- 5381 The asymmetric impact of macroeconomic announcements on U.S. Government bond rate level and volatility
by Tuysuz, Sukriye - 5380 The Relationship between FDI and growth under economic integration: is there one?
by Marasco, Antonio - 5372 Comparison of personal income inequality estimates based on data from the IRS and Census Bureau
by Kitov, Ivan - 5366 China currency dispute: is a rise in the yuan inevitable, necessary or desirable?
by Tatom, John - 5364 Exchange rate volatility and investment: a panel data cointegration approach
by Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou - 5359 Political budget cycles and social security budget increases in the Republic of Ireland, 1923-2005
by Cousins, Mel - 5358 Credit Risk Models for Managing Bank’s Agricultural Loan Portfolio
by Bandyopadhyay, Arindam - 5357 Credit Risk Models for Managing Bank’s Agricultural Loan Portfolio
by Bandyopadhyay, Arindam - 5351 Rent seeking, interest groups and environmental lobbying: Cane Farmers versus Great Barrier Reef Protectionists
by Beard, Rodney - 5346 Environmental lobbying with imperfect monitoring of environmental quality
by Beard, Rodney & Mallawaarachchi, Thilak & Salerno, Gillian - 5343 Сценарии Перехода К Устойчивым Темпам Добычи Нефти В России
[Scenarios of transition to sustainable oil extraction in Russia]
by Andreeva, Anastasiya & Bazhanov, Andrei - 5339 Do Small States Get More Federal Monies? Myth and Reality about the US Senate Malapportionment
by Larcinese, Valentino & Rizzo, Leonzio & Testa, Cecilia - 5332 Self reporting reduces corruption in law enforcement
by Motta, Alberto & Burlando, Alfredo - 5331 (Mis-)Understanding Education Externalities
by Mueller, Normann - 5330 Moment Methods for Exotic Volatility Derivatives
by Albanese, Claudio & Osseiran, Adel - 5325 Consumption efficiency hypothesis and the HOS model: Some counterintuitive results
by Chaudhuri, Sarbajit & Banerjee, Dibyendu - 5324 Formation of SEZ, Agricultural Productivity and Urban Unemployment
by Chaudhuri, Sarbajit & Yabuuchi, Shigemi - 5323 Die Finanzierung von Sportarenen – Optionen für große und mittelgroße Projekte
[Financing sports arenas - options for large and middle-size projects]
by Rebeggiani, Luca & Witte, Sebastian - 5319 Forecasting volatility: Evidence from the Macedonian stock exchange
by Kovačić, Zlatko - 5313 Relative or absolute poverty in the US and EU? The battle of the rates
by Notten, Geranda & Neubourg, Chris de - 5307 Determinants of interregional migration in Italy:A panel data analysis
by Etzo, Ivan - 5306 Constant returns to scale and economic theories of value
by Naqvi, Nadeem - 5305 Croissance Economique et Marché du Travail au Cameroun
[Economic Growth and Labour Market in Cameroon]
by Yogo, Urbain Thierry - 5303 Martingales, the efficient market hypothesis, and spurious stylized facts
by McCauley, Joseph L. & Bassler, Kevin E. & Gunaratne, Gemunu h. - 5301 Forecasting elections using expert surveys: an application to U.S. presidential elections
by Jones, Randall J. & Armstrong, J. Scott & Cuzan, Alfred G. - 5282 The demand side of Industrial Policies: Evidence and Methodology for Italian firms
by Brancati, Raffaele & Ciferri, Davide - 5281 Central Banks and Payment Instruments: a Serious Case of Schizophrenia
by VAN HOVE, Leo - 5279 Informal payments in developing countries' public health sector
by Liu, Ting & Sun, Jiayin - 5278 Financial Integration in Emerging Market Economies
by Pasricha, Gurnain - 5277 Non-Keynesian effects of Government Spending: Some implications for the Stability and Growth Pact
by Neicheva, Maria - 5269 Dynamics of Sticky Information and Sticky Price Models in a New Keynesian DSGE Framework
by Arslan, Mesut Murat - 5263 The effects of a greater central bank credibility on interest rates level and volatility response to news in the U.K
by Tuysuz, Sukriye - 5258 Cooperation through Imitation and Exclusion in Networks
by Mengel, Friederike & Fosco, Constanza - 5255 Interactions between interest rates and the transmission of monetary and economic news: the cases of US and UK
by Tuysuz, Sukriye & Kuhry, Yves - 5254 A Brief History of Production Functions
by Mishra, SK - 5249 National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective
by Ahmad, Iftikhar & Mustafa, Usman & Khalid, Mahmood - 5247 Reproducción Precaria En Los Hogares Mexicanos, Un Marco Referencia
[Household Precarious Reproduction In Mexican Society, A Reference Frame]
by Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena - 5243 R&D, Competition and Growth with Human Capital Accumulation : A Comment
by Bianco, Dominique - 5236 The Effect of Information on the Bidding and Survival of Entrants in Procurement Auctions
by De Silva, Dakshina G. & Kosmopoulou, Georgia & Lamarche, Carlos - 5229 Callable Swaps, Snowballs And Videogames
by Albanese, Claudio - 5228 Hedging Strategies in Forest Management
by Brunette, Marielle & Couture, Stéphane & Langlais, Eric - 5227 A STRUCTURAL MODEL FOR CREDIT-EQUITY DERIVATIVES AND BESPOKE CDOs
by Albanese, Claudio & Vidler, Alicia - 5224 Tax Systems and tax reforms in Latin America, Part I : country studies, Colombia
by Bernardi, Luigi & Fumagalli, Elena & Fumagalli, Laura - 5223 Tax systems and tax reforms in Latin America: country studies
by Bernardi, Luigi & Barreix, Alberto & Marenzi, Anna & Profeta, Paola - 5220 FDI-trade nexus: empirical analysis on ASEAN-5
by Kueh, Jerome Swee-Hui & Puah, Chin-Hong & Lau, Evan & Abu Mansor, Shazali - 5219 The Implications Of Emergence Of China Towards Asean-5: Fdi-Gdp Perspective
by Puah, Chin-Hong & Kueh, Jerome Swee-Hui & Lau, Evan - 5217 Central Bank transparency and the U.S. interest rates level and volatility response to U.S. news
by TUYSUZ, Sukriye - 5216 What Determines the Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability of Portuguese Industrial Firms?
by Silva, Maria José & Leitão, João - 5215 Cooperation in Innovation Practices among Portuguese Firms: Do Universities Interface Innovative Advances?
by Silva, Maria José & Leitão, João - 5214 First Derivatives of the log-L for the multivariate probit model
by Vargas Barrenechea, Martin - 5212 North American Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment
by Tekin-Koru, Ayca & Waldkirch, Andreas - 5211 Impact of Land Certification on Land Rental Market Participation in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia
by Holden, Stein T. & Deininger, Klaus & Ghebru, Hosaena - 5207 Togo: Failed election and misguided aid at the roots of economic misery
by Kohnert, Dirk - 5201 Monetary Policy, Vagabonding Liquidity and Bursting Bubbles in New and Emerging Markets - An Overinvestment View
by Schnabl, Gunther & Hoffmann, Andreas - 5197 Accruals and Aggregate Stock Market Returns
by Hirshleifer, David & Hou, Kewei & Teoh, Siew Hong - 5194 Price of recreational products and the exchange rate: an empirical investigation on US data
by Cellini, Roberto & Paolino, Alessandro - 5193 Information externality in the arts and the public intervention: a brief note
by Cellini, Roberto & Cuccia, Tiziana - 5192 Workers' enterprises in the case of arts production
by Cuccia, Tiziana & Cellini, Roberto - 5185 Changes In Return To Higher Education In Poland 1998-2004
by Strawinski, Pawel - 5176 Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Growth? Panel Data and Time Series Evidence from Less Developed Countries, 1970-2002
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 5175 Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach
by George, Michael - 5173 The Accrual Anomaly: Risk or Mispricing?
by Hou, Kewei & Hirshleifer, David & Teoh, Siew Hong - 5168 A Note on Why Quarter of Birth is Not a Valid Instrument for Educational Attainment
by Aliprantis, Dionissi - 5158 The New Information Age & the Stock Market Growth Puzzle
by Kamat, Manoj & Kamat, Manasvi - 5156 Playful Dragon: Messing and missing trade
by Beja, Edsel Jr. - 5151 The Welfare Economics of an Excise-Tax Exemption for Biofuels
by de Gorter, Harry & Just, David R. - 5148 Farmers and Capitalism
by Carney, Richard - 5147 Partisanship at the Origins of Modern Capitalist Institutions
by Carney, Richard - 5145 Deducing Varieties of Capitalism
by Carney, Richard - 5138 Evolutionary Concept, Genetic Algorithm and Exhibition Contract in Movie Industry
by Ch'ng, Kean Siang - 5137 Agglomeration Economies and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Evidence from Romania
by Hilber, Christian A. L. & Voicu, Ioan - 5136 Explaining the Black-White Homeownership Gap: The Role of Own Wealth, Parental Externalities and Locational Preferences
by Hilber, Christian A. L. & Liu, Yingchun - 5134 New Housing Supply and the Dilution of Social Capital
by Hilber, Christian A. L. - 5129 Psychological Bias as a Driver of Financial Regulation
by Hirshleifer, David - 5126 A non-parametric investigation of risk premia
by Peroni, Chiara - 5120 Strategic Divisionalization, Product Differentiation and International Competition
by Iwasa, Kazumichi & Kikuchi, Toru - 5115 Dynamic Programming, Maximum Principle and Vintage Capital
by Fabbri, Giorgio & Iacopetta, Maurizio - 5113 Theory and evidence in internal labor markets
by Waldman, Michael - 5111 History of Economics or a Selected History of Economics?
by Palma, Nuno - 5101 Larger crises cost more: impact of banking sector instability on output growth
by Serwa, Dobromił - 5099 Who Leads Financial Markets?
by Weber, Enzo - 5095 Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Oklahoma
by Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo - 5094 Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Michigan
by Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo - 5093 Die neoliberale Agrargesetzgebung in México, 1992-2005
[Unforeseen effects of the agrarian legislation in Mexico, 1992-2005]
by Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena - 5088 Exact prediction of inflation and unemployment in Germany
by Kitov, Ivan - 5076 Cruz keynesiana: interpretações gráficas da demanda efetiva
[Keynesian cross: diagrammatical interpretations of effective demand]
by Heller, Claudia & Dessotti, Marina - 5075 Optimal Portfolio Liquidation for CARA Investors
by Schied, Alexander & Schöneborn, Torsten - 5073 Foreign exchange intervention and central bank independence: The Latin American experience
by Nunes, Mauricio & Da Silva, Sergio - 5059 Tradable measure of risk
by Pospisil, Libor & Vecer, Jan & Xu, Mingxin - 5058 The Collective Bargaining Effects of NBA Player Productivity Dynamics
by Turner, Chad & Hakes, Jahn Karl - 5054 Stock Market Development and Capital Accumulation: What the Time Series Evidence Shows
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 5053 Capital Accumulation in Less Developed Countries: Does Stock Market Matter?
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 5052 Stock Market Development and Capital Accumulation: Does Law Matter? A Case Study of India
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 5051 Trend of Legal Globalisation and Stock Market Development
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 5048 Performance Measurement And Evaluation
by Plantinga, Auke - 5046 Competitive effects of it innovation on bank strategy,, 1985-1995
by Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo - 5043 Temporal and spatial homogeneity in air pollutants panel EKC estimations: Two nonparametric tests applied to Spanish provinces
by Ordás Criado, Carlos - 5035 India’s policy deficit: as I look at it
by Mishra, SK - 5024 Forever Minus a Day? Some Theory and Empirics of Optimal Copyright
by Pollock, Rufus - 5015 Exact prediction of inflation and unemployment in Canada
by Kitov, Ivan - 5005 Accounting: A General Commentary on an Empirical Science
by Salvary, Stanley C. W. - 4997 Trade Openness and Growth: Is There Any Link?
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 4996 Stock Market Developments and Capital Accumulation in India: Does Better Shareholder Protection Matter?
by Sarkar, Prabirjit - 4995 Short-Sale Constraints and the Non-January Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle
by Doran, James & Jiang, Danling & Peterson, David - 4994 Divari regionali e crescita del Mezzogiorno, 1980-2004
[Sources of growth and convergence among Italian regions 1980-2004]
by Daniele, Vittorio - 4992 Cost Measurement in Laparoscopic Surgery: Results from an Activity-Based Costing Application
by Cinquini, Lino & Miolo Vitali, Paola & Pitzalis, Arianna & Campanale, Cristina - 4991 Singular Spectrum Analysis: Methodology and Comparison
by Hassani, Hossein - 4981 A Dynamic Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin Model with Endogenous Time Preferences: A Note
by Iwasa, Kazumichi & Kikuchi, Toru & Shimomura, Koji - 4979 The Effect of Contractual Complexity on Technology Sourcing Agreements
by Hansen, Zeynep & Higgins, Matthew - 4974 The Demand for Private Health Insurance in Malawi
by Makoka, Donald & Kaluwa, Ben & Kambewa, Patrick - 4973 Dynamics of knowledge creation and transfer: The two person case
by Berliant, Marcus & Fujita, Masahisa - 4965 Structural change and the bond yield conundrum
by Taboga, Marco - 4961 Asset pricing and predictability of stock returns in the french market
by Ellouz, Siwar & Bellalah, Mondher - 4956 Estimating Quarterly Gross Fixed Capital Formation
by Arby, Muhammad Farooq & Batool, Irem - 4954 Capital Market Development, Frequency of Recession, and Fraction of Time the Economy in Recession
by Tharavanij, Piyapas - 4953 Capital Market, Severity of Business Cycle, and Probability of Economic Downturn
by Tharavanij, Piyapas - 4952 Capital Market and Business Cycle Volatility
by Tharavanij, Piyapas - 4949 NLINLS: a Differential Evolution based nonlinear least squares Fortran 77 program
by Mishra, SK - 4948 Romania between the challenges of competitiveness and regional cohesion
by Botezatu, Elena - 4946 EU – ASEAN free trade area: regional cooperation for global competitiveness
by Botezatu, Elena - 4943 The relative efficiency of UEFA Champions League scorers
by Papahristodoulou, Christos - 4941 Cycles of violence, and attacks index for the State of Florida
by Gómez-sorzano, Gustavo - 4940 Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Missouri
by Gómez-sorzano, Gustavo - 4935 The Effects of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions under Two-Sided Learning
by Ching, Andrew & Ishihara, Masakazu - 4925 The Anatomy of Large Valuation Episodes
by Bénétrix, Agustín S. - 4918 Testing double auction as a component within a generic market model architecture
by Derveeuw, Julien & Beaufils, Bruno & Mathieu, Philippe & Brandouy, Olivier - 4917 Volatility Proxies for Discrete Time Models
by de Vilder, Robin G. & Visser, Marcel P. - 4914 Measuring the Economic Stock of Money
by Kelly, Logan - 4912 Loonies Under Your Bed: Misdirected Attention and the Diluted Value of Stock Market Reports
by Lupia, Arthur & Grafstrom, Cassandra & Krupnikov, Yanna & Levine, Adam Seth & MacMillan, William & McGovern, Erin - 4904 WTO Dispute Settlement: General Appreciation and the Role of India
by Zimmermann, Thomas A. - 4885 Capital Flight and Economic Performance
by Beja, Edsel Jr. - 4868 La Ley De Thirlwall. Una Aproximación Teórica Y Empírica. El Caso De Argentina Durante Los Años 1970-2003
by Capraro, Santiago - 4862 GMM Estimation of the Number of Latent Factors
by Perez, Marcos & Ahn, Seung Chan - 4846 Informational externalities and informational sharing in class action suits
by Deffains, Bruno & Langlais, Eric - 4837 Monetary Policy In Islamic Economic Framework: Case of Islamic Republic of Iran
by Kiaee, Hasan - 4834 Unchained Melody: Economic performance after the Asian crisis
by Beja, Edsel Jr. - 4833 Win or Lose, it’s the policy we choose: Comparative economic performance of the inflation targeters
by Beja, Edsel Jr. - 4823 With or Without U? - The appropriate test for a U shaped relationship
by Lind, Jo Thori & Mehlum, Halvor - 4817 A two-dimensional non-equilibrium dynamic model
by Gomes, Orlando - 4816 Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach
by George, Michael - 4813 Least squares estimation of joint production functions by the Differential Evolution method of global optimization
by Mishra, SK - 4805 Renégociation stratégique de la dette, risque comptable et risque juridique
[Strategic Bankruptcy with accountable and judicial risks]
by Chopard, Bertrand & Langlais, Eric - 4797 Inattentive Consumers and Product Quality
by Armstrong, Mark & Chen, Yongmin - 4794 Poor Household Participation in Payments for Environmental Services: Lessons from the Silvopastoral Project in Quindío, Colombia
by Pagiola, Stefano & Rios, Ana R. & Arcenas, Agustin - 4792 The Impact of Climate Change on the Profitability of Site Specific Technologies
by Finger, Robert & Gerwig, Claude N. - 4788 Risk-Based Pricing of High Loan-To-Value Mortgage
by Wang, Fan - 4787 Testing Globalization-Disinflation Hypothesis
by Calani, Mauricio - 4786 Toward a Bias Corrected Currency Equivalent Index
by Kelly, Logan & Barnett, William A. & Keating, John - 4784 A Small Macroeconomic Model to Support Inflation Targeting in Israel
by Argov, Eyal & Binyamini, Alon & Elkayam, David & Rozenshtrom, Irit - 4783 Terrorist murder, cycles of violence, and attacks index for the City of Philadelphia during the last two centuries
by Gómez-sorzano, Gustavo - 4781 Prospects on Innovating Organizations
by Benchimol, Guy - 4780 Essential Interest-Bearing Money
by Andolfatto, David - 4766 Free boundary and optimal stopping problems for American Asian options
by Andrea, Pascucci - 4754 Inventory and the Shape of the Earth
by Lai, Richard - 4741 Governance, leadership and economic growth in Singapore
by Venu Menon, Sudha - 4740 The Application of Robust Regression to a Production Function Comparison – the Example of Swiss Corn
by Finger, Robert & Hediger, Werner - 4737 Economic Integration and the Foreign Exchange
by Weber, Enzo - 4736 Sngapore economy:the way ahead
by Venu Menon, Sudha - 4713 Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending: Evidence from emerging markets
by Cole, Rebel & Turk, Rima - 4711 Outlier Treatment and Robust Approaches for Modeling Electricity Spot Prices
by Trueck, Stefan & Weron, Rafal & Wolff, Rodney - 4710 What can we learn from privately held firms about executive compensation?
by Cole, Rebel & Mehran, Hamid - 4706 Turismo no litoral versus turismo no interior Português. O destino turístico Serra da Estrela
[Coastal tourism versus inland Portuguese tourism. The Serra da Estrela tourist destination]
by Vaz, Margarida & Dinis, Anabela - 4705 A note on least squares fitting of signal waveforms
by Mishra, SK - 4704 The Information Content of Inflationary Expectations Derived from Bond Prices in Israel
by Ilek, David & Ilek, Alex - 4686 The Price Consideration Model of Brand Choice
by Ching, Andrew & Erdem, Tulin & Keane, Michael - 4681 Incentives and the Limits to Deflationary Policy
by Andolfatto, David - 4675 Optimal growth with intermediate goods interdependence: A difference game approach
by Larrosa, Juan MC - 4674 Why is the foreclosure rate so high in Indiana?
by Tatom, John - 4670 Managing risks: what Russian households do to smooth consumption?
by Notten, Geranda & Neubourg, Chris de - 4669 Poverty in Europe and the USA: Exchanging official measurement methods
by Notten, Geranda & Neubourg, Chris de - 4668 The policy relevance of absolute and relative poverty headcounts: What's in a number?
by Notten, Geranda & de Neubourg, Chris - 4667 Singapore economy:An overview
by Menon, Sudha Venu - 4663 Methods to Elicit Forecasts from Groups: Delphi and Prediction Markets Compared
by Green, Kesten C. & Armstrong, J. Scott & Graefe, Andreas - 4662 Estimating a New Keynesian Phillips Curve with a Corrected Measure of Real Marginal Cost: Evidence in Japan
by Muto, Ichiro - 4661 Relative remote rural areas (RRRA)in developed regions: an analysis of the Emilia-Romagna region to support policy decision making
by Zabbini, Enza & Grandi, Silvia & Dallari, Fiorella - 4651 Spatial Pillage Game
by Jung, Hanjoon Michael - 4650 Preference-based Cooperation in a Prisoner's Dilemma Game: Whole Population Cooperation without Information Flow across Matches
by Jung, Hanjoon Michael - 4641 Rational bubbles in emerging stockmarkets
by Nunes, Mauricio & Da Silva, Sergio - 4634 Performance of Differential Evolution Method in Least Squares Fitting of Some Typical Nonlinear Curves
by Mishra, SK - 4626 Determinants of Academic Attainment in the US: a Quantile regression analysis of test scores
by Haile, Getinet & Nguyen, Ngoc Anh - 4625 Book Review to Luigino Bruni -'Reciprocita'- Economic Thought and Reciprocity Theories
by Reggiani, Tommaso - 4624 L'Accesso al Credito è un Diritto
[The Credit is a Right]
by Reggiani, Tommaso - 4623 The impact of firm-type dominance on regional manufacturing growth
by Salvary, Stanley - 4613 Network Externalities and Comparative Advantage
by Kikuchi, Toru - 4609 Do the right thing: But only if others do so
by Bicchieri, Cristina & Erte, Xiao - 4606 Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Arkansas
by Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo - 4604 Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Washington
by Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo - 4603 DARPA Urban Challenge, a C++ based platform for testing Path Planning Algorithms: An application of Game Theory and Neural Networks
by Rubin, Raphael - 4602 Endogènisation des comportements migratoires des travailleurs qualifies induits par l’implantation des multinationales au Sud
by Rubin, Raphael - 4600 Keynesianismo, Poskeynesianismo y Nuevokeynesianismo: ¿Tres doctrinas diferentes y una sóla teoría verdadera?
[Keynesianism, PostKeynesianism and Newkeynesianism: ¿Three different doctrines just one real theory?]
by León Díaz, John Jairo - 4596 India’s Involvement in Regional Trade Agreements: Is it a Second Best Strategy?
by Nag, Biswajit & Chakraborty, Debashis - 4595 Attitudes Towards Immigrants and Relative Deprivation: The Case of a Middle-Income Country
by Aleksynska, Mariya - 4594 Civic Participation of Immigrants: Culture Transmission and Assimilation
by Aleksynska, Mariya - 4593 An avenue for expansionary fiscal contractions
by Afonso, António - 4590 A Dynamic Analysis of Educational Attainment, Occupational Choices, and Job Search
by Sullivan, Paul - 4585 Municipal Bonds for Financing Development of infrastructure: A way forward for KCC and Local Governments in Uganda
by Mayanja, Abubaker & Mayengo, Israel - 4584 Product Development 2.0
by Hinchcliffe, Dion - 4583 Web 2.0: Nothing Changes…but Everything is Different
by Barbry, Eric