June 1999, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 161-187 Financial Reporting, Private Disclosure and the Corporate Governance Role of Financial Institutions
by John Holland - 189-201 Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Israel
by Beni Lauterbach & Alexander Vaninsky
March 1999, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-29 A Strategic Approach on Organizing Accounts Receivable Management: Some Empirical Evidence
by Greet Asselbergh - 31-48 A Valuation Based Analysis of the Spanish Accounting Reforms
by Begoña Giner & William Rees - 49-79 The Endogenous Construction of Accounting Discourses in a Trade Union
by Fabrizio Panozzo & Luca Zan - 81-111 Factors Associated with the Employment of Non-Executive Directors by Unquoted Companies
by Paul Westhead
December 1998, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 297-309 Changes in Management Ownership and the Valuation Effects of Equity Offerings
by Marco Bigelli & Vikas Mehrotra & Randall Morck & Wayne Yu - 311-334 Power and Pay: The Politics of CEO Compensation
by Galal Elhagrasey & J. Harrison & Rogene Buchholz - 335-355 Corporate Governance and Performance During Consolidation of the United States and European Defense Industries
by John Harper - 357-379 National Networks of Corporate Power: An Irish Perspective
by Leo Mac Canna & Niamh Brennan & Eleanor O'Higgins
September 1998, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 213-232 Determinants of Perceived Interfirm Dependence in Industrial Supplier Relations
by Niels Noorderhaven & Bart Nooteboom & Hans Berger - 233-266 The Relationship Between Cognitive Maps, Industry Complexity and Strategies Implemented: The Case of the Carpi Textile-Clothing Industrial System
by Mario Borroi & Mario Minoja & Alessandro Sinatra - 267-285 The State of Accounting and the State of the State
by Apostolos Ballas & Dimosthenis Hevas & David Neal - 287-296 The Grasshoppers and the Great Cattle: Participation and Non-Participation in the ASB's Standard-Setting Process
by Doreen Gilfedder & Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh
June 1998, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 105-106 Editorial
by Stuart McLeay - 107-147 State versus Market: Contending Interests in the Struggle to Control French Accounting Standardisation
by Bernard Colasse & Peter Standish - 149-170 Financial Contracting, Governance Structures and the Accounting Regulation of Islamic Banks: An Analysis in Terms of Agency Theory and Transaction Cost Economics
by Simon Archer & Rifaat Abdel Karim & Talla Al-Deehani - 171-190 The Role of Debt Contracts in UK Corporate Governance
by Judy Day & Peter Taylor - 191-212 Investment Appraisal and Measures of Performance in Italian Divisionalised Companies
by Franco Cescon
March 1998, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Stock Market Reaction to Investment Decisions: Evidence from Italy
by Emanuele Bajo & Maroc Bigelli & Sandro Sandri - 17-35 Internal versus External Control: An Analysis of Board Composition and Ownership in UK Takeovers
by Noel O'Sullivan & Pauline Wong - 37-70 Complementary Resources, Appropriability and Vertical Interfirm Relations in the Italian Movie Industry
by Carlo Boshetti & Gian Marzocchi - 71-99 Internal Accounting Measurements and Information for External Parties: An Analysis of Their Relationship in the Italian Banking Sector
by A. Barretta & A. Riccaboni
June 1997, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 147-175 The Evolution of Knowledge and the Dynamics of an Industry Network
by Luigi Orsenigo & Fabio Pammolli & Massimo Riccaboni & Andrea Bonaccorsi & Giuseppe Turchetti - 177-206 Labour Markets and Organisational Change: Future Working Structures for an Ageing Work Force
by Peter Auer & Stefan Speckesser - 207-230 Income Shifting in Italian Business Groups and some Governance Implications
by Giancarlo Giudici & Stefano Paleari - 231-253 On Markets in Knowledge
by Suma Athreye
March 1997, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-4 Presentation
by Massimo Warglien - 5-27 The Governance Structure and Performance of Large European Corporations
by Henk De Jong - 29-47 Governance Structures, Coordination Mechanisms and Cognitive Models
by Anna Grandori - 49-66 Markets with Hierarchies and the Network Structure of Organizational Communities
by Alessandro Lomi - 67-84 Acccounting and Volksgeist – Teritorial Claims on Accounting Regulation
by Gabi Ebbers & Arnaldo Stuart Mcleay - 85-102 Changing Employment Relations and Governance in the International Auto Industry
by Thomas Kochan & Russell Lansbury - 103-122 Mediterranean Lean Production Supervisors, Teamwork and New Forms of Work Organization in Three European Car Makers
by Arnaldo Camuffo & Stefano Micelli - 123-140 Division of Labour and the Locus of Inventive Activity
by Ashish Arora & Alfonso Gambardella & Enzo Rullani