2012, Issue 77
- 163-188 ICT and productivity in service industries in Colombia
by María Alderete & Luis Gutiérrez - 189-217 Determinants of real prices of agricultural commodities. The role of inventories and macroeconomic factors (1960-2010)
by Luis Lanteri - 219-252 The inclusion of cultural goods and services into economic analysis: A methodological interpretation
by Luis Aguado & Luis Palma - 253-282 Cost of illness: A critical review of estimation methodologies
by Nadia Ripari & Nebel Moscoso & María Elorza
2012, Issue 76
- 17-53 Wage Adjustment Practices and the Link between Price and Wages: Survey Evidence from Colombian Firms
by Ana Iregui & Ligia Melo & María Ramírez - 55-86 First job experiences of Colombian college graduates: probability of formal employment and wages
by Juan Barón - 87-117 Risk measurement under extreme events. An in-context methodological review
by Jorge Uribe & Inés Ulloa - 119-141 Volume and Skewness Analysis in the Major Latin American Stock Markets
by Werner Kristjanpoller & Víctor Caballero - 143-176 The convergence of Chilean regions, 1960-2009
by Alejandro Corvalán & Danilo Pezo - 177-213 The impact of inter-firm networks on regional development: the case of Mendoza’s wine cluster
by María Alderete & Miguel Bacic - 215-257 Strategic choice of forward contracts and managerial incentive contracts in a context of Cournot competition
by Sandra Miranda & Ximena Bernal & Flavio Jácome - 259-291 On the Existence of a Unit Root in the Time Series of Monthly Electricity Prices in Colombia
by Elkin Castaño & Jorge Sierra - 293-327 Monetary analysis: The question of the nature and the role of money
by Rémi Stellian
2011, Issue 75
- 11-27 Do Followers Really Matter in Stackelberg Competition?
by Ludovic Julien & Olivier Musy & Aurélien Saïdi - 29-57 Financial Contagion: A Methodology for its Evaluation using Asymptotic Dependence Coefficients
by Jorge Uribe - 59-87 Asset Pricing Models: A Comparative Exercise Using Neural Networks to the Colombian Stock Market
by Charle Londoño & Yaneth Cuan - 89-106 A Non-Parametric Robust Estimation of the Box-Cox Transformation for Regression Models
by Elkin Castaño - 107-141 An Optimal Fiscal Policy Rule for the Colombian Economy: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach
by Juan Galvis & Juan Bedoya & Ruben Loaiza - 143-162 Economic Analysis about the Solid Waste Quantities and Optimal Hauling Distance to Install Transfer Stations in Colombia
by Jorge Perdomo & Juan Ramírez - 163-185 Risk aversion in medical decision making: a survey
by Liliana Chicaíza & Mario García & Giancarlo Romano
2011, Issue 74
- 9-35 Habits and Preferences for Sports and Recreation in Medellín: An Application of Logit Models
by David Tobón & Germán Valencia & John Bedoya - 37-59 Arbitrage Pricing Theory Applied to the Chilean Stock Market
by Werner Kristjanpoller & Mauricio Morales - 61-85 An Analysis of the Relationship Between Income and Life Expectancy for Latin America and the Caribbean
by Karina Temporelli & Valentina Viego - 87-117 Manufacturing Employment and Wage Differentials After Structural Adjustment Reforms in Colombia: An Efficiency Wages Approach
by Rodrigo Taborda & Juan Guataquí - 119-150 The Post-war International Food Order: The Case of Agriculture in Colombia
by Carlos Gaviria - 151-170 Economic Incentives for Habitat Conservation: A Literature Review
by Andrés Vargas & Mauro Reyes - 171-201 Labor participation of married women and their spouses in Colombia: A related-decision based approach
by Emma Castro & Gustavo García & Erika Badillo - 203-229 he Engel Curve for Health Services in Colombia: A Semiparametric Approach
by Jorge Barrientos & Juan Gallego & Juan Saldarriaga - 231-270 Regulation and Welfare: Assessing the Regulation of Electricity and Water Supply Utilities in Colombia During the 1990s. The Case of Empresas Públicas de Medellín
by Luis Vélez & Andrés Ramírez & Liz Londoño & Yudy Giraldo & Daniel Londoño
2010, Issue 73
- 11-47 An Estimated New Keynesian Phillips Curve for Colombia, 1996-2006
by Juan Camilo Galvis - 49-65 A Propensity Score Matching and Spatial Hedonic Prices Approach for Estimating Property Value Fluctuations in Bogotá
by Jorge Andrés Perdomo - 67-97 Bureaucracy and Efficiency in the Provision of Public Goods: a Spatial Model of Political Competition
by Leonardo Gatica & Georgina Soto - 99-130 Elements for a Classical Theory of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Prices
by Alexander Tobón & Eduardo Bolaños - 131-148 Estimation Biases, Size and Power of a Test on the Long Memory Parameter in ARFIMA Models
by Elkin Castaño & Santiago Gallón & Karoll Gómez - 149-164 Discount Rate and Timber Rotation: the Case of Eucalyptus Saligna
by Camilo Restrepo & Mauricio Alviar - 165-180 Women, Fertility and Economics: Fifty Years of Research
by Felipe Del Río & Nelson Alvis & Martha Yánez & Raúl Quejada & Karina Acevedo - 181-214 How Profitable is Higher Education in Colombia?
by Gustavo Hernández - 215-242 Governance Problems Related to Economic Development in Medellín’s Periphery
by Jorge Polanco - 243-273 Optimal Strategy Design for Portfolio Selection: an Inverse Risk Weighting Analysis
by Andrés Puerta & Henry Laniado - 275-301 Pros and Cons of Teaching and Research in the History of Economic Thought Today
by Jimena Hurtado & Andrés Álvarez
2010, Issue 72
- 11-44 The Effects of Remittances on Household Consumption, Education Attendance and Living Standards: the Case of Colombia
by Carlos Medina & Lina Cardona - 45-76 Determinants of Self-Employment Dynamics and their Implications on Entrepreneurial Policy Effectiveness
by José María Millán & Emilio Congregado & Concepción Román - 77-102 A Covariance Structure Analysis of the Intrafamilial Effects of Well-Being: the Case of Antioquia (Colombia), 2003
by Liliana María Gallego - 103-140 Demographics, Youth and Homicides in Colombia, 1979-2006
by Leonardo Bonilla Mejía - 141-168 The Economic Salience of Sports in Colombia: A Satellite Accounts Methodology
by Andrea Ruiz Molina & Elkin Argiro Muñoz Arroyave & Ramón Javier Mesa Callejas - 169-194 Pollution in the Medellín River (2006-2001): A Political Market
by Alejandra García Cardona - 195-212 Comparison of Willingness To Pay (WTP) for an Improvement in Air Quality between Users and Nonusers of Firewood in the City of Talca (Chile)
by Arcadio Cerda Urrutia & Leidy Yomary García & Alejandra Bahamondez Montecinos & Viviana Plobete Castro - 215-225 ¿Para qué leer hoy a Marx? Una nota sobre las nuevas perspectivas
by José Félix Cataño - 227-232 Métodos matemáticos y computacionales en macroeconomía, por Álvaro Riascos Villegas
by Miguel Espinosa
2009, Issue 71
- 19-42 The War on Drugs is Counterproductive, Once Again
by Carlos Humberto Ortiz - 43-76 Effects of Filter Techniques on the Evaluation of a Model of Real Economic Cycles
by Fredy Vásquez Bedoya & Sergio Restrepo Ochoa - 77-106 Determinants of Multilocation of Manufacturing Export Firms in Colombia
by Monica María Sierra - 107-140 The Competitiveness of Colombian Departments: An Analysis from the Economic Geography Perspective
by Jorge Lotero Contreras & Héctor Mauricio Posada Duque & Daniel Valderrama - 141-168 An Evaluation of Promotional Policies for Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America
by Mauricio López González & Lorena Morales & Oriana Guerrero - 169-188 Regional Inequity in Health Financing in Colombia 2008
by Nelson Alvis Guzmán & Luis Alvis Estrada & Robinson Castro Ávila - 189-208 An Analysis of the Day-of-the-Week Effect in Latin American Stock Markets
by Werner Kristjanpoller Rodríguez - 209-234 Strategic Uses of Mobile Phones in the BoP: Some Examples in Latin American Countries
by Luis Fernando Gamboa - 235-250 In Search of a Definition For the History of Economic Thought
by Rebeca Gomez Betancourt & Alexander Tobón Arias - 251-262 ¿El problema es que la economía no ha sido lo sufi cientemente keynesiana? Una nota a propósito de Krugman y el debate sobre la situación de la ciencia económica
by Martha Susana Jaimes - 263-268 The Making of an Economist, Redux, por David Colander
by Yan Liang
2009, Issue 70
- 11-38 Economic liberalism and crisis
by Michel De Vroey - 39-61 Efficiency of the Chilean stock market: A dynamic approach using volatility tests
by Andrés Acuña & Cristián Pinto - 63-84 Public expenditure on health, economic growth and elasticity of substitution: Results for the Spanish economy, 1985-2003
by Jesús López-Rodríguez & Miguel Muñoz & Pablo César Muñoz - 85-108 The pass through from the exchange rate to the consumer prices of tradable goods: An approach to the Colombian case
by Dora Elena Jiménez & Hernando Rendón - 109-136 Whom is unemployment affecting? Analysis of the incidence rate in Colombia
by Juan Carlos Guataquí & Nohora Forero & Andrés Felipe García - 137-163 Female labor supply and its determinants: Evidence for Colombia through estimates of synthetic cohorts
by Donald Robbins & Daniel Salinas & Araceli Manco - 165-190 Production and stochastic efficiency: An application to the Colombian footwear and leather industry
by Jorge Barrientos Marín & David Tobón & Alderid Gutiérrez - 191-222 Analysis of Medellín's poverty situation using the Standard of Living Survey, 2004-2005
by Jorge Flórez & Cristina Arenas & Emiro Mesa - 223-235 Event studies and the importance of the estimation methodology
by John Jairo García
2008, Issue 69
- 9-39 An Optimal Taylor Rule for Colombia, 1991-2006
by Remberto Rhenals & Juan Pablo Saldarriaga - 41-62 New Economic Geography: Empirical Evidence of the Estimation of the Nominal Wage Equation
by Jesus Lopez Rodriguez & Andrés Faiña - 63-83 Determining Factors of the Use of Public Instruments for Risk Management in the Chilean Wine Industry: A binomial Logit Model
by Germán Lobos & Jean-Laurent Viviani - 85-113 Socioeconomic Profile of the Emigrant from Medellín to Spain: An approach from the experience of the “Paisas en el exterior” network
by Mauricio López González & Maribel Díaz Pérez & Marta Sierra Torres & Beatriz Elena Tabera & Andrea Contreras Araque - 115-139 Employment, Unemployment and Real Wage: An analysis of the Labor Market in Medellín City (1995-2006)
by Carlos Andrés Cano Gamboa & Adriana María Ochoa Yepes - 141-162 Estimation of the environmental discount rate for Colombia
by Francisco Correa Restrepo - 163-200 Prices and the impact of the industry in the economic growth: the cases of England (1770-1840) and Colombia (1923-1998)
by Carlos Esteban Posada & Edgar Trujillo - 201-220 On prices in the new neoclassical Sythesis in Macroeconomics
by Alexander Tobon - 221-244 The Environmental Kuznets Curve for Water Quality: An Analysis of its Appropriateness Using Unit Root and Cointegration Tests
by Catalina Granda Carvajal & Luis Guillermo Pérez & Juan Carlos Muñoz Mora - 245-298 The Absorption of Macroeconomics by Microeconomics
by Ghislain Deleplace - 299-311 Trade and Economic Geography: a Note on Krugman’s contribution to Economic Theory
by Héctor Mauricio Posada Duque & Juan Esteban Vélez Villegas
2008, Issue 68
- 9-37 Business Cycles Chronology for Colombia
by Luis Eduardo Arango & Fernando Arias & Luz Adriana Flórez & Munir Jalil - 39-66 The Yield Curve and the Interest Rates Expectations on Fixed Income Market in Colombia Between 2002 and 2007
by Diego Agudelo Rueda & Mónica Arango Arango - 67-93 The Impact of Value Added Tax on Household Expenditure in Colombia
by Christian Jaramillo & Jorge Tovar - 95-120 The Demand for Health Insurance and Use of Medical Services in Colombia: Differences Between Workers and the Self-Employed Workers
by Juan Miguel Gallego - 121-144 Quality of Public Education and Academic Achievement in Medellín, 2004-2006. An Application of Interquartile Regression
by Jorge Barrientos Marín - 145-173 Hierarchical Organization and School Academic Achievement in Medellin: An Analysis from the Educational Production Function
by David Tobón & Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo & Paul Ríos Gallego & John Fredy Bedoya - 175-193 Real and Monetary Approach to the Handcraft Economy
by Fabrice Tricou - 195-215 The Colombian Aerial Navigation Company Between 1919 and 1921. An Entrepreneurial Adventure in South America
by Karim León Vargas - 217-247 Technological Integration and Income Gaps
by Carlos Humberto Ortiz & Javier Andrés Castro - 249-258 A Note on New Pricing Models
by Juan Pablo García
2007, Issue 67
- 9-42 Volatilidad de los flujos de capital hacia los países en desarrollo: evidencia para América Latina, 1970-2002
by Remberto Rhenals Monterroso & Alejandro Torres García - 43-70 Efectividad de los canales de búsqueda de empleo en Colombia en el año 2003
by José Ignacio Uribe García & Carlos Augusto Viáfara López & Yanira Marcela Oviedo Gil - 71-98 Alianzas y política: un juego entre agentes civiles y armados
by María del Pilar Castillo & Boris Salazar - 99-118 El canal del crédito bancario en Colombia: 1995-2005. Una aproximación mediante modelos de umbral
by Maria Isabel Restrepo Estrada & Diana Constanza Restrepo Ochoa - 119-142 Una discusión sobre la curva de Phillips de Friedman y la tasa natural de desempleo
by Leonardo Raffo López - 143-170 Disposición a pagar por un mejoramiento en la calidad ambiental en el Gran Santiago, Chile
by Arcadio Cerda Urrutia & José Rojas Méndez & Leidy García Pérez - 161-194 Selección adversa en la convocatoria docente para educación primaria, media y básica en Colombia
by David Tobón Orozco & Piedad Patricia Restrepo R. & Paul Ríos Gallego - 195-224 Deuda pública interna, patrón metálico y guerras civiles: interconexiones institucionales, la Colombia del siglo XIX
by Angela Milena Rojas Rivera - 225-240 The Role of an Imitating Firm in a Dynamic Context
by Francisco Martínez-Sánchez
2007, Issue 66
- 9-46 Desplazamiento forzado y propiedad de la tierra en Antioquia, 1996-2004
by Carlos Felipe Gaviria Garcés & Juan Carlos Muñoz Mora - 47-82 Cliometría: Una comunidad científica en el pseudo-mercado del conocimiento (1957-2006)
by Angela Milena Rojas Rivera - 83-118 Evolución del Comercio Intraindustrial entre las regiones colombianas y la Comunidad Andina, 1990-2004: un análisis comparativo
by Ana Isabel Moreno Monroy & Héctor Mauricio Posada Duque - 119-146 Diferencias salariales asociadas a atributos ambientales en trece ciudades colombianas: una estimación de salarios hedónicos
by Carlos Andrés Pérez Ramírez & Fabio Alberto Arias Arbeláez - 147-172 Evaluación de la gestión privada del servicio público educativo en Medellín
by Jorge Barrientos & Paul Rios Gallego - 173-212 Determinantes de la elección de administradora de pensiones en Colombia: primeras estimaciones a partir de agregados
by Luis Eduardo Arango Thomas & Luis Fernando Melo Velandia - 213-224 Un análisis dinámico del efecto de las ganancias fortuitas sobre la participación laboral
by Jhon James Mora - 225-250 Cambios en los retornos de la educación en Bogotá entre 1997 y 2003
by Nohora Yulieth Forero Ramírez & Luis Fernando Gamboa Niño - 251-276 Estimating Volatility Returns Using ARCH Models. An Empirical Case: The Spanish Energy Market
by Ricardo Alverola
2006, Issue 65
- 9-36 Análisis de los factores asociadosa la deserción y graduación estudiantil universitaria
by Elkin Castaño Vélez & Santiago Gallón Gómez & Karoll Gómez Portilla - 37-72 La experiencia colombiana bajo un régimen de fluctuación controlada del tipo de cambio: el papel de las intervenciones bancarias
by Mauricio Alberto Hernández Monsalve & Ramón Javier Mesa - 73-116 Evaluación asimétrica de una red neuronal: aplicación al caso de la inflación en Colombia
by María Clara Aristizábal Restrepo - 117-142 Los servicios públicos domiciliarios en Colombia a la luz del modelo de Salida, voz y lealtad de Albert Hirschman
by Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo - 143-176 Grupos de interés y regulación ambiental en Colombia: el caso de los recursos hídricos
by Medardo Restrepo Patiño - 177-208 El entorno regional y la percepción del estado de salud en Colombia, 2003
by Luís Miguel Tovar Cuevas & Gustavo Adolfo García Cruz - 209-220 Una aproximación empírica a la relación entre el desempleo y las vacantes para Popayán, 2001-2005
by Julián Durán Peralta & Jhon James Mora Rodríguez - 223-240 Del sentimiento de la prudencia o la mano invisible de la moral
by Ángel Emilio Muñoz Cardon
2006, Issue 64
- 9-36 Sobre la economía política de la gestión ambiental urbana: aspectos críticos de la planeación del desarrollo sostenible
by Raúl Cortés Landázury - 37-58 Revisiting the Relationship between Income Inequality and Economic Growth
by Ricardo Argüello Cuervo - 59-90 ¿Cómo deciden los individuos en el mercado laboral? Modelos y estimaciones para Colombia
by José Ignacio Uribe García & Carlos Humberto Ortiz Quevedo & Juan Byron Correa Fonnegra - 91-116 La tasa social de descuento y el medio ambiente
by Francisco Correa Restrepo - 117-142 La integración energética de los países nórdicos -Nord Pool-: lecciones para otros mercados
by John Jairo García Rendón & Carlos Mario Palacios Builes - 143-165 Diez años de regulación de los servicios públicos domiciliarios en Colombia: lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo de un modelo mestizo
by Luis Guillermo Vélez Álvarez - 187-194 Socialismo y utilitarismo en la economía política de John Stuart Mill
by Philippe Lége
2005, Issue 63
- 9-42 Changes in the structure of urban wages in Colombia, 1984-2000
by Luis Eduardo Arango & Carlos Esteban Posada & José Darío Uribe - 43-76 Do the Heterodox Theories Have Something in Common? A post-Keynesian Point of View
by Marc Lavoie - 77-109 Openness, Structural Change and Competitiveness in an "Old" Industrialized Region: the Antioquia Case
by Ana Isable Moreno & Jorge Lotero Contreras - 111-135 The Determinants of The Health Status in a Developing Country: results from the Colombian Case
by Juan Miguel Gallego & Manuel Ramírez Gómez & Carlos Sepúlveda - 137-185 Firm Entry and Productivity Turnovers in Import Substituting Markets: Evidence from the Petrochemical Industry in Colombia
by Luis Gutierrez & Carlos Pombo - 187-230 Underlying Inflation in Colombia: a common stochastic trend approach associated with structural restriction vectorial error correction model (SVEC)
by Martha Misas & Enrique López & Juana Téllez & José Fernando Escobar - 231-260 Estimating the Imperfection in Sawtimber markets: a case study for the South Pacific Region, Colombia
by Sandra Rodríuez Piñeros & David K. Lewis
2005, Issue 62
- 9-33 How to distribute when there is scarce situation
by Antonio villar - 35-74 A "Shock" of the net external assets and the Colombian Economic Cycle 1994-2001
by Wilman Arturo Gómez Muñoz & Carlos Esteban Posada Posada - 75-121 Local Commons and Cross-Effects of Population and Inequality on the Local Provision of environmental Services
by Juan Camilo Cárdenas - 123-155 Interest Groups in the Colombian Electrical Industry Regulation
by German Darío Valencia Agudelo - 157-190 Productive and Spatial adjustments in the Colombian industry within the commercial opening frame: an approach from financial geography
by Jorge Lotero Contreras - 191-205 Stable and Farsighted Set of Networks
by Jorge Hugo Barrientos Marín - 207-299 Organization of the Colombian electrical generation market. An application of technological indexes and H-H and C-4 concentration indexes, 1995-2004
by David Tobón Orozco & Margarita Ortiz Ortega & Gustavo Castillo Quintero
2004, Issue 61
- 7-34 Análisis econométrico del riesgo de extinción del las especies de fauna en Colombia: reptiles y peces dulceacuícolas
by Fabio Alberto Arias Arbeláez - 35-51 Theories of Money Creation: From Post-keynesians to Circuitists. Review and Prospects
by Joanna Bauvert - 53-70 Monte Carlo Option Pricing
by Cecilia Maya Ochoa - 71-99 "Vicios privados, beneficios públicos" o la diestra administración del legislador utilitarista
by Jimena Hurtado Prieto - 101-119 Análisis de cambio de régimen en series de tiempo no lineales utilizando modelos TAR
by Fredy Ocaris Pérez Ramírez & Hermilson Velásquez Ceballos - 121-130 La crítica de Hicks al Tratado del Dinero de Keynes
by Alexander Tobón Arias - 131-148 Debate: Economistas en deuda o la deuda de los economistas
by Diego Fernando Gómez Sanchez
2004, Issue 60
- 7-38 Crecimiento económico y concentración original del ingreso: experiencias internacionales desde 1820
by Carlos Esteban Posada Posada & José Fernando Escobar Restrepo - 39-65 Deserción estudiantil universitaria: una aplicación de modelos de duración
by Elkin Castaño Vélez & Santiago Gallón Gómez & Karoll Gómez Portilla & Johanna Vásquez Velásquez - 67-95 El logro académico y el efecto colegio en las pruebas Icfes en Antioquia
by Piedad Patricia Restrepo Restrepo & Mauricio Alviar Ramírez - 97-120 Los bonos educativos en el programa Paces en Colombia, 1992- 1998: una experiencia fallida
by Piedad Patricia Restrepo Restrepo - 121-139 La ciencia económica actual y la enseñanza de la Economía: el debate francés
by José Felix Cataño Molina
2003, Issue 59
- 7-53 Producción académica en Economía de la Salud en Colombia, 1980-2002
by Karem Espinosa Echavarría & Humberto Restrepo Zea & Sandra Rodríguez Acosta - 59-72 Las ganancias de tener un título: una aplicación al mercado laboral de Cali, 2000
by Jhon James Mora Rodríguez - 73-126 Theory of Money of David Ricardo : Quantity Theory and Theory of Value
by Susumu Takenaga - 127-148 Efectos del grado de apertura económica en las productividades industriales de los departamentos colombianos, 1967-1998
by Liliana Yaned Franco Vásquez & José Alfredo Vásquez Paniagua - 149-176 Moneda, intercambios efectivos y desempleo keynesiano
by Ludovic Julien - 179-208 Indicadores: ciencia y tecnología en países de América Latina, 1990-2001
by Carolina Lopera Oquendo & Edwin Alderid Gutiérrez Loaiza & Juan Carlos Marín Bolívar
2003, Issue 58
- 7-45 Dinamica institucional de la industria electrica colombiana : propuesta para un cambio
by David Fernando Tobón Orozco & Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo - 47-68 La guerra contra las drogas es contrapruducente : un analisis economico de equilibrio general
by Carlos Ortiz - 69-96 Retornos a la educacion y sesgo de habilidad : teoria y aplicaciones en Colombia
by Andrés Fernando Casas Moreno & Juan Miguel Gallego Acevedo & Carlos Eduardo Sepúlveda Rico - 97-123 Reformar las reformas
by José Antonio Ocampo Gaviria - 125-145 Indicadores : la intervencion reguladora en la industria electrica colombiana
by David Fernando Tobón Orozco & Gustavo Adolfo Castillo Quintero & Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo & Gustavo Adolfo Castillo Quintero
2002, Issue 57
- 7-48 La regulacion del sector de transmision de electricidad colombiano
by David Fernando Tobón Orozco & Gustavo Adolfo Castillo Quintero - 49-86 El impacto de la corrupcion sobre el crecimiento economico colombiano, 1990-1999
by Karoll Gómez Portilla & Santiago Gallón Gómez - 87-125 El gasto en salud de los hogares colombianos : Un analisis descriptivo
by Manuel Ramírez & Darwin Cortés & Juan Miguel Gallego - 127-142 Inertial growth : The British and American Cases
by Dany García Callejas - 143-160 Indicadores : El sector financiero colombiano
by Carlos Andrés Giraldo Rendón
2002, Issue 56
- 7-30 El ciclo politico - economico en Colombia, 1925-1999
by Mauricio López González & Santiago Gallón Gómez & Christian Fresard Briones - 31-71 Estructura y conducta de la oferta del seguro de salud en Colombia
by Mónica Andrea Arango Arango & Lina Patricia Casa Bustamante & Jairo Humberto Restrepo Zea - 73-105 Realineamientos y estados de la tasa de cambio nominal en Colombia, 1994-1999
by Elkin Castaño Vélez & Wilman Arturo Gómez Muñoz & Ramón Javier Mesa Callejas & Catalina Ortiz Pérez & Remberto Rhenals Monterrosa - 107-131 Valoracion economica de los beneficios recreacionales proporcionados por el Parque de las Aguas en el Area Metropolitana del Valle de Aburra
by Sergio Alonso Orrego Suaza & Mónica Marcela Jaime & Juliana Andrea Bedoya - 133-144 Proxy means test index for targeting social programs : two methodologies and empirical evidence
by Elkin Castaño - 145-170 Indicadores : la corrupcion mundial
by Santiago Gallón Gómez & Karoll Gómez POrtilla
2001, Issue 55
- 7-30 El futuro de la economia de la salud
by Victor Fuchs - 31-68 Un mecanismo de precios para la teoria del valor
by Eduardo Bolaños Cerón & Alexander Tobón Arias - 69-104 Regulacion de las telecomunicaciones en Colombia : la telefonia a larga distancia y sus relaciones con las redes locales
by Diana Cardona & Mery Patricia Tamayo Plata & Gustavo López Álvarez - 105-139 La metafora sistemica, o como Niklas Luhmann comprende el mundo de la economia
by Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo - 141-160 Caribbean demand of U. S. and rest-of-the-World-Starchy Food : a restricted source differentiated almost ideal demand system
by Alix Dameus & Daniel Tilley & Wade Brorsen - 161-180 Indicadores : entorno y evolucion de la exportaciones colombianas en la decada de los noventa
by Ramón Javier Mesa callejas & Santiago Gallón Gómez & Karoll Gómez Portilla
2001, Issue 54
- 7-33 Economias singulares
by Elvio Accinelli - 35-53 Aspectos teoricos sobre la salud como un determinante del crecimiento economico
by Juan Miguel Gallego - 55-98 Introduccion a las dinamicas caoticas en la teoria de los ciclos economicos
by Medardo Restrepo Patiño - 99-114 Elementos teoricos para el analisis empririco de la demanda
by Gustavo López Álvarez & Mauricio Alviar Ramirez - 115-131 Estimacion de la demanda transaccional de dinero en Colombia
by Nidia Ruth Reyes & José Eduardo Gómez González - 133-148 Endogenous institutions: the importance of history
by Alejandro Gaviria Uribe - 149-165 Indicadores macroeconomicos de America Latina 1990-2000
by Christian Fresard Briones & Ana Milena Olarte Cadavid
2000, Issue 53
- 7-31 Evidencia empirica de dualidad en valoracion contingente con formato binario
by Felipe Vásquez Lavin & Arcadio Cerda Urrutia & Sergio Alonso Orrego Suaza - 33-57 Pobreza en Medellin a partir del capital humano: estratos I y II
by Sergio Iván Restrepo & Mery Patricia Tamayo Plata & Germán Dario Valencia Agudelo - 59-73 Crecimiento economico optimo y calidad ambiental
by Jorge Hugo Barrientos Marín - 75-89 Justicia distributiva y economia: una perspectiva etica
by Maria Teresa Lopera Chaves - 91-123 Teoria economica de los impuestos pigouvianos: informacion y eficiencia
by Carlos Mario Gómez - 127-140 La balanza de pagos de Colombia
by Christian Fresard Briones & Mauricio López
2000, Issue 52
- 7-32 Por que hay metas de reduccion gradual de la inflacion
by Carlos Esteban Posada - 33-49 La economia de hacienda como obstaculo al desarrollo regional
by Raymond Pierre - 49-50 Indicadores e instrumentos monetarios
by Ramón Javier Mesa Callejas - 51-85 Modelos de desarrollo y convergencia interregional de la productividad industrial en Colombia
by JOrge Alonso Lotero Contreras & Sergio Restrepo & Liliana Yaned Franco Vásquez - 87-112 El desempleo estructural y la tasa natural de desempleo: algunas consideraciones teoricas y su estado actual en Colombia
by Will Alexander Yarce Posada - 113-165 Metodos de combinacion de pronosticos: una aplicacion a la inflacion
by Elkin Castaño Vélez & Luis Fernando Melo Velandia
1999, Issue 51
- 7-46 Tasa de cambio real y consumo : teoria, evidencia y estudios del caso colombiano, 1950-1997
by Carlos Esteban Posada - 47-87 Determinantes de la demanda por turismo hacia Cartagena, 1987-1998
by Luis Armando Galvis & Maria Modesta Aguilera