March 2014, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 643-662 Size, R&D productivity and Decision Styles
by José Lejarraga & Ester Martinez-Ros
February 2014, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 207-220 R&D investment of start-up firms: does founders’ human capital matter?
by Yuji Honjo & Masatoshi Kato & Hiroyuki Okamuro - 221-244 Regional characteristics, opportunity perception and entrepreneurial activities
by Michael Stuetzer & Martin Obschonka & Udo Brixy & Rolf Sternberg & Uwe Cantner - 245-264 Bank support and export: evidence from small Italian firms
by Francesca Bartoli & Giovanni Ferri & Pierluigi Murro & Zeno Rotondi - 265-282 Ownership structure, horizontal agency costs and the performance of high-tech entrepreneurial firms
by Massimo Colombo & Annalisa Croce & Samuele Murtinu - 283-295 Do small businesses create more jobs? New evidence for Europe
by Gerrit Wit & Jan Kok - 297-309 Self-employment of older Americans: do recessions matter?
by Amelia Biehl & Tami Gurley-Calvez & Brian Hill - 311-327 Effect of R&D tax credits for SMEs in Japan: a microeconometric analysis focused on liquidity constraints
by Yohei Kobayashi - 329-338 The international mobility of billionaires
by Tino Sanandaji - 339-360 How Swiss small and medium-sized firms assess the performance impact of mergers and acquisitions
by Spyros Arvanitis & Tobias Stucki - 361-385 Financial disclosure by SMEs listed on a semi-regulated market: evidence from the Euronext Free Market
by Andy Lardon & Marc Deloof - 387-406 The effect of innovation policy on SMEs’ employment and wages in Argentina
by Victoria Castillo & Alessandro Maffioli & Sofía Rojo & Rodolfo Stucchi - 407-435 Export behaviour of SMEs in transition countries
by Petrit Gashi & Iraj Hashi & Geoff Pugh
January 2014, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-15 Parent universities and the location of academic startups
by Stephan Heblich & Viktor Slavtchev - 17-32 The skill balancing act: when does broad expertise pay off?
by Elisabeth Bublitz & Florian Noseleit - 33-57 Entrepreneurship and dynamic capabilities: how firm age and size affect the ‘capability enhancement–SME performance’ relationship
by Richard Arend - 59-76 Are the self-employed really jacks-of-all-trades? Testing the assumptions and implications of Lazear’s theory of entrepreneurship with German data
by Daniel Lechmann & Claus Schnabel - 77-98 Analyzing the determinants of entrepreneurship in European cities
by Andrés Barreneche García - 99-116 Financial constraints and firm dynamics
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi & Federico Tamagni - 117-129 Effects of the matching fund program on IPO and bankruptcy of SMEs in Korea
by In Heo & So Sohn & Eun Ji - 131-151 Does trade credit play a signalling role? Some evidence from SMEs microdata
by Mariarosaria Agostino & Francesco Trivieri - 153-164 Benefits of a registration policy for microenterprise performance in India
by Smriti Sharma - 165-190 Tax structure and entrepreneurship
by Mina Baliamoune-Lutz & Pierre Garello - 191-205 Contextual ambidexterity in SMEs: the roles of internal and external rivalry
by Dirk Clercq & Narongsak Thongpapanl & Dimo Dimov
December 2013, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 757-774 The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship
by Zoltan Acs & David Audretsch & Erik Lehmann - 775-795 Knowledge spillover entrepreneurship in an endogenous growth model
by Zoltan Acs & Mark Sanders - 797-817 Knowledge spillovers, collective entrepreneurship, and economic growth: the role of universities
by Dennis Leyden & Albert Link - 819-836 The missing pillar: the creativity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship
by David Audretsch & Maksim Belitski - 837-863 University specialization and new firm creation across industries
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Massimo Colombo & Massimiliano Guerini & Cristina Rossi-Lamastra - 865-885 Regional public research, higher education, and innovative start-ups: an empirical investigation
by Michael Fritsch & Ronney Aamoucke - 887-898 Knowledge and entrepreneurial employees: a country-level analysis
by Erik Stam - 899-911 Conceptualizing knowledge-based entrepreneurship networks: perspectives from the literature
by Christopher Hayter - 913-930 The evolving domain of entrepreneurship research
by Bo Carlsson & Pontus Braunerhjelm & Maureen McKelvey & Christer Olofsson & Lars Persson & Håkan Ylinenpää - 931-943 Behavioral credit scoring model for technology-based firms that considers uncertain financial ratios obtained from relationship banking
by So Sohn & Yoon Kim - 945-959 Moving on from nascent entrepreneurship: measuring cross-national differences in the transition to new business ownership
by Heiko Bergmann & Ute Stephan - 961-987 Gender gap in latent and nascent entrepreneurship: driven by competitiveness
by Werner Bönte & Monika Piegeler
October 2013, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 521-535 Born local: toward a theory of new venture’s choice of internationalization
by Zoltan Acs & Siri Terjesen - 537-562 Open innovation practices in SMEs and large enterprises
by André Spithoven & Wim Vanhaverbeke & Nadine Roijakkers - 563-579 Influence of family ownership on small business growth. Evidence from French SMEs
by Anaïs Hamelin - 581-607 Disentangling the effects of organizational capabilities, innovation and firm size on SME sales growth
by Lorraine Uhlaner & André Stel & Valérie Duplat & Haibo Zhou - 609-632 Reconciling quantile autoregressions of firm size and variance–size scaling
by Marco Capasso & Elena Cefis & Alessandro Sapio - 633-649 Diversification patterns and survival as firms mature
by Alex Coad & Christina Guenther - 651-666 Incremental impact of venture capital financing
by Yan Alperovych & Georges Hübner - 667-681 Micro and small enterprise participation in tourism in coastal Kenya
by Patience Mshenga & Robert Richardson - 683-700 Establishment exits in Germany: the role of size and age
by Daniel Fackler & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 701-715 Perceived credit constraints in the European Union
by Erik Canton & Isabel Grilo & Josefa Monteagudo & Peter Zwan - 717-732 Bank loan terms and conditions for Eurozone SMEs
by Konstantinos Drakos - 733-755 The role of employees for post-entry firm growth
by Andreas Koch & Jochen Späth & Harald Strotmann
August 2013, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 315-334 Succession financing in family firms
by Christian Koropp & Dietmar Grichnik & André Gygax - 335-357 The more business owners, the merrier? The role of tertiary education
by Mirjam Praag & André Stel - 359-378 SME takeovers as a contributor to regional productivity gaps
by James Foreman-Peck & Tom Nicholls - 379-399 Productivity, wages and intrinsic motivations
by Leonardo Becchetti & Stefano Castriota & Ermanno Tortia - 401-417 The global financial crisis and small- and medium-sized enterprises in Japan: how did they cope with the crisis?
by Kazuo Ogawa & Takanori Tanaka - 419-431 Inherited corporate control and returns on investment
by Johan Eklund & Johanna Palmberg & Daniel Wiberg - 433-448 Long-term debt maturity and financing constraints of SMEs during the Global Financial Crisis
by Veronique Vermoesen & Marc Deloof & Eddy Laveren - 449-460 Small business loan securitization and interstate risk sharing
by Pu Liu & Yingying Shao - 461-478 Prior-knowledge and opportunity identification
by Jason Arentz & Frederic Sautet & Virgil Storr - 479-501 What do we know about the capital structure of small firms?
by Karin Jõeveer - 503-519 Capital structure of SMEs in Spanish regions
by María Palacín-Sánchez & Luis Ramírez-Herrera & Filippo di Pietro
June 2013, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-24 Ethics-focused dynamic capabilities: a small business perspective
by Richard Arend - 25-39 Black–White gap in self-employment. Does intra-race heterogeneity exist?
by Ruth Oyelere & Willie Belton - 41-54 Entrepreneurial politicians
by Kristina Nyström - 55-70 Effectiveness and efficiency of SME innovation policy
by James Foreman-Peck - 71-91 High performance work practices in small firms: a resource-poverty and strategic decision-making perspective
by Brigitte Kroon & Karina Voorde & Jules Timmers - 93-114 Balanced skills among nascent entrepreneurs
by Michael Stuetzer & Martin Obschonka & Eva Schmitt-Rodermund - 115-132 Intrapreneurial intentions versus entrepreneurial intentions: distinct constructs with different antecedents
by Evan Douglas & Jason Fitzsimmons - 133-147 When is Gibrat’s law a law?
by Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Niklas Elert - 149-168 Private investment in small public entities
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L’Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 169-181 Formal business networking and SME growth
by Bilitis Schoonjans & Philippe Cauwenberge & Heidi Bauwhede - 183-194 Modeling productive entrepreneurship in developing countries
by Zuzana Brixiova - 195-214 The role of business subsidies in job creation of start-ups, gazelles and incumbents
by Heli Koski & Mika Pajarinen - 215-218 Comment on Acs and Varga: Entrepreneurship, agglomeration and technological change
by Torben Klarl - 219-240 The dynamics of exports and R&D in SMEs
by Silviano Esteve-Pérez & Diego Rodríguez - 241-251 Unfair credit allocations
by Giuseppe Coco & Giuseppe Pignataro - 253-262 Optimum pricing of mutual guarantees for credit
by Yoram Kroll & Assaf Cohen - 263-275 Subjectivity in credit allocation to micro-entrepreneurs: evidence from Brazil
by Isabelle Agier & Ariane Szafarz - 277-293 Supplier development programs and firm performance: evidence from Chile
by Irani Arráiz & Francisca Henríquez & Rodolfo Stucchi - 295-313 Catching a wave: the formation of co-operatives in Finnish regions
by Panu Kalmi
May 2013, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 797-804 Kathleen Eisenhardt: recipient of the 2012 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Bo Carlsson - 805-816 Top management teams and the performance of entrepreneurial firms
by Kathleen Eisenhardt - 817-841 The effect of institutional quality on firm export performance in emerging economies: a contingency model of firm age and size
by Joseph LiPuma & Scott Newbert & Jonathan Doh - 843-863 How useful is venture capital prestige? Evidence from IPO survivability
by Ting-Kai Chou & Jia-Chi Cheng & Chin-Chen Chien - 865-877 The entrepreneur’s mode of entry: the effect of social and financial capital
by Françoise Bastié & Sylvie Cieply & Pascal Cussy - 879-898 Domestic transport infrastructure and firms’ export market participation
by Pedro Albarran & Raquel Carrasco & Adelheid Holl - 899-910 Relationship banking and escalating commitments to bad loans
by Eugene Kang & Asghar Zardkoohi & Ramona Paetzold & Donald Fraser - 911-931 Is success hereditary? Evidence on the performance of spawned ventures
by Johannes Dick & Katrin Hussinger & Boris Blumberg & John Hagedoorn - 933-952 Does self-employment increase the economic well-being of low-skilled workers?
by Magnus Lofstrom - 953-976 Firm ownership and productivity: a study of family and non-family SMEs
by Francesco Barbera & Ken Moores - 977-1007 Long-lasting bank relationships and growth of firms
by Alessandro Gambini & Alberto Zazzaro - 1009-1033 Life satisfaction and self-employment: a matching approach
by Martin Binder & Alex Coad - 1035-1058 Family firms’ investments, uncertainty and opacity
by Magda Bianco & Maria Bontempi & Roberto Golinelli & Giuseppe Parigi - 1059-1086 Geographic scope of proximity effects among small life sciences firms
by Christos Kolympiris & Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes - 1087-1122 An entrepreneurial process perspective on succession in family firms
by Mattias Nordqvist & Karl Wennberg & Massimo Bau’ & Karin Hellerstedt
April 2013, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 479-492 Reassessing the relationships between private equity investors and their portfolio companies
by Sophie Manigart & Mike Wright - 493-509 The association between venture capitalists’ selection and value adding behavior: evidence from early stage high tech venture capitalists
by Mirjam Knockaert & Tom Vanacker - 511-525 Why do contracts differ between venture capital types?
by Julia Hirsch & Uwe Walz - 527-552 Venture capital investor type and the growth mode of new technology-based firms
by Fabio Bertoni & Massimo Colombo & Luca Grilli - 553-573 The role of domestic and cross-border venture capital investors in the growth of portfolio companies
by David Devigne & Tom Vanacker & Sophie Manigart & Ine Paeleman - 575-590 Learning from own and others’ previous experience: the contribution of the venture capital firm to the likelihood of a portfolio company’s trade sale
by Bart Clarysse & Annelies Bobelyn & Itxaso Palacio Aguirre - 591-605 Private equity and entrepreneurial management in management buy-outs
by Hans Bruining & Ernst Verwaal & Mike Wright - 607-633 The different roles played by venture capital and private equity investors on the investment activity of their portfolio firms
by Fabio Bertoni & María Ferrer & José Martí - 635-649 Conflicts between entrepreneurs and investors: the impact of perceived unethical behavior
by Veroniek Collewaert & Yves Fassin - 651-670 Determinants of job satisfaction: a European comparison of self-employed and paid employees
by José Millán & Jolanda Hessels & Roy Thurik & Rafael Aguado - 671-686 Regional determinants of ICT new firm formation
by Frank Lasch & Frank Robert & Frédéric Roy - 687-691 SBE special issue introduction
by Jill Kickul & Siri Terjesen & Rachida Justo - 693-714 Designing a global standardized methodology for measuring social entrepreneurship activity: the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor social entrepreneurship study
by Jan Lepoutre & Rachida Justo & Siri Terjesen & Niels Bosma - 715-737 Business models for people, planet (& profits): exploring the phenomena of social business, a market-based approach to social value creation
by Fiona Wilson & James Post - 739-759 Nascent green-technology ventures: a study assessing the role of partnership diversity in firm success
by Moriah Meyskens & Alan Carsrud - 761-783 Entrepreneurial processes in social contexts: how are they different, if at all?
by G. Lumpkin & Todd Moss & David Gras & Shoko Kato & Alejandro Amezcua - 785-796 The social value of productive entrepreneurship
by Zoltan Acs & Mary Boardman & Connie McNeely
February 2013, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 173-184 Coase on entrepreneurship
by Siri Terjesen & Ning Wang - 185-197 An absorptive capacity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship
by Haifeng Qian & Zoltan Acs - 199-210 Leveraging entrepreneurship through private investments: does gender matter?
by Dora Gicheva & Albert Link - 211-225 Creating good public policy to support high-growth firms
by Colin Mason & Ross Brown - 227-248 Completing the technology transfer process: M&As of science-based IPOs
by Michele Meoli & Stefano Paleari & Silvio Vismara - 249-272 The influence of age on SMEs’ growth determinants: empirical evidence
by Paulo Nunes & Marco Gonçalves & Zélia Serrasqueiro - 273-291 Disaggregating entrepreneurial orientation: the non-linear impact of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking on SME performance
by Patrick Kreiser & Louis Marino & Donald Kuratko & K. Weaver - 293-307 Dismissal protection and small firms’ hirings: evidence from a policy reform
by Stefan Bauernschuster - 309-323 Entrepreneurial skills and workers’ wages in small firms
by Rui Baptista & Francisco Lima & Miguel Preto - 325-334 Health insurance provision and labor contracts for small firms
by Chu-Shiu Li & Chwen-Chi Liu & Yu-Chen Kuo & Chen-Sheng Yang - 335-350 Firm size and efficiency in the German mechanical engineering industry
by Alexander Schiersch - 351-373 How did the notional interest deduction affect Belgian SMEs’ capital structure?
by Geert Campenhout & Tom Caneghem - 375-396 The higher returns to formal education for entrepreneurs versus employees
by Mirjam Praag & Arjen van Witteloostuijn & Justin van der Sluis - 397-416 Vertical integration and efficiency: an application to the Italian machine tool industry
by Fabio Pieri & Enrico Zaninotto - 417-434 Failing firms and successful entrepreneurs: serial entrepreneurship as a temporal portfolio
by Saras Sarasvathy & Anil Menon & Graciela Kuechle - 435-458 The interplay of human and social capital in shaping entrepreneurial performance: the case of Vietnam
by Enrico Santarelli & Hien Tran - 459-478 School competition and students’ entrepreneurial intentions: international evidence using historical Catholic roots of private schooling
by Oliver Falck & Ludger Woessmann
January 2013, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-7 From laboratory to market: on the propensity of young inventors to form a new business
by Albert Link & Dianne Welsh - 9-25 Employment and SMEs during crises
by Celeste Varum & Vera Rocha - 27-39 What’s so entrepreneurial about intrapreneurs?
by Aloña Martiarena - 41-57 Trends in family business research
by Carlos Benavides-Velasco & Cristina Quintana-García & Vanesa Guzmán-Parra - 59-72 Governance mechanisms, investment opportunity set and SMEs cash holdings
by Yacine Belghitar & James Khan - 73-86 African Americans’ pursuit of self-employment
by Magnus Lofstrom & Timothy Bates - 87-100 Microcredit: an answer to the gender problem in funding?
by S. Brana - 101-118 The trade credit channel revisited: evidence from micro data of Japanese small firms
by Kazuo Ogawa & Elmer Sterken & Ichiro Tokutsu - 119-139 Entrepreneurial opportunities in peripheral versus core regions in Chile
by José Amorós & Christian Felzensztein & Eli Gimmon - 141-153 Tax progressivity and self-employment: evidence from Canadian provinces
by Ergete Ferede - 155-172 The best and the brightest or the least successful? Self-employment entry among male wage-earners in Sweden
by Pernilla Andersson Joona & Eskil Wadensjö
November 2012, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 801-817 Patents, knowledge spillovers, and entrepreneurship
by Zoltan Acs & Mark Sanders - 819-833 Self-employment: the role of intellectual property right laws
by Andrew Burke & Stuart Fraser - 835-851 Social capital of venture capitalists and start-up funding
by Oliver Alexy & Joern Block & Philipp Sandner & Anne Ter Wal - 853-876 Panel studies of new venture creation: a methods-focused review and suggestions for future research
by Per Davidsson & Scott Gordon - 877-895 Knowledge context and entrepreneurial intentions among students
by Dirk Dohse & Sascha Walter - 897-907 The strength of science and technology drivers for SME innovation
by Mario Parrilli & Aitziber Elola - 909-920 Bank market structure and entrepreneurship
by Tammy Rogers - 921-936 Picking the winner? Empirical evidence on the targeting of R&D subsidies to start-ups
by Uwe Cantner & Sarah Kösters - 937-947 Do firms’ growth rates depend on firm size?
by Jan Bentzen & Erik Madsen & Valdemar Smith - 949-975 Firm exit after distress: differentiating between bankruptcy, voluntary liquidation and M&A
by Sofie Balcaen & Sophie Manigart & Jozefien Buyze & Hubert Ooghe - 977-996 On the adjustment speed of SMEs to their optimal capital structure
by Cristina Aybar-Arias & Alejandro Casino-Martínez & José López-Gracia - 997-1016 The political and legal determinants of venture capital investments around the world
by Stefano Bonini & Senem Alkan - 1017-1028 Generalising Gibrat: using Chinese evidence founded on fieldwork
by Gavin Reid & Zhibin Xu - 1029-1041 What makes a high-growth firm? A dynamic probit analysis using Spanish firm-level data
by Paloma Lopez-Garcia & Sergio Puente - 1043-1067 Turbulence underneath the big calm? The micro-evidence behind Italian productivity dynamics
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Grazzi & Chiara Tomasi & Alessandro Zeli
October 2012, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 531-537 Entrepreneurial activity and regional competitiveness: an introduction to the special issue
by David Audretsch & Iñaki Peña-Legazkue - 539-560 Creative industries, new business formation, and regional economic growth
by Roberta Piergiovanni & Martin Carree & Enrico Santarelli - 561-574 Innovation, entrepreneurial activity and competitiveness at a sub-national level
by José González-Pernía & Iñaki Peña-Legazkue & Ferran Vendrell-Herrero - 575-585 Start-ups as drivers of market mobility: an analysis at the region–sector level for The Netherlands
by Sierdjan Koster & André Stel & Mickey Folkeringa - 587-601 Regional competitiveness, university spillovers, and entrepreneurial activity
by David Audretsch & Marcel Hülsbeck & Erik Lehmann - 603-625 Innovative opportunity pursuit, human capital and business ownership experience in an emerging region: evidence from Ghana
by Paul Robson & Charles Akuetteh & Paul Westhead & Mike Wright - 627-643 The entrepreneurial ladder, gender, and regional development
by Peter Zwan & Ingrid Verheul & A. Thurik - 645-658 (Optimal) spatial aggregation in the determinants of industrial location
by Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod & Miguel Manjón-Antolín - 659-665 Nascent entrepreneurship panel studies: progress and challenges
by William Gartner & Kelly Shaver - 667-684 Expectancy theory and nascent entrepreneurship
by Maija Renko & K. Kroeck & Amanda Bullough - 685-701 The nascent entrepreneurship hub: goals, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and start-up outcomes
by Diana Hechavarria & Maija Renko & Charles Matthews - 703-712 The effects of perceptions of risk, environmental uncertainty, and growth aspirations on new venture creation success
by William Gartner & Jianwen Liao - 713-726 Development and validation of a locus of control scale for the entrepreneurship domain
by Leon Schjoedt & Kelly Shaver - 727-743 Birds of a feather get lost together: new venture team composition and performance
by Paul Steffens & Siri Terjesen & Per Davidsson - 745-761 Financing the emerging firm
by William Gartner & Casey Frid & John Alexander - 763-781 Properties of emerging organizations: empirical evidence from Norway
by Tatiana Manolova & Linda Edelman & Candida Brush & Beate Rotefoss - 783-799 A tale of two exits: nascent entrepreneur learning activities and disengagement from start-up
by Juita-Elena Yusuf
September 2012, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 265-287 Employment growth from the Small Business Innovation Research program
by Albert Link & John Scott - 289-300 Growth and entrepreneurship
by Zoltan Acs & David Audretsch & Pontus Braunerhjelm & Bo Carlsson - 301-317 Organisation structure and innovation performance in different environments
by Andy Cosh & Xiaolan Fu & Alan Hughes - 319-339 Affirmative action programs and business ownership among minorities and women
by Robert Fairlie & Justin Marion - 341-358 Quantity and quality of information and SME financial structure
by Tom Caneghem & Geert Campenhout - 359-382 Entrepreneurship in India: the question of occupational transition
by Erik Monsen & Prashanth Mahagaonkar & Christian Dienes - 383-400 Firm growth and barriers to growth among small firms in India
by Alex Coad & Jaganaddha Tamvada - 401-417 Bargaining power and information in SME lending
by Jens Grunert & Lars Norden - 419-436 Determinants of R&D cooperation in small and medium-sized enterprises
by Hyunbae Chun & Sung-Bae Mun - 437-452 How SMEs exploit their intellectual property assets: evidence from survey data
by Gaétan Rassenfosse - 453-472 Do firms learn by exporting or learn to export? Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises
by Kent Eliasson & Pär Hansson & Markus Lindvert - 473-493 Part-time entrepreneurship and financial constraints: evidence from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics
by Kameliia Petrova - 495-515 Founders’ human capital and the performance of UK new technology based firms
by Panagiotis Ganotakis - 517-529 How does working capital management affect the profitability of Spanish SMEs?
by Sonia Baños-Caballero & Pedro García-Teruel & Pedro Martínez-Solano
July 2012, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-17 The experience of the founder and self-employment duration: a comparative advantage approach
by Dirk Oberschachtsiek - 19-37 Quantile estimates of the impact of R&D intensity on firm performance
by Martin Falk - 39-59 Identity and entrepreneurship: do school peers shape entrepreneurial intentions?
by Oliver Falck & Stephan Heblich & Elke Luedemann - 61-76 The impact of firm entry regulation on long-living entrants
by Susanne Prantl - 77-97 Taxation and entrepreneurship in a welfare state
by Mikael Stenkula - 99-117 The productivity payoff of information technology in multimarket SMEs
by Francesco Sandulli & José Fernández-Menéndez & Antonio Rodríguez-Duarte & José López-Sánchez - 119-139 Size matters: entrepreneurial entry and government
by Ruta Aidis & Saul Estrin & Tomasz Mickiewicz - 141-159 Supporter networks and network growth: a contingency model of organizational emergence
by Scott Newbert & Erno Tornikoski - 161-177 Trustworthiness and interest rates: an empirical study of Italian SMEs
by Carole Howorth & Andrea Moro - 179-205 Financing technology-based small firms in Europe: what do we know?
by Valérie Revest & Alessandro Sapio - 207-229 Consolidation by merger: the UK beer market
by Silviano Esteve-Pérez - 231-251 The geographic determinants of bankruptcy: evidence from Switzerland
by Stefan Buehler & Christian Kaiser & Franz Jaeger - 253-264 The economic impact of the Canada small business financing program
by Vincent Chandler
May 2012, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 351-374 Impact of founder experience on exit intentions
by Dawn DeTienne & Melissa Cardon