2024, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 265-291 The Requisite Legal Standard of the Digital Markets Act’s Designation Process
by Alba Ribera Martínez - 292-315 Three Faces of Innovation Competition: Choosing the Framework for Horizontal Merger Assessment
by Marcos Puccioni de Oliveira Lyra & Camila Cabral Pires-Alves - 316-342 When Polanyi Met Competition Policy: Market Fundamentalism, Crisis, and Reform in The 21ST Century
by Arthur Sadami & Mateus Bernardes dos Santos - 343-383 Social Media and Deceptive Patterns: A Way Forward for Antitrust Enforcement
by Marcela Mattiuzzo & João Carlos Nicolini de Morais - 384-408 Competition and Industrial Policies: Complementary Action for EU Competitiveness
by Joanna Piechucka & Lluis Sauri-Romero & Ben Smulders - 409-444 Incumbent or Challenger?—Assessing Ecosystem Competition in the DMA
by Jasper van den Boom
2024, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 181-205 Short and Long Run Effects of Leniency Programs on Cartel Stability and Prosecution
by Joan-Ramon Borrell & Carmen García & Juan Luis Jiménez & José Manuel Ordóñez-de-Haro - 206-227 Neither Mergers nor Cartels: Innovation Networks and Competition Law
by Teodora Groza & Etienne Perrin - 228-245 Estimation of (Consumer) Sustainability Benefits from Horizontal Agreements: A Quasi Ex Post Analysis
by Andy Bartels & Roman Inderst & Christoph Wentzien - 246-263 Big Tech Acquisitions and Product Discontinuation
by Axel Gautier & Robert Maitry
2024, Volume 20, Issue 1-2
- 1-19 The Effective Use of Economics in the EU Digital Markets Act§§
by Amelia Fletcher & Jacques Crémer & Paul Heidhues & Gene Kimmelman & Giorgio Monti & Rupprecht Podszun & Monika Schnitzer & Fiona Scott Morton & Alexandre de Streel - 20-49 Merging Laggards
by Jorge Padilla & Salvatore Piccolo & Paul Reynolds - 50-59 The Simple Math of Royalties and Drug Competition During the 180-Day Generic Exclusivity Period
by Keith M Drake & Thomas G McGuire - 60-84 “Multi-Product Critical Loss: Allowing for Varying Margins, Prices, and Quantities in the Candidate Antitrust Market”
by Shawn W Ulrick & Mark D Williams - 85-107 Economic Principles for the Enforcement of Abuse of Dominance Provisions
by Chiara Fumagalli & Massimo Motta - 108-136 Empirical Effects of Resale Price Maintenance: Evidence from Fixed Book Price Policies in Europe
by Rhys J Williams - 137-154 Conditional Rebates and Intel: A Step Backwards by any Standard?
by Matthew Cole - 155-179 Price Effects of Horizontal Mergers: A Retrospective on Retrospectives
by Annika Stöhr
2023, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 357-366 Sustainability Agreements and First Mover Disadvantages
by Johannes Paha - 367-396 Algorithmic Personalized Pricing with the Right to Explanation
by Zeyu Zhao - 397-426 Recommender Systems and Supplier Competition on Platforms
by Amelia Fletcher & Peter L Ormosi & Rahul Savani - 427-443 Public and Private Sanctions for Corporate Misconduct: Evidence From Listed Companies
by Clara Cardone-Riportella & Myriam García-Olalla & Camilo J Vázquez-Ordás - 444-465 Relevant Generality of Antitrust Economics: Competitive Effects as Adjudicative and Legislative Facts
by Jan Broulík - 466-501 Concentration and Competition: Evidence From Europe and Implications For Policy1
by Gábor Koltay & Szabolcs Lorincz & Tommaso Valletti
2023, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 193-219 Does Enforcement of the Cartel Prohibition in Healthcare Reflect Public and Political Attitudes Towards Competition? A Longitudinal Study From the Netherlands
by Wouter van der Schors & Marco Varkevisser - 220-249 Rivals’ Exit and Vertical Merger Evaluation
by Javier D Donna & Pedro Pereira - 250-276 Competitive Neutrality: OECD Recommendations and the Australian Experience
by Rhonda L Smith & Deborah Healey & Xue Bai - 277-311 Modelling the Diffusion of the Deterrent Effects of Competition Policy†
by Adriaan Dierx & Fabienne Ilzkovitz & Beatrice Pataracchia & Filippo Pericoli - 312-332 The Cartel Trial: Issues of Dishonesty and Jury Nullification
by Andreas Stephan - 333-356 Antitrust Economics of Cryptocurrency Mining
by Florian Deuflhard & C-Philipp Heller
2023, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-59 Mergers, Acquisitions and Merger Control in an Algorithmic Pricing World
by Michael David Coutts - 60-74 Active Choice vs. Inertia? An Exploratory Assessment of the European Microsoft Case’s Choice Screen
by Omar Vasquez Duque - 75-102 Platform-Based Business Models and Financial Inclusion: Policy Trade-Offs and Approaches1
by Karen Croxson & Jon Frost & Leonardo Gambacorta & Tommaso Valletti - 103-122 The Law and Economics of Tying in Digital Platforms: Comparing Tencent and Android
by Qian Wu & Niels J Philipsen - 123-145 Minimum Efficient Scale, Competition on the Merits, and The Special Responsibility of a Dominant Undertaking
by Xingyu Yan & Hans Vedder - 146-176 Regulatory Convergence Between U.S. Antitrust Law and Eu Competition Law in International Air Transport—Taking Stock
by Antigoni Lykotrafiti - 177-192 Delineating Zero-Price Markets with Network Effects: An Analysis of Free Messenger Services
by Akihiro Nakamura & Takanori Ida
2022, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 771-798 Bank Consolidation, Interest Rates, and Risk: A Post-Merger Analysis Based on Loan-Level Data from the Corporate Sector
[Competition and financial stability]
by Steffen Juranek & Øivind A Nilsen & Simen A Ulsaker - 799-848 A Coat Of Many Colours—New Concepts And Metrics Of Economic Power In Competition Law And Economics
by Ioannis Lianos & XBruno Carballa-Smichowski - 849-897 Formalism In Competition Law
by Justin Lindeboom - 898-921 Fine-Tuning The Ex Ante Approach To Regulating Data Combination Practices
by Xingyu Yan & Huaiwen He - 922-952 Competition Law Enforcement and Household Inequality in the United Kingdom
[The UK’s Wealth Distribution and Characteristics of High-Wealth Households]
by Christopher Decker & Amit Zac & Carola Casti & Amédée von Moltke & Ariel Ezrachi - 953-987 The Competitive Effects of China’s Legal Data Regime
by Tamar Giladi Shtub & Michal S Gal
2022, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 523-550 Collusion as Environmental Protection—An Economic Assessment
by Cento Veljanovski - 551-583 Prospective Welfare Analysis—Extending Willingness-To-Pay Assessment to Embrace Sustainability
by Roman Inderst & Stefan Thomas - 584-612 On Distributive Justice by Antitrust: The Robin Hood Cartel
[Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Inequality]
by Maarten Pieter Schinkel - 613-669 Designing Remedies for Digital Markets: The Interplay Between Antitrust and Regulation
by Filippo Lancieri & Caio Mario S Pereira Neto - 670-708 Platform Regulation in Europe—Per Se Rules to the Rescue?
by Anne C Witt - 709-729 On the Risks of Using the Sequential Product-Level SSNIP Approach to Identify Relevant Antitrust Markets‡
[Aggregative games and oligopoly theory: short-run and long-run analysis]
by Jorge Padilla & Salvatore Piccolo & Pekka Sääskilahti - 730-769 Multisided Platform Analysis and Competition Law Enforcement Practice in Brics Countries
by Svetlana Golovanova & Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro - 770-770 Correction
by Spencer Smith
2022, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 255-322 Big Data And Digital Markets Contestability: Theory Of Harm And Data Access Remedies§
by Jan Krämer & Daniel Schnurr - 323-399 Prometheus Bound?—The Uncertain Future Of The Unilateral Effects Analysis In Eu Merger Control After Ck Telecoms
by Elias Deutscher - 400-416 Using The Statistical Concept Of “Severity” To Assess The Compatibility Of Seemingly Contradictory Statistical Evidence (With A Particular Application To Damage Estimation)
by Peter Bönisch & Roman Inderst - 417-455 Digital Market Definition In The European Union, United States, And Brazil: Past, Present, And Future
by Magali Eben & Viktoria H S E Robertson - 456-482 Can E-Procurement Reduce Bid Rigging In Public Auctions?
by Rieko Ishii - 483-521 Cross-Market Impact Of Platforms’ Activities: A Secondary Relevant Market Approach
by Ki Jong Lee
2022, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction to Special Issue on Common Ownership and Interlocking Directorates
by Amelia Fletcher & Martin Peitz & Florence Thépot - 5-28 Horizontal Directors Revisited
by Yaron Nili - 29-74 Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Italian Interlocking Ban: An Empirical Analysis of the Personal Ties Among The Largest Banking and Insurance Groups in Italy
by Federico Ghezzi & Chiara Picciau - 75-98 Common Shareholders and Interlocking Directors: The Relation Between Two Corporate Networks
[The power of shareholder votes: Evidence from uncontested director elections]
by José Azar - 99-134 Interventions by Common Owners
[The Tax Acrobatics in the Dow-DuPont Deal]
by Nathan Shekita - 135-167 Common Ownership Patterns in the European Banking Sector—The Impact of the Financial Crisis1
by Albert Banal-Estañol & Nuria Boot & Jo Seldeslachts - 168-254 Varieties and Mechanisms of Common Ownership: A Calibration Exercise for Competition Policy
by Anna Tzanaki
2021, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 765-847 Restrictions On Privacy and Exploitation In The Digital Economy: A Market Failure Perspective
by Nicholas Economides & Ioannis Lianos - 848-876 Reflective Willingness to Pay: Preferences for Sustainable Consumption in a Consumer Welfare Analysis
by Roman Inderst & Stefan Thomas - 877-902 Leniency and Damage Liability for Cartel Members in Brazil
[The Impact of Leniency and Whistle Blowing Programs on Cartels]
by Lucas Campio Pinha & Marcelo José Braga - 903-946 Equality of Opportunity and Antitrust: The Curious Case of College Rankings
by Theodosia Stavroulaki - 947-977 Nondiscrimination in Standard Essential Patents; ND Prong V. Art. 102(C) TFEU
by Marco Botta - 978-1006 Patent Assertion Entities and Patent Ownership Transparency: Strategic Recording of Patent Transactions at the Uspto
[In Defense of Forum Shopping: A Realistic Look at Selecting a Venue]
by Valerio Sterzi - 1007-1052 Exclusive Rights Stimulate Design Around: How Circumventing Edison’s Lamp Patent Promoted Competition and New Technology Development
by Ron D Katznelson & John Howells
2021, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 503-585 The Antitrust Case Against the Apple App Store
by Damien Geradin & Dimitrios Katsifis - 586-619 The Antitrust Market Does Not Exist: Pursuit of Objectivity in a Purposive Process
by Magali Eben - 620-641 Public Attitude in the Netherlands towards Cartels in Comparison to Other Economic Infringements‡
by Peter T Dijkstra & Loet van Stekelenburg - 642-685 The Indirect Purchaser Rule and Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law: A Reassessment
by Spencer Smith - 686-707 Competitive Harm Crossing Borders: Regulatory Gaps And A Way Forward
by Marek Martyniszyn - 708-727 The Evolution of Merger Enforcement Intensity: What do the Data Show?
by Jeffrey T Macher & John W Mayo - 728-749 Incentivizing Private Antitrust Enforcement to Promote Leniency Applications
by Sinchit Lai - 750-763 Tracking The Price of Almonds in Spain1
by Francisco Martínez-Sánchez - 764-764 Erratum
by Peter T Dijkstra & Loet van Stekelenburg
2021, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 263-308 Personal Data Portability In The Platform Economy: Economic Implications And Policy Recommendations
by Jan Krämer - 309-363 Anticompetitive Effects in EU Competition Law
by Pablo Ibáñez Colomo - 364-379 The Simple Economics of Wholesale Price-Parity Agreements: The Case of the Airline Tickets Distribution Industry
by Jorge Padilla & Salvatore Piccolo & Nadine Watson - 380-404 European Commission Merger Control Under Council Regulation No. 139/2004: Mapping The Most Expansive Acquirers In Merger And Acquisition Transactions In 2004–2015
by Dzmitry Bartalevich - 405-436 Towards a More Competitive Mobile Payment Industry: Standardization And Beyond
by Xingyu Yan - 437-457 Interim Measures in Antitrust Investigations: An Economic Discussion
by Juliette Caminade & Antoine Chapsal & Jacob Penglase - 458-492 An Analysis of the Altria-Juul Labs Deal: Antitrust and Population Health Implications
by David T Levy & Luz María Sánchez-Romero & Clifford E Douglas & David T Sweanor - 493-501 Protecting and Fostering Online Platform Competition: The Role of Antitrust Law
by Jonathan B Baker
2021, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-62 Openness and Integrity in Antitrust
by Stavros Makris - 63-94 An Event Study Analysis of the Impacts of the European Interchange Fee Regulation
by Alen Veljan & Ali Roaidi - 95-140 Merger Policy in Digital Markets: An Ex Post Assessment†
by Elena Argentesi & Paolo Buccirossi & Emilio Calvano & Tomaso Duso & Alessia Marrazzo & Salvatore Nava - 141-167 A Financial Capitalism Perspective on Start-Up Acquisitions: Introducing the Economic Goodwill Test
by Andrew P McLean - 168-193 Attitudes Toward Collusion in Chile
by Umut Aydin - 194-210 Preempting the Entry of Near Perfect Substitutes
by Vilen Lipatov & Damien Neven & Georges Siotis - 211-237 Lessons for Future Excessive Pricing Cases From Economics and the Court of Appeal Judgment In Pfizer/Flynn†
by Peter Davis - 238-262 The Ban of Off-Net/On-Net Price Discrimination in Chile†
by Claudio A Agostini & Manuel Willington & Eduardo Saavedra
2020, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 435-487 Priority Setting as A Double-Edged Sword: How Modernization Strengthened the Role of Public Policy
by Or Brook - 488-510 Vertical Mergers, The Coase Theorem, And The Burden of Proof
by Timothy J Brennan - 511-551 The Size of the Crypto Economy: Calculating Market Shares of Cryptoassets, Exchanges and Mining Pools
by Konstantinos Stylianou & Nic Carter - 552-571 No Alarms and Many Surprises: Salience as a Basis For Excessive Pricing Intervention in an Antitrust Context
by Omar Vásquez Duque
2020, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 289-305 Dynamically Efficient Royalties for Standard-Essential Patents
by Bertram Neurohr - 306-348 Competing Through Keyword Advertising
by Giuseppe Colangelo - 349-391 The Competitive Effects of the GDPR
by Michal S Gal & Oshrit Aviv - 392-433 Analytical Shortcuts in EU Competition Enforcement: Proxies, Premises, and Presumptions
by Andriani Kalintiri
2020, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 143-187 Harnessing Platform Envelopment in the Digital World
by Daniele Condorelli & Jorge Padilla - 188-219 Generic Entry Before the Agreed-Upon Date in Pharmaceutical Patent Settlements
by Keith M Drake & Thomas G McGuire - 220-261 Innovation Considerations in Horizontal Merger Control
by Ioannis Kokkoris & Tommaso Valletti - 262-288 Collaboration and Competition Policy in a Market-Based Hospital System: A Case Study from the Netherlands
by Wouter van der Schors & Ron Kemp & Marco Varkevisser
2020, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-35 An Empirical Analysis Of Mergers: Efficiency Gains And Impact On Consumer Prices
by Céline Bonnet & Jan Philip Schain - 36-62 Advocacy Versus Enforcement In Antitrust Compliance Programs
by Hung Hao Chang & D Daniel Sokol - 63-73 Antitrust Damages In Financial Markets
by John K Wald - 74-115 Dispensing With Indispensability
by Niamh Dunne - 116-141 Access To Digital Car Data And Competition In Aftermarket Maintenance Services
by Bertin Martens & Frank Mueller-Langer
2019, Volume 15, Issue 2-3
- 123-158 Collusive Algorithms as Mere Tools, Super-tools or Legal Persons
by Guan Zheng & Hong Wu - 159-203 Harmful Signals: Cartel Prohibition And Oligopoly Theory In The Age Of Machine Learning
by Stefan Thomas - 204-236 Patent Assertion Entities And Eu Competition Law
by Damien Geradin - 237-282 The Effects Of Broadcasting Digitization On Eu Competition Law: A Tale Of Eu Copyright Policies
by Konstantina Bania - 283-297 Indirect Network Effects, Usage Externalities, And Platform Competition
by Paul A Johnson - 298-326 The Case For Limiting Private Excessive Pricing Litigation
by Michal S Gal - 327-357 Transaction Versus Non-Transaction Platforms: A False Dichotomy In Two-Sided Market Definition
by Gunnar Niels - 358-379 Industry Impact Of Cartels: Evidence From The Stock Market1
by Iwan Bos & Wilko Letterie & Nina Scherl
2019, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 639-663 Estimating Diversion Ratios In Hospital Mergers
by Cecilia Rossi & Russell Whitehouse & Alex Moore - 664-689 Does Merger Policy Converge After The 2004 European Union Reform?
by Mats A Bergman & Malcolm B Coate & Anh T V Mai & Shawn W Ulrick - 690-717 The Smallest Salable Patent Practicing Unit And Component Licensing: Why $1 Is Not $1
by Axel Gautier & Nicolas Petit - 718-760 Governing China’S Administrative Monopolies Under The Anti-Monopoly Law: A Ten-Year Review (2008–2018) And Beyond
by Zhanjiang Zhang & Baiding Wu
2018, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 494-526 Big Tech Banking
by Miguel de la Mano & Jorge Padilla - 527-567 The Chicago School And The Formal Rule Of Law
by Ryan R Stones - 568-607 Algorithms, Machine Learning, And Collusion
by Ulrich Schwalbe - 608-637 Evaluating The Competition Effects Of Uber’S Entry Into The Brazilian Incumbent Cab-Hailing App Segment
by Guilherme Mendes Resende & Ricardo Carvalho de Andrade Lima - 638-638 Erratum
by Joseph E HarringtonJr.
2018, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 331-363 Developing Competition Law For Collusion By Autonomous Artificial Agents
by Joseph E Harrington - 364-392 Horizontal Mergers And Innovation‡
by Bruno Jullien & Yassine Lefouili - 393-432 Competition Law Around The World From 1889 To 2010: The Competition Law Index
by Anu Bradford & Adam S Chilton - 433-466 Hospital Mergers And Antitrust Immunity: The Acquisition Of Palmyra Medical Center By Phoebe Putney Health
by Christopher Garmon & Laura Kmitch - 467-492 Re-Conceptualizing ‘Object’ Analysis Under Article 101 Tfeu: Theoretical And Comparative Perspectives
by Kelvin Hiu Fai Kwok - 493-493 Corrigendum
by Bruno Jullien & Yassine Lefouili
2018, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 179-192 The Role Of The Maverick Firm Concept In European Commission Merger Decisions
by Joseph Bromfield & Matthew Olczak - 193-234 Assessing Anticompetitive Practices In Two-Sided Markets: The Booking.Com Cases
by Chiara Caccinelli & Joëlle Toledano - 235-261 Screening For Bid Rigging—Does It Work?
by David Imhof & Yavuz Karagök & Samuel Rutz - 262-291 On The Relevant Cost Standard For Price–Cost Test In Abuses Of Dominance
by Pietro Crocioni - 292-310 The More Economic Approach To Predatory Pricing
by Michael Funk & Christian Jaag - 311-329 Understanding Google’S Search Platform And The Implications For Antitrust Analyses
by John M Yun
2018, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-45 Economic Evidence And Procedural Fairness: Lessons From The Uk Competition Regime
by Peter Davis - 46-64 Private Antitrust At The U.S. International Trade Commission
by F Scott Kieff - 65-90 Mobile Phone Regulation: The Effects Of Prohibiting Handset Bundling In Finland
by Thomas W Hazlett & Sarah Oh & Brent Skorup - 91-114 Does The European Damages Directive Make Consumers Better Off?
by Miriam C Buiten & Peter van Wijck & Jan Kees Winters - 115-143 Applying Two-Sided Markets Theory: The Mastercard And American Express Decisions
by Giuseppe Colangelo & Mariateresa Maggiolino - 144-178 Judging In Europe: Do Legal Traditions Matter?
by Angela Huyue Zhang & Jingchen Liu & Nuno Garoupa
2017, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 577-608 Were The 1982 Merger Guidelines Old News?
by Alan J Meese & Sarah L Stafford - 609-636 To Pool Or Not To Pool: A Closer Look At The Use Of Sub-Regressions In Antitrust Class Certification
by Ai Deng - 637-665 The Decision To Investigate Mergers In The United Kingdom’S Voluntary Regime
by Simon Chisholm & Tom Heideman - 666-709 Defining Abnormally Low Tenders—A Comparison Between Sweden And Denmark
by Grith Skovgaard Ølykke & Johan Nyström - 710-728 Consumer Damages For Breach Of Antitrust Rules: How To Reach Full Compensation For Consumers?
by Nicole S R Rosenboom & Viktória Kocsis & José D W E Mulder - 729-766 Leniency, Collusion, Corruption, And Whistleblowing
by Reinaldo Diogo Luz & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 767-790 Eu Merger Control And Big Data
by Ben Holles de Peyer
2017, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 389-422 The Implications Of Brexit For Uk Competition Law And Policy
by John Fingleton & Amelia Fletcher & Nicholas Forwood & Ali Nikpay & Jon Turner & John Vickers & Richard Whish - 423-474 The Apple E-Books Case: When Is A Vertical Contract A Hub In A Hub-And-Spoke Conspiracy?
by Benjamin Klein - 475-500 The Economic Effects Of Uber On Taxi Drivers In Taiwan
by Hung-Hao Chang - 501-548 Competitive Effects Of International Airline Cooperation
by Eric C Ip & Kelvin Hiu Fai Kwok
2017, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 191-224 What Can the FTC's Section 6(b) PAE Study Teach Us? A Practical Review of the Study's Methodology, Results, and Policy Recommendations
by Anne Layne-Farrar - 225-260 Does Eu Competition Policy Support Inclusive Growth?
by Adriaan Dierx & Fabienne Ilzkovitz & Beatrice Pataracchia & Marco Ratto & Anna Thum-Thysen & Janos Varga - 261-280 Can One (Ever) Accurately Define Markets?
by Andrew P. Vassallo - 281-288 An Economic Analysis Of The Single Economic Entity Doctrine In Eu Competition Law
by Carsten Koenig - 328-345 Testing Justification for Segment Based Relevant Product Market Definition in Merger Control: Evidence From Turkey
by Gönenç Gürkaynak & Ekrem Kalkan - 346-387 The Known Unknown: In Search For A Legal Structure Of The Significance Criterion Of The Siec Test
by Stefan Thomas
2017, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-44 The Fallacies Of Patent-Holdup Theory
by Alexander Galetovic & Stephen Haber - 45-88 Regulating The Inferential Process In Alleged Article 101 Tfeu Infringements
by Kenneth Khoo - 89-102 The Strange Career Of Independent Voting Trusts In U.S. Rail Mergers
by Russell Pittman - 103-124 Ex Post Evaluation Of Antitrust And Unfair Competition Fines On Firms: Empirical Evidence From Taiwan
by Hung-Hao Chang - 125-149 Criminal Sanctions For Cartel Conduct: The Leniency Conundrum
by Caron Beaton-Wells - 151-184 Concepts Of The Consumer In Competition, Regulatory, And Consumer Protection Polices
by Christopher Decker - 185-189 Umbrella Effects: Correction And Extension
by Emanuel Holler & Maarten Pieter Schinkel
2016, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 623-659 Administrative Litigation At The Ftc: Effective Tool For Developingthe Law Or Rubber Stamp?
by Maureen K. Ohlhausen - 661-700 The Role Of Capacity In Antitrust Analysis
by Seth Sacher & Jeremy Sandford - 701-734 An Empirical Comparison Between The Upward Pricing Pressure Test Andmerger Simulation In Differentiated Product Markets
by Lydia Cheung - 749-779 Article 101 Tfeu And Market Integration
by Pablo Ibáñez Colomo - 781-833 A Competition Law Assessment Of Platform Most-Favored-Customer Clauses
by Pınar Akman
2016, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 417-424 Advising The President Of The United States On Economic Policy
by Paul W. MacAvoy - 425-426 PAUL W. MacAVOY IN MEMORIAM
by Stephen G. Breyer - 427-442 The Uncertain Welfare Effects Of Railroad Competition And Railroad Regulation, 1870-1900
by J. Gregory Sidak - 465-476 Partial Deregulation In Telecommunications: An Update
by Jerry A. Hausman & William E. Taylor - 477-494 Socialism For Red States In The Electric Utility Industry
by Richard Schmalensee - 495-506 Does The Ftc'S Theory Of Product Hopping Promote Competition?
by Dennis W. Carlton & Fredrick A. Flyer & Yoad Shefi - 507-540 When A Stranger Calls: Standards Outsiders And Unencumbered Patents
by Jorge L. Contreras - 541-556 Using Network Theory To Detect Dominant Cartel Firms
by Pilar Grau-Carles & Miguel Cuerdo-Mir - 557-590 Systemic Efficiencies In Competition Law: Evidence From The Ict Industry
by Konstantinos Stylianou - 591-622 Out-Of-Market Efficiencies, Two-Sided Platforms, And Consumer Welfare: A Legal And Economic Analysis
by Francesco Ducci
2016, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 209-232 A Retrospective On Merger Retrospectives In The United States
by Malcolm B. Coate - 233-261 Antitrust And Democracy: Perspectives From Efficiency And Equity
by Tay-Cheng Ma - 263-277 Fine Schedule With Heterogenous Cartels: Are The Wrong Cartels Deterred?
by Sissel Jensen & Lars Sørgard - 279-285 The Economics Of Pass-Through With Production Constraints
by Dov Rothman & Philipp Tillmann & David Toniatti - 287-311 Pricing Strategies And Litigation Risks: An Economic Analysis Of The Downstream Petroleum Industry
by Michael D. Noel - 313-340 Designing Auctions To Protect Competition And To Promote Efficiency And Revenue
by Jia Yi Jayme Leong & Hi Lin Tan - 341-350 The Hypothetical Monopolist Test In Sysco: A Litigation Muddle Needing Analytic Clarity
by Gregory J. Werden - 351-374 Who Confesses For Leniency? Evidence From Korea
by Nayoung Kim & Yungsan Kim - 375-399 Cartel Punishment And The Distortive Effects Of Fines
by Emilie Dargaud & Andrea Mantovani & Carlo Reggiani