2018, Issue 1
- 125-156 Emerging industry, business opportunities and industrial policy choices in Africa. An analysis of the Ethiopia case
by Mattia Tassinari & Antonio Angelino & Elisa Barbieri - 157-158 Andrea Boitani (2017), Sette luoghi comuni sull'economia, Laterza, Bari
by Antonio De Gennaro
2017, Issue 4
- 413-430 Editoriale
by Enzo Pontarollo - 431-458 Bagnoli, Naples. History and ideas to relaunch the debate on industry in Southern Italy
by Emanuele Felice - 459-494 More state or more market? An empirical analysis of capital structure in project financing transactions
by Francesco Baldi & Giorgio Di Giorgio & Francesco Nucci - 495-516 Structural transformation in manufacturing and the role of business services: evidence from the italian economy
by Claudio Di Berardino - 517-536 Input-Output Tables, Subsystem Approach, Manufacturing, Business Services
by Alberto Biancardi - 537-554 Equity risk premium regulation: a first institutional analysis
by Umberto Monarca & Giuseppe Surdi - 555-556 Guercini S., Dei Ottati G., Baldassar L., Johanson G. (2017), Native and immigrant entrepreneurship. Lessons for local liabilities in globalization from the Prato case study, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
by Andrea Runfola
2017, Issue 3
- 283-290 Editoriale
by Ernesto Cassetta & Cesare Pozzi - 291-316 Technology, organisation and work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The renaissance of socio-technical design
by Federico Butera - 317-340 Reshoring to Italy: A first characterization and a comparison to Europe and North America
by Paolo Barbieri & Luciano Fratocchi - 341-364 Municipal solid waste collection service in Italy: Efficiency analysis and a proposal for regulation
by Massimo Beccarello & Giacomo Di Foggia - 365-384 Business groups and the great recession in Italy
by Giulio Cainelli & Valentina Giannini & Donato Iacobucci - 385-410 Entrepreneurial activity and education in Italy
by Nicola Curci & Alessandra Micozzi - 411-412 Cesaratto S. (2016), Sei lezioni di economia. Conoscenze necessarie per capire la crisi più lunga (e come uscirne), Imprimatur
by Antonio De Gennaro
2017, Issue 2
- 131-138 University: The need for a change in direction
by L'industria - 139-156 Giacomo Becattini: The science and the consciousness of places
by Patrizio Bianchi - 157-170 The newspaper industry and the changes in the last 20 years
by Luca Barbarito - 171-200 The territory effect on the international competitiveness and on the social sustainability of the economy: An analysis on the Italian manufacturing smes
by Marco Pini - 201-220 The determinants of profitability in an Italian agro-industrial sector: An empirical analysis
by Marialisa Mazzocchitti & Davide Quaglione & Alessandro Sarra - 221-240 Economia circolare e scarti nelle filiere agroalimentari: prima indagine esplorativa sullo stato dell'arte
by Nicola Faccilongo & Giustina Pellegrini & Piermichele La Sala - 241-268 Among the methodological perspectives of structural analysis and the inevitable centrality of economic-social facts
by Michele Lo Re & Eleonora Veglianti - 269-276 A new dualism in Italy
by Franco A. Grassini - 277-278 Barra Caracciolo L. (2015), La Costituzione nella palude. Imprimatur
by Umberto Monarca
2017, Issue 1
- 3-14 Strategies for Emerging Technologies and Strategic Sectors: Evidence from OECD countries and some critical reflections on the Italian case
by Antonio Andreoni - 15-48 Industrial cluster evolution in brics Countries: A sustainable human development perspective
by Mario Biggeri - 49-74 Agglomeration externalities and technology adoption: An empirical investigation into the machinery industry in Emilia-Romagna
by Federico Frattini & Francesco Nicolli - 75-96 The informal communities for the contemporary city. The Fab Lab as learning and co-working occasions
by Maria Patrizia Vittoria & Pasquale Napolitano - 97-120 Sources of disruptive technologies for industrial change
by Mario Coccia - 121-122 Nicolai M., Tortorella W., Finanziare la crescita. Chi ci mette le risorse?
by Ernesto Casetta - 123-127 Fortis M. (ed.) (2016), The Pillars of the Italian Economy, Cham: Springer
by Daniele Schilirò
2016, Issue 4
- 531-536 Politiche industriali, selettività e mercato
by Ernesto Cassetta & Cesare Pozzi - 537-564 Channels to innovation: The Chinese experience in the automotive sector
by Chiara Pollio & Elisa Barbieri & Lauretta Rubini & Marco R. Di Tommaso - 565-586 Two decades of Made in China innovation
by Claudio Petti & Francesco Prota & Lauretta Rubini - 587-612 Firms' characteristics and business environment constraints: Evidence from Vietnam
by Antonio Angelino & Mattia Tassinari & Elisa Barbieri & Marco R. Di Tommaso - 613-636 The dark side of collaborations for innovation: Are collaborations with universities darker than those with other partners?
by Enrico Guzzini & Donato Iacobucci - 637-654 The importance of «budget management» in museums: a methodology to evaluate their standard costs
by Pietro Antonio Valentino - 655-683 The National Urban protoagenda
by Giorgia Marinuzzi & Walter Tortorella
2016, Issue 3
- 375-382 Editoriale: Industria 4.0: un nuovo approccio alla politica industriale
by Enzo Pontarollo - 383-386 «Industry 4.0»: A first critical reflection
by Daniele Marini - 387-390 Industry 4.0: The entrepreneurial perspective
by Alberto Baban - 391-406 Finance and strategies for a changing industrial sector
by Innocenzo Cipolletta - 407-426 Technology and the human factor in the digital factory
by Annalisa Magone - 427-450 The New High-Tech Challenge to Industrial Districts - An Introduction
by Franco Mosconi - 451-472 The metaphor of the compass as a theoretical tool to trigger the analysis of the Industry 4.0 economic paradigm
by Michele Lo Re & Eleonora Veglianti & Umberto Monarca - 473-492 The construction industry in Italy: the effect of the crisis and recent opportunities
by Filippo Monge & Daniele Cattaneo & Evelyn Gosmar - 493-514 Heterogeneity in cooperation for innovation and technological capabilities of firms in Italy
by Ivano Dileo & Marialuisa Divella - 515-524 DEA approaches to handle environmental factors
by Marialisa Mazzocchitti & Davide Quaglione & Alessandro Sarra - 525-526 Joseph E. Stiglitz, Le nuove regole dell'economia
by Antonio De Gennaro
2016, Issue 2
- 207-218 Leggi di Kaldor, sovranità e resilienza
by Cesare Pozzi & Giuseppe Surdi - 219-224 Culture and development: Ideas and tools. An introduction to debating
by Gioacchino Fazio & Antonio Purpura - 225-236 New challenges for cultural activities facing globalization and digitization
by Françoise Benhamou - 237-256 Cultural and creative industries in Italy: the case of State libraries and their performance
by Calogero Guccio & Anna Mignosa & Ilde Rizzo - 257-288 Cultural activities for productivity growth
by Giovanni Zanetti & Piercarlo Frigero - 289-304 The Ecclesiastical museums' experience in Italy
by Giancarlo Santi - 305-328 The role of digitalization in the internationalization of Italian manufacturing firms
by Ernesto Cassetta & Linda Meleo & Marco Pini - 329-362 Industrial districts between territorial and economic change and firm level profile
by Silvia Lombardi & Maria Grazia Magliocchi - 363-366 Regolazione ambientale e politiche energetiche: il dibattito attuale nei contributi di «Energy Policy»
by Umberto Monarca - 367-369 Franco Mosconi, The New European Industrial Policy. Global competitiveness and the manufacturing renaissance
by Vera Zamagni
2016, Issue 1
- 3-10 Editoriale: La fabbri-gitale: quando l'industria intreccia il digitale e i servizi
by Daniele Marini - 11-50 The Italian space industry in 2010-2012. Structure, performance and returns from a high tech sector
by Giancarlo Graziola & Annalisa Cristini & Giacomo Sciortino - 51-70 Sustainable Internationalization of Multinational Corporations: Myth or Reality?
by Raffaella Montera - 71-100 Structure, performance and growth potential of Italian exporting firms during the «doubledip » years
by Stefano Costa & Francesca Luchetti & Elena Mazzeo & Federico Sallusti & Claudio Vicarelli - 101-118 Technological change and higher education. Mechanisms and channels of coevolution in a traditional industrial district
by Daniela Freddi & Ugo Rizzo - 119-166 An analysis of Italian innovation policies
by Salvatore Zecchini - 167-200 Effective Technology Transfer for the Italian smes: the need of Knowledge Integrator
by Ombretta Buzzi & Giuseppe Confessore - 201-204 Ascesa e Declino: storia economica d'Italia
by Gian Paolo Manzella
2015, Issue 4
- 501-510 Brussels, Member States and Regions of Europe: Coherence and Courage for a New Industrial Policy
by Franco Mosconi - 511-534 Technology Innovation and New Industry Development: The CRO Industry in Italy
by Roberto Parente & Luciana Fontana & Anna Gimigliano - 535-552 Social Innovation: An Observational Study in High-Tech Industries
by Riccardo Maiolini & Alessandro Marra & Mario Luciani - 553-584 The Evaluation of «Regional Digital Agendas». A Model for Public Investments in Broadband
by Nicola Matteucci - 585-618 The Deindustrialization in France: What Implications beyond the Reduction of Manufacturing Jobs?
by Davide Bubbico - 619-638 The Tourism Industry: A Perspective for Rome
by Umberto Monarca & Giuseppe Surdi & Giorgio Curini - 639-670 Efficiency Performance and Policies for the Development of Italian Airport system. A data envelopment analysis
by Ernesto Cassetta & Michele Lo Re & Cesare Pozzi - 671-671 Pirelli, Innovazione e Passione, 1872-2015
by Patrizio Bianchi - 672-673 Economia. Istruzioni per l'uso
by Antonio De Gennaro
2015, Issue 3
- 317-322 The Italian «Mezzogiorno»: From the «Industrial Desertification» to a New Path to Growth, Some Policy Indications
by Antonio Purpura - 323-350 Manufacturing Development and Industrial Policy. The Korean Way
by Mattia Tassinari & Elisa Barbieri & Giovanni Morleo - 351-380 Hanoi between Washington and Beijing. Vietnamese Industrial Development Through Export-led Growth and Selective Planning
by Marco R. Di Tommaso & Antonio Angelino - 381-402 The Contradictions of Selective Industrial Policies. The Case of the Automotive Sector in Thailand
by Chiara Pollio & Lauretta Rubini - 403-434 Selective Industrial Policy and Strategic Sectors. The Choices of Beijing
by Elisa Barbieri & Marco R. Di Tommaso & Mattia Tassinari - 435-454 The Industrial Policy after the Crisis: the Role of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
by Franco Bassanini - 455-472 New Trend in the Business Models of Italian Media
by Luca Barbarito & Maria Rosa Battaggion - 473-490 The Role of Manufacturing in the Economic Growth from a Kaldorian Perspctive using the Network Analysis: The Case of Italy
by Michele Lo Re & Linda Meleo & Cesare Pozzi - 491-492 Sustainable Human Development. A New Territorial and People-centred Perspective
by Patrizio Bianchi
2015, Issue 2
- 161-168 Production Specialization, Innovation and Internationalization: the case of Mechanical Engineering in Italy
by Secondo Rolfo & Paolo Rizzi - 169-188 Structure, Strategies and Performance of Mechanical Engineering in Italy
by Serena Costa & Paolo Rizzi - 189-202 Machinery Producers and Industrial Districts: Empirical Evidence in Italy During the Crisis
by Alessandro Manello - 203-220 Hybrid Innovation and Business Performance in the Italian Machine Tool Industry
by Fabio Campanini & Paolo Rizzi - 221-238 Productive Specialization and Integration of the Stone Processing Sector
by Giampaolo Vitali & Secondo Rolfo - 239-258 Technology and Diversification Strategy in the Plastic Processing Industry, Through a Firm Case Study
by Elena Santanera - 259-276 Paper Machinery Industry: Organization, Internationalization and Growth Strategies
by Giampaolo Vitali - 277-308 Technological Innovation and Co-Evolution in the Music Industry
by Vincenzo Uli
2015, Issue 1
- 3-18 Big Fims, Managerial Culture, and Firm Development in Italy
by Patrizio Bianchi - 19-22 Introduzione
by Federico Boffa & Marco Cucculelli - 23-76 Vertical Specialization and Diversification along the Aviation Global Value Chains
by Stefano Bolatto & Piercarlo Frigero & Salvatore Grimaldi - 77-92 The Role of Italian Suppliers in the Automotive Global Value Chain: Effects on Technical Efficiency
by Alessandro Manello - 93-110 Family Firms and Foreign Market Entry Modes: The Role of Family Involvement
by Matteo Giuliano Caroli & Marco Cucculelli & Claudia Pongelli - 111-138 Public Enterprises in a Global Perspective in the Last Decade
by Stefano Clò & Matteo Ferraris & Massimo Florio - 139-142 Sud. Venti anni di solitudine e Storia dell'IRI
by Patrizio Bianchi - 143-143 Il capitale nel XXI secolo
by Antonio De Gennaro - 144-146 Investire in conoscenza
by Gian Paolo Manzella - 147-150 Cacciavite, Robot e Tablet: come far ripartire le imprese
by Gian Paolo Manzella
2014, Issue 4
- 575-588 Dematerialization and the Engines of Sustainable Growth
by Alessandro Sarra & Marialisa Mazzocchitti - 589-592 Public Procurement: centralizzazione, gare e antitrust
by Davide Vannoni - 593-620 Centralization versus Decentralization: The Case of Italian Pharmaceutical Procurement
by Simona Baldi - 621-642 Awarding Procedures for Public works. An Empirical Analysis on Italian Data
by Simona Baldi & Anna Bottasso & Maurizio Conti & Claudia Piccardo - 643-670 Properties of Scoring Rules in Competitive Public Procurement
by Gian Luigi Albano & Marco Sparro & Roberto Zampino - 671-696 Decentralization and Public Works Procurement in Italy
by Calogero Guccio & Giacomo Pignataro & Ilde Rizzo - 697-720 The Enforcement of Competition Policy in Public Procurement
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 721-748 Financial Structure and Vulnerability for the Firms of the Furnishing District
by Michele Sarra - 749-754 Un anno di
by Ernesto Cassetta & Linda Meleo
2014, Issue 3
- 365-368 The Two Faces of Globalization
by Umberto Monarca - 369-408 Government and Industry in the United States. Past Practices and the Debate on the Present Policies
by Marco R. Di Tommaso & Mattia Tassinari - 409-428 The Determinants of University Entrepreneurship. An American Case Study
by Lauretta Rubini & Marco Antonio Miglietta - 429-460 Industrial Policies and Development in India: The Role of Manufacturing Clusters
by Mario Biggeri & Santosh Mehrotra - 461-488 Industrial Policy and the Auto Sector in India: Developments and Challenges Ahead
by Lorenza Monaco - 489-504 The Russian Economy at the Turning Point
by Natalia Akindinova & Yaroslav Kuzminov & Evgeny Yasin - 505-530 The Chinese Pharmaceutical Market: Driving Forces and Emerging Trends
by Francesca Spigarelli & Hao Wei - 531-548 China: Industrialization, Growth and Territorial Disparities. A Challenge to the Sustainability of the Process of Change and Development
by Angela Sarcina & Marco R. Di Tommaso & Stefano Bonnini - 549-562 The Malaysian Industry In The Middle-Income Trap
by Antonio Angelino & Pietro P. Masina
2014, Issue 2
- 173-186 Crisis, Theories, and Policies: The Courage to Change
by Cesare Pozzi - 187-220 Industry and Industrial Development in Italy in the First 50 Years after the Unification (1861- 1911)
by Patrizio Bianchi - 221-244 The Competitive Position of The Italian Tier 1 Automotive Suppliers in Europe
by Giuseppe Calabrese & Alessandro Manello - 245-266 Water Service's Price Regulation in Italy: Porposal for a Structural Reform
by Roberto Fazioli - 267-292 Ownership Structure and Financial Structure in Italian Listed Groups
by Massimo Cecchi - 293-318 Criminal Organization and Supply-Chain Relationships in Illicit Drug Market: An Economic Analysis
by Federico Sallusti - 319-338 Data analytics nel comparto high-tech statunitense: impatti, evoluzione e tutela della privacy
by Alessandro Marra & Mario Luciani & Paola Antonelli - 339-339 L'Italia delle fabbriche. La parabola dell'industrialismo nel Novecento
by Enzo Pontarollo - 340-343 Lo Stato Innovatore
by Gian Paolo Manzella - 344-345 Elogio della piccola impresa
by Paolo Gerli - 346-348 Un'agenda non conformista per la crescita economica
by Paolo Gerli - 349-354 Fonti rinnovabili e politiche dell'energia nei contributi di Energy Policy
by Ernesto Cassetta & Umberto Monarca
2014, Issue 1
- 3-28 The Internationalisation of the Italian Manufacturing Firms During the Crisis: Winners and Losers in the Global Market
by Serena Causo & Stefano Costa & Francesca Lucchetti & Roberto Monducci & Stefania Rossetti - 29-48 Emerging Paradigms: How Time Affects Decision Making
by Vincenzo Maggioni & Sergio Barile & Mario Calabrese & Francesca Iandolo - 49-68 Territorial Differences in Entrepreneurial Dynamics in Italy
by Donato Iacobucci & Alessandra Micozzi - 69-100 Industrial Policy in the United States. The theoretical debate, the rhetoric, and the practices in the era of the Washington Consensus
by Mattia Tassinari - 101-124 Spatial Competition in the Italian Retail Grocery Sector: An Exploratory Analysis
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Anna Menozzi - 125-128 Forum: quali politiche industriali per il futuro dell'Italia?
by Enzo Pontarollo - 129-154 Le opinioni a confronto
by Giovanni Ajassa & Luciano Barra Caracciolo & Andrea Bianchi & Paolo Bonaretti & Gian Maria Gros-Pietro & Vittorio Maglia & Roberto Maglione & Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini & Francesco Sperandini - 155-158 Città metropolitane: la lunga attesa
by Ernesto Cassetta
2013, Issue 4
- 621-626 Opportunities and Challenges for the Manufacturing Industry of the Future
by Enzo Pontarollo - 627-656 Catching-Up and Structural Change: Where are they Going Regions of the New eu Member Countries?
by Claudio Di Berardino & Alessandro Sarra - 657-688 How Social Capital, Trust And Cluster Management Affect Firms' Innovation Performance Within Clusters
by Ivan De Noni & Andrea Ganzaroli & Luciano Pilotti - 689-722 Steel There? The European Steel Industry after the Great Recession
by Giacomo Luchetta & Federica Mustilli & Lorna Schrefler & Felice Simonelli - 723-760 Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas in Italy Taxation, Royalties and Surface Rents: A Proposal for a Pragmatic and Sustainable Decentralization
by Roberto Fazioli & Pierluigi Vecchia - 761-784 Academic Spin-Offs in Italy: An Analysis of Governance Models and Performance
by Donato Iacobucci & Alessandra Micozzi & Giacinto Micucci
2013, Issue 3
- 393-396 Introduzione
by Enzo Pontarollo & Cesare Pozzi - 397-416 Evolutionary Paths in Supporting Firms in China. An Analysis of Leading Firms and Insights on Industrial Policy
by Lauretta Rubini & Elisa Barbieri - 417-432 Analysis of Industrial Policies for Local Specialization: The Case of China
by Marco R. Di Tommaso & Lucia Bazzucchi - 433-448 Innovation in China: Who is the Real Entrepreneur?
by Claudio Petti & Silvia Podetti & Lauretta Rubini - 449-470 Industrialization and Territorial Unbalances: An Explorative Analysis of the Chinese Case
by Marco R. Di Tommaso & Angela Sarcina & Stefano Bonnini - 471-490 Dynamic Changes in China's Spatial Inequalities across Provinces and its Rural and Urban Areas
by Barbara Barone & Peng Bin & Cristina Brasili & Roberto Fanfani - 491-510 Manufacturing and Growth in China: Which Facts, Which Model and Which Problems?
by Federico Frattini & Giorgio Prodi - 511-534 China and Natural Resources in the wto Dispute Settlement System: The China - Raw Materials Case
by Elisa Baroncini - 535-556 Evolution of Commercial Relations with China and the Role of Italian Firms in Asian Area
by Giancarlo Corò & Mario Volpe - 557-582 The Contribution of Research Centres to Local Development: The Case of «Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"»
by Alberto Bagnai & Alberto Mancuso & Alessandro Marra & Marialisa Mazzocchitti & Davide Quaglione & Alessandro Sarra - 583-604 Energy Production from Renewable Sources in the Italian Power System: Regulatory Issues and Emerging Answers
by Ernesto Cassetta & Umberto Monarca - 605-610 Il dibattito internazionale sulle politiche dei trasporti: il contributo di Transport policy
by Ernesto Cassetta
2013, Issue 2
- 211-216 Editoriale: Forme ibride di organizzazione per rafforzare la competitività
by Fabrizio Guelpa - 217-222 Le reti per il futuro
by Umberto Monarca - 223-244 Le politiche infrastrutturali in Italia: una lettura strategica
by Ernesto Cassetta & Cesare Pozzi - 245-274 Infrastrutture e crescita: il contributo dei trasporti e della logistica
by Giuseppe Mele - 275-294 Making European Cities more Affordable, Productive and Sustainable
by Eugenio Leanza & Gianni Carbonaro - 295-328 Le corporate university italiane
by Giuseppe Cappiello & Giulio Pedrini - 329-346 Struttura produttiva, localizzazione geografica e crescita nazionale: quando le regioni non convergono
by Claudio Di Berardino & Alessandro Sarra - 347-382 Il contratto di rete: limiti e opportunità
by Chiara Bentivogli & Fabio Quintiliani & Daniele Sabbatini
2013, Issue 1
- 3-10 A Stronger Manufacturing Industry For Growth and Economic Recovery
by Enzo Pontarollo - 11-60 The Status of Italian Broadband: Statistics, Diffusion Models and Policy Implications
by Nicola Matteucci - 61-92 Innovation Indicators at the Territorial Level
by Michele Capriati - 93-122 Entrepreneurship in Knowledge and Innovation
by Renato Chahinian - 123-158 Traditional Industrial Districts in the Face of Globalization: The Case of the Marche Footwear District
by Eleonora Cutrini & Giacinto Micucci & Pasqualino Montanaro - 159-180 Innovation and Internationalisation Policies: An Analysis at Regional Level
by Mariasole Bannò & Valentina Morandi - 181-196 Highways and Urban Development in Italy
by Marco Percoco - 197-200 Innovatori di confine
by Marco Cucculelli
2012, Issue 4
- 567-576 The Euro and the Competitiveness of European Countries
by Cesare Pozzi - 577-588 Italian Productivity, Infrastructural Policies and the Role of Industrial Organization
by Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini - 589-606 Bain and the Origins of Industrial Organization
by Patrizio Bianchi - 607-634 Pre-Funding Opportunities for Italian Airport Infrastructures in Light of a Benchmarking Analysis of International Airports Charges
by Davide Quaglione & Felice Simonelli - 635-662 Air Accessibility and Export Capability of the Italian Manufacturing Industry
by Marco Alderighi & Alberto A. Gaggero - 663-674 Italian Utilities, Natural Monopolies and Financial Unbundling
by Francesco Sperandini - 675-704 Productive Districts of the Music Industry Supply Chain in Italy
by Antonella Ardizzone - 705-736 Flying Geese and Middle-Income Trap: An Analysis on Vietnam
by Pietro P. Masina - 737-760 Structure, Size and Information Asymmetries of the Visual Arts Sector
by Alessia Zorloni - 761-764 Sergio Paronetto e il formarsi della costituzione economica italiana
by Giuseppe Surdi
2012, Issue 3
- 391-396 Regulatory Choices for a New Economic Development
by Enzo Pontarollo - 397-410 The Local Public Transport Sector among Structural Constraints and Market Opening
by Piero Rubino - 411-428 The Airport Market in Europe: The Case for Regulation and a Perspective for Competition
by Maria Martoccia - 429-460 14 Years of agcom, What Has Changed in the Italian tlc since 1998
by Raffaele Mosca - 461-474 Regulation, Rhetoric: The case of Water Utilities in Italy
by Luca Arnaudo - 475-496 Costs, Benefits and Prospects for Development of Renewable Energy Sources: The Italian Case
by Umberto Monarca - 497-528 Changes in the Italian Economy: The Cooperatives
by Chiara Bentivogli & Eliana Viviano - 529-556 Analysis of the Allocation Process of a Public Financial Incentive with Data Mining Techniques
by Mariasole Bannò & Marika Vezzoli
2012, Issue 2
- 215-220 Infrastructure and Economic Growth: What About the Future?
by Ernesto Cassetta & Cesare Pozzi - 221-236 «Recondisering Italy» as a Late Comer in the European Development: Some Observations on the Structure and Recent Performance of the Manufacturing Sector
by Giuliano Conti & Pietro Modiano - 237-254 The Impact of Public Funding for Innovation on Firms' R&D Investments: Do R&D Cooperation and Appropriability Matter?
by Manuela Gussoni & Andrea Mangani - 255-282 University-Industry cooperation: an analysis on the co-generated patents in Italy
by Daniele Cerrato & Roberto Parente & Michele Petrone