2024, Issue 2
- 197-218 Gender Quotas, Firm Performance, and Spillover Effects. Evidence from Italy
by Barbara Pistoresi & Erica Poma & Alberto Rinaldi - 219-246 How Outsourcing and Offshoring Drive the Structural Transformation of the Italian Manufacturing
by Claudio Di Berardino & Stefano D'Angelo & Edoardo Francesco Martire - 247-270 What Can Influence Energy- and Water-Saving Behaviours? The Role of Social, Cultural, and Institutional Capital
by Iacopo Odoardi & Dario D'Ingiullo & Davide Quaglione - 271-290 Rethinking the eu Energy Security in Face of Structural Changes in International Gas Markets
by Roberto Cardinale - 291-319 Does Higher Education Institutions Technology Transfer Play a Role in the Localization of High-Technology Firms? Determinants and Transmission Channels in Italy
by Massimo Armenise & Federico Benassi & Francesco Trivieri & Gaetano Vecchione - 311-345 The Fourth Industrial Revolution: the ongoing transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0
by Riccardo Sponga
2024, Issue 1
- 3-36 Structural Change and Resilience in Industrial Districts. The Case of Carpi
by Daniela Bigarelli & Giovanni Solinas - 37-70 Rethinking Port Industrial Policies in Italy. Analysis and Perspectives
by Elisa Barbieri & Stefano Bonaldo & Luigi Capoani & Simonetta Campanale - 71-88 Economics and Industrial Engineering: History of a Relationship Worth Investing In
by Riccardo Gallo - 89-112 Ecosystems Model Analysis for the eu Tourism Industry in Key eu Countries
by Giovanni Ruggieri & Marco Platania - 113-158 Reasons, Objectives and Potential Impact of the Italian nrrp Investment for the «iride» Earth Observation Programme
by Elisa Filippi & Antonello Aiello - 159-188 European Macroregional Strategies: Overview on the Adriatic- Ionian Region Seaports
by Alice Eliana Amatore & Daniele Bregoli & Donato Iacobucci & Marco Ciro Liscio & Zeno Olimini & Paolo Sospiro - 189-192 Di Tommaso M.R., Rubini L., Barbieri E., Pollio C., Industry Organization and Industrial Policy. Production and Innovation, Development and the Public Interest
by Lilia Costabile
2023, Issue 4
- 559-582 Architectures of Production and Industrial Dynamics: A Task-Function Theory of Structural Change
by Ivano Cardinale & Roberto Scazzieri - 583-626 Rethinking the Political Economy of Industrial Policy
by Sonia N. Aggarwal & Vinod K. Aggarwal - 627-654 Are «Happy» Firms All Alike? A Comparative Analysis of Italian and German Manufacturing Systems
by Fabio Landini & Alessandro Arrighetti & Salvatore Curatolo - 655-676 Energy and Nuclear Transition: Industrial Policy Amidst Opportunities and Risks
by Lauretta Rubini - 677-700 The Impact of Extra Liquidity on Firm-Level Employment. An Analysis from an Italian Case Study
by Ivano Dileo & Saverio Di Giorno - 701-705 Capasso S., Canitano G. (a cura di), Mediterranean Economies 2023. The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War in the Mediterranean Region: The Socio-Economic Consequences
by Patrizio Bianchi - 706-707 Carnazza P. (a cura di), Navigare nella tempesta. Recenti strategie imprenditoriali e politica industriale in Italia
by Mattia Tassinari
2023, Issue 3
- 407-440 Opportunities and Challenges for the Green Industry. The Specializations of Italian Provinces and the Implications for Energy Industrial Policies
by Elisa Barbieri & Sebastiano Cattaruzzo & Dominique Lepore & Chiara Pollio - 441-470 Common rrf Indicators and sdgs Framework: A Proposal for a Composite Index
by Fabio Bacchini & Lorenzo Di Biagio & Giampiero M. Gallo & Vincenzo Spinelli - 471-494 Energy Transition and Industrial Policies: A Comparison Between the us and Europe
by Augusto Ninni - 495-522 Some Reflections About Industrial Policies for the Energy Transition: The Role of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
by Lorenzo Compagnucci & Francesca Spigarelli - 523-555 What Is Circular Is Not All Round: A Critical Analysis of the New European Packaging Regulation and Its Industrial Policy Implications
by Antonio Massarutto
2023, Issue 2
- 203-230 Understanding the Emilian Model: A Network Analysis (na) Approach to Investigate Inter-Sectoral Relations
by Franco Mosconi & Dario D'Ingiullo - 231-252 Clean Electrification in Rural Space as an Opportunity for Local Development
by Antonio Kaulard & Francesco Prota & Francesco Silvestri - 253-276 The Construction Industry in eu: Scenarios, Dynamics, and Policy Implications
by Riccardo Rinaldi - 277-316 Theory of the Firm: Historical Review and Future Perspectives
by Maurizio La Rocca - 317-344 Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education: A Review of Empirical Results, Policy Frameworks and Methodological Suggestions
by Lorenzo Compagnucci - 345-200 Strategic Industries Between Geopolitical Instability and Back-Reshoring. The Restructuring of Global Value Chains in the Semiconductor, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Industries
by Antonio Russo - 381-403 Ownership and Efficiency, an Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Virtuous Italian Municipalities
by Andrea Di Sante Fiore & Alessandro Sarra
2023, Issue 1
- 3-26 Vision, Governance and Industrial Policy in Emilia-Romagna: A Long-Run Perspective
by Alberto Rinaldi & Giovanni Solinas - 27-52 Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in a Regional Context: The Case of Italian Region Piedmont
by Ugo Finardi - 53-76 The Role of Cluster Policy in Regional Development: Monitoring Cluster Regulation in Apulia, Italy
by Annamaria Fiore & Giorgio Ampolo & Michele Chieco & Giuseppe Musicco - 77-100 Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Traceability: A Literature Review
by Niccolò Testi & Leonardo Borsacchi & Francesca Spigarelli - 101-128 The Age of Intangibles: Empirical Evidence of the Effects of Intangible Assets on Firm’s Profitability, Productivity and on the Post covid-19 Recovery
by Marco Pini & Gaetano Fausto Esposito & Giuseppe Salonia - 129-152 How Does the Localization of Innovative Start-ups Near the Universities Influence Their Performance?
by Alessandra Micozzi & Valentina Giannini - 153-184 Smart Meters. A Sustainable Green Tool
by Antonia Rosa Gurrieri & Giovanna Morelli & Marco Mele & Cosimo Magazzino - 185-198 Call for papers
by L'industria
2022, Issue 4
- 555-580 Temporal Sequence of Knowledge Sourcing in Pharmaceutical MNEs
by Suma Athreye & John Cantwell & Sarah Edris & Marianna Marra - 581-619 Industrial Policies and State-Owned Enterprises: The Foundations of China’s Path Towards Decarbonization
by Francesco Macheda - 621-639 The Importance of Being Network
by Giorgio Prodi & Mattia Guardini & Federico Frattini - 641-675 The Participation of Italian Firms in Global Value Chains: An Empirical Assessment of Sourcing in the Fashion Industry
by Alessia Coli & Valeria Gattai & Francesca Nobili - 677-718 Research-Firms Collaboration in Italy and Germany: Analysis and Industrial Policy Implications for the Italian NRRP
by Elena Prodi - 719-736 The Travel and Tourism Industry in Italy: Definitions, Inter-Sectorial Dynamics and Effects of The Crisis
by Marco Platania & Giovanni Ruggieri - 737-739 La privatizzazione della conoscenza. Tre proposte contro i nuovi oligopoli
by Martina Dal Molin - 739-741 L’altra faccia della luna. Comuni ai margini tra quotidianità e futuro
by Ernesto Cassetta - 743-756 Call for papers
by L'industria
2022, Issue 3
- 381-402 Policies and Investments for Social Inclusion and Cohesion in the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan: A Critical Analysis of Its Approach, Objectives and Strategies
by Fabio Landini & Andrea Ferrannini - 403-423 Ecological Transition in the nrrp: Some Thoughts on the Processes of Change and Innovation
by Francesco Silvestri & Dominique Lepore & Francesca Spigarelli & Lauretta Rubini - 425-455 Economics and Engineering: A Pluralistic Alliance
by Sergio Mariotti - 457-478 The Impact on Business Performance from Participating in Innovation Poles in Piedmont
by Samuele Poy & Filomena Berardi - 479-500 Measuring Proximity between Firms: A Literature Review
by Alessandro Marra & Andrea Cantelmo - 501-507 A note on Education Policies and Development According to Smithian Approach
by Giulio Guarini - 509-536 Effects and Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education in Italy. Evidence from the Case of clab by Università Politecnica delle Marche
by Alessandra Micozzi & Francesca Micozzi & Andrea Perna & Gianluca Gregori - 537-550 Call for papers
by L'industria
2022, Issue 2
- 1-29 Competitiveness and state temptations
by Riccardo Gallo - 201-225 The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Public Good of Knowledge: Is There Enough Internet Governance?
by Roland Bardy & Arthur Rubens - 227-244 The Mission 1 of nrp: Which Opportunities to Exploit and Which Barriers to Overcome?
by Marco Bellandi & Valentina Giannini & Donato Iacobucci - 245-275 Why now more than ever do we need an industrial policy?
by Maria Letizia Giorgetti & Luisa Anderloni - 307-337 Designing a Policy for Reshoring: The Case of the Emilia-Romagna Region
by Matteo Vignoli & Clio Dosi & Paolo Barbieri & Franco Mosconi & Giorgio Prodi & Federico Frattini & Silvano Bertini - 339-361 Evaluating the Impact of a Railway Area Recovery on Housing Values: A Feasibility Study Analysis for an Urban Italian City
by Elisabetta Venezia & Caterina Marini & Vittorio Nicolardi - 363-376 Call for papers
by L'industria
2022, Issue 1
- 3-4 Ricordo di Gian Luigi Alzona
by Giovanni Zanetti - 5-36 Firm Cross-sectoral Linkages and Regional Networks in Europe. An Analysis on the Biopharmaceutical Industry (2000-16)
by Alessandra Caputo & Domenico Scalera & Emanuela Sirtori - 37-79 The shift of the triangle: density and economic transformation in Northern Italy
by Luigi Buzzacchi & Antonio De Marco & Francesca Governa & Carlo Salone - 81-100 The Allocation of Public Resources in the Post- Covid-19 Era: New Challenges for Industrial Policy
by Lorenzo Compagnucci - 101-122 Tourism business networks and competitive advantage in the Central Italy: An empirical analysis in the province of Viterbo
by Giulio Guarini & Andrea Fabrizi & Patrizio Morganti & Luca Correani - 123-152 China’s Going Global and the Truths and Myths of Decoupling
by Claudio Petti - 153-181 The Institutional Foundation of State-business Relations in Ethiopia: A Developmental State Perspective
by Bayisa Tesfaye Regassa & Elena Prodi - 183-196 Call for papers
by L'industria
2021, Issue 4
- 597-620 Firms, employment, territories and post Covid-19 industrial policy
by Alessandro Arrighetti & Marco Bellandi & Patrizio Bianchi & Sandrine Labory - 621-648 The Crisis This Time: Neoliberalism and the Pandemic
by Alfredo Saad-Filho - 649-682 On some economic and political factors triggering the current Italian crisis already at the time of the golden age
by Augusto Ninni - 683-708 Foreign direct investment screening mechanisms and industrial policies
by Cesare Pozzi & Ernesto Cassetta & Michele Lo Re - 709-748 Industrial Policy and Foreign Aid: Promoting Sustainable Structural Changes in Ethiopia
by Enrico Genovese & Marco R. Di Tommaso - 749-770 One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer: Graduates and Entrepreneurial Activity
by Michele Meoli & Alessandra Micozzi & Pierpaolo Pattitoni - 771-786 Call for papers
by L'industria
2021, Issue 3
- 395-428 The Tariff Regulation of Power Distribution and Measurement in Italy
by Fiorenza Carraro & Marta Trabucchi - 429-445 Is There a Price Premium on Typical Made-in-Italy Products? The Case of On-Line Wine Markets
by Marco Bellandi & Annalisa Caloffi & Amir Maghssudipour - 447-484 Tourism in Territorial Economies: A Taxonomy
by Silvia Lombardi & Francesca Petrei & Marina Schenkel & Ilaria Straccamore - 513-531 Who Blows the Whistle on Antitrust Infringements? An Empirical Analysis of Italian Antitrust Proceedings, 1994-2019
by Andrea Mangani - 533-578 The Transition of the Southern Economies of Mediterranean Sea: The Macroeconomic Framework and the Determinants of Foreign Investments
by Francesco Scalamonti - 579-593 Call for paper
by L'industria - 1485-1512 Innovation, Patents and Nodes. The Dynamics of Knowledge Flows in the Vicenza Province
by Adelaide Baronchelli & Roberto Ricciuti
2021, Issue 2
- 193-205 Structural Change and Development in the Italian South as a Matter of Systemic Interest
by Ivano Cardinale - 207-239 Channelling the Effect of Institutions on Productivity Growth. An Empirical Investigation on the Italian Manufacturing Industry
by Mariarosaria Agostino & Annamaria Nifo Sarrapochiello & Francesco Trivieri & Gaetano Vecchione - 241-273 Economics and Choice Architecture: What Can Be Learnt from Water Regulation in Italy
by Lorenzo Bardelli - 275-302 Gambling Advertising between Primary Legislation, Regulation and the Role of Public Institutions: The Debate on Policies and Open Questions
by Lucrezia Micangeli - 303-327 Innovation modes and international competitiveness: the role of radical innovations
by Serenella Caravella & Mirko Menghini - 329-348 Industry 4.0 for the Marche Region: Opportunities and challenges
by Alessandra Micozzi & Francesca Micozzi & Sabrina Dubbini & Dominique Lepore - 377-391 Call for Papers
by L'industria - 1349-1376 Key success factors for sustainable innovation in the textile and fashion industry. Best prac- tices of two «Made in Italy» luxury brands
by Alberta Bernardi & Chiara Luisa Cantù & Elena Cedrola
2021, Issue 1
- 3-25 Covid -19, Lockdown and Decline in Startups: Is There a Relationship? An Empirical Analysis of Italian Provinces
by Marco Pini & Alessandro Rinaldi - 27-42 Economic Networks in the Complexity of covid -19 Emergency. A Qualitative Approach for an Actor-network Model
by Michele Lo Re & Fabrizio Parente & Salvatore Annunziata - 43-62 The Need for Institutional Reforms in the European Monetary Union after the Pandemic
by Nicola Acocella - 63-93 Structural Change and Industrialization Policy in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Agro-Industrial Parks Initiative
by Andrea Ghione & Elena Prodi & Marco R. Di Tommaso - 95-121 «Ricombinazione» di tecnologie e nuova rivoluzione industriale. Il caso del distretto della meccatronica di Reggio Emilia
by Serena Fumagalli & Franco Mosconi & Carla Saruis - 123-147 The Selection of Regulators, or, the Political Economy of Regulation in Italy
by Leo Fulvio Minervini & Diego Piacentino - 149-174 Entrepreneurship in State-Owned Enterprises. An International Comparative Analysis of iri , Temasek and öiag
by Giovanni Tagliani - 175-189 Call for Papers
by L'industria
2020, Issue 4
- 593-605 Industrial Policies and Institutional Framework for the Structural Change
by Cesare Pozzi & Ernesto Cassetta - 607-627 An industrial policy after the coronavirus pandemic in Italy
by Lorenzo Cresti & Matteo Lucchese & Mario Pianta - 629-654 The Italian Economy: From the Effects of covid-19 to a Possible Recovery?
by Gianfranco Viesti - 655-673 Italian Industry and Productivity. Going Beyond the Mainstream View
by Livio Romano & Fabrizio Traù - 699-734 The Economic Consequences of Friedich Von Hayek: The Construction of Neoliberalism, the (Attempted) Destruction of the State, and the Return of Keynes
by Antonio Russo - 735-767 Asset Quality Review and Prudential Provisioning: A Proposal from a Access to Credit Point of View
by Maurizio Polato & Josanco Floreani - 769-786 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Complexity: Key Elements for a Targeted Industrial Policy in Italy
by Tullio Buccellato & Giancarlo Corò - 787-801 Call for Papers
by L'industria - 1675-1697 Are The Effects on Regional Growth of Intra-National and Inter-National Skill-Specific Immigration Flows Different?
by Claudio Di Berardino & Dario D’Ingiullo & Cesare Pozzi & Davide Quaglione & Alessandro Sarra
2020, Issue 3
- 385-402 The covid-19 Pandemic, Supply Crisis and Investments in Technological Reserves
by Alessandro Arrighetti & Eleonora Bottani - 403-416 The Post-Pandemic Globalization of Intangibles. Towards the Transformation Higher Education Internationalisation?
by Claudio Petti - 417-437 Markets and Product Specialization in Medical Devices: Implications for the Post covid-19 Evolution of the Industry at Regional Level
by Raffaele Giardino & Alberto Rinaldi - 439-478 The Key Role Played by European Partners in the German Automotive Value Chain: A Granular Analysis Based on the World Input Output Database
by Ilaria Sangalli - 479-508 The State and Prospects of Regulation: A Long Term Perspective on Italy and Beyond
by Nicola Matteucci - 509-545 Polish Strategy for Responsible Development. The New Paradigm of the Nation’s Industrial Policy?
by Jacek Białek & Adam Oleksiuk - 547-571 The Unbundling Principle in Government-controlled Companies. Business Economics Analysis and Corporate Competitiveness Effects
by Anna Maria Biscotti & Sabato Vinci & Eugenio D’Amico & Alberto Dello Strologo - 573-574 Teoria dei giochi e società industriale oligopolistica
by Antonio De Gennaro
2020, Issue 2
- 191-214 Riding the Wave of Change. The Impact of the Plan «Impresa 4.0» on Industrial Districts
by Alberto Gherardini & Gianmaria Pessina - 215-237 Driving Factors and Effects on smes of the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies: An Investigation of Veneto Region
by Giancarlo Corò & Monica Plechero & Mario Volpe - 239-267 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Italy
by Donato Iacobucci & Francesco Perugini - 269-289 The Proximity to the University? An Opportunity. Localization Choices of Innovative Italian Start-Ups
by Mirco Carloni & Alessandra Ciarrocchi & Alessandra Micozzi - 291-234 Related Variety and Employment Growth in Italy: Testing Sectoral Heterogeneity through Pavitt’s Taxonomy
by Claudio Di Berardino & Gianni Onesti & Adriana Carolina Pinate - 325-345 Regional Financial Sector and Capital Structure Decisions in a Dualistic Economy
by Olivier Butzbach & Giuseppe Cinquegrana & Cristiana Donati & Domenico Sarno - 347-366 The Role of the National Public Enterprises in the Development of the Mezzogiorno Area
by Giorgia Marinuzzi & Walter Tortorella - 367-370 Call for papers
by L'industria
2020, Issue 1
- 3-20 A Strategy of Smart Resilience for the Post-Coronavirus. On the Role of the Demand and Supply of Industrial Policy
by Marco R. Di Tommaso - 21-50 Productive Interdependencies, Interests and Systemic Conditions: Elements for a Political Economy of Industrial Structures
by Ivano Cardinale & Roberto Scazzieri - 51-69 A Place-Based View on Industry 4.0 in Local Productive Systems
by Marco Bellandi & Lisa De Propris & Erica Santini - 71-100 Robots, ICT and Globalization: Effects on Local Labour Markets in Italy
by Sergio Paba & Giovanni Solinas & Luca Bonacini & Silvia Fareri - 101-127 A Survey on Industry Analysis: From the SCP Model to Artificial Neural Networks
by Luca Barbarito & Guido Ferilli & Paolo Massimo Buscema - 129-153 The Healthcare Industry and the Role of China
by Francesca Spigarelli & Ping Lv - 155-172 Discouraged Entrepreneurs and Persistence in Local Entrepreneurship. The Italian Case, 2001-2008
by Giulio Cainelli & Donato Iacobucci & Alessandra Micozzi - 173-187 Call for papers
by L'industria
2019, Issue 4
- 611-632 Weaving the Threads of the New European Industrial Policy: The Case of Italy, Germany, and France
by Franco Mosconi - 633-634 La relazione tra scienza, tecnologia e giustizia sociale
by Alessandro Sterlacchini - 635-659 The Social Impact of Research and Innovation: Policy Suggestions for its Enhancement in Europe and Italy
by Alessandro Sterlacchini - 661-692 The Governance and the Social Impact of Large-Scale Science Production
by Massimo Florio & Francesco Giffoni - 693-717 How Can We Smile as Well: Access to Knowledge, Economic Growth and Reduction of Inequalities
by Ugo Pagano & Alessandra Rossi - 719-735 Bifurcations within Scientific Research and Technological Changes: Anticipating Social Impact
by Roberto Aloisio & Eugenio Coccia & Alessandro Pajewski - 737-760 Developing a Place-Based Industrial Strategy. The Case of England’s leps
by Felicia M. Fai & Philip R. Tomlinson - 761-791 Modern Industrial Policy and Public-Private Councils at the Subnational Level: Mexico’s Experience in an International Perspective
by Robert Devlin & Carlo Pietrobelli - 793-820 An Analysis of the Organic Agriculture Industry in Turkey
by Bilge Öztürk Göktuna & Merve Hamzaoğlu - 821-823 Jonathan Gruber, Simon Johnson (2019), Jump-Starting America: How Breakthrough Science Can Revive Economic Growth and the American Dream, New York, Public Affairs
by Massimo Florio
2019, Issue 3
- 401-416 The Automotive Industry and the Electric Vehicle Revolution: Impact on the Value Chain and Industrial Policy Options
by Cesare Pozzi & Ernesto Cassetta - 417-436 Work Organisation, Employees’ Education, and Innovation: A Firm-Level Analysis for Italy
by Michele Capriati & Marialuisa Divella - 437-462 «Relations at Work» in a Modern Industrial District: A Pathway to Innovation
by Annunziata de Felice & Isabella Martucci & Carla Scaglioni - 463-496 Do Enterprise Zones Matter for Firms’ Performance? Evidence from the Italian Case
by Antonio Massarutto & Marina Schenkel & Elisa Barbieri - 497-518 Innovative Industries, Emerging Specialisations and Distinctive Skills: A «Bottom-Up» Investigation of Chieti and Pescara
by Alessandro Marra & Cristiano Baldassari & Andrea Cantelmo - 519-560 The Relationship between the Education of the Workforce and the Innovative Capacity of the Firms in Seven European Countries
by Rosamaria d'Amore & Roberto Iorio & Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera - 561-590 Digital Transformation and the Music Industry. An Empirical Analysis of Italian Indies
by Ilaria Daghini & Claudia Gandolfi & Valeria Gattai - 591-592 John M. Keynes (2019), Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta e altri scritti. Progetto editoriale, Saggio introduttivo e Cronologia di Giorgio la Malfa, Mondadori, Milano
by Antonio de Gennaro
2019, Issue 2
- 185-196 The decline of the Italian economy: Some considerations suggested by the works of Marcello De Cecco
by Emanuele Felice & Ugo Pagano - 197-222 Searching for the origins of Italy's economic decline
by Emanuele Felice & Alessandro Nuvolari & Michelangelo Vasta - 223-252 Ownership and control of large companies: an interpretation of the resistible Italian decline
by Ugo Pagano - 253-278 Public technocracy and leadership in the Italian economic development (1964-1991)
by Vincenzo Alfano & Armando Vittoria - 279-318 Foreign constraints, aggregate demand and the decline of the Italian economy
by Sergio Cesaratto & Gennaro Zezza - 319-336 From three Italies to two Italies. The consequences of the transition to the Third Industrial Revolution on the Italian productive system
by Daniel Cavasino - 337-380 Firms' heterogeneity and stagnation of Italian capitalism
by Alessandro Arrighetti & Fabio Landini
2019, Issue 1
- 3-10 Innovation Policy Evaluation: What Next?
by Francesco Prota - 11-26 Measuring Inclusive Innovation. New Approaches Towards an Elusive Phenomenon
by Henning Kroll & Peter Neuhäusler & Murali Nair - 27-44 Building Smart Specialisation Strategies Monitoring Systems: Evidence from the EU
by Elisabetta Marinelli & Fabrizio Guzzo & Carlo Gianelle - 45-74 Promoting Innovation, Capabilities and Impact for SMEs in Traditional Industries Calls for Variety in Innovation Support
by René Wintjes & Hugo Hollanders - 75-102 Assessing the Socioeconomic Impact of Research Infrastructures: A Systematic Review of Existing Approaches and the Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Francesco Giffoni & Silvia Vignetti - 103-124 German Success in Manufacturing Exports and Features of the German FDIs in Emilia-Romagna
by Augusto Ninni - 125-156 Collaborative Governance in the Smart Specialization Strategies of the Italian Regions
by Dominique Lepore & Francesca Spigarelli - 157-180 Saudi Arabia economy: A focus on new industrial policy tools
by Vincenzo Fasone & Mariano Puglisi & Giuseppe Tesoriere
2018, Issue 4
- 1 Ricordo di Luigi Prosperetti
by L'industria - 511-522 Politica industriale e cambiamenti strutturali: la via cinese alla crescita
by Francesca Spigarelli - 523-556 Firm Employment Resilience and FDI: Evidence from Italy
by Anna Ferragina & Fernanda Mazzotta - 557-582 Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Healthcare Industry - The Case Study of Beijing Tong Ren Tang
by Dan Yang & Attilio Mucelli & Boxing Yang & Kaiyan Wang & Dominique Lepore - 583-614 Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness in International Supply Chains: A Consumer Driven Approach
by Susann Kowalski & Wolfgang Veit - 615-642 Manufacturing Supply-chain Integration: A Growing Phenomenon? A Focus on Core European Countries Based on the World Input-output Database
by Andrea Dossena & Ilaria Sangalli - 643-674 La Network Analysis: proposta di un framework concettuale per le applicazioni economiche
by Michele Lo Re - 675-696 Networks of Public Research Laboratories in Puglia: A More Extensive Role for Research and Innovation Evaluation Activities
by Annamaria Fiore - 697-710 Regulation Impact Assessment: Evaluation Process of an Integrated Social System
by Elisabetta Venezia & Fabio Pizzutilo
2018, Issue 3
- 347-356 Italian industry in the new globalization
by Giancarlo Corò - 357-386 The Competitiveness of Firms through the Sustainable Business Model: A Decade of Research
by Patrizia Di Tullio & Diego Valentinetti & Michele Antonio Rea - 387-404 Cooperative Banks Performance and the Issue of Non-Performing Loans. New Empirical Evidence from Italian Regional Data
by Clementina Bruno & Daniele Cattaneo & Alessandro Manello & Filippo Monge - 405-428 The Moderate Impact of Gender Egalitarianism on Nascent Entrepreneurship at the Individual Level. Evidence from GEM Data on Some European Countries
by Ivano Dileo & Thaís García-Pereiro - 429-456 The Emilia-Romagna Automotive Industry in the Global Value Chain
by Chiara Pollio - 457-482 Quality and Shared Resources in the Italian Network System of Water Services
by Filippo Elba & Vincenzo Patrizii - 483-506 Teaching industrial economics «in a digital age»
by Alessandro Arrighetti & Andrea Lasagni
2018, Issue 2
- 163-172 L'Europa, l'industria e le politiche
by Patrizio Bianchi - 173-194 Changing Models of Innovation in the EU Textile and Clothing Industry
by Donato Iacobucci & Francesco Perugini - 195-220 Recent Trends in China-Africa Aid, FDI and Trade Relations: Implications for the Italian Foreign and Industrial Policy
by Mario Biggeri & Andrea Ferrannini & Guang Yang - 221-264 Ownership, business models and operational efficiency: a non-parametric analysis of Italian airports
by Corrado lo Storto - 265-282 Can the Airport Business Boost Economic Growth? Empirical Evidence from Chile
by Vincenzo Fasone & Martín Alberto Rodriguez Brindis & Raffaele Scuderi & Sandra Zapata-Aguirre - 283-324 Energy efficiency in gas distribution race and effects on local public finance: analisys and perspectives. esco's Role
by Roberto Fazioli & Donato Lenza - 325-340 Municipalities and Public-Private Partnerships
by Giorgia Marinuzzi & Walter Tortorella - 341-342 P. Cahuc, A. Zylberberg (2018), Contro il negazionismo. Perché in economia serve più rigore scientifico, trad. it., Milano, Università Bocconi Editore
by Antonio De Gennaro
2018, Issue 1
- 1-2 Ricordo di Fabio Gobbo
by Romano Prodi - 3-16 Big data economics: The features of the ongoing debate and some policy remarks
by Davide Quaglione & Cesare Pozzi - 17-42 Innovative renewal of ceramic-tile manufacturing in Sassuolo: a local manufacturing system between tradition and restructuring
by Giorgio Prodi & Federico Frattini - 43-68 Race against the Machine. The effects of the fourth industrial revolution on the professions and on the labor market
by Serenella Caravella & Mirko Menghini - 69-88 The government «special powers» in the strategically relevant sectors and the essential theoretical nodes to understand their meaning. A multidisciplinary approach
by Michele Lo Re & Luca Capone & Annamaria Napoli - 89-104 Potential competition in the Solid Waste disposing market: A theoretical study
by Francesco Silvestri - 105-124 To centralize or not to centralize: R&D organization in diversified firms
by Valentina Giannini & Enrico Guzzini