2012, Issue 2
- 283-304 Banfield was right. Local development and cooperatives in Italy
by Marco Percoco - 305-326 Industrial Agglomeration, Vertical Integration and Productive Specialization. Empirical Evidence in the Italian Industrial Districts
by Marco Platania - 327-356 Measuring Price-Cost Margin at Firm Level: Evidence on Italy
by Marcella Nicolini & Laura Ogliari - 357-378 Efficiency and Environmental Protection's Effect: An Application to Italian Polluting Industries
by Alessandro Manello
2012, Issue 1
- 3-6 Introduzione
by Cesare Pozzi - 7-60 Far from the Madding Crowd. Competence Development and New Evolutionary Paths of Italian Industrial Firms
by Alessandro Arrighetti & Fabrizio Traù - 61-68 L'aggiustamento misconosciuto
by Sergio De Nardis - 69-80 Accelerare il cambiamento: ma verso dove?
by Fabrizio Guelpa - 81-92 Competenze e capacità innovativa. Le nuove sfide per le imprese e il sistema della ricerca
by Donato Iacobucci - 93-100 Il processo di «terziarizzazione» del sistema industriale italiano
by Fabiano Schivardi - 101-102 Introduzione
by Enzo Pontarollo - 103-128 Economic Developments in the North East of Italy
by Luigi Cannari & Daniele Franco - 129-164 The Economy of the North-Eastern Italy: Crisis and Evolutionary Discontinuity
by Valentina De Marchi & Roberto Grandinetti - 165-192 New Evidences on the Productivity Slowdown in Italy and in Italian North East Regions
by Enrico Tundis & Enrico Zaninotto - 193-204 International Openness and Structural Change in North East Italy Manufacturing System
by Giancarlo Corò & Marina Schenkel & Mario Volpe
2011, Issue 4
- 553-572 Istitutional Changes and Budgetary Policies
by Piero Giarda - 573-576 The Metamorphosis of the «Emilian Model»: An Introduction
by Franco Mosconi - 577-614 Cities and Clusters: Economy-Wide and Sector-Specific Effects in Corporate Location
by Giulio Bottazzi & Ugo M. Gragnolati - 615-654 Industrial Agglomeration in the North East: Signals of Discontinuity in Two Thousand Years
by Giovanni Iuzzolino & Carlo Menon - 655-676 Agglomeration Economies and Entrepreneurship in Italy and in Emilia Romagna Region: Empirical Evidences in the Manufacturing Industries
by Giovanni Guastella & Francesco Timpano & Mario Veneziani - 677-692 Vertical Disintegration of Machinery Firms in Emilia-Romagna
by Marzia Freo & Andrea Guizzardi & Giorgio Tassinari - 693-708 Explaining the Incomplete Liberalization Reform of Italian Energy Market
by Bernardo Rangoni - 709-738 Market Monitoring in Electricity Bid-Based Markets: Cluster Analysis Applied to the Italian Day- Ahead Market
by Stefano Caruggi & Lucia Passamonti & Giorgio Pedrazzi & Roberta Turra
2011, Issue 3
- 385-390 Industry and Numbers: More Interpretations to Understand the Trends of Italian Economy
by Enzo Pontarollo - 391-418 An Analysis of Growth Trend in Italy
by Piercarlo Frigero & Giovanni Zanetti - 419-434 Economic Diversity and Industry Patterns in Italian Provinces: An Empirical Analysis
by Alessandro Marra & Vittorio Carlei & Anna Lisa Paglialunga - 435-454 ICT and Growth: A DEA Analysis of 14 OECD Countries
by Matteo Ceccobelli & Simone Gitto & Paolo Mancuso - 455-468 Agglomeration, Industrial Policy and the New Economic Geography: A Possible Synthesis
by Ivano Dileo & Francesco Losurdo - 469-488 Performance and Competitiveness of Manufacturing Sector: A Constant Market Share Analysis
by Umberto Monarca & Rosanna Pittiglio - 489-512 The Impact of Capital Subsidies on enterprises of Manfredonia, Mattinata e Monte Sant'Angelo's area contract
by Eugenio D'Amico & Anna Maria Biscotti - 513-538 The Enlargement of the Managerial Ranks of Entrepreneurial Ventures: The Case of High-Tech Start-Ups
by Massimo G. Colombo & Luca Grilli & Massimiliano Guerini & Evila Piva & Cristina Rossi Lamastra - 539-542 The Capitalist and the Entrepreneur. Essays on Organizations and Markets
by L'industria
2011, Issue 2
- 205-212 The Destiny of the Euro and the Economic Theory
by Cesare Pozzi - 213-222 Sustainability as a Driver for Investments in the Energy Sector
by Arturo Lorenzoni - 223-244 Impact Assessment of Energy Efficiency Policies
by Massimo Beccarello - 245-264 Waste Management: The Brown Side of Green Economy
by Antonio Massarutto - 265-282 Highway vs Highspeed System: Energy Analysis of the Life Cycle
by Alessandra Libardo & Dario Trabucco - 283-308 Renewable Policies in Italy between Market, Research and Industry
by Ernesto Cassetta & Giuseppe Surdi - 309-328 China's Energy Industrial Revolution
by John A. Mathews - 329-356 Renewables Energies and Grid Parity in the Italian and European Energy System
by Luca Mazzoni - 357-374 Networks like Interpretative Scheme to Convey the Knowledge and Dominate the Complexity
by Vincenzo Sanguigni & Alberto Bilotta
2011, Issue 1
- 3-10 Essential Facilities under Construction? A Reflection on Public Policies concerning Next Generation Networks
by Luigi Prosperetti - 11-14 Governi locali e servizi di pubblica utilità: efficienza e influenza politica
by Davide Vannoni - 15-36 Municipalities at a Crossroad: Ownership, Performance and Reforms in Local Public Services
by Bernardo Bortolotti & Carlo Scarpa & Laura Pellizzola - 37-68 Measuring Global Efficiency of Local Governments' Production
by Lorenzo Boetti & Massimiliano Piacenza & Gilberto Turati - 69-92 Municipal Enterprises: Political Interference or Management Discretion?
by Paola Garrone & Luca Grilli & Xavier Rousseau - 93-112 Corporate Governance and Performance in Local Public Utilities
by Anna Menozzi & Davide Vannoni - 113-144 «Modern» Regulation and Public Utilities: What Empirical Evidence from EU?
by Carlo Cambini & Laura Rondi - 145-164 The Italian Firms between Crisis and the new Globalization
by Antonio Accetturo & Anna Giunta & Salvatore Rossi - 165-192 Aerospace, Security and Defence
by Michele Nones - 193-194 Bancarotta. L'economia globale in caduta libera
by L'industria
2010, Issue 4
- 563-576 Italy and the New Upcoming World Industrial Pattern
by Fabrizio Traù - 577-594 Multinationality and Firm Survival: An Analysis of Italian Manufacturing Sector
by Anna Ferragina & Rosanna Pittiglio & Filippo Reganati - 595-626 Innovative Process and Strategies Orientation in Sicilian SME. A Multidimensional Analysis
by Maria Davì & Gioacchino Fazio & Elli Vassiliadis - 627-646 The evaluation of Italy's 2000-2006 Community Support Framework
by Umberto Monarca & Antonio Palmisano - 647-648 Introduzione
by Enzo Pontarollo - 649-660 Towards 2011: Italian Firms' Scenarios
by Fedele De Novellis & Stefania Tomasini - 661-672 The Italian North-West after Olivetti, between De-industrialization and the Declining of the Large Company
by Paolo Bricco - 673-696 North East: Society and Economy Metamorphosis
by Daniele Marini - 697-710 Structural Evolution and International Competitiveness of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry
by Secondo Rolfo - 711-738 Economic Crisis and Industrial Structure of the Chemical Sector in Italy
by Giampaolo Vitali - 739-742 Un anno di "..." - Secondo bilancio
by Giuseppe Surdi
2010, Issue 3
- 391-396 The Economic Crisis and the Duties of Industrial Economists
by Enzo Pontarollo - 397-422 Managerial Efficiency and Firm Size: An Assessment of the Strategic Potential of Italian Manufacturing Industries
by Fabrizio Erbetta & Giovanni Fraquelli - 423-458 The Italian Music Industry
by Luca Barbarito & Antonella Ardizzone - 459-484 Market Structure, Trends and Technological Innovation in the Italian Book Publishing Industry
by Daria Ciriaci - 485-506 Liberalisation, Diversification and the Competitive Advantage of Nations: An Analysis of the Electricity Generation Industry in Europe
by Francesco Schiavone - 507-532 Flying Geese Model and Industrial Development of Central Eastern Europe
by Francesco Silvestri - 533-548 Industrial Districts in Italy between Change and Crisis. A Comparative Analysis at Provincial Level
by Claudio Di Berardino & Giuseppe Mauro - 549-550 L'evoluzione della programmazione e dei controlli manageriali nelle amministrazioni centrali dello stato
by L'industria - 551-552 Un anno di "Stato e Mercato"
by Sandrine Labory
2010, Issue 2
- 193-202 Growth, Stability, Budget Rules and Financial Regulation: the EMU after the Greek Crisis
by Rainer Masera - 203-232 Labour Productivity, Structural Change and the Perspectives of the Italian Regional Economies
by Davide Quaglione & Alessandro Sarra - 233-254 New Product Introduction and Firm Growth
by Marco Cucculelli & Barbara Ermini - 255-276 Structure and Transformation of the Italian Car Styling Supply Chain
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 277-302 Innovation and New Materials for Building Energy Saving
by Oronzo Trio - 303-306 Presentazione
by Enrico Santarelli - 307-334 Impact Evaluation of a Research Policy Instrument: Analytical Model, Carrying out Process, Heterogeneity of the Effects
by Bianca Potì & Giovanni Cerulli - 335-366 Incentives to Research&Development in Italy: An Analysis of the Effects of Law 46/82
by Elisa Barbieri & Roberto Iorio & Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera - 367-372 Un anno di "Economia Pubblica"
by Linda Meleo - 373-380 Un anno di "Regional Science and Urban Economics"
by Felice Simonelli
2010, Issue 1
- 3-10 The Economic Future after the Crisis
by Giovanni Zanetti - 11-34 The Italian Patient (Why Italian Growth Rates Diverges)
by Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini - 35-64 New Scenarios of Government Intervention in the Era of Global Imbalances
by Federico Boffa & Giovanni Zanetti - 65-84 Regional Purchasing Power Parities and Regional Income Differences: What Effects on Structural Policies in EU?
by Gianluigi Alzona - 85-114 Inter-Firm Relationships: Analysis and Case Studies
by Federico Sallusti - 115-148 Is Third Party Access Exemption a Sufficient Mechanism to Promote LNG Import Terminal Investments?
by Vincenzo Cioffo - 149-172 Individual and Collective Reputation: Lessons from the Wine Market
by Stefano Castriota & Marco Delmastro - 173-174 Governare i beni collettivi
by L'industria - 175-178 Un anno di "Review of Industrial Organization"
by Andrea Mangani - 179-182 Un anno di "Journal of Regional Science"
by Antonio Tesoriere
2009, Issue 4
- 575-582 The Italian Industry at a Crossroad: Relative Deindustrialisation or Irreversible Decline
by Enzo Pontarollo - 583-592 New Products and Economic Theories on the Web. An Introduction
by Andrea Mangani - 593-616 Price Schemes for the Internet: Access to the Network and Search Advertising
by Nicola Meccheri - 617-646 Competition and Efficiency in Online Digital Markets
by Carlo Cambini & Nicola Meccheri - 647-678 Multilateral Platforms and Google Book Search: Which Competition After the Settlement Agreement?
by Daria Ciriaci & Davide Quaglione - 679-702 The Decline in US Manufacturing Before and During the Current Crisis
by Robert W. Crandall - 703-726 Broadband Impact on Economic Growth: A Review of the Empirical Evidence
by Lorenzo Pupillo - 727-744 Geographical Export Diversification and Rising Risk: An Analysis for the Italian Manufacturing Sectors
by Andrea Dossena & Alessandra Lanza - 745-748 I fondi sovrani. I nuovi attori della finanza mondiale: opportunità o rischi?
by L'industria - 749-752 Un anno di "Economia e Politica Industriale"
by Federico Boffa - 753-756 Un anno di "The Journal of Industrial Economics"
by Davide Vannoni
2009, Issue 3
- 395-402 Research Evaluation: the Dangers of Bibliometric Indexes
by Lorenzo Infantino - 403-412 Fixed Costs and Economies of Scale: Some Problematic Aspects
by Gianluigi Alzona - 413-436 A Sectoral Analysis of Total Factor Productivity in Italy
by Francesco Aiello & Valeria Pupo & Fernanda Ricotta - 437-466 Production to Order and Performance in Domestic and Foreign Markets
by Tiziano Razzolini & Davide Vannoni - 467-488 Financial Constraints and Industrial Districts: Does Internal Finance Matter?
by Mario Calderini & Elisa Ughetto - 489-522 Road Transport or Intermodal Rail Transport? Results from a Survey on the Preferences of some Italian Manufacturing Firms
by Edoardo Marcucci & Romeo Danielis - 523-550 Market structure and competition in the Italian brewing industry
by Christian Garavaglia - 551-556 Un anno di "Small Business Economics"
by Donato Iacobucci - 557-560 Un anno di "Revue d'Économie Industrielle"
by Sandrine Labory - 561-566 Un anno di "Journal of Regulatory Economics"
by Umberto Monarca
2009, Issue 2
- 205-214 The great ball of forecasts: what future for the Italian industry
by Enzo Pontarollo - 215-224 Which role for public procurement in Italy. A premise
by Fabrizio Traù - 225-244 E pluribus unum? An evaluation of the Italian national procurement Body
by Gustavo Piga - 245-266 Public procurement as an instrument of european technological policy
by Sandrine Labory - 267-284 The possible relationship between public procurement and technological innovation in the Italian context
by Fabrizio Traù - 285-306 Best performance-best practice: the case of Italian manufacturing companies
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 307-332 Yardstick competition in the water industry: an econometric application and some thoughts on the English experience
by Tiziana Caliman & Maurizio Conti - 333-364 Instruments and policies supporting the technological transfer in European regions
by Graziano Pini - 365-368 Un anno di "Information Economics and Policy"
by Luca Barbarito - 369-372 Un anno di "Management delle Utilities"
by Giovanni Fraquelli - 373-373 Un anno di "Mercato concorrenza regole"
by Danicla Fratini
2009, Issue 1
- 3-6 Industries, Governments and Global Crises?
by Marco R. Di Tommaso - 7-14 Sustainability and the Re-organization of Economic Systems: Are there New Opportunities?
by Enzo Pontarollo & Alessandro Sarra - 15-44 Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Strategies for Italy. Economic Impact and Opportunity for Technological Innovations
by Francesco Gracceva & Carlo Manna - 45-58 Investments and Policies to Control GHG Emissions in the Energy Sector
by Valentina Bosetti & Carlo Carraio - 59-72 Sustainable Growth and Environmental Innovation: Regulation and Social Responsibility?
by Ignazio Musu - 73-94 Structural Change and Reorganization of the Productive System. Which Pathways to Safeguard the Environment and Achieve Simultaneous Competitivity
by Giancarlo Barbiroli - 95-122 Environmental Sustainability and Firms Competitiveness: Lessons from Micron and Alma c.i.s. Case studies
by Davide Quaglione & Sergio Galbiati & Enrico Marramiero - 123-148 Inter-firm Coordination: The Role of R&D Consortia
by Luca Correani & Giuseppe Garofalo & Elisabetta Neri - 149-178 Innovation in Medium-Sized Manufacturing Firms in Brescia Province. An Empirical Survey
by Giancarlo Provasi & Flaminio Squazzoni - 179-186 Un anno di "Journal of Law and Economics"
by Alessandro Marra - 187-194 Un anno di "Research Policy"
by Alessandro Muscio
2008, Issue 4
- 585-588 Crisis and change
by Patrizio Bianchi - 589-594 The design of the new industrial policy between territories and institutions
by Antonio Purpura - 595-622 The location of biotech firms in Italy: analysis and implications for regional industrial policies
by Elisa Barbieri & Stuart O. Schweitzer & Francesco L. Galassi - 623-642 Foreign Direct Investments attractiveness in Italy and in the Mezzogiorno: the role of national and regional policies
by Roberto Basile & Marianna Mantuano - 643-662 The new features of the European Industrial Policy: some remarks
by Augusto Ninni - 663-688 Knowledge economy and regional policies: considerations on the Italian case
by Alessandro Sterlacchini - 689-712 An application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure the efficiency of the Italian airports after the privatisation
by Claudia Curi & Simone Gitto & Paolo Mancuso - 713-738 HHI as a Measure of Concentration in the Antitrust Suits: Analogies and Differences Between the two Sides of Atlantic
by Andrea Nuzzi - 737-740 Un anno di "...." - un primo bilancio
by Umberto Monarca
2008, Issue 3
- 377-378 New challenges for "l'industria"
by Enzo Pontarollo - 379-384 Beyond the boundaries of Italian industry
by Marco R. Di Tommaso - 385-404 Productivity and the international firm: the role of managerial and organizational competences
by Davide Castellani & Giorgia Giovannetti - 405-432 Italian and Chinese manufacturing sector. Empirical analysis and industrial policy implications
by Marco R. Di Tommaso & Annalisa Baradel - 433-460 The impact of outward FDI on the labour demand in Italy
by Stefano Elia & Ilaria Mariotti & Lucia Piscitello - 461-488 The internationalization of research relations in science-based sectors. The case of genetics in Emilia Romagna
by Lauretta Rubini - 489-546 Transformation processes of territorial systems. Research hypotheses testing on the use of local knowledge and digitalization degree in some European clusters
by Lucio Biggiero - 547-570 The industrial districts at the palingenesis test
by Giovanni Foresti & Fabrizio Guelpa & Stefania Trenti - 571-572 Il rancore. Alle radici del malessere del Nord
by L'industria - 573-574 Il rebus energetico. Tra politica, economia e ambiente
by L'industria
2008, Issue 2
- 1 Ricordo
by L'industria - 165-172 Financial and Real Economy, Are there Multiplicative Effects?
by Giovanni Zanetti - 173-184 A Primer on the Link Between Industrial Organization and European Integration
by Franco Mosconi - 185-220 Statistical Regularities in the Evolution of Industries. A Guide through Some Evidence and Challenges for the Theory
by Giovanni Dosi - 221-244 The Happy Few: New Facts on the Internationalization of European Firms Based on Firm-level Evidence
by Thierry Mayer & Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano - 245-270 Mergers and National Champions
by Massimo Motta & Michele Ruta - 271-288 A Comparison of the Director Networks in the Main Companies Listed in Italy, France and the United Kingdom
by Paolo Santella & Carlo Drago & Andrea Polo & Enrico Gagliardi - 289-328 Academic Start-ups: Theory and Empirical Evidence on Italian Case
by Massimo G. Colombo & Evila Piva - 329-346 The Emergent Biotechnological Sector. Information Sources, Statistical Indicators and Main Policy Field
by Rosamaria D'Amore & Maria Patrizia Vittoria - 347-354 Un anno di "Journal of Productivity Analysis"
by Piercarlo Frigero - 355-358 Un anno di "Industrial and Corporate Change "
by Donato Iacobucci - 359-362 Un anno di "Regional Sciences and Urban Economics"
by Gioacchino Fazio
2008, Issue 1
- 3-14 Editorial: Industrial Strategies in the Era of the "Environmental Challenge"
by Alessandro Sarra - 7-14 Italy and globalisation's faces: the role of industrial policy
by Cesare Pozzi - 15-36 Determinants of Adoption of Standards for Local Area Networks: Empirical Evidence from a Sample of Firms in Italy
by Nicoletta Corrocher & Roberto Fontana - 15-52 Opinioni a confronto, interventi di Patrizio Bianchi, Antonio Castorani, Fabio Gobbo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Rainer Masera, Enzo Pontarollo, Romano Prodi
by L'industria - 37-60 Notes on the Relationship Between Trust, Institutions and Social Capital
by Domenico Cersosimo & Rosanna Nisticò - 53-60 Intervento dell'amministratore delegato del Gruppo FIAT
by Sergio Marchionne - 61-80 Industrial policy and the World Financial Crisis
by Mario Deaglio - 61-84 Has Sentence 500 / 1999 of the Italian Supreme Court Reduced the Incentive to Corrupt and to be Corrupted?
by Giuseppe Di Vita - 81-98 The state of Italian industry and its outlook
by Salvatore Rossi - 85-116 Firm Growth in High-tech Sectors: The Impact of Founders' Human Capital and Access to Venture Capital Financing
by Massimo G. Colombo & Luca Grilli - 99-110 Regional industrial policy: the case of Catalonia
by José Garcìa Quevedo - 111-124 Energy outlook and the environmental issue: critical issues and prospects
by Sergio Garribba - 117-134 Industrial Structure and Competitiveness: Crucial Elements in the Internationalization of the Italian Economy
by Giorgia Giovannetti & Elena Mazzeo - 125-146 Electricity generation through renewable sources for environmental sustainability and competitiveness of the Italian economy
by Arturo Lorenzoni - 135-138 Un conservatore alla Fed
by L'industria - 139-142 Un anno di "International Journal of Industrial Organization"
by Giorgio Prodi - 143-148 Un anno di "Journal of Development Economics"
by Piercarlo Frigero - 147-164 Climate Action: a new energy policy for Europe
by Umberto Monarca - 149-152 Un anno di "Economia Pubblica"
by Enzo Pontarollo - 165-190 Energetic and environmental aspects concerning the economic development
by Maria Chiara Zanetti & Giovanni Zanetti - 191-206 Intangible infrastructures and development: the networks of business support services
by Nicola Bellini - 207-226 Technology Transfer: the RIDITT experience
by Riccardo Gallo & Mauro Mallone & Vincenzo Zezza - 227-244 The New European Industrial Policy: A Technological Perspective
by Franco Mosconi - 245-268 Technology Transfer in Italy: Results of a Survey on University Departments
by Alessandro Muscio - 269-298 Academic Research Valorization by knowledge Interpolation. Material and Immaterial Infrastructures
by Lucio Poma & Laura Ramaciotti - 299-314 Methods and goals of infrastructural choices
by Cesare Pozzi
2007, Issue 4
- 593-606 Editorial: Productivity Growth: Structural Change and Concern over Italy's Decline
by Piercarlo Frigero - 607-624 Introduction to the Special Issue on Italian Manufacturing Medium-sized Firms. Medium-sized firms: Some New Evidence and Discussion Items
by Gianluigi Alzona - 625-652 The Internationalization Process of Medium Sized Firms in the Italian Manufacturing System
by Donato Iacobucci & Francesca Spigarelli - 653-678 Medium Size Pharmaceutical Firms in Italy: Strategies, Performance and Prospects
by Federico Spandonaro - 679-702 Private Equity Investments and the Italian Industry
by Enzo Pontarollo & Marco Casè - 703-736 Multinationals, Innovation and Productivity: Old and New Paradigms and Implications for Industrial Dynamics
by Antonello Zanfei - 737-770 Measures of Technical Efficiency in Two Sectors: Banks and Automobiles
by Ciro Rapacciuolo