- 2014-06 Industrialisation through State-MNC Partnership: Lessons from the Malaysia's National Car Project
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2014-05 Sri Lanka's Post-conflict Development Challenge: Learning from the Past
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2014-04 The motorcycle Kuznets curve
by Shuhei Nishitateno & Paul J. Burke - 2014-03 Social Capital to Induce a Contribution to Environmental Collective Action in Indonesia: An Experimental Method
by Alin Halimatussadiah & Budy P. Resosudarmo & Diah Widyawati - 2014-02 The ill-fated currency board proposal for Indonesia
by Ross H. McLeod - 2014-01 Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Is Landlockedness Destiny?
by Ramesh Chandra Paudel
- 2013-19 Is there a Southeast Asian Development Model?
by Hal Hill - 2013-18 Global Production Sharing, Trade Patterns and Industrialization in Southeast Asia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2013-17 Emerging Economies, Productivity Growth, and Trade with Resource-Rich Economies by 2030
by Kym Anderson & Anna Strutt - 2013-16 Trade and Investment Patterns in Asia: Implications for Multilateralizing Regionalism
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kophaiboon - 2013-15 Growth, Growth Accelerations and the Poor: Lessons from Indonesia
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Budy R. Resosudarmo - 2013-14 Public Services and the poor in Laos
by Peter Warr & Jayant Menon & Sitthiroth Rasphone - 2013-13 How India fits into global production sharing: Experience, prospects and policy options
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2013-12 Should developing countries undervalue their currencies?
by Marcel Schroder - 2013-11 Food Price Spikes, Price Insulation, and Poverty
by Kym Anderson & Maros Ivanic & Will Martin - 2013-10 Global production sharing and trade patterns in East Asia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2013-09 The Consequences of Urban Air Pollution for Child Health: What does Self Reporting Data in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area Reveal?
by Mia Amalia & Budy P. Resosudarmo & Jeff Bennett - 2013-08 Fertilizer Subsidies and Food Self-Sufficiency in Indonesia
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 2013-07 World Food Prices and Poverty in Indonesia
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 2013-06 Can FTAs Support the Growth or Spread of International Production Networks in Asia?
by Jayant Menon - 2013-05 Intra-Regional FDI and Economic Integration in South Asia: Trends, Patterns and Prospects
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2013-04 Fiscal Federalism and Competitive Bidding for Foreign Investment as a Multistage Game
by Raghbendra Jha & Hari K. Nagarajan & Kolumum R. Nagarajan - 2013-03 Are Government-Linked Corporations Crowding out Private Investment in Malaysia?
by Jayant Menon & Thiam Hee Ng - 2013-02 Export Performance in Transition: The Case of Georgia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Swarnim Waglé - 2013-01 Agricultural Price Distortions: Trends and Volatility, Past and Prospective
by Kym Anderson
- 2012-18 Political Economy of Public Policies: Insights from Distortions to Agricultural and Food Markets
by Kym Anderson & Gordon Rausser & Johan Swinnen - 2012-17 Financial Safety Nets in Asia: Genesis, Evolution, Adequacy, and Way Forward
by Hal Hill & Jayant Menon - 2012-16 How Effective are Capital Controls? Evidence from Malaysia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Juthathip Jongwanich - 2012-15 Economic Policy Shifts in Sri Lanka: The Post-conflict Development Challenge
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Sisira Jayasuriya - 2012-14 Sri Lanka's Trade Policy: Reverting to Dirigisme?
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2012-13 Global Production Sharing and the FDI Trade Nexus: New Evidence from the Japanese Automobile Industry
by Shuhei Nishitateno - 2012-12 Global Production Sharing and South-South Trade
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Shahbaz Nasir - 2012-11 Policy Responses to Changing Perceptions of the Role of Agriculture in Development
by Kym Anderson - 2012-10 The Dutch Disease in Australia Policy Options for a Three-Speed Economy
by W Max Corden - 2012-09 Estimating Effects of Price-distorting Policies Using Alternative Distortions Databases
by Kym Anderson & Will Martin & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - 2012-08 Costing Global Trade Barriers, 1900 to 2050
by Kym Anderson - 2012-07 Financial Consequences of Ill Health and Informal Coping Mechanisms in Indonesia
by Robert Sparrow & Ellen Van de Poel & Gracia Hadiwidjaja & Athia Yumna & Nila Warda & Asep Suryahadi - 2012-06 Distortions to Agriculture and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kym Anderson & Markus Bruckner - 2012-05 Agricultural Trade Distortions During the Global Financial Crisis
by Kym Anderson - 2012-04 Disaster, Generosity and Recovery: Indian Ocean Tsunami
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2012-03 The Best of Times and the Worst of Times: Indonesia and Economic Crises
by Hal Hill - 2012-02 Global Production Sharing in the Japanese Automobile Industry: A Comparative Analysis
by Shuhei Nishitateno - 2012-01 Forest Land Use Dynamics in Indonesia
by Budy P. Resosudarmo & Ani A Nawir & Ida Aju P. Resosudarmo & Nina L Subiman
- 2011-15 Gasoline prices, gasoline consumption, and new-vehicle fuel economy: Evidence for a large sample of countries
by Paul J. Burke & Shuhei Nishitateno - 2011-14 The Dutch Disease in Australia Policy Options for a Three-Speed Economy
by W. Max Corden - 2011-13 Growing with Global Production Sharing: The Tale of Penang Export Hub
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2011-12 Australia-Thailand Trade: Has the FTA Made a Difference?
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2011-11 Exports and Job Creation in Indonesia Before and After the Asian Financial Crisis
by Haryo Aswicahyono & Chris Manning - 2011-10 The Consequences of Child Market Work on the Growth of Human Capital
by Armand A Sim & Daniel Suryadarma & Asep Suryahadi - 2011-09 South-South Trade: An Asian Perspective
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2011-08 Reducing Vulnerability in Transition Economies: Crises and Adjustment in Cambodia
by Hal Hill & Jayant Menon - 2011-07 Asia Rising: Emerging East Asian Economies as Foreign Investors
by Hal Hill & Juthathip Jongwanich - 2011-06 Economic Growth and Political Survival
by Paul J Burke - 2011-05 Asian Trade Flows: Trends, Patterns and Projections
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala - 2011-04 Food Security vs. Food Self-Sufficiency: The Indonesian Case
by Peter Warr - 2011-03 The Impact of Foreign Labour on Host Country Wages: The Experience of a Southern Host, Malaysia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Evelyn S Devadason - 2011-02 The Effect of Childhood Migration on Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants in Indonesia
by Budy Resosudarmo & Daniel Suryadarma - 2011-01 Training and Visit (T&V) Extension vs. Farmer field School: The Indonesian Experience
by Budy Resosudarmo & Satoshi Yamazaki
- 2010-14 Fiscal Transfers to Regional Governments in Indonesia
by Fadliya & Ross H. McLeod - 2010-13 Malaysian Economic Development: Looking Backwards and Forward
by Hal Hill - 2010-12 Malaysian Economy in Three Crises
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2010-11 ASEAN Economic Integration: Driven by Markets, Bureaucrats or Both?
by Hal Hill & Jayant Menon - 2010-10 Indonesian Growth Dynamics
by M Chatib Basri & Hal Hill - 2010-09 Understanding the Success of an Environmental Policy: The case of the 1989-1999 Integrated Pest Management Program in Indonesia
by Budy P Resosudarmo - 2010-08 Energy Security in Indonesia
by Budy P Resosudarmo & Ariana Alisjahbana & Ditya Agung Nurdianto - 2010-06 Global Production Sharing, Trade Patterns and Determinants of Trade Flows
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Jayant Menon - 2010-05 East Asia in World Trade: The Decoupling Fallacy, Crisis and Policy Challenges
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2010-04 Education and the Vulnerability to Food Inadequacy in Timor-Leste
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang - 2010-03 Tiny, Poor, Landlocked, Indebted, but Growing: Lessons for Late Reforming Transition Economies from Laos
by Kelly Bird & Hal Hill - 2010-02 Institutionalized Public Sector Corruption:a Legacy of the Soeharto Franchise
by Ross H. McLeod - 2010-01 Trade Liberalisation and The Poverty of Nations: A Review Article
by Prema-chandra Athukorala
- 2009-21 Regional Economic Modelling for Indonesia: Implementation of the IRSA-INDONESIA5
by Budy P Resosudarmo & Arief A Yusuf & Djoni Hartono & Ditya A Nurdianto - 2009-20 Foreign Direct Investment in Industrial Transition: The Experience of Vietnam
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Tran Quang Tien - 2009-19 International food prices and poverty in Indonesia
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 2009-18 Ambulance Economics: The Pros and Cons of Fiscal Stimuli
by W. Max Corden - 2009-17 Globalisation and Labour Markets in Boom and Crisis: The Case of Vietnam
by Chris Manning - 2009-16 Limits to citizens’ demand in a democracy
by Santanu Gupta & Raghbendra Jha - 2009-15 Production Networks and Trade Patterns:East Asia in a Global Context
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2009-14 Outward Direct Investment from India
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2009-13 East Asian Exports in the Global Economic Crisis: The Decoupling Fallacy and Post-crisis Policy Challenges
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2009-11 Research and Productivity in Thai Agriculture
by Waleerat Suphannachart & Peter Warr - 2009-10 Aggregate and Sectoral Productivity Growth in Thailand and Indonesia
by Peter Warr - 2009-09 Intra-Regional Trade in East Asia: The Decoupling Fallacy, Crisis, and Policy Challenges
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2009-08 Trends and Patterns of Foreign Direct Investments In Asia: A Comparative Perspective
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2009-07 Globalization of R&D by U.S-based Multinational Enterprises
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboonb - 2009-06 Interfuel Substitution: A Meta-Analysis
by David I. Stern - 2009-05 Transition to a Market Economy and Export Performance in Vietnam
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2009-04 China's Impact on Foreign Trade and Investment in other Asian Countries
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2009-03 Tax Policy and the Globalisation of R&D
by Russell Thomson - 2009-02 Commodity Price Shocks and the Australian Economy since Federation
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey G Williamson - 2009-01 Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Indonesia
by Pierre van der Eng
- 2008-24 Capital Formation and Capital Stock in Indonesia, 1950-2007
by Pierre van der Eng - 2008-23 Manufacturing Growth, Trade and Labour Market Outcomes in East Asia; Why Did the NIEs Forge so far Ahead?
by Chris Manning & Alberto Posso - 2008-22 Global Production Sharing and US-China Trade Relations
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Nobuaki Yamashita - 2008-21 Livelihood Recovery after Natural Disasters and the Role of Aid: The Case of the 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake
by Budy P. Resosudarmo & Catur Sugiyanto & Ari Kuncoro - 2008-20 Labour-Intensive Industrialisation in Indonesia, 1930-1975: Output Trends and Government Policies
by Pierre van der Eng - 2008-19 Poverty Reduction Through Long-term Growth: The Thai Experience
by Peter Warr - 2008-18 Industrialization after a Deep Economic Crisis: Indonesia
by Haryo Aswicahyono & Dionisius Narjoko & Hal Hill - 2008-17 Philippine Economic Development: A Turning Point?
by Kelly Bird & Hal Hill - 2008-16 Root Causes of African Underdevelopment
by Sambit Bhattacharyya - 2008-15 Institutions, Diseases and Economic Progress: A Unified Framework
by Sambit Bhattacharyya - 2008-14 Unbundled Institutions, Human Capital and Growth
by Sambit Bhattacharyya - 2008-13 Trade Liberalization And Institutional Development
by Sambit Bhattacharyya - 2008-12 Institutions And Trade: Competitors Or Complements In Economic Development?
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Steve Dowrick & Jane Golley - 2008-11 Vulnerability and poverty in Timor-Lesté
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang - 2008-10 Vulnerability to poverty in select Central Asian Countries
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang - 2008-09 Economic Vulnerability and Poverty in Tajikistan
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang & Yusuf Tashrifov - 2008-08 Vulnerability to poverty in Papua New Guinea
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang - 2008-07 Vulnerability to Poverty in Fiji
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang & K L Sharma - 2008-06 The Impact of Production Fragmentation on Skill Upgrading: New Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing
by Nobuaki Yamashita - 2008-05 National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in Andhra Pradesh: Some Recent Evidence
by Raghbendra Jha & Raghav Gaiha & Shylashri Shankar - 2008-04 China's integration into global production networks and its implications for export-led growth strategy in other countries in the region
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala - 2008-03 The Soeharto Era: From Beginning to End
by Ross H Mcledo - 2008-02 Indonesia's Changing Economic Geography
by Hal Hill & RBudy Resosudarmo & Yogi Vidyattama - 2008-01 National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in India - A Review
by Raghbendra Jha & Raghav Gaiha & Shylashri Shankar
- 2007-10 The Rise of China and East Asian Export Performance: Is the Crowding-out Fear Warranted?
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2007-09 Appreciating the Renminbi
by Rod Tyers & Iain Bain - 2007-08 Tariff-Growth Nexus in the Australian Economy, 1870-2002: Is there a Paradox?
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Satish Chand - 2007-07 The Malaysian Capital Controls: A Success Story?
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala - 2007-06 The Asian Crisis: a Perspective after Ten Years
by W. Max Corden - 2007-05 The Economy-wide Impact of Controlling Energy Consumption in Indonesia: An Analysis Using a Social Accounting Matrix Framework
by Djoni Hartono & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2007-04 'De-industrialisation' and colonial rule: The cotton textile industry in Indonesia, 1820-1941
by Pierre van der Eng - 2007-03 Does sending farmers back to school have an impact? a spatial econometric approach
by Satoshi Yamazaki & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2007-02 Resource Augmentation for Meeting the Millennium Development Goals in the Asia Pacific Region
by Raghbendra Jha & T. Palanivel - 2007-01 Making Trade Policy in a New Democracy after a Deep Crisis: Indonesia
by Kelly Bird & Sandy Cuthbertson & Hal Hill
- 2006-14 Regional Development Dynamics and Decentralization in the Philippines: Ten Lessons from a 'Fast Starter'
by Arsenio M. Balisacan & Hal Hill & Sharon Faye A Piza - 2006-13 Winners and Losers during a Deep Economic Crisis: Firm-level Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing
by Dionisius Narjoko & Hal Hill - 2006-12 Doing Business in Indonesia: Legal and Bureaucratic Constraints
by Ross H. McLeod - 2006-11 Singapore and ASEAN in the New Regional Division of Labour
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2006-10 On Modelling Variety in Consumption Expenditure on Food
by Raghbendra Jha & Raghav Gaiha & Anurag Sharma - 2006-09 Multinational Production Networks and the New Geo-economic Division of Labour in the Pacific Rim
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2006-08 The Regulation of Professional Migration in ASEAN - Insights from the Health and IT Sectors
by Chris Manning & Alexandra Sidorenko - 2006-07 Local public goods in a democracy: Theory and evidence from rural India
by Santanu Gupta & Raghbendra Jha - 2006-06 Multinational Enterprises and Globalization of R&D: A Study of U.S-based Firms
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 2006-05 Vulnerability and Natural Disasters in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Kyrgyz Republic
by Raghbendra Jha - 2006-04 Adjustment costs and the neutrality of income taxes
by Matt Benge & George Fane - 2006-03 The Gregory Thesis Visits the Tropics
by Peter Warr - 2006-01 Exchange Rate Regimes, Capital Account Opening and Real Exchange Rates: Evidence from Thailand
by Juthathip Jongwanich
- 2006-02 Private Sector Lessons for Public Sector Reform in Indonesia
by Ross H. McLeod - 2005-12 Foreign Direct Investment, Regional Geographical and Market Conditions, and Regional Development: A Panel Study on China
by Mei Wen - 2005-11 Oil Palm in Indonesian Socio-Economic Improvement A Review of Options
by Zahari Zen & Colin Barlow & Ria Gondowarsito - 2005-10 The Malaysian Economy: Past Successes, Future Challenges (Paper for inclusion in a volume on Malaysia edited by Dr Colin Barlow and to be published by Edward Elgar)
by Hal Hill - 2005-09 Minimum Wages and Poverty in a Developing Country: Simulations from Indonesia's Household Survey
by Kelly Bird & Chris Manning - 2005-08 Indonesia's New Deposit Guarantee Law
by Ross H. McLeod - 2005-07 Production Fragmentation and Trade Integration: East Asia in a Global Context
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Nobuaki Yamashita - 2005-06 Trade Policy Reforms and the Structure of Protection in Vietnam
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2005-05 The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Economic Impact, Disaster Management and Lessons
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2005-04 Roads and Poverty in Rural Laos
by Peter Warr - 2005-03 Food Policy And Poverty In Indonesia: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Peter Warr - 2005-02 Poverty Nutrition Trap in Rural India
by Raghbendra Jha & Raghav Gaiha & Anurag Sharma
- 2005-01 Alleviating Environmental Degradation in the Asia-Pacific Region: International cooperation and the role of issue-linkage
by Raghbendra Jha - 2004-08 Legislating for Labour Protection: Betting on the Weak or the Strong?
by Chris Manning - 2004-07 Industrial Development In East Java: A Special Case?
by Bambang-Heru Santosa & Heath McMichael - 2004-06 Capital gains, negative gearing and effective tax rates on income from rented houses in Australia
by George Fane & Martin Richardson - 2004-05 Agricultural Trade Reforms in the Doha Round: A Developing Country Perspective
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2004-04 Post-crisis Export Performance in Thailand
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Suphat Suphachalasai - 2004-03 A Consumption Based Human Development Index and The Global Environmental Kuznets Curve
by Raghbendra Jha & K.V. Bhanu Murthy - 2004-02 The Movement Of Natural Persons In Southeast Asia: How Natural?
by Chris Manning & Pradip Bhatnagar - 2004-01 Towards Improved Monetary Policy in Indonesia: Response to De Brouwer
by Ross H. McLeod
- 2003-21 Product Fragmentation and Trade Patterns in East Asia
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2003-20 Testing for Regime Switching in Singaporean Business Cycles
by Robert Breunig & Alison Stegman - 2003-19 Financial Globalisation, Exchange Rates and Capital Controls in Developing Countries
by Vijay Joshi - 2003-18 Identification of Common and Idiosyncratic Shocks in Real Equity Prices: Australia 1982 to 2002
by Mardi Dungey & Renee Fry - 2003-17 The Consequences of China's WTO Accession on its Neighbors
by Warwick J. McKibbin & Wing Thye Woo - 2003-16 Globalization and Disease: The Case of SARS
by Jong-Wha Lee & Warwick J. McKibbin - 2003-15 Changes in Equity Risk Perceptions: Global Consequences and Policy Responses
by Warwick J. McKibbin & David Vines - 2003-14 Estimates of the Costs of Kyoto-Marrakesh Versus The McKibbin-Wilcoxen Blueprint
by Warwick J. McKibbin & Peter J Wilcoxen - 2003-13 Food Safety Issues, Trade and WTO Rules: A Developing Country Perspective
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Sisira Jayasuriya - 2003-12 Equilibrium is good: Comments on Athukorala and Rajapatirana
by Ross H McLeod - 2003-11 Rethinking vulnerability to currency crises: Comments on Athukorala and Warr
by Ross H McLeod - 2003-10 After Soeharto: Prospects for reform and recovery in Indonesia
by Ross H McLeod - 2003-09 IMF Programs: Who Is Chosen and What Are the Effects?
by Robert J Barro & Jong-Wha Lee - 2003-08 A Critique of the Environmental Sustainability Index
by Raghbendra Jha & K.V. Bhanu Murthy - 2003-07 Migration and Pollution
by Raghbendra Jha & John Whalley - 2003-06 Determinants of Undernutrition in Rural India
by Raghbendra Jha & Raghav Gaiha - 2003-05 Dealing with Bank System Failure: Indonesia, 1997-2002
by Ross H McLeod - 2003-04 FDI in Crisis and Recovery: Lessons from the 1997-98 Asian Crisis
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 2003-03 Industrialisation, Trade Policy and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Asia
by Peter Warr - 2003-02 Capital Inflows and the Real Exchange Rate: A Comparative Study of Asia and Latin America
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Sarath Rajapatirana - 2003-01 Development of SMEs in the Indonesian Economy
by Mitsuhiro Hayashi
- 2002-10 Toward Improved Monetary Policy in Indonesia
by Ross McLeod - 2002-09 Innovative Sources of Development Finance - Global Cooperation in the 21st Century
by Jha, Raghbendra - 2002-07 Malaysian Trade Policy and the 2001 WTO Trade Policy Review
by Athukorala, Prema-chandra & Sen, Kunal - 2002-06 Privatisation Failures in Indonesia
by McLeod, Ross - 2002-05 Foreign Trade Regime and FDI-Growth Nexus : A Case Study of Thailand
by Kohpaiboon, Archanun - 2002-04 Reducing Poverty and Inequality in India: Has Liberalization Helped?
by Jha, Raghbendra - 2002-02 Crisis costs and debtor discipline: the efficacy of public policy in sovereign debt crises
by Gai,Prasanna & Simon Hayes & Hyun Song Shin - 2002-01 Economic Roots of Political Conflict: The Case of Sri Lanka
by Abeyratne, Sirimal
- 2001-12 The Determinants of Private Saving in India
by Athukorala, Prema-chandra & Sen, Kunal - 2001-11 Technology and Innovation in Developing East Asia: An interpretive Survey
by Hill, Hal - 2001-10 Banking Collapse and Restructuring in Indonesia, 1997-2001
by Fane, George & McLeod, Ross - 2001-08 Stochastic Model of Demand for Medical Care with Endogenous Labour Supply and Health Insurance
by Sidorenko, Alexandra - 2001-07 Relocation and Agglomeration of Chinese Industry
by Wen, Mei - 2001-06 Bias Correction for Inequality Measures: An application to China and Kenya
by Breunig, Robert - 2001-05 Macroeconomics of Fiscal Policy in Developing Countries
by Jha, Raghbendra - 2001-03 The East Asian Economic Crisis and Labour Migration: A Set-Back for International Economic Integration?
by Manning, Chris - 2001-02 An Inverse Global Environmental Kuznets Curve
by Jha, Raghbendra & Bhanu Murthy, KV - 2001-01 On the Endogeneity of the Money Multiplier in India
by Jha, Raghbendra & Prasad Rath, Deba