2015, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 301-334 Achieving Gender Equality: Development versus Historical Legacies
by Selin Dilli & Auke Rijpma & Sarah G. Carmichael
2014, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 653-680 Editor's Choice Competing in the Higher Education Market: Empirical Evidence for Economies of Scale and Scope in German Higher Education Institutions
by Maria Olivares & Heike Wetzel - 681-721 Do Voters Vote in Line with their Policy Preferences?—The Role of Information
by Mattias Nordin - 722-746 Can There Be Too Much Privatization? The Role of Political Incentives
by Kira Fuchs & Silke Uebelmesser - 747-779 Optimal Risk Allocation in the Provision of Local Public Services: Can a Private Insurer be Better Than a Federal Relief Fund?
by Luigi Buzzacchi & Gilberto Turati - 780-804 Spillover Effects of Minimum Wages in Experimental Wage Negotiations
by Marcus Dittrich & Andreas Knabe & Kristina Leipold
2014, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 463-489 Lawmaking as an Endogenous Process
by Romain Espinosa - 490-524 Editor's Choice The Relevance of Judicial Procedure for Economic Growth
by Bernd Hayo & Stefan Voigt - 525-553 Third-Party Financing of Litigation: Legal Approaches and a Formal Model
by Dominique Demougin & Felix Maultzsch - 554-580 In Dubio Pro Reo. Behavioral Explanations of Pro-defendant Bias in Procedures
by Antonio Nicita & Matteo Rizzolli - 581-598 Punishment as Defiance: Deterrence and Perverse Effects in the Case of Expressive Crime
by Martin A. Leroch - 599-612 Is Marriage as Good as a Contract?
by Alessandro Cigno - 613-652 The Interrelationship between Formal and Informal Decentralization and Its Impact on Subcentral Governance Performance: the Case of Vietnam
by Thanh Thuy Vu & Messaoud Zouikri & Bruno Deffains
2014, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 257-279 Editor's Choice The Road to Egalitaria: Sex Differences in Employment for Parents of Young Children
by Kevin Milligan - 280-311 Rising Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility: The Role of Public Investments in Human Capital
by Anna Aizer - 312-337 Do Family Planning Programs Decrease Poverty? Evidence from Public Census Data
by Martha J. Bailey & Olga Malkova & Johannes Norling - 338-365 Do the Perils of Universal Childcare Depend on the Child’s Age?
by Michael J. Kottelenberg & Steven F. Lehrer - 366-401 Parental Unemployment and Child Health
by Eva Mörk & Anna Sjögren & Helena Svaleryd - 402-434 Long-run Relations between Childhood Shocks and Health in Late Adulthood—Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe
by Nicole Halmdienst & Rudolf Winter-Ebmer - 435-462 Performance of Young Adults: The Importance of Different Skills
by Torberg Falch & Ole Henning Nyhus & Bjarne Strøm
2014, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-31 Editor's Choice Insights from a Tax-systems Perspective
by Joel Slemrod & Christian Gillitzer - 32-61 Editor's Choice The Role of Economic Policy in Climate Change Adaptation
by Kai A. Konrad & Marcel Thum - 62-88 Editor's Choice The Making of America’s Imbalances
by Moritz Schularick & Paul Wachtel - 89-106 Bail-in or Bail-out: The Case of Spain
by Philipp Bagus & Juan R. Rallo Julián & Miguel A. Alonso Neira - 107-134 Global Retail Chains and the Supplying Industries: Evidence from Romania
by Beata S. Javorcik & Yue Li - 135-177 Has Medical Innovation Reduced Cancer Mortality?
by Frank R. Lichtenberg - 178-212 Policy Implications of Changing Longevity
by Pierre Pestieau & Gregory Ponthiere - 213-245 UK Fiscal Multipliers in the Postwar Era: Do State Dependent Shocks Matter?
by Sohrab Rafiq - 246-256 Coordination of Pension Systems When Technologies are Different
by Igor Fedotenkov
December 2013, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 609-627 Preventing Banking Crises--with Private Insurance?
by Hans Gersbach - 628-649 Government Ideology and Tuition Fee Policy: Evidence from the German States
by Björn Kauder & Niklas Potrafke - 650-675 The Implied Consumer Euler Rate: What Role for Financial Frictions?
by Anna Florio - 676-706 Financial Constraints and Exports: Evidence from Chinese Firms
by Peter Egger & Michaela Kesina - 707-730 The Deepening China--Brazil Economic Relationship -super-1
by John Whalley & Dana Medianu - 731-758 Labor Allocation in China: Implicit Taxation of the Heterogeneous Non-State Sector
by Fariha Kamal & Mary E. Lovely
September 2013, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 443-448 EMU: The Way Forward
by George Economides & Thomas Moutos - 449-488 A Fiscal Union for the Euro: Some Lessons from History
by Michael D. Bordo & Lars Jonung & Agnieszka Markiewicz - 489-519 Real Exchange Rate Adjustment, Wage-Setting Institutions, and Fiscal Stabilization Policy: Lessons of the Eurozone's First Decade
by Wendy Carlin - 520-535 The European Central Bank as Lender of Last Resort in the Government Bond Markets
by Paul De Grauwe - 536-558 Smaller Public Sectors in the Euro Area: Aggregate and Distributional Implications
by George Economides & Dimitris Papageorgiou & Apostolis Philippopoulos & Vanghelis Vassilatos - 559-575 Bilateral Imbalances in Europe
by Helge Berger & Volker Nitsch - 576-608 Measuring Institutional Competitiveness in Europe
by Stefan Huemer & Beatrice Scheubel & Florian Walch
June 2013, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 195-198 Introduction to Issue on Measuring Economic Integration
by Volker Nitsch & Nikolaus Wolf - 199-222 Measuring the Effects of Endogenous Policies on Economic Integration
by Jeffrey H. Bergstrand - 223-248 Exporters and Their Products: A Collection of Empirical Regularities
by Costas Arkolakis & Marc-Andreas Muendler - 249-276 Is the International Border Effect Larger than the Domestic Border Effect? Evidence from US Trade
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Dennis Novy - 277-305 Border Effects and European Integration
by Angela Cheptea - 306-336 The Role of NAFTA and Returns to Scale in Export Duration
by Tibor Besedeš - 337-359 Investment Promotion and FDI Inflows: Quality Matters
by Torfinn Harding & Beata S. Javorcik - 360-391 Learning about Financial Market Integration from Principal Components Analysis
by Vadym Volosovych - 392-411 China in the World Economy: Dynamic Correlation Analysis of Business Cycles
by Jarko Fidrmuc & Iikka Korhonen & Ivana Bátorová - 412-442 What Drives Commodity Market Integration? Evidence from the 1800s
by Martin Uebele
March 2013, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-33 The Economics and Politics of Teacher Merit Pay
by Andrew Leigh - 34-71 On Selection into Public Civil Service
by Tobias Böhm & Nadine Riedel - 72-92 Public Spending Volatility and Financial Market Development
by Michał Brzozowski & Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak - 93-148 Optimal Income Taxation and the Labour Market: An Overview
by Robin Boadway & Jean-François Tremblay - 149-180 Unemployment and Identity
by Ronnie Schöb - 181-193 A Taste for Consistency and Survey Response Behavior
by Armin Falk & Florian Zimmermann
December 2012, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 599-625 Work Norms and the Welfare State
by Giacomo Corneo - 626-649 A Search-Matching Model of the Buyer--Seller Platforms
by Kong-Pin Chen & Yen-Chi Huang - 650-670 The Collapse Speed of China's Exports in the 2008--2009 Financial Crisis
by Ran Jing - 671-702 Exchange Rates and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
by Heiwai Tang & Yifan Zhang - 703-730 The Influence of Chinese Trade Policy on Automobile Assembly and Parts
by Deborah L. Swenson
September 2012, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 471-494 Housing, Adjustment Costs, and Macro Dynamics †
by Marjorie A. Flavin - 495-524 Assessing the Distributional Effects of Housing Taxation in Italy: a Microsimulation Approach
by Simone Pellegrino & Massimiliano Piacenza & Gilberto Turati - 525-543 An Analysis of Constrained Property Taxes in a Simple Optimal Tax Model
by Saku Aura & Thomas Davidoff - 544-569 Residential Mobility of the European Elderly
by Viola Angelini & Anne Laferrère - 570-598 Downsize, Undermaintain, or Leave it as it is: Housing Choices of Elder Germans
by Matthias Keese
June 2012, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 253-255 Introduction to Issue on Malnutrition
by Seema Jayachandran & Rohini Pande - 256-273 The Response of Child Nutrition to Changes in Income: Linking Biology with Economics * * Paper prepared for CESifo workshop on Malnutrition in South Asia Venice International University, San Servolo, Venice 20--21 July 2011
by Harold Alderman - 274-295 Childhood Undernutrition in South Asia: Perspectives from the Field of Nutrition
by Purnima Menon - 296-321 Some Facts about Boy versus Girl Health Indicators in India: 1992--2005 -super-†
by Alessandro Tarozzi - 322-347 Another Mouth to Feed? The Effects of (In)Fertility on Malnutrition
by Robert Jensen - 348-372 Trends in Prenatal Sex Selection and Girls' Nutritional Status in India
by Luojia Hu & Analía Schlosser - 373-384 Habit Formation and the Gains from Price Stability
by David Atkin - 385-404 The Limits of Health and Nutrition Education: Evidence from Three Randomized-Controlled Trials in Rural China
by Renfu Luo & Yaojiang Shi & Linxiu Zhang & Huiping Zhang & Grant Miller & Alexis Medina & Scott Rozelle - 405-421 Biofortification, Agricultural Technology Adoption, and Nutrition Policy: Some Lessons and Emerging Challenges
by Daniel O. Gilligan - 422-449 Taken with a Grain of Salt? Micronutrient Fortification in South Asia
by James Berry & Priya Mukherjee & Gauri Kartini Shastry - 450-470 Malnutrition, Child Health, and Water Quality: Is There a Role for Private Sector Participation in South Asia?
by Katrina Kosec
December 2011, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 551-559 Behavioural Welfare Economics: Does 'Behavioural Optimality' Matter?
by Joan Costa-Font - 560-580 Behavioral Decisions and Policy
by Patricio S. Dalton & Sayantan Ghosal - 581-604 Labour Market Effects of Unemployment Accounts: Insights from Behavioural Economics
by Thomas van Huizen & Janneke Plantenga - 605-622 Increasing Demands on the Welfare State? Trends in Behavior and Attitudes
by Martin Ljunge - 623-652 Do Religious Beliefs Explain Preferences for Income Redistribution? Experimental Evidence
by Ilja Neustadt - 653-682 Mating Strategies and Gender Differences in Pro-sociality: Theory and Evidence
by Xiaofei Pan & Daniel Houser - 683-714 Preferences and Subjective Satisfaction: Measuring Well-being on the Job for Policy Evaluation
by Erik Schokkaert & Luc Van Ootegem & Elsy Verhofstadt - 715-739 Subjective Well-being as a Measure of Welfare and Equity: The Case of Choice Policies in Health Care
by Valentina Zigante - 740-762 The Supply of Information in an Emotional Setting
by Dionysius Glycopantis & Charitini Stavropoulou - 763-788 The Impact of Alcohol Policies across Europe on Young Adults' Perceptions of Alcohol Risks
by Till A. Boluarte & Elias Mossialos & Caroline Rudisill
September 2011, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 403-431 Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Natural Disasters and Pregnancy Outcomes in the USA
by Emilia Simeonova - 432-457 Nationally and Internationally Optimal Climate Policies: External Balances versus Environmental Preferences
by Birgit Bednar-Friedl & Karl Farmer - 458-479 Measuring the Consumption Value of Higher Education
by Annette Alstadsæter - 480-498 Is There an Election Cycle in Public Employment? Separating Time Effects from Election Year Effects
by Matz Dahlberg & Eva Mörk - 499-530 Currency and Financial Crises of the 1990s and 2000s
by Assaf Razin & Steven Rosefielde - 531-550 Does Money matter for U.S. Inflation? Evidence from Bayesian VARs
by Helge Berger & Pär Österholm
June 2011, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 203-215 Introduction to the Symposium on Taxation and the Family
by Alessandro Cigno & Pierre Pestieau & Ray Rees - 216-244 Family Bargaining and Taxes: A Prolegomenon to the Analysis of Joint Taxation
by Robert A. Pollak - 245-258 Relational Contracts, Taxation and the Household
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees - 259-282 Public Spending and Taxation with Non-cooperative Families
by Dan Anderberg & Alessandro Balestrino - 283-304 Optimal Taxation and Tax Reform for Two-Earner Households
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees - 305-331 Agency in Family Policy: A Survey
by Alessandro Cigno - 332-348 Stochastic Fertility, Moral Hazard, and the Design of Pay-As-You-Go Pension Plans
by Helmuth Cremer & Firouz Gahvari & Pierre Pestieau - 349-364 Optimal Family Policy in the Presence of Moral Hazard when the Quantity and Quality of Children are Stochastic
by Alessandro Cigno & Annalisa Luporini - 365-401 The Tax Treatment of Intergenerational Wealth Transfers
by Helmuth Cremer & Pierre Pestieau
March 2011, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-24 Rethinking the Taxation of the Financial Sector
by Michael Keen - 25-43 Demographics and US Stock Market Fluctuations
by Carlo A. Favero & Andrea Tamoni - 44-78 Limited Liability Government Debt for the Eurozone -super-†
by Alistair K. L. Milne - 79-102 Too Much Oil
by Reyer Gerlagh - 103-120 Older and Wiser? Birth Order and IQ of Young Men
by Sandra E. Black & Paul J. Devereux & Kjell G. Salvanes - 121-155 Parents' Desire to Make Equal Inter Vivos Transfers
by Elin Halvorsen & Thor O. Thoresen - 156-182 Gender Culture and Gender Gap in Employment
by Pamela Campa & Alessandra Casarico & Paola Profeta - 183-202 Social Networks, Employment, and Insurance
by Francis Bloch
December 2010, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 465-497 Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Macroeconomics
by Paul De Grauwe - 498-535 The Economic Crisis is a Crisis for Economic Theory
by Alan Kirman - 536-553 What's Wrong with Modern Macroeconomics? Why its Critics have Missed the Point -super-1
by M.R. Wickens - 554-574 The Banking Crisis as Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium
by Patrick Minford - 575-595 The Roles of Ideology, Institutions, Politics, and Economic Knowledge in Forecasting Macroeconomic Developments: Lessons from the Crisis -super-1
by Alex Cukierman - 596-626 Uncertainty, Risk-taking, and the Business Cycle in Germany
by Adina Popescu & Frank Rafael Smets - 627-648 Aggregate Consumption in Times of Crisis: The Role of Financial Frictions -super-1
by Edouard Challe & Xavier Ragot
September 2010, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 323-349 Lessons of the Financial Crisis for the Design of National Pension Systems
by Gary Burtless - 350-365 Retirement Income Security Après le Deluge -super-†
by Laurence J. Kotlikoff - 366-403 Inter- and Intra-generational Consequences of Pension Buffer Policy under Demographic, Financial, and Economic Shocks
by Alessandro Bucciol & Roel M.W.J. Beetsma - 404-443 Pension Funding and Individual Accounts in Economies with Life-cyclers and Myopes
by Hans Fehr & Fabian Kindermann - 444-464 Supplementary Private Health Insurance in Selected Countries: Lessons for EU Governments?
by Sebastian Gechert
June 2010, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 141-164 Smoking Today and Stopping Tomorrow: a Limited Foresight Perspective
by Philippe Jehiel & Andrew Lilico - 165-191 French CEOs' Compensations: What is the Cost of a Mandatory Upper Limit?
by Fabienne Llense - 192-220 Freedom of Choice in Macroeconomic Forecasting
by Nikolay Robinzonov & Klaus Wohlrabe - 221-250 Addressing the Net Balances Problem as a Prerequisite for EU Budget Reform: A Proposal
by Angel de la Fuente & Rafael Doménech & Vasja Rant - 251-277 Time Limits in a Two-tier Unemployment Benefit Scheme under Involuntary Unemployment
by Christian Holzner & Volker Meier & Martin Werding - 278-299 The Role of International Public Goods in Tax Cooperation
by Pantelis Kammas & Apostolis Philippopoulos - 300-322 On the Convergence of Social Protection Performance in the European Union
by Mathieu Lefebvre & Tim Coelli & Pierre Pestieau
March 2010, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-20 Public Finance in Practice and Theory
by Alan J. Auerbach - 21-37 How to Avoid a Pension Crisis: A Question of Intelligent System Design
by Alessandro Cigno - 38-69 Liquidity Stress-Tester: A Model for Stress-testing Banks' Liquidity Risk
by Jan Willem van den End - 70-95 Ten propositions about liquidity crises
by Claudio Borio - 96-111 In the Quest of Systemic Externalities: A Review of the Literature
by Wolf Wagner - 112-140 Bank Regulation in the United States -super-1
by James R. Barth & Tong Li & Wenling Lu
2009, Volume 55, Issue 3-4
- 399-404 Introduction to the Symposium on Executive Pay
by Florian Englmaier & Gerhard Illing & Efraim Sadka - 405-433 In Search of Reasonable Executive Compensation
by Eugene Kandel - 434-457 How Much Sunlight Does it Take to Disinfect a Boardroom? A Short History of Executive Compensation Regulation in America
by Ian Dew-Becker - 458-481 Learning from the Past: Trends in Executive Compensation over the 20th Century
by Carola Frydman - 482-514 Strong Managers, Weak Boards?
by Renée B. Adams & Daniel Ferreira - 515-541 Insider Information and Performance Pay
by George-Levi Gayle & Robert A. Miller - 542-568 Taxes and Executive Compensation: Evidence from the 1990s
by Peter Katuscák - 569-594 Bonus Payments and Fund Managers' Behavior: Transatlantic Evidence
by Thomas P. Gehrig & Torben Lütje & Lukas Menkhoff - 595-597 Introduction to the Symposium on Poverty and Inequality in China
by John Whalley - 598-623 What Lies behind Rising Earnings Inequality in Urban China? Regression-based Decompositions
by Quheng Deng & Shi Li - 624-647 Power as a Driving Force of Inequality in China: How Do Party Membership and Social Networks Affect Pay in Different Ownership Sectors?
by Shuang Li & Ming Lu & Hiroshi Sato - 648-668 Rural Income Volatility and Inequality in China
by John Whalley & Ximing Yue
June 2009, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 233-234 CESifo Symposium on the Economics of Climate Change: Introduction
by John Whalley - 235-254 Climate Policy after 2012
by Valentina Bosetti & Carlo Carraro & Massimo Tavoni - 255-285 Bringing the Copenhagen Global Climate Change Negotiations to Conclusion -super-1
by John Whalley & Sean Walsh - 286-305 Technology, Unilateral Commitments and Cumulative Emissions Reduction
by Shurojit Chatterji & Sayantan Ghosal - 306-325 On the Impact of Digital Music Distribution
by Illtae Ahn & Kiho Yoon - 326-352 What Can We Learn from Empirical Studies About Piracy?
by Sylvain Dejean - 353-397 A Review of Financial Stability Instruments for Emerging Market Economies
by Ronald U. Mendoza
March 2009, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-14 Reinventing Europe: Introduction
by Massimo Bordignon & Thiess Buettner & Frederick van der Ploeg - 15-29 Legislative Behavior in the European Parliament
by Gérard Roland - 30-56 The Impact of Council Voting Rules on EU Decision-Making -super-1
by Mika Widgrén - 57-93 Reforming the EU Budgetary Procedure: Is Codecision a Step Forward?
by Luisa Giuriato - 94-109 Zooming in on Transposition: National Execution Measures for EU Directives 1986-2002
by Daniela Treutlein - 110-144 Home Bias and Market Integration in the EU
by Narcissa Balta & Juan Delgado - 145-164 Why Lisbon Fails
by Michele Ruta - 165-196 Is Lisbon Far from Maastricht? Trade-offs and Complementarities between Fiscal Discipline and Structural Reforms
by Marco Buti & Werner Rüger & Alessandro Turrini - 197-232 The European Union and the Member States: An Empirical Analysis of Europeans' Preferences for Competences Allocation
by Floriana Cerniglia & Laura Pagani
December 2008, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 551-562 Technology and Income Distribution Issues in Trade Models
by Ronald W. Jones - 563-592 Pensions under Ageing Populations and the EU Stability and Growth Pact
by Roel Beetsma & Heikki Oksanen - 593-641 The Life-course Perspective and Social Policies: An Overview of the Issues
by A. Lans Bovenberg - 642-680 Prospects for Growth in the Euro Area
by Kieran McQuinn & Karl Whelan - 681-714 What Explains Germany's Rebounding Export Market Share?
by Stephan Danninger & Fred Joutz
September 2008, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 325-357 Economic Growth through the Development Process
by Fabrizio Zilibotti - 358-385 Information Technology and Productivity: Old Answers and New Questions
by Kevin Stiroh - 386-413 The Rise and Fall of German Productivity Software Investment as the Decisive Driver
by Theo S. Eicher & Thomas Strobel - 414-450 Off-shoring and Productivity Growth in the Italian Manufacturing Industries -super-‡
by Francesco Daveri & Cecilia Jona-Lasinio - 451-470 Bilateral FDI Flows: Threshold Barriers and Productivity Shocks
by Assaf Razin & Efraim Sadka & Hui Tong - 471-498 Macroeconomic Effects of Public Education Expenditure
by Konstantinos Angelopoulos & Jim Malley & Apostolis Philippopoulos - 499-533 Rental Prices, Rates of Return, Capital Aggregation and Productivity: Evidence from EU and US
by Abdul Azeez Erumban - 534-550 Information, Coordination and the Industrialization of Countries
by Florian Englmaier & Markus Reisinger
2008, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 99-120 Towards Evidence-based Reform of European Universities
by Frederick van der Ploeg & Reinhilde Veugelers - 121-148 What are the Factors of Success at University? A Case Study in Belgium
by Elena Arias Ortiz & Catherine Dehon - 149-176 Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy
by Manuel Bagues & Mauro Sylos Labini & Natalia Zinovyeva - 177-203 Do Institutions Matter for University Cost Efficiency? Evidence from Germany
by Gerhard Kempkes & Carsten Pohl - 204-228 Regulation of Program Supply in Higher Education: Lessons from a Funding System Reform in Flanders
by Stijn Kelchtermans & Frank Verboven - 229-247 Demand for Higher Education Programs: The Impact of the Bologna Process
by Ana Rute Cardoso & Miguel Portela & Carla Sá & Fernando Alexandre - 248-276 The Provision of Higher Education in a Global World—Analysis and Policy Implications
by Gabrielle Demange & Robert Fenge & Silke Uebelmesser - 277-312 Investment in Tertiary Education: Main Determinants and Implications for Policy
by Romina Boarini & Joaquim Oliveira Martins & Hubert Strauss & Christine de la Maisonneuve & Giuseppe Nicoletti - 313-324 Science and the University: Challenges for Future Research
by Paula E. Stephan
June 2008, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 99-120 Towards Evidence-based Reform of European Universities
by Frederick van der Ploeg - 121-148 What are the Factors of Success at University? A Case Study in Belgium
by Elena Arias Ortiz - 177-203 Do Institutions Matter for University Cost Efficiency? Evidence from Germany
by Gerhard Kempkes - 204-228 Regulation of Program Supply in Higher Education: Lessons from a Funding System Reform in Flanders
by Stijn Kelchtermans - 229-247 Demand for Higher Education Programs: The Impact of the Bologna Process
by Ana Rute Cardoso - 248-276 The Provision of Higher Education in a Global World—Analysis and Policy Implications
by Gabrielle Demange - 277-312 Investment in Tertiary Education: Main Determinants and Implications for Policy
by Romina Boarini - 313-324 Science and the University: Challenges for Future Research
by Paula E. Stephan
March 2008, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-21 Partnership Penalties and Bonuses Created by UK Welfare Programs
by Dan Anderberg & Florence Kondylis & Ian Walker - 22-54 Pro-social Motivation and the Delivery of Social Services
by Patrick Francois & Michael Vlassopoulos - 55-72 Grey New World: Europe on the Road to Gerontocracy?
by Arij Lans Bovenberg