December 2014, Volume 162, Issue 4
- 377-395 Seek and Ye Shall Find: How Search Requirements Affect Job Finding Rates of Older Workers
by Patrick Hullegie & Jan Ours - 397-414 What Makes Older Job-Seekers Attractive to Employers?
by Arjan Heyma & Siemen Werff & Aukje Nauta & Guurtje Sloten - 415-431 How Likely are Employers to Rehire Older Workers After Mandatory Retirement? A Vignette Study Among Managers
by Jaap Oude Mulders & Hendrik Dalen & Kène Henkens & Joop Schippers - 433-460 Do Wages Continue Increasing at Older Ages? Evidence on the Wage Cushion in the Netherlands
by Anja Deelen & Rob Euwals
September 2014, Volume 162, Issue 3
- 215-221 Evaluating CPB’s Forecasts
by Philip Franses - 223-245 Job Search Behaviour and Time Preferences: Testing Exponential Versus Hyperbolic Discounting
by Thomas Huizen & Janneke Plantenga - 247-262 Pension Reform, Factor Mobility and Trade with Country-Specific Goods
by Igor Fedotenkov - 263-286 Does Homeownership Lead to Longer Unemployment Spells? The Role of Mortgage Payments
by Stijn Baert & Freddy Heylen & Daan Isebaert - 287-307 Stochastic Generational Accounting Applied to Reforms of Dutch Occupational Pensions
by Nick Draper & Casper Ewijk & Marcel Lever & Roel Mehlkopf
June 2014, Volume 162, Issue 2
- 107-114 Dutch Economists Top 40
by Jaap Abbring & Bart Bronnenberg & Pieter Gautier & Jan Ours - 115-145 The Impact of an Increase in the Legal Retirement Age on the Effective Retirement Age
by Noelia Bernal & Frederic Vermeulen - 147-166 Welfare Financing: Grant Allocation and Efficiency
by Linda Toolsema & Maarten Allers - 167-191 Non-financial Determinants of Retirement: A Literature Review
by Frank Erp & Niels Vermeer & Daniel Vuuren - 193-213 Is It True Love? Altruism Versus Exchange in Time and Money Transfers
by Rob Alessie & Viola Angelini & Giacomo Pasini
March 2014, Volume 162, Issue 1
- 1-17 Who Takes Up Free Flu Shots? Examining the Effects of an Expansion in Coverage
by Katherine Carman & Ilaria Mosca - 19-40 Stock Markets, Banks and Long Run Economic Growth: A Panel Cointegration-Based Analysis
by Laurent Cavenaile & Christian Gengenbach & Franz Palm - 41-70 What Drives Pension Indexation in Turbulent Times? An Empirical Examination of Dutch Pension Funds
by Dirk Broeders & Paul Hilbers & David Rijsbergen & Ningli Shen - 71-103 An Empirical Analysis of Legal Insider Trading in The Netherlands
by Hans Degryse & Frank Jong & Jérémie Lefebvre - 105-106 Editorial Report 2013
by Jan Ours
December 2013, Volume 161, Issue 4
- 367-398 Can Financial Incentives for Regional Education Authorities Reduce School Dropout?
by Roel Elk & Marc Steeg & Dinand Webbink - 399-420 Offshoring and the Skill Structure of Labour Demand in Belgium
by Bart Hertveldt & Bernhard Michel - 421-446 Taxes, Agglomeration Rents and Location Decisions of Firms
by Karen Crabbé & Karolien De Bruyne - 447-462 Did Cultural and Artistic Education in the Netherlands increase Student Participation in High Cultural Events?
by Marie-Louise Damen & Chris Klaveren - 463-480 Unemployment of Non-Western Immigrants in the Great Recession
by Jakub Cerveny & Jan Ours
September 2013, Volume 161, Issue 3
- 219-223 Introduction to De Economist Special Issue “Retirement and Employment Opportunities for Older Workers”
by Pierre Koning - 225-251 How Sensitive are Individual Retirement Expectations to Raising the Retirement Age?
by Andries de Grip & Didier Fouarge & Raymond Montizaan - 253-276 Retirement Incentives in Belgium: Estimations and Simulations Using SHARE Data
by Alain Jousten & Mathieu Lefebvre - 277-305 French Retirement Reforms and Intragenerational Equity in Retirement Duration
by Patrick Aubert & Cindy Duc & Bruno Ducoudré - 307-329 Dilemmas of Downsizing During the Great Recession: Crisis Strategies of European Employers
by Hendrik Dalen & Kène Henkens - 331-348 Re-employment Rates of Older Unemployed Workers: Decomposing the Effect of Birth Cohorts and Policy Changes
by Pierre Koning & Max Raterink - 349-366 Subjective Well-Being Around Retirement
by Marzieh Abolhassani & Rob Alessie
June 2013, Volume 161, Issue 2
- 101-120 Cross-Country Private Saving Heterogeneity and Culture
by M. Castro Campos & C. Kool & J. Muysken - 121-155 The Effect of Competition on Process and Outcome Quality of Hospital Care in the Netherlands
by Michiel Bijlsma & Pierre Koning & Victoria Shestalova - 157-174 The Scope for Increasing Total Hours Worked
by Bart Loog & Thomas Dohmen & Maarten Vendrik - 175-197 Crisis and Pension System Design in the EU: International Spillover Effects Via Factor Mobility and Trade
by Igor Fedotenkov & Lex Meijdam - 199-218 Labour-Market Outcomes of Older Workers in the Netherlands: Measuring Job Prospects Using the Occupational Age Structure
by Nicole Bosch & Bas ter Weel
March 2013, Volume 161, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Contribution of Migration to Economic Development in Holland 1570–1800
by Peter Foldvari & Bas Leeuwen & Jan Zanden - 19-44 Estimating Cash Usage: The Impact of Survey Design on Research Outcomes
by Nicole Jonker & Anneke Kosse - 45-67 When is the Price Cost Margin a Safe Way to Measure Changes in Competition?
by Jan Boone & Jan Ours & Henry Wiel - 69-97 Economic Growth and Longevity Risk with Adverse Selection
by Ben Heijdra & Laurie Reijnders - 99-100 Editorial report 2012
by Jan Ours
December 2012, Volume 160, Issue 4
- 339-355 School Responsiveness to Quality Rankings: An Empirical Analysis of Secondary Education in the Netherlands
by Pierre Koning & Karen Wiel - 357-376 Let’s Not Stick Together: Anticipation of Cartel and Merger Control in The Netherlands
by Barbara Baarsma & Ron Kemp & Rob Noll & Jo Seldeslachts - 377-396 Motives for Corporate Social Responsibility
by Johan Graafland & Corrie Mazereeuw-Van der Duijn Schouten - 397-412 Portfolio Implications of Cointegration Between Labor Income and Dividends
by Frank Jong - 413-438 Why is There a Spike in the Job Finding Rate at Benefit Exhaustion?
by Jan Boone & Jan Ours
September 2012, Volume 160, Issue 3
- 219-236 Assessing Debt Sustainability in a Stochastic Environment: 200 Years of Dutch Debt and Deficit Management
by Sweder Wijnbergen & Alexander France - 237-255 Price Effects of Dutch Hospital Mergers: An Ex-post Assessment of Hip Surgery
by Ron Kemp & Nikki Kersten & Astrid Severijnen - 257-287 Are Occupations Paid What They are Worth? An Econometric Study of Occupational Wage Inequality and Productivity
by Stephan Kampelmann & François Rycx - 289-310 Peer Reporting and the Perception of Fairness
by Salima Douhou & Jan Magnus & Arthur Soest - 311-337 Adverse Selection in Private Annuity Markets and the Role of Mandatory Social Annuitization
by Ben Heijdra & Laurie Reijnders
June 2012, Volume 160, Issue 2
- 83-87 Flexibility of the Labour Market
by Frank Cörvers & Rob Euwals & Andries Grip - 89-116 Setting It Right: Employment Protection, Labour Reallocation and Productivity
by John Martin & Stefano Scarpetta - 117-140 A Flexicurity Labour Market in the Great Recession: The Case of Denmark
by Torben Andersen - 141-155 Wage-Tenure Profiles and Mobility
by Anja Deelen - 157-175 Why Do Recent Graduates Enter into Flexible Jobs?
by Daniëlle Bertrand-Cloodt & Frank Cörvers & Ben Kriechel & Jesper Thor - 177-195 Flexible Contracts and Human Capital Investments
by Didier Fouarge & Andries Grip & Wendy Smits & Robert Vries - 197-218 Job Satisfaction and Contingent Employment
by Marloes Graaf-Zijl
March 2012, Volume 160, Issue 1
- 1-16 Generational Impacts of Demographic Changes in Pay-as-you-go Pension Schemes: Measurement and Application to the Netherlands
by W. Heeringa & A. Bovenberg - 17-34 Performance Persistence of Dutch Pension Funds
by Xiaohong Huang & Ronald Mahieu - 35-57 Age and Productivity: Sector Differences
by Christian Göbel & Thomas Zwick - 59-80 Will Ageing Lead to a Higher Real Exchange Rate for the Netherlands?
by Casper Ewijk & Maikel Volkerink - 81-82 Editorial Report 2011
by Jan Ours
December 2011, Volume 159, Issue 4
- 381-388 Productivity and Internationalization: A Micro-Data Approach
by Peter Bergeijk & Fabienne Fortanier & Harry Garretsen & Henri Groot & Selwyn Moons - 389-412 From Estimation Results to Stylized Facts Twelve Recommendations for Empirical Research in International Activities of Heterogeneous Firms
by Joachim Wagner - 413-434 Exploring the Margins of Dutch Exports: A Firm-Level Analysis
by Harold Creusen & Henk Kox & Arjan Lejour & Roger Smeets - 435-482 Measuring and Interpreting Trends in the Division of Labour in the Netherlands
by İ. Akçomak & Lex Borghans & Bas Weel - 483-509 Trade Policy, Competition and Productivity: The Impact of EU Harmonization in the Dutch Food Processing Industry
by Mark Vancauteren & Bruno Henry de Frahan - 511-531 Foreign Investors in The Netherlands: Heterogeneous Employment and Productivity Effects
by Fabienne Fortanier & Selwyn Moons
September 2011, Volume 159, Issue 3
- 257-278 Ageing and the Conflict of Interest Between Generations
by Leon Bettendorf & A. Horst & N. Draper & C. Ewijk & R. Mooij & H. Rele - 279-303 Does Manager Turnover Improve Firm Performance? Evidence from Dutch Soccer, 1986–2004
by Bas Weel - 305-321 Remilitarization and the End of the Gold Bloc in 1936
by Paul Hallwood & Ronald MacDonald & Ian Marsh - 323-360 Differentiating Indexation in Dutch Pension Funds
by Roel Beetsma & Alessandro Bucciol - 361-380 Return to Work After Long Term Sickness
by T. Everhardt & Ph. Jong
June 2011, Volume 159, Issue 2
- 89-94 Introduction to De ECONOMIST Special Issue on “Ageing Workforces”
by Vincent Vandenberghe - 95-111 Are Older Workers Worthy of Their Pay? An Empirical Investigation of Age-Productivity and Age-Wage Nexuses
by Ana Cardoso & Paulo Guimarães & José Varejão - 113-137 Age, Wage and Productivity in Dutch Manufacturing
by Jan Ours & Lenny Stoeldraijer - 139-158 Wages, Productivity and Aging
by Benoit Dostie - 159-191 Boosting the Employment Rate of Older Men and Women
by V. Vandenberghe - 193-221 Productivity-Wage Gaps Among Age Groups: Does the ICT Environment Matter?
by Alessandra Cataldi & Stephan Kampelmann & François Rycx - 223-255 Diversity at the Workplace: Whom Does it Benefit?
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Seija Ilmakunnas
March 2011, Volume 159, Issue 1
- 1-23 The Impact of Product Market Competition on Employers’ Training Investments. Evidence from German Establishment Panel Data
by Katja Görlitz & Joel Stiebale - 25-40 The Dutch Grey Market
by Luc Renneboog & Christophe Spaenjers - 41-61 The Effects of a Dutch High School Curriculum Reform on Performance in and After Higher Education
by Ernest Berkhout & Peter Berkhout & Dinand Webbink - 63-87 The Individual Life Cycle and Economic Growth: An Essay on Demographic Macroeconomics
by Ben Heijdra & Jochen Mierau
November 2010, Volume 158, Issue 4
- 341-359 Retirement of Older Workers and Employment of the Young
by Adriaan Kalwij & Arie Kapteyn & Klaas Vos - 361-372 The Declining Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade
by Alexandra Hudson & Bas Straathof - 373-386 Has the Internet Eliminated Regional Price Differences? Evidence from the Used Car Market
by Marco Haan & Henk-Wim Boer - 387-410 Limits to Growth in Organic Sales
by Frank Bunte & Michiel Galen & W. Kuiper & Gemma Tacken - 411-425 Towards a Closed Phosphorus Cycle
by Michiel Keyzer
September 2010, Volume 158, Issue 3
- 209-236 Early Retirement Behaviour in the Netherlands: Evidence From a Policy Reform
by Rob Euwals & Daniel Vuuren & Ronald Wolthoff - 237-293 The Effects of a Change in Market Abuse Regulation on Abnormal Returns and Volumes: Evidence from the Amsterdam Stock Market
by Tyas Prevoo & Bas Weel - 295-322 Exports and Productivity Selection Effects for Dutch Firms
by Henk Kox & Hugo Rojas-Romagosa - 323-335 Notes and Communications
by Henk Don - 337-340 Erratum to: Banking and Debt Crises in Europe: The Dangerous Liaisons?
by Bertrand Candelon & Franz Palm
June 2010, Volume 158, Issue 2
- 101-122 What Does Behavioral Economics Mean for Policy? Challenges to Savings and Health Policies in the Netherlands
by Peter Kooreman & Henriëtte Prast - 123-149 Is pay related to performance in The Netherlands? An analysis of Dutch executive compensation, 2002–2006
by Gerwin Laan & Hans Ees & Arjen Witteloostuijn - 151-192 Longevity Risk
by Anja De Waegenaere & Bertrand Melenberg & Ralph Stevens - 193-207 How a Reduction of Standard Working Hours Affects Employment Dynamics
by Pedro Raposo & Jan Ours
April 2010, Volume 158, Issue 1
- 1-21 How to Share Our Risks Efficiently? Principles for Optimal Social Insurance and Pension Provision
by Coen Teulings - 23-42 Why Speed Doesn’t Kill: Learning to Believe in Disinflation
by Eric Schaling & Marco Hoeberichts - 43-60 One Money and Sixteen Needs: Has the ECB’s Monetary Policy Become More Balanced Towards the Needs of the Member States?
by André Van Poeck - 61-79 Market Share and Price in Dutch Home Care: Market Power or Quality?
by Ilaria Mosca & Marc Pomp & Victoria Shestalova - 81-99 Banking and Debt Crises in Europe: The Dangerous Liaisons?
by Bertrand Candelon & Franz Palm
December 2009, Volume 157, Issue 4
- 359-416 Computable Stochastic Equilibrium Models and Their Use in Pension- and Ageing Research
by Hans Fehr - 417-439 Unique Equilibrium in a Dynamic Model of Speculative Attacks
by Tijmen Daniëls - 441-460 Will You Still Need Me: When I’m 64?
by Jan Ours
September 2009, Volume 157, Issue 3
- 273-292 Are Older Workers Harmful for Firm Productivity?
by Thierry Lallemand & François Rycx - 293-313 Bringing Unemployed Back to Work: Effective Active Labor Market Policies
by Jan Boone & Jan Ours - 315-335 Experience Rating and the Inflow into Disability Insurance
by Pierre Koning - 337-351 Credit Crisis and Dutch Pension Funds: Who Bears the Shock?
by Casper Ewijk - 353-356 Review of The Race Between Education and Technology by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz
by Bas ter Weel
June 2009, Volume 157, Issue 2
- 129-207 Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: An Analysis of the Subprime-Mortgage Financial Crisis
by Martin Hellwig - 209-213 The Forgotten Risk: Financial Incentives
by Gerrit Zalm - 215-228 What Happened to European Unemployment?
by Tito Boeri - 229-249 Sport and Measurement of Competition
by Ruud Koning - 251-264 Agenda for the Housing Market
by Henk Don - 265-266 Book Review: George Gelauff, Isabel Grilo, Arjan Lejour (eds), Subsidiarity and Economic Reform in Europe, Springer Verlag, 2008
by Bart Van Riel - 267-269 Jury Report on the KVS Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Economics of the Academic Years 2006–2007 and 2007–2008
by Eric Damme & Martin Fase & Philip Franses & Job Swank & Jules Theeuwes
March 2009, Volume 157, Issue 1
- 1-48 Housing Wealth and Household Portfolios in an Ageing Society
by Jan Rouwendal - 49-77 Measuring Lifetime Redistribution in Dutch Occupational Pensions
by Jan Bonenkamp - 79-105 Human Capital Externalities and Proximity: Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sectional Data
by Erik Canton - 107-120 Explaining The Hump In Life Cycle Consumption profiles
by Rob Alessie & Joppe Ree - 121-123 Book Review
by M. Ellman - 125-125 Uit de Economist van 1859 Economische Kronijk (23 Junij)
by Peter Els - 127-127 Results of the Editorial Process 1999–2008
by Peter Els
December 2008, Volume 156, Issue 4
- 341-348 Measuring the Economic Effects of Competition Law Enforcement
by Henk Don & Ron Kemp & Jarig Sinderen - 349-364 Competition Policy: What are the Costs and Benefits of Measuring its Costs and Benefits?
by Gunnar Niels & Reinder Dijk - 365-385 The Economic Effect Of Competition Law Enforcement: The Case Of The Netherlands
by Jarig Sinderen & Ron Kemp - 387-409 Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? or Measuring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Competition Enforcement
by Mats Bergman - 411-432 The Deterrent Effect of UK Competition Enforcement
by Fiammetta Gordon & David Squires - 433-451 Assessing the Effects of Antitrust Enforcement in the United States
by Gregory Werden - 453-475 A Short Overview of a Methodology for the Ex-Post Review of Merger Control Decisions
by Paolo Buccirossi & Lorenzo Ciari & Tomaso Duso & Sven-Olof Fridolfsson & Giancarlo Spagnolo & Cristiana Vitale - 477-490 Ex Post Evaluation of Enforcement: A Principal-Agent Perspective
by Damien Neven & Hans Zenger - 491-505 Assessing the Impact of Antitrust Intervention by the Italian Competition Authority
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 507-527 The Biofuel Controversy
by Michiel Keyzer & Max Merbis & Roelf Voortman - 529-529 From De Economist of 1858 Economic Chronicle (14 January)
by Peter Els
September 2008, Volume 156, Issue 3
- 221-239 Not-for-Profit Provision of Job Training and Mediation Services: An Empirical Analysis Using Contract Data of Job Training Service Providers
by Pierre Koning - 241-267 Adoption Subsidy Versus Technology Standards Under Asymmetric Information
by Ioulia Ossokina & Otto Swank - 269-293 Punishment in a Linear Public Good Game with Productivity Heterogeneity
by Fangfang Tan - 295-306 Decomposition of GDP Growth in Some European Countries and the United States
by Henk Kranendonk & Johan Verbruggen - 307-338 Notes And Communications
by Dick Wensveen - 339-339 Uit De Economist Van 1858
by Peter Els
June 2008, Volume 156, Issue 2
- 113-144 Gradual Retirement: Preferences and Limitations
by Tunga Kantarci & Arthur Soest - 145-174 The Part-Time Wage Gap: a Career Perspective
by Giovanni Russo & Wolter Hassink - 175-200 The Optimism Cycle: Sell in May
by Ronald Doeswijk - 201-214 Financial Constraints and Other Obstacles: are they a Threat to Innovation Activity?
by P. Mohnen & F. Palm & S. Loeff & A. Tiwari - 215-217 Book Review
by J. Jacobs - 219-219 Uit De Economist Van 1858 - Zondagtreinen
by Peter Els
March 2008, Volume 156, Issue 1
- 1-2 Martin M.G. Fase Retires from the Board of the Editors
by Franz Palm - 3-24 Global Imbalances or why are the Poor Financing the Rich?
by Raghuram Rajan - 25-43 The Wage Elasticity of Labour Supply: A Synthesis of Empirical Estimates
by Michiel Evers & Ruud Mooij & Daniel Vuuren - 45-71 The Innovation Threshold
by Erik Brouwer & Tom Poot & Kees Montfort - 73-93 Market Valuation, Pension Fund Policy and Contribution Volatility
by Maarten Rooij & Arjen Siegmann & Peter Vlaar - 95-101 Private Equity and Shareholder Activism: Summary of the 2007 Annual Meeting Reports of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association
by Sylvester Eijffinger & Kees Koedijk - 103-105 Book Review
by M. Fase - 107-108 The 2007 Hennipman Prize
by Harry Garretsen & Peter Kooreman & Ton Schaik - 109-109 Results of the Editorial Process 1998–2007
by Peter Els - 111-112 Uit de Economist van 1858
by P. Els
December 2007, Volume 155, Issue 4
- 469-487 Ranking Dutch Economists
by Jan Ours & Frederic Vermeulen - 489-492 Book Review
by M. Fase
September 2007, Volume 155, Issue 3
- 251-270 Do Not-For-Profits Make a Difference in Social Services? A Survey Study
by Pierre Koning & Joëlle Noailly & Sabine Visser - 271-303 Payment Instruments as Perceived by Consumers – Results from a Household Survey
by Nicole Jonker - 305-321 Switching Costs in Netherlands Energy Markets: Can Liberalisation Bring Benefits to Small Customers?
by Marc Pomp & Victoria Shestalova - 323-336 Welfare Effects of Fiscal Subsidies on Home Ownership in the Netherlands
by Casper Ewijk & Bas Jacobs & Ruud Mooij - 337-338 Book Review
by Hans Bloemen - 339-341 Book Review
by M. Fase
June 2007, Volume 155, Issue 2
- 141-159 Opinions on the Tax Deductibility of Mortgages and the Consensus Effect
by Eline Heijden & Jan Nelissen & Jan Potters - 161-181 The Heavenly Calculus and Socially Responsible Business Conduct: An Explorative Study among Executives
by Johan Graafland & Corrie Mazereeuw-Van Der Duijn Schouten - 183-206 Market Timing and Capital Structure: Evidence for Dutch Firms
by Tijs Bie & Leo Haan - 207-219 Explaining Sunday Shop Policies
by Elbert Dijkgraaf & Raymond Gradus - 221-238 Notes and Communications
by M. Fase - 239-240 Book Review
by Ole Rummel - 241-242 Book Review
by Bert Scholtens - 243-244 Book Review
by Utz Weitzel - 245-247 Book Review
by Hans Visser
March 2007, Volume 155, Issue 1
- 1-21 Why The Critics Of Globalization Are Mistaken
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 23-47 Measuring Transparency in the Dutch Mortgage Market
by Wolter Hassink & Michiel Leuvensteijn - 49-72 The Impact of Legal and Voluntary Investor Protection on the Early Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
by Annelies Renders & Ann Gaeremynck - 73-98 Financial Incentives in Disability Insurance in the Netherlands
by Annemiek Vuren & Daniel Vuuren - 99-121 Notes and Communications
by Anna Schors & Rob Alessie & Mauro Mastrogiacomo - 123-124 Book Review
by Nico Valckx - 125-126 Book Review
by Adriaan Soetevent - 127-128 Book review
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 129-131 Book Review
by Maria Demertzis - 133-134 Jury Report on the Kvs Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Economics of the Academic Years 2004/2005 and 2005/2006
by Eric Damme & Martin Fase & Hugo Keuzenkamp & Philip Hans & Franses - 135-135 Results of the Editorial Process 1997–2006
by Peter Els - 137-137 Uit De Economist Van 1857
by Eline Heijden & Jan Nelissen & Jan Potters - 139-139 The Millennium Development Goals, How Realistic are They?
by Michiel Keyzer & Lia Wesenbeeck
December 2006, Volume 154, Issue 4
- 483-490 On the Economics of Illicit Drugs
by Jan Ours & Stephen Pudney - 491-516 Drug Demand – Initiation, Continuation and Quitting
by Anne Bretteville-Jensen - 517-546 The Impact of Cannabis Use on Health
by Jenny Williams & Christopher Skeels - 547-562 Exploring the Structure of the Illegal Market for Cannabis
by Chris Wilkins & Paul Sweetsur - 563-580 Evidence-Based Illicit Drug Policy: The Potential Contribution of Economic Evaluation Techniques
by Christine Godfrey - 581-586 The History of Licit Cocaine in the Netherlands
by Annemarie Bos - 587-600 Competition in the Dutch Mortgage Market
by Elmer Sterken - 601-603 Book Review
by Ton Schaik - 605-606 Book Review
by Eric Damme