2024, Issue 3
- 371-400 Democrazia e tecnocrazie. Attori, contingenze e confini (ambigui)
by Andrea Lippi & Francesco Raniolo - 401-426 Ripoliticizzare le politiche: concetti e strumenti della "Historical Materialist Policy Analysis"
by Daniela Caterina & Adriano Cozzolino & Diego Giannone - 427-463 Persistent structures, uneven policies. The politics of enforcement and forbearance towards informal employment in Italy
by Francesco Bagnardi & Arianna Tassinari - 465-502 La regolazione del lavoro che invecchia: la rappresentanza dei lavoratori over 50 nei contratti collettivi in Italia
by Dario Raspanti & Luigi Burroni & Giulia Cavallini - 503-530 The first pandemic year: Continuity or change in two Italian Regional Healthcare Systems?
by Stefano Neri & Maria Giovanna Vicarelli - 531-534 Notizie sui collaboratori
by Stato e mercato
2024, Issue 2
- 197-224 Three times disadvantaged? Labor market participation among migrant mothers in Italy
by Giulia M. Dotti Sani & Francesco Molteni - 225-256 Occupational change and geographical inequality: A comparison between «Central» and «Marginal» Areas in Italy
by Maurizio Avola & Giorgio Piccitto & Stefano Cantalini & Nazareno Panichella - 257-292 The patways of innovation. Opening the black box of Covid-19 protein vaccines
by Claudio Marciano - 293-332 The art and craft of vaccination policy against Covid-19 in five EU countries
by Stefania Profeti & Barbara Saracino & Elena Macchioni - 333-362 Actors and arenas of policy dismantling. The rise and fall of Débat public in Italy
by Giulio Citroni - 363-366 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2024, Issue 1
- 5-12 Editoriale
by Roberto Pedersini - 13-38 A power resource theory for contemporary capitalism: Why power and workers still matter
by Jens Arnholtz & Bjarke Refslund - 39-66 Power resource theory and the 21st century US labor movement
by Ruth Milkman - 67-100 Confronting legacies of white dominance: Challenges to inclusive worker organizing through the storytelling of Amazon warehouse workers
by Maite Tapia & Tamara L. Lee & Carla Lima Aranzaes - 101-110 The diverse faces of labour power
by Guglielmo Meardi - 111-124 Some challenges to labour market and industrial relations scholars
by Giovanna Fullin - 125-134 A renewed centrality of power resources and why this matters
by Lisa Dorigatti - 135-148 Still the resurgence of class conflict? New identities, new interests, new worker mobilisations in the work of Alessandro Pizzorno
by Donatella della Porta - 149-168 Labour movement: Old and new problems of representation
by Ida Regalia - 169-180 Between sociology and political economy: Pizzorno’s analytical toolkit in the study of labour conflicts and trade union action
by Marino Regini - 181-188 Why a cycle of workers’ conflicts like that of 1968-1972 in Western Europe is unlikely to be repeated in other countries either
by Emilio Reyneri - 189-193 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2023, Issue 3
- 341-384 «It’s the (local) economy, stupid!» Citizenship Income and Sociotropic consensus for the Five Stars Movement in Italy
by Leo Azzollini & Delia Baldassarri - 385-420 The role of Constitutional Courts with respect to the functioning of the welfare state and labor market regulation
by Emmanuele Pavolini - 421-449 To remote, or not to remote, that is the question. Companies and unions facing hybrid remotisation of work
by Valentina Pacetti & Paolo Rossi & Anne-Iris Romens - 451-478 A private business. Labour brokering and domestic work: Opportunities and challenges
by Lucia Amorosi - 479-488 Good bye varieties of capitalism, long live growth models?
by Anke Hassel - 489-496 The growth models perspective: Mechanisms in search of agency
by Roberto Pedersini - 497-504 A response to our reviewers
by Lucio Baccaro & Mark Blyth & Jonas Pontusson - 505-508 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2023, Issue 2
- 143-180 The Citizen Income and its local implementation. An analysis of administrative capacities
by Giorgia Nesti & Matteo Bassoli & Martina Visentin - 181-226 An opportunity or a disincentive to work? The heterogeneous impact of the Citizenship Income on employment chances: a case study
by Moris Triventi & Marco Calaresu & Giulia Assirelli & Antonello Caria & Enrico Orrù - 227-264 Industrial development by poles? The special economic zones in Italy and in the NRRP
by Rosanna Nisticò & Francesco Prota - 265-296 Political institutions in turbulent macroeconomic contexts: Types of uncertainty and decision-making dynamics
by Sara Rocchi - 297-332 The direct effect of social origin on occupational destination in Europe
by Valeria Breuker & Gabriele Ballarino - 333-337 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2023, Issue 1
- 3-28 The state and credit policies: From the 19th century till present
by Eric Monnet - 29-52 Monetary re-insurance of fiscal states in Europe
by Waltraud Schelkle - 53-84 The (European) derisking state
by Daniela Gabor - 85-94 The state comeback? Prospects and limits of market interventionism in a global economy
by Manuela Moschella - 95-104 What instruments for the European state to be?
by Simona Piattoni - 105-136 A European eco-social investment constituency? Unpacking public opinion towards EU green, social investment and social protection policies in 15 countries
by Stefano Ronchi & Marcello Natili & Francesco Molteni - 137-139 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2022, Issue 3
- 369-406 Minimum income, active inclusion, and work requirements in Europe: Insights from community service projects introduced by Italian Citizenship Income
by Rosangela Lodigiani & Franca Maino - 409-443 Monetary poverty and adequacy of minimum income schemes in seven major EU countries: What linkages?
by Massimo Aprea & Giovanni Gallo & Michele Raitano - 445-477 Make them work! In-work benefits after the pandemic in the reform of Italy’s minimum income scheme
by Andrea Ciarini & Matteo Luppi & Stefano Sacchi - 479-514 The phenomenon of multiple job-holding in Italy: Between recursion and transformation
by Anna Mori & Ivana Pais & Davide Arcidiacono & Cecilia Manzo - 515-548 Money as a social tie. From money as commodity to money for cooperation
by Giacomo Bazzani - 549-553 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2022, Issue 2
- 187-325 Socio-economic transformations, political supply and the decline of left-wing parties
by Alberto Gherardini & Giovanni Amerigo Giuliani & Carlo Trigilia - 201-206 Teoria, evidenza empirica, passione. Un ricordo di Lorenzo Bordogna
by Roberto Pedersini - 207-230 Populism in power and its socio-economic policies: An assessment of European evidence
by Manuela Caiani & Guglielmo Meardi - 231-259 Power or partisanship? Populist parties in power and social concertation. The case of the Italian yellow-green government, 2018-2019
by Arianna Tassinari - 261-285 Inclusionary populism in office: What consequences for precarious work? Five Star Movement, Podemos and the case of food-delivery platform workers
by Beatrice Carella & Matteo Marenco - 327-361 The Italian gambling boom: Market, institutions, policies
by Nicola Matteucci - 363-365 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2022, Issue 1
- 3-29 The power of ideas in capitalist transformations: Is the resilience of neoliberalism finally coming to an end?
by Vivien A. Schmidt - 31-52 When and how do growth strategies change?
by Peter A. Hall - 53-64 Is democratic capitalism bound to disappear?
by Carlo Trigilia - 65-85 The debate on capitalism over the last forty years: Different attempts to exorcise neoliberalism?
by Marino Regini - 87-115 Changes in the Italian work-family system and the role of social policies in the last forty years
by Manuela Naldini & Chiara Saraceno - 117-153 Italy at a critical juncture. Game changing crises for the innovation system
by Gianmaria Pessina & Francesco Ramella - 155-192 Trade unions and social policies: The case of Italy
by Emmanuele Pavolini & Roberto Pedersini - 193-196 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2021, Issue 3
- 315-350 Risks of automation of occupations: An estimate for Italy
by Mariasole Bannò & Emilia Filippi & Sandro Trento - 351-388 Why invest in innovation policies? Three paths for eight advanced economies
by Alberto Gherardini - 389-420 Forms of «hybrid» local development: a case study on the province of Cuneo
by Stefania Camoletto & Marco Bellandi - 421-427 Reading Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies
by Silja Hausermann - 429-437 Disentangling the Economic Growth/Welfare State Nexus
by Luigi Burroni & Emmanuele Pavolini - 439-444 A Response to the Reviews
by Anke Hassel & Bruno Palier - 445-456 Senza filtro. Leggere Mark Granovetter
by Filippo Barbera - 457-469 Dov’è la New Economic Sociology? Una riflessione a partire da Society and Economics di Mark Granovetter
by Gabriele Ballarino - 471-475 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2021, Issue 2
- 147-176 The development of the South of Italy in the new regional divides of the European Union
by Paola De Vivo - 177-199 Italy: Labour market de-regulation, unemployment risks and temporary employment growth. Lessons from the past for the present COVID-19 crisis
by Paolo Barbieri & Giorgio Cutuli - 201-233 Whatever works? Varieties of local public service delivery between instrumentality and legitimacy
by Stefania Profeti & Valeria Tarditi - 235-269 Limited learning rules. Norms and practices in the Superior Council of the Magistracy
by Maurizio Catino & Cristina Dallara - 271-307 Finance in firms and firms in finance: The case of the Brescian manufacturing district
by Niccolò Casnici & Marco Castellani - 309-311 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2021, Issue 1
- 3-21 We are still modern. Cognitive, anthropological and institutional obstacles to the fight against climate change
by Dimitri D'Andrea - 23-50 Commodifying the planet? Beyond the economy of ecosystem services
by Luigi Pellizzoni - 51-78 Ecological crisis, decarbonisation, and degrowth: The dilemmas of just petrochemical transformations
by Alice Mah - 79-91 The «environmental impasse»: Diagnosis and hypotheses for its resolution
by Angela Perulli - 93-106 Individuals and environment: A social dilemma
by Gian Primo Cella - 107-115 Degrowth. Labour. Time
by Guglielmo Meardi - 117-139 Information and quality of public services: The case of the Eduscopio internet portal of the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation
by Massimo Bordignon & Piergiorgio Carapella & Gilberto Turati - 141-143 Notizie sui collaboratori
by Stato e mercato
2020, Issue 3
- 393-422 Complementary or substitutive, public or private: The differentiation process of money
by Laura Sartori - 423-457 A global private currency
by Ivan Pupolizio - 459-488 The territorial gaps in Italy. A Becattinian measure of local development
by Mauro Maltagliati & Nicolò Bellanca - 489-514 Employers’ association in Italy: Transformation or decline? An analysis at firm level
by Francesca Bergamante & Manuel Marocco & Corrado Polli - 515-541 Labour market segmentation and union strategies in meat processing industry
by Valeria Piro & Devi Sacchetto - 543-546 Notizie su collaboratori
by Stato e mercato
2020, Issue 2
- 229-256 Comparative welfare state research in a bind?
by Anton Hemerijck - 257-288 The political economy of employability: Institutional change in British and German higher education
by Niccolo Durazzi - 289-318 Ridefinire l’interesse economico nazionale. La regolazione dei diritti di proprietà industriale come politica pubblica
by Marco Di Giulio & Francesco N. Moro - 319-357 Reforming labour justice between inequalities and inefficiencies: The prism of Southern Europe
by Luca Verzelloni - 359-384 Discontinuity of income, welfare and access to credit: Models for social inclusion of atypical workers in Italy in the European context
by Sonia Bertolini & Valentina Moiso
2020, Issue 1
- 3-11 Editoriale
by Giovanna Fullin - 12-16 Nicola Negri, uno studioso delle strategie di riproduzione sociale e dei loro spiazzamenti
by Chiara Saraceno - 17-39 The ICT revolution and neo-liberalism: Its major pathologies and a Polanyian second movement
by David Soskice - 41-77 The pursuit of growth. Growth regimes, growth strategies and welfare reforms in advanced capitalist economies
by Anke Hassel & Bruno Palier & Sonja Avlijaš - 79-114 Southern European political economies: In search of a road to development
by Luigi Burroni & Emmanuele Pavolini & Marino Regini - 115-136 Growth models, family demography, standing welfare commitment and social investment reform
by Anton Hemerijck - 137-149 E pluribus unum? Capitalism and democracy dilemmas
by Guglielmo Meardi - 151-182 Do government spending and cross-border barriers move together? No long-term relationship in 20 oecd countries, 1970-2009
by Federico Podestà - 183-220 Household structure, its changes and the distribution of income. A comparison across welfare regimes
by Raffaele Grotti
2019, Issue 3
- 327-375 Building bridges to cross oceans: Reflections on organization studies in the 21st century
by Evelyn Micelotta & Michael Lounsbury - 377-410 The origins and recognition of radical innovation: A multidisciplinary perspective
by Gino Cattani - 411-447 Is it going to be an adventure? The innovation of public-private partnerships and co-design in social protection
by Paolo Rossi & Monica Colombo - 449-484 Marketisation and risk distribution in the outsourcing of public services in Europe
by Anna Mori - 485-525 Strategic networks: Leveraging complementarities to overcome industrial districts’ boundaries
by Federica Brunetta & Anna Censi & Francesco Rullani & Francesca Vicentini - 527-530 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2019, Issue 2
- 165-170 Alessandro Pizzorno, un «maestro» insolito
by Marino Regini - 171-174 Uno scienziato sociale unico e indimenticabile
by Gian Primo Cella - 175-212 From the glorious thirty to the rise of neoliberalism: Forms of integration and «great transformations»
by Giancarlo Provasi - 213-248 Global value chains and varieties of capitalism: Complementarity and integration for the comparative analysis of capitalism
by Lidia Greco - 249-270 The welfare reform in Italy in the aftermath of the crisis: Causes, characteristics and results
by Igor Guardiancich - 271-296 Between disintermediation and concertation: The difficult alternation of policy-making on pensions in Italy
by Igor Guardiancich & David Natali - 297-320 The silent transformations of health policy in Italy and the catalytic effect of the Great Financial Crisis
by Federico Toth & Renata Lizzi - 321-324 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2019, Issue 1
- 3-6 Ronald Dore e l'analisi comparata del capitalismo
by Colin Crouch - 7-40 Social classes or multidimensional social groups? How to represent social inequalities in contemporary Italy
by Sonia Marzadro & Antonio Schizzerotto & Loris Vergolini - 41-68 Income inequality and stagnation in Italy over the last quarter of a century
by Andrea Brandolini & Romina Gambacorta & Alfonso Rosolia - 69-94 Income, wealth and social classes. Twenty-five years of inequality in Italy, 1991-2016
by Marco Albertini & Gabriele Ballarino - 95-116 Classes and Inequalities: «queer» concepts?
by Paolo Barbieri - 117-124 How to look at social inequalities in Italy. Using the right lenses
by Emmanuele Pavolini - 125-156 Risk of technological unemployment and support for redistributive policies
by Stefano Sacchi & Dario Guarascio & Silvia Vannutelli - 157-161 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2018, Issue 3
- 369-418 How did the working stories of the youth change over the last forty years? Evidence from a pilot
by Martina Bazzoli & Sonia Marzadro & Antonio Schizzerotto & Ugo Trivellato - 419-460 In-work poverty in a dual labour market: Individualization of social risks or stratification of social inequality?
by Paolo Barbieri & Giorgio Cutuli & Stefani Scherer - 461-498 Job satisfaction and working life balance: A gender analysis
by Giorgio Piccitto - 499-546 Whom should you trust? The assessment of professional trustworthiness in the expert-client relationship
by Greta Peretto & Maurizio Pisati - 547-582 Italian academics' Public Engagement: An opportunity to strengthen the relationship between universities and their territories
by Monia Anzivino & Flavio Ceravolo & Michele Rostan - 583-594 A Union without values? European economic integration in a Weberian perspective
by Maurizio Ferrera - 595-606 Weber and today's capitalism
by Massimo Paci - 607-612 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2018, Issue 2
- 197-224 Small and medium-sized enterprises discover welfare provision: new opportunities for combining workers' protection and growth for business and territories?
by Franca Maino & Roberto Rizza - 225-264 Between politics and market. The analysis of local public companies boards in the municipality of Milan
by Alberta Andreotti - 265-292 What is the «derationalisation of political actor»? Epistemological considerations about the development of social sciences
by Gabriele Giacomini - 293-330 Employment change, institutions and migrant labour: the Italian case in comparative perspective
by Ivana Fellini & Giovanna Fullin - 331-362 Immigrant labour and territorial dualism in the Italian degrowth: Demand structure and changes in supply
by Maurizio Avola - 363-365 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2018, Issue 1
- 3-36 The people between fiction and invention
by Gian Primo Cella - 37-60 On populism, a few considerations
by Paolo Segatti - 61-86 To pay or not to pay? Debt cultures and the politics of debt in Europe's periphery
by Dorothee Bohle - 87-116 Great Depression parties vs. Great Recession parties. A new cleavage or just another bubble?
by Salvatore Vassallo & Marco Valbruzzi - 117-126 At the periphery of the crisis. Populism and the weakness of representative democracy
by Ilvo Diamanti - 127-140 Populism between social demand and political competition
by Emmanuele Pavolini - 141-148 The social roots of populism. A comment
by Emilio Reyneri - 149-188 White collars and mafias. The dangerous relations in the economy of Northern Italy
by Maurizio Catino - 189-192 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Stato e mercato
2017, Issue 3
- 347-382 Does Work Flexibility Help Firm Flexibility? Case-study Evidence
by Andrea Signoretti & Sandro Trento & Marco Zamarian & Enrico Zaninotto - 383-420 The Just-In-Time of the Life. Global Production Network and Time-Space Compression at Foxconn
by Rutvica Andrijasevic & Devi Sacchetto - 421-458 Who wants to loosen employment protection? Evidence on preferences for labour market deregulation in Italy
by Maria Chiara Morandini - 459-488 Working Conditions in Social Services: Vertical Disintegration and Public Procurement
by Lisa Dorigatti - 489-522 Economia solidale e regolazione pubblica tra innovazione e dipendenza
by Carmela Guarascio - 527-527 Elenco dei referee del 2017
by Stato e mercato
2017, Issue 2
- 179-222 Reconsidering the Majority Principle
by Gian Primo Cella - 223-246 The paradoxical ways of naming employment by European institutions during the crisis: The weakening of collective frames
by Amparo Serrano & Maarten Keune & Eduardo Crespo - 247-282 The regulatory state and its variants in communications sector: Paradigms, strategies and ideas of universality and inclusion in Europe
by Maria Stella Righettini & Stefano Sbalchiero - 283-310 Steering the economic transition: China's economic policy and structural reforms in the aftermath of the great recession
by Moreno Bertoldi & Annika Eriksgård Melander & Peter Weiss - 311-338 Varietà dei capitalismi di welfare in Asia tra produttivismo e diritti sociali
by Ijin Hong
2017, Issue 1
- 3-6 Giacomo Becattini maestro di economia civile
by Carlo Trigilia - 7-50 Globalisation and human rights. Social clauses in commercial treaties and in international relations among enterprises
by Tiziano Treu - 51-78 Firms' internationalization, economic growth and trade agreements
by Lucia Tajoli - 79-104 Redefining national sovereignties in the scenario of international law
by Maria Rosaria Ferrarese - 105-120 Globalisation and trade policy: Not only deregulation
by Roberto Pedersini - 121-132 Free-trade agreements and loss of economic sovereignty: Myth or reality?
by Manuela Moschella - 133-172 When actors matter. Agency, historical legacy and institutions in models of capitalism
by Luigi Burroni & Gemma Scalise
2016, Issue 3
- 311-352 Mafia protection in legal markets: An analytical framework and empirical evidence from Lombardy (Italy)
by Francesco N. Moro & Maurizio Catino - 353-390 Cross complicity between Mafia and the economic sphere. Services, guarantees and regulation
by Rocco Sciarrone & Luca Storti - 391-424 The institutional construction of anti-mafia policies. The case of the dissolved municipal councils
by Vittorio Mete - 425-450 No country for graduates. Occupational over-education among Italian workers
by Lara Maestripieri & Costanzo Ranci - 451-482 The finish line is far away and the last part is the hardest: Women and pensions in Italy
by Nicola De Luigi & Roberto Rizza & Federica Santangelo - 487-487 Elenco dei referee del 2016
by Stato e mercato
2016, Issue 2
- 159-182 Capitalism, inequality and democracy
by Colin Crouch - 183-214 Types of democracy and capitalist models
by Carlo Trigilia - 215-240 Strategies of Italian Unions, flexibility systems and regulation of atypical work
by Andrea Signoretti & Valeria Pulignano - 241-272 Modernization, community agency and collective action. Back to the roots of the urban political economy
by Simone Tosi & Tommaso Vitale - 273-304 From complementary currency to institution: A micro-macro study of the Sardex mutual credit system
by Laura Sartori & Paolo Dini
2016, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Luigi Burroni - 9-12 Introduction. Innovation, Economic Growth and Social Cohesion: Is it still Possible to «Square the Circle» of Development in Europe?
by Francesco Ramella - 13-40 Innovation Systems and Policy: A Tale of Three Countries
by Jan Fagerberg - 41-68 The Shifting Politics of Innovation and State Developmentalism in Ireland
by Sean Ó Riain - 69-82 Beyond Success Stories in Innovation Policies. The Need for Middle-Level Theories
by Andrea Bonaccorsi - 83-118 Convergence or Diversity? The Italian Banking System between Competition and Social Embeddedness
by Marco Betti - 119-151 Policies to Boost Services and Employment in the Long Term Care Sector. A Downward Convergence Towards Low-Wage Service Jobs in the European Welfare State?
by Andrea Ciarini
2015, Issue 3
- 347-378 Sharing Economy: A Step towards the Re-Embeddedness of the Economy?
by Ivana Pais & Giancarlo Provasi - 379-418 Fab Labs in Italy: Collective Goods in the Sharing Economy
by Cecilia Manzo & Francesco Ramella - 419-468 Half a Century of First Jobs for Youth. For a Story of the Italian Labour Market
by Giovanna Fullin & Emilio Reyneri - 469-508 The «Low Road» to the Employment decline: The Italian Labour Market between Crisis and Structural Weaknesses
by Ivana Fellini - 509-536 When Politics Stifles Policy. A Research on how the Media Deal with Public Policies
by Luigi Bobbio & Gianfranco Pomatto & Antonella Seddone
2015, Issue 2
- 159-188 Unintended consequences of national reforms: Changing university governance in Europe
by Marino Regini - 189-228 Gender, Major and Wage. A Study of the Gender Pay Gap among Italian University Graduates
by Stefano Cantalini - 229-262 Max Weber, capitalism and democracy
by Michele Salvati - 263-280 Culture, institutions and development. The lesson of Max Weber and neo-institutionalism
by Carlo Trigilia