August 2001, Volume 412, Issue 6847
- 635-638 Unicellular cyanobacteria fix N2 in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean
by Jonathan P. Zehr & John B. Waterbury & Patricia J. Turner & Joseph P. Montoya & Enoma Omoregie & Grieg F. Steward & Andrew Hansen & David M. Karl - 638-641 Density-dependent mortality in an oceanic copepod population
by M. D. Ohman & H.-J. Hirche - 641-647 Erythropoietin-mediated neuroprotection involves cross-talk between Jak2 and NF-κB signalling cascades
by Murat Digicaylioglu & Stuart A. Lipton - 647-651 Spred is a Sprouty-related suppressor of Ras signalling
by Toru Wakioka & Atsuo Sasaki & Reiko Kato & Takanori Shouda & Akira Matsumoto & Kanta Miyoshi & Makoto Tsuneoka & Setsuro Komiya & Roland Baron & Akihiko Yoshimura - 651-655 General transcription factors bind promoters repressed by Polycomb group proteins
by Achim Breiling & Bryan M. Turner & Marco E. Bianchi & Valerio Orlando - 655-660 A Drosophila Polycomb group complex includes Zeste and dTAFII proteins
by Andrew J. Saurin & Zhaohui Shao & Hediye Erdjument-Bromage & Paul Tempst & Robert E. Kingston - 660-660 Correction: Aβ peptide vaccination prevents memory loss in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease
by Dave Morgan & David M. Diamond & Paul E. Gottschall & Kenneth E. Ugen & Chad Dickey & John Hardy & Karen Duff & Paul Jantzen & Giovanni DiCarlo & Donna Wilcock & Karen Connor & Jaime Hatcher & Caroline Hope & Marcia Gordon & Gary W. Arendash - 660-660 Erratum: Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in the d-band metal ZrZn2
by C. Pfleiderer & M. Uhlarz & S. M. Hayden & R. Vollmer & H. v. Löhneysen & N. R. Bernhoeft & G. G. Lonzarich - 660-660 Erratum: LTRPC7 is a Mg·ATP-regulated divalent cation channel required for cell viability
by Monica J. S. Nadler & Meredith C. Hermosura & Kazunori Inabe & Anne-Laure Perraud & Qiqin Zhu & Alexander J. Stokes & Tomohiro Kurosaki & Jean-Pierre Kinet & Reinhold Penner & Andrew M. Scharenberg & Andrea Fleig
August 2001, Volume 412, Issue 6846
- 3-3 Stem-cell seduction
by Paul Smaglik - 465-465 Nuclear physicists red-faced over elementary mistake
by David Adam - 465-466 Tough decisions loom as funding crisis hits space-station research
by Tony Reichhardt - 466-466 Johns Hopkins embroiled in fresh misconduct allegations
by K. S. Jayaraman - 467-467 Review blames BSE outbreak on calf feed
by David Adam - 467-467 Pressure grows over US blood ban
by Sally Goodman - 468-468 Hopes of biotech interest spur Latvian population genetics
by Alison Abbott - 468-468 Physicist claims gagging over missile defence system
by Jonathan Knight - 469-469 Weizmann finance chief embezzled $5 million
by Haim Watzman - 469-469 Public library set to turn publisher as boycott looms
by Declan Butler - 472-473 When the going gets tough ..
by David Adam - 474-476 Measuring the immeasurable
by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee - 477-477 Always a role for debate between disciplines
by J. M. Scudamore - 477-477 Vets asked valuable questions about foot-and-mouth measures
by R. G. Eddy - 477-477 Beneficiaries should pay
by Henry Nathan - 479-480 Research doesn't denigrate humanity
by Hubert Markl - 481-482 Ecology goes macro
by Pablo A. Marquet - 482-483 What you see ..
by Daniel L. Adams & Jonathan C. Horton - 483-484 Supersymmetrical physics
by Hans Peter Nilles - 485-485 At cross purposes
by David M. Wilkinson - 487-487 Climbing life's tree
by Graham Budd - 489-490 Flexible electronic futures
by Robert J. Hamers - 490-491 Uncertain population forecasts
by Nico Keilman - 491-492 Boning up on biology
by T. Andrew Taton - 493-494 Cycling silence
by Leonie Ringrose & Renato Paro - 494-495 Is kinky conventional?
by Philip B. Allen - 495-495 Emotional education
by David Jones - 496-496 Viktor Hamburger (1900–2001)
by Jean M. Lauder & Ronald Oppenheim - 497-498 Fossil molar from a Madagascan marsupial
by David W. Krause - 498-498 Sex differences in avian yolk hormone levels
by Marion Petrie & Hubert Schwabl & Nanna Brande-Lavridsen & Terry Burke - 498-498 Sex differences in avian yolk hormone levels
by Emma J. A. Cunningham & Andrew F. Russell - 499-500 Global amphibian population declines
by Ross A. Alford & Philip M. Dixon & Joseph H. K. Pechmann - 500-500 Global amphibian population declines
by Jeff. E. Houlahan & C. Scott Findlay & Andrea H. Meyer & Sergius L. Kuzmin & Benedikt R. Schmidt - 501-507 The Earth's mantle
by George R. Helffrich & Bernard J. Wood - 508-510 Ground-based observation of emission lines from the corona of a red-dwarf star
by J. H. M. M. Schmitt & R. Wichmann - 510-514 Evidence for ubiquitous strong electron–phonon coupling in high-temperature superconductors
by A. Lanzara & P. V. Bogdanov & X. J. Zhou & S. A. Kellar & D. L. Feng & E. D. Lu & T. Yoshida & H. Eisaki & A. Fujimori & K. Kishio & J.-I. Shimoyama & T. Noda & S. Uchida & Z. Hussain & Z.-X. Shen - 514-517 Fragile-to-strong transition and polyamorphism in the energy landscape of liquid silica
by Ivan Saika-Voivod & Peter H. Poole & Francesco Sciortino - 517-520 Growth dynamics of pentacene thin films
by Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf & M. C. Reuter & R. M. Tromp - 520-523 Ionic conductivity in crystalline polymer electrolytes
by Zlatka Gadjourova & Yuri G. Andreev & David P. Tunstall & Peter G. Bruce - 523-527 Covariation of carbon dioxide and temperature from the Vostok ice core after deuterium-excess correction
by Kurt M. Cuffey & Françoise Vimeux - 527-529 Chemical interaction of Fe and Al2O3 as a source of heterogeneity at the Earth's core–mantle boundary
by L. Dubrovinsky & H. Annersten & N. Dubrovinskaia & F. Westman & H. Harryson & O. Fabrichnaya & S. Carlson - 530-534 The last of the dinosaur titans: a new sauropod from Madagascar
by Kristina Curry Rogers & Catherine A. Forster - 534-538 Neanderthal cranial ontogeny and its implications for late hominid diversity
by Marcia S. Ponce de León & Christoph P. E. Zollikofer - 538-543 Habitat structure and population persistence in an experimental community
by Stephen P. Ellner & Edward McCauley & Bruce E. Kendall & Cheryl J. Briggs & Parveiz R. Hosseini & Simon N. Wood & Arne Janssen & Maurice W. Sabelis & Peter Turchin & Roger M. Nisbet & William W. Murdoch - 543-545 The end of world population growth
by Wolfgang Lutz & Warren Sanderson & Sergei Scherbov - 546-549 Retrospective and prospective coding for predicted reward in the sensory thalamus
by Yutaka Komura & Ryoi Tamura & Teruko Uwano & Hisao Nishijo & Kimitaka Kaga & Taketoshi Ono - 549-553 Practising orientation identification improves orientation coding in V1 neurons
by Aniek Schoups & Rufin Vogels & Ning Qian & Guy Orban - 553-557 Regulation of DNA replication fork progression through damaged DNA by the Mec1/Rad53 checkpoint
by José Antonio Tercero & John F. X. Diffley - 557-561 The DNA replication checkpoint response stabilizes stalled replication forks
by Massimo Lopes & Cecilia Cotta-Ramusino & Achille Pellicioli & Giordano Liberi & Paolo Plevani & Marco Muzi-Falconi & Carol S. Newlon & Marco Foiani - 561-565 Rb targets histone H3 methylation and HP1 to promoters
by Soren J. Nielsen & Robert Schneider & Uta-Maria Bauer & Andrew J. Bannister & Ashby Morrison & Donal O'Carroll & Ron Firestein & Michael Cleary & Thomas Jenuwein & Rafael E. Herrera & Tony Kouzarides - 566-566 Erratum: The homeobox gene lim-6 is required for distinct chemosensory representations in C. elegans
by Jonathan T. Pierce-Shimomura & Serge Faumont & Michelle R. Gaston & Bret J. Pearson & Shawn R. Lockery - 566-566 Erratum: The zebrafish Nodal signal Squint functions as a morphogen
by Yu Chen & Alexander F. Schier
July 2001, Volume 412, Issue 6845
- 3-3 More data, more potential
by Paul Smaglik - 4-5 Hong Kong: Putting the pieces together
by David Cyranoski - 363-363 Johns Hopkins researchers fume over government crackdown
by Meredith Wadman - 364-364 Drugs approval process gets speed treatment
by Erica Klarreich - 364-364 Scientists fear new guidelines will stifle basic research
by David Cyranoski - 365-365 'Political fix' saves Kyoto deal from collapse
by Jim Giles - 365-365 US rejects bioweapon inspections
by Jonathan Knight - 366-366 NASA mission has wind in its sails
by William Triplett - 366-366 Author of anti-encryption program faces jail
by Rex Dalton - 367-367 Physicists rally behind linear-collider plan
by Colin Macilwain - 367-367 Sea lions massacred in Galapagos for sex organs
by Rex Dalton - 370-371 Building a biopolis
by David Cyranoski - 372-374 Picture perfect
by Corie Lok - 375-375 When three's not a crowd
by Michael A. Thomas - 375-375 Framework welcome, but could do with fine-tuning
by Frédéric Sgard - 375-375 Climate-change strategy needs to be robust
by Robert Lempert & Michael E. Schlesinger - 377-378 Medicine as performance
by John Harley Warner - 378-379 The director's tale
by Susan Wright - 379-380 Mitigating mutations
by Andrew Berry - 380-381 To begin at the beginning
by Sean J. Morrison - 381-382 Reactions of a chemical nature
by Georges Bram - 382-382 Science in culture
by Martin Kemp - 383-383 Celebrating science
by John Carmody - 385-385 Ultradivided matter
by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes - 387-388 Caught in the crossflow
by Elizabeth L. Brainerd - 388-389 How green was my ester
by Giorgio Strukul - 389-391 Feeling bumps and holes
by J. Randall Flanagan & Susan J. Lederman - 391-392 In search of soft solutions
by Douglas Durian & Haim Diamant - 392-393 Rings of destruction
by Tomas Ganz - 393-394 Talk of two theories
by Franck Ramus - 395-396 Uncool Callisto
by Kristin A. Bennett - 396-396 Birds in a buffer state
by Rory Howlett - 396-396 Deft definitions
by David Jones - 397-400 Chemistry beyond the molecule
by Gautam R. Desiraju - 401-401 Persistence of visual memory for scenes
by David Melcher - 402-403 Evolution of growth pattern in birds
by Anusuya Chinsamy & Andrzej Elzanowski - 403-404 Directed deterrence by capsaicin in chillies
by Joshua J. Tewksbury & Gary P. Nabhan - 404-404 Epitaxial diamond polytypes on silicon
by Y. Lifshitz & X. F. Duan & N. G. Shang & Q. Li & L. Wan & I. Bello & S. T. Lee - 405-408 Dinosaurian growth rates and bird origins
by Kevin Padian & Armand J. de Ricqlès & John R. Horner - 409-411 The stability against freezing of an internal liquid-water ocean in Callisto
by Javier Ruiz - 411-414 Evidence for recent climate change on Mars from the identification of youthful near-surface ground ice
by John F. Mustard & Christopher D. Cooper & Moses K. Rifkin - 414-417 In situ detection of collisionless reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail
by M. Øieroset & T. D. Phan & M. Fujimoto & R. P. Lin & R. P. Lepping - 417-419 Quantum-enhanced positioning and clock synchronization
by Vittorio Giovannetti & Seth Lloyd & Lorenzo Maccone - 420-423 Diamagnetic activity above Tc as a precursor to superconductivity in La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films
by Ienari Iguchi & Tetsuji Yamaguchi & Akira Sugimoto - 423-425 Sn-zeolite beta as a heterogeneous chemoselective catalyst for Baeyer–Villiger oxidations
by Avelino Corma & Laszlo T. Nemeth & Michael Renz & Susana Valencia - 425-429 Warm tropical ocean surface and global anoxia during the mid-Cretaceous period
by Paul A. Wilson & Richard D. Norris - 429-433 Dinosaurian growth patterns and rapid avian growth rates
by Gregory M. Erickson & Kristina Curry Rogers & Scott A. Yerby - 433-436 Mealybug β-proteobacterial endosymbionts contain γ-proteobacterial symbionts
by Carol D. von Dohlen & Shawn Kohler & Skylar T. Alsop & William R. McManus - 436-438 The buffer effect and large-scale population regulation in migratory birds
by Jennifer A. Gill & Ken Norris & Peter M. Potts & Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson & Philip W. Atkinson & William J. Sutherland - 439-441 Crossflow filtration in suspension-feeding fishes
by S. Laurie Sanderson & Angela Y. Cheer & Jennifer S. Goodrich & Jenny D. Graziano & W. Todd Callan - 442-445 Natural conjugative plasmids induce bacterial biofilm development
by Jean-Marc Ghigo - 445-448 Force can overcome object geometry in the perception of shape through active touch
by Gabriel Robles-De-La-Torre & Vincent Hayward - 449-452 Ubiquitination-dependent mechanisms regulate synaptic growth and function
by Aaron DiAntonio & Ali P. Haghighi & Scott L. Portman & Jason D. Lee & Andrew M. Amaranto & Corey S. Goodman - 452-455 Antibacterial agents based on the cyclic d,l-α-peptide architecture
by Sara Fernandez-Lopez & Hui-Sun Kim & Ellen C. Choi & Mercedes Delgado & Juan R. Granja & Alisher Khasanov & Karin Kraehenbuehl & Georgina Long & Dana A. Weinberger & Keith M. Wilcoxen & M. Reza Ghadiri - 456-461 RPA governs endonuclease switching during processing of Okazaki fragments in eukaryotes
by Sung-Ho Bae & Kwang-Hee Bae & Jung-Ae Kim & Yeon-Soo Seo
July 2001, Volume 412, Issue 6844
- 3-3 Immunological planets align
by Paul Smaglik - 4-5 Immunological assay of Europe
by Helen Gavaghan - 6-8 Immune response looks healthy
by Diane Gershon - 257-257 Smithsonian head ruffled by inquiry
by Corie Lok - 257-258 Britain seeks transgenics deal to fend off transatlantic trade war
by David Dickson - 258-258 Millennium Dome sees signs of a Wellcome break
by Peter Aldhous - 258-258 Simple technology could reclaim America's lost votes
by Mark Schrope - 259-259 Congress touts budget boost for NASA and the NSF
by Tony Reichhardt - 259-259 Physical sciences lose ground as US shifts towards biology
by Jonathan Knight - 260-260 Search for alien life reasserts its credibility
by William Triplett - 260-260 Action urged to combat killer algae
by Rex Dalton - 261-261 Disgruntled homeopathists seek remedy in court
by Alison Abbott - 261-261 Outbreak of chicken flu rattles Hong Kong
by David Cyranoski - 264-265 Forza scienza!
by Alison Abbott - 266-268 Windows on the brain
by Marina Chicurel - 269-269 Making sure that the world's palaeodata do not get buried
by Keith Alverson & C. Mark Eakin - 269-269 Mistaken identity in a watery arms race
by Richard M. Crawford - 269-269 Who will organize sharing of biodiversity data?
by Michael Boulter - 271-272 Mission now possible for AIDS fund
by Peter Hale & Malegapuru William Makgoba & Michael H. Merson & Thomas C. Quinn & Douglas D. Richman & Stefano Vella & Fred Wabwire-Mangen & Simon Wain-Hobson & Robin A. Weiss - 272-272 Success hinges on support for treatment
by Peter Hale & Malegapuru William Makgoba & Michael H. Merson & Thomas C. Quinn & Douglas D. Richman & Stefano Vella & Fred Wabwire-Mangen & Simon Wain-Hobson & Robin A. Weiss - 273-274 China on the losing side
by Crispin Tickell - 274-275 The battle against lethal vectors
by C. F. Curtis - 275-276 Transgenic ills and otherwise
by Bernard Dixon - 276-276 Not quite the whole story
by Karine Chemla - 277-277 Walking with producers
by Simon Lamb - 279-279 The fog that was not
by Ahmed H. Zewail - 281-282 New-age drug meets resistance
by Frank McCormick - 282-283 Dark arc casts a long shadow
by John M. Dickey - 283-285 An alternative to destruction
by Daniel Finley - 286-289 Space for hydrogen
by Bo Barker Jørgensen - 289-290 End game for B cells
by Kathryn Calame - 290-291 Iron cast in exotic role
by S. S. Saxena & Peter B. Littlewood - 291-292 Cytoskeleton in the cell cycle
by Yukinobu Nakaseko & Mitsuhiro Yanagida - 292-292 Unchemical chemistry
by David Jones - 293-294 Nile flooding sank two ancient cities
by Jean-Daniel Stanley & Franck Goddio & Gerard Schnepp - 294-294 An unusual social display by gorillas
by Richard J. Parnell & Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith - 295-299 Dynamics of collapsing and exploding Bose–Einstein condensates
by Elizabeth A. Donley & Neil R. Claussen & Simon L. Cornish & Jacob L. Roberts & Eric A. Cornell & Carl E. Wieman - 300-307 Plasma cell differentiation requires the transcription factor XBP-1
by Andreas M. Reimold & Neal N. Iwakoshi & John Manis & Prashanth Vallabhajosyula & Eva Szomolanyi-Tsuda & Ellen M. Gravallese & Daniel Friend & Michael J. Grusby & Frederick Alt & Laurie H. Glimcher - 308-310 A massive cloud of cold atomic hydrogen in the outer Galaxy
by Lewis B. G. Knee & Christopher M. Brunt - 311-313 Isotopic homogeneity of iron in the early solar nebula
by X. K. Zhu & Y. Guo & R. K. O'Nions & E. D. Young & R. D. Ash - 313-316 Entanglement of the orbital angular momentum states of photons
by Alois Mair & Alipasha Vaziri & Gregor Weihs & Anton Zeilinger - 316-318 Superconductivity in the non-magnetic state of iron under pressure
by Katsuya Shimizu & Tomohiro Kimura & Shigeyuki Furomoto & Keiki Takeda & Kazuyoshi Kontani & Yoshichika Onuki & Kiichi Amaya - 318-320 Direct observation of hole transfer through DNA by hopping between adenine bases and by tunnelling
by Bernd Giese & Jérôme Amaudrut & Anne-Kathrin Köhler & Martin Spormann & Stephan Wessely - 321-324 Thermolysis of fluoropolymers as a potential source of halogenated organic acids in the environment
by David A. Ellis & Scott A. Mabury & Jonathan W. Martin & Derek C. G. Muir - 324-327 The role of microbial mats in the production of reduced gases on the early Earth
by Tori M. Hoehler & Brad M. Bebout & David J. Des Marais - 328-331 Reproductive pair correlations and the clustering of organisms
by W. R. Young & A. J. Roberts & G. Stuhne - 331-333 Evolution of digital organisms at high mutation rates leads to survival of the flattest
by Claus O. Wilke & Jia Lan Wang & Charles Ofria & Richard E. Lenski & Christoph Adami - 334-338 Evolution and transmission of stable CTL escape mutations in HIV infection
by Philip J. R. Goulder & Christian Brander & Yanhua Tang & Cecile Tremblay & Robert A. Colbert & Marylyn M. Addo & Eric S. Rosenberg & Thi Nguyen & Rachel Allen & Alicja Trocha & Marcus Altfeld & Suqin He & Michael Bunce & Robert Funkhouser & Stephen I. Pelton & Sandra K. Burchett & Kenneth McIntosh & Bette T. M. Korber & Bruce D. Walker - 338-341 An open form of syntaxin bypasses the requirement for UNC-13 in vesicle priming
by Janet E. Richmond & Robby M. Weimer & Erik M. Jorgensen - 341-346 Hypermutation of multiple proto-oncogenes in B-cell diffuse large-cell lymphomas
by Laura Pasqualucci & Peter Neumeister & Tina Goossens & Gouri Nanjangud & R. S. K. Chaganti & Ralf Küppers & Riccardo Dalla-Favera - 346-351 TAK1 is a ubiquitin-dependent kinase of MKK and IKK
by Chen Wang & Li Deng & Mei Hong & Giridhar R. Akkaraju & Jun-ichiro Inoue & Zhijian J. Chen - 352-355 A MAP kinase-dependent actin checkpoint ensures proper spindle orientation in fission yeast
by Yannick Gachet & Sylvie Tournier & Jonathan B. A. Millar & Jeremy S. Hyams - 355-358 Cdc6 cooperates with Sic1 and Hct1 to inactivate mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases
by Arturo Calzada & Maria Sacristán & Elisa Sánchez & Avelino Bueno
July 2001, Volume 412, Issue 6843
- 3-3 Prosperous physicists
by Paul Smaglik - 105-105 Genetics group targets disease markers in the human sequence
by David Adam - 105-105 Physicists show what really matters
by Colin Macilwain - 106-106 Institutes prepare for pioneering bioinformatics work
by Declan Butler - 106-106 Europe hooks up with China for space first
by Sally Goodman - 107-107 Bush plots raid on NIH funds to finance AIDS initiative
by Matthew Davis - 107-107 Stem-cell fudge finds no favour with biologists
by Meredith Wadman - 108-108 Battle to save beleaguered beluga
by Sally Goodman - 108-108 Royal Society disputes value of carbon sinks
by David Adam - 109-109 Arctic university gives collaboration pole position
by Alison Abbott - 109-109 UN backs transgenic crops for poorer nations
by Mark Schrope - 112-114 Consensus science, or consensus politics?
by Mark Schrope - 115-116 Alien versus predator
by Jonathan Knight - 117-117 Time to shout about the benefits of chemistry
by Stephen J. Lippard - 117-117 Seeking, sometimes finding, that elusive chemistry
by Hong-fei Wang - 118-118 Keeping Mendel in mind
by Fabio Salamanca - 118-118 Singapore makes efforts to sustain biodiversity
by Lanna Cheng & Damir Kovac - 118-118 Photos may offer clues over Ethiopian fossil site
by Yohannes Haile-Selassie - 119-119 Eccentric origins of creativity
by Daniel Nettle - 120-120 An unsung hero put on the map
by Douglas Palmer - 120-121 How the old became new
by Michael Hunter - 121-122 Physics from the inside
by A. M. Bradshaw - 122-122 Science in culture
by Megan Williams - 123-124 Owen's Parthian shot
by Kevin Padian - 125-125 Phenomenal fluids
by Martyn Poliakoff & Peter King - 127-128 Lost City found
by Karen L. Von Damm - 128-130 Bold insights
by Marcus E. Raichle - 130-131 Disappearing dimensions
by Joseph D. Lykken - 131-132 Return to the planet of the apes
by Henry Gee