- 2025-04 Anticipating unintended consequences of policy: Learnings from Indonesia's child labor reform
by Elghafiky Bimardhika & Firman Witoelar - 2025-03 Economic growth and savings transition in Asia: Unity in diversity
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Wanissa Suanin - 2025-02 What causes structural change?
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 2025-01 Four Decades in the global apparel value chain: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Abul Bashar Mohammed
- 2024-10 Globalization and national commodity cycles: The case of wine in Australia
by Kym Anderson - 2024-9 An Evaluation of the Macro Policy Response to COVID
by Chris Murphy - 2024-8 The Global Trade Slowdown: Nominal or Real?
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2024-7 Trade openness and the growth-poverty nexus: Reappraisal with a new openness indicator
by Wannaphong Durongkaveroj - 2024-6 Spillovers from agricultural processing
by Ryan B. Edwards - 2024-5 Feeding the Aging World: The Role of Demographics in Shaping the Global Food Trade
by Wanissa Suanin & Panit Wattanakoon - 2024-4 International Production and Industrial Transformation: The Singapore Story
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Raveen Ekanayake - 2024-3 The dynamics of labor share decline in manufacturing: Evidence from Indonesia
by Riandy Laksono & Arianto A. Patunru - 2024-2 Effects of low emission zones on air quality, new vehicle registrations, and birthweights: Evidence from Japan
by Shuhei Nishitateno & Paul J. Burke - 2024-1 Effectiveness of electric vehicle subsidies in China: A three-dimensional panel study
by Tong Zhang & Paul J. Burke & Qi Wang
- 2023-13 Exporting processed food: Sri Lanka’s experience in the Asian context
by Prema-chandra Athukorala, Jeevika Weerahewa and Navaratne Bandara Kandangama - 2023-12 The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Sri Lanka: Anatomy and Policy Options
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2023-11 Repurposing agricultural support policies for shared prosperity in rural Fiji
by Kym Anderson - 2023-10 The Sri Lankan economy: Hope, despair and prospects
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2023-09 Why did agriculture’s share of Australian GDP not decline for a century?
by Kym Anderson - 2023-08 Are the benefits of electrification realized only in the long run? Evidence from rural India
by Suryadeepto Nag & David I. Stern - 2023-07 Does official development assistance benefit the donor economy? New evidence from Japanese overseas infrastructure projects
by Shuhei Nishitateno - 2023-06 Mortality from the influenza pandemic of 1918-19 in Indonesia
by Pierre van der Eng - 2023-05 Socio-economic and environmental impact of Intended decarbonization policies in the East Asia region
by Yuventus Effendi & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2023-04 From re-instrumenting to re-purposing farm support policies
by Kym Anderson & Anna Strutt - 2023-03 The relative importance of global agricultural subsidies and tariffs, revisited
by Kym Anderson & Erwin Corong & Anna Strutt & Ernesto Valenzuela - 2023-02 Trade Policy in a ‘Double-Landlocked’ Transition Economy: Kyrgyzstan
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Hal Hill - 2023-01 Savings transition in Asia: Unity in diversity
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Wanissa Suanin
- 2022-13 Structural transformation in growing open economies: Australia’s experience
by Kym Anderson - 2022-12 Demand for index-based flood insurance in Jakarta, Indonesia
by Jose Cobian & Budy P. Resosudarmo & Alin Halimatussadiah & Susan Olivia - 2022-11 Loss of preferential access to the protected EU sugar market: Fiji's response
by Kym Anderson - 2022-10 Cash subsidies for the poor: Evaluating Thailand’s welfare card scheme
by Wannaphong Durongkaveroj - 2022-09 Manufacturing productivity and firm ownership in a transition economy: Analytical issues and evidence from Vietnam
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Hai Thanh Nguyen - 2022-08 Problems with recording the spread of COVID-19 in developing countries: Evidence from a phone survey in Indonesia
by Budy P. Resosudarmo & Rus'an Nasrudin & Pyan A. Muchtar & Usep Nugraha & Anna Falentina - 2022-07 Heterogeneous effects of aid-for-trade on donor exports: Why is Japan different?
by Shuhei Nishitateno & Hayato Umetani - 2022-06 Some reflections on Indonesia and the resource curse
by Hal Hill & Donny Pasaribu - 2022-05 Firms' responses to foreign demand shock: The case of Indonesia and the GFC
by Sulistiyo K. Ardiyono & Arianto A. Patunru - 2022-04 Structural transformation away from agriculture: What role for trade?
by Kym Anderson & Sundar Ponnusamy - 2022-03 Socio-economic and environmental impact of intended decarbonisation policies in the East Asian region
by Yuventus Effendi & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2022-02 Research and productivity in Indonesian agriculture
by Peter Warr - 2022-01 The effect of gasoline prices on suburban housing values in China
by Tong Zhang & Paul J. Burke
- 2021-27 ASEAN’s newer member countries in two financial crises: Impact, response and lessons
by Jayant Menon - 2021-26 Agriculture’s globalization: Endowments, technologies, tastes and policies
by Kym Anderson - 2021-25 Food policy in a more volatile climate and trade environment
by Kym Anderson - 2021-24 Philippine economic development, looking backwards and forward: An interpretative essay
by Hal Hill - 2021-23 Trade policy in Indonesia and Thailand
by Hal Hill & Jayant Menon - 2021-22 The Philippines in global manufacturing value chains: A tale of arrested growth
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2021-21 The heterogeneous impact of tariff and non-tariff measures on total factor productivity on Indonesia firms
by Krisna Gupta - 2021-20 Out of communal land: Clientelism through delegation of agricultural tenancy contracts
by Takashi Kurosaki & Saumik Paul & Firman Witoelar - 2021-19 Irrigation inequality, rice farming productivity and food insecurity in rural Cambodia
by Budy P. Resosudarmo & Kimlong Chheng - 2021-18 The impact of employment protection on FDI at different stages of economic development
by Sulistiyo K. Ardiyono & Arianto A. Patunru - 2021-17 Repositioning Indonesia in the post-COVID-19 global value chains
by Andree Surianta & Arianto A. Patunru - 2021-16 The International Monetary Fund and capital flows
by Stephen Grenville - 2021-15 How effective is capital flow management? The Indonesian experience
by Wishnu Mahraddika - 2021-14 Rethinking Sri Lanka’s industrialisation strategy: Achievements, lost opportunities and prospects
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2021-13 Measuring trade creation effects of free trade agreements: Evidence from wine trade in East Asia
by Kimie Harada & Shuhei Nishitateno - 2021-12 COVID-19 and global beverage markets: Implications for wine
by Glyn Wittwer & Kym Anderson - 2021-11 Economist as public intellectual: Max Corden’s journey through life
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Hal Hill & Sisira Jayasuriya - 2021-10 Structural transformation and inequality: Does trade openness matter?
by Wannaphong Durongkaveroj - 2021-09 How Krugman forgot agriculture and misread the sources of Asia’s growth
by Peter Warr - 2021-08 Pandemic-induced de-urbanisation in Indonesia
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 2021-07 Asian economic development: A primer
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2021-06 Labour Regulation Shift and Labour Intensive Manufacturing
by Nurina Merdikawati & Sarah Xue Dong - 2021-05 Out of the shadow: Encouraging online registration of micro and small businesses through a randomized controlled trial
by Sarah Xue Dong & Dewi Meisari & Banu Rinaldi - 2021-04 When transparency fails: Financial incentives for local banking agents in Indonesia
by Erika Deserranno & Gianmarco León-Ciliotta & Firman Witoelar - 2021-03 Intersectoral linkages and imports of Vietnam: An input-output approach
by Hai Thanh Nguyen - 2021-02 ASEAN’s limited regional Integration spells globalisation, not Failure
by Jayant Menon - 2021-01 The effect of labour demand on women’s intra-household decision power: Evidence from Indonesia
by Sarah Xue Dong
- 2020-29 Directed technical change and the British Industrial Revolution
by David I. Stern & John C. V. Pezzey & Yingying Lu - 2020-28 Demand elasticity of processed food exports from developing countries: A panel analysis of U.S. imports
by Wanissa Suanin - 2020-27 Improving tax compliance without increasing revenue: Evidence from population-wide randomized controlled trials in Papua New Guinea
by Christopher Hoy & Luke McKenzie & Mathias Sinning - 2020-26 Economic efficiency versus social equity: the productivity challenge for rice production in a `greying' rural Vietnam?
by Hoa-Thi-Minh Nguyen & Huong Do & Tom Kompas - 2020-25 What impact are subsidies and trade barriers abroad having on Australasian and Brazilian agriculture?
by Kym Anderson & Ernesto Valenzuela - 2020-24 Agricultural Productivity Growth and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Thailand
by Peter Warr & Waleerat Suphannachart - 2020-23 Commodity Booms, Conflict, and Organized Crime: Logics of Violence in Indonesia's Oil Palm Plantation Economy
by Paul D. Kenny & Rashesh Shrestha & Edward Aspinall - 2020-22 Transition to a market economy, foreign direct investment and export performance in Vietnam
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Nguyen Trung Kien - 2020-21 The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918–20: An interpretative survey in the time of COVID-19
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Chaturica Athukorala - 2020-20 Long-term effects of Agent Orange on health capital in Vietnam
by Nobuaki Yamashita & Trong-Anh Trinh - 2020-19 Covid-19 and the poor
by Jayant Menon - 2020-18 Reflections on Asia’s journey to prosperity
by Hal Hill - 2020-17 Testing the Dutch disease: the impact of natural resources extraction on the manufacturing sector
by Donny Harrison Pasaribu - 2020-16 Natural resource prices and welfare: Evidence from Indonesia’s coal and palm oil boom
by Donny Harrison Pasaribu - 2020-15 Structural change and formal sector employment growth in Indonesia
by Devanto Shasta Pratomo & Chris Manning - 2020-14 When does trade reduce poverty? Revisiting the evidence for East Asia
by Jayant Menon & Anna Cassandra Melendez - 2020-13 Some reflections on the state of development economics in Asia
by Hal Hill & Sisira Jayasuriya - 2020-12 Indonesian living standards over 50 years: A multidimensional analysis
by Hal Hill - 2020-11 Evolving from a rum state: Australia’s alcohol consumption
by Kym Anderson - 2020-10 Trade protectionism in Australia: its growth and dismantling
by Kym Anderson & Arndt-Corden Department of Economics - 2020-09 Economic corridors in Southeast Asia: Analytical framework, development Impacts, and policy
by Hal Hill & Jayant Menon - 2020-08 The Role of Imported Inputs in Firms’ Productivity and Exports
by Deasy D.P. Pane & Arianto A. Patunru - 2020-07 Real exchange rate misalignment in developing countries: the role of exchange rate flexibility and capital account openness
by Wishnu Mahraddika - 2020-06 Explaining Changes in Inequality: Myanmar, 2005 to 2010
by Lwin Lwin Aung & Peter Warr - 2020-05 A model of global beverage markets
by Glyn Wittwer & Kym Anderson - 2020-04 Asia’s emergence in global beverage markets: The rise of wine
by Kym Anderson - 2020-03 Learning by exporting: the role of competition
by Deasy D. P. Pane & Arianto A. Patunru - 2020-02 Trump’s Trade War: An Indian Perspective
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2020-01 The tourism boom in Bali: Is it harming prospects for long-term economic growth?
by Sisira Jayasuriya & I Wayan Sukadana & Chris Manning & Luh Gede Meydianawathi
- 2019-08 Digitalization and the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
by Anna T. Falentina & Budy P. Resosudarmo & Danang Darmawan & Eny Sulistyaningrum - 2019-07 Global production networks and the evolution of industrial capabilities: Does production sharing warp the Product Space?
by Russell Thomson & Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2019-06 Domestic value added, exports and employment: An input-output analysis of Indonesian manufacturing
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Arianto A. Patunru - 2019-05 Does export performance improve firm performance? Evidence from Indonesia
by Deasy Pane & Arianto A. Patunru - 2019-04 Assimilation of rural-urban migrants under a less restrictive internal migration policy: Evidence from Indonesia
by Rus’an Nasrudin & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2019-03 Measuring trade in value added: How valid is the proportionality assumption?
by Arianto Patunru & Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2019-02 Does international reserve accumulation crowd out domestic private investment?
by Wishnu Mahraddika - 2019-01 The impact of blackouts on the performance of micro and small enterprises: Evidence from Indonesia
by Anna Falentina & Budy Resosudarmo
- 2018-26 Structural transformation to manufacturing and services: what role for trade?
by Kym Anderson & Sundar Ponnusamy - 2018-25 Land consolidation as technical change: impacts on-farm and off-farm in rural Vietnam
by Huy Quynh Nguyen & Peter Warr - 2018-24 Export structure and performance in a landlocked transitional economy: The case of Kyrgyz Republic
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2018-23 Tolerance for inequality: Hirschman’s tunnel effect revisited
by Wannaphong Durongkaveroj - 2018-22 Australian wine industry competitiveness: Why so slow to emerge?
by Kym Anderson - 2018-21 Asia’s third giant: A survey of the Indonesian economy
by Hal Hill - 2018-20 The impact of pre-electoral coalitions on mayoral election outcomes in Indonesia
by Blane D. Lewis - 2018-19 The impact of mayor-council coalitions on local government spending, service delivery, and corruption in Indonesia
by Blane D. Lewis & Adrianus Hendrawan - 2018-18 Older and wiser? The impact of school starting age on teenage marriage and motherhood in Vietnam
by Hieu T. M. Nguyen & Blane D. Lewis - 2018-17 Policy failure and educational attainment in Indonesia
by Blane D. Lewis & Hieu T. M. Nguyen - 2018-16 Economic development in post-war Thailand
by Peter Warr - 2018-15 Poverty and inequality impact of natural disasters: Myanmar, 2005 to 2010
by Peter Warr & Lwin Lwin Aung - 2018-14 From import substitution to integration into global production networks: the case of Indian automobile industry
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & C. Veeramani - 2018-13 Optimal fiscal equalisation and its application to Australia: updated
by Chris Murphy - 2018-12 Southeast Asia in the global economy: a selective analytical survey
by Hal Hill - 2018-11 Is structural transformation-led economic growth immiserising or inclusive? The case of Indonesia
by Kyunghoon Kim & Andy Sumner & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 2018-10 Effects of Happiness on Income Generation and Inequality
by Satya Paul - 2018-09 Global Alcohol Markets: Evolving Consumption Patterns, Regulations and Industrial Organizations
by Kym Anderson & Giulia Meloni & Johan Swinnen - 2018-08 Joining Global Production Networks: Experience and Prospects of India
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2018-07 How much wine is really produced and consumed in China, Hong Kong and Japan?
by Kym Anderson & Kimie Harada - 2018-06 Global production networks and the evolution of industrial capabilities: Does production sharing warp the Product Space?
by Russell Thomson & Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2018-05 The cost of floods in developing countries’ megacities: A hedonic price analysis of the Jakarta housing market, Indonesia
by José Cobián Álvarez & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2018-04 The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its Implications for Regional Economic Integration in ASEAN
by Jayant Menon & Anna Fink - 2018-03 Anti-globalisation, poverty and inequality in Indonesia
by Arief Anshory Yusuf & Peter Warr - 2018-02 Explaining Thailand’s Automotive Manufacturing Success
by Peter Warr & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2018-01 Electricity subsidy reform in Indonesia: Demand-side effects on electricity use
by Paul J Burke & Sandra Kurniawati
- 2017-15 Macroeconomic impacts of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti
by Rohan Best & Paul J Burke - 2017-14 Economic corridors and regional development: The Malaysian experience
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Suresh Narayanan - 2017-13 From taxing to subsidizing farmers in China Post-1978
by Kym Anderson - 2017-12 Optimal fiscal equalisation and its application to Australia
by Chris Murphy - 2017-11 The importance of government effectiveness for transitions toward greater electrification in developing countries
by Rohan Best & Paul J Burke - 2017-10 Easing the traffic: The effects of Indonesia's fuel subsidy reforms on toll-road travel
by Paul J Burke & Tsendsuren Batsuuri & Muhammad Halley Yudhistira - 2017-09 Multidimensional poverty in Indonesia: How inclusive has economic growth been?
by Arief Anshory Yusuf & Andy Sumner - 2017-08 China's evolving role in global production networks: implications for Trump's trade war
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2017-07 Intergenerational effect of education reform program and maternal education on children's educational and labor outcomes: evidence from Nepal
by Vinish Shrestha & Rashesh Shrestha - 2017-06 Export performance and potential with regional partners: The case of a landlocked LDC, Nepal
by Ramesh Chandra Paudel & Swarnim Wagle - 2017-05 Has improved daycare accessibility increased Japan's maternal employment rate? Municipal evidence from 2000-2010
by Shuhei Nishitateno & Masato Shikata - 2017-04 Aging, depression, and non-communicable diseases in South Africa
by Manoj K Pandey & Vani S Kulkarni & Raghav Gaiha - 2017-03 Manufacturing exports from Sri Lanka: opportunities, achievements and policy options
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2017-02 Switching towards coal or renewable energy? The effects of financial capital on energy transitions
by Rohan Best - 2017-01 Global productions sharing and local entrepreneurship in developing countries: Evidence from Penang export hub, Malaysia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala
- 2016-20 Revitalizing Indonesia’s manufacturing: the productivity conundrum
by Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin & Ilmiawan Auwalin & Anis Chowdhury - 2016-19 Trevor Swan and Indian planning: The lessons of 1958/59
by Selwyn Cornish & Raghbendra Jha - 2016-18 Sectoral trends and shocks in Australia’s economic growth
by Kym Anderson - 2016-17 Globalization and school-work choices in an emerging economy: Vietnam
by Ian Coxhead & Rashesh Shrestha - 2016-16 Local political fragmentation: Fiscal and service delivery effects in Indonesia
by Blane Lewis - 2016-15 A sectoral growth-income inequality nexus in Indonesia
by Ivan Gonzalez & Budy P Resosudarmo - 2016-14 The price and income elasticities of natural gas demand: International evidence
by Paul J Burke & Hewen Yang - 2016-13 Democracy, redistribution and optimal tax structures
by Santanu Gupta & Raghbendra Jha - 2016-12 China's evolving role in global production networks: the decoupling debate revisited
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & John Ravenhill - 2016-11 Financing poverty eradication
by Anis Chowdhury - 2016-10 The effects on consumer welfare of a corporate tax cut
by Chris Murphy - 2016-09 Economic growth and income inequality: asymmetric response of top income shares to growth volatility
by Ariun-Erdene Bayarjargal - 2016-08 Development in Southeast Asia's lagging regions
by Budy P Resosudarmo & Acram Latiph & Saran Sarntisart & Isra Sarntisart - 2016-07 National and global price- and trade-distorting policies
by Kym Anderson - 2016-06 Intra-industry trade in a rapidly globalizing industry: the case of wine
by Kym Anderson & Joseph Francois & Douglas Nelson & Glyn Wittwer - 2016-05 Global production sharing: exploring Australia's competitive edge
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Tala Talgaswatta & Omer Majeed - 2016-04 Internationalization of Indian enterprises: patterns, determinants and policy issues
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & C. Veeramani - 2016-03 The Japanese macroeconomic mystery
by W Max Corden & Sisira Jayasuriya - 2016-02 Democracy and redistribution
by Santanu Gupta & Raghbendra Jha - 2016-01 Pattern and determinants of structural transformation in Africa
by Raghbendra Jha & Sadia Afrin
- 2015-14 Cambodia’s Special Economic Zones
by Peter Warr & Jayant Menon - 2015-13 Two Decades of Declining Poverty Despite Rising Inequality in Laos
by Peter Warr & Sitthiroth Rasphone & Jayant Menon - 2015-12 Is plantation agriculture good for the poor? Evidence from Indonesia's palm oil expansion
by Ryan Edwards - 2015-11 Industrialisation, Employment and Poverty
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Kunal Sen - 2015-10 Victory in War and Defeat in Peace: Politics and Economics of Post-Conflict Sri Lanka
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Sisira Jayasuriya - 2015-09 Impacts of Emerging Asia on African and Latin American Trade: Projections to 2030
by Kym Anderson & Anna Strutt - 2015-08 Intra- and Inter-village Conflict in Rural Coastal Communities in Indonesia: The case of the Kei Islands
by Satoshi Yamazaki & Budy P. Resosudarmo & Wardis Girsang & Eriko Hoshino - 2015-07 Asia’s Evolving Role in Global Wine Markets
by Kym Anderson & Glyn Wittwer - 2015-06 Economic Transition and Labour Market Dynamics in China: An Interpretative Survey of the ‘Turning Point’ Debate
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Zheng Wei - 2015-05 Exchange rate policy and export performance in a landlocked developing country: The case of Nepal
by Ramesh C Paudel & Paul J Burke - 2015-04 Mercantilism and China’s hunger for international reserves
by Marcel Schroder - 2015-03 Valuation effects, risk sharing, and consumption smoothing
by Marcel Schroder - 2015-02 Mainstreaming migration in development agendas: assessment of South Asian countries
by Piyasiri Wickramasekara - 2015-01 A generic approach to investment modelling in recursive dynamic CGE models
by Hom M Pant
- 2014-26 Export performance in developing countries: A comparative perspective
by Ramesh C Paudel - 2014-25 From revenues to democracy?
by Fahad Hassan Khan - 2014-24 ASEAN Economic community and climate change
by Ditya A Nurdianto & Budy P Resosudarmo - 2014-23 Could the proposed WTO Special Safeguard Mechanism protect farmers from low international prices?
by Jayanthi Thennakoon & Kym Anderson - 2014-22 Global production sharing and the measurement of price elasticities in international trade
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Fahad Hassan Khan - 2014-21 Cooperation between countries to ensure global economic growth: a role for the G20?
by David Vines - 2014-20 The impact of trade and investment liberalization on the wage skill premium: evidence from Vietnam
by Kien Trung Nguyen - 2014-19 International food aid to Indonesia, 1950s-1970s
by Pierre van der Eng - 2014-18 Gasoline Prices and Road Fatalities: International Evidence
by Paul J. Burke & Shuhei Nishitateno - 2014-17 Repositioning in the Global Apparel Value Chain in the Post-MFA Era: Strategic Issues and Evidence from Sri Lanka
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Raveen Ekanayake - 2014-16 Global Production Sharing and Asian Trade Patterns: Implications for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2014-15 Contributions of the GATT/WTO to global economic welfare: Empirical evidence
by Kym Anderson - 2014-14 Grain price spikes and beggar-thy-neighbor policy responses: A global economywide analysis
by Hans G Jensen & Kym Anderson - 2014-13 Living with the Merapi Volcano: Risks and Disaster Microinsurance
by Aloysius G. Brata & Piet Rietveld & Henri L.F. de Groot & Budy P. Resosudarmo & Wouter Zant - 2014-12 Cambodia: Rapid Growth in an Open, Post-Conflict Economy
by Hal Hill & Jayant Menon - 2014-11 Food security policy options for China: lessons from other countries
by Kym Anderson & Anna Strutt - 2014-10 Implications for Indonesia of Asia's Rise in the Global Economy
by Kym Anderson & Anna Strutt - 2014-09 Network Effects on Trade in Intermediate Goods: Evidence from the Automobile Industry
by Shuhei Nishitateno - 2014-08 Agglomeration effects of inter-firm backward and forward linkages: evidence from Japanese manufacturing investment in China
by Nobuaki Yamashita & Toshiyuki Matsuura & Kentaro Nakajima - 2014-07 Differential Impacts of Foreign Capital and Remittance Inflows on Domestic Savings in the Developing Countries: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Analysis
by Delwar Hossain