1969, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 39-53 Fundamental Duality Relations in the Pure Theory of Capital and Growth
by M. Bruno - 55-66 The Utility of Wealth and the Utility of Windfalls
by J. S. Flemming - 67-76 The Dynamic Nonsubstitution Theorem
by J. A. Mirrlees - 77-88 Optimum Growth when Capital is Non-transferable
by P. S. Dasgupta - 89-97 Fixed Factor Coefficients and Harrod-Neutral Technical Progress
by Ken-Ichi Inada - 99-107 Endogenous Technical Progress and Steady Growth
by Ken-Ichi Inada - 109-111 A Note on a Class of Utility and Production Functions Yielding Everywhere Differentiable Demand Functions
by A. P. Barten & T. Kloek & F. B. Lempers - 111-116 The Measurement of Utility
by C. Hillinger - 117-122 A Note on the Stability Conditions in Cournot's Dynamic Market Solution when neither the actual Market Demand Function nor the Production Levels of Rivals are known
by Yasu Hosomatsu - 122-124 Classes of Utility Functions Admitting Tyrni's Homogeneous Saving Function
by P. J. Kalman - 124-131 Intermediate Goods in Production Theory: The Differentiable Case
by James R. Melvin - 131-135 Marshallian External Economies and Gains from Trade between Similar Countries
by T. Negishi
1968, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 367-390 The Structure of Utility Functions
by W. M. Gorman - 391-412 Embodied Technology and the Existence of Labour and Output Aggregates
by F. M. Fisher - 413-416 On a Property of Concave Functions
by B. P. Stigum - 417-428 Embodied Technology and the Aggregation of Fixed and Movable Capital Goods
by F. M. Fisher - 429-442 Capital Aggregation and Optimality Conditions
by J. K. Whitaker - 443-452 The Core of an Economy with a Measure Space of Economic Agents
by W. Hildenbrand - 453-463 A Theory of Saving and Portfolio Selection
by A. Douglas - 465-480 Optimal Growth and Investment Allocation
by Sanjit Bose - 481-485 Distortions and Immiserizing Growth: a Generalization
by Jagdish N. Bhagwati
1968, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 237-256 The Dual in Nonlinear Programming and its Economic Interpretation
by M. L. Balinski & W. J. Baumol - 257-272 Reaction Functions and the Theory of Duopoly
by J. W. Friedman - 273-288 The Effects of Relative Prices and Capacity on the Demand for Labour in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector
by M. I. Nadiri - 289-306 Some Effects of Taxes on Risk-Taking
by B. Näslund - 307-325 Continuous and Discrete Time Approaches to a Maximization Problem
by L. G. Telser & R. L. Graves - 327-334 On the Existence of a Keynesian Equilibrium
by E. Glustoff - 335-345 On the Stability of the Golden Rule Path in the Hayekian Production Process Case
by K. Inada - 347-349 Empirical Evidence on the Acceleration Principle: A Comment
by A. G. Hines - 349-353 The Dynamics of the Number of Firms in an Industry
by E. P. Howrey & R. E. Quandt - 353-360 A Re-examination of the Existence and Stability Propositions in Kaldor's Growth Models
by K. Kubota - 360-362 An Invariably Stable Cobweb Model
by J. A. Carlson - 363-365 Optimality in a World of Progress and Learning
by Richard Zeckhauser - 366-366 Neutral Inventions and Production Functions: an Addendum
by R. Sato & M. Beckmann
1968, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 105-132 On Putty-Clay
by Christopher Bliss - 133-143 Money Wage Determination Revisited
by O. Eckstein - 145-154 Optimal Growth and Continual Planning Revision
by S. M. Goldman - 155-174 The General Instability of a Class of Competitive Growth Processes
by M. Kurz - 175-184 On Warranted Growth Paths
by F. H. Hahn - 185-199 On Second-Best National Saving and Game-Equilibrium Growth
by E. S. Phelps & R. A. Pollak - 201-208 Consistent Planning
by R. A. Pollak - 209-224 The Demand Curves from a Quadratic Utility Indicator
by L. L. Wegge - 225-236 Elasticities of Substitution and the Theory of Derived Demand
by Y. Mundlak
1968, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-2 Neutral Inventions and Production Functions
by R. Sato & M. J. Beckmann - 1-9 A Note on Democratic Decision and the Existence of Choice Sets
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik - 11-21 Comparative Statics under Walras' Law: the Case of Strong Dependence
by J. P. Quirk - 23-34 Optimal Development in the Labour-Surplus Economy
by A. K. Dixit - 35-46 Technical Change and Capital from the Point of View of the Dual
by R. E. Hall - 47-55 Adjustment Costs in the Theory of Investment of the Firm
by J. P. Gould - 67-76 Spectral Analysis of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by C. W. J. Granger & H. J. B. Rees - 77-89 Regression Analysis of Grouped Observations when the Cross Classifications are Unknown
by Y. Haitovsky - 91-104 The Class of Homothetic Isoquant Production Functions
by S. Clemhout
1967, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 333-360 A Productivity Theory of Wage Levels—An Alternative to the Phillips Curve
by E. Kuh - 361-373 The Effect of Demand on Prices in British Manufacturing Industry
by F. Rushdy & P. J. Lund - 375-386 Specification of the Labour Input in the Aggregate Production Function
by M. S. Feldstein - 387-398 Uncertainty and the "Expectations Hypothesis"
by H. A. John Green - 399-408 On a Class of Utility and Production Functions Yielding Everywhere Differentiable Demand Functions
by P. J. Dhrymes - 409-416 The Stability of Oligopoly with Conjectural Variations
by R. Sato & K. Nagatani - 417-420 Competitive Production for Constant Risk Utility Functions
by J. J. McCall - 420-421 The Equivalence of Liquidity Preference and Loanable Funds Theories in Stock-Flow Economies: A Comment
by R. J. Ruffin - 421-426 A Note on Scarcity of Specific Resources as a Limit to Output: A Correction
by R. Sato - 427-431 The Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of the Standard System
by G. R. Blakley & W. F. Gossling - 432-432 Production Functions in which the Elasticities of Substitution stand in Fixed Proportion to Each Other: A Comment
by M. S. Ramanujam
1967, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 249-283 The Explanation of Productivity Change
by D. W. Jorgenson & Z. Griliches - 285-293 The Demand for Money and Monetary Adjustments in Chile
by Allan Hynes - 295-299 On the Optimal Transfer and Income Distribution in a Growing Economy
by K. Hamada - 301-314 On the Theory of "Second Best"
by P. Bohm - 315-316 The Perceived Demand Curve in the Theory of Second Best
by Takashi Negishi - 317-321 Private and Social Costs in the Theory of Second Best
by M. McManus - 323-331 Piecemeal Policy in the Theory of Second Best
by O. A. Davis & A. B. Whinston
1967, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 153-173 On the Non-Linear Theory of the Employment Cycle
by H. Rose - 175-189 Tests of a Capital-Theoretic Model of Technological Change
by R. E. Lucas - 191-199 A Note on the Bohm-Bawerk/Wicksell Theory of Interest
by J. Hirshleifer - 201-218 A Two-Level Constant-Elasticity-of-Substitution Production Function
by K. Sato - 219-226 Possibilites d'Agregation de Fonctions de Production a Variables Capital et Main d'Oeuvre
by A. Nataf - 227-238 A Two-Sector Two Class Model of Economic Growth
by J. E. Stiglitz - 239-248 Balanced Growth and Stability in the Johansen Vintage Model
by E. Sheshinski
1967, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-18 On Optimal Development in a Multi-Sector Economy
by David Gale - 19-24 A Geometric Duality Theorem with Economic Applications
by D. Gale - 25-50 The Evaluation of Development Programmes
by D. McFadden - 51-66 Efficiency Prices for Infinite Horizon Production Programmes
by R. Radner - 67-84 The Norm of a Closed Technology and the Straight-Down-the-Turnpike Theorem
by S. G. Winter - 85-93 The Consumption and the Output Turnpike Theorems in a von Neumann Type of Model—A Finite Term Problem
by J. Tsukui - 95-124 Optimum Growth when Technology is Changing
by J. A. Mirrlees - 125-141 Some Theoretical Properties of a Two-Sector Model of Optimal Growth
by L. Johansen - 143-151 Lemmas for a Theory of Approximate Optimal Growth
by C. C. von Weizsäcker
1966, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 269-301 The Pasinetti Paradox in Neoclassical and More General Models
by Paul A. Samuelson & Franco Modigliani - 303-306 New Results in an Old Framework: Comment on Samuelson and Modigliani
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 307-308 Comment on Samuelson and Modigliani
by Joan Robinson - 309-319 Marginal Productivity and the Macro-Economic Theories of Distribution: Comment on Samuelson and Modigliani
by Nicholas Kaldor - 321-330 Marginal Productivity and the MacroEconomic Theories of Distribution: Reply to Pasinetti and Robinson
by P. Samuelson & F. Modigliani - 331-335 The Neoclassical Theorem and Distribution of Income and Wealth
by K. Sato - 337-360 Multiplier Analysis of a Post-war Quarterly U.S. Model and a Comparison with Several Other Models
by Michael K. Evans - 361-371 Labour Allocation in a Cooperative Enterprise
by Amartya K. Sen
1966, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 179-207 Short Term Employment Functions in British Manufacturing Industry
by R. J. Ball & E. B. A. St Cyr - 209-220 The Information Approach to the Prediction of Interregional Trade Flows
by Pedro Uribe & C. G. de Leeuw & H. Theil - 221-225 An Application of Lipsey's Concept of Structural Unemployment
by John Vanderkamp - 227-233 Biases in Empirical Estimates of the Elasticities of Substitution of C.E.S. Production Functions
by G. C. Harcourt - 235-243 Distributed Lags and Economic Theory
by D. V. T. Bear - 245-251 Tentative Notes on a Two Sector Model with Induced Technical Progress
by C. C. von Weizsäcker - 253-262 The Two Sector Growth Model with Fixed Coefficients
by W. M. Corden - 263-268 On the Adjustment Time in Neo-classical Growth Models
by K. Sato
1966, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 79-115 Neoclassical Growth with Fixed Factor Proportions
by R. M. Solow & J. Tobin & C. C. von Weizsäcker & M. Yaari - 117-131 Extensions of Arrow's "Learning by Doing"
by David Levhari - 133-145 Models of Technical Progress and the Golden Rule of Research
by E. S. Phelps - 147-158 Optimum Tariffs and Tariff Policy
by D. J. Horwell - 159-163 A Model of Protection and the Exchange Rate
by Harry G. Johnson - 165-178 The Durability of Durable Goods
by E. Kleiman & T. Ophir
1966, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-18 Vintage Capital Models and Econometric Production Functions
by J. K. Whitaker - 19-30 Investment in Fixed Capital and the Stability of Growth Equilibrium
by Ken-ichi Inada - 31-38 Further Implications of Learning by Doing
by David Levhari - 39-44 On Factor Accumulation and the Pattern of International Specialisation
by P. K. Bardhan - 45-56 A Generalization of the Composite-Good Theorem for Imperfect Markets
by Nissan Liviatan - 57-60 Stability of Oligopoly with Product Differentiation
by Josef Hadar - 61-78 Life-Cycle Savings, Inheritance and Economic Growth
by J. E. Meade
1965, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 263-288 Embodied Technical Change and the Existence of an Aggregate Capital Stock
by Franklin M. Fisher - 289-298 Technical Change and the Measurement of Capital and Output
by Peter A. Diamond - 299-310 Economic Interrelatedness
by Chiou-shuang Yan & Edward Ames - 311-326 Qualitative Economics and the Stability of Equilibrium
by James Quirk & Richard Ruppert - 327-338 Interest Rates, Forced Saving, and Prices in the Long Run
by Jürg Niehans - 339-346 On Two Sector Growth Models
by F. H. Hahn
1965, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 187-216 The Relationship between Output and Employment in British Manufacturing Industries
by F. P. R. Brechling - 217-224 Production Functions in which the Elasticities of Substitution stand in Fixed Proportions to each other
by W. M. Gorman - 225-232 Business Saving and Errors in Variables
by P. E. Hart - 233-240 Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation
by David Cass - 241-244 Optimum Accumulation and International Trade
by P. K. Bardhan - 245-250 Entry in a Cournot Market
by Charles R. Frank - 251-259 On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth with Technological Progress —A Comparative Statics Analysis—
by Akira Takayama
1965, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 85-104 Existence of Optimal Programs of Accumulation for an Infinite Time Horizon
by Carl Christian von Weizäscker - 105-112 Size and The Growth of Firms
by J. M. Samuels - 113-126 The Forward Rate and the Interest Parity
by Jerome L. Stein - 127-136 Neoclassical Growth and the Efficient Program of Capital Accumulation
by Hiroshi Atsumi - 137-150 Uncertain Lifetime, Life Insurance, and the Theory of the Consumer
by Menahem E. Yaari - 151-160 On Neoclassical Models of Economic Growth
by Ken-ichi Inada - 161-168 Disembodied Technical Change in a Two-Sector Model
by Peter A. Diamond - 169-186 Traditional Capital Theory
by Dan Usher
1965, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-14 Welfare Economics and the Theory of Second Best
by Otto A. Davis & Andrew B. Whinston - 15-37 Patterns of Trade and Investment in a Dynamic Model of International Trade
by H. Oniki & H. Uzawa - 39-46 Capital Longevity and Economic Growth
by S. K. Bhattacharyya - 47-48 A Theorem on the Core of an Economy
by Karl Vind - 49-58 Maximum Bonus—an Alternative Measure for Trading Gains
by Henry Y. Wan - 59-66 The "Wage-Productivity" Theory of Underemployment: A Refinement
by Pan A Yotopoulos - 67-81 Non-Traded Goods and the Transfer Problem
by I. A. McDougall
1964, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 221-252 Trade Unions and Wage Inflation in the United Kingdom 1893–1961
by A. G. Hines - 253-266 Labor Mobility, Increasing Labor Demand, and Money Wage-Rate Increases in United States Manufacturing
by Sara Behman - 267-286 A Theory of the Wage-Price Process in Modern Industry
by Otto Eckstein - 287-308 The Determinants of Wage Rate Changes and the Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off for the United States
by G. L. Perry - 309-322 Wage Structure and Structural Unemployment
by M. W. Reder - 323-324 Empirical Evidence on the Acceleration Principle
by D. Smyth
1964, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 169-178 A. P. Lerner at Sixty
by Paul A. Samuelson - 179-184 Welfare Effects of Tax Unions
by Douglas Dosser - 185-202 Empirical Evidence on the Acceleration Principle
by David Smyth - 203-206 Optimal Investment and Technical Progress
by S. Chakravarty - 207-220 Economic Growth and International Trade
by Akira Takayama
1964, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 91-96 The Role of Securities in the Optimal Allocation of Risk-bearing
by K. J. Arrow - 97-102 A Further Note on Professor Uzawa's Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth
by Akihiro Amano - 103-105 Rate of Profit and Income Distribution in Relation to the Rate of Economic Growth: A Comment
by Perry P. Chang - 106-106 A Reply to Professor Chang
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 107-112 Decision Criteria and Balanced Growth
by Ajit Dasgupta - 113-120 Constraints and the Firm's Utility Function
by Jése Encarnación - 121-126 Patinkin, Perfect Competition, and Unemployment Disequilibria
by D. Calvin Gogerty & Gordon C. Winston - 127-142 On the Stability of Growth Equilibria in Two-Sector Models
by Ken-ichi Inada - 143-146 The Stability of The Cournot Oligopoly Solution: A Further Generalization
by K. Okuguchi - 147-148 Conditions for Neutral Money
by Takashi Negishi - 149-162 The Effect of Price Changes on Consumer Saving
by Ilari Tyrni - 163-165 Preferences, Votes and the Transitivity of Majority Decisions
by Amartya Kumar Sen - 166-167 A Note on the CES Production Function
by J. K. Whitaker
1964, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-24 Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector Model of Capital Accumulation
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 25-42 Balanced Growth in Multi-sectoral Income Propagation under Autonomous Expenditure Schemes
by H. Nikaido - 43-58 Some Structural Characteristics of Turnpike Theorems
by Ken-ichi Inada - 59-64 The Definition of Selling Costs
by E. H. Chamberlin - 65-68 More Scope for Qualitative Economics
by W. M. Gorman - 69-72 Partitionable Systems and Qualitative Economics
by Kelvin J. Lancaster - 73-76 Output and Investment for Exponential Growth in Consumption — an alternative Formulation: and Derivation of their Technological Upper Limits
by P. N. Mathur - 77-82 Output and Investment for Exponential Growth in Consumption—The General Solution and Some Comments
by V. Mukerji - 83-86 A Note on Portfolio Selection and Taxation
by R. G. Penner - 87-89 A Rehabilitation of "Well-Behaved" Social Indifference Curves
by Jaroslav Vanek
1963, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 151-166 The Adjustment of Savings to Investment in a Growing Economy
by J. E. Meade - 167-168 Learning by Doing: A Further Note
by Joan Robinson - 169-176 The Turnpike Theorem of Morishima
by Lionel W. McKenzie - 177-180 On a Theorem of Scarf
by Gerard Debreu - 181-194 The Impact of Credit Control on Consumer Durable Spending in the United Kingdom, 1957–1961
by R. J. Ball & Pamela S. Drake - 195-202 A Measure of Capital
by Graham Pyatt - 203-216 Business Saving and Normal Income
by Tony Lancaster - 217-228 Factor Substitution in the Two-Sector Growth Model
by Emanuel M. Drandakis - 229-232 The Existence of a Utility Function to Represent Preferences
by Trout Rader - 233-236 A Generalized S.M.A.C. Function with Constant Ratios of Elasticity of Substitution
by V. Mukerji
1963, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 73-83 Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions
by Daniel McFadden - 84-92 A Stochastic Income Model Using Optimal Inventory Rules
by Daniel Orr - 93-94 A Note on the Cobb-Douglas Function
by Herbert A. Simon & Ferdinand K. Levy - 95-104 On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth — A Comparative Statics Analysis—
by Akira Takayama - 105-118 On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth II
by H. Uzawa - 119-127 On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth: Comments and a Generalization
by Ken-ichi Inada - 128-130 Research Inclinations of a Cournot Oligopolist
by Ira Horowitz - 131-140 Hire-Purchase Equilibria: Some Transition Theorems
by F. R. Oliver - 141-147 Notes on Jorgenson's Model
by M. McManus - 148-149 Stability of a Dynamic Input-Output System: A Reply
by Dale W. Jorgenson
1963, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-15 The Accelerator and Technical Progress
by A. A. Walters