits - 244-245 HARRIS, ABRAM L. The Negro as Capital ist. Pp. xii, 205. Philadelphia: Amer ican Academy of Political and Social Science, 1936. $3.00
by F. Cyril James - 245-246 JENNESS, MARY. Twelve Negro Ameri cans. Pp. x, 180. New York: Friend ship Press, 1936. $1.00. CUTHBERT, MARION. We Sing America. Pp. viii, 117. New York: Friendship Press, 1936. $1.00. BROWN, INA CORINNE. The Story of the American Negro. Pp. xiii, 208. New York: Friendship Press, 1936. $1.00. JOHNSON, CHARLES S. A Preface to Ra cial Understanding. Pp. ix, 206. New York: Friendship Press, 1936. $1.00
by Guy B. Johnson - 246-247 WOODSON, CARTER. The African Back ground. Pp. viii, 478. Washington: Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1936. $3.25
by Melville J. Herskovits - 247-248 PARSONS, ELSIE CLEWS. Mitla, Town of the Souls. Pp. xix, 590. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1936. $4.00
by Melville J. Herskovits - 248-249 THURNWALD, HILDE. Die schwarze Frau im Wandel Afrikas. Pp. ix, 167. Stutt gart: W. Kohlhammer, 1935
by Melville J. Herskovits - 249-250 LINTON, RALPH. The Study of Man. Pp. viii, 503. New York: D. Appleton-Cen tury Co., 1936. $3.00
by A.I. Hallowell - 250-250 BALLARD, LLOYD VERNOR. Social Institu tions. Pp. xii, 514. New York: D. Ap pleton-Century Co., 1936. $4.00
by Wilson D. Wallis - 250-251 GOUGH, J. W. The Social Contract. Pp. vi, 234. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1936. $5.00
by W. Rex Crawford - 251-252 PHELPS, HAROLD A. Principles and Laws of Sociology. Pp. xii, 544. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1936. $4.00
by J.O. Hertzler - 252-252 DOWD, JEROME. Control in Human Socie ties. Pp. xvii, 475. New York: D. Ap pleton-Century Co., 1936
by Howard E. Jensen - 252-253 RUNDQUIST, EDWARD A., and RAYMOND F. SLETTO. Personality in the Depression. Pp. xxii, 398. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1936. $4.00
by Lawrence Joseph Stone - 253-254 SULLENGER, T. EARL. Social Determin ants in Juvenile Delinquency. Pp. ix, 412. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1936. $3.50
by J.P. Shalloo - 254-254 FEDIAEVSKY, VERA, and PATTY SMITH HILL. Nursery School and Parent Education in Soviet Russia. Pp. xx, 265. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1936. $2.50
by James H.S. Bossard - 254-255 BISCH, Louis E. Be Glad You're Neu rotic. Pp. x, 201. New York: Whittle sey House, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $2.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 255-255 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. The Problem of Nu trition. Vol. I, "Interim Report of the Mixed Committee on the Problem of Nutrition," pp. 98. Vol. II, "Report on the Physiological Bases of Nutrition," pp. 27. New York: World Peace Foun dation, 1936. Vol. I, 50 cents. Vol. II, 15 cents
by James H.S. Bossard - 256-256 FALK, I. S. Security against Sickness. Pp. xii, 423. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1936. $4.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 256-257 SÃ NCHEZ, GEORGE I. Mexico: A Revolu tion by Education. Pp. 211. New York: Viking Press, 1936. $2.75
by Eyler N. Simpson - 257-258 MACFARLAND, CHARLES STEDMAN. Across the Years. Pp. xi, 367. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.75
by Ray H. Abrams - 258-259 NELL-BREUNING, S. J., OSWALD VON. Re organization of Social Economy (The Papal Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno developed and explained). Pp. xi, 451. New York: Bruce Publishing Co., 1936. $3.50
by Walter Phelps Hall - 259-260 CORNELL, WILLIAM B. Organization and Management in Industry and Business. Pp. 802. New York: The Ronald Press, 1936. $4.50
by Robert D. Calkins - 260-260 SMITH, VERA C. The Rationale of Central Banking. Pp. xii, 185. London: P. S. King and Son, 1936. 9 shillings
by F. Cyril James - 260-261 ANGELL, JAMES W. The Behaviour of Money. Pp. xiv, 207. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $3.00
by Hans Neisser - 261-263 KUVIN, LEONARD. Private Long-Term Debt and Interest in the United States. Pp. xiv, 138. New York: National In dustrial Conference Board, 1936. $2.50
by Clarence Dickinson Long JR - 263-263 KAPP, KARL W. Planwirtschaft und Aus senhandel. Pp. 140. Geneva: Georg & Cie, S. A. Libraires-Editeurs, 1936. 4 Fr
by Richard A. Lester - 263-264 NOGARO, BERTRAND. La Crise Économique dans le Monde et en France. Pp. 347. Paris: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1936. 35 Fr
by Lester V. Plum - 264-267 EINZIG, PAUL. World Finance 1914-1935. Pp. xvi, 382. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.00. —. The Future of Gold. Pp. x, 135. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $2.00. —. Exchange Control. Pp. ix, 195. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.00
by John Donaldson - 267-267 THOMAS, BRINLEY. Monetary Policy and Crises. Pp. xxii, 247. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1936. 7s. 6d
by Francis A. Linville - 267-268 HAZELETT, C. WILLIAM. Incentive Taxa tion, a Key to Security. Pp. xv, 195. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1936. $1.00
by Denzel C. Cline - 268-268 LOGAN, EDWARD B. (Ed.). The American Political Scene. Pp. viii, 264. New York: Harper & Bros., 1936. $1.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 268-269 TARBELL, IDA M. The Nationalizing of Business, 1878-1898. Pp. xvi, 313. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $4.00
by Clifton R. Hall - 270-271 ASCOLI, MAX. Intelligence in Politics. Pp. 280. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1936. $2.50
by N/A - 271-272 THOREZ, MAURICE. France Today and the People's Front. Pp. 255. New York: International Publishers, 1936. $1.75. Fox, RALPH. France Faces the Future. Pp. 134. New York: International Publishers, 1936. $1.~5
by Charlotte T. Muret - 272-273 REYNOLDS, GEORGE M. Machine Politics in New Orleans, 1897-1926. Pp. 245. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $3.25
by Harold F. Gosnell - 273-274 BOWERS, CLAUDE G. Jefferson in Power. Pp. 538. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1936. $3.75
by Alphonse B. Miller - 274-274 POAGE, GEORGE RAWLINGS. Henry Clay and the Whig Party. Pp. 295. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1936. $3.50
by Alphonse B. Miller - 274-275 LOUCKS, EMERSON H. The Ku Klux Klan in Pennsylvania. Pp. viii, 213. Harrisburg: The Telegraph Press, 1936. $2.00
by Arthur C. Bining - 275-275 WHITEMAN, LUTHER H., and SAMUEL L. LEWIS. Glory Roads: The Psychologi cal State of California. Pp. x, 267. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1936. $2.00
by Harold D. Lasswell - 275-276 GREGORY, CHARLES O. Legislative Loss Distribution in Negligence Actions. Pp. xiii, 200. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1936. $3.00
by John R. Abersold
January 1937, Volume 189, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Luther Gulick - 1-9 In Defense of Government
by C.A. Dykstra - 10-16 The Rise and Decline of the Spoils Tradition
by Carl Joachim Friedrich - 17-21 Spoils and the " Racket "
by Thomas J. Haggerty - 22-28 In Defense of Patronage
by William Turn - 29-34 The Cost of the Patronage System
by James Kerr Pollock - 35-41 Government Without Patronage
by William E. Mosher - 42-47 Amateurs versus Experts in Administration
by Ordway Tead - 48-57 Bureaucratic Sabotage
by Arnold Brecht - 58-64 The Trend Toward Professionalization
by Lewis Meriam - 65-68 The Public Servant
by Luther C. Steward - 69-75 Professionalizing the State Service
by Charles P. Messick - 76-83 Serving the City
by Orin F. Nolting - 84-90 Administration as a Profession
by Leonard D. White - 91-96 The Need for Career Administrators
by W.W. Stockberger - 97-103 The Personnel Survey
by Joseph Pois - 104-110 Public Personnel Agencies
by Oliver C. Short - 111-118 A New Emphasis in Personnel Administration
by Gordon R. Clapp - 119-126 Personnel Problems in New Federal Agencies
by Herbert Emmerich - 127-133 Training for the Public Service
by Clarence E. Ridley & Lyman S. Moore - 134-141 Essentials of a Model Personnel System
by Floyd W. Reeves - 142-147 Accomplishments of the Civil Service Reform Movement
by H. Eliot Kaplan - 148-153 In-Service Training by State Leagues of Municipalities
by Arnold Miles - 154-158 Interneship Training in the Public Service
by Otis Theodore Wingo - 159-164 Civil Service as Negative Control
by Bruce Smith - 165-172 Bureaucracy and Representative Government
by Harold W. Dodds - 173-179 Public Personnel Trends in the States
by Katherine A. Frederic - 180-182 Qualified Personnel and Why We Should Have It
by Robert L. Johnson - 183-187 From Spoils to Merit in One Generation
by George Gellhorn - 188-191 The Scope of Departmental Personnel Activities
by A.J. Altmeyer - 192-198 Problems and Progress of the Merit System
by W.W. Montgomery JR - 201-214 Problems of the International Distribution of Popula tion and Raw Materials 1
by Corrado Gini - 215-218 The Relation of the Individual to the State
by William E. Rappard - 219-268 Book Department
by N/A
November 1936, Volume 188, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Louis I. Dublin - 1-13 Modern Trends in the Birth Rate
by Alfred J. Lotka - 14-25 Biological Factors in Fertility
by Raymond Pearl - 26-36 Class Differences in Fertility
by Frank W. Notestein - 37-55 Geographic and Economic Differentials in Fertility
by P.K. Whelpton - 56-69 Marriage and Divorce in Recent Years1
by Samuel A. Stouffer & Lyle M. Spencer - 70-77 Venereal Diseases and Sex Abnormalities in Relation to Population Growth
by William F. Snow - 78-83 Pathological Aspects of Reproduction
by George W. Kosmak - 84-93 Death Rates
by John Collinson - 94-106 Infant Mortality in the United States
by Robert M. Woodbury - 107-116 Maternal Mortality and the Decline of the Birth Rate
by Mary Dublin - 117-130 The Broken Family—Widowhood and Orphanhood
by Mortimer Spiegelman - 131-143 The State of the Nation's Health
by G. ST. J. Perrott - 144-158 Institutional Population in the United States
by Horatio M. Pollock & Benjamin Malzberg - 159-166 Population Growth and Forecasts
by Lowell J. Reed - 167-176 Population Estimates in Postcensal Years
by Henry S. Shryock JR - 177-184 Composition of the American Population by Race and Country of Origin
by Joseph A. Hill - 185-193 Age and Sex in Population Analysis
by Robert E. Chaddock - 194-204 Measures of Quality in the Study of Population
by Frederick Osborn - 205-217 Agricultural Population in Relation to Agricultural Resources
by John D. Black - 218-229 Nutrition and Agricultural Policy
by Warren C. Waite & John D. Black - 230-242 Population and Unemployment
by Mordecai Ezekiel - 243-249 The Theory of Optimum Population
by A.B. Wolfe - 250-259 The Distribution of Population
by Warren S. Thompson - 260-263 Internal Migration and Economic Opportunity
by Carter Goodrich - 264-279 Rural and Urban Distribution of the Population in the United States
by O.E. Baker - 280-289 Migration, Reproduction, and Population Adjustment
by Harold F. Dorn & Frank Lorimer - 290-296 International Migration
by Henry Pratt Fairchild - 297-306 Population Policies of European Countries
by Warren S. Thompson & P.K. Whelpton - 307-317 Population Problems and Policies in the Far East
by W.L. Holland - 318-328 Population and International Relations
by Quincy Wright - 329-339 Value of the Population Census for Research
by Leon E. Truesdell - 340-350 Vital Statistics Collected by the Government
by Halbert L. Dunn - 351-359 Sources of Population Data
by Frederick F. Stephan - 360-361 DUBLIN, LOUIS I., and ALFRED J. LOTKA. Length of Life. Pp. 400. New York: The Ronald Press, 1936. $5.00
by Frederick F. Stephan - 361-361 SAND, RENÉ. Health and Human Prog ress. Pp.x, 278. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1936. $3.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 361-362 DE KRUIF, PAUL. Why Keep Them Alive? Pp. 293. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1936. $3.00
by James H.S. Bossard - 362-363 HIMES, NORMAN E. Medical History of Contraception. Pp. xxx, 521. Balti more : Williams & Wilkins Co., 1936. $7.00
by Richard H. Shryock - 363-364 ANGELL, ROBERT COOLEY. The Family Encounters the Depression. Pp. 309. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936. $1.50
by Clifford Kirkpatrick - 364-364 HORKHEIMER, MAX (Ed.). Autorität und Familie. Pp. xv, 947. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1936. $7.00
by Clifford Kirkpatrick - 364-365 HOLMES, S. J. Human Genetics and Its Social Import. Pp. viii, 414. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $3.50
by J.H. Landman - 365-366 WILLIAMS, FAITH M., and CARLE C. ZIM- MERMAN. Studies of Family Living in the United States and Other Countries: An Analysis of Material and Method. Pp. 617. Washington: U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, 1935. 60 cents
by James H.S. Bossard - 366-366 DAVIE, MAURICE R. World Immigration. Pp. x, 588. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.75
by Constantine Panunzio - 367-369 SCHRIEKE, B. Alien Americans. Pp. xi, 208. New York: The Viking Press, 1936. $2.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 369-370 DAWSON, C. A. Group Settlement: Ethnic Communities in Western Canada. Pp. xx, 395. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1936. $4.50
by Carl Wittke - 370-371 BURTON, HENRIETTA K. The Reëstablish ment of the Indians in Their Pueblo Life through the Revival of Their Traditional Crafts. Pp. 96. New York City: Bureau of Publications, Teachers Col lege, Columbia University, 1936
by Lawrence E. Lindley - 371-372 BASS, ALTHEA. Cherokee Messenger. Pp. 348. Norman: University of Okla homa Press, 1936. $3.00
by M.K. Sniffen - 372-373 THURNWALD, RICHARD C. Black and White in East Africa. Pp. xxii, 419. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1935. $5.00
by Hans Kohn - 373-373 WARDEN, CARL J. The Emergence of Human Culture. Pp. 189. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.00
by Wilson D. Wallis - 373-374 WHITE, C. LANGDON, and GEORGE T. REN- NER. Geography, an Introduction to Human Ecology. Pp. x, 790. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1936. $4.00
by Frank E. Williams - 374-375 WALLIN, J. E. WALLACE. Personality Maladjustments and Mental Hygiene. Pp. xii, 511. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $3.00
by James S. Plant - 375-376 ROBISON, SOPHIA MOSES. Can Delin quency Be Measured? Pp. xxvi, 277. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $3.00
by Nathaniel Cantor - 376-377 HERTZLER, JOYCE O. The Social Thought of the Ancient Civilizations. Pp. xv, 409. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1936. $4.00
by Wilson D. Wallis - 377-378 PALM, FRANKLIN CHARLES. The Middle Classes Then and Now. Pp. xii, 421. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.50
by J.O. Hertzler - 378-378 DUNCAN, W. G. K. (Ed.) Educating a Democracy. Pp. vi, 181. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, Ltd., 1936. 5/
by C. Hartley Grattan - 378-379 RAUP, BRUCE. Education and Organized Interests in America. Pp. vi, 238. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1936
by Willard Waller - 379-380 ADAMS, ARTHUR B., et al. Higher Educa tion and Society. Pp. vi, 323. Nor man : University of Oklahoma Press, 1936. $3.00
by Robert Rockafellow - 380-380 DE CHESSIN, SERGE. Les Clefs de la Suede. Pp. 254. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1935. Fr. 12
by Roy V. Peel - 380-381 BALK, NORMAN. Schweden Heute. Pp. 126. Berlin: Verlag von Georg Stilke, 1936. RM. 4.50
by Roy V. Peel - 381-381 BERGSTROM, KURT, et al. Moderna Bos tadsproblem. Pp. 240. Stockholm: Kooperativa Förbundets Bokförlag, 1933. Kronor 3.75
by Roy V. Peel - 381-382 WOODBURY, COLEMAN (Ed.). Housing Officials' Year Book, 1936. Pp. x, 244. Chicago: National Association of Hous ing Officials, 1936. $2.00
by Bernard J. Newman - 382-383 MALCHER, FRITZ. The Steadyflow Traffic System. Pp. ix, 91. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1935. $1.00
by Bernard J. Newman
September 1936, Volume 187, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 1-6 The Significance of Transportation to Civilization
by William Mather Lewis - 7-15 Transportation and Economic Planning
by Charles L. Raper - 16-21 Weight, Speed, and Streamlining of Railroad Equipment
by Lewis K. Sillcox - 22-26 The Price of Open Gateways
by John R. Turney - 27-36 The Freight Container as a Contribution to Efficiency in Transportation
by Robert C. King & George M. Adams & G. Lloyd Wilson - 37-48 Marketing Railroad Passenger Services
by Edward Marion Johnson - 49-56 Simplification of Railroad Regulation
by H.G. Taylor - 57-67 The Regulation of Transportation Rates
by Harry L. Purdy - 68-71 The Problems of the Short Lines
by Clarence A. Miller - 72-78 Railways and Highways: Finance, Taxation, and Subsidy
by C.S. Duncan - 79-87 Highway Taxation: Present Status and Probable Future Trends
by Roy F. Britton - 88-94 The Stake of Railroad Labor in the Transportation Problem
by D.B. Robertson - 95-105 Unemployment Compensation in the Transportation Industry
by Otto S. Beyer - 106-119 Public Ownership and Operation of Railroads in the United States
by Joseph B. Eastman - 120-125 The Case for Private Ownership and Operation of Railroads in the United States
by J.J. Pelley - 126-132 Government Ownership of Railroads as Affecting Shippers
by Raynard F. Bohman - 133-141 The Proposals of the Wheeler Railroad Ownership and Operation Bill
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 142-145 Government Acquisition and Operation of Railroads in the United States
by Burton K. Wheeler - 146-150 A Critique of the Wheeler-Eastman Government Ownership Plan
by Henry A. Palmer - 151-158 Present Railroad Problems in Canada
by Leslie T. Fournier - 159-163 Canadian National Railways — Present Condition and Future Outlook
by S.J. Hungerford - 164-168 The Question of Railway Unification
by E.W. Beatty - 169-172 The Railway Situation in Great Britain
by Josiah Stamp - 173-179 The Use of Freight Containers by British Railways
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 180-183 Distribution Services of the Railways of Great Britain
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 184-192 The Railroads in France
by Pierre Lévy - 193-206 Railroad Problems of Mexico
by Alfredo B. Cuéllar - 207-207 SHARFMAN, I. L. The Interstate Commerce Commission. Part III, Vol. B. Pp. xiv, 833. New York: The Common wealth Fund, 1936. $5.00
by Emory R. Johnson - 208-209 DIMOCK, MARSHALL E. Developing Amer ica's Waterways. Pp. xv, 123. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1935. $1.50
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 209-210 PETERSEN, ELMORE. A Market Analysis of the Denver Wholesale Trade Territory. Pp. xiv, 183. Boulder: University of Colorado, 1936. $2.25
by Ralph F. Breyer - 210-210 WHITNEY, ALBERT W. (Ed.). Man and the Motor Car. Pp. xvi, 256. New York: National Bureau of Casualty and Surety Underwriters, 1936. $1.00
by C.A. Kulp - 210-212 BURNS, EVELINE M. Toward Social Se curity : An Explanation of the Social Security Act and a Survey of the Larger Issues. Pp. xiii, 269. New York: Whit tlesey House—McGraw—Hill Book Co., 1936. $2.00
by C.A. Kulp - 212-212 DOUGLAS, PAUL H. Social Security in the United States. Pp. 384. New York: Whittlesey House—McGraw—Hill Book Co., Inc., 1936. $3.00
by W.M. Leiserson - 213-213 ADAMS, ARTHUR B. National Economic Security. Pp. 327. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1936. $2.50
by W.M. Leiserson - 213-214 SHAFFNER, F. I. The Problem of Invest ment. Pp. viii, 357. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1936. $3.00
by Wilford J. Eiteman - 214-215 ROCHESTER, ANNA. Rulers of America: A Study of Finance Capital. Pp. 367. New York: International Publishers, 1936. $3.50
by Ray H. Abrams - 215-216 FANFANI, AMINTORE. Catholicism, Protes tantism and Capitalism. Pp. v, 224. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1935. $2.00
by Talcott Parsons - 216-217 ROBEY, RALPH (Ed.). The Monetary Prob lem, Gold and Silver: Final Report of the Royal Commission, 1888. Pp. xxviii, 369. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $3.50
by Arthur W. Marget - 217-217 WESTERFIELD, RAY B. Our Silver Debacle. Pp. vii, 214. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1936. $2.50
by Arthur W. Marget - 217-218 HUGH-JONES, E. M., and E. A. RADICE. An American Experiment. Pp. viii, 296. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. $2.50
by Richard H. Heindel - 218-218 JENKINSON, SIR ANTHONY. America Came My Way. Pp. viii, 312. London: Ar thur Barker, Ltd., 1936. 10/6
by Richard H. Heindel - 218-219 BEVERIDGE, SIR WILLIAM. Planning under Socialism, and Other Addresses. Pp. xiii, 142. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1936. $1.60
by William N. Loucks - 219-219 LAIDLER, HARRY W. A Program for Mod ern America. Pp. x, 517. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1936. $2.50
by W.N. Loucks - 220-220 DULLES, ELEANOR LANSING. Depression and Reconstruction: A Study of Causes and Controls. Pp. xii, 340. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1936. $3.00
by John Ise - 221-225 DENNIS, LAWRENCE. The Coming American Fascism. Pp. xiii, 320. New York : Harper & Bros., 1935. $2.50. SIMON, HUGO FERDINAND. Revolution- Whither Bound? Pp. xii, 380. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935. $2.50. GARLAND, C. M. Depressions and Their Solution. Pp. 187. Chicago : The Guil- ford Press, 1935. $2.50. HAMLIN, SCOVILLE. Balance or Chaos. Pp. xiv, 346. New York: Richard R. Smith, 1935. $~.00. TUCKER, GILBERT M. The Path to Prosperity. Pp. xii, 31~. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1935. $2.50. PRICE, Guy V. The New Social Order in America. Pp. 841. Kansas City: The Brown-White Co., 1935. $2.25. JACKSON, GILBERT. An Fconomist's Confession of Faith. Pp. 182. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $2.75. STEED,HENRy'VICKHAM. A Way to Social Peace. Pp. 148. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935. $1.50
by Edward Berman - 225-227 HUDSON, JAY WILLIAM. Why Democracy? Pp. xiv, 246. New York: D. Appleton- Century Co., 1936. $2.00. RUSSELL, WILLIAM F. Liberty vs. Equal ity. Pp. ix, 173. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.00. MILLS, OGDEN L. Liberalism Fights On. Pp. 160. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $1.50. LAWRENCE, DAVID. 9 Honest Men. Pp. ix, 164. New York: D. Appleton-Cen tury Co., 1936. $1.50
by J.E. Pomfret - 227-228 BENN, ERNEST J. P. Modern Government "as a Busybody in Other Men's Matters." Pp. 245. New York: D. Appleton-Cen tury Co., 1936. $2.00
by Grayson Kirk - 228-229 WILSON, FRANCIS GRAHAM. The Elements of Modern Politics. Pp. xii, 716. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $4.00
by Harvey Pinney - 229-229 NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD, INC. Cost of Government in the United States, 1933-1935. Pp. xi, 98. New York, 1936. $2.00
by Paul Studenski - 229-230 SPAHR, MARGARET (Ed.). Readings in Recent Political Philosophy. Pp. xv, 776. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.90
by Grayson Kirk - 230-231 CHAMBERLAIN, JOSEPH P. Legislative Proc esses—National and State. Pp. xi, 369. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1936. $3.50
by P. Orman Ray - 231-231 BATES, ERNEST SUTHERLAND. The Story of Congress: 1789-1935. Pp. xvii, 468. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1936. $3.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 231-232 ADAMS, JAMES TRUSLOW. The Living Jefferson. Pp. vii, 403. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936. $3.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 232-233 WILTSE, CHARLES M. The Jeffersonian Tradition in American Democracy. Pp. xii, 273. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1935. $3.00
by Grayson Kirk - 233-233 IRWIN, WILL. Propaganda and the News. Pp. vii, 325. New York: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $2.75
by Harwood L. Childs - 234-234 CHILDS, HARWOOD L. (Ed.). Propaganda and Dictatorship. Pp. vii, 153. Prince ton : Princeton University Press, 1936. $1.50
by W. Brooke Graves - 234-236 WIRTH, FREMONT P. The Development of America. Pp. x, 772, lxviii. New York: American Book Co., 1936
by B.B. Kendrick - 236-236 LAPRADE, WILLIAM T. Public Opinion and Politics in Eighteenth Century England. Pp. viii, 463. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $4.00
by Harold D. Lasswell - 236-238 HECKSCHER, GUNNAR. Konung och Stats råd. Pp. xxxvi, 484. Uppsala and Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1933. Kr.7:50. BRUSEWITZ, AXEL, et al. De Nordiska Ländernas Statsråd. Pp. 234. Uppsala and Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1935. Kr: 4:25
by Walter Thompson - 238-239 BRUSEWITZ, AXEL. Hemliga Utskottet. Pp. 145. Uppsala and Stockholm: Alm qvist & Wiksell, 1933. Kr. 3:50. —. Nordiska Utrikesnämnder. Pp. 266. Uppsala and Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1933. Kr. 4:75
by Walter Thompson - 239-239 ERMARTH, FRITZ. The New Germany: Na tional Socialist Government in Theory and Practice. Pp. xv, 203. Washington: The Digest Press, 1936. $2.00
by Frederick L. Schuman - 239-241 SALVEMINI, GAETANO. Under the Axe of Fascism. Pp. xiv, 402. New York: The Viking Press, 1936. $3.00
by Carmen Haider