July 1997, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 309-326 Dynamic Effects of Economic Integration: A Survey
by Uwe Walz
April 1997, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 99-136 Exchange Rate Expectations, the Forward Exchange Rate Bias and Risk Premia in Target Zones
by Marianne Nessen - 137-149 Where the Water is Free but the Buckets are Empty: Demand Analysis of Drinking Water in Rural India
by Anand Asthana - 151-170 High-Tech Innovation, Growth and Trade Dynamics in Australia
by Neil Karunaratne - 171-188 Externalities, Cross-Sectoral Spillovers and Productivity Growth
by Ernesto Felli & Giovanni Tria - 189-201 Policy Effectiveness in the Post-ERM Era: Evidence from Six Countries
by Stilianos Fountas & Agapitos Papagapitos
January 1997, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-29 Optimal Contracts for Central Bankers: Inflation versus Money Supply and Exchange Rate Targets
by Ugo Panizza - 31-49 Central Bank Autonomy, the Exchange Rate Constraint and Inflation: The Case of Italy, 1970–1992
by Giuseppe Tullio & Marcio Ronci - 51-59 Currency Areas and Equilibrium
by Filippo Cesarano - 51-69 Joint-Product Export Smuggling and Export Tax Policy
by Scott Fausti - 71-90 European Monetary Unification: Implications of Research for Policy, Implications of Policy for Research
by Tamim Bayoumi & Barry Eichengreen & Jürgen von Hagen
October 1996, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 299-325 Fiscal and monetary policy on the way to EMU
by Jürgen Hagen & Stefan Lutz - 327-348 An empirical analysis of market performance in the car industry
by Manuchehr Irandoust - 349-369 Capital controls and the political discount: The Spanish experience in the late 1980s
by Philippe Bacchetta - 371-390 The dollar as an official reserve currency under EMU
by Michael Leahy - 391-422 Disinflation in the Italian economy in an optimal control setting
by Bruno Chiarini
July 1996, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 183-198 Bank cooperation and banking policy in a monetary union: A political-economy perspective on EMU
by Hans Grüner & Carsten Hefeker - 199-217 Free trade zones, tariffs and the real exchange rate
by Bharat Hazari & Pasquale Sgro - 219-236 Simple credibility tests of the ERM bands for the pound sterling and the Italian lira
by Elias Belessakos & Michael Papaioannou - 237-255 Overshooting adjustment to tariff liberalization
by Christian Keuschnigg - 257-273 Reserve requirements, currency substitution, and seigniorage in the transition to European monetary union
by Joseph Daniels & David Hoose - 275-293 The identification of liquidity effects in the EMS: Italy 1991–1992
by Ignazio Angeloni & Alessandro Prati
April 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 99-116 The theory of optimum currency areas, trade adjustment, and trade
by Jacques Mélitz - 117-126 Convergence of inflation: A necessary prerequisite for EMU?
by Paolo Giovane & Lorenzo Bini-Smashi - 127-145 Does a J-curve exist for Korea and Taiwan?
by Han-Min Hsing & Andreas Savvides - 147-160 The relative price of tradables and nontradables and the U.S. trade balance
by Joachim Zietz - 161-175 How important is intra-industry trade in trade growth?
by Jayant Menon & Peter Dixon
January 1996, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-18 Central bank independence and sacrifice ratios
by Andreas Fischer - 19-33 The welfare effects of U.S. antidumping duties
by James Devault - 35-59 Fundamentals and devaluation expectations in target zones: Some new evidence from the ERM
by Pierre Siklos & Rod Tarajos - 61-76 Cointegration and the PPP and the UIP hypotheses: An application to the Spanish integration in the EC
by Mariam Camarero & Cecilio Tamarit - 77-92 North American Free Trade: An assessment
by Sven Arndt
March 1996, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 431-436 Currency crises: Introduction
by George Tavlas - 437-468 Why clashes between internal and external stability goals end in currency crises, 1797–1994
by Michael Bordo & Anna Schwartz - 469-492 Analyzing and managing exchange-rate crises
by Peter Kenen - 493-499 A currency transactions tax, why and how
by James Tobin - 501-510 The mexican financial crisis of December 1994 and lessons to be learned
by L. Klein & Alfredo Coutiño - 511-534 Country fund discounts and the mexican crisis of December 1994: Did local residents turn pessimistic before international investors?
by Jeffrey Frankel & Sergio Schmukler - 535-552 Speculative attacks and currency crises: The Mexican experience
by Inci Ötker & Ceyla Pazarbaşioĝlu - 553-571 A random coefficient model of speculative attacks: The case of the Mexican peso
by Joseph Aschheim & Costas Christou & P. Swamy & George Tavlas - 573-589 The lira and the pound in the 1992 currency crisis: Fundamentals or speculation?
by Michele Fratianni & Michael Artis - 591-600 Economic models of speculative attacks and the drachma crisis of May 1994
by Robert Flood & Charles Kramer - 601-623 The European monetary system: Crisis and future
by Dominick Salvatore - 625-650 The lender of last resort function under a currency board: The case of Argentina
by Gerald Caprio & Michael Dooley & Danny Leipziger & Carl Walsh - 651-673 The behavior of foreign currency holdings during currency crises: Causes and consequences
by Paul Mizen
October 1995, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 303-321 Price adjustment in open economies
by Torben Andersen & Niels Hansen - 323-340 International labor-cum-capital migrations: Theory, welfare implications, and evidence
by Harry Clarke - 341-368 The choice between an international joint venture and a wholly-owned subsidiary in a developing country under technology spillover effects
by Wing-fai Leung - 369-385 From protectionism to free trade fever? Recent reforms in developing countries
by Judith Dean - 387-397 Have economic fluctuations been dampened? New empirical evidence from Italy
by Giuseppe Schlitzer - 399-410 Designing a central bank: Social player, monetary agent, or banking agent?
by Donato Masciandaro
July 1995, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 199-202 Pitfalls in counterfactual analyses of policy rules
by Robert Rasche - 203-223 The global macroeconomics of NAFTA
by Joyce Manchester & Warwick Mckibbin - 225-236 Sociopolitical instability, volatility, and the bid-ask spread: Evidence from the free market for dollars in Poland
by Ali Kutan & Su Zhou - 237-254 Investment-saving comovement under endogenous fiscal policy
by Daniel Levy - 255-263 A welfare-theoretic argument for regional subsidization of industry in the presence of inferior technology
by Mark Herander - 265-280 Free trade and income redistribution in some developing and newly industrialized countries
by Henry Thompson - 281-298 A suggested reformulation of the theory of optimal currency areas
by Jacques Mélitz
April 1995, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 111-129 The global economic consequences of the Uruguay Round
by Warwick Mckibbin & Dominick Salvatore - 131-144 The demand for money in a small open economy: The case of Switzerland
by Abdur Chowdhury - 145-165 The quantity approach to financial integration: The Feldstein-Horioka criterion revisited
by Jan Lemmen & Sylvester Eijffinger - 167-178 External debt, time preference, and nontraded goods in a two-sector dynamic model of consumption
by Fathali Firoozi - 179-196 Protection of industry
by Mordechal Kreinin & Elias Dinopoulos
January 1995, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-28 Commitment and coordination in a dynamic game model of international economic policy-making
by Reinhard Neck & Engelbert Dockner - 29-48 Fundamentals, regime shifts, and dollar behavior in the 1980s
by Giulio Cifarelli - 49-62 Term premia comovement in German, Japanese, and U.S. domestic markets
by Helen Popper - 63-79 Salvatore model with equiproportional preservation of forests
by Robert Kohn - 81-104 Extent and evaluation of protection in developing countries
by J. Kol
October 1994, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 307-326 Macroeconomic stabilization through monetary and fiscal policy coordination: Implications for European Monetary Union
by Jay Bryson - 327-346 The need for economic policy coordination between Europe, Japan, and the United States: Policy recommendations for the 1990s
by Anthonie Knoester & André Kolodziejak - 347-360 Exchange rate expectations and risk premia in the European Monetary System: 1985–1991
by Stefano Cavaglia & Kees Koedijk & Peter Vlaar - 361-369 Open economy measures of wealth and Hicksian national income
by Tony Makin - 371-382 The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: The IS-LM model with optimal policy
by J. Mcclure
July 1994, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 235-247 The political economy of the Exchange Rate Mechanism
by Patrick Minford - 249-259 The myth of a stable European money demand
by Ivo Arnold - 261-274 Market power, uncertainty, and the level of trade
by Winand Emons - 275-287 Technology policies, technology transfer by multinational enterprises and R&D activities in LDCs
by Michael Fung - 289-301 Financial integration and innovation in Europe
by Ernst Baltensperger & Andrea Behrends
March 1994, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 139-157 Debt rescheduling and the choice between bonds and loans for LDCs' foreign debt
by Edward Chow - 159-175 Devaluation and monetary policy with import compression
by Jørn Rattsø - 177-190 Fiscal announcements and real exchange rate dynamics
by Jyh-Lin Wu - 191-202 Do oil tariffs lower wages?
by Henry Thompson - 203-210 Economic reform: Political environment and the efficacy of economic conditionalities
by Henry Schwalbenberg - 211-230 The theory of monetary integration
by George Tavlas
March 1994, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-17 Saving, investment, and capital mobility: A comment on Leachman
by Jakob Haan & Clemens Siermann - 19-21 Saving, investment, and capital mobility: A comment on Leachman—A reply
by Lori Leachman - 23-27 Trade diversion in a currency union
by Yrjänä Tolonen - 29-46 The impact of intraindustry trade on the natural rate of unemployment in two simple models
by Hian Hoon - 47-63 Social security and foreign indebtedness in a small open economy
by Søren Nielsen - 65-88 Economic growth and the rise of protectionism and urban unrest in developing economies
by Henry Schwalbenberg - 89-114 Social protection and regional convergence in a European Monetary Union
by Filip Abraham - 115-130 Market integration and imperfect competition in labor and product markets
by Jan Sørensen
December 1993, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 351-379 A chaotic model of the exchange rate: The role of fundamentalists and chartists
by Paul Grauwe & Hans Dewachter - 381-401 International equality of stock market returns
by Heejoon Kang & Michele Fratianni - 403-423 Estimating variability in the Italian stock market: An ARCH approach
by Fabio Fornari - 425-432 Foreign production and international hedging in a multinational firm
by Udo Broll - 433-456 Trade policy and protection in the European Community
by D. Greenaway & R. Hine
September 1993, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 235-245 Optimal trade policy in the presence of changing market structure
by Mark Herander - 247-268 Sectoral effects of reductions in NATO military expenditures in the major industrialized and developing countries
by Jon Haveman & Alan Deardorff & Robert Stern - 269-285 International monetary policy cooperation in economies with centralized wage setting
by Henrik Jensen - 287-301 International transmission of government spending on industries
by Sajid Anwar - 303-324 Do private capital markets insure regional risk? Evidence from the United States and Europe
by Andrew Atkeson & Tamim Bayoumi - 325-344 International trade and the relative dispersion of industrial wages and production techniques in 14 OECD countries, 1970–1985
by Farhad Rassekh
June 1993, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 117-132 Rules, discretion, and international monetary and fiscal policy coordination
by Jay Bryson & Henrik Jensen & David Hoose - 133-150 Exchange rate shocks and the current account under monopolistic competition: An intertemporal optimization model
by Hwan-Chyang Lin & Hui-Kuan Tseng - 151-173 Betting on the EMS
by Kees Koedijk & Clemens Kool - 175-188 Is there a “triffin dilemma” for the EMS?
by Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi & Silvia Vori - 189-209 Fundamental equilibrium exchange rates and exchange rate dynamics
by Su Zhou - 211-228 Protectionism in agriculture: Slow progress towards freer trade in agricultural products
by Tim Josling
March 1993, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-26 Long-run consequences of finite exchange rate bubbles
by Alessandra Pelloni - 27-37 Exogenous changes and policy reforms, labor migration, and welfare in a Keynesian economy
by Panos Hatzipanayotou - 39-65 Fiscal policy in monetary unions: Implications for Europe
by Reuven Glick & Michael Hutchison - 67-81 Protectionism in Japan
by Marcus Noland - 83-96 A review of recent developments in international portfolio selection
by Brian Hatch & Bruce Resnick - 97-110 Artificial currencies: SDRs and ECUs
by Polly Allen
October 1992, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 233-253 The synchronization of business cycles across the European Community
by John Formby & Stefan Norrbin & Ryoichi Sakano - 255-270 Comparing quotas with VERs: A three-region, North-South-NICs macroeconomic analysis
by S. Murshed - 271-295 Returns to scale, imperfect competition and aggregate demand and trade policy effects in a two-country model
by H. Molana & T. Moutos - 297-306 Interest rate causality and asymmetry in the EMS
by Karsten Biltoft & Christian Boersch - 307-321 Recent trends in U.S. protectionism
by Dominick Salvatore - 323-343 International comparisons of money demand
by James Boughton
June 1992, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 133-142 On the design of invoicing practices in international trade
by Jean-Marie Viaene & Casper Vries - 143-163 The impact of exchange rate risk on the foreign direct investment of U.S. multinational manufacturing companies
by Gregory Clare - 165-179 Trade within an industry in the presence of vertical product differentiation and dynamic increasing returns
by Francesco Pigliaru - 181-202 Hungary's export prospects in the EC market
by Alfred Tovias & Sam Laird - 203-214 A note on the time inconsistency of strategic trade policy
by Peter Welzel - 215-232 Forward exchange rates as unbiased predictors of future spot rates a review and re-interpretation
by HeeJoon Kang
February 1992, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-22 External influences in Nordic business cycles, 1870–1988
by Michael Bergman & Stefan Gerlach & Lars Jonung - 23-35 Rivalry for export promotions
by Jae Chung - 37-49 Customs Union and the Harris-Todaro Model with International Capital Mobility
by Michael Michael & Stephen Miller - 51-59 Paradoxes in integration theory
by Carsten Kowalczyk - 61-82 Monetary policy interaction within or without an exchange-rate arrangement
by Daniel Gros & Timothy Lane - 83-125 What are the Real Effects of Liberalizing International Capital Movements?
by Daniele Checchi - 127-127 Brussels on a single money
by Jacques Mélitz's - 127-128 German dominance in the EMS:The empirical evidence
by Michele Fratianni & Juergen Hagen
October 1991, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 219-236 Asymmetric monetary policies? the case of Germany and France
by Ulrich Camen & Hans Genberg & Michael Salemi - 237-254 A game model of ASEAN trade liberalization
by Tom Jackson - 255-274 Pricing policy and quality upgrading in the Swedish car market: Do import surveillance and exchange rate instability matter?
by Yves Bourdet - 275-284 The incentive for export subsidies under imperfect competition
by Yasuhito Tanaka - 285-294 German dominance in the European Monetary System: Evidence from money supply growth rates
by Al Kutan - 295-304 Relative export prices and firm size in imperfect markets
by Lorenzo Pupillo & Klaus Zimmermann - 305-313 Scoring the success of sanctions
by George Furstenberg - 315-321 One market, one money: An evaluation of the potential benefits and costs of forming an economic and monetary union
by Michael Artis - 323-336 Brussels on a single money
by Jacques Mélitz
June 1991, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 95-112 Precommitment by central bank independence
by Manfred Neumann - 113-136 Fiscal policy independence in a European Monetary Union
by Paul Masson & Jacques Melitz - 137-163 Saving, investment, and capital mobility among OECD countries
by Lori Leachman - 165-181 Negotiated tariffs in free entry oligopoly under integrated markets
by Yasuhito Tanaka - 183-201 Forward rates as predictors of future spot rates in small open economies: The case of Kuwait
by John Pippenger - 203-210 Money versus credit in the determination of output for small open economies
by Peter Montiel - 211-217 Quantitative restrictions, unempolyment and welfare
by Chi-Chur Chao & Eden Yu
February 1991, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-26 Foreign dependence of individual stock prices: The role of aggregate product market developments
by Filip Abraham & Hilde Leliaert - 27-38 The demand for protection: A look at antidumping cases
by Danny Leipziger & Hyun Shin - 39-64 What has foreign exchange market intervention since the Plaza Agreement accomplished?
by Michael Bordo & Anna Schwartz - 65-82 Target zones and wealth effects: Current account implications of alternative policy assignments
by Patrizio Tirelli - 83-89 Insular or open economies?
by H. Gray
October 1990, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 229-250 Why floating exchange rates fall: A reconsideration of the liquidity trap
by Ronald McKinnon - 251-268 The choice of an invoicing currency in international trade and the balance of trade impact of currency depreciation
by Michael Melvin & Jahangir Sultan - 269-289 Relative price risk in an open economy with fixed and flexible exchange rates
by Jürgen Hagen & Manfred Neumann - 291-295 John Hicks: A personal recollection
by Rainer Masera - 297-307 A scholar and a friend has died: In memoriam of Karl Brunner
by Michele Fratianni
June 1990, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 111-145 The political economy of trade liberalization in developing countries
by Mustapha Nabli - 147-173 The cost of disinflation and the European Monetary System
by Paul Grauwe - 175-200 Target zones and exchange rate management: A stability analysis of the European Monetary System
by Andrew Hughes-Hallett & Patrick Minford - 201-227 From the European Monetary System to Economic and Monetary Union — How and why?
by Niels Thygesen
February 1990, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-16 The open economy
by Lawrence Klein - 17-37 The exchange rate and the trade balance
by Ronald McKinnon - 39-65 Uncertainty and the choice of instruments in a two-country monetary-policy game
by Dale Henderson & Ning Zhu - 67-87 German dominance in the EMS
by Michele Fratianni & Juergen Hagen - 89-106 World oil prices and O.E.C.D. trade balance
by Dominick Salvatore & Greg Winczewski