1963, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 16-23 Fiscal Policy in a Neo-Classical Growth Model: An Analysis of Time Required for Equilibrating Adjustment
by Ryuzo Sato - 24-31 Minimization of Economic Rent in Spatial Price Equilibrium
by Vernon L. Smith - 32-36 Choosing an Investment Program among Interdependent Projects
by Stanley Reiter - 37-42 Scarcity of Specific Resources as a Limit to Output
by Ashok Guha - 43-55 A Diagrammatic Approach to General Equilibrium Analysis
by N. F. Laing - 56-62 Additive Logarithmic Preferences A Further Note
by W. M. Gorman - 63-64 Archibald versus Chicago
by George J. Stigler - 65-67 More on Archibald versus Chicago
by Milton Friedman - 68-71 Reply to Chicago
by G. C. Archibald
1962, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 267-279 Rate of Profit and Income Distribution in Relation to the Rate of Economic Growth
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 280-290 On the Consistency and Efficiency of Central Plans
by J. M. Montias - 291-299 Production Functions with Constant Elasticities of Substitution
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 300-312 Exploring the "Uneconomic Region" of the Production Function
by G. H. Borts & E. J. Mishan - 313-323 Some Dynamic Phenomena in the Leontief Model of Reversely Lagged Type
by Hukukane Nikaidô - 324-326 The Effect of Specific Excise Taxes on the Output of the Individual Multiproduct Firm
by J. Wise - 327-328 The Implications of a Backward Bending Labor Supply Curve
by Anne O. Krueger - 329-331 The Stability of the Cournot Oligopoly Solution
by F. H. Hahn - 332-336 "The Stability of the Cournot Oligopoly Solution": Further Comment
by Robert L. Bishop - 337-339 Dynamic Cournot-type Oligopoly Models—A Correction
by M. McManus
1962, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 155-173 The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing
by Kenneth J. Arrow - 174-192 A New Model of Economic Growth
by Nicholas Kaldor & James A. Mirrlees - 193-206 Parable and Realism in Capital Theory: The Surrogate Production Function
by Paul A. Samuelson - 207-218 Substitution and Fixed Proportions in the Theory of Capital
by Robert M. Solow - 219-226 A Neo-Classical Theorem
by Joan Robinson - 227-234 The Effect of Savings on Consumption in a State of Steady Growth
by J. E. Meade - 235-237 Some Implications of Golden Age Conditions when Savings Equal Profits
by D. G. Champernowne - 238-240 Technical Progress and Optimum Savings
by J. Black - 241-245 Output and Investment for Exponential Growth in Consumption
by Richard Stone & J. A. C. Brown - 246-250 Comment
by Nicholas Kaldor - 251-254 Comment
by Paul A. Samuelson - 255-257 Comment
by Robert M. Solow - 258-266 Comment
by Joan Robinson
1962, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 85-98 Capital Theory and Developmental Planning
by Ronald Findlay - 99-123 The Scope of Qualitative Economics
by Kelvin Lancaster - 124-139 Automatic Stabilization and the British Taxes on Income
by P. H. Pearse - 140-146 Admissibility and Measurable Utility Functions
by James P. Quirk & Rubin Saposnik - 147-150 The Business Propensity to Save
by P. E. Hart - 151-153 Cournot Points and the Conflict Curves
by C. E. Ferguson
1961, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by The Editors - 2-28 Chamberlin versus Chicago
by G. C. Archibald - 29-39 An Econometric Model of the U.K
by J. Johnston - 40-47 On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 48-50 Note on Uzawa's Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth
by Robert M. Solow - 51-61 A Model for the Long-Run Theory of Value
by Peter Newman & J. N. Wolfe - 62-65 A Stable Adjustment Process for a Competitive Economy
by F. H. Hahn - 66-78 The Social Optimum in the presence of Monopoly and Taxation
by H. A. John Green - 79-84 Aggregation, Peaks and Troughs
by J. Parry Lewis
1961, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 143-160 The Analogy Between Atemporal and Intertemporal Theories of Resource Allocation
by E. Malinvaud - 161-175 Comparative Advantage and the Theory of Tariffs: A Multi-Country, Multi-Commodity Model
by Ronald W. Jones - 176-181 Additive Logarithmic Demand Functions and the Slutsky Relations
by Kenneth J. Arrow - 182-195 Imperfect Capital Markets and the Theory of Investment
by Lucien Foldes - 196-201 Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium
by Takashi Negishi - 202-211 Congestion and Idle Capacity in an Economy
by A. B. Araoz & H. B. Malmgren
1961, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 77-88 Prices and the Turnpike: I. The Story of a Mare's Nest
by J. R. Hicks - 89-97 Prices and the Turnpike: II. Proof of a Turnpike Theorem: The "No Joint Production" Case
by M. Morishima - 98-104 Prices and the Turnpike: III. Paths of Economic Growth that are Optimal with Regard only to Final States: A Turnpike Theorem
by Roy Radner - 105-116 Stability of a Dynamic Input-Output System
by Dale W. Jorgenson - 117-124 Neutral Inventions and the Stability of Growth Equilibrium
by H. Uzawa - 125-135 The Stability of the Cournot Oligopoly Solution: The Effects of Speeds of Adjustment and Increasing Marginal Costs
by Franklin M. Fisher - 136-139 Comments on the Stability of the Cournot Oligipoly Model
by M. McManus & Richard E. Quandt - 140-141 A Comment on Newman's "Complete Ordering and Revealed Preference"
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 142-142 Further Comment
by Peter Newman
1960, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-22 The Geometric Representation of Policies to Attain Internal and External Balance
by W. M. Corden - 23-28 Equilibrium in a Uniformly Expanding Closed Leontief-Type System
by Zivia S. Wurtele - 29-31 A Symposium on Monetary Theory: Monetary and Value Theory: Comments
by W. J. Baumol - 32-36 A Symposium on Monetary Theory: On the Invariance of Demand for Cash and other Assets
by R. W. Clower & M. L. Burstein - 37-43 A Symposium on Monetary Theory: The Patinkin Controversy
by F. H. Hahn - 44-49 A Symposium on Monetary Theory: The Real Balance Effect and Orthodox Demand Theory: a Critique of Archibald and Lipsey
by R. J. Ball & Ronald Bodkin - 50-56 A Symposium on Monetary Theory: Monetary and Value Theory: Further Comment
by G. C. Archibald & R. C. Lipsey - 57-68 Index-linked Bonds
by Peter Robson - 69-75 The Abdication of the Israeli Pound as a Standard of Measurement for medium and long-term Contracts
by A. Rubner
1960, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 139-151 The Theory of Hedging and Speculation in Commodity Futures
by Leland L. Johnson - 152-166 Cardinal Utility, Portfolio Selection and Taxation
by Marcel K. Richter - 167-178 Economic Growth and the Distributive Shares
by Ronald Findlay - 179-181 A Rejoinder to Mr. Findlay
by Nicholas Kaldor - 182-194 Walras' Tâtonnement in the Theory of Exchange
by H. Uzawa - 195-201 On the Three Hicksian Laws of Comparative Statics
by Michio Morishima - 202-205 A Supplementary Note on Complete Ordering and Revealed Preference
by Peter Newman - 206-209 The Equivalence of the Liquidity Preference and Loanable Funds Theories and the New Stock-Flow Analysis
by Cliff L. Lloyd - 210-213 Testing Marginal Productivity Theory
by G. C. Archibald
1960, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 65-77 Complete Ordering and Revealed Preference
by Peter Newman - 78-98 A Mathematical Formulation of the Ricardian System
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 99-108 The Market for Investment Goods. An Analysis where Time of Delivery Enters Explicitly
by Bjorn Thalberg - 109-118 Mr. Kaldor's Theory of Income Distribution
by Hiroshi Atsumi - 119-120 Towards a General Kaldorian Theory of Distribution
by James Tobin - 121-123 A Rejoinder to Mr. Atsumi and Professor Tobin
by Nicholas Kaldor - 124-132 The Demand Approach to Economic Development
by H. Myint - 133-134 On the Stability of the Cournot Solution on the Oligopoly Problem
by R. D. Theocharis - 135-138 A Regular Input-Output Model with Decreasing Marginal Returns
by Hans Jurgen Jaksch
1959, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-9 Some Notes on Stability Conditions
by P. K. Newman - 10-15 A Note on Crawling Along the Ceiling
by R. C. O. Matthews - 16-22 Interrelated Industries and the Rate of Technological Change
by W. Paul Strassmann - 23-43 Capital Levies in Western Europe After the Second World War
by P. Robson - 44-49 Investment Allowances, Initial Allowances and Cheap Loans as Means of Encouraging Investment
by J. Black - 50-57 Cash Circulation in the Planned Economies of Eastern Europe
by J. Baracs - 58-64 A View of the Aggregation Problem
by M. H. Peston
1959, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 159-173 A "Value and Capital" Growth Model
by J. R. Hicks - 174-177 Cardinal Utility for Even-chance Mixtures of Pairs of Sure Prospects
by Gerard Debreu - 178-189 The Case for "Revealed Preference"
by Harvey M. Wagner - 190-197 The Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages and Disguised Unemployment
by Dipak Mazumdar - 198-208 An Afterthought on the "Real Cost—Opportunity Cost" Dispute and Some Aspects of General Equilibrium Under Conditions of Variable Factor Supplies
by Jaroslav Vanek - 209-224 Comments on the General Theory of Second Best
by M. McManus - 225-226 McManus on Second Best
by Kelvin Lancaster & R. G. Lipsey
1959, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 75-109 A Statistical Summary of the Extent of Import Control in the United Kingdom since the War
by M. F. W. Hemming & C. M. Miles & G. F. Ray - 110-125 The Balance of Payments in a Monetary Economy
by F. H. Hahn - 126-134 Whose Cost of Living?
by S. J. Prais - 135-147 Regional Disparities in the Incidence of Taxation in Uganda
by Walter Elkan - 148-152 A Problem Encountered in the Comparison of Technical Coefficients
by Zivia S. Wurtele - 153-158 A Graphical Exposition of Böhm-Bawerk's Interest Theory
by R. Dorfman
1958, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-22 Monetary and Value Theory: A Critique of Lange and Patinkin
by G. C. Archibald & R. G. Lipsey - 1-69 A Comment
by Nicholas Kaldor - 23-32 The Capital-Output Ratio in Japanese Economic Development
by G. Ranis - 33-50 Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Törnqvist Demand Equations
by P. R. Fisk - 51-62 Marketing Boards and Economic Development in Nigeria and Ghana
by E. K. Hawkins - 63-65 A Single Geometric Measure for Elasticity of Demand and Supply
by E. J. Mishan - 66-68 A Note on Kaldor's "Speculation and Economic Stability"
by Paul Streeten - 70-71 Neutral Money in Patinkin's "Money, Interest, and Prices"
by P. Wonnacott - 72-74 Consumer's Surplus, and Discriminating Monopoly
by Roy Houghton
1958, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 133-162 Tariffs, Retaliation, and the Elasticity of Demand for Imports
by W. M. Gorman - 163-171 The Wicksell Effect
by Edward Osborn - 172-181 Utility and the "Ordinalist Fallacy"
by W. E. Armstrong - 182-189 The Predictive Accuracy of the Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages
by J. L. Stein - 190-196 The Relation between the Accelerator and the Capital Output Ratio
by Alfred E. Ott - 197-199 Demand Theory without a Utility Index—A Comment
by P. K. Newman & R. C. Read - 200-200 Further Comments
by Lionel McKenzie - 201-205 Immiserizing Growth: A Geometrical Note
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 206-209 Risk Bearing and Income Taxation
by Nicholas Kaldor
1958, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 65-86 Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk
by J. Tobin - 87-96 Ownership Elasticities of Durable Consumer Goods
by J. S. Cramer - 97-108 Transformations in Economic Theories
by Maurice McManus - 109-113 A Note on the Theory of Interindustrial Wage Differentials
by Leif Johansen - 114-123 Substitution, Complementarity, and the Residual Variation around Engel Curves
by H. H. Thell & H. Neudecker - 124-125 Consistency of Preference: The Two-Commodity Case
by Hugh Rose - 126-130 Trader's Behaviour - An Alternative Explanation
by T. I. Matuszewski - 131-131 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Market EnvironmentA Comment on Mr. Nettl
by J. H. Davies
1957, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-20 Oligopoly as a Non-Zero-Sum Game
by H. Neisser - 1-58 Stamp Duties as a Capital Gains Tax: a Reply
by Charles Kennedy - 21-24 Input-Output Analysis in an Underdeveloped Country: A Case Study
by Alan T. Peacock & Douglas Dosser - 25-40 Professor Hicks' Index Number Theorem
by R. L. Marris - 41-48 The Availability Doctrine: Theoretical Underpinnings
by Ira O. Scott - 49-52 Mr Kaldor on Taxation and Risk Bearing
by E. Cary Brown - 53-57 Stamp Duties as a Capital Gains Tax: Comment
by Carl S. Shoup - 59-61 Dr. Klein's Interpretation of Leontief's System—A Rejoinder
by Michio Morishima - 62-63 A Supplementary Note on Mr Pearce's General Equilibrium Model
by S. A. Ozga
1957, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 149-160 The "Transformation Problem"
by F. Seton - 161-176 Stability in a Closed Economy and in the Foreign Exchange Market, and the Redistributive Effect of Price Changes
by John Spraos - 177-184 The Compatibility of Any Behaviour of the Price Level with Equilibrium
by J. C. Gilbert - 185-189 Demand Theory Without a Utility Index
by Lionel McKenzie - 190-197 A Note on Bond-Holding and the Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest
by Frank P. R. Brechling - 198-202 Index Numbers and Demand Analysis
by Murray C. Kemp - 203-208 Notes on the Theory of Stability of Multiple Exchange
by Michio Morishima - 209-210 Multiplier Theory and Fiscal Policy
by A. Hagger - 211-214 Mr. Gehrels on Customs Unions
by Richard G. Lipsey - 215-215 A Reply to Mr. Kemp
by A. R. Bergstrom
1957, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 73-86 A Dynamic Approach to the Theory of Consumer Demand
by J. S. Cramer - 87-94 A Note on Entrepreneurial Behaviour
by J. P. Nettl - 95-110 Speculation and the Rate of Interest
by J. Black & A. E. de Jasay - 111-119 Liquidity Preference and Loanable Funds
by Hugh Rose - 120-130 The Falling Rate of Profit In Marxian Economics
by H. D. Dickinson - 131-138 Constancy of the Proportionate Equilibrium Rate of Growth: Result or Assumption?
by Hans Brems - 139-148 Cost and Demand Elements in the Inflationary Process
by J. D. Pitchford
1956, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-10 Factor Proportions and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
by R. W. Jones - 11-32 The General Theory of Second Best
by R. G. Lipsey & Kelvin Lancaster - 33-42 Second Thoughts on Capital-Intensity of Investment
by Maurice Dobb - 43-48 On the Measurement of Excess Capacity in Retailing
by Richard H. Holton - 49-60 Price Policy with a Branded Product
by I. F. Pearce & Lloyd R. Amey - 61-64 Customs Union from a Single-Country Viewpoint
by Franz Gehrels - 65-68 A Comment on Dr Klein's Interpretation of Leontief's System
by Michio Morishima - 69-70 The Interpretation of Leontief's System—A Reply
by L. R. Klein - 71-72 Mr. Ritter on Monetary and Fiscal Policy
by Ralph Turvey
1955, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 165-180 Myopia and Inconsistency in Dynamic Utility Maximization
by R. H. Strotz - 181-192 The Estimation of Capital Consumption in National Accounting
by G. Stuvel - 193-203 The Trader's Behaviour in the Market Period
by Stefan Stykolt & Anthony Scott - 204-212 Economic Expansion and International Trade: A Marshallian Approach
by J. Black - 213-228 The Colonial Development Corporation (1948–54)
by E. R. Wicker - 229-231 A Note on the Colonial Development Corporation
by Arthur Hazlewood - 232-235 Comparative Statics in Linear Programming and the Giffen Paradox
by M. J. Beckmann - 236-240 A Generalized Comparative Statics in Linear Programming
by M. J. Bailey - 241-244 Stamp Duties as a Capital Gains Tax
by Charles Kennedy - 245-246 A Further Note on Dynamic Economics
by Harry G. Johnson - 247-247 The Production Function and the Theory of Capital—A Reply
by Joan Robinson
1955, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 83-100 Alternative Theories of Distribution
by Nicholas Kaldor - 101-108 The Production function and the Theory of Capital
by Robert M. Solow - 109-125 Technology and Price Structure in General Interdependence Systems
by Victor Zarnowitz - 126-131 Some Monetary Aspects of Multiplier Theory and Fiscal Policy
by Lawrence S. Ritter - 132-134 A Note on Definitions of Related Goods
by M. Morishima - 135-144 Pearce, Monopoly and Socialism
by Kelvin Lancaster - 145-152 Mr. Pearce's General Equilibrium Model
by S. A. Ozga - 153-162 Total Demand Curves — A Reply
by I. F. Pearce - 163-164 Oligopoly and Its Problems
by J. N. Wolfe
1955, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-16 Safety First and Hedging
by Lester G. Telser - 17-26 The Use of Index Numbers in Demand Analysis
by A. R. Bergstrom - 27-31 The Pareto Distribution and the Cobb-Douglas Production Function in Activity Analysis
by H. S. Houthakker - 32-41 A Note on Block Tariffs
by Andre Gabor - 42-45 Block Tariffs—a Comment
by P. E. Watts - 46-55 Economic Planning and the Long Term Programme
by Joan Mitchell - 56-64 Specialization in Production and the Production Possibility Locus
by Lionel W. McKenzie - 65-75 Uncertainty and the Cobweb
by F. H. Hahn