March 2012, Volume 150, Issue 3
- 579-594 How organizational structure can reduce rent-seeking
by Johannes Münster & Klaas Staal - 595-608 Deliberation in large juries with diverse preferences
by Patrick Hummel - 609-631 Property rights and competing for the affections of Demos: the impact of the 1867 Reform Act on stock prices
by John Turner & Wenwen Zhan - 633-650 Price-earnings changes during US presidential election cycles: voter uncertainty and other determinants
by John Goodell & Richard Bodey - 651-670 Political parties and political shirking
by Jason DeBacker - 671-690 Corporate governance under proportional electoral systems
by Jaekwon Suh - 691-713 Asymmetric contests with liquidity constraints
by Martin Grossmann & Helmut Dietl - 715-730 Military conscription as a means of stabilizing democratic regimes
by Antonis Adam - 731-744 Does social capital increase political accountability? An empirical test for Flemish municipalities
by Dimi Jottier & Bruno Heyndels - 745-769 Net campaign contributions, agricultural interests, and votes on liberalizing trade with China
by John Gilbert & Reza Oladi - 771-792 Voter response to congressional campaigns: new techniques for analyzing aggregate electoral behavior
by Scott Basinger & Damon Cann & Michael Ensley - 793-795 Bo Rothstein: The quality of government: corruption, social trust, and inequality in international perspective
by Robert Lawson - 797-799 Bjorn Erik Rasch and George Tsebelis (eds.): The role of governments in legislative agenda setting
by Matt Ryan
January 2012, Volume 150, Issue 1
- 1-25 Why the Electoral College is good for political science (and public choice)
by Nicholas Miller - 27-49 The influence of auditor term length and term limits on US state general obligation bond ratings
by Mark Schelker - 51-75 Length of compulsory education and voter turnout—evidence from a staged reform
by Panu Pelkonen - 77-95 Fiscal effects of budget referendums: evidence from New York school districts
by Phuong Nguyen-Hoang - 97-117 Communication in committees: who should listen?
by Elisabeth Schulte - 119-135 Land inequality and conflict intensity
by Giacomo Luca & Petros Sekeris - 137-154 Balancing constituency representation and party responsiveness in the US Senate: the conditioning effect of state ideological heterogeneity
by Jeffrey Harden & Thomas Carsey - 155-179 Political cycles and economic performance in OECD countries: empirical evidence from 1951–2006
by Niklas Potrafke - 181-193 Electoral terms and terrorism
by Roland Hodler & Dominic Rohner - 195-208 Coyote ugly: the deadweight cost of rent seeking for immigration policy
by Benjamin Powell - 209-240 The information content of elections and varieties of the partisan political business cycle
by Cameron Shelton - 241-261 Positive versus normative economics: what’s the connection? Evidence from the Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy and the General Social Survey
by Bryan Caplan & Stephen Miller - 263-282 Optimal linear contracts under common agency and uncertain central bank preferences
by Giuseppe Ciccarone & Enrico Marchetti - 283-308 Is tolerance good or bad for growth?
by Niclas Berggren & Mikael Elinder - 309-326 Public and private sector wages interactions in a general equilibrium model
by Gonzalo Fernández-de-Córdoba & Javier Pérez & José Torres - 327-362 Does information increase political support for pension reform?
by Tito Boeri & Guido Tabellini - 363-383 A comparison of cumulative voting and generalized plurality voting
by Duane Cooper & Arthur Zillante - 385-385 Erratum to: An economic analysis of voting in Sweden
by Henrik Jordahl - 387-389 Roger D. Congleton: Perfecting parliament: constitutional reform, liberalism, and the rise of Western democracy
by Randall Holcombe - 391-394 Jonathan Bendor, Daniel Diermeier, David A. Siegel, and Michael M. Ting: A behavioral theory of elections
by Arye Hillman - 395-398 Arye L. Hillman: Public finance and public policy: responsibilities and limitations of government
by Randall Holcombe
December 2011, Volume 149, Issue 3
- 225-234 The many faces of counterterrorism: an introduction
by Todd Sandler - 235-261 Lock, stock, and barrel: a comprehensive assessment of the determinants of terror
by Martin Gassebner & Simon Luechinger - 263-280 Who adopts MIND/FIND in INTERPOL’s fight against international crime and terrorism?
by Walter Enders & Todd Sandler - 281-295 Counterterror intelligence operations and terror attacks
by Jonathan Feinstein & Edward Kaplan - 297-314 The illicit drug trade, counternarcotics strategies and terrorism
by James Piazza - 315-335 Terrorism, democratization, and US foreign policy
by Navin Bapat - 337-363 Does terror increase aid?
by Axel Dreher & Andreas Fuchs - 365-381 Can peace be purchased? A sectoral-level analysis of aid’s influence on transnational terrorism
by Joseph Young & Michael Findley - 383-403 Earthquakes, hurricanes, and terrorism: do natural disasters incite terror?
by Claude Berrebi & Jordan Ostwald - 405-425 Linguistic polarization and conflict in the Basque Country
by Javier Gardeazabal - 427-440 Social cohesion and self-sacrificing behavior
by Hirofumi Shimizu - 441-463 Terrorist group survival: ideology, tactics, and base of operations
by S. Blomberg & Khusrav Gaibulloev & Todd Sandler - 465-478 Counterterrorism strategies in the lab
by Daniel Arce & Sneha Bakshi & Rachel Croson & Catherine Eckel & Enrique Fatas & Malcolm Kass
October 2011, Volume 149, Issue 1
- 1-3 Public choice in a local government setting
by Randall Holcombe - 5-30 Does fiscal decentralization constrain Leviathan? New evidence from local property tax competition
by George Crowley & Russell Sobel - 31-48 The impact of fiscal decentralization on economics performance in high-income OECD nations: an institutional approach
by Whitney Buser - 49-64 Municipal debt in Switzerland: new empirical results
by Lars Feld & Gebhard Kirchgässner & Christoph Schaltegger - 65-74 The cartelization of local governments
by Randall Holcombe & DeEdgra Williams - 75-88 The role of income in the formation of new cities
by Lawrence Kenny & Adam Reinke - 89-108 Do housing bubbles generate fiscal bubbles?
by Razvan Vlaicu & Alexander Whalley - 109-132 City government structure: are some institutions undersupplied?
by William Doerner & Keith Ihlanfeldt - 133-149 The productivity of elected and appointed officials: the case of school superintendents
by Mark Partridge & Tim Sass - 151-165 Municipal corporations, economic calculation, and political pricing: exploring a theoretical antinomy
by Richard Wagner - 167-185 Social capital, lobbying and community-based interest groups
by Emily Chamlee-Wright & Virgil Storr - 187-207 Why local governments do not maximize profits: on the value added by the representative institutions of town and city governance
by Roger Congleton - 209-224 Quasimarket failure
by Peter Boettke & Christopher Coyne & Peter Leeson
September 2011, Volume 148, Issue 3
- 269-281 Tullock challenges: happiness, revolutions, and democracy
by Bruno Frey - 283-312 The limited effects of testimony on political persuasion
by Brendan Nyhan - 313-335 Economic freedom, culture, and growth
by Claudia Williamson & Rachel Mathers - 337-351 Resource allocation and voter calculus in a multicandidate election
by M. Roth - 353-380 On the looting of nations
by Mare Sarr & Erwin Bulte & Chris Meissner & Tim Swanson - 381-393 Proportional versus winner-take-all electoral vote allocations
by Patrick Hummel - 395-418 Protest voting in plurality elections: a theory of voter signaling
by Daniel Kselman & Emerson Niou - 419-434 On disclosure policy in contests with stochastic entry
by Qiang Fu & Qian Jiao & Jingfeng Lu - 435-443 The Condorcet jury theorem and extension of the franchise with rationally ignorant voters
by Ruth Ben-Yashar & Mor Zahavi - 445-457 Strategic voting in open primaries: evidence from Rush Limbaugh’s “operation chaos”
by E. Frank Stephenson - 459-470 Power comes with responsibility—or does it?
by Friedel Bolle & Claudia Vogel - 471-490 Government fragmentation versus fiscal decentralization and corruption
by Rajeev Goel & Michael Nelson - 491-503 Imposing a turnout threshold in referendums
by Yoichi Hizen & Masafumi Shinmyo - 505-530 Oil and the duration of dictatorships
by Jesus Crespo Cuaresma & Harald Oberhofer & Paul Raschky - 531-546 Electoral accountability in a country with two-tiered government
by David Granlund - 547-559 Political competition and politician quality: evidence from Italian municipalities
by Maria Paola & Vincenzo Scoppa - 561-567 Monopoly vs. competition in light of extraction norms
by Arkadi Koziashvili & Shmuel Nitzan & Yossef Tobol - 569-594 Globalization, welfare regimes and social protection expenditures in Western and Eastern European countries
by Markus Leibrecht & Michael Klien & Oezlem Onaran - 595-610 Do electoral institutions have an impact on population health?
by Simon Wigley & Arzu Akkoyunlu-Wigley - 611-630 The political economy of the environmental criminal justice system: a production function approach
by Christian Almer & Timo Goeschl
July 2011, Volume 148, Issue 1
- 1-19 The proximity paradox: the legislative agenda and the electoral success of ideological extremists
by Justin Buchler - 21-44 Election results and opportunistic policies: A new test of the rational political business cycle model
by Toke Aidt & Francisco Veiga & Linda Veiga - 45-66 A theory of entangled political economy, with application to TARP and NRA
by Adam Smith & Richard Wagner & Bruce Yandle - 67-86 Condorcet Polling
by Richard Potthoff - 87-104 Securing the base: electoral competition under variable turnout
by Michael Peress - 105-117 Free riders, holdouts, and public use: a tale of two externalities
by Thomas Miceli - 119-148 Timely shirking: time-dependent monitoring and its effects on legislative behavior in the U.S. Senate
by René Lindstädt & Ryan Wielen - 149-161 Elections and the strategic use of budget deficits
by Roland Hodler - 163-196 Hold your nose and vote: corruption and public decisions in a representative democracy
by Marco Pani - 197-214 One-dimensionality and stability in legislative voting
by Thomas Schwartz - 215-232 Foreclosure in contests
by Derek Clark & Øystein Foros & Jan Sand - 233-247 Opportunistic and partisan election cycles in Brazil: new evidence at the municipal level
by Sergio Sakurai & Naercio Menezes-Filho - 249-257 Expressive voting and identity: evidence from a case study of a group of U.S. voters
by Arye Hillman - 259-261 Christopher J. Coyne, Peter T. Leeson: Media, development and institutional change
by Daniel Sutter - 263-264 Rebecca B. Morton, Kenneth C. Williams: Experimental political science and the study of causality: from nature to the lab
by R. Isaac - 265-267 Francesco Forte: Principles of public economics: a public choice approach
by Randall Holcombe
June 2011, Volume 147, Issue 3
- 259-276 Two-stage group rent-seeking with negatively interdependent preferences
by Sina Risse - 277-284 On being asset-constrained in litigation contests
by Tim Friehe - 285-304 Negotiation in legislatures over government formation
by Michael Laver & Scott Marchi & Hande Mutlu - 305-329 Experimental comparison of two multiple-stage contest designs with asymmetric players
by Robin Chark & Amnon Rapoport & Rami Zwick - 331-357 Social divisions and institutions: assessing institutional parameter variation
by Ann-Sofie Isaksson - 359-376 The creation of multi-ethnic nations with or without a core region
by Ahmed Mahmud - 377-393 Corruption is bad for growth (even in the United States)
by Noel Johnson & Courtney LaFountain & Steven Yamarik - 395-412 The consequences of midnight regulations and other surges in regulatory activity
by Patrick McLaughlin - 413-420 A generalized Tullock contest
by Subhasish Chowdhury & Roman Sheremeta - 421-438 Three-candidate spatial competition when candidates have valence: stochastic voting
by Haldun Evrenk & Dmitriy Kha - 439-457 Special-interest groups and growth
by Dennis Coates & Jac Heckelman & Bonnie Wilson - 459-480 Strategic fiscal interaction among OECD countries
by Pantelis Kammas - 481-496 Why Muslims like democracy yet have so little of it
by Robbert Maseland & André Hoorn - 497-524 Rivalry and superior dispatch: an analysis of competing courts in medieval and early modern England
by Edward Stringham & Todd Zywicki - 525-525 Erratum to: Inward-looking policies, institutions, autocrats, and economic growth in Latin America: an empirical exploration
by Alberto Chong & Luisa Zanforlin - 527-527 Erratum to: Labor market institutions and income inequality: an empirical exploration
by César Calderón & Alberto Chong - 529-529 Erratum to: Can foreign aid reduce income inequality and poverty?
by Alberto Chong & Mark Gradstein & Cecilia Calderon - 531-531 Erratum to: Political and institutional environment and privatization prices
by Alberto Chong & Jorge Guillen & Alejandro Riano
April 2011, Volume 147, Issue 1
- 3-27 What causes terrorism?
by Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 29-41 An interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on voluntary contributions to a public good in a large economy
by Makoto Kakinaka & Koji Kotani - 43-67 Political fragmentation, party ideology and public expenditures
by Benoît Maux & Yvon Rocaboy & Timothy Goodspeed - 69-91 Local government structure and the quality of minority neighborhoods
by Keith Ihlanfeldt - 93-106 Winner-pay contests
by Andrew Yates - 107-121 An empirical study of the consolidation of local public health services in Connecticut
by Laurie Bates & Becky Lafrancois & Rexford Santerre - 123-138 The decision to lobby bureaucrats
by Amy McKay - 139-154 Partisan conflicts and parliamentary dominance: the Norwegian political business cycle
by Leif Helland - 155-171 City-level analysis of the effect of political regimes on public good provision
by Sarani Saha - 173-188 The public finance of healthy behavior
by Robert Rosenman - 189-207 Does legislative turnover adversely affect state expenditure policy? Evidence from Indian state elections
by Yogesh Uppal - 209-225 Determinants of congressional minimum wage support: the role of economic education
by J. O’Roark & William Wood - 227-253 Appropriation, violent enforcement, and transaction costs: a critical survey
by Mehrdad Vahabi - 255-257 Gil DeLannoi and Oliver Dowlen, eds: Sortition: Theory and Practice
by Alan Lockard
March 2011, Volume 146, Issue 3
- 269-289 Federalism and the shadow economy
by Désirée Teobaldelli - 291-317 Working or shirking? Expenses and attendance in the UK Parliament
by Timothy Besley & Valentino Larcinese - 319-339 The estimated cost impact of privatizing student transportation in Minnesota school districts
by Owen Thompson - 341-351 Trading places
by Ryan Yonk & Randy Simmons & Derek Johnson - 353-374 The price of transparency: do campaign finance disclosure laws discourage political participation by citizens’ groups?
by Alexandre Couture Gagnon & Filip Palda - 375-394 Executive veto power and credit claiming
by Indridi Indridason - 395-411 Theory and evidence of municipal borrowing in Chile
by Leonardo Letelier S. - 413-442 A decade of dissent: explaining the dissent voting behavior of Bank of England MPC members
by Mark Harris & Paul Levine & Christopher Spencer - 443-467 Do human rights offenders oppose human rights resolutions in the United Nations?
by Bernhard Boockmann & Axel Dreher - 469-499 Campaign allocations under probabilistic voting
by Deborah Fletcher & Steven Slutsky - 501-520 Self-enforcing norms and efficient non-cooperative collective action in the provision of public goods
by Kai Konrad & Wolfgang Leininger
January 2011, Volume 146, Issue 1
- 1-8 In memoriam: Melvin J. Hinich, 1939–2010
by Peter Ordeshook & Michael Munger & Tse-min Lin & Bryan Jones - 9-21 Social or political cleavages? A spatial analysis of the party system in post-authoritarian Chile
by Claudio Bonilla & Ryan Carlin & Gregory Love & Ernesto Silva Méndez - 23-41 Economic growth with endogenous corruption: an empirical study
by Mushfiq Swaleheen - 43-73 Public employment and income redistribution: causal evidence for Brazilian municipalities
by Enlinson Mattos & Vitor França - 75-92 Does tenure in office affect regional growth? The role of public capital productivity
by María García-Vega & José Herce - 93-115 Political regime change, economic liberalization and growth accelerations
by Richard Jong-A-Pin & Jakob Haan - 117-143 The road to power: partisan loyalty and the centralized provision of local infrastructure
by Marcelin Joanis - 145-162 Loyalty and competence in public agencies
by Alexander Wagner - 163-183 Public sector efficiency: leveling the playing field between OECD countries
by Antonis Adam & Manthos Delis & Pantelis Kammas - 185-203 How much income redistribution? An explanation based on vote-buying and corruption
by Loukas Balafoutas - 205-256 Positive constitutional economics II—a survey of recent developments
by Stefan Voigt - 257-259 William A. Fischel: Making the grade: the economic evolution of American school districts
by Joshua Hall - 261-263 Woody Holton: Unruly Americans and the origins of the constitution
by Robert Cooper - 265-267 Edward J. Lopez (ed.): The pursuit of justice: law and economics of legal institutions
by Claudia Williamson
December 2010, Volume 145, Issue 3
- 331-337 Save the poor, shoot some bankers
by David Zetland - 339-349 Risk-aversion and prudence in rent-seeking games
by Nicolas Treich - 351-378 On the link between fiscal decentralization and public debt in OECD countries
by Thushyanthan Baskaran - 379-403 An auction market for journal articles
by Jens Prüfer & David Zetland - 405-416 Individual campaign contributions in a Downsian model: expressive and instrumental motives
by Shiou Shieh & Wan-Hsiang Pan - 417-433 Why candidate divergence should be expected to be just as great (or even greater) in competitive seats as in non-competitive ones
by James Adams & Thomas Brunell & Bernard Grofman & Samuel Merrill - 435-460 Freedom of information acts and public sector corruption
by Monica Escaleras & Shu Lin & Charles Register - 461-482 The prison in economics: private and public incarceration in Ancient Greece
by Daniel D’Amico - 483-502 The invisible hand plays dice: multiple equilibria in sects markets
by Panu Poutvaara & Andreas Wagener - 503-530 Fiscal policy responsiveness, persistence, and discretion
by António Afonso & Luca Agnello & Davide Furceri - 531-546 Incentives for separation and incentives for public good provision
by Klaas Staal - 547-569 May increased partisanship lead to convergence of parties’ policy platforms?
by Tomer Blumkin & Volker Grossmann - 571-573 Reply to Miller on agendas and sincerity
by Thomas Schwartz - 575-579 Agendas and sincerity: a second response to Schwartz
by Nicholas Miller - 581-583 Emily Chamlee-Wright: The cultural and political economy of recovery: social learning in a post-disaster environment
by Art Carden - 585-587 Dennis C. Mueller: Reason, religion, and liberal democracy
by Roger Congleton - 589-592 Peter T. Leeson: The invisible hook: the hidden economics of pirates
by Bruce Benson
October 2010, Volume 145, Issue 1
- 1-24 What determines UN approval of greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in developing countries?
by Florens Flues & Axel Michaelowa & Katharina Michaelowa - 25-38 Do high taxes lock-in capital gains? Evidence from a dual income tax system
by Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Ulrika Praski-Ståhlgren & Niklas Rudholm - 39-55 Sizing the government
by Kristof Witte & Wim Moesen - 57-79 Do state balanced budget requirements matter? Testing two explanatory frameworks
by Yilin Hou & Daniel Smith - 81-101 Politician preferences, law-abiding lobbyists and caps on political contributions
by Ivan Pastine & Tuvana Pastine - 103-124 Flexible pensions for politicians
by Hans Gersbach & Markus Müller - 125-135 The relationship between corruption and income inequality in U.S. states: evidence from a panel cointegration and error correction model
by Nicholas Apergis & Oguzhan Dincer & James Payne - 137-163 A positive theory of the earnings relationship of unemployment benefits
by Laszlo Goerke & Markus Pannenberg & Heinrich Ursprung - 165-180 Habit formation, strategic extremism, and debt policy
by Egil Matsen & Øystein Thøgersen - 181-195 Nation states vs. united empire: Effects of political competition on economic growth
by Angus Chu - 197-211 Political short-termism: a possible explanation
by Iconio Garrì - 213-221 Agenda trees and sincere voting: a response to Schwartz
by Nicholas Miller - 223-252 Public servants in parliament: theory and evidence on its determinants in Germany
by Thomas Braendle & Alois Stutzer - 253-264 It’s all ‘bad’ news! Voters’ perception of macroeconomic policy competence
by Joshy Easaw - 265-280 Robust satisficing voting: why are uncertain voters biased towards sincerity?
by Lior Davidovitch & Yakov Ben-Haim - 281-293 Private operation with public supervision: evidence of hybrid modes of governance in prisons
by Sandro Cabral & Sergio Lazzarini & Paulo Azevedo - 295-317 The ‘informal sector’ and the political economy of development
by Victor Tanaka - 319-320 Mark Armstrong and Robert H. Porter (eds.): Handbook of Industrial Organization, Volume 3
by Friedrich Schneider - 321-322 Karl-Göran Mäler and Jeffrey R. Vincent (eds.): Handbook of Environmental Economics: Valuing Environmental Changes, Volume 2
by Friedrich Schneider - 323-324 Todd Sandler and Keith Hartley (eds.): Handbook of Defense Economics, Volume 2
by Friedrich Schneider - 325-328 George A. Akerlof and Rachel E. Kranton: Identity economics. How our identities shape our work, wages, and well-being
by Andreas Kyriacou - 329-330 Charles H. Anderton, John R. Carter: Principles of conflict economics: a primer for social scientists
by Yvon Rocaboy
September 2010, Volume 144, Issue 3
- 393-399 Gebhard Kirchgässner, 60 years on
by Lars Feld & Marcel Savioz & Jan Schnellenbach - 401-411 The economic tradition and the constitution of science
by Hans Albert - 413-443 The scientific foundation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models
by Paul Grauwe - 445-457 Central bank independence and inflation revisited
by Jeroen Klomp & Jakob Haan - 459-472 M3 money demand and excess liquidity in the euro area
by Christian Dreger & Jürgen Wolters - 473-486 Turnover of organized crime and money laundering: some preliminary empirical findings
by Friedrich Schneider