- 2009-03 Trust and Reciprocity with Transparency and Repeated Interactions
by Kiridaran Kanagaretnam & Stuart Mestelman & S.M.Khalid Nainar & Mohamed Shehata - 2009-02 News and knowledge capital
by Christopher M. Gunn & Alok Johri - 2009-01 Preferences over the Fair Division of Goods: Information, Good, and Sample Effects in a Health Context
by Jeremiah Hurely & Neil Buckley & Katherine Cuff & Mita Giacomini & David Cameron - 2008-06 The Impact of Social Value Orientation and Risk Attitudes on Trust and Reciprocity
by Kiridaran Kanagaretnam & Stuart Mestelman & Khalid Nainar & Mohamed Shehata
- 2008-05 Cumulative Effects of Job Characteristics on Health
by Jason M. Fletcher & Jody L. Sindelar & Shintaro Yamaguchi - 2008-04 Persistent Real Exchange Rates
by Alok Johri & Amartya Lahiri - 2008-03 Career Progression and Comparative Advantage
by Shintaro Yamaguchi - 2008-02 Pro-cyclical Solow Residuals without Technology Shocks
by Adnrew J. Clarke & Alok Johri - 2008-01 Equalization Payments in a Bargaining Model of Tax Competition
by John Leach
- 2007-09 A Bargaining Model of Tax Competition
by Seungjin Han & John Leach - 2007-08 Tenancy Default, Excess Demand and the Rental Market
by Katherine Cuff Nicolas Marceau - 2007-07 Public and Private Health Care Financing with Alternate Public Rationing
by Katherine Cuff & Jeremiath Hurley & Stuart Mestelman & Andrew Muller & Robert Nuscheler - 2007-06 Income Disparity, Inequality Aversion, and the Design of the Health Care System
by John Leach - 2007-05 Ex Post Welfare under Alternative Health Care Systems
by John Leach - 2007-04 Delivering Endogenous Inertia in Prices and Output
by Alok Johri - 2007-03 Job Search, Bargaining, and Wage Dynamics
by Shintaro Yamaguchi - 2007-02 Career and Skill Formation: A Dynamic Occupational Choice Model with Multidimensional Skills
by Shintaro Yamaguchi - 2007-01 The Effect of Match Quality and Specific Experience on Career Decisions and Wage Growth
by Shintaro Yamaguchi
- 2006-04 Trust, Reciprocity and the Roles of Sex, Value Orientation and Risk Attitudes in an Investment Game
by Kiridaran Kanagaretnam & Stuart Mestelman & Khalid Nainar & Mohamed Shehata - 2006-03 Welfare Policy, Language Group and the Duration of Lone Motherhood Spells
by Martin Dooley & Ross Finnie - 2006-02 Physician Labour Supply in Canada: a Cohort Analysis
by Thomas F. Crossley & Jeremiah Hurley & Sung-Hee Jeon - 2006-01 What do “residuals” from first-order conditions reveal about DGE models?
by Alok Johri & Marc-André Letendre
- 2005-08 Competitive Investments and Matching: Hedonic Pricing Problems
by Seungjin Han - 2005-07 Family Income, Pareting Styles and Child Behavioural-Emotional Outcomes
by Martin Dooley & Jennifer Stewart - 2005-06 The Role of Education in Health System Performance: A propos World Health Report 2000
by Michel Grignon - 2005-05 Aging, Health and Aggregate Medical Care Spending in France
by Michel Grignon - 2005-04 Baseline-and-Credit Style Emission Trading Mechanisms: An Experimental Investigation of Economic Inefficiency
by Neil J. Buckley & R. Andrew Muller & Stuart Mestelman - 2005-03 Baseline-and-Credit Emission Permit Trading: Experimental Evidence Under Variable Output Capacity
by Neil J. Buckley & R. Andrew Muller & Stuart Mestelman - 2005-02 Learning-by-doing and Endogenous Price-level Inertia
by Alok Johri - 2005-01 Keeping It Off The Books: An Empirical Investigation Into the Characteristics of Firms That Engage In Tax Non-Compliance
by Lindsay M. Tedds
- 2004-19 The impacts of the 1988 tax reform on married women's labour supply in Canada
by Sung-Hee Jeon - 2004-17 Nonparametric expenditure-based estimation of income under-reporting and the underground economy
by Lindsay M. Tedds - 2004-15 Welfare Reforms and the Living Standards of Single Mothers: Evidence from Canadian Provinces
by Matt Brzozowski - 2004-14 Vertical Versus Horizontal Tax Externalities: An Empirical Test
by Marius Brülhart & Mario Jametti - 2004-13 Disaster Insurance or a Disastrous Insturance - Natural Disaster Insurance in France
by Mario Jametti & Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg - 2004-12 Making the Crime Fit the Penalty: The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion Under Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
by David Bjerk - 2004-11 Racial Profiling, Statistical Discrimination, and the Effect of a Colorblind Policy on the Crime Rate
by David Bjerk - 2004-10 Youth Criminal Participation and Household Economic Status
by David Bjerk - 2004-09 The Differing Nature of Black-White Wage Inequality Across Employment Sectors
by David Bjerk - 2004-08 Attitudes, Incentives and Tax Compliance
by V.U. Trivedi & M. Shehata & S. Mestelman - 2004-07 Implications of Alternative Emission Trading Plans: Experimental Evidence
by Neil J. Buckley & S. Mestelman & Andrew Muller - 2004-06 Exploring the Returns-to-Scale in Food Preparation
by Thomas F. Crossley & Yuqian Lu - 2004-05 Short-Run Implications of Cap-and-Trade versus Baseline-and-Credit Emission Trading Plans: Experimental Evidence
by Neil J. Buckley - 2004-04 When Might Unemployment Insurance Matter?
by Thomas Crossley & Hamish Low - 2004-03 Inventories, Sticky Prices and the Propogation of Nominal Shocks
by Martin Boileau & Marc-André Letendre - 2004-02 Partners and strangers in non-linear public goods environments
by Stuart Mestelman - 2004-01 Rate of Return Parity in Experimental Asset Markets
by Jason Childs & Stuart Mestelman
- 2003-07 Shocks, Stocks and Socks
by Martin Browning & Thomas Crossley - 2003-06 Child Poverty in Canada
by Thomas Crossley & Lori Curtis - 2003-05 An Efficient Mechanism for Differentiated Quality of Internet Service
by Seungjin Han - 2003-04 Long-Run Implications of Alternative Emission Trading Plans: An Experiment with Robot Traders
by Neil Buckley & R. Andrew Muller & Stuart Mestelman - 2003-03 The Impact of Provincial Maternity and Parental Leave Policies on Employment Rates of Women with Young Children in Canada
by Adrienne ten Cate - 2003-02 Learning Algorithms in a Decentralized General Equilibrium Model
by James Bruce - 2003-01 The Impact of Lifecycle Events on Women’s Labour Force Transition: a Panel Analysis
by Sung-Hee Jeon
- 2002-15 Credit Constraints and Training after Job Loss
by Bruce Chapman & Thomas F. Crossley & Taejong Kim - 2002-14 Asset Accumulation and Short Term Employment
by Martin Browning & Thomas F. Crossley & Eric Smith - 2002-13 Using Simulation-based Inference with Panel Data in Health Economics
by Paul Contoyannis & Andrew M. Jones & Roberto Leon-Gonzalez - 2002-12 Simulation-based Inference in Dynamic Panel Probit Models: an Application to Health
by Paul Contoyannis & Andrew M. Jones & Nigel Rice - 2002-11 Allocating Awards Across Noncomparable Categories
by Lonnie Magee & Michael R. Veall - 2002-10 Capital Tax Competition and Returns to Scale
by John Burbidge & Katherine Cuff - 2002-09 Consumption Inequality
by Thomas F. Crossley & Krishna Pendakur - 2002-08 Agglomeration Effects And The Competition For Firms
by Robin Boadway & Katherine Cuff & Nicolas Marceau - 2002-07 Advance Production Duopolies and Posted Prices or Market-Clearing Prices
by David Goodwin & Stuart Mestelman - 2002-06 Output Sharing Among Groups Exploiting Common Pool Resources
by Stephen Schott & Neil Buckley & Stuart Mestelman & R. Andrew Muller - 2002-05 Unemployment and Non-Employment: Heterogeneities in Labour Market States
by Stephen R.G. Jones & W. Craig Riddell - 2002-04 Revisiting the Family Investment Hypothesis
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Thomas F. Crossley - 2002-03 Asymmetric Labor Adjustment, Organizational Capital and Aggregate Job Flows
by Fransisco M. Ganzalez & Alok Johri - 2002-02 The Effect of Restricting Asset Trade in Dynamic Equilibrium Models
by M-A. Letendre - 2002-01 Semi-Parametric Predictions of the Intertemporal Approach to the Current Account
by M-A. Letendre
- 2001-06 Heterogeneity, Communication, Coordination and Voluntary Provision of a Public Good
by K. S. Chan & S. Mestelman & R. Moir & R. A. Muller - 2001-05 Volunteering a Public Service: An Experimental Investigation
by M. Bilodeau & J. Childs & S. Mestelman - 2001-04 Equalization and the Decentralization of Revenue-Raising in a Federation
by R. Boadway & K. Cuff & M. Marchand - 2001-03 Labour Market Dynamics in RBC Models
by A. Johri & M-A. Letendre - 2001-02 Inferring Willingness-to-Pay for Health Attributes of Air Quality Using Information on ranking of Alternatives and Cognitive Ability of Respondents
by R.A. Muller & A.L. Robb & A. Diener - 2001-01 Awkward Moments in Teaching Public Finance
by J.B. Burbidge
- 2000-06 Middlemen and the Allocation of Heterogeneous Goods
by Alok Johri & Lohn Leach - 2000-05 Tariff Wars and Trade Deals with Costly Government
by John B. Burbidge & Gordon M. Myers - 2000-04 The National Hockey League Entry Draft, 1969-1995: An Application of a Weighted Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm
by Donald Dawson & Lonnie Magee - 2000-03 Value Orientations, Income and Displacement Effects, and Voluntary Contributions
by Neil Buckley & Kenneth S. Chan & James Chowhan & Stuart Mestelman & Mohamed Shehata - 2000-02 Learning by Doing and Aggregate Fluctuations
by R Cooper & Alok Johri - 2000-01 Externalities, Indivisibility, Nonreplicability and Agglomeration
by Yorgos Y. Papageorgiou & David Pines
- 1999-14 Experimental Methods for Research into Trading of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by R. Andrew Muller - 1999-13 Emissions trading without a quantity constraint
by R. Andrew Muller - 1999-12 Can auctions control market power in emissions trading markets
by R. Andrew Muller & Stuart Mestelman & John Spraggon & Rob Godby - 1999-11 Subsidizing Public Inputs
by Neil Buckley & Stuart Mestelman & Mohamed Shehata - 1999-10 Social Cohesion and Health
by J. Lavis & Greg Stoddart - 1999-09 Evidence of Construct Validity for Stoke and Arthritis in a Population Health Survey
by Paul Grootendorst & David Feeney & W. Furlong - 1999-08 Alternatives for Raising Living Standards
by William Scarth - 1999-07 Charitable Giving by Married Couples: Who Decides and Why Does it Matter?
by James Andreoni & Eleanor Brown & Isaac C. Rischall - 1999-06 Automatic Certification or Mandatory Representation Votes? How the choice of union recogntion procedure affects union certification success
by Susan Johnson - 1999-05 Self-Employment Dynamics and Self-Employment Trends: A Study of Canadian Men and Women, 1982-1995
by Herbert Schuetze & Peter Khun - 1999-04 Did Tax Flattening Affect RRSP Contributions?
by Michael R. Veall - 1999-03 Population Aging and Its Costs: A Survey of the Issues and Evidence
by Frank T. Denton & Byron G. Spencer - 1999-02 Economic Costs of Population Aging
by Frank T. Denton & Byron G. Spencer - 1999-01 A Bayesain Approach for Measuring Economies of Scale with Application to Large Scale Banks
by M. W. Luke Chan & Dading Li & Dean C. Mountain
- 1998-08 The Flow and Ebb in Mixter's Treatment of Rae
by Syed Ahmad - 1998-07 Some Least Squares Results Without Least Squares Algebra
by E.H. Oksanen - 1998-06 The Association Between Socio-Economic Characteristics and the Frequency of Wife Assault
by JoAnn Kingston-Riechers - 1998-05 The Association Between the Frequency of Wife Assault and Marital Dissolution
by JoAnn Kingston-Riechers - 1998-04 Heterogeneity and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods
by Kenneth S. Chan & Stuart Mestelman & Rob Moir & R. Andrew Muller - 1998-03 Crowding Out Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods
by Kenneth S. Chan & Rob Godby & Stuart Mestelman & R. Andrew Muller - 1998-02 Lone Female Headship and Welfare Policy in Canada
by Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan & Martin Dooley - 1998-01 Exogenous Targeting Instruments as a Solution to Group Moral Hazards
by John Spraggon
- 1997-07 Three Essays in Experimental Economics: Market Performance, Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods, and Emission Permit Trading
by Kenneth S. Chan & Stuart Mestelman & R. Andrew Muller - 1997-02 Games with Procedurally Rational Players
by Martin J. Osborne & Ariel Rubinstein - 1997-01 Immigration Control and the Welfare State
by Gordon M Myers & Yorgos Y Papageorgiou
- 1996-06 Communication in a Common Pool Resource Environment with Probabilistic Destruction
by Andrew Muller & Michelle Vickers - 1996-05 A Coalition-formation Approach to Equilibrium Federations and Trading Block s
by John B. Burbidge & James A. DePater & Gordon M. Myers & Abhijit Sengupta - 1996-04 Self-Interested Behaviour and Ethics: The Case for Auditor Independence
by H Falk & B Lynn & S Mestelman & M Shehata - 1996-03 Estimating Regression Models Using Survey Sample Weights
by L Magee & AL Robb & JB Burbidge - 1996-01 Unemployment Insurance Benefit Levels and Consumption Changes
by Martin Browning & Thomas Crossley
- 1995-03 Strategic Manipulation of Pollution Permit Markets: An Experimental Approach
by Jamie Brown-Kruse & Steven R Elliot & Rob Godby - 1995-02 Household Saving: Micro Theories and Micro Facts
by Martin Browning & Annamaria Lusardi - 1995-01 A Model of Political Competition with Citizen-Candidates
by Martin J. Osborne & Al Slivinksi
- 1994-03 John Rae (1834), Schumpeter (1911) and Amsden (1989) on Technical Change and Economic Development
by Syed Ahmad - 1994-02 Efficient Intra-Household Allocations: a General Characterization and Empirical Tests
by Martin Browning & Pierre-Andre Chiappori - 1994-01 The Saving Behaviour of a Two Person Household
by Martin Browning
- 1992-04 Gender-Bias in Intrahousehold Allocation: The Importance of Household Fixed Effects
by Ramesh Subramaniam - 1992-03 The Economics of Relative Rewards: Pattern Bargaining
by Peter Kuhn & Wulong Gu - 1992-02 Candidate Positioning and Entry in a Political Competition
by Martin J. Osborne - 1992-01 The Cyclical and Seasonal Behaviour of Canadian Gross Flows of Labour
by Stephen R G Jones
- 1991-02 Efficiency as Correlation
by EH Oksanen - 1991-01 Was There a Hawthorne Effect?
by Stephen R G Jones
- 1989-02 A Microeconomic Model of Intertemporal Substitution and Consumer Demand
by R. Blundell & M. Browning & C. Mehgir - 1989-01 Training, "Tracking", and Occupational Segregation by Sex: A Simple Model
by Peter Kuhn
- 1988-01 Equilibrium in Hotelling's Model of Spatial Competition
by Jeremiah E. Hurley
- 1985-02 Equilibrium in Hotelling's Model of Spatial Competition
by Martin J Osborne & Carolyn Pitchik - 1985-01 The Interest Elasticity of Saving and the Functional Form of the Utility Function
by M.B. Abrar