- 35 AI skills and capabilities in Canada
by Diego Eslava & Fabio Manca & Caroline Paunov - 34 Towards a common reporting framework for AI incidents
by Oecd - 33 Intellectual property issues in artificial intelligence trained on scraped data
by Oecd - 32 Steering AI's future: Strategies for anticipatory governance
by Oecd - 31 Algorithmic management in the workplace: New evidence from an OECD employer survey
by Anna Milanez & Annikka Lemmens & Carla Ruggiu
- 30 A sectoral taxonomy of AI intensity
by Flavio Calvino & Hélène Dernis & Lea Samek & Antonio Ughi - 29 Miracle or Myth? Assessing the macroeconomic productivity gains from Artificial Intelligence
by Francesco Filippucci & Peter Gal & Matthias Schief - 28 Artificial Intelligence and the health workforce: Perspectives from medical associations on AI in health
by Margarita Almyranti & Eric Sutherland & Dr. Nachman Ash & Samuel Eiszele - 27 Assessing potential future artificial intelligence risks, benefits and policy imperatives
by Oecd - 26 Who will be the workers most affected by AI?: A closer look at the impact of AI on women, low-skilled workers and other groups
by Marguerita Lane - 25 Measuring the demand for AI skills in the United Kingdom
by Julia Schmidt & Graham Pilgrim & Annabelle Mourougane - 24 Regulatory approaches to Artificial Intelligence in finance
by Oecd - 23 The potential impact of Artificial Intelligence on equity and inclusion in education
by Samo Varsik & Lydia Vosberg - 22 AI, data governance and privacy: Synergies and areas of international co-operation
by Oecd - 21 Using AI to manage minimum income benefits and unemployment assistance: Opportunities, risks and possible policy directions
by Annelore Verhagen - 20 Governing with Artificial Intelligence: Are governments ready?
by Oecd - 19 A new dawn for public employment services: Service delivery in the age of artificial intelligence
by Ailbhe Brioscú & Anne Lauringson & Anne Saint-Martin & Theodora Xenogiani - 18 Artificial intelligence, data and competition
by Oecd - 17 Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in Canada: The increasing importance of social skills
by Andrew Green - 16 Defining AI incidents and related terms
by Oecd - 15 The impact of Artificial Intelligence on productivity, distribution and growth: Key mechanisms, initial evidence and policy challenges
by Francesco Filippucci & Peter Gal & Cecilia Jona-Lasinio & Alvaro Leandro & Giuseppe Nicoletti - 14 Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in the labour market
by Andrew Green - 13 Artificial intelligence and wage inequality
by Alexandre Georgieff - 12 Generative AI for anti-corruption and integrity in government: Taking stock of promise, perils and practice
by Gavin Ugale & Cameron Hall - 11 Using AI in the workplace: Opportunities, risks and policy responses
by Oecd - 10 Collective action for responsible AI in health
by Brian Anderson & Eric Sutherland - 8 Explanatory memorandum on the updated OECD definition of an AI system
by Oecd
- 9 Generative artificial intelligence in finance
by Oecd - 7 Using AI to support people with disability in the labour market: Opportunities and challenges
by Chloé Touzet - 6 What technologies are at the core of AI?: An exploration based on patent data
by Flavio Calvino & Chiara Criscuolo & Hélène Dernis & Lea Samek - 5 Common guideposts to promote interoperability in AI risk management
by Oecd - 4 Stocktaking for the development of an AI incident definition
by Oecd - 3 The state of implementation of the OECD AI Principles four years on
by Oecd - 2 Emerging trends in AI skill demand across 14 OECD countries
by Francesca Borgonovi & Flavio Calvino & Chiara Criscuolo & Lea Samek & Helke Seitz & Julia Nania & Julia Nitschke & Layla O’Kane - 1 Initial policy considerations for generative artificial intelligence
by Philippe Lorenz & Karine Perset & Jamie Berryhill