December 2013, Volume 169, Issue 4
- 567-586 Damages Regimes, Precaution Incentives, and the Intensity Principle
by Urs Schweizer - 587-604 Escalating Penalties for Repeat Offenders: Why are they So Hard to Explain?
by Thomas J. Miceli - 605-620 Incentive-Compatible Reimbursement Schemes for Physicians
by Winand Emons - 621-659 Yes Men in Tournaments
by Jason G. Cummins & Ingmar Nyman - 660-679 Dynamic Games of R&D Competition in a Differentiated Duopoly
by Changying Li & Jianhu Zhang - 680-702 Personal Bankruptcy Law, Fresh Starts, and Judicial Practice
by Régis Blazy & Bertrand Chopard & Eric Langlais & Ydriss Ziane - 703-719 Innovation, Tort Law, and Competition
by Florian Baumann & Klaus Heine - 720-738 The Influence of Lawyers and Fee Arrangements on Arbitration
by Nathalie Chappe & Yannick Gabuthy
September 2013, Volume 169, Issue 3
- 383-406 Coalition Governments and Policy Reform with Asymmetric Information
by Carsten Helm & Michael Neugart - 407-432 Revisiting the Learned Hand Formula and Economic Analysis of Negligence
by Jeonghyun Kim - 433-450 Does Procedural Fairness Crowd Out Other-Regarding Concerns? A Bidding Experiment
by Werner Güth & M. Vittoria Levati & Matteo Ploner - 451-467 Communication and Binary Decisions: Is it Better to Communicate?
by Frédéric Loss & Estelle Malavolti & Thibaud Vergé - 468-489 Default Options and Social Welfare: Opt In versus Opt Out
by Jan Bouckaert & Hans Degryse - 490-505 Not-for-Profit Hospitals and the Quality of Medical Care
by Kazuhiko Mikami - 506-518 Spillover Effects of Minimum Wagesunder Union Wage Bargaining
by Marcus Dittrich & Andreas Knabe - 519-530 Rational Signals of Weakness in a Market Entry Game
by Jurjen J. A. Kamphorst & Ewa Mendys-Kamphorst & Bastian Westbrock - 531-565 Competition and Endogenous Impatience in Credence-Good Markets
by Jeremy Sandford
June 2013, Volume 169, Issue 2
- 199-228 Excess Capacity and Pricing in Bertrand-Edgeworth Markets: Experimental Evidence
by Miguel A. Fonseca & Hans-Theo Normann - 229-252 Delegation and Consultation with Contingent Information
by Andrew McGee - 253-274 The Division of Labour under Uncertainty
by Nigel Wadeson - 275-303 Determinants of Ultimate Control of Large Firms in Transition Countries: Empirical Evidence
by Klaus Gugler & Dennis C. Mueller & Evgeni Peev - 304-319 Entry Bias and Product Substitutability
by Lin Liu & X. Henry Wang - 320-338 Stakeholder Influence and Optimal Regulations: A Common-Agency Analysis of Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Regulations
by Margrethe Aanesen & Claire Armstrong - 339-354 Patience Cycles
by Richard C. Barnett & Joydeep Bhattacharya & Mikko Puhakka - 355-381 Shareholder Protection and Outside Blockholders: Substitutes or Complements?
by Sergey Stepanov
March 2013, Volume 169, Issue 1
- 1-3 Behavioral Theory of Institutions 30th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics June 6-9, 2012, Bruges, Belgium
by Christoph Engel & Urs Schweizer - 4-22 Discretion, Productivity, and Work Satisfaction
by Björn Bartling & Ernst Fehr & Klaus M. Schmidt - 23-25 Discretion, Productivity, and Work Satisfaction
by Michael Kurschilgen - 29-44 An Old Measure of Decision-Making Quality Sheds New Light on Paternalism
by Shachar Kariv & Dan Silverman - 45-48 Nudged to Be Consistent
by Christoph Engel - 49-52 An Old Measure of Decision-Making Quality Sheds New Light on Paternalism
by Ansgar Wohlschlegel - 53-78 Product Warnings, Debiasing, and Free Speech: The Case of Tobacco Regulation
by Christine Jolls - 79-85 Information, Ideology, and Behavioral Public Policy
by Stefan Bechtold - 86-89 Product Warnings, Debiasing, and Free Speech: The Case of Tobacco Regulation
by Urs Schweizer - 90-106 Ambiguity Aversion in Models of Political Economy
by Sophie Bade - 107-111 Ambiguity Aversion in Political Economy: On the State of the Art
by Catherine Hafer - 112-115 Ambiguity Aversion in Models of Political Economy
by Paul Heidhues - 116-128 Status Quo Deference and Policy Choice under Ambiguity
by Charles F. Manski - 129-133 Status Quo Deference and Policy Choice under Ambiguity
by Daniel Göller - 134-138 Thoughts on Policy Choice under Ambiguity
by Peter Klibanoff - 139-152 Issue Advocacy and Mass Political Sophistication
by Catherine Hafer & Dimitri Landa - 153-156 Issue Advocacy and Mass Political Sophistication
by Fabian Herweg - 157-159 Issue Advocacy and Mass Political Sophistication
by Aniol Llorente-Saguer - 160-183 Constraints on Private Benefits of Control: Ex Ante Control Mechanisms versus Ex Post Transaction Review
by Ronald J. Gilson & Alan Schwartz - 184-189 Contracting over Private Benefits of Control
by Andreas Engert - 190-196 Preventing Abuse by Controlling Shareholders
by Eric van Damme - 197-197 30th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics Behavioral Theory of Institutions June 6-9, 2012, Bruges, Belgium
by Christoph Engel & Urs Schweizer
December 2012, Volume 168, Issue 4
- 547-562 Dismissal Tournaments
by Oliver Gürtler & Matthias Kräkel - 563-587 Factors Determining the Duration of Legal Disputes: An Empirical Analysis with Micro Data
by Giuseppe Di Vita - 588-611 Due Diligence, Research Joint Ventures, and Incentives to Innovate
by Simona Fabrizi & Steffen Lippert - 612-635 The Value of the Liability Insurance for Credit Suisse and UBS
by Mario Häfeli & Matthias P. Jüttner - 636-657 Has Assistance from USAID been Successful for Democratization? Evidence from the Transition Economies of Eastern Europe and Eurasia
by Andreas Freytag & Jac C. Heckelman - 658-686 Divided we Stand, United we Fall: Asset Specificity and Vertical Integration Reconsidered
by Christian A. Ruzzier - 687-711 Designing Incentives under Multidimensional Performance Measures
by Surajeet Chakravarty & Miltiadis Makris - 712-730 Should Public Sectors Be Complements of Private Sectors?
by Ikuo Ishibashi & Noriaki Matsushima - 731-753 Investment under Anarchy
by David M. Bruner & Robert J. Oxoby
September 2012, Volume 168, Issue 3
- 339-361 Political Legitimacy and Technology Adoption
by Metin M. Cosgel & Thomas J. Miceli & Jared Rubin - 362-392 Organizational Governance, Leadership, and the Influence of Competition
by Michael Kopel & Clemens Löffler - 393-431 Monetary Policy Facing Fiscal Indiscipline under Generalized Timing of Actions
by Jan Libich & Petr Stehlík - 432-443 The Persistence of Goodness
by Ashok S. Guha & Brishti Guha - 444-454 Long-Run Effects of Foreign Penetration on Privatization Policies
by Susumu Cato & Toshihiro Matsumura - 455-487 Mutual Recognition versus National Treatment of Standards in a Classical Monopoly or Oligopoly
by T. Huw Edwards - 488-518 Geography versus Institutions: New Perspectives on the Growth of Africa and the Middle East
by Olivier Parent & Abdallah Zouache - 519-545 The Biased Effect of Aggregated and Disaggregated Income Taxation on Investment Decisions
by Martin Fochmann & Dirk Kiesewetter & Abdolkarim Sadrieh
June 2012, Volume 168, Issue 2
- 211-223 Inefficient Prebargaining Search
by Birger Wernerfelt - 224-231 Wrongful Convictions Do Lower Deterrence
by Nuno Garoupa & Matteo Rizzolli - 232-251 Strict Liability, Capped Strict Liability, and Care Effort under Asymmetric Information
by Gérard Mondello - 252-265 Uncertainty and Horizontal Mergers
by Kojun Hamada - 266-279 Unionisation Structure and Outward Foreign Direct Investment
by Arijit Mukherjee & Kullapat Suetrong - 280-289 Naïve Beliefs and the Multiplicity of Social Norms
by Amrish Patel & Edward Cartwright - 290-310 Labour Incentive Schemes, Effort, and Market Outcomes in a Differentiated Duopoly with Simple Institutional Constraints
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 311-338 Mix-and-Match Compatibility in Asymmetric System Markets
by Jong-Hee Hahn & Sang-Hyun Kim
2012, Volume 168, Issue 1
- 27-31 The Questionable Efficiency of the Efficient-Breach Doctrine
by Alan D. Schwartz - 32-37 The Questionable Efficiency of the Efficient-Breach Doctrine
by Urs Schweizer - 54-57 Methodological Issues in the Analysis of Longitudinal Data
by Theodore Eisenberg - 58-61 The Effect of Contract Regulation on Franchising
by Andreas Roider - 83-88 Incentives and Contract Frames
by Claudia M. Landeo & Kathryn E. Spier - 89-93 Framing Contracts
by Jeroen van de Ven - 120-123 Does Disclosure Matter?
by Daniel L. Chen - 142-146 When and Why Individuals Obey Form-Adhesive Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, and Performance
by Hans-Bernd Schäfer - 147-149 When and Why Individuals Obey Form-Adhesive Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, Promise, and Performance
by Shyam Sunder - 171-175 Fair Exclusion
by Christoph Engel - 202-205 The Measure of a MAC: A Machine-Learning Protocol for Analyzing Force Majeure Clauses in M&A Agreements
by Christian Kellner - 206-208 The Measure of a MAC: A Machine-Learning Protocol for Analyzing Force Majeure Clauses in M&A Agreements
by Alexander Stremitzer
March 2012, Volume 168, Issue 1
- 1-4 Testing Contracts 29th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics June 15-18, 2011, Krakow, Poland
by Christoph Engel & Urs Schweizer - 5-26 The Questionable Efficiency of the Efficient-Breach Doctrine
by Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir - 27-31 The Questionable Efficiency of the Efficient-Breach Doctrine
by Alan D. Schwartz - 32-37 The Questionable Efficiency of the Efficient-Breach Doctrine
by Urs Schweizer - 38-53 The Effect of Contract Regulation on Franchising
by Jonathan Klick & Bruce H. Kobayashi & Larry E. Ribstein - 54-57 Methodological Issues in the Analysis of Longitudinal Data
by Theodore Eisenberg - 58-61 The Effect of Contract Regulation on Franchising
by Andreas Roider - 62-82 Framing Contracts: Why Loss Framing Increases Effort
by Richard R. W. Brooks & Alexander Stremitzer & Stephan Tontrup - 83-88 Incentives and Contract Frames
by Claudia M. Landeo & Kathryn E. Spier - 89-93 Framing Contracts
by Jeroen van de Ven - 94-119 Does Contract Disclosure Matter?
by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler - 120-123 Does Disclosure Matter?
by Daniel L. Chen - 124-141 Experimental Evidence of the Relationship between Reading the Fine Print and Performance of Form-Contract Terms
by Zev J. Eigen - 142-146 When and Why Individuals Obey Form-Adhesive Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, and Performance
by Hans Bernd Schäfer - 147-149 When and Why Individuals Obey Form-Adhesive Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, Promise, and Performance
by Shyam Sunder - 150-170 Exclusive Dealing and Market Foreclosure: Further Experimental Results
by Claudia M. Landeo & Kathryn E. Spier - 171-175 Fair Exclusion
by Christoph Engel - 176-180 Exclusive Dealing and Market Foreclosure: Further Experimental Results
by Ansgar Wohlschlegel - 181-201 The Measure of a MAC: A Machine-Learning Protocol for Analyzing Force Majeure Clauses in M&A Agreements
by Eric Talley & Drew O'Kane - 202-205 The Measure of a MAC: A Machine-Learning Protocol for Analyzing Force Majeure Clauses in M&A Agreements
by Christian Kellner - 206-208 The Measure of a MAC: A Machine-Learning Protocol for Analyzing Force Majeure Clauses in M&A Agreements
by Alexander Stremitzer
December 2011, Volume 167, Issue 4
- 557-577 The Sugar Daddy Game: How Wealthy Investors Change Competition in Professional Team Sports
by Markus Lang & Martin Grossmann & Philipp Theiler - 578-607 The Competitive Advantage of Incumbents: Evidence from Newly Liberalized Banking Industries
by Valeriya Dinger & Jürgen von Hagen - 608-612 Rules (of Bidding) to Generate Equal Stated Profits: An Axiomatic Approach
by Werner Güth - 613-629 When do Formal Rules and Informal Norms Converge?
by Desiree A. Desierto & John V. C. Nye - 630-646 Institutional Change, Stature, and Northeast Industrialization: Evidence from the 19th Century Philadelphia County Prison
by Scott Alan Carson - 647-667 Efficient Revenue Sharing and Upper-Level Governments: Theory and Application to Germany
by Thiess Buettner & Robert Schwager & Sebastian Hauptmeier - 668-685 Good and Bad Equilibria with the Informal Sector
by Bouwe R. Dijkstra - 686-707 Informal Production and Labour Market Segmentation
by John Bennett - 708-725 A Matching Model of the Academic Publication Market
by Damien Besancenot & Kim Huynh & Radu Vranceanu - 726-742 Universities as Stakeholders in their Students' Careers: On the Benefits of Graduate Taxes to Finance Higher Education
by Tom McKenzie & Dirk Sliwka
September 2011, Volume 167, Issue 3
- 409-433 Geography and Social Networks in Nascent Distal Exchange
by Erik O. Kimbrough & Bart J. Wilson - 434-444 Should I Stay or Should I Go? Regional Mobility and Social Capital
by Michael Bräuninger & Andreia Tolciu - 445-464 Institutions, Trade, and the Political Economy of Financial Development
by Roland Hodler - 465-488 Imperfect Contract Enforcement and the (In)Efficiency of International Firm Location
by Evelina Mengova - 489-514 Institutional Bias towards the Status Quo
by Dalibor S. Eterovic - 515-535 Property Rights, Land Prices, and Investment: A Study of the Taiwanese Land Registration System
by Hui-wen Koo - 536-556 Natural-Resource Wealth: Elbow Grease or Fuel for Poverty?
by Nisreen Salti
June 2011, Volume 167, Issue 2
- 175-201 Firm Training and Capital Taxation
by Wolfgang Lechthaler - 202-223 Partial Ownership and Strategic Alliances with Reallocation of Corporate Resources
by Hiroshi Osano - 224-235 Moral Hazard and Clear Conscience
by Topi Miettinen - 236-246 Chain Stores, Consumer Mobility, and Market Structure
by Simon Loertscher & Yves Schneider - 247-265 Repayment versus Investment Conditions and Exclusivity in Lending Contracts
by Spiros Bougheas & Indraneel Dasgupta & Oliver Morrissey - 266-290 Transaction Costs and Capacity Costs as Interrelated Determinants of Vertical Integration in Oligopolies
by Friedel Bolle & Yves Breitmoser - 291-313 Income Redistribution and Public-Good Provision in a Diverse Society
by Selim Jürgen Ergun - 314-326 Cost-Reducing R&D with Spillovers and Trade
by Rajeev K. Goel & Shoji Haruna - 327-342 The Inefficiency of Patents when R&D Projects are Imperfectly Correlated and Imitation Takes Time
by Luigi Bonatti & Stefano Comino - 343-351 Uncoordinated Corruption as an Equilibrium Phenomenon
by Hans Zenger - 352-370 A Utilitarian Justification for Heightened Standards of Proof in Criminal Trials
by Murat C. Mungan - 371-391 Inefficient Credit Rationing and Public Support of Commercial Credit Provision
by Karel Janda - 392-407 Child Development when Parents Enjoy Childcare
by Mark D. Agee & Thomas D. Crocker
March 2011, Volume 167, Issue 1
- 1-3 Business-to-Consumer Transactions 28th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics June 09-12, 2010, Budapest
by Christoph Engel & Urs Schweizer - 4-21 Consumer Protection and the Role of Advice in the Market for Retail Financial Services
by Roman Inderst - 22-25 Consumer Protection and the Role of Advice in the Market for Retail Financial Services
by Thomas Ackermann - 26-29 Consumer Protection and the Role of Advice in the Market for Retail Financial Services
by Christian Laux - 30-44 Standardization as a Solution to the Reading Costs of Form Contracts
by Abraham L. Wickelgren - 45-48 Standardization as a Solution to the Reading Costs of Form Contracts
by Daniel Krähmer - 49-55 Form Contracts and the Problem of Consumer Information
by Margaret Jane Radin - 56-71 Disclosure, Agents, and Consumer Protection
by Samuel Issacharoff - 72-76 Contract as Exposure to Attack
by Christoph Engel - 77-79 Disclosure, Agents, and Consumer Protection
by Michael Kurschilgen - 80-93 Unmanifested Harm in Business-to-Consumer Transactions
by Geoffrey P. Miller - 94-97 Unmanifested Harm in Business-to-Consumer Transactions
by Lars Klöhn - 98-101 Unmanifested Harm in Business-to-Consumer Transactions
by Stefan Okruch - 102-118 Selling when Brand Image Matters
by Stefan Buehler & Daniel Halbheer - 119-121 Selling when Brand Image Matters
by Felix Höffler - 122-125 Quality Choice when Brand Image Matters
by Ansgar Wohlschlegel - 126-142 Behavioral Antitrust and Merger Control
by Gregory J. Werden & Luke M. Froeb & Mikhael Shor - 143-148 Behavioral Antitrust and Merger Control
by Alexander Morell - 149-164 The Unintended Effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
by Vidhi Chhaochharia & Clemens A. Otto & Vikrant Vig - 165-167 The Ripple Effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
by Stefan Voigt - 168-173 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Market for Corporate Control
by Gregory J. Werden - 172-173 28th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics Business-to-Consumer Transactions June 09-12, 2010, Budapest, Hungary
by Christoph Engel & Urs Schweizer
December 2010, Volume 166, Issue 4
- 573-590 Evidence Dependence of Fine Reductions in Corporate Leniency Programs
by Eberhard Feess & Markus Walzl - 591-613 Endogenous Timing in Mixed Duopoly with Increasing Marginal Costs
by Yoshihiro Tomaru & Kazuharu Kiyono - 614-640 Incentive Transfer Schemes with Marketable and Nonmarketable Public Services
by Nobuo Akai & Keizo Mizuno & Hiroshi Osano - 641-661 Is there a Holdup Benefit in Heterogeneous Multiple Bank Financing?
by Christina E. Bannier - 662-689 The Threat of Capital Drain: A Rationale for Regional Public Banks?
by Hendrik Hakenes & Isabel Schnabel - 690-714 On the Effect of Incentive Schemes on Trust and Trustworthiness
by Christine Harbring - 715-734 Severance Payments as a Commitment Device
by Florian Baumann - 735-759 Why Run a Million Regressions? Endogenous Policy and Cross-Country Growth Empirics
by Günther Rehme
September 2010, Volume 166, Issue 3
- 387-396 Modelling the Transaction Role of Money and the Essentiality of Money in an Explosive Hyperinflation Context
by Alexandre Sokic - 397-425 A Theory of Innovation: Market Transition, Property Rights, and Innovative Activity
by Victor Nee & Jeong-han Kang & Sonja Opper - 426-438 Market Correlation and Property Rights
by Shin-Hwan Chiang & Xiang Li - 439-461 Strategic Unemployment
by Julia Angerhausen & Christian Bayer & Burkhard Hehenkamp - 462-478 Lifetime Employment Contract and Quantity Competition with Profit-Maximizing and Joint-Stock Firms
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi - 479-501 Opportunism, Hold-Up and the (Contractual) Theory of the Firm
by James H. Love - 502-520 Unemployment, Public Pensions, and Capital Accumulation: Assessing Growth Effects of Alternative Funding Strategies
by Joachim Thøgersen - 521-547 Liquidity Creation without Bank Panics and Deposit Insurance
by Juha-Pekka Niinimäki - 548-571 The Political Economy of Preindustrial Korean Trade
by Hun-Chang Lee & Peter Temin
June 2010, Volume 166, Issue 2
- 205-211 Market Shares in Two-Sided Media Industries
by Hans Jarle Kind & Frank Stähler - 212-238 Organization of Project Evaluation and Implementation under Moral Hazard
by Peter-J. Jost & Frauke Lammers - 239-258 Norm Enforcement: The Role of Third Parties
by Jeffrey P. Carpenter & Peter Hans Matthews - 259-285 An Experimental Test of Sabotage in Tournaments
by Donald Vandegrift & Abdullah Yavas - 286-298 Simultaneous Pooled Auctions with Multiple Bids and Preference Lists
by Maarten C. W. Janssen & Vladimir A. Karamychev & Emiel Maasland - 299-320 Equal Sharing Rules in Partnerships
by Björn Bartling & Ferdinand A. von Siemens - 321-343 Electoral Competition, Decentralization, and Public Investment Underprovision
by Marco Magnani - 344-364 Risk Selection in Natural-Disaster Insurance
by Mario Jametti & Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg - 365-385 Bidding among Friends and Enemies with Symmetric Information
by David Ettinger
March 2010, Volume 166, Issue 1
- 1-4 Jurimetrics 27th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics June 11-13, 2009, Kloster Eberbach, Germany
by Christoph Engel & Urs Schweizer - 5-26 Variability in Punitive Damages: Empirically Assessing Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker
by Theodore Eisenberg & Michael Heise & Martin T. Wells - 27-32 Reconciling Punitive Damages Evidence
by Daniel E. Ho - 33-37 Variability in Punitive Damages
by David A. Jaeger - 38-53 If you Give Shareholders Power, do they Use it? An Empirical Analysis
by Yair Listokin - 54-57 Understanding Corporate Governance Default Rules
by Simon Deakin - 58-61 If you Give Shareholders Power, do they Use it?
by Alexander Stremitzer - 62-77 Econometric Issues in Antitrust Analysis
by Daniel L. Rubinfeld - 78-82 Econometric Issues in Antitrust Analysis
by Horst Entorf - 83-87 Econometric Issues in Antitrust Policies
by Urs Schweizer - 88-107 The Politics of Judicial Opposition
by Joanna M. Shepherd - 108-114 The Politics of Judicial Opposition
by John J. Donohue III - 115-119 Constituencies in Judicial Retention Processes
by Herbert M. Kritzer - 120-140 Comparative Law and Finance: Past, Present, and Future Research
by Mathias Siems & Simon Deakin - 141-144 Comparing Comparisons: Comparative Law and Finance
by Michael Heise