1976, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 469-473 Optimal Control with Integral State Equations
by M. I. Kamien & E. Muller - 475-481 Portfolio Adjustment and Monetary Growth
by Lewis Johnson - 483-492 On the Estimation of Income Inequality Measures from Grouped Observations
by Nanak Kakwani - 493-507 A Model of Promotional Competition in Oligopoly
by Richard Schmalensee - 509-518 Education and Economic Growth
by Sheng Cheng Hu - 519-525 On Partial Equilibrium in a Queuing System with Two Servers
by Israel Luski - 527-535 On the Possibility of Steadily Growing per capita Consumption in an Economy with a Wasting and Non-Replenishable Resource
by Hideo Suzuki - 537-542 A Brief Note on the Efficiency of Equilibria with Costly Transactions
by J. Green & H. Polemarchakis - 543-545 A Note on Representing Partial Orderings
by Mukul Majumdar & Amartya Sen - 547-549 A Note on Consistent Naive Intertemporal Decision Making and an Application to the Case of Uncertain Lifetime
by H. Stuart Burness - 551-552 Money Wage Inflation in Industrial Countries: An Alternative Explanation
by R. L. Thomas - 553-555 The Political Business Cycle: A Comment
by Bruno S. Frey & Hans-Jürgen Ramser - 557-560 General Equilibrium with a Replenishable Natural Resource: A Comment
by Jacques Lesourne - 561-562 Incidence of a Capital Income Tax in a Growing Two-Class Economy
by Kanhaya L. Gupta
1976, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 195-215 Equilibrium with Non-convex Transactions Costs: Monetary and Non-monetary Economies
by Walter Perrin Heller & Ross M. Starr - 217-235 Product Selection, Fixed Costs, and Monopolistic Competition
by Michael Spence - 237-248 Investment and Trade for a Developing Economy with Economies of Scale in Industry
by G. A. Hughes - 249-259 Optimal Policy Rules for a Temporary Incomes Policy
by Franklin R. Shupp - 261-267 On Income Distribution, Incentive Effects and Optimal Income Taxation
by Efraim Sadka - 269-284 Monetary Equilibrium in Two Classes of Stationary Economies
by Toshihiko Hayashi - 285-291 Functional Structure and the Allen Partial Elasticities of Substitution: An Application of Duality Theory
by Charles Blackorby & R. Robert Russell - 293-299 Neutrality of Planning Procedures in an Economy with Public Goods
by Paul Champsaur - 301-315 Stochastic Dominance and the Maximization of Expected Utility
by Leigh Tesfatsion - 317-327 A Theory of Securities Markets Under Uncertainty
by Bruce C. Dieffenbach - 329-346 A Behavioural Model of Learning in Production
by Susan Himmelweit - 347-351 On Constructing Generalized Voting Paradoxes
by Rajat Deb - 353-358 A Note on Elasticity of Substitution Functions
by Lawrence J. Lau - 359-362 Evaluation of Changes in a Suboptimal Economy
by Jeffrey Rohlfs - 363-368 Imperfect Competition and the Resource Allocative Effects of Effective Protection
by Edward John Ray - 369-370 "Turnpike" Theory: A Revised Proof
by Trout Rader
1976, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-1 M. J. Farrell
by Peter Hammond & Stephen Nickell - 3-10 Liberalism in the Theory of Social Choice
by M. J. Farrell - 11-18 Counter-threats and Strategic Manipulation under Voting Schemes
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik - 19-39 Real National Income
by Amartya Sen - 41-47 Private Constant Returns and Public Shadow Prices
by P. Diamond & J. Mirrlees - 49-51 Separability, Welfare Economics and the Theory of Second Best
by Richard Dusansky & John Walsh - 53-67 On Temporary Keynesian Equilibria
by Jean-Michel Grandmont & Guy Laroque - 69-81 The Disequilibrium Approach to Monopolistic Price Setting and General Monopolistic Equilibrium
by Jean-Pascal Benassy - 83-90 Reaction Functions as Nash Equilibria
by James W. Friedman - 91-97 Dynamic Pricing with Stochastic Entry
by S. D. Deshmukh & S. D. Chikte - 99-113 International Trade Theory in Vintage Models
by M. A. M. Smith - 115-125 On the Incidence of Unemployment
by Costas Azariadis - 127-142 The Paradox in Capital Theory and Complementarity of Inputs
by Tatsuo Hatta - 143-147 The Le Chatelier Principle in Convex Programming
by Gérald Leblanc & Paul van Moeseke - 149-158 Rational Choice and Revealed Preference
by Kotaro Suzumura - 159-173 Changing Tastes and Coherent Dynamic Choice
by Peter J. Hammond - 175-178 Notes and Comments: Learning by Doing and Infant Industry Protection: A Partial Equilibrium Approach
by Gershon Feder & Andrew Schmitz - 179-181 A Note on Complementarity Over Time
by Tapan Biswas - 183-184 Reply to "A Note on Complementarity Over Time"
by Geoffrey Heal & Harl E. Ryder - 185-190 Optimal Stabilization Policies for Deterministic and Stochastic Linear Systems: Comments
by S. S. L. Chang & H. O. Stekler - 191-194 Optimal Stabilization Policies for Stochastic Linear Systems: The Case of Correlated Multiplicative and Additive Disturbances
by Stephen J. Turnovsky
1975, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 489-501 On the Role of Money in the Process of Exchange and the Existence of a Non-Walrasian Equilibrium
by Y. Younes - 503-523 Neo-Keynesian Disequilibrium Theory in a Monetary Economy
by Jean-Pascal Benassy - 525-543 Aggregation, Income Distribution and Consumer Demand
by John Muellbauer - 545-569 Bentham or Bergson? Finite Sensibility, Utility Functions and Social Welfare Functions
by Yew-Kwang Ng - 571-580 A Benthamite Wages Policy
by Peter Wagstaff - 581-596 Efficient Sequences of Non-Monetary Exchange
by Paul J. Madden - 597-604 The Aggregate Excess Demand Correspondence and the Structure of Economies with Externalities
by D. T. Scheffman - 605-614 First-Order Certainty Equivalence with Instrument-Dependent Randomness
by Jean-Jacques Laffont - 615-621 Some Negative Results on the Existence of Comparative Statics (Properties) in Portfolio Theory
by Oliver D. Hart - 623-630 The Optimum Quota and Retaliation
by Edward Tower - 631-641 On Stochastic Models of Size Distributions
by A. F. Shorrocks - 643-648 Testing Theories of Discount House Portfolio Selection
by A. S. Courakis - 649-652 An Important Theorem on Income Tax
by John Broome
1975, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 303-325 Optimum Saving with Economies of Scale
by Avinash Dixit & James Mirrlees & Nicholas Stern - 327-346 Asset Management with Trading Uncertainty
by Duncan K. Foley & Martin F. Hellwig - 347-359 Fiscal Policy Simulations and Stabilization Policy
by S. G. B. Henry & Meghnad Desai - 361-374 Cost-benefit Rules in General Equilibrium
by Robin W. Boadway - 375-393 An Asymptotic Theory of Growth Under Uncertainty
by Robert C. Merton - 395-401 Liberal Values and Independence
by Julian H. Blau - 403-413 Individual Choice when Objects have "Ordinal" Properties
by Charles R. Plott & James T. Little & Robert P. Parks - 415-419 Axioms for Lexicographic Preferences
by Peter C. Fishburn - 421-433 Growth and Dualism in Less Developed Countries
by James McIntosh - 435-443 On The Neoclassical Version of The Dual Economy
by Anthony M. Marino - 445-456 Stable Spillovers among Substitutes
by E. C. H. Veendorp - 457-467 The Structure of the Equilibrium Points of Heal's Process
by Hajime Hori - 469-472 On Convergence to Pareto Allocations
by Daniel A. Graham & E. Roy Weintraub - 473-477 Risk Aversion and Wealth Effects on Portfolios with Many Assets: An Extension
by Ngo van Long - 479-481 A Note on the Concavity of the Mean-Variance Problem
by David Sibley - 483-485 On a Theorem of Arrow
by Keizo Nagatani - 487-488 On a Theorem of Arrow: Comment
by Kenneth J. Arrow
1975, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 169-190 The Political Business Cycle
by William D. Nordhaus - 191-206 Natural Resources and Growing Population
by A. Ingham & P. Simmons - 207-236 On Money and Banking
by Jean-Michel Grandmont & Guy Laroque - 237-247 Labour Supply and Demand, Absenteeism, and Union Behaviourh
by Ali M. Reza - 249-257 The Core when Strategies are Restricted by Law
by Theodore C. Bergstrom - 259-268 Production Uncertainty and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
by Raveendra N. Batra - 269-278 The Heckscher-Ohlin Model and Traded Intermediate Products
by Albert G. Schweinberger - 279-284 A General Equilibrium Analysis of Trade Creating Customs Unions
by Donald M. Chaffee - 285-292 A Three (or More) Factor Model of Growth with Induced Innovation
by A. A. Brewer - 293-296 On a Generalization of Tinbergen's Condition in the Theory of Policy to Dynamic Models
by Masanao Aoki - 297-301 A Probabilistic Model of Social Choice: Comment
by Peter C. Fishburn
1975, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-14 Agreeable Plans With Many Capital Goods
by Peter Hammond - 15-26 The Size and Growth of Firms
by Ajit Singh & Geoffrey Whittington - 27-49 The Principle of Minimum Differentiation Reconsidered: Some New Developments in the Theory of Spatial Competition
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 51-56 Non-existence of Equilibrium for the Two-dimensional Three-firms Location Problem
by A. Shared - 57-66 A Synthesis of the Ramsey-Meade Problems when Population Change is Endogenous
by John S. Lane - 67-77 Formulation of Richardson's Model of Arms Race from a Differential Game Viewpoint
by M. Simaan & J. B. Cruz - 79-85 Functional Separability and Partial Elasticities of Substitution
by R. Robert Russell - 87-91 Efficiency Analysis for Multivariate Distributions
by David Levhari & Jacob Paroush & Bezalel Peleg - 93-103 Strategic Voting Without Collusion Under Binary and Democratic Group Decision Rules
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik - 105-116 Portfolio Choice and Saving in an Optimal Consumption-Leisure Plan
by J. C. Cox - 117-124 Common Costs, Fixed Charges, Clubs and Games
by S. C. Littlechild - 125-131 Cournot Oligopoly With Uncertain Entry
by Morton I. Kamien & Nancy L. Schwartz - 133-146 Uncertainty and the Heterogeneous Capital Good Model
by Stephen A. Ross - 147-153 Some Remarks on Optimal Growth with Intertemporally Dependent Preferences in the Neoclassical Model
by Mukul Majumdar - 155-165 "Turnpike" Theory With (Under) Consumption
by Trout Rader - 167-168 Public Goods and the Technology of Consumption: A Correction
by Agnar Sandmo
1974, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 1-1 Introduction
by Geoffrey Heal - 3-28 The Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources
by Partha Dasgupta & Geoffrey Heal - 29-45 Intergenerational Equity and Exhaustible Resources
by R. M. Solow - 47-65 Waiting for the Breeder
by Alan S. Manne - 67-88 Use Patterns for Depletable and Recycleable Resources
by Milton C. Weinstein & Richard J. Zeckhauser - 89-104 Option Values in the Economics of Irreplaceable Assets
by Claude Henry - 105-115 General Equilibrium with a Replenishable Natural Resource
by Vernon L. Smith - 117-120 Proof for a Case where Discounting Advances the Doomsday
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 121-122 A Note on the Optimal Rates of Resource Exhaustion
by Martin J. Beckmann - 123-137 Growth with Exhaustible Natural Resources: Efficient and Optimal Growth Paths
by Joseph Stiglitz - 139-152 Growth with Exhaustible Natural Resources: The Competitive Economy
by Joseph E. Stiglitz
1974, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 445-457 On Collective Rationality and a Generalized Impossibility Theorem
by Peter C. Fishburn - 459-475 Social Choice and Individual Rankings II
by B. Fine & K. Fine - 477-491 Prices vs. Quantities
by Martin L. Weitzman - 493-504 Inequality Measures, Prices and Household Composition
by John Muellbauer - 505-513 Incidence of a Capital Income Tax in a Growing Economy with Variable Savings Rates
by Martin Feldstein - 515-523 Money Wage Inflation in Industrial Countries
by John Eatwell & John Llewellyn & Roger Tarling - 525-531 Correct Fixed-capital Replacement in Input-output Growth Models
by W. F. Gossling - 533-538 The Graph of a k-class Estimator
by R. W. Farebrother - 539-547 Existence of a "Local" Co-operative Equilibrium in a Class of Voting Games
by Gerald H. Kramer & Alvin K. Klevorick - 549-565 Some Equivalence Theorems
by M. Ali Khan - 567-570 A Note on Car Replacement
by R. P. Smith - 571-571 A Note on "A Four-Flagged Lemma"
by Karl Vind
1974, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 303-322 Social Choice and Individual Ranking I
by B. Fine & K. Fine - 323-336 Multi-sector Economic Models with Continuous Adaptive Expectations
by Edwin Burmeister & Daniel A. Graham - 337-345 Optimal Pricing with a Budget Constraint—The Case of the Two-part Tariff
by Yew-Kwang Ng & Mendel Weisser - 347-352 Generalized Errors in Variables Regression
by M. C. Casson - 353-369 The Estimation of Non-Linear Econometric Equations: An Application to the Specification and Estimation of an Aggregate Putty-Clay Relation for the United Kingdom
by Grayham E. Mizon - 371-381 Distributional Effects of Linear Income Tax Schedules
by Yoshitaka Itsumi - 383-404 Imperfection in the Capital Market and the Institutional Arrangement of Inheritance
by Tsuneo Ishikawa - 405-417 Derived Demand, Returns to Scale and Stability
by Michel Andrieu - 419-428 Investment and the Optimal Idleness of Capital
by Gordon C. Winston & Thomas O. McCoy - 429-436 The Core of an Economy with Production
by Volker Boehm - 437-440 On Measuring Economic Interrelatedness
by J. M. Blin & Frederic Murphy - 441-443 A Difficulty in the Concept of Fairness
by Elisha A. Pazner & David Schmeidler
1974, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 153-171 On the General Problem of Model Selection
by M. H. Pesaran - 173-179 Non-linearity and Non-stationarity in Dynamic Econometric Models
by Roger J. Bowden - 181-200 The Duality of Technology and Economic Behaviour
by Dale W. Jorgenson & Lawrence J. Lau - 201-217 Technological and Price Uncertainty in a Ricardian Model of International Trade
by Stephen J. Turnovsky - 219-255 Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 257-276 The Firm in Uncertain Markets and Its Price, Wage and Employment Adjustments
by Katsuhito Iwai - 277-287 Market Structure, Durability, and Maintenance Effort
by Richard Schmalensee - 289-291 A New Approach to the Uniqueness of Equilibrium
by J. M. Grandmont & A. P. Kirman & W. Neuefeind - 293-296 On Factor Substitution and Effective Tariff Rates
by Gary P. Sampson - 297-299 The Pasinetti Paradox Revisited
by B. J. Moore - 301-302 Liquidity Preference and Risk Aversion with an Exponential Utility Function: Comment
by G. O. Bierwag
1974, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-19 On the Role of Expectations in the Pure Theory of Investment
by Stephen Nickell - 21-35 Taxation and the Cost of Capital
by Mervyn A. King - 37-50 Wages and Employment under Uncertain Demand
by Martin Neil Baily - 51-63 Local Controllability of a Decentralized Economic System
by Masanao Aoki - 65-74 A Dynamic Generalization of Tinbergen's Theory of Policy
by A. J. Preston - 75-86 Optimal Growth in a Stochastic Environment
by Hayne E. Leland - 87-104 Suppressed Inflation and the Supply Multiplier
by Robert J. Barro & Herschel I. Grossman - 105-117 The Quantitative Analysis of Distortions in a Simple General Equilibrium Model
by John Pettengill - 119-128 Pigou, Taxation and Public Goods
by A. B. Atkinson & N. H. Stern - 129-147 On the Application of Portfolio Theory to Depository Financial Intermediaries
by Oliver D. Hart & Dwight M. Jaffee - 149-150 The Existence of a Two-class Economy in the Kaldor and Pasinetti Models of Growth and Distribution
by A. Maneschi - 151-152 A New Stochastic Price Fluctuation Model: Comment
by Peter K. Clark
1973, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 437-448 Inefficiency and the Demand for "Money" in a Sequence Economy
by David Starrett - 449-461 On Transaction Costs, Inessential Sequence Economies and Money
by Frank Hahn - 463-473 Bilateral Trading Processes, Pairwise Optimally, and Pareto Optimality
by Allan M. Feldman - 475-489 General Equilibrium with Taxes: A Computational Procedure and an Existence Proof
by John B. Shoven & John Whalley - 491-505 Pay Dispersion, Information, and Returns to Search in a Professional Labour Market
by David Metcalf - 507-515 The Economic Principles of Telephone Rates under a Budgetary Constraint
by M. G. Marchand - 517-528 Public Goods and the Technology of Consumption
by Agnar Sandmo - 529-535 Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Regression Equation with a First-Order Moving-Average Error
by M. H. Pesaran - 537-552 Missing Data in Econometric Estimation
by E. G. Drettakis - 553-560 A Probabilistic Model of Social Choice
by Michael D. Intriligator - 561-570 On the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy as a Stabilization Device
by Michael G. Hadjimichalakis - 571-578 Stein and Nagatani on Stabilization Policies in a Growing Economy
by Robert J. Mackay - 579-580 The Portfolio Balance Theory of the Expected Rate of Change of Prices: Comment
by James H. Scott
1973, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 305-319 Size Removes Inequity
by Werner Hildenbrand & Alan P. Kirman - 321-331 On the Boundedness of an Economy with Externalities
by Hiroaki Osana - 333-351 Monopoly and Competition in the Market for Durable Goods
by E. Sieper & P. L. Swan - 353-366 A Duopoly Simulation and Richei Theory: An End to Cournot
by Julian L. Simon & Carlos M. Puig & John Aschoff - 367-376 The Investment-Consumption Decision under Capital Rationing: An Efficient Set Analysis
by Fred D. Arditti & Richard C. Grinold & Haim Levy - 377-390 A User Cost Approach to New Automobile Purchases
by Frank C. Wykoff - 391-401 On the Existence of a Consistent Course of Action when Tastes are Changing
by Bezalel Peleg & Menahem E. Yaari - 403-410 The Internal Structure of Functional Relationships: Separability, Substitution, and Aggregation
by Ernst R. Berndt & Laurits R. Christensen - 411-417 Efficient Estimation of the Reduced Form from Incomplete Econometric Models
by R. H. Court - 419-425 Afriat and Revealed Preference Theory
by W. E. Diewert - 427-433 On the Sensitivity of Stability Results to the Choice of the Numeraire
by Anjan Mukherji - 435-435 A Non-cooperative Equilibrium for Supergames: A Correction
by James W. Friedman
1973, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 149-165 On the Efficiency of a Monetary Equilibrium
by Jean-Michel Grandmont & Yves Younes - 167-190 The Ordering of Portfolios in Terms of Mean and Variance
by John S. Chipman - 191-201 Systematic Job Search and Unemployment
by S. C. Salop - 203-223 A Generalization of the Phillips Curve for a Developing Country
by Franco Modigliani & Ezio Tarantelli - 225-238 Applications of a Model of Endogenous Technical Change to US Industry Data
by Jon A. Rasmussen - 239-248 Consistent Intertemporal Decision Making
by Charles Blackorby & David Nissen & Daniel Primont & R. Robert Russell - 249-258 Hicksian Stability and Walras' Law
by Hamid Habibagahi & James Quirk