November 2011, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 367-389 Explaining national environmental performance: approaches, evidence, and implications
by Daniel Fiorino
September 2011, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 205-206 Special issue: reconciling the supply of and demand for research in the science of science and innovation policy
by Roger Pielke - 207-207 John H. “Jack” Marburger 1941–2011
by Roger Pielke - 209-213 Science, technology and innovation in a 21st century context
by John Marburger - 215-230 Research institutes as hybrid organizations: central challenges to their legitimacy
by Magnus Gulbrandsen - 231-248 Inequity in the distribution of science and technology outcomes: a conceptual model
by Barry Bozeman & Catherine Slade & Paul Hirsch - 249-266 Scholarly science policy models and real policy, RSD for SciSIP in US Mission Agencies
by Nathaniel Logar - 267-288 Whose knowledge? What values? The comparative politics of patenting life forms in the United States and Europe
by Shobita Parthasarathy - 289-293 William Ascher: Bringing in the future: strategies for farsightedness and sustainability in developing countries
by Peter Wilshusen - 295-298 Woehrle, Lynn M., Coy, Patrick G., and Maney, Gregory M.: Contesting patriotism: culture, power, and strategy in the peace movement
by Steve Breyman - 299-302 Coenen, Frans H. J. M (ed.): Public participation and better environmental decisions: the promise and limits of participatory processes for the quality of environmentally related decision making
by Cedar Morton
June 2011, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 103-133 Leaders’ perspectives in the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
by D. Mattson & S. Clark & K. Byrd & S. Brown & B. Robinson - 135-155 How can leaders’ perceptions guide policy analysis in an era of governance?
by Lihi Lahat - 157-177 Technology assessment in Australia: the case for a formal agency to improve advice to policy makers
by A. Russell & Frank Vanclay & Janet Salisbury & Heather Aslin - 179-198 The evaluation of climate policy: theory and emerging practice in Europe
by Dave Huitema & Andrew Jordan & Eric Massey & Tim Rayner & Harro Asselt & Constanze Haug & Roger Hildingsson & Suvi Monni & Johannes Stripple - 199-202 Book review blowout in the gulf
by Garry Brewer
March 2011, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-11 Grizzly Bear conservation in the Foothills Model Forest: appraisal of a collaborative ecosystem management effort
by Douglas Clark & D. Slocombe - 13-34 Citizens’ use of policy symbols and frames
by Ryane Straus - 35-52 A social-ecological approach to voluntary environmental initiatives: the case of nature-based tourism
by Esther Blanco - 53-80 Corporate response strategies to regulatory uncertainty: evidence from uncertainty about post-Kyoto regulation
by Christian Engau & Volker Hoffmann - 81-102 Deadly divide: Malawi’s policy debate on HIV/AIDS and condoms
by Paul Mkandawire & Isaac Luginaah & Rachel Bezner-Kerr
December 2010, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 301-341 Adaptive governance as a reform strategy
by Ronald Brunner - 343-363 The temporal dimension of knowledge and the limits of policy appraisal: biofuels policy in the UK
by Claire Dunlop - 365-390 Communication and competition in environmental studies
by Matthew Auer - 391-409 Buffalo tales: interest group policy stories in Greater Yellowstone
by Mark McBeth & Elizabeth Shanahan & Paul Hathaway & Linda Tigert & Lynette Sampson
September 2010, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 203-228 Social and institutional challenges in species and ecosystem conservation: an appraisal of the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission
by Richard Wallace & Kathryn Semmens - 229-244 Investigating the influence of social costs and benefits of environmental policies through social capital theory
by Nikoleta Jones - 245-261 From “smart regulation” to “regulatory arrangements”
by Peter Gossum & Bas Arts & Kris Verheyen - 263-287 There is no “point” in decision-making: a model of transactive rationality for public policy and administration
by Shyama Kuruvilla & Philipp Dorstewitz - 289-300 Practitioner insights
by Susan Iott
June 2010, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 105-127 Climate change adaptation in the Alpine Shire of Australia: a decision process appraisal
by Lee Tryhorn & Amanda Lynch - 129-156 Analysing decentralised natural resource governance: proposition for a “politicised” institutional analysis and development framework
by Floriane Clement - 157-180 De-agrarianization, re-agrarianization and local economic development: Re-orientating livelihoods in African artisanal mining communities
by Sadia Banchirigah & Gavin Hilson - 181-200 FDI and the costs of contract enforcement in developing countries
by John Ahlquist & Aseem Prakash - 201-202 Eric M. Patashnik: Reforms at risk: what happens after major policy changes are enacted
by J. Fitch
March 2010, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-25 Analyzing the dynamic complexity of development interventions: lessons from an irrigation experiment in Nepal
by Wai Lam & Elinor Ostrom - 27-48 A challenge for environmental governance: institutional change in a traditional common-property forest system
by Tanya Hayes - 49-72 The role of governments in corporate social responsibility: characterising public policies on CSR in Europe
by Reinhard Steurer - 73-94 Organizing interfaces between government institutions and interactive governance
by Jurian Edelenbos & Nienke Schie & Lasse Gerrits - 95-98 Roger A. Pielke, Jr., The honest broker: making sense of science in policy and politics
by Kevin Currey & Susan Clark - 99-102 Mary Adams Trujillo, S. Y. Bowland, Linda James Myers, Phillip M. Richards, Beth Roy (eds): Re-centering culture and knowledge in conflict resolution practice
by Patrick Coy
November 2009, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 275-302 Designing long-term policy: rethinking transition management
by Jan-Peter Voß & Adrian Smith & John Grin - 303-322 Transitioning policy: co-production of a new strategic framework for energy innovation policy in the Netherlands
by René Kemp & Jan Rotmans - 323-340 What about the politics? Sustainable development, transition management, and long term energy transitions
by James Meadowcroft - 341-368 Policy design without democracy? Making democratic sense of transition management
by Carolyn Hendriks - 369-390 Empowerment and the challenge of applying transition management to ongoing projects
by Flor Avelino - 391-408 Implementing transition management as policy reforms: a case study of the Dutch energy sector
by Florian Kern & Michael Howlett - 409-427 Designed to travel? Transition management encounters environmental and innovation policy histories in Finland
by Eva Heiskanen & Sirkku Kivisaari & Raimo Lovio & Per Mickwitz
August 2009, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 195-210 Homeland security and citizen response to emergency situations: a perspective on the need for a policy approach to information access
by Charles Herrick - 211-225 A fresh look at a policy sciences methodology: collaborative modeling for more effective policy
by Kristan Cockerill & Lacy Daniel & Leonard Malczynski & Vincent Tidwell - 227-242 Narrative policy analysis and the integration of public involvement in decision making
by Greg Hampton - 243-273 Signaling virtue: voluntary accountability programs among nonprofit organizations
by Mary Gugerty
May 2009, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 91-93 Integrative problem solving: the policy sciences as a framework for conservation policy and planning
by Peter Wilshusen & Richard Wallace - 95-111 The American West’s longest large mammal migration: clarifying and securing the common interest
by David Cherney & Susan Clark - 113-135 Human-provided waters for desert wildlife: what is the problem?
by David Mattson & Nina Chambers - 137-162 Social process as everyday practice: the micro politics of community-based conservation and development in southeastern Mexico
by Peter Wilshusen - 163-187 Interdisciplinary problem solving workshops for grizzly bear conservation in Banff National Park, Canada
by Murray Rutherford & Michael Gibeau & Susan Clark & Emily Chamberlain - 189-191 Kennedy, Sheila S., God and Country: America in Red and Blue
by David Cherney - 193-193 Note from the editor Lasswell prize announcement for volume 41 (2008)
by Toddi Steelman
February 2009, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-2 New editor statement
by Toddi Steelman - 3-32 Business responses to environmental and social protection policies: toward a framework for analysis
by Jorge Rivera & Jennifer Oetzel & Peter deLeon & Mark Starik - 33-55 Policy dynamics and the evolution of state charter school laws
by Thomas Holyoke & Jeffrey Henig & Heath Brown & Natalie Lacireno-Paquet - 57-72 The rise and fall of a policy: policy succession and the attempted termination of ecological corridors policy in the Netherlands
by Esther Turnhout - 73-89 Governance modes, policy regimes and operational plans: A multi-level nested model of policy instrument choice and policy design
by Michael Howlett
December 2008, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 263-292 ‘Opening up’ policy to reflexive appraisal: a role for Q Methodology? A case study of fire management in Cape York, Australia
by David Ockwell - 293-313 Can the market help the forum? Negotiating the commercialization of deliberative democracy
by Carolyn Hendriks & Lyn Carson - 315-334 Strategy of Chinese policy entrepreneurs in the third sector: challenges of “Technical Infeasibility”
by Xufeng Zhu - 335-355 The use and non-use of policy appraisal tools in public policy making: an analysis of three European countries and the European Union
by Måns Nilsson & Andrew Jordan & John Turnpenny & Julia Hertin & Björn Nykvist & Duncan Russel - 357-377 Policy change in nascent subsystems: Mozambican higher education policy 1993–2003
by Jasmin Beverwijk & Leo Goedegebuure & Jeroen Huisman
September 2008, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 183-204 Education and economic growth in the United States: cross-national applications for an intra-national path analysis
by Norman Baldwin & Stephen Borrelli - 205-220 Is an exemption from US groundwater regulations a loophole or a noose?
by Brigham Daniels & Erika Weinthal & Blake Hudson - 221-243 An analysis of police traffic stops and searches in Kentucky: a mixed methods approach offering heuristic and practical implications
by Brian Williams & Michael Stahl - 245-261 The problem with the “portfolio approach” in American energy policy
by Benjamin Sovacool
June 2008, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 95-114 Guest workers or unauthorized immigrants? The case of forest workers in the United States
by Brinda Sarathy & Vanessa Casanova - 115-138 Conduit or contributor? The role of media in policy change theory
by Elizabeth Shanahan & Mark McBeth & Paul Hathaway & Ruth Arnell - 139-164 The underappreciated role of regulatory enforcement in natural resource conservation
by Martin Nie - 165-180 Balancing alternatives and avoiding false dichotomies to make informed U.S. electricity policy
by Frank Felder & Ruthanne Haut - 181-182 Export processing zones and corporate environmental performance in emerging economies: The case of the oil, gas, and chemical sectors of Trinidad and Tobago
by Kalim Shah & Jorge Rivera
March 2008, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the editor-in-chief
by Matthew Auer - 3-19 The policy scientist of democracy revisited
by Ronald Brunner - 21-32 Revisiting Lasswell
by James Farr & Jacob Hacker & Nicole Kazee - 33-49 Does the amount of participation matter? Public comments, agency responses and the time to finalize a regulation
by Stuart Shapiro - 51-69 Conservation and community-based development through ecotourism in the temperate rainforest of southern Chile
by Maria McAlpin - 71-93 Analyzing decentralized resource regimes from a polycentric perspective
by Krister Andersson & Elinor Ostrom
December 2007, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 265-285 Export processing zones and corporate environmental performance in emerging economies: The case of the oil, gas, and chemical sectors of Trinidad and Tobago
by Kalim Shah & Jorge Rivera - 287-311 The nature of the beast: are citizens’ juries deliberative or pluralist?
by Dave Huitema & Marleen Kerkhof & Udo Pesch - 313-334 The economics of emergency response
by Erwin Blackstone & Andrew Buck & Simon Hakim - 335-351 Designing property rights for water: mediating market, government, and corporation failures
by Andrew Whitford & Benjamin Clark - 353-365 State greenhouse gas reduction policies: a move in the right direction?
by Andrew Keeler
September 2007, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 191-219 The world revolution of our time: a review and update
by Ronald Brunner - 221-240 NGO research program: a collective action perspective
by Erica Johnson & Aseem Prakash - 241-259 Do government sponsored marriage promotion policies place undue pressure on individual rights?
by Karen Struening - 261-264 Clark, Timothy W., Murray B. Rutherford, and Denise Casey (eds): Coexisting with Large Carnivores: Lessons from Greater Yellowstone
by Douglas Clark
June 2007, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 79-99 The discourse of democracy in Canadian nuclear waste management policy
by Genevieve Johnson - 101-122 Coal and nuclear technologies: creating a false dichotomy for American energy policy
by Benjamin Sovacool - 123-155 Gauging support for innovative farmland preservation techniques
by Joshua Duke & Lori Lynch - 157-179 Trade versus aid: donor generosity in an era of globalization
by Erik Lundsgaarde & Christian Breunig & Aseem Prakash - 181-185 James Keeley and Ian Scoones: Understanding environmental policy processes: cases from Africa
by Duncan Knowler - 187-190 Helmut Breitmeier, Oran R. Young, and Michael Zürn, Analyzing International Environmental Regimes: From Case Study to Database
by Elizabeth DeSombre
March 2007, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-34 The allure of technology: How France and California promoted electric and hybrid vehicles to reduce urban air pollution
by David Calef & Robert Goble - 35-54 And the question is? Knowledge growth in welfare policy research
by Charles McClintock & Staci Lowe - 55-71 Governing under advanced liberalism: sport policy and the social investment state
by Mick Green - 73-78 Norman J. Vig and Michael G. Faure (Eds.) Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union
by Toddi Steelman
December 2006, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 309-321 What work makes policy?
by Hal Colebatch - 323-334 Adaptive management and adaptive governance in the everglades ecosystem
by Lance Gunderson & Stephen Light - 335-359 Does local access to employment services reduce unemployment? A GIS analysis of One-Stop Career Centers
by Pascale Joassart-Marcelli & Alberto Giordano - 361-377 A spatial analysis of green teams: a tactical response to marijuana production in British Columbia
by Aili Malm & George Tita - 379-403 Going, going, gone: the effects of aid policies on graduation at three large public institutions
by Larry Singell & Mark Stater - 405-410 Ascher, William, and Barbara Hirschfelder-Ascher, shape Revitalizing Political Psychology: The Legacy of Harold D. Lasswell, Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. 197 pp
by Dan Thomas - 411-411 Bureaucratic landscapes: Interagency cooperation and the preservation of biodiversity
by Murray Rutherford
September 2006, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 205-231 Merging content analysis and the policy sciences: A system to discern policy-specific trends from news media reports
by Dave Howland & Mimi Becker & Lawrence Prelli - 233-248 Investments in Global Warming Mitigation: The Case of “Activities Implemented Jointlyâ€\x9D
by Nives Dolšak & Maureen Dunn - 249-278 Sharing natural resource management responsibility: Examining the New Zealand rock lobster co-management experience
by Tracy Yandle - 279-299 Making a difference: On the constraints of consensus building and the relevance of deliberation in stakeholder dialogues
by Marleen Kerkhof - 301-304 The Culture of Education Policy
by Rodney Muth - 305-307 Corburn, Jason, Street Science: Community Knowledge and Environmental Health Justice, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005, 271 pp
by Katrina Korfmacher
June 2006, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 113-133 Ethnic Differences in Job Quality Among Contract Forest Workers on Six National Forests
by Cassandra Moseley - 135-167 A Paradigm for Practice
by Ronald Brunner - 169-181 The Steering Group as Policy Advice Instrument: A Case of “Consultocracyâ€\x9D in Stadium Subsidy Deliberations
by Michael Sam & Jay Scherer - 183-202 De-centering environmental governance: A short history and analysis of democratic processes in the forest sector of Alberta, Canada
by John Parkins
December 2005, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 205-224 Ecological inequality in assessing well-being: Some applications
by Mariano Torras - 225-249 The Role of Assessments and Institutions for Policy Learning: A Study on Swedish Climate and Nuclear Policy Formation
by Måns Nilsson - 251-268 Engaging in ‘Loose Talk’: Analyzing Salience in Discourse from the Formulation of Welfare Policy
by Nancy Kinney - 269-291 Science ethics as a bureaucratic problem: IRBs, Rules, and Failures of control
by Barry Bozeman & Paul Hirsch - 293-298 Government Performance: Why Management Matters
by Craig Thomas
September 2005, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 69-70 Introduction: Assessing promotional claims and improving practices
by Murray Rutherford - 71-90 Greener and cleaner? The signaling accuracy of U.S. voluntary environmental programs
by Nicole Darnall & Joann Carmin - 91-106 Free riding in voluntary environmental programs: The case of the U.S. EPA WasteWise program
by Magali Delmas & Arturo Keller - 107-127 Chief executive officers and voluntary environmental performance: Costa Rica's certification for sustainable tourism
by Jorge Rivera & Peter Leon - 131-157 Bureaucratic incentives, path dependence, and foreign aid: An empirical institutional analysis of irrigation in the Philippines
by Eduardo Araral - 159-176 The fertile soil for policy learning
by Janet Frantz & Hajime Sato - 177-194 Political culture, alternative politics and foreign policy: The case of Israel
by Guy Ben-Porat & Shlomo Mizrahi - 195-200 Bureaucratic Landscapes: Interagency Cooperation and the Preservation of Biodiversity
by Small Rutherford - 201-204 Collaborative Environmental Management: What Roles for Government?
by Daniel Sherman
March 2005, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-20 Participatory storylines and their influence on deliberative forums
by Carolyn Hendriks - 21-44 The role of the state in voluntary environmental reform: A case study of public land
by Norah Mackendrick - 45-67 Liberal and conservative dissensus in areas of domestic public policy other than business and economics
by Carl Grafton & Anne Permaloff
December 2004, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 209-225 What future for the policy sciences?
by Roger Pielke - 227-235 Orienting to the policy sciences' sustainability problem
by Richard Wallace - 255-258 What future for the policy sciences? A rejoinder to Muth, Pelletier, and Wallace
by Roger Pielke - 277-303 Tunnel vision: The regulation of endocrine disruptors
by Jason Vogel - 305-318 Should moral sentiments be incorporated into benefit-cost analysis? An example of long-term discounting
by Richard Zerbe - 319-338 Public opinion for sale: The role of policy marketers in Greater Yellowstone policy conflict
by Mark Mcbeth & Elizabeth Shanahan - 339-356 Policy and power: A conceptual framework between the ‘old’ and ‘new’ policy idioms
by Bas Arts & Jan Tatenhove - 383-384 Tom Bryder, Essays on the Policy Sciences and the Psychology of Politics and Propaganda, Växjö University Press, Göteborg, Sweden, 2004
by William Ascher
June 2004, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 103-136 Context-sensitive monitoring and evaluation for the World Bank
by Ronald D. Brunner - 137-157 The paradox of deliberative democracy: The National Action Committee on the Status of Women and Canada's policy on reproductive technology
by Éric Montpetit & Francesca Scala & Isabelle Fortier - 159-183 Reframing privatisation: Deconstructing the myth of efficiency
by Steve R. Letza & Clive Smallman & Xiuping Sun - 185-204 One size does not fit all: Matching breadth of stakeholder participation to watershed group accomplishments
by Tomas M. Koontz & Elizabeth Moore Johnson
March 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-22 Building institutional rules and procedures: Village election in China
by Qingshan Tan - 23-36 Linking Lasswell's political psychology and the policy sciences
by William Ascher & Barbara Hirschfelder-Ascher - 37-69 Using multiple methods to understand agency values and objectives: Lessons for public lands management
by Iingrid M. Martin & Toddi A. Steelman - 71-87 The anatomy of conflict and the politics of identity in two cooperative salmon management regimes
by Syma A. Ebbin
June 1987, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 85-103 Deadlines, routines, and change
by Philip Bromiley & Alfred Marcus - 105-128 The influence of analysis on U.S. defense policys
by Peter deLeon - 129-151 Models of the economy implicit in public discourse
by G. Boynton & Christophe Deissenberg - 153-171 The political economy of project delay
by S. Lesbirel - 173-178 Book reviews
by Paul Culhane & Kenneth Land
April 1987, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-9 Editorial: Policy sciences and the economic approach in a ‘post-positivist’ era
by William Ascher - 11-26 Valuing environmental losses: What promise does the right measure hold?
by Robin Gregory & Tim Mcdaniels - 27-51 The introduction of professional regulation and labor market conditions
by William White - 53-76 Key political symbols: the dissociation process
by Ronald Brunner - 77-79 Book review
by Sarah-Kathryn McDonald - 82-82 Erratum
by Douglas Torgerson