April 2005, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 189-207 On Optimal Monetary Policy Rules and the Construction of MCIs in the Open Economy
by Alfred Guender - 209-216 Robustness of Forecasting Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies with Data Revisions—A Note
by Derrick Reagle & Dominick Salvatore
January 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-5 Editorial Announcement
by Michele Fratianni - 7-22 Does the WTO Make Trade More Stable?
by Andrew Rose - 23-31 A Theoretical Inefficiency in the International Marketing of Tradable Global Warming Emission Permits
by Robert Kohn - 33-50 Central Bank Intervention and Heterogeneous Exchange Rate Expectations: Evidence from the Daily DEM/US-Dollar Exchange Rate
by Stefan Reitz - 51-76 Inflation Persistence under Semi-Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes: The European Evidence 1974–1998
by Clemens Kool & Alex Lammertsma - 77-99 Crony Capitalism and Sovereign Default
by Victor Vaugirard
October 2004, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 323-346 Overall Specialization Empirics: Techniques and Applications
by Luca De Benedictis & Massimo Tamberi - 347-362 Optimal Monetary Policy Rules and Inflation Targets: Are Australia, Canada, and New Zealand Different from the U.S.?
by Sean Collins & Pierre L. Siklos - 363-374 Divide and Rule: Geographical Diversification and the Multinational Firm
by Dermot Leahy & Stephen Pavelin - 375-383 Agricultural Productivity, Business Services, and Comparative Advantage
by Toru Kikuchi - 385-402 Central Bank Independence, Speed of Disinflation and the Sacrifice Ratio
by Giuseppe Diana & Mose Sidiropoulos - 403-418 Real Versus Tariff Liberalization: A Welfare Comparison Under Monopolistic Competition
by Philipp J.H. Schroeder
July 2004, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 223-237 Are Interventions Self Exciting?
by Andreas M. Fischer & Mathias Zurlinden - 239-260 The Link between Institutional and Economic Integration: Insights for Latin America from the European Experience
by Ettore Dorrucci & Stefano Firpo & Marcel Fratzscher & Francesco Paolo Mongelli - 261-271 Measuring Pricing to Market in the Eurozone: The Case of the Automobile Industry
by Jacint Balaguer & Vicente Orts & Jose C. Perneas - 273-289 Singapore's Collective Bargaining in a Game of Wage and Exchange Rate Policies
by Ying Wu - 291-314 Economic and Geographical Distance: Explaining Mercosur Sectoral Exports to the EU
by Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso & Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D.
April 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 111-141 Monetary Union and the Interest-Exchange Rate Trade-off
by Frank Bohn - 143-168 "Set a Sufficiently Ambitious Budget Target and Let the Automatic Stabilizers Work". Will it Really Work in the European Monetary Union?
by Francesco Farina & Roberto Tamborini - 169-192 Informational Contagion of Sudden Stops in a Global Games Framework
by Victor E. Vaugirard - 193-215 The New Open Economy Macroeconomics: A Critical Appraisal
by David D. VanHoose
January 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-22 Do IMF and IBRD Cause Moral Hazard and Political Business Cycles? Evidence from Panel Data
by Axel Dreher & Roland Vaubel - 23-43 The Role of the Exchange Rate as a Shock Absorber in a Small Open Economy
by Hilde Bjørnland - 45-56 The Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis and Oil Price Shocks in a Small Open Economy: Evidence from Cyprus
by Charalambos Pattichis & Mona Kanaan - 57-62 The Optimal Enforcement of a Finance-Constrained Immigration Law
by Chisato Yoshida - 63-85 The European Periphery in the Era of the Gold Standard: The Case of the Spanish Peseta and the Pound Sterling from 1883 to 1931
by María Gadea & Marcela Sabaté - 87-103 Welfare Implications of RTAs Within the WTO System in the Presence of FDI
by Jung Hur & Donghyun Park
October 2003, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 351-368 Credibility and Interest Rate Discretion in the ERM
by Hali Edison & Ronald MacDonald - 369-379 Has the Link Between the Spot and Forward Exchange Rates Broken Down? Evidence from Rolling Cointegration Tests
by Ali Kutan & Su Zhou - 381-395 U.S. Saving and Investment: Policy Implications
by Martin Schmidt - 397-418 Multinational Enterprises and New Trade Theory: Evidence for the Convergence Hypothesis
by Salvador Barrios & Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 419-435 Resistance to Trade Liberalization in Unionized Sector
by Koichi Kagitani
July 2003, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 219-220 Preface—Monetary and Exchange Rate Strategies for the European Union's Eastern Enlargement
by Lucjan Orlowski - 221-250 A Small Macroeconomic Model of the EU-Accession Countries
by Bruno Merlevede & Joseph Plasmans & Bas van Aarle - 251-267 Monetary Convergence and Risk Premiums in the EU Accession Countries
by Lucjan Orlowski - 269-283 Direct Inflation Targeting and Nominal Convergence: The Czech Case
by Roman Matoušek & Anita Taci - 285-298 The Forex Regime and EMU Expansion
by Pieter van Foreest & Casper de Vries - 299-317 Has International Financial Integration Increased?
by Lawrence Goldberg & James Lothian & John Okunev - 319-341 Narrow Target Zones within Broad Zones: A Non-Speculative Exchange Rate Solution with Limited Resources
by Staffan Ringbom
April 2003, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 99-118 Optimum Currency Areas Under Inflation Targeting
by Øistein RØisland & Ragnar Torvik - 119-134 Is the J-Curve Effect Observable for Small North European Economies?
by R. Hacker & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J - 135-155 Risk Related Non Linearities in Exchange Rates: Evidence from a Panel of Central and Eastern European Countries
by Andrea Brasili & Bruno Sitzia - 157-168 The Sacrifice Ratio and Central Bank Independence Revisited
by Harold Brumm & Richard Krashevski - 169-190 The Exchange Rate Macroeconomic Balance Approach: New Methodology and Results for the Euro, the Dollar, the Yen and the Pound Sterling
by Didier Borowski & Cecile Couharde - 191-209 Intra-Industry Trade in Intermediate Goods and Final Goods in a General Equilibrium Setting
by Teit Lüthje
January 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-9 Trade Liberalization and Labor Unions
by Toru Kikuchi & J. Amegashie - 11-14 The Mistreated Model: Some Technical Comments on Porojan's Paper on 'Trade Flows and Spatial Effects'
by Ron Johnston & Les Hepple & Tony Hoare & Kelvyn Jones & Paul Plummer - 15-17 The Mistreated Model: A Reply
by Anca Carrington - 19-27 Exchange Rate Risk and Interest Rate: A Case Study for Turkey
by Hakan Berument & Asli Günay - 29-42 The Effects of Trade on Research and Development
by Mark Funk - 43-70 Banking Regulation and Systemic Risk
by Martin Summer - 71-91 Fear of Floating Needn't Imply Fixed Rates: An OCA Approach to the Operation of Stable Intermediate Currency Regimes
by Thomas Willett
October 2002, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 319-320 Editorial—The Macroeconomics of EMU: Policy Rules and International Implications
by Reinhard Neck - 321-340 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Design in the EMU: An Overview
by Bas van Aarle & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo & Jacob Engwerda & Joseph Plasmans - 341-362 Inflation Targeting as a Coordination Device
by Andrew Hallett & Nicola Viegi - 363-379 Global Implications of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Rules in the EMU
by Gottfried Haber & Reinhard Neck & Warwick McKibbin - 381-411 Transatlantic Trade-Offs in the Age of Balanced Budgets and European Monetary Union
by Barry Eichengreen & Fabio Ghironi - 413-425 ECB Foreign Exchange Intervention and the EURO: Institutional Framework, News, and Intervention
by Rasmus Fatum & Michael Hutchison
July 2002, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 219-235 Terms of Trade Shocks and the Current Account: Evidence from Five Industrial Countries
by Paul Cashin & C. McDermott - 237-249 Measuring Factor Abundance Across Many Factors and Countries
by Farhad Rassekh & Henry Thompson - 251-274 Procyclical Productivity and Output Growth in China: An Econometric Analysis
by Massimo Caruso - 275-289 Searching Stationarity in the Real Exchange Rates: Application of the SUR Estimator
by Tsung-Wu Ho - 291-311 International Trade and Firms' Heterogeneity under Monopolistic Competition
by Sébastien Jean
April 2002, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 111-132 The Viability of Fixed Exchange Rate Commitments: Does Politics Matter? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
by Pierre-Guillaume Méon & Jean-Marc Rizzo - 133-151 Trade Liberalization and Union Wages in a Differentiated Bertrand Duopoly
by Nicole Gürtzgen - 153-174 Delegation and Fiscal Policy in the Open Economy: More Bad News for Rogoff's Delegation Game
by Paul Levine & Joseph Pearlman - 175-182 Economic Integration and Union Power
by Bala Batavia & Parameswar Nandakumar - 183-203 The Incidence of Protection on Exports: The Case of Spain, 1870–1913
by Eva Pardos & José-Ma Serrano-Sanz - 205-209 Price-Taking Monopolies in Small Open Economies
by Henry Thompson
January 2002, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-26 Purchasing Power Parity: Error Correction Models and Structural Breaks
by Amalia Zumaquero & Rodrigo Urrea - 27-45 Discriminatory Procurement Policy with Cash Limits
by Michele Santoni - 47-71 Imperfect Competition and Fiscal Policy Transmission in a Two-Country Economy
by Emmanuelle Taugourdeau - 73-86 Industrial Concentration Reverses the Timing in a Trade Policy Game
by Masayuki Hayashibara - 87-103 Markups and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Branches
by Domenico Marchetti
October 2001, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 347-377 International Interest-Rate Transmission and the “German Dominance Hypothesis” Within EMS
by Nikiforos Laopodis - 379-387 A Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson Model of Immigration and Capital Transfers
by Robert Kohn - 389-413 Exchange Rates and the Trade Balance for Dynamic Asian Economies—Does the J-Curve Exist for Singapore, Malaysia, and Korea?
by Peter Wilson - 415-421 A Note on the Distribution of Trade Gains in a Model of Monopolistic Competition
by Toru Kikuchi - 423-434 The Empirics of Foreign Reserves
by Philip Lane & Dominic Burke - 435-441 Silent Revolution: The International Monetary Fund 1979–1989 by J. M. Boughton
by George Von Furstenberg - 443-455 From Bagehot to Brussels: A Review of Which Lender of Last Resort for Europe (Charles A. E. Goodhart, ed.)
by John Pattison
July 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 231-264 Real Impacts of Intra-European Exchange Rate Variability: A Case for EMU?
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 265-280 Trade Flows and Spatial Effects: The Gravity Model Revisited
by A. Porojan - 281-304 Chaotic Exchange Rate Dynamics Redux
by Sergio Da Silva - 305-323 Foreign Direct Investment and Trade: A Causality Analysis
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & María Montero-Muñoz - 325-339 Money Demand and Economic Liberalization in a Small Open Economy—Trinidad and Tobago
by Stephen Dobson & Carlyn Ramlogan
April 2001, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 123-143 The Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate Under Fixed and Floating Exchange Rate Regimes
by Selahattin Dibooglu & Faik Koray - 145-161 Inflation Under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes: What Happens When Countries Differ in Size?
by Andrew Hughes Hallett & Ella Kavanagh - 163-179 Designing Fiscal Institutions in a Monetary Union
by Brigitte Godbillon & Moïse Sidiropoulos - 181-195 When a Monetary Union Fails: A Parable
by Guillaume Cheikbossian - 197-222 Review Essay: The Bank for International Settlements: An Assessment of its Role in International Monetary and Financial Policy Coordination
by Michele Fratianni & John Pattison
January 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-27 Labor Supply, Migration, and Long-Term Development
by Lucas Bretschger - 29-60 Macroeconomic Policy Interaction under EMU: A Dynamic Game Approach
by Bas Van Aarle & Jacob Engwerda & Joseph Plasmans & Arie Weeren - 61-73 Openness to Trade and the Potency of Monetary Policy: How Strong is the Relationship?
by Georgios Karras - 75-94 A Two-Regime Model of Exports: U.K. Manufactures, 1980–1996
by Alan King - 95-116 Trade Protection in Five EU Member Candidate Countries by Exchange Rate Adjustment, Customs Tariffs, and Nontariff Measures
by Gerhard Fink
October 2000, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 303-321 The Euro as a Monetary Anchor in the CEECs
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Amina Lahrèche-Révil - 323-358 Fiscal Rules in a Monetary Union: A Short-Run Analysis
by Xavier Debrun - 359-381 Competitiveness and Integration of Product Markets
by Jakob Munch & Jan Sørensen - 383-397 Real Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: Evidence from 15 OECD Countries
by Annika Alexius & Jonny Nilsson - 399-415 Should the Law of One Price be Pushed Away? Evidence from International Commodity Markets
by Juuso Vataja
July 2000, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 195-204 Habits and Durability in Consumption, and the Effects of Tariff Protection
by Arman Mansoorian & Simon Neaime - 205-227 Comparative Advantage, Trade, and Transboundary Pollution
by Carol Lehr & John Maxwell - 229-245 A Rationale for the WTO Prohibition of Export Subsidies: Strategic Export Subsidies and World Welfare
by David Collie - 247-259 Forecasting Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies
by Derrick Reagle & Dominick Salvatore - 261-278 The Term Structure of Interest Rates in a Small Open Economy: A Stochastic Analysis
by Walter Fisher - 279-293 An Explanation of the Dynamics of Protectionism
by Enrico Colombatto
April 2000, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 111-125 Central Bank Independence and Sacrifice Ratios: Some Further Considerations
by Ernst Baltensperger & Peter Kugler - 127-134 Exchange Rate Changes and Export Prices in a Small Semi-Open Economy
by Oluremi Ogun - 135-148 Foreign Direct Investment and Real Exchange Rate Interlinkages
by Nikolina Kosteletou & Panagiotis Liargovas - 149-177 Review Essay: Is a Chilean-Style Tax on Short-Term Capital Inflows Stabilizing?
by Michael Ulan - 179-185 Book Review George M. von Furstenberg and Michael K. Ulan's Learning from the World's Best Central Bankers: Principles and Policies for Subduing Inflation
by Peter Bernholz
August 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's Preface
by Paolo Savona - 3-14 Summary of Findings of the Guido Carli Association's Second International Conference
by Paolo Savona - 15-41 Introduction: A New Architecture or New System? A Survey of International Monetary Reform in the 1990s
by Fabrizio Saccomanni - 43-61 Capital Flows, Exchange Rates, and the New International Financial Architecture: Six Financial Crises in Search of a Generic Explanation
by Robert Aliber - 63-67 Comment on Aliber's “Capital Flows, Exchange Rates, and the New International Financial Architecture: Six Financial Crises in Search of a Generic Explanation”
by Michele Fratianni - 69-109 Some Lessons for Regulation from Recent Bank Crises
by David Llewellyn - 111-116 Comment on Llewellyn's “Some Lessons for Regulation from Recent Bank Crises”
by Jeffrey Shafer - 117-131 International Financial Architecture and the Economic Renaissance in Europe
by Maxwell Watson - 133-148 The Present International Monetary System: Problems, Complications, and Reforms
by Dominick Salvatore - 149-175 On Monetary Analysis of Derivatives
by Paolo Savona & Aurelio Maccario & Chiara Oldani - 177-181 Comment on Savona, Maccario, and Oldani's “On Monetary Analysis of Derivatives”
by Peter Oppenheimer - 183-193 The New International Financial Architecture: Progress and Challenges
by Antonio Casas-González - 195-203 Some Challenges for Reformers and Architects
by Alexander Swoboda - 205-234 New Financial Architectures and Legal Infrastructures: Toward a Corrected and Compensated International Monetary System
by Alberto Predieri - 235-245 Financial Derivatives and Private International Law: Some Remarks
by Sergio Carbone - 247-257 Private-Law Instruments for Reduction of Risks on International Financial Markets: Results and Limits of Self-Regulation
by Maria Malaguti
January 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-26 Export Promotion Via Official Export Insurance
by Filip Abraham & Gerda Dewit - 27-47 Correlations in Returns and Volatilities in Pacific-Rim Stock Markets
by Nicholas Tay & Zhen Zhu - 49-71 Structural Asymmetries and the Optimal Monetary Policy Instrument of the European Central Bank
by Carlo Monticelli - 73-91 New Borders and Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Analysis of the Baltic States
by Darren Byers & Talan Işcan & Barry Lesser - 93-101 Trade Restrictiveness in the Presence of 'New' Goods
by Christos Pantzios
October 1999, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 355-363 The Response of Trade Prices to Exchange Rate Changes
by Manuchehr Irandoust - 365-384 A Comparison of Menu Costs in Open and Closed Economies with a Mixed Industrial Structure
by Huw Dixon & Alberto Pompermaier - 385-393 Definitions of Factor Abundance and the Factor Content of Trade
by Henry Thompson - 395-414 On the Scope for International Tax Cooperation: The Role of Capital Controls
by Bo Rasmussen - 415-442 Reforming Budgetary Institutions in Latin America: The Case for a National Fiscal Council
by Barry Eichengreen & Ricardo Hausmann & Jürgen Von Hagen
July 1999, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 263-287 Endogenous Symmetry of Shocks in a Monetary Union
by Lionel Fontagné & Michael Freudenberg - 289-303 Conditions for Optimality of a Currency Area
by George Demopoulos & Nicholas Yannacopoulos - 305-323 Developing Countries and Environmental Protection: Contract Design in Perfectly Correlated Environments
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 325-346 The Applied Cointegration Analysis for the Open Economy: A Critical Review
by Heejoon Kang
May 1999, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 143-163 Current-Account Reversals in Developing Countries: The Role of Fundamentals
by Alberto Bagnai & Stefano Manzocchi - 165-184 Trade, Job Destruction and Job Creation in European Manufacturing
by Chiara Bentivogli & Patrizio Pagano - 185-201 Current Account and Fiscal Policy in Japan: 1885–1991
by André Mollick - 203-219 The Collapse of the ‘New EMS’: An Interpretation
by Juan Garcia - 221-253 Developments in the Political Economy of Policy Coordination
by Thomas Willett
February 1999, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-29 Asset Market and Balance of Payments Characteristics: An Eclectic Exchange Rate Model for the Dollar, Mark and Yen
by Ronald Macdonald - 31-61 The Effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on National Fiscal Sustainability
by Francesco Mongelli - 63-90 Central Bank Independence and Budget Constraints for a Stable Euro
by Francesco Papadia & Gian Ruggiero - 91-133 The Euro and the Dollar, 1998
by Robert McCauley
October 1998, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 293-313 International Financial Relations Under the Current Float: Evidence from Panel Data
by James Lothian & Yusif Simaan - 315-325 Strategic Export Policy in a Differentiated Duopoly: A Note
by Toru Kikuchi - 327-342 Environmental Protection by One or Both Trading Partners in a Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model
by Robert Kohn - 343-348 International Standards for IP Protection and R&D Incentives Revisited
by Laurel Adams - 349-359 Free Trade and Wage Inequality in an Advanced Economy
by Yong-Yil Choi
July 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 207-219 Interpreting Saving-Investment Correlations
by W. Jansen - 221-227 An Empirical Observation on Central Bank Independence and Real Output
by Thomas Jordan - 229-257 A Stochastic Simulation Model of an Optimum Currency Area
by Michel Beine & FréDéric Docquier - 259-264 Why Do Firms Dump at a Loss? An Economies-of-Scale Explanation
by Donghyun Park - 265-284 Two-Country Models of Monetary and Fiscal Policy: What Have We Learned? What More Can We Learn?
by Joseph Daniels & David VanHoose
April 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 115-138 When Do Target Zones Work? An Examination of Exchange Rate Targeting as a Device for Coordinating Economic Policies
by A.J. Hallet - 139-156 Shocks and the Viability of a Fixed Exchange Rate Commitment
by Torben Andersen - 157-170 Exchange Rate Forecasting: Results from a Threshold Autoregressive Model
by Michael Pippenger & Gregory Goering - 171-194 Trade and Labor Standards
by Drusilla Brown & Alan Deardorff & Robert Stern
January 1998, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-20 Welfare Effects of Capital Taxation in a Small Open Economy
by Shuanglin Lin & Wei Zhang - 21-38 Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Strategies: Evidence from Six Industrialized Countries
by Johannes Groeneveld & Kees Koedijk & Clemens Kool - 39-51 Exchange-Rate Regimes, Political Parties and the Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff: Evidence from Greece
by George Alogoskoufis & Dong-Ho Lee & Apostolis Philippopoulos - 53-84 From Worldwide Capital Mobility to International Financial Integration: A Review Essay
by George Furstenberg - 85-105 The Convergence Hypothesis: History, Theory, and Evidence
by Farhad Rassekh - 371-371 Editors' Preface
by Michele Fratianni & Dominick Salvatore & Paolo Savona - 375-416 International Monetary and Financial Arrangements: Present and Future
by Dominick Salvatore - 417-446 The Choice of International Monetary Regimes in a Context of Repeated Games
by Koichi Hamada - 447-466 Monetary Unions in Historical Perspective: What Future for the Euro in the International Financial System
by Forrest Capie - 467-492 Dominant Currencies and the Future of the Euro
by Michele Fratianni & Andreas Hauskrecht & Aurelio Maccario - 493-532 Central Bank Policy in a More Perfect Financial System
by Jürgen Von Hagen & Ingo Fender - 533-536 Comments on the Papers by Salvatore, Hamada, Capie, Fratianni et al., and Von Hagen and Fender
by Paul De Grauwe - 537-568 Trade and the Number of OCAs in the World
by Michael Artis & Marion Kohler & Jacques Mélitz - 569-608 Exchange Rate Stability and Financial Stability
by Barry Eichengreen - 609-636 From the Gold Standard to a Bipolar Monetary System
by Michele Fratianni & Andreas Hauskrecht - 637-664 On the Relation between Money and Derivatives and its Application to the International Monetary Market
by Paolo Savona & Aurelio Maccario - 665-684 Central Banks' Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves
by Elvio Dal Bosco - 685-688 Comments on the Papers by Melitz et al., Eichengreen, Fratianni and Hasukrecht, Savona and Maccario, and Dal Bosco
by William Branson - 689-700 Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System: Conclusions and Remarks
by Michele Fratianni & Dominick Salvatore & Paolo Savona - 701-708 The International Monetary System
by Antonio Fazio - 709-712 The International Monetary System in a Real Economy
by Carlo Scognamiglio - 713-726 Money Markets and Poliarchic Democratic States
by Alberto Predieri
October 1997, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 335-352 Fiscal Discipline and the Question of Convergence of National Interest Rates in the European Union
by Volbert Alexander & Peter Anker - 353-369 Endogenous Sequencing in Strategic Trade Policy Games Under Uncertainty
by Kit Wong & Kong Chow - 371-391 The Stability of European Money Demand: An Investigation of M3H
by Katrin Wesche - 393-401 The Complex Dynamics of Real Exchange Rates with Countercyclical Balance of Trade
by Chin-Chang Lai
July 1997, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 211-231 Can a Wealthy Economy Gain from an EU Membership? Adjustment Costs and Long Term Welfare Effects of Full Integration—The Norwegian Case
by Einar Bowitz & Taran Fæhn & Leo Grünfeld & Knut Moum - 233-244 The Information Contents of Aggregated Money Demand in the EMU
by Frank Butter & Simon Dijken - 245-270 Technology Transfer, Income Distribution and the Process of Economic Development
by Hyoungsoo Zang - 271-284 Fiscal Pacts
by Daniel Arce - 285-308 Protection and Trade in Services: A Survey
by Bernard Hoekman & Carlos Braga