April 2018, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 677-695 Antecedents of early terminations in franchising: franchisor versus franchisee cancelations
by Begoña López-Fernández & Susana López-Bayón - 697-715 Franchising proportion and network failure
by Melih Madanoglu & Gary J. Castrogiovanni - 717-727 An organizational capability perspective on multi-unit franchising
by Dildar Hussain & Marijana Sreckovic & Josef Windsperger - 729-748 Quality signaling through ex-ante voluntary information disclosure in entrepreneurial networks: evidence from franchising
by Farhad Sadeh & Manish Kacker - 749-761 Social interactions and product quality: the value of pooling in cooperative entrepreneurial networks
by Wendong Deng & George Hendrikse - 763-781 Alliances and the innovation performance of corporate and public research spin-off firms
by John Hagedoorn & Boris Lokshin & Stéphane Malo - 783-805 Entrepreneurial networking: a blessing or a curse? Differential effects for low, medium and high performing franchisees
by Maryse J. Brand & Evelien P. M. Croonen & Roger T. A. J. Leenders - 807-824 The performance effect of network and managerial capabilities of entrepreneurial firms
by Marijana Srećković - 825-849 Organizational capital, production factor resources, and relative firm size in strategic equity alliances
by Herman Belgraver & Ernst Verwaal - 851-869 Entrepreneurial personalities in political leadership
by Martin Obschonka & Christian Fisch - 871-886 Entrepreneurship: skills and financing
by Felipe Balmaceda - 887-897 Foreign direct investment and entrepreneurship: gender differences across international economic freedom and taxation
by Rajeev K. Goel - 899-915 Under the AEGIS of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship: employment growth and gender of founders among European firms
by Sara Amoroso & Albert N. Link - 917-935 Opening and linking up: firms, GVCs, and productivity in Latin America
by Pierluigi Montalbano & Silvia Nenci & Carlo Pietrobelli
March 2018, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 415-427 Minority entrepreneurship in twenty-first century America
by Timothy Bates & William D. Bradford & Robert Seamans - 429-443 Testing for racial bias in business credit scores
by Alicia Robb & David T. Robinson - 445-461 Are minority-owned businesses underserved by financial markets? Evidence from the private-equity industry
by Timothy Bates & William D. Bradford & William E. Jackson - 463-479 Bite me! ABC’s Shark Tank as a path to entrepreneurship
by Baylee Smith & Angelino Viceisza - 481-498 Enhancing product market access: Minority entrepreneurship, status leveraging, and preferential procurement programs
by Lois M. Shelton & Maria Minniti - 499-519 How does agency workforce diversity influence Federal R&D funding of minority and women technology entrepreneurs? An analysis of the SBIR and STTR programs, 2001–2011
by Amol M. Joshi & Todd M. Inouye & Jeffrey A. Robinson - 521-532 New directions in entrepreneurship research with the Kauffman Firm Survey
by Joseph Farhat & Sharon Matusik & Alicia Robb & David T. Robinson - 533-543 Household wealth inequality, entrepreneurs’ financial constraints, and the great recession: evidence from the Kauffman Firm Survey
by Fabio Braggion & Mintra Dwarkasing & Steven Ongena - 545-567 The M&A exit outcomes of new, young firms
by Carmen Cotei & Joseph Farhat - 569-590 Marching to the beat of the drum: the impact of the pace of life in US cities on entrepreneurial work effort
by Siddharth Vedula & Phillip H. Kim - 591-605 Are growth expectations being met? Implications for the internationalization of micro-sized ventures
by Marleen McCormick & Stephanie A. Fernhaber - 607-624 Internationalize to live: a study of the post-internationalization survival of new ventures
by Hadi Fariborzi & Mohammad Keyhani - 625-642 Founder human capital and new technology venture R&D search intensity: the moderating role of an environmental jolt
by Xian Cao & Junyon Im - 643-655 Firm survival in traded industries: does localization moderate the effects of founding team experience?
by Cheng Shu & Sharon A. Simmons - 657-670 Analyzing complex survey data: the Kauffman Firm Survey
by Joseph Farhat & Alicia Robb
February 2018, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 239-250 New players in entrepreneurial finance and why they are there
by Joern H. Block & Massimo G. Colombo & Douglas J. Cumming & Silvio Vismara - 251-273 The wisdom of the crowd in funding: information heterogeneity and social networks of crowdfunders
by Friedemann Polzin & Helen Toxopeus & Erik Stam - 275-287 Gender differences in the contribution patterns of equity-crowdfunding investors
by Ali Mohammadi & Kourosh Shafi - 289-305 Is the crowd sensitive to distance?—how investment decisions differ by investor type
by Christina Guenther & Sofia Johan & Denis Schweizer - 307-324 Reward-based crowdfunding of entrepreneurial projects: the effect of local altruism and localized social capital on proponents’ success
by Giancarlo Giudici & Massimiliano Guerini & Cristina Rossi-Lamastra - 325-338 Affiliation ties and underwriter selection
by Hidenori Takahashi - 339-356 Business performance and angels presence: a fresh look from France 2008–2011
by Nadine Levratto & Luc Tessier & Cecile Fonrouge - 357-373 Government as fund-of-fund and VC fund sponsors: effect on employment in portfolio companies
by Thomas Standaert & Sophie Manigart - 375-395 Hidden champions or black sheep? The role of underpricing in the German mini-bond market
by Mark Mietzner & Juliane Proelss & Denis Schweizer - 397-413 A beacon in the night: government certification of SMEs towards banks
by José Martí & Anita Quas
January 2018, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 3-27 Which updates during an equity crowdfunding campaign increase crowd participation?
by Jörn Block & Lars Hornuf & Alexandra Moritz - 29-54 How does motherhood affect self-employment performance?
by Pernilla Andersson Joona - 55-75 Bursting into life: firm growth and growth persistence by age
by Alex Coad & Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Daniel Halvarsson - 77-89 Does mode of transfer matter for business performance? Transfers to employees versus transfers to outsiders
by Françoise Bastié & Sylvie Cieply & Pascal Cussy - 91-111 Entrepreneurship and advancing national level economic efficiency
by Kai Du & Allan O’Connor - 113-129 Which IP strategies do young highly innovative firms choose?
by Reinhilde Veugelers & Cédric Schneider - 131-162 Subsidies, financial constraints and firm innovative activities in emerging economies
by Simona Mateut - 163-180 Entrepreneurial orientation, risk and incentives: the case of franchising
by Cintya Lanchimba & Josef Windsperger & Muriel Fadairo - 181-199 Do crises impact capital structure? A study of French micro-enterprises
by Thi Hong Hoang & Călin Gurău & Amine Lahiani & Thuy-Luu Seran - 201-218 Driving factors of innovation in family and non-family SMEs
by Arndt Werner & Christian Schröder & Simone Chlosta - 219-237 Explaining micro entrepreneurship in rural Vietnam—a multilevel analysis
by Franziska Sohns & Javier Revilla Diez
December 2017, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 721-728 Hernando de Soto: recipient of the 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Martin Andersson & Daniel Waldenström - 729-739 A tale of two civilizations in the era of Facebook and blockchain
by Hernando Soto - 741-762 The role of local embeddedness and non-local knowledge in entrepreneurial activity
by Mikhail Martynovich - 763-783 Effects of federal socioeconomic contracting preferences
by Grant H. Lewis - 785-797 Dynamic entrepreneurship: On the performance of U.S. research joint ventures
by Jeremy W. Bray & Albert N. Link - 799-824 High-tech start-up firm survival originating from a combined use of internal resources
by Chun Yang & Bart Bossink & Peter Peverelli - 825-839 Just about money? CEO satisfaction and firm performance in small family firms
by Lucía Garcés-Galdeano & Martin Larraza-Kintana & Cristina Cruz & Ignacio Contín-Pilart - 841-864 Parents’ performance in entrepreneurship as a “double-edged sword” for the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurship
by Giuseppe Criaco & Philipp Sieger & Karl Wennberg & Francesco Chirico & Tommaso Minola - 865-888 Small Business vulnerability to floods and the effects of disaster loans
by Meri Davlasheridze & Pinar C. Geylani - 889-918 Active labor market programs’ effects on entrepreneurship and unemployment
by Catherine Laffineur & Saulo Dubard Barbosa & Alain Fayolle & Emeran Nziali - 919-936 Effects of extent and diversity of alliancing on innovation: the moderating role of firm newness
by Marcus Wagner & Wilfried Zidorn - 937-951 Evaluation of the Spanish flat rate for young self-employed workers
by Begoña Cueto & Matías Mayor & Patricia Suárez
October 2017, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 513-531 Does easy start-up formation hamper incumbents’ R&D investment?
by L. Colombo & H. Dawid & M. Piva & M. Vivarelli - 533-557 “Misfits,” “stars,” and immigrant entrepreneurship
by Shulamit Kahn & Giulia La Mattina & Megan MacGarvie - 559-577 Investigating a neglected part of Schumpeter’s creative army: what drives new-to-the-market innovation in micro-enterprises?
by Stephen Roper & Nola Hewitt-Dundas - 579-593 Should securities regulation promote equity crowdfunding?
by Lars Hornuf & Armin Schwienbacher - 595-607 Regional entrepreneurship capital and firm production
by José Luis Massón-Guerra & Pedro Ortín-Ángel - 609-625 Exchange rate fluctuations, firm size, and export behavior: an empirical investigation
by Abdul Rashid & Shahid Mahmood Waqar - 627-646 Health insurance and the supply of entrepreneurs: new evidence from the affordable care act
by James Bailey - 647-669 Public health insurance, individual health, and entry into self-employment
by Frank M. Fossen & Johannes König - 671-686 Industrial policy evaluation in the presence of spillovers
by Augusto Cerqua & Guido Pellegrini - 687-709 National culture, effectuation, and new venture performance: global evidence from student entrepreneurs
by Anastasiia Laskovaia & Galina Shirokova & Michael H. Morris - 711-715 Erratum to: National culture, effectuation, and new venture performance: global evidence from student entrepreneurs
by Anastasiia Laskovaia & Galina Shirokova & Michael H. Morris - 717-720 Steven Koltai with Matthew Muspratt (2016) “Peace through Entrepreneurship: Investing in a Startup Culture for Security and Development”
by Roger R. Stough
August 2017, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 251-272 Do entrepreneurs really earn less?
by Alina Sorgner & Michael Fritsch & Alexander Kritikos - 273-293 How young firms achieve growth: reconciling the roles of growth motivation and innovative activities
by Alexander McKelvie & Anna Brattström & Karl Wennberg - 295-318 Product market competition and access to credit
by Vittoria Cerasi & Alessandro Fedele & Raffaele Miniaci - 319-337 Cost of capital and public loan guarantees to small firms
by Elisa Ughetto & Giuseppe Scellato & Marc Cowling - 339-354 The influence of the CEO’s business education on the performance of hybrid organizations: the case of the global microfinance industry
by D. Pascal & R. Mersland & N. Mori - 355-378 Entrepreneurial spawning and knowledge-based perspective: a meta-analysis
by Robert P. Garrett & Chao Miao & Shanshan Qian & Tae Jun Bae - 379-403 As the market churns: productivity and firm exit in developing countries
by Gemechu Aga & David Francis - 405-419 Factors affecting the long-term survival of eBay ventures: a longitudinal study
by Dawn Gregg & Madhavan Parthasarathy - 421-444 Researching the entrepreneurial behaviour of new and existing ventures in European agriculture
by Emilio Pindado & Mercedes Sánchez - 445-467 Exploring the link between innovation and growth in Chilean firms
by Caterina Santi & Pietro Santoleri - 469-492 Individual and place-based drivers of self-employment in Chile
by Félix Modrego & Dusan Paredes & Gianni Romaní - 493-512 Responsibility or autonomy: children and the probability of self-employment in the USA
by Gustavo A. Caballero
June 2017, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-10 The lineages of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach
by Zoltan J. Acs & Erik Stam & David B. Audretsch & Allan O’Connor - 11-30 Looking inside the spiky bits: a critical review and conceptualisation of entrepreneurial ecosystems
by Ross Brown & Colin Mason - 31-54 Searching for the existence of entrepreneurial ecosystems: a regional cross-section growth regression approach
by K. Bruns & N. Bosma & M. Sanders & M. Schramm - 55-73 The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem
by Fiona Sussan & Zoltan J. Acs - 75-95 The campus as entrepreneurial ecosystem: the University of Chicago
by David J. Miller & Zoltan J. Acs - 97-117 The adaptive life cycle of entrepreneurial ecosystems: the biotechnology cluster
by Philip E. Auerswald & Lokesh Dani - 119-140 The paradox of new venture legitimation within an entrepreneurial ecosystem
by Donald F. Kuratko & Greg Fisher & James M. Bloodgood & Jeffrey S. Hornsby - 141-161 The entrepreneur’s experiential diversity and entrepreneurial performance
by Anne Spanjer & Arjen van Witteloostuijn - 163-187 Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D and high-skill activities
by Kent Eliasson & Pär Hansson & Markus Lindvert - 189-202 Productive and harmful entrepreneurship in a knowledge economy
by Jürgen Antony & Torben Klarl & Erik E. Lehmann - 203-231 Integrating psychological approaches to entrepreneurship: the Entrepreneurial Personality System (EPS)
by Martin Obschonka & Michael Stuetzer - 233-249 Job dissatisfaction of the self-employed in Indonesia
by Illoong Kwon & Kitae Sohn
April 2017, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 795-811 Pricing shares in equity crowdfunding
by Lars Hornuf & Matthias Neuenkirch - 813-842 Cross-national differences in entrepreneurial activity: role of culture and institutional factors
by Ratan J. S. Dheer - 843-859 When members of entrepreneurial teams differ: linking diversity in individual-level entrepreneurial orientation to team performance
by Tobias Kollmann & Christoph Stöckmann & Yvonne Meves & Julia M. Kensbock - 861-882 Instant gratification: temporal discounting and self-employment
by Marcus T. Wolfe & Pankaj C. Patel - 883-911 Drivers of SME performance: a holistic and multivariate approach
by Olubunmi Ipinnaiye & Declan Dineen & Helena Lenihan - 913-930 Drivers of high-quality entrepreneurship: what changes did the crisis bring about?
by Ioannis Giotopoulos & Alexandra Kontolaimou & Aggelos Tsakanikas - 931-951 Family ownership: does it matter for funding and success of corporate innovations?
by Dorothea Schäfer & Andreas Stephan & Jenniffer Solórzano Mosquera - 953-976 Resource endowment and opportunity cost effects along the stages of entrepreneurship
by Tomasz Mickiewicz & Frederick Wedzerai Nyakudya & Nicholas Theodorakopoulos & Mark Hart - 977-997 Prospect theory and the effects of bankruptcy laws on entrepreneurial aspirations
by Saul Estrin & Tomasz Mickiewicz & Anna Rebmann - 999-1020 “Glocal” ties: banking development and SEs’ export entry
by Alessia Lo Turco & Daniela Maggioni - 1021-1046 Information technology clusters and regional growth in America, 1970–1980
by Florencia Garcia-Vicente & Daniel Garcia-Swartz & Martin Campbell-Kelly - 1047-1069 Self-employment amongst migrant groups: new evidence from England and Wales
by Ken Clark & Stephen Drinkwater & Catherine Robinson
March 2017, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 447-486 Gender differences in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: an empirical analysis
by Takanori Adachi & Takanori Hisada - 487-501 Entrepreneurship as a twenty-first century skill: entrepreneurial alertness and intention in the transition to adulthood
by Martin Obschonka & Kai Hakkarainen & Kirsti Lonka & Katariina Salmela-Aro - 503-524 Who instigates university–industry collaborations? University scientists versus firm employees
by Rajeev K. Goel & Devrim Göktepe-Hultén & Christoph Grimpe - 525-541 The governance environment and innovative SMEs
by Judy S. Yang - 543-558 Top manager characteristics, agglomeration economies and firm performance
by Cui Zhang - 559-576 E-business and fast growth SMEs
by Rui Bi & Robert M. Davison & Kosmas X. Smyrnios - 577-597 Fractionalization, entrepreneurship, and the institutional environment for entrepreneurship
by Sefa Awaworyi Churchill - 599-612 Foreign direct investment via M&A and domestic entrepreneurship: blessing or curse?
by Seçil Hülya Danakol & Saul Estrin & Paul Reynolds & Utz Weitzel - 613-631 Does foreign direct investment stimulate new firm creation? In search of spillovers through industrial and geographical linkages
by Laixiang Sun & In Hyeock Lee & Eunsuk Hong - 633-656 What does (not) characterize persistent corporate high-growth?
by Stefano Bianchini & Giulio Bottazzi & Federico Tamagni - 657-679 Does ICT adoption improve access to credit for small enterprises?
by Lucia Dalla Pellegrina & Serena Frazzoni & Zeno Rotondi & Andrea Vezzulli - 681-697 A new perspective on entrepreneurial regions: linking cultural identity with latent and manifest entrepreneurship
by David B. Audretsch & Martin Obschonka & Samuel D. Gosling & Jeff Potter - 699-726 Determinants of the growth aspiration: a quantitative study of Venezuelan entrepreneurs
by Raquel Puente & María Antonia Cervilla & Carlos Giovanni González & Nunzia Auletta - 727-752 Determinants of the entrepreneurial gender gap in Latin America
by Luisa Fernanda Bernat & German Lambardi & Paola Palacios - 753-769 Internationalization choices and Italian firm performance during the crisis
by Stefano Costa & Carmine Pappalardo & Claudio Vicarelli - 771-793 Ownership structure, insider behavior, and IPO performance of SMEs in China
by S. Ramakrishna Velamuri & Wilson Liu
February 2017, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 273-278 Entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise dynamics
by Mariagrazia Squicciarini - 279-285 Ideation, entrepreneurship, and innovation
by Albert N. Link - 287-302 Risk, balanced skills and entrepreneurship
by Chihmao Hsieh & Simon C. Parker & C. Mirjam Praag - 303-321 The impact of habitual entrepreneurial experience on new firm closure outcomes
by Sandra Gottschalk & Francis J. Greene & Bettina Müller - 323-329 The private financial gains to entrepreneurship: Is it a good use of public money to encourage individuals to become entrepreneurs?
by Thomas Åstebro - 331-343 R&D profitability: the role of risk and Knightian uncertainty
by Sara Amoroso & Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Antonio Vezzani - 345-360 The impact of public R&D subsidy on small firm productivity: evidence from Korean SMEs
by Beom Cheol Cin & Young Jun Kim & Nicholas S. Vonortas - 361-391 Institutional determinants of university spin-off quantity and quality: a longitudinal, multilevel, cross-country study
by Riccardo Fini & Kun Fu & Marius Tuft Mathisen & Einar Rasmussen & Mike Wright - 393-412 Do micro start-ups fuel job creation? Cross-country evidence from the DynEmp Express database
by Chiara Criscuolo & Peter N. Gal & Carlo Menon - 413-429 What do firms know? What do they produce? A new look at the relationship between patenting profiles and patterns of product diversification
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Grazzi & Daniele Moschella - 431-446 ICT as facilitator of internationalisation in small- and medium-sized firms
by Eva Hagsten & Patricia Kotnik
January 2017, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-8 Philippe Aghion: recipient of the 2016 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Zoltan J. Acs & Pontus Braunerhjelm & Charlie Karlsson - 9-24 Entrepreneurship and growth: lessons from an intellectual journey
by Philippe Aghion - 25-45 My first employee: an empirical investigation
by Alex Coad & Kristian Nielsen & Bram Timmermans - 47-69 What influences environmental entrepreneurship? A multilevel analysis of the determinants of entrepreneurs’ environmental orientation
by Jacob Hörisch & Jana Kollat & Steven A. Brieger - 71-97 Experience and gender effects in acquisition experiment with value messages
by D. Cagno & A. Galliera & W. Güth & N. Pace & L. Panaccione - 99-114 Solving the knowledge filter puzzle: absorptive capacity, entrepreneurship and regional development
by Haifeng Qian & Hyejin Jung - 115-134 Stock-financed M&As of newly listed firms
by Andrea Signori & Silvio Vismara - 135-152 Altruistic investment decision behavior in early-stage ventures
by Kim Klyver & Noel J. Lindsay & Suleiman K. “Sul” Kassicieh & Gary Hancock - 153-177 Participation inertia in R&D tax incentive and subsidy programs
by Isabel Busom & Beatriz Corchuelo & Ester Martínez-Ros - 179-197 Steve Jobs or No Jobs? Entrepreneurial activity and performance among Danish college dropouts and graduates
by Guido Buenstorf & Kristian Nielsen & Bram Timmermans - 199-212 The impact of family ownership on innovation: evidence from the German machine tool industry
by Carolin Decker & Christina Günther - 213-224 Does a one-tier board affect firms’ performances? Evidences from Italian unlisted enterprises
by Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini & Emiliano Sironi - 225-257 Taking care of business: the impact of culture and gender on entrepreneurs’ blended value creation goals
by Diana M. Hechavarría & Siri A. Terjesen & Amy E. Ingram & Maija Renko & Rachida Justo & Amanda Elam - 259-272 Gender differences in financial inclusion amongst entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe
by Terrence Kairiza & Philemon Kiprono & Vengesai Magadzire
December 2016, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 819-834 Decision biases and entrepreneurial finance
by Gordon K. Adomdza & Thomas Åstebro & Kevyn Yong - 835-851 Entrepreneurship and strategies for economic development
by Salustiano Martínez-Fierro & José María Biedma-Ferrer & José Ruiz-Navarro - 853-874 Grit and self-employment: a multi-country study
by Marcus T. Wolfe & Pankaj C. Patel - 875-893 Innovation modes and entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics in regional growth
by Roberta Capello & Camilla Lenzi - 895-920 Effects of wealth inequality on entrepreneurship
by Casey J. Frid & David M. Wyman & Bentley Coffey - 921-938 Evaluation of IPO-firm takeovers: an event study
by Erik E. Lehmann & Manuel T. Schwerdtfeger - 939-954 Process innovation in small businesses: the self-employed as entrepreneurs
by Maria Plotnikova & Isidoro Romero & Juan A. Martínez-Román - 955-980 A tale of soil and seeds: the external environment and entrepreneurial entry
by Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti & Ram Mudambi & Pietro Navarra & Daniela Baglieri - 981-1006 Distributive justice, corruption, and entrepreneurial behavior
by Jamie D. Collins & Jeffery S. McMullen & Christopher R. Reutzel - 1007-1032 The effectiveness of investment subsidies: evidence from a regression discontinuity design
by Stefaan Decramer & Stijn Vanormelingen - 1033-1047 Entrepreneurship policy and economic growth: Solution or delusion? Evidence from a state initiative
by Maria Figueroa-Armijos & Thomas G. Johnson - 1049-1074 UK credit and discouragement during the GFC
by Marc Cowling & Weixi Liu & Maria Minniti & Ning Zhang - 1075-1094 Institutional drivers of high-growth firms: country-level evidence from 26 transition economies
by Besnik A. Krasniqi & Sameeksha Desai - 1095-1118 Is there a Spirit of Overseas Chinese Capitalism?
by Swee Hoon Chuah & Robert Hoffmann & Bala Ramasamy & Jonathan H. W. Tan
October 2016, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 551-563 Entrepreneurial universities: emerging models in the new social and economic landscape
by Maribel Guerrero & David Urbano & Alain Fayolle & Magnus Klofsten & Sarfraz Mian - 565-587 Students climbing the entrepreneurial ladder: Does university internationalization pay off?
by Tommaso Minola & Davide Donina & Michele Meoli - 589-607 Are researchers deliberately bypassing the technology transfer office? An analysis of TTO awareness
by Annelore Huyghe & Mirjam Knockaert & Evila Piva & Mike Wright - 609-631 Entrepreneurial universities and overt opportunism
by Peter T. Gianiodis & Gideon D. Markman & Andreas Panagopoulos - 633-656 A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success: the role of knowledge intermediaries within an entrepreneurial university ecosystem
by Christopher S. Hayter - 657-675 Leveraging knowledge as a competitive asset? The intensity, performance and structure of universities’ entrepreneurial knowledge exchange activities at a regional level
by Qiantao Zhang & Niall G. MacKenzie & Dylan Jones-Evans & Robert Huggins - 677-694 What is the causal effect of R&D on patenting activity in a “professor’s privilege” country? Evidence from Sweden
by Olof Ejermo & John Källström - 695-717 Entrepreneurial practices in research-intensive and teaching-led universities
by Maria Abreu & Pelin Demirel & Vadim Grinevich & Mine Karataş-Özkan - 719-734 Management processes and strategy execution in family firms: from “what” to “how”
by James J. Chrisman & Jess H. Chua & Alfredo Massis & Tommaso Minola & Silvio Vismara - 735-753 CEO leadership and board decision processes in family-controlled firms: comparing family and non-family CEOs
by Fabio Zona - 755-769 Centralization and delegation practices in family versus non-family SMEs: a Rasch analysis
by Wendy L. Martin & Alexander McKelvie & G. T. Lumpkin - 771-785 Innovation processes in family firms: the relevance of organizational flexibility
by Wouter Broekaert & Petra Andries & Koenraad Debackere - 787-801 Family business going abroad: the effect of family ownership on foreign market entry mode decisions
by Claudia Pongelli & Matteo Giuliano Caroli & Marco Cucculelli - 803-817 Company metamorphosis: professionalization waves, family firms and management buyouts
by Carole Howorth & Mike Wright & Paul Westhead & Deborah Allcock
August 2016, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 397-419 Does gender matter for job creation? Business ownership and employment growth
by Tessa Conroy & Stephan Weiler - 421-435 Self-employment and the paradox of the contented female worker
by Keith A. Bender & Kristen Roche - 437-460 Success in entrepreneurship: a complementarity between schooling and wage-work experience
by Jens Iversen & Nikolaj Malchow-Møller & Anders Sørensen - 461-478 On the misery of losing self-employment
by Clemens Hetschko - 479-506 Training corporate entrepreneurs: an action learning approach
by Janice Byrne & Frédéric Delmar & Alain Fayolle & Wadid Lamine - 507-533 Does management innovation pay-off in SMEs? Empirical evidence for Spanish SMEs
by Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver & Francisca Ripoll-Sempere & Carles Boronat Moll - 535-550 Capital structure of Chinese listed SMEs: an agency theory perspective
by Wei Huang & Agyenim Boateng & Alexander Newman
June 2016, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-14 Evolutionary analysis of innovation and entrepreneurship: Sidney G. Winter—recipient of the 2015 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Ammon J. Salter & Maureen McKelvey - 15-34 The place of entrepreneurship in “The Economics that Might Have Been”
by Sidney G. Winter - 35-51 Public policy to promote entrepreneurship: a call to arms
by Zoltan Acs & Thomas Åstebro & David Audretsch & David T. Robinson - 53-76 What makes student entrepreneurs? On the relevance (and irrelevance) of the university and the regional context for student start-ups
by Heiko Bergmann & Christian Hundt & Rolf Sternberg - 77-94 Are women graduates jacquelines-of-all-trades? Challenging Lazear’s view on entrepreneurship
by Silke Tegtmeier & Agnieszka Kurczewska & Jantje Halberstadt - 95-113 Evasive entrepreneurship
by Niklas Elert & Magnus Henrekson - 115-137 The role of investments in export growth
by Adriana Peluffo - 139-162 De jure determinants of new firm formation: how the pillars of constitutions influence entrepreneurship
by Emanuela Carbonara & Enrico Santarelli & Hien Thu Tran - 163-177 Technological diversification within UK’s small serial innovators
by Carlo Corradini & Pelin Demirel & Giuliana Battisti - 179-199 Does corruption ever help entrepreneurship?
by Nabamita Dutta & Russell Sobel - 201-216 Taxes, corruption, and entry
by Maksim Belitski & Farzana Chowdhury & Sameeksha Desai - 243-260 Local market size, social capital and outsourcing: evidence from Emilia Romagna
by Roberto Antonietti & Maria Rosaria Ferrante & Riccardo Leoncini