- 2001-01 On the Endogeneity of the Money Multiplier in India
by Jha, Raghbendra & Prasad Rath, Deba
- 2001-04 A Multi-Country Structural VAR Model
by Dungey, Mardi & Fry, Renee
- 2000-01 Wage Differential, Trade, Productivity Growth and Education
by Chang, Hsaio-chuan
- 1999-01 Property Markets and Policies in an Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model
by K K Tang - 1998-09 The Potential Effects of International Carbon Emissions Permit Trading
by Warwick J McKibbin & Robert Shackleton & Peter J Wilcoxen - 1998-08 The Global Economic Impacts of Trade and Financial Reform in China
by Warwick J McKibbin & K K Tang - 1998-06 The East Asian Crisis: Investigating Causes and Policy Responses
by Warwick J McKibbin & Will Martin - 1998-03 Paved With Good Intentions: Social Dumping And Raising Labour Standards In Developing Countries
by W. Max Corden & Neil Vousden - 1998-02 Trade Orientation and Productivity Gains from International Production: A Study of Overseas Operations of US Multinationals
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Satish Chand - 1998-01 Invisible Transfers In Indian Federalism
by M. Govinda Rao
- 1998-07 Macroeconomic Volatility In General Equilibrium
by Warwick J McKibbin & Peter J Wilcoxen
- 1996-14 Processed Food Exports from Developing Countries: Patterns and Determinants
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Kunal Sen - 1996-13 Gains from Export Growth: Do Linkages Matter?
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Bambang H Santosa - 1996-12 REGIONAL LABOUR MARKETS DURING DEREGULATION IN INDONESIA Have the Outer Islands Been Left Behind?
by Chris Manning - 1996-11 Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing
by Satish Chand & Kunal Sen - 1996-10 The International Demand for Thailand's Rice Exports
by Peter G. Warr & Frances J. Wollmer - 1996-09 Behavioural Differences among Chinese Firms From the Perspective of Earnings Determination
by Xin Meng & Frances Perkins - 1996-08 Estimation of Armington Elasticities: An Application to the Philippines
by Cezary A Kapuscinski & Peter G Warr - 1996-07 Control And Competition: Banking Deregulation And Re-Regulation In Indonesia
by Ross H. McLeod - 1996-06 Reforms And Investment In India
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Kunal Sen - 1996-05 Export-led Industrialisation, Employment and Equity: The Malaysian Case
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Jayant Menon - 1996-04 Growth, Structural Change And Plantation Tree Crops: The Case Of Rubber
by Colin Barlow - 1996-03 Food Aid, Food Policy And The Uruguay Round: Implications For Bangladesh
by Peter G. Warr & Helal Ahammad - 1996-02 Towards a Political Economy Explanation of Rapid Growth in Southeast Asia
by Hal Hill - 1996-01 Quantifying APEC Trade Liberalization: A Dynamic Analysis
by Warwick J. McKibbin