2006, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 191-209 History versus equilibrium? on the possibility and realist basis of a general critique of traditional equilibrium analysis
by Dany Lang & Mark Setterfield - 211-246 OECD demand regimes (1960-2000)
by C. Naastepad & Servaas Storm - 247-257 More on the monetary transmission mechanism: mortgage rates and the federal funds rate
by James Payne - 259-283 Exchange rates and prices: revisiting Granger causality tests
by Jen-Chi Cheng & Larry Taylor & Wenlong Weng - 285-308 Irrational exuberance and stock market valuations: evidence from China
by Feng Xiao - 309-325 A Post Keynesian approach to advertising and its relevance for the transition economies
by Marko Lah & Andrej SušJan & Branko Ilič - 327-358 "Expansionary fiscal contractions": a standard Keynesian explanation
by Göran Hjelm
2006, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-18 Nobels for nonsense
by James Thompson & L. Baggett & William Wojciechowski & Edward Williams - 19-39 Developments in behavioral finance and experimental economics and Post Keynesian finance theory
by Matthew Fung - 41-61 Trade liberalization, the income elasticity of demand for imports, and growth in Latin America
by Penélope López & A. Thirlwall - 67-92 The balance-of-payments—constrained growth model: a north—south approach
by Leonardo Vera - 93-115 Debt, financial fragility, and economic growth: a Post Keynesian macromodel
by Antonio Meirelles & Gilberto Lima - 117-148 Aspirations, bargaining power, and macroeconomic performance
by Mark Setterfield & Ted Lovejoy - 149-170 Reassessing the validity of Verdoorn's law under conditions of spatial dependence: a case study of the Greek regions
by Stilianos Alexiadis & Dimitrios Tsagdis
2006, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 551-558 The more things change . . . inflation targeting and central bank policy
by Louis-Philippe Rochon - 559-571 Has inflation targeting had any impact on inflation?
by Alvaro Angeriz & Philip Arestis - 573-591 An alternative to inflation targeting in Latin America: macroeconomic policies focused on employment
by Roberto Frenkel - 593-614 Inflation and economic growth: a cross-country nonlinear analysis
by Robert Pollin & Andong Zhu - 615-638 Inflation targeting, economic performance, and income distribution: a monetary macroeconomics analysis
by Louis-Philippe Rochon & Sergio Rossi - 639-652 Inflation targeting and central bank independence: we are all Keynesians now! or are we?
by Malcolm Sawyer - 653-671 Is inflation targeting compatible with Post Keynesian economics?
by Mark Setterfield - 673-688 Inflation targeting in a simple macroeconomic model
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu & John Smithin - 689-703 Can, or should, a central bank inflation target?
by Paul Davidson - 707-709 Author index to Volume 28
by The Editors
2006, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 371-394 Monetary policy in the euro area
by Philip Arestis & Georgios Chortareas - 395-421 Operational independence, inflation targeting, and UK monetary policy
by Alexander Mihailov - 423-432 Endogenous doctrine, or, why is monetary policy in America so much better than in Europe?
by James K. Galbraith - 433-450 The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank: a theoretical comparison of their legislative mandates
by Giuseppe Fontana - 451-472 Monetary policy strategies of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve bank of the United States
by C. Sardoni & L.R. Wray - 473-493 The declining dollar, global economic growth, and macro stability
by Paul Davidson - 496-525 Setting interest rates in the modern money era
by Scott T. Fullwiler - 527-538 Value and probability
by Mark G. Hayes - 539-547 Innocent frauds in Greenspan's last testimony
by Philip Arestis & Warren Mosler
2005, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 161-179 Post Keynesian versus neoclassical explanations of exchange rate movements: a short look at the long run
by John T. Harvey - 181-191 Economic consequences of a rise in defense spending after September 11, 2001
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 193-215 Shareholder value orientation and the investment-profit puzzle
by Engelbert Stockhammer - 217-240 The behavior of liquidity preference of banks and public and regional development: the case of Brazil
by Marco Crocco & Anderson Cavalcante & Cláudio Barra - 241-276 Comprehensive accounting in simple open economy macroeconomics with endogenous sterilization or flexible exchange rates
by Wynne Godley & Marc Lavoie - 277-293 Cultural variation in the theory of the firm
by Donald W. Katzner - 295-315 Malaysia: from economic recovery to sustained economic growth
by Marwan Abdul-Malik Thanoon & Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Abd. Aziz Abd. Rahman - 317-344 Capital mobility, real exchange rate appreciation, and asset price bubbles in emerging economies: a Post Keynesian macroeconomic model for a small open economy
by José Luís Oreiro - 345-363 Can we trust in cross-sectional price-value correlation measures? some evidence from the case of Spain
by Emilio Díaz & Rubén Osuna
2005, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-23 Countervailing, conditioned, and contingent--the power theory of John Kenneth Galbraith
by Stefan Kesting - 26-45 John Kenneth Galbraith and original institutional economics
by James Ronald Stanfield & Mary Wrenn - 47-64 With John Kenneth Galbraith: a "political and moral philosophy" conception to study economic activities
by Marc Humbert - 65-82 Consumer sovereign and consumption routine: a reexamination of the Galbraithian concept of the dependence effect
by Francis Munier & Zhao Wang - 83-102 Technological innovation: Galbraith, the Post Keynesians, and a heterodox future
by Jerry Courvisanos - 103-113 Galbraith and the Post Keynesians
by Paul Davidson - 115-133 The determination of investment in the monetary production economy: a theory and its empirical application in the Post Keynesian tradition
by Mitsuhiko Iyoda - 136-154 Profits, confidence, and public deficits: modeling Minsky's institutional dynamics
by Eric Nasica & Alain Raybaut
2005, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 555-573 The meaning of an inflation crisis: steel, Enron, and macroeconomic policy
by Wesley W. Widmaier - 575-594 The effect of drought on uncertainty and agricultural investment in Australia
by John Marangos & Catherine Williams - 595-619 The effect of trade liberalization on exports, imports, the balance of trade, and growth: the case of Mexico
by Penélope Pacheco-López - 621-632 A note on Fisher's equation and Keynes's liquidity hypothesis
by Claude A. Fongemie - 633-654 Will the classical-type approach survive Sraffian theory?
by Fabio D'Orlando - 655-687 Balance-of-payments-constrained growth model: the case of India
by Arslan Razmi - 689-709 Monetary base endogeneity and the new procedures of the asset-based Canadian and American monetary systems
by Marc Lavoie - 712-735 A stock-flow consistent general framework for formal Minskyan analyses of closed economies
by Claudio H. Dos Santos
2005, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 371-376 Changing definitions: a comment on Davidson's critique of King's history of Post Keynesianism
by Marc Lavoie - 377-384 Unwarping the record: a reply to Paul Davidson
by J.E. King - 385-391 Axioms and Babylonian thought: a reply
by Sheila C. Dow - 393-408 Responses to Lavoie, King, and Dow on what Post Keynesianism is and who is a Post Keynesian
by Paul Davidson - 409-421 A history of Post Keynesian economics since 1936: some hard (and not so hard) questions for the future
by Giuseppe Fontana - 423-444 The (confused) state of equilibrium analysis in modern economics: an explanation
by Tony Lawson - 445-454 On Lawson on equilibrium
by E. Roy Weintraub - 455-470 Reorienting history (of economics)
by Tony Lawson - 471-489 Minsky's acceleration channel and the role of money
by Greg Hannsgen - 491-505 Industrial price determination process in the Turkish private manufacturing industry between 1980 and 2000: a Keynesian approach
by Mehmet Fatih Cin - 507-531 Financial globalization: the need for a single currency and a global central bank
by Philip Arestis & Santonu Basu & Sushanta Mallick - 533-539 Monetary policy and long-term interest rates
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 541-549 Competition and aggregate demand
by Nina Shapiro
2004, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 187-193 What is next for the Washington consensus? The fifteenth anniversary, 1989-2004
by Claude Gnos & Louis-Philippe Rochon - 195-206 The strange history of the Washington consensus
by John Williamson - 208-230 A Post Keynesian view of the Washington consensus and how to improve it
by Paul Davidson - 231-250 The second Washington consensus and Latin America's quasi-stagnation
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira & Carmen Augusta Varela - 251-271 Washington consensus and financial liberalization
by Philip Arestis - 273-291 Reclaiming development from the Washington consensus
by Ha-Joon Chang & Ilene Grabel - 293-314 Beyond the Washington consensus: what do we mean?
by José Antonio Ocampo - 315-331 The Washington consensus and multinational banking in Latin America
by Claude Gnos & Louis-Philippe Rochon - 333-343 Fiscal policy and the Washington consensus: a Post Keynesian perspective
by Alcino F. Câmara Neto & Matias Vernengo - 345-365 The Washington consensus: a Latin American perspective fifteen years later
by Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid & Esteban Pérez Caldentey & Pablo Ruíz Nápoles
2004, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-18 What is wrong with public choice
by Steven Pressman - 19-35 Deviations from uncovered interest rate parity: a Post Keynesian explanation
by John T. Harvey - 38-66 Do the skills of adults employed in minimum wage contour jobs explain why they get paid less?
by William M. Rodgers Iii & William E. Spriggs & Bruce W. Klein - 67-86 Training and hysteresis effects on the wage inflation-unemployment relationship
by W.D. Mccausland & I. Theodossiou & I. Theodossiou - 87-104 A paradigm shift for China's central banking system
by Connie Wee-Wee Chung & Jose L. Tongzon - 105-124 Exports, growth, and employment in Mexico, 1978-2000
by Pablo Ruiz-Nápoles - 125-140 Expectations, stability, and exchange rate dynamics under the Post Keynesian hypothesis
by Hiroya Akiba - 141-162 A pure credit money economy: a simple steady-state model
by Man-Seop Park - 163-170 Defense spending and investment in the United States
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 171-184 Increasing returns, new growth theory, and the classicals
by Ingrid H. Rima
2004, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 551-555 Smooth sailing or rough waters ahead: a symposium on reforming the international financial architecture
by Claude Gnos & Louis-Philippe Rochon - 557-572 Dollars, debt, and dependence: the case for international monetary reform
by Jane D'Arista - 573-590 Can we create a stable international financial environment that ensures net resource transfers to developing countries?
by Jan Kregel - 591-605 The future of the international financial system
by Paul Davidson - 607-611 The future of the global financial system
by John Williamson - 613-629 Reforming the international financial and monetary system: from Keynes to Davidson and Stiglitz
by Claude Gnos & Louis-Philippe Rochon - 631-653 A global currency for a global economy
by Basil J. Moore - 655-677 Alternative exchange rate arrangements and effective demand: an important missing analysis in the debate over greater North American monetary integration
by Hassan Bougrine & Mario Seccareccia - 679-694 Monetary policy and demand management for the small open economy in contemporary conditions with (perfectly) mobile capital
by Eric Kam & John Smithin - 695-728 Decentralized versus centralized collective bargaining: is the collective bargaining structure in Spain efficient?
by Jesus Ferreiro - 729-744 China's trade reform: Verdoorn's Law married to Adam Smith's "vent for surplus" principle
by Ingrid H. Rima - 745-750 Profit maximization and the Japanese firm: a reply to Coffey and Tomlinson
by Donald W. Katzner - 751-753 Author index to Volume 26
by The Editors
2004, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 371-394 On leisure demand: a Post Keynesian critique of neoclassical theory
by Paul Downward - 395-418 An empirical examination of the Post Keynesian view of forward exchange rates
by Imad A. Moosa - 419-440 Post Keynesian theory, technology policy, and long-term growth
by Renaud Bellais - 441-460 What don't economists know now that Marshall knew a century ago? A note on Marshall's "sophisticated informality"
by Roberto Marchionatti - 461-469 Deficits, growth, and the current slowdown: what role for fiscal policy?
by Theodore Pelagidis & Evangelia Desli - 471-504 The long and short of it: global liberalization and the incomes of the poor
by Christian E. Weller & Adam Hersh - 505-521 Agroforestry adoption in Mexico: using Keynes to better understand farmer decision-making
by James F. Casey - 523-545 Commodity prices, wages, and U.S. inflation in the twentieth century
by Harry Bloch & A. Michael Dockery & David Sapsford
2003, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 191-204 Funded system and uncertainty
by Begoña Eguía & Felipe Serrano - 205-225 State, money, catallaxy: underlaboring for a chartalist theory of money
by Mark S. Peacock - 227-244 The veterans' bonus of 1936
by Lester G. Telser - 245-272 Setting the record straight on A history of Post Keynesian economics
by Paul Davidson - 273-289 Post Keynesian economics since 1936: a history of a promise that bounced?
by Eric Tymoigne & Frederic S. Lee - 289-302 Credit cards and interest rates: theory and institutional factors
by Robert F. Stauffer - 303-308 Credit cards and interest rates: theory and institutional factors--a critical view
by Warren Mosler - 309-323 Loanable funds, liquidity preference, and endogenous money: do credit cards make a difference?
by L. Randall Wray - 325-340 Toward a reconcilement of endogenous money and liquidity preference
by Christopher Brown - 341-355 Pricing in a small open monetary economy: a Post Keynesian model
by Etelberto Ortiz Cruz - 357-362 Monetary transmission--federal funds rate and prime rate
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu
2003, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-25 Reinventing fiscal policy
by Philip Arestis & Malcolm Sawyer - 27-55 Did the currency board resolve Bulgaria's financial crisis of 1996-97?
by CLIFFORD S. POIROT Jr. - 57-67 State money and the real world: or chartalism and its discontents
by Louis-Philippe Rochon & Matias Vernengo & Louis-Philippe Rochon & Matias Vernengo - 69-93 The validity of the balance-of-payments-constrained growth model for a small economy in transition: the case of Slovenia
by Jani Bekó - 95-116 Barter hysteresis in post-Soviet Russia: an institutional and Post Keynesian perspective
by Pepita Ould-Ahmed - 117-144 Globalization, vertical relations, and the J-mode firm
by Dan Coffey & Philip R. Tomlinson - 145-168 Conventional and unconventional behavior under uncertainty
by David Dequech - 169-186 Teaching Post Keynesian economics to undergraduate students
by STEVEN PRESSMAN & Richard Holt
2003, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 527-545 Is "mathematical science" an oxymoron when used to describe economics?
by Paul Davidson - 547-560 Understanding the relationship between mathematics and economics
by Sheila C. Dow - 561-574 Why mathematics in economics?
by Donald W. Katzner - 575-589 Weintraub on the evolution of mathematical economics: a review essay
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr - 591-598 Reconstructing the past: a response to four readers
by E. Roy Weintraub - 599-611 The endogenous money hypothesis: empirical evidence from Malaysia (1985-2000)
by Bala Shanmugam & Mahendhiran Nair & Ong Wee Li - 613-640 On capital shortages and European unemployment: a panel data investigation
by Constantinos Alexiou & Christos Pitelis - 641-659 Energy and market power: an alternative approach to the economics of oil
by Alessandro Roncaglia - 661-691 The Mexican economy: balance-of-payments-constrained growth model--the importance of the exchange rate, 1970-1999
by Eduardo Loría - 693-698 The trouble with Q
by Craig Medlen - 699-701 Author index to Volume 25
by The Editors
2003, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 355-365 Post Keynesian price theory
by Nina Shapiro & Malcolm Sawyer - 367-384 International tax policy: recent changes and dynamics under globalization
by Johan Deprez - 385-406 Public employment and environmental sustainability
by Mathew Forstater - 407-424 Legitimizing basic income in developing countries: Brazil, or "the answer is blowin' in the wind"
by Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy - 425-447 Multiple unofficial economy equilibria and income distribution dynamics in systemic transition
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr & Marina V. Rosser & Ehsan Ahmed - 449-469 Price liberalization, monetary, and fiscal policies for transition economies: a Post Keynesian perspective
by John Marangos - 471-491 Keynes's General Theory: valid only for modern capitalism?
by David Dequech - 493-513 Banking, information, and financial instability in Asia
by Lino Sau - 515-524 A labor-adverse selection model of reducing working time
by Chung-Cheng Lin & C.C Yang
2002, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 189-218 Decision-making under uncertainty as drama: Keynesian and Shacklean themes in three of Shakespeare's tragedies
by Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho - 219-235 Interest parity, purchasing power parity, "risk premia," and Post Keynesian economic analysis
by John Smithin - 237-249 Interest parity, risk premia, and Post Keynesian analysis
by Marc Lavoie - 251-261 Implications arising from the theory on the Treasury's bank reserve effects
by William Van Lear - 263-271 Fiscal effects on reserves and the independence of the Fed
by Stephanie Bell & L. Randall Wray - 273-291 The jobs guarantee: a Post Keynesian analysis
by Tony Ramsay - 293-295 Symposium on J.A. Hobson's Imperialism: A Study (1902)--Introduction
by Fiona MacLachlan - 297-308 J.A. Hobson and the economists
by Fiona MacLachlan - 309-329 Imperialism and the era of falling prices
by Gregory P. Nowell - 331-351 Hobson's voice: American internationalism, Asian development, and global macroeconomic imbalances
by Herman Schwartz
2002, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-7 Restating the purpose of the JPKE after 25 years
by Paul Davidson - 9-32 Economic contradictions coming home to roost? Does the U.S. economy face a long-term aggregate demand generation problem?
by Thomas I. Palley - 33-49 The determinants of currency market forecasts: an empirical study
by John T. Harvey - 51-68 What are the questions?
by Donald W. Katzner - 69-82 Are devaluations contractionary in Asia?
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Souphala Chomsisengphet & Magda Kandil - 83-103 Classical-type temporary positions: a "cost-plus" model
by Sergio Nisticò - 105-121 The philosophy of investment: a Post Keynesian perspective
by Geoffrey Poitras - 123-140 Balance-of-payments-constrained growth in Brazil: a test of Thirlwall's Law, 1890-1973
by Luis Bértola & Hermes Higachi & Gabriel Porcile - 141-159 The employment issue in the European Union
by Marcella Corsi & Alessandro Roncaglia - 161-179 Another perspective on the reserve requirement increments of 1936 and 1937
by Robert F. Stauffer - 181-182 Reply: Another perspective on the reserve requirement increments of 1936 and 1937
by L.G. Telser
July 2002, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 503-509 The Making of Monetary Policy in Endogenous Money Theory: An Introduction
by Giuseppe Fontana - 511-527 The Triumph of Keynes: What Now for Monetary Policy Research?
by Paul Dalziel - 529-545 The Bank of England Macroeconomic Model: Its Nature and Implications
by Philip Arestis & Malcolm Sawyer - 547-568 Monetary Policy Rules: What Are We Learning?
by Giuseppe Fontana & Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 569-585 Central Banks and Market Interest Rates
by Iris Biefang-Frisancho Mariscal & Peter Howells - 587-607 Monetary Policy with Endogenous Money and Liquidity Preference: A Nondualistic Treatment
by Victoria Chick & Sheila Dow - 609-621 Two Versions of the Principle of Effective Demand: Kalecki and Keynes
by Julio Lopez G. - 623-629 Was Kalecki an “Imperfectionist”? Davidson on Kalecki
by Peter Kriesler - 631-641 Keynes versus Kalecki: Responses to Lopez and Kriesler
by Paul Davidson - 643-656 A Post Keynesian Appreciation of a Reconstruction of Economics
by Bruce R. McFarling - 657-658 Editor’s Corner
by M. E. Sharpe - 659-661 Author Index to Volume 24
by The Editors
March 2002, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 347-365 The Origins of the Galbraithian System: Stephen P. Dunn in Conversation with J.K. Galbraith
by Stephen P. Dunn - 367-390 Thirlwall’s Law and Uneven Development
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 391-417 What Drives the Fed to Act?
by Christian E. Weller - 419-422 A Critique of John B. Taylor’s “Expectations, Open Market Operations, and Changes in the Federal Funds Rate”
by Warren Mosler - 423-441 An Important Inconsistency at the Heart of the Standard Macroeconomic Model
by Wynne Godley & Anwar Shaikh - 443-457 A Test of the Post Keynesian Hypothesis on Expectation Formation in the Foreign Exchange Market
by Imad A. Moosa - 459-473 Phillips Curves and Expectation Adjustments for Maturing Nations in the Asia Pacific Region
by James J. Gapinski - 475-492 Globalization
by Paul Davidson - 493-498 Stock Prices and Employment
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 499-502 George Brockway: A Remembrance
by David Colander
December 2001, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 181-203 The 1520-1640 “Great Inflation”: An Early Case of Controversy on the Nature of Money
by Philip Arestis & Peter Howells - 205-216 Higher Member Bank Reserve Ratios in 1936 and 1937 Did Not Cause the Relapse into Depression
by L. G. Telser - 217-233 The E-Money Revolution: Challenges and Implications for Monetary Policy
by Thomas I. Palley - 235-252 Why Does It Not Make Sense to Create a Monetary Union in MERCOSUR? A Keynesian Alternative Proposal
by Fernando Ferrari-Filho