2012, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 227-243 Determinants of Export Performance in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from South Asia
by Hamna Ahmed & Farah Said - 245-258 Remittances from Saudi Arabia: A Community Phenomenon
by Asha Gul & Mahreen Mahmud - 261-276 The Impact of Climate Change on Major Agricultural Crops: Evidence from Punjab, Pakistan
by Rehana Siddiqui & Ghulam Samad & Muhammad Nasir & Hafiz Hanzla Jalil - 277-287 Agricultural Productivity Impact of a Mini-Dam: A Case Study of Ziarat, Balochistan
by Zohaib Saeed & Usman Mustafa & Hafsa Hina & Shazia Saeed - 289-301 Emerging Issues in The Implementation of Irrigation and Drainage Sector Reforms in Sindh, Pakistan
by Junaid Alam Memon & Usman Mustafa - 303-316 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Business in Pakistan: Perceptions and Realities
by Ajaz Ahmed & Aneel Salman - 321-337 Agricultural Income Taxation: Estimation of the Revenue Potential in Punjab
by Anjum Nasim - 339-364 Fiscal Discretion and Its Impact on Pakistan Economy
by Muhammad Ismail & Fazal Husain - 365-380 Analysis of Revenue Potential and Revenue Effort in Developing Asian Countries
by Attiya Y. Javid & Umaima Arif - 381-396 The Role of Fiscal Policy in Human Development: The Pakistan’s Perspective
by Syed Ammad Ali & Hasan Raza & Muhammad Umair Yousuf - 399-417 Risk Management in the Financial Services Sector—Applicability and Performance of VaR Models in Pakistan
by Syeda Rabab Mudakkar & Jamshed Y. Uppal - 419-434 The Impact of Exchange Rate on Output Level: Bounds Testing Approach for Pakistan
by Muhammad Nawaz - 435-448 Can Common Stocks Provide Hedge against Inflation? Evidence from SAARC Countries
by Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah & Zafar Moeen Nasir & Muhammad Naeem - 449-462 Momentum Effect: Empirical Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange
by Habib-Ur-Rahman & Hasan M. Mohsin - 465-478 Consumption Patterns of Male and Female Headed Households in Pakistan: Evidence from PSLM 2007-08
by Ashfaque H. Khan & Umer Khalid - 479-492 Poverty Consequences of Globalisation in OIC Countries: A Comparative Analysis
by M. Tariq Majeed - 493-504 Multidimensional Poverty Measurement in Pakistan: Time Series Trends and Breakdown
by Taseer Salahuddin & Asad Zaman - 505-516 Precise Estimates of the Unrecorded Economy
by M. Ali Kemal & Ahmed Waqar Qasim - 519-541 Life Satisfaction and Basic Needs among Elderly People in Pakistan: Evidence from the PSES Data
by Rizwal ul Haq - 543-564 Is Informal Sector Employment Marginal to Formal Sector Growth?
by Nadia Tahir & Pervez Tahir - 565-586 Economic Growth-Female Labour Force Participation Nexus: An Empirical Evidence for Pakistan
by Nooreen Mujahid & Naeem uz Zafar - 587-606 Drivers of Entrepreneurship: Linking with Economic Growth and Employment Generation (A Panel Data Analysis)
by Farhat Rasool & Ahmed Gulzar & Shaheen Naseer - 609-681 Monetary Policy, Informality and Business Cycle Fluctuations in a Developing Economy Vulnerable to External Shocks
by Adnan Haider & Musleh ud Din & Ejaz Ghani - 683-693 Monetary Policy Restriction and Dividend Behaviour of Pakistani Firms: An Empirical Analysis
by Muhammad Shahzad Ashraf & Hasan M. Mohsin - 695-704 The Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis
by Zubaria Andlib & Azra Khan & Ihtsham Ul Haq
2012, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 173-195 Fiscal Decentralisation and Economic Growth: Role of Democratic Institutions
by Nasir Iqbal & Musleh Ud Din & Ejaz Ghani - 197-217 Attitudes Towards Women’s Rights to Inheritance in District Lakki Marwat, Pakistan
by Eatzaz Ahmad & Anbereen Bibi & Tahir Mahmood - 219-256 The Gender Differences in School Enrolment and Returns to Education in Pakistan
by Madeeha Gohar Qureshi - 257-272 Estimating Standard Error of Inflation Rate in Pakistan; A Stochastic Approach
by Javed Iqbal & M. Nadim Hanif
2012, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 103-115 Market Diversification and Firms’ Characteristics of Export-Oriented Manufacturers in Pakistan
by Ejaz Ghani & Tariq Mahmood & Musleh Ud Din - 117-130 Effects of Input Composition on Technical Efficiencies of Textile Industries in Pakistan
by Tariq Mahmood - 131-151 Learning versus Working; Factors Affecting Adolescent Time Allocation in Pakista
by Cem Mete & Cynthia B. Lloyd & Naveeda Salam - 153-166 Pakistan, Politics and Political Business Cycles
by Gernot Sieg & Irem Batool
2012, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Idea of Inclusive Growth and Development Policy
by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi - 23-46 Time Poverty, Work Status and Gender: The Case of Pakistan
by Najam Us Saqib & G. M. Arif - 47-59 Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade between Pakistan and Selected SAARC Countries
by Adnan Akram & Zafar Mahmood - 61-96 On the Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Case of Pakistan
by Siffat Mushtaq & Abdul Rashid & Abdul Qayyum
2011, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 277-278 Inaugural Address
by Abdul Hafeez Sheikh - 279-283 Economic Growth and Development: New Directions (The Presidential Address)
by Rashid Amjad - 285-294 Household Balance Sheets, Aggregate Demand and Unemployment (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture)
by Atif Mian & Amir Sufi - 295-303 A Global Green New Deal for Economic Recovery: Addressing the Financial, Climate, Food, Jobs and Development Crises Together? (The Allama Iqbal Lecture)
by Jomo Kwame Sundaram - 305-306 Honouring Parvez Hasan
by Rashid Amjad - 333-353 Economic Growth and Regional Convergence: The Case of Pakistan
by Muddasar Nazir Sandilah & Hafiz M. Yasin - 355-364 Infrastructure and Growth
by Muhammad Imran & Javeria Niazi - 365-376 What Determines Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector? Evidence from Pakistan
by Hamna Ahmed & Mahreen Mahmud - 379-399 Testing the Harrod Balassa Sameulson Hypothesis: The Case of Pakistan
by Sunila Jabeen & Waseem Shahid Malik & Azad Haider - 401-421 The Current Account Dynamics in Pakistan: An Intertemporal Optimisation Perspective
by Tahir Mukhtar & Aliya H. Khan - 423-433 Economic Freedom, Exchange Rates Stability and FDI in South Asia
by Zafar Mueen Nasir & Arshad Hassan - 437-458 Dynamic Relationship Between Energy and Economic Growth: Evidence from D8 Countries
by Sarwat Razzaqi & Faiz Bilquees & Saadia Sherbaz - 459-470 Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting Technology and Women Time Allocation in District Bagh and Battagram Pakistan
by Ajaz Ahmed & Usman Mustafa & Mahmood Khalid - 471-490 Green Growth: An Environmental Technology Approach
by Ghulam Samad & Rabia Manzoor - 491-511 Macroeconomic Effects of Global Food and Oil Price Shocks to the Pakistan Economy: A Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) Analysis
by Muhammad Arshad Khan & Ayaz Ahmed - 515-529 Factor Utilisation in Manufacturing: Evidence from Pakistan
by Sahar Amjad Shaikh & Bisma Haseeb Khan - 531-553 Mismatch Between Education and Occupation: A Case Study of Pakistani Graduates
by Shujaat Farooq - 555-573 Schooling is Associated not only with Longrun Wages, but also with Wage Risks and Disability Risks: The Pakistani Experience
by Asma Hyder & Jere R. Behrman - 575-595 The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Wage Inequality: Case of Pakistan
by Zara Salman & Mariam Javed - 599-615 Impact of Public Debt on the Economic Growth of Pakistan
by Naeem Akram - 617-628 Argentina: Economic Recovery and Tax Improvement after a Decade of Double Crisis
by Miguel Angel Asensio - 629-648 Is Consumption Pattern Homogeneous in Pakistan? Evidence from PSLM 2007-08
by Ashfaque H. Khan & Umer Khalid - 649-662 Economic, Political and Institutional Determinants of Budget Deficits Volatility in Selected Asian Countries
by Attiya Y. Javid & Umaima Arif & Asma Arif - 663-682 Impact of Judicial Efficiency on Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from Judicial Districts of Pakistan
by Attaullah Shah - 685-698 Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units Producing Both Desirable and Undesirable Outputs: A Case of Textile Processing Units in Pakistan
by Samina Khalil - 699-714 Growth and Financing Behaviour of Firms of Textile Industry in Pakistan: A Panel Data Analysis
by Ijaz Hussain - 715-732 Determinants of Exports of Pakistan: A Country-wise Disaggregated Analysis
by Naseeb Zada & Malik Muhammad & Khan Bahadar - 733-770 A Strategic Framework of Liberalising Trade in Services for Pakistan
by Ahmed Gulzar - 773-807 Consequences of Political Instability, Governance and Bureaucratic Corruption on Inflation and Growth: The Case of Pakistan
by Adnan Haider & Musleh ud Din & Ejaz Ghani - 809-820 Predation, Institutional Quality and Economic Growth
by Sajawal Khan & Idrees Khawaja - 821-839 Monetary Policy Announcements and Market Interest Rates in Pakistan: An Event Study Approach
by Habib-ur-Rahman & Hasan M. Mohsin - 841-852 Policy of Inflation Targeting in the Presence of Fiscal Deficit and External Debt: Opt or Not to Opt
by M. Ali Kemal - 853-876 . Relationship between Trade Openness and Inflation: Empirical Evidences from Pakistan (1976–2010)
by Sehar Munir & Adiqa Kausar Kiani - 879-894 On Measuring Inclusiveness of Growth in Pakistan
by Saima Asghar & Sajid Amin Javed - 895-911 Macro level Determinants of Poverty: Investigation Through Poverty Mapping of Districts of Pakistan
by Farah Said & Tareena Musaddiq & Mahreen Mahmud - 913-927 Assessing Poverty with Non-Income Deprivation Indicators: Pakistan, 2008-09
by Haroon Jamal - 929-953 Does Economic Geography Matter for Pakistan? A Spatial Exploratory Analysis of Income and Education Inequalities
by Sofia Ahmed
2011, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 189-208 Remittances in Pakistan: Why They Have Gone Up and Why They Are Not Coming Down
by Udo Kock & Yan Sun - 209-218 The Integration of Financial Markets in GCC Countries
by Shabbir Ahmad - 219-244 The Utilisation of Education and Skills: Incidence and Determinants among Pakistani Graduates
by Shujaat Farooq - 245-256 The Role of Global Economic Growth in Pakistani Agri-Food Exports
by Zahoor Ul Haq & Mohamed Gheblawi & Safdar Muhammad
2011, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 95-118 Asset Pricing Behaviour with Dual-Beta in Case of Pakistani Stock Market
by Attiya Y. Javid & Eatzaz Ahmad - 119-144 The Foreign-Income and Real-Exchange-Rate Elasticities of Bangladesh Exports
by Akhand Akhtar Hossain - 145-162 The Contemporaneous Correlation of Structural Shocks and Inflation-Output Variability in Pakistan
by Muhammad Nasir & Wasim Shahid Malik - 163-178 A Strategic Tool for Managing Intellectual Capital of Pakistan
by Kamran Yousef Sandhu & Suleman Aziz Lodhi & Ahmad Zogo Memon
2011, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-28 Estimating the Middle Class in Pakistan
by Durr-e-Nayab - 29-45 Interlinked Factor Markets and Allocative Efficiency: Evidence from Rural West Bengal, India
by Arindam Laha & Pravat Kumar Kuri - 47-62 Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Family and Non-family Controlled Firms
by Qaiser Rafique Yasser - 63-81 Formal Participation in a Milk Supply Chain and Technical Inefficiency of Smallholder Dairy Farms in Pakistan
by Abid A. Burki & Mushtaq A. Khan
2010, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 273-278 Inaugural Address
by Nadeem Ul Haque - 279-282 Fiscal Decentralisation: Empowering the Provinces, Strengthening the Federation (The Presidential Address)
by Rashid Amjad - 283-310 Improving Governance in Pakistan: Changing Perspectives on Decentralisation
by Ehtisham Ahmad - 311-332 Revenue Sharing Arrangements: Options and Relative Merits (The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture)
by Vito Tanzi - 333-362 Empowering States and Provinces or Unshackling Local Governments: Does It Matter for Peace, Order, Good Government, and Growth? (The Gustav Ranis Lecture)
by Anwar Shah - 365-372 Reminiscing the PIDE (Honouring Prof. A. R. Khan)
by A. R. Khani - 375-385 Budgetary Consequences of the 7th NFC Award
by Hafiz A. Pasha & Aisha G. Pasha & Muhammad Imran - 387-403 Financial Implications of the 7th NFC Award and the Impact on Social Services
by Muhammad Sabir - 405-417 The Effect of Corruption and Governance on Tax Revenues
by Tahseen Ajaz & Eatzaz Ahmad - 419-436 Fiscal Decentralisation in Pakistan
by Naeem ur Rehman Khattak & Iftikhar Ahmad & Jangraiz Khan - 439-448 The Relative City Price Convergence in Pakistan: Empirical Evidence from Spatial GLS
by Hasan Muhammad Mohsin & Scott Gilbert - 449-460 The Price Puzzle and Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Pakistan: Structural Vector Autoregressive Approach
by Muhammad Javid & Kashif Munir - 461-475 Corporate Governance and Performance of Financial Institutions in Pakistan: A Comparison between Conventional and Islamic Banks in Pakistan
by Ramiz ur Rehman & Inayat Ullah Mangla - 479-495 Decentralisation of GST Services and Vertical Imbalances in Pakistan
by Iffat Ara & Muhammad Sabir - 497-512 The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidences Based on Time Series Data from Pakistan
by Shahid Ali & Naved Ahmad - 513-530 Impact of Fiscal Decentralisation on Human Development: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Rashid Mehmood & Sara Sadiq - 545-562 A Comparison of Fiscal Effort by Provincial Governments in Pakistan
by Ijaz Hussain & Sumbal Rana - 563-576 Fiscal Equalisation among Provinces in the NFC Awards
by Aisha Ghaus-Pasha & Hafiz A. Pasha & Asma Zubair - 577-592 Fiscal Policy and Current Account Dynamics in the Case of Pakistan
by Attiya Y. Javid & Muhammad Javid & Umiama Arif - 593-607 Internal Migration Patterns in Pakistan—The Case for Fiscal Decentralisation
by Mahreen Mahmud & Tareena Musaddiq & Farah Said - 611-630 Budget Balance: Through Revenue or Spending Adjustment: Evidence from Pakistan
by Nadeem Iqbal & Wasim Shahid Malik - 631-640 Expenditure-Growth Nexus: Does the Source of Finance Matter? Empirical Evidence from Selected South Asian Countries
by Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain - 641-649 The Relationship between Federal Government Revenues and Expenditures in Pakistan
by Fazal Husain & Muhammad Ali Qasim & Mahmood Khalid - 651-662 The Causality between Revenues and Expenditure of the Federal and Provincial Governments of Pakistan
by Tahir Sadiq - 665-704 What is Hidden in the Hidden Economy of Pakistan? Size, Causes, Issues, and Implications
by Ahmed Gulzar & Novaira Junaid & Adnan Haider - 705-718 Can Sectoral Re-allocation Explain the Jobless Growth? Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
by Azad Haider - 719-740 Monetary and Non-monetary Gift Exchange
by Saima Mahmood & Asad Zaman - 741-755 Urbanisation and Crime: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Hafiz Hanzla Jalil & Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal - 771-798 Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Agricultural Sector of Punjab
by Uzma Hanif & Shabib Haider Syed & Rafique Ahmad & Kauser Abdullah Malik - 799-822 Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Production: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Pervez Zamurrad Janjua & Ghulam Samad & Nazakat Ullah Khan - 823-837 The Value of Reduced Risk of Injury and Deaths in Pakistan—Using Actual and Perceived Risk Estimates
by Muhammad Rafiq & Mir Kalan Shah - 841-862 The Unchanging Profile of Development: A Historical Study of the Punjab 1961–2008
by Uzma Afzal - 863-879 Variation in the Quality of Life within Punjab: Evidence from MICS, 2007-08
by Rashida Haq & Azkar Ahmed & Siama Shafique - 881-899 Inter-District Inequalities in Social Service Delivery: A Rationalised Approach towards Funds Disbursement
by Muhammad Usman Sikander & Syed Ahsan Ahmad Shah - 903-923 The State of Food Security in Pakistan: Future Challenges and Coping Strategies
by Munir Ahmad & Umar Farooq - 925-940 An Analysis of Energy Security Using the Partial Equilibrium Model: The Case of Pakistan
by Javed Anwar - 941-956 Using the Health Belief Model to Understand Pesticide Use Decisions
by Muhammad Khan
2010, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 167-192 Rehabilitating Agriculture and Promoting Food Security After the 2010 Pakistan Floods: Insights from the South Asian Experience
by Paul Dorosh & Sohail J. Malik & Marika Krausova - 193-212 Challenges for Youth Employment in Pakistan: Are They Youth-Specific?
by Xiaohui Hou - 213-237 Relational Contracting in Pakistan’s Surgical Instrument Cluster: An Empirical Study
by Theresa Thompson Chaudhry - 239-259 Pakistani Bureaucracy and Political Neutrality: A Mutually Exclusive Phenomenon?
by Maryam Tanwir & Shailaja Fennell
2010, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 87-103 Targeting the Vulnerable and the Choice of Vulnerability Measures: Review and Application to Pakistan
by Takashi Kurosaki - 105-118 Regional Integration in South Asia: An Analysis of Trade Flows Using the Gravity Model
by Naseem Akhter & Ejaz Ghani - 119-128 FDI, Unemployment, and Welfare in the Presence of Agricultural Dualism: A Three-Sector General Equilibrium Model
by Rakhi Banerjee & Ranjanendra Narayan Nag - 129-152 Devolution, Accountability, and Service Delivery in Pakistan
by Zahid Hasnain
2010, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-17 Role of Growth and Inequality in Explaining Changes in Poverty in Pakistan
by Talat Anwar - 19-35 Exchange Rate Pass-through to Consumer Prices in Pakistan: Does Misalignment Matter?
by Atif Ali Jaffri - 37-56 Taylor Rule and the Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan
by Wasim Shahid Malik & Ather Maqsood Ahmed - 57-72 Environmental Efficiency Analysis of Basmati Rice Production in Punjab, Pakistan: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Development
by Abedullah & Shahzad Kouser & Khalid Mushtaq
2009, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 327-329 Inaugural Address
by Syed Naveed Qamar - 331-335 Investing in People (The Presidential Address)
by Rashid Amjad - 337-356 The Design and Conduct of Monetary Policy: Lessons for Pakistan (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture)
by Mohsin S. Khan - 357-386 Growth-Poverty Linkage and Income-Asset Relation in Regional Disparity: Evidence from Pakistan and India (The Allama Iqbal Memorial Lecture)
by Mr. S.Hirashima - 387-421 Demographic Transition and Unwanted Fertility: A Fresh Assessment (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture)
by John B. Casterline - 473-486 Skills, Competitiveness and Productivity
by Muhammad Khan & Fozia Aftab Kiani & Afsheen Ashraf & M. Iftikhar-Ul- Husnain - 487-496 Skill Shortage versus Subject Choice: Case of Pakistan
by Atiq-Ur-Rehman & Hafsa Anis & Saud Ahmed Khan - 497-507 The Dynamics of Moonlighting in Pakistan
by Asma Hyder & Ather Maqsood Ahmed - 509-521 Employers Size Wage Differential: Does Investment in Human Capital Matter?
by Zafar Mueen Nasir & Nasir Iqbal - 525-551 Nominal Frictions and Optimal Monetary Policy
by Adnan Haider & Drissi Ramzi - 553-563 Single Stock Futures Trading and Stock Price Volatility: Empirical Analysis
by Safi Ullah Khan & Syed Tahir Hijazi - 565-578 Empirical Investigation of Debt-Maturity Structure: Evidence from Pakistan
by Attaullah Shah & Shahid Ali Khan - 581-594 Pakistan’s Higher Education System — What Went Wrong and How to Fix It
by Pervez Hoodbhoy - 595-602 Education: The Need for Consolidation
by Pervez Tahir & Nadia Saleem - 603-617 Making People Employable: Reforming Secondary Education in Pakistan
by Shaukat Hameed Khan - 621-634 Regional Health Accounts for Pakistan—Provincial and District Health Expenditures and the Degree of Districts Fiscal Autonomy on Health
by Christian Lorenz & Muhammad Khalid - 635-652 Education Order in Punjab: A District Level Study
by Aisha Khan - 653-674 Measuring Impact of Education and Socio-economic Factors on Health for Pakistan
by Zahid Asghar & Nazia Attique & Amena Urooj - 675-699 Consumer Satisfaction in Social Security Hospital: A Case Study of Punjab Employees Social Security Institution Hospital, Rawalpindi
by Nasir Ayat & Mahmood Khalid - 703-714 Inter-Governmental Funds Flows in Pakistan: Are they Reducing Poverty?
by Qazi Masood Ahmed & Akhtar Lodhi - 715-738 Do Foreign Inflows Benefit Pakistani Poor?
by Muhammad Ali & Muhammad Nishat - 739-754 Poverty Elimination Through Potential Zakat Collection in the OIC-member Countries: Revisited
by Nasim Shah Shirazi & Md. Fouad Bin Amin - 755-768 Inequality and Welfare by Food Expenditure Components
by Rashida Haq & Nabeela Arshad - 771-782 Trade Liberalisation Could Improve Producers Profitability in Agriculture: A Case of Basmati Rice
by Muhammad Zulfiqar & Dilawar Khan & Anwar F. Chishti & Munir Khan & Wasiullah & Ajmal Waheed & Muhammad Zakir & Robina Karim - 783-794 Competitiveness among Asian Exporters in the World Rice Market
by Muhammad Ilyas & Tahir Mukhtar & Muhammad Tariq Javed - 795-820 Enhancing Livestock Productivity in the Desert Ecologies of Pakistan: Setting the Development Priorities
by Umar Farooq & Munir Ahmad & Ikram Saeed - 821-838 Fostering FDI in the Agriculture Sector
by Areef Suleman - 841-851 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment Opportunities: Panel Data Analysis: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan, India and China
by Syed Zia Abbas Rizvi & Muhammad Nishat - 853-862 Effectiveness of Foreign Aid and Human Development
by Nasim Shah Shirazi & Turkhan Ali Abdul Mannap & Muhammad Ali - 863-874 Investment, Inflation and Economic Growth Nexus
by Nasir Iqbal & Saima Nawaz - 875-882 Sector Level Analysis of FDI-Growth Nexus: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Somia Iram & Muhammad Nishat - 885-920 A Dynamic Analysis of the Relationship among Human Development, Exports and Economic Growth in Pakistan
by Muhammad Afzal & A. Rauf Butt & Hafeez Ur Rehman & Ishrat Begum - 921-938 Efficiency Dynamics of Sugar Industry of Pakistan
by Abdul Raheman & Abdul Qayyum & Talat Afza - 939-948 An Analysis of Technology Adoption by Export-oriented Manufacturers in Pakistan
by Tariq Mahmood & Musleh Ud Din & Ejaz Ghani - 951-959 Government Expenditure and Tax Revenue, Causality and Cointegration: The Experience of Pakistan (1972–2007)
by Zinaz Aisha & Samina Khatoon - 961-971 The Impact of Tax Policies on Economic Growth: Evidence from South-Asian Economies
by Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda & Naeem Akram - 973-988 Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending in Pakistan’s Economy
by Attiya Yasmin Javid & Umaima Arif - 991-1001 Conflict, Security, and Development
by Kamal Matinuddin - 1003-1006 Conflicts, Security, and Development
by Tariq Osman Hyder - 1007-1035 Resolving the Kashmir Dispute: Blending Realism with Justice
by Syed Rifaat Hussain
2009, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 227-240 Determinants of Export Performance of Pakistan: Evidence from the Firm-Level Data
by Musleh ud Din & Ejaz Ghani & Tariq Mahmood - 241-267 Reforming Institutions: Where to Begin?
by M. Idrees Khawaja & Sajawal Khan - 269-289 Democratic Institutions and Variability of Economic Growth in Pakistan: Some Evidence from the Time-series Analysis
by Muhammad Zakaria & Bashir Ahmed Fida - 291-311 The Impact of Occupational Stress on Employees’ Somatic Symptoms, Job Anxiety and Employee’s Turnover Intention—An Empirical Study
by Saif-ur-Rehman & Kashif-ur-Rehman
2009, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 109-123 Foreign Portfolio Investment and Economic Growth in Malaysia
by Jarita Duasa & Salina H. Kassim - 125-140 Human Capital Spillovers, Productivity and Growth in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan
by Abdul Hamid & J. Hannas Pichler - 141-153 Demand for Public Health Care in Pakistan
by Ather H. Akbari & Wimal Rankaduwa & Adiqa K. Kiani - 155-168 Price Hikes, Economic Reforms and Causality in Money, Income and Prices: Evidence from Pakistan
by Fazal Husain & Abdul Rasid
2009, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-22 An Investigation of Firm Heterogeneity in the Constraints to Development and Growth in Pakistan
by Sajjad Moghal & Wade D. Pfau - 23-46 The Ultimatum Game and Gender Effect: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan
by Shahid Razzaque - 47-66 Wastewater Use in Cauliflower Production and Farmer’s Health: An Economic Analysis
by Shahzad Kouser & Abedullah & Abdus Samie - 67-95 Urban Informal Sector: How Much Women Are Struggling for Family Survival
by Tasnim Khan & Rana Ejaz Ali Khan
2008, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 327-329 Inaugural Address
by Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani - 331-335 Economic Sustainability in a Globalised World (The Presidential Address)
by Rashid Amjad - 337-355 China’s Economic Growth, Global Economic Crisis and China’s Policy Responses (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture)
by Yu Yongding - 357-380 Agricultural Development and Food Security(The Allama Iqbal Memorial Lecture)
by John W. Mellor - 381-402 The Demands of Inclusive Growth: Lessons from South Asia (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture)
by S. R. Osmani - 403-421 State of International Development Uneven Progress, Shifting Policy Paradigms and Lessons for Pakistan (The Gustav Ranis Lecture)
by Parvez Hasan - 425-436 Crude Oil Price, Monetary Policy and Output: The Case of Pakistan
by Afia Malik - 437-455 Energy Demand in Pakistan: A Disaggregate Analysis
by Muhammad Arshad Khan & Usman Ahmad - 457-467 Residential Demand for Electricity in Pakistan
by Muhammad Nasir & Muhammad Salman Tariq & Ankasha Arif - 471-486 Economic Growth and Its Determinants in Pakistan
by Muhammad Shahbaz & Khalil Ahmad & A. R. Chaudhary - 487-500 The Long Term Impact of Health on Economic Growth in Pakistan
by Naeem Akram & Ihtsham ul Haq Padda & Mohammad Khan