November 2020, Volume 11(SI)
- 146-183 Rethinking the Governance-Governmentality-Governability nexus at the EU's Eastern Frontiers: the Carpathian Euroregion 2.0 and the future of EU-Ukrainian Cross-Border cooperation
by Halyna LYTVYN & Andriy TYUSHKA - 184-207 Developing a cross-border governance framework for the EU and Turkish border regions
by Emrah SÖYLEMEZ & Çiğdem VAROL - 208-232 Cross-Border Cooperation among South East European countries: case Kosovo
by Urtak HAMITI - 233-237 BOOK REVIEW: Rui Alexandre Castanho, Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Strategies for Sustainable Development, Hershey, PA: IGI Global Abstract: Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) is one of the European Union’s key tools when it comes to territorial cooperation and engagement with its neighbours, this becoming even more relevant in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which revealed the critical importance of international cooperation and solidarity. The 2007/2008 crisis triggered the deepest recession since the Great Depression in 1930s; however it appeared equally as a unique opportunity for the international, regional and local actors to promote sustainable solutions to tackle the crisis and to build long-term resilience. The narrative of the Global Recovery Initiative, launched by the European Union in May 2020, revolves around the idea of “building back better”, which translates in attaching transformative solutions to the recovery plan, such as the green deal or digitalization. In this context, CBC is seen as a relevant tool for enhancing stability considering its role which involves supranational process, but also regional ones. Keywords: Cross Border Cooperation, Strategies, organizational culture, Sustainable Development Pages: 233-237
by Anatolie CĂRBUNE
June 2020, Volume 11(1)
- 27-44 Space justice, demographic resilience and sustainability. Revelations of the evolution of the population hierarchy of the regions of Romania from 1948 to 2011
by Tomaz Ponce DENTINHO & Cristina SERBANICA - 45-61 Globalization and socio-economic development in post-transition European Union countries: panel causality and regression analyses Abstract: The consequences of globalization on economic growth and development have largely been debated both by scholars and policy makers. However, literature lacks a multidimensional analysis of the relationship between of all forms of globalization and the development of a country. Therefore, the purpose of the present paper is to investigate the impact of various globalization types on socio-economic development in eleven European Union (EU) states that faced the transition from a centralized to a market economy, during the period 1993-2016, with the help of Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) causality test, Beck and Katz (1995) PCSE estimator and pooled OLS regression, considering the results of pre-tests. The empirical research revealed that economic, political and cultural globalization positively influences the socioeconomic development of all the analysed states. These findings may offer valuable information for the policy makers of the eleven economies which could enhance the development in a globalized era
by Laura DIACONU (MAXIM) & Yilmaz BAYAR - 62-86 Conditional dependence between oil prices and CEE stock markets: a copula-GARCH approach Abstract: This study investigates both the constant and time-varying conditional dependency between crude oil and stock markets for the CEE countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, and Croatia) by using the conditional copula-GARCH model with both constant and time-varying dependence parameters in the field of energy economics. Through different copula functions, the proposed models allow specifying the joint distribution of the crude oil and CEE stock returns with full flexibility. First, from the copula models, we find that all series show fat-tail, leverage effects, and volatilities tend to cluster. Second, in both constant and timevarying copula models, we find that conditional dependence is similar for most countries, which means that a significant conditional dependence exists in all oilstock price pairs. Our findings have important implications for both policymakers and investors by contributing to a better understanding of oil-stock relationships. A significant interdependence between crue oil price and stock markets suggests that enterprises and governments in CEE regions should pay attention to the stock market performance when the oil price fluctuates
by Ngo Thai HUNG - 87-122 RETRACTED ARTICLE: The triple (T3) dimension of systemic risk: identifying systemically important banks in Eurozone Abstract: Editor’s Note - This paper has been retracted from our journal due to bogus claims of authorship. The editors' decision is based on the evidences provided by the editorial board of the International Journal of Finance and Economics. The Statement of Retraction, together with the full text of the retracted paper, can be accessed here
by Abdelkader DERBALI & Ali LAMOUCHI - 123-145 A simple model of developing countries: financing the current account deficit Abstract: A stock flow consistent model provides a monetary and financial framework to macroeconomics. It clearly shows the sources of financing for investments and also answers the following questions: Where does the finance for investment come from? and How are budget and current account deficits financed? This paper presents a simple stock flow consistent model for the developing countries with current account deficits. Most of these countries seem to cover the current account deficit by public borrowing and private sector borrowing. For this purpose, the motivation of this paper is based on the state of these countries and the modelling of their position
by Özgür Bayram SOYLU - 146-163 Application of Beneish M-score model on small and medium enterprises in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract: The last two decades have witnessed high-profile corporate accounting scandals and multi billion-dollar frauds. Since then, forensic accounting has been in focus and has played a prominent role in discovering financial statement frauds. This research aims to analyze the applicability of the Beneish M-Score model on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). Based on a sample that includes 4,580 small and medium enterprises, data will be analyzed using audited financial statements in the period from 2008 to 2015. By using independent sample t-test, correlation, and regression, it has been concluded that Beneish model is indeed applicable on the market of FBiH and aids effectively in the detection of fraud in financial statements. The study describes the comparison of different industry sectors regarding the possible manipulators and serves as a solid foundation for further research in the area of forensic accounting. Keywords: manipulative accounting, fraudulent activities, financial crime, forensic accounting, Beneish M-score Pages: 146-163
by Sanel HALILBEGOVIC & Nedim CELEBIC & Ermin CERO & Elvisa BULJUBASIC & Anida MEKIC - 164-185 Managers’ perceptions on trust and knowledge transfer: evidence from Greek ISAs in South East Europe Abstract: Nowadays, cooperation through the formation of International Strategic Alliances (ISAs) has become a key strategy for many firms that expand internationally. Trust among foreign partners and knowledge transfer are identified in the literature as crucial factors for satisfactory ISA performance. This paper extends previous research (Rotsios et al., 2018, 2019) on these two important parameters. Based on aspects from the Social Exchange Theory and the Resource Based View, we explore a) the perceived level of Greek managers’ trust towards their foreign partners, and b) the perceived level of the knowledge that Greek companies have acquired from their participation in ISAs. A quantitative approach is adopted, and through a questionnaire survey, a sample of 171 Greek ISAs operating in the region of South East Europe is examined. This study contributes to International Business (IB) literature and sheds light on trust and knowledge transfer in ISAs in an underresearched region. Furthermore, this research enhances the understanding on issues related to trust among ISA partners and knowledge transfer in ISAs. In addition, it contributes to the limited number of regional IB studies. Finally, the empirical findings are discussed and managerial implications are presented, while areas for further research are also proposed
by Nikolaos SKLAVOUNOS & Konstantinos ROTSIOS & Yannis HAJIDIMITRIOU - 186-210 Brexit and the Anglosphere: an intra-industry trade opportunity for India? Abstract: The present paper outlines a functionalist approach to the complex “Brexit” phenomenon, exploring those opportunities that can be derived of it for third countries, unaware of the upheaval European scenario, as could be the case of India. In pro-Brexit approaches, The Indian Union appears as one of the most important countries of the Anglosphere area, particularly significant for a future focus of the brand-new “Global UK”, a relevant global partner in economic, trade & investment aspects. Due to the denominated “Intra-Industry Trade” (IIT), instrumented over the Global Value Chains (GVCs), which possibly constitutes one of the fundamental explanatory elements of the Global World, we have proposed an analysis of the UKIndia relations from the IIT & GVCs perspective. Therefore, in our work, we do an analysis of the evolution, situation and perspectives of this kind of trade, especially for its three main sectors: Apparel & Footwear, Electronics and Transport Vehicles. Keywords: Brexit, UK, India, Intra-Industry Trade, Global Value Chains Pages: 186-210
by Francisco José CALDERÓN VÁZQUEZ & Vikesh CHANDNANI SUKHWANI & Pablo PODADERA RIVERA - 211-235 Why would Romanian migrants from Western Europe return to their country of origin? Abstract: After conducting a survey among Romanian individuals left abroad, we analyze the particular influences relating to their intentions to return to their country of origin. Using Data Mining classifiers, Lasso variable selection procedures and binary logistic regressions for data collected in 2018 in several Western European countries, we have found that what matters the most for their intentions to return is the plan for starting a business in Romania in the near future. This is very useful for articulating appropriate policies. Other variables corresponding to the attachment to Romania, adaptation to the current foreign country, including the perception regarding the local discrimination, economic reasons and voting behaviour could manifest particular influences on their intentions to return. It has turned out that Romanians gone abroad to Latin countries from Western Europe, who plan to start a business at home are more likely to return to Romania than the ones gone in nonLatin countries
by Aurelian-Petruş PLOPEANU & Daniel HOMOCIANU - 236-251 Tangible fixed assets in Czech small and middle-sized farms Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the development, structure and efficiency of tangible fixed assets in the Czech farms and identify the factors that affect it. The data of farms in the period of 2003 to 2018 were used and sorted by the size of these farms. This paper evaluates the proportional development between the development of the volume of the tangible fixed assets and the volume of revenues. The development of tangible fixed assets and their structure in the reference period points to the efforts of farms to invest primarily in self-farmed land is taken into consideration. It turns out that investment activities are more affected by the overall economic situation of the farm and operating subsidies than by the possibility of drawing capital support. Keywords: agriculture, tangible fixed assets, investments, small enterprises, middle enterprises Pages: 236-251
by Jana LOSOSOVÁ & Radek ZDENĚK & Jaroslav SVOBODA - 252-272 The ‘Expertisation’ of European Studies. A critical perspective on discursive institutionalism Abstract: The paper puts into perspective the conceptual evolution of European Studies and one of its latest theoretically based approaches, Discursive Institutionalism. It argues that in the field of European Studies expert frameworks aiming for ‘answers’ are overshadowing the intellectual efforts striving for ‘questions’. This tendency undermines the proper identification of problems and it also erodes the effectiveness of proposed policy solutions as these recommendations lack the appropriate conceptual foundations. The paper stresses that this negative trend of ‘expertisation’ is particularly relevant nowadays, when the European Union is undoubtedly struggling with challenges of social disengagement, and that research projects are required to apply approaches that can adequately reveal people’s cognitivenormative understandings and ideationally driven praxes, as well as, most importantly, the generative causes behind EU-sceptical attitudes. Keywords: European Studies, Discursive Institutionalism, constructivism, European Union, Social disengagement Pages: 252-272
by Zoltan GRUNHUT - 273-292 A comparative study of financial literacy, retirement planning and delinquency in payment: the Kazakhstan case Abstract: Financial knowledge is assumed to help people in making good choices in their financial attitude and behaviour. Financial literacy, retirement planning and delinquency in payment were studied in different regions of Kazakhstan in both 2015 and 2019. Questionnaires were distributed among different groups of the population. Excluding invalid and unsuitable answers for the analysis, the total number of survey responses resulted was 830 for 2015 and 983 for 2019. The authors analyzed the responses to questions regarding financial attitude/behaviour such as Retirement Planning, Delinquency in payments, and the frequency of making Money Decisions. Keywords: retirement planning, delinquency in payment, financial literacy, personal finance, Kazakhstan Pages: 273-292
by Maya KATENOVA & Sang HOON LEE - 293-308 The official language status of English within the EU institutions after Brexit
by Neriman HOCAOĞLU BAHADIR - 309-334 Brain drain from Romania: what do we know so far about the Romanian medical diaspora? Abstract: In recent years a considerable amount of attention has been directed to the migration of tertiary educated people. Social scientists are interested in the brain drain phenomenon, in order to understand the positive and negative effects of highlyskilled migration in the sending countries. This paper examines physician migration in Romania, a country which records in Europe one of the largest stocks of emigrated medical doctors in the last few decades. Using data from official statistics, a survey carried out among Romanian medical doctors who have migrated, as well as innovative data from LinkedIn, we provide detailed evidence on the emigration flows and trends of Romanian physicians in terms of destinations, specialties and time frame of emigration. In addition, our study sheds light on the underlying reasons for migration and on difficulties encountered in the destination country. Keywords: migration, physicians, Romania Pages: 309-334
by Alina BOTEZAT & Andreea MORARU - 335-357 Resilient organizational culture: Cluj-Napoca case study
by Alexandra-Bianca ANDRIANU - 358-362 BOOK REVIEW - Dominique WOLTON, Vive l’incommunication. La victoire de l’Europe Abstract: Dominique Wolton, in his latest book, explains that misunderstandings and misinterpretations between Europeans constitute a strength, not a weakness, for the construction of Europe, for the future of Europe. It is, in the end, a “Victory of Europe”. A victory over what, or over whom? Over itself, despite a fairly general denial, and an inability to recognize this victory. Keywords: future of Europe, construction of Europe Pages: 358-362
by Gilles ROUET - 363-366 BOOK REVIEW - Bruce Riedel, Kings and Presidents. Saudi-Arabia and the United States Since FDR (Geopolitics in the 21st Century), Brookings Institution Press, 2018, ISBN: 978-0815731375 Abstract: There is a growing tendency to view the Middle East through four overarching nexuses: the terrorism-repression, the tribal-modern, the geopoliticalgeoeconomic and the money-buys-everything-social alienation. Each of these, at times all of them, have been taken to explain the unfolding trends in this expansive, ill-defined region, called the Middle East. Such broad strokes also forms the bedrock decision-makers in Europe, and beyond, utilise to make sense of, and design policies for, dealing with the complexities of the Middle East. But what if international relations scholarship and decision-makers are wrong? What if the public policy networks have misunderstood and, as a result, misrepresented the Middle East and its many cross-cutting cleavages? This would imply that the very foundations of Euro-Atlantic policies towards the region are eschew. There have been some notable attempts at correcting such policy misdirection. Bruce Riedel’s book titled SaudiArabia and the United States Since FDR is one such attempt. Keywords: terrorism-repression, tribal-modern, geopolitical-geoeconomic Pages: 363-366
by Mitchell BELFER
June 2019, Volume 10(1)
- 5-24 An investigation of overcrowding among the UK households
by Sandeep RAO & Chia-Hao CHOU - 25-44 Regional knowledge production in Central and East European countries: R&D factor productivity and changes in performances
by Mustafa Cem KIRANKABEŞ & Abdullah ERKUL - 45-65 Stateness before democracy? A theoretical perspective for centrality of stateness in the democratization process: The case of Albania
by Gerti SQAPI - 67-92 Comparative analysis of debt sustainability of EU countries and EU candidates: the Promethee-Gaia approach
by Danijela DURKALIĆ & Mihailo ĆURČIĆ - 93-114 The effects of demographic structures on savings in Eastern European countries
by Tuğba AKIN & Kıymet YAVUZASLAN - 115-131 Cultural and event tourism: an interpretative key for impact assessment
by Loris NADOTTI & Valeria VANNONI - 133-150 Corporate ownership and capital structure: evidence from Romania
by Alina ȚARAN - 151-159 Cultural heritage, smart cities and digital data analytics
by Karima KOURTIT - 161-180 The effectiveness of the monetary transmission mechanism channel in Turkey
by Fatih OKUR & Ömer AKKUŞ & Atakan DURMAZ - 181-197 Social values impaired by the manipulation of sports and betting events: the case of the Republic of Moldova
by Gheorghe RENIȚĂ - 199-220 Financial and economic conditions of rural development in Ukraine
by Dmytro DEMA & Iryna ABRAMOVA & Larysa NEDILSKA - 221-237 The effects of exchange rate depreciations and appreciations on the tourism trade balance: the case of Spain
by Cem IŞIK & Magdalena RADULESCU & Aleksandra FEDAJEV - 239-270 Analysis of the stock market anomalies in the context of changing the information paradigm
by Kostyantyn MALYSHENKO & Vadim MALYSHENKO & Elena Yu. PONOMAREVA & Marina ANASHKINA - 271-297 European strategy for the development of alternative energy
by Nataliia KRAVCHUK & Olena KILNITSKA & Volodymyr KHODAKIVSKYI & Mykola MISEVYCH - 299-302 BOOK REVIEW - Thilo Lang and Franziska Görmar (eds.), Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarization. Re-thinking Spatial Policies in Europe
by Mihail EVA
December 2019, Volume 10(2)
- 5-18 Re-examining de Gaulle’s rejection of British membership in the European Economic Community
by Alvin ADITYO & Ari Anggari HARAPAN & Djoko MARIHANDONO - 19-40 Mainstreaming euroscepticism in European politics
by Ebru OĞURLU - 41-62 Rethinking the territorial cohesion in the EU: institutional and functional elements of the concept
by Pablo PODADERA RIVERA & Francisco J. CALDERÓN VÁZQUEZ - 63-88 Productivity determinants and their contributions to productivity growth in the Baltic countries before and after their entry into the European Union: a comparative industrial perspective
by Toma LANKAUSKIENE - 89-105 Does a country’s business regulatory environment affect its attractiveness to FDI? Empirical evidence from Central and Southeast European countries
by Mehmed GANIĆ & Mahir HRNJIC - 107-125 Foreign borrowing, foreign direct investment inflows and economic growth in European Union transition economies
by Yilmaz BAYAR & Mahmut Unsal SASMAZ - 127-161 A longitudinal study on the effect of entrepreneurship courses taught at the vocational colleges in Turkey on students’ entrepreneurial tendency
by Bülent ARPAT & Yeliz YEŞİL & Mehmet Levent KOCAALAN - 163-174 Development of metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions: growing disparities in the Europe of 28
by Julia von HANXLEDEN & Jan WEDEMEIER - 175-195 The Visegrád Group and the railway development interest articulation in Central Eastern Europe
by Bálint L. TÓTH - 197-220 Comparative qualitative analysis of Turkey and Estonia in the IT sector vacancies
by Ufuk BİNGÖL & Hakan METE & Yılmaz ÖZKAN - 221-248 Day-of-the-week and month-of-the-year effects on French Small-Cap Volatility: the role of asymmetry and long memory
by Mohamed CHIKHI & Ali BENDOB & Ahmed Ramzi SIAGH - 249-262 The Central Bank of Turkey’s response to the global currency markets
by Onur AKKAYA & Mustafa ÖZER & Özcan ÖZKAN - 263-281 The link between financial capital movements and the exchange rate in Turkey
by Özcan KARAHAN & Olcay ÇOLAK - 283-285 BOOK REVIEW - Călin Emilian HINȚEA, Marius Constantin PROFIROIU, Tudor Cristian ȚICLĂU (eds.), Strategic planning in local communities. A cross-national study in 7 countries
by Bogdan Andrei MOLDOVAN
December 2018, Volume 9(2)
- 5-25 Dimensions of globalization and income inequality in transition economies: taking into account cross-sectional dependence
by Mehmet Akif DESTEK - 27-45 Analysis of the relationships between Bitcoin and exchange rate, commodities and global indexes by asymmetric causality test
by Mehmet Levent ERDAS & Abdullah Emre CAGLAR - 47-68 Explaining informal entrepreneurship in South-East Europe: a tax morale approach
by Colin C WILLIAMS & Slavko BEZEREDI - 69-88 Does democracy improve human development? Evidence from former socialist countries
by Giorgio LIOTTI & Marco MUSELLA & Federica D’ISANTO - 89-109 Cultural values and financial reporting practices: contemporary tendencies in Eastern European countries
by R.M. Ammar ZAHID & Alina ȚARAN & F.N. Can SIMGA-MUGAN - 111-144 Education and health: welfare state composition and growth across country groups
by João A. S. ANDRADE & Adelaide P. S. DUARTE & Marta C. N. SIMÕES - 145-167 Corporate Social Responsibility of Ukrainian tourist enterprises: identity, strategy and performance
by Iryna KUBAREVA & Olha MALIARCHUK & Nataliia POHUDA - 169-185 Economic convergence of the Eastern Partnership countries towards the EU-13
by Dzenita SILJAK & Sándor Gyula NAGY - 187-203 The impact of the 2008 economic and financial crisis on the public spending devoted to social protection in the EU
by Ágnes OROSZ - 205-227 Structural changes and wage inequality in the Bulgarian economy
by Svilena MIHAYLOVA & Silviya BRATOEVA-MANOLEVA - 229-249 Credit growth and non-performing loans: evidence from Turkey and some Balkan countries
by Almir ALIHODŽIĆ & İbrahim Halil EKŞİ - 251-255 BOOK REVIEW - Alina Mihaela Dima (ed.), Doing Business in Europe. Economic Integration Processes, Policies, and the Business Environment, Springer, 2018, 449 pages, ISBN: 978-3-319-72238-2
by Mihaela Cristina DRĂGOI
June 2018, Volume 9(1)
- 5-22 How has the level of European governance changed since 2004? Trends and fault lines
by Irena VRŇÁKOVÁ - 23-43 Gender differences in tourism behaviour in the European Union
by Bogdan-Constantin IBĂNESCU & Oana Mihaela STOLERIU & Alexandra GHEORGHIU - 45-62 Central European Free Trade Agreement: did the initiative prove its commitments?
by Rodica CRUDU & Olesea SIRBU & Augustin IGNATOV - 63-86 The dynamics of poverty and its consequences on regional inequalities in Romania
by Marinela ISTRATE & Raluca Ioana HOREA-ȘERBAN - 87-109 Regional socio-economic factors influencing diabetes incidence: the case of Romania
by Elena DRUICĂ & Zizi GOSCHIN & Cristian BĂICUȘ - 111-131 Determinants of earnings in Macedonia: assessing the difference between low-paid and highly-paid employees
by Dimitar NIKOLOSKI & Marjan ANGELESKI & Slavica ROCHESKA - 133-150 Clientelism and informality in Albania
by Islam JUSUFI - 151-172 Structure or agency? Explaining Armenia’s foreign policy evolution
by John H.S. ABERG & Aram TERZYAN - 173-176 BOOK REVIEW - Sai Loo, Creative Working in the Knowledge Economy, New York: Routledge, 2017
by Sorin MAZILU
December 2017, Volume 8(2)
- 5-24 Assessment of EU member states' positions in Global Value Chains
by Ines KERSAN-SKABIĆ - 25-43 Innovation investment decisions: are post(transition) economies different from the rest of the EU?
by Ljiljana BOZIĆ & Valerija BOTRIĆ - 45-69 Urban transitions and resilience of Eastern European Union cities
by Alexandru BĂNICĂ & Ionel MUNTELE - 71-93 Did the economic crisis change V4 trade patterns? The case of intra-industry trade
by Patryk Emanuel TOPOROWSKI - 95-126 Characteristics of recovery and resilience in the Romanian regions
by József BENEDEK & Alexander C. LEMBCKE - 127-146 Exploring regional economic convergence in Romania. A spatial modeling approach
by Zizi GOSCHIN - 147-165 The impact of Foreign Direct Investments on employment: the case of the Macedonian manufacturing sector
by Dimitar NIKOLOSKI - 167-184 Croatia’s police and security community building in the Western Balkans
by Sandro KNEZOVIĆ & Vlatko CVRTILA & Zrinka VUČINOVIĆ - 185-203 The EU vs. Russia in the foreign policy discourse of Armenia: the fragility of normative power or the power of Russian coercion?
by Aram TERZYAN - 209-209 BOOK REVIEW - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu and Maria Adelaide Pedrosa da Silva Duarte (eds.), Core-Periphery Patterns across the European Union. Case Studies and Lessons from Eastern and Southern Europe
by Gabriela PRELIPCEAN
June 2017, Volume 8(1)
- 5-28 Tackling the illegitimate under-reporting of salaries in Southeast Europe: some lessons from a 2015 survey in Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia
by Colin C. WILLIAMS & Josip FRANIC - 29-43 Assessing the poverty-growth-inequality nexus: the case of Macedonia
by Dimitar NIKOLOSKI & Miroslav GVEROSKI - 45-77 Revisiting the ‘invisible hand’ hypothesis: a comparative study between Bulgaria and Germany
by Nadezhda GESHEVA & Aleksandar VASILEV - 79-95 Regional interplay of factors informing SMES’ density in Romania. A panel data analysis
by Elena DRUICĂ & Zizi GOSCHIN & Ana-Maria GRIGORE - 97-114 Social responsibility in Ukrainian agriculture: the regional issue
by Larysa LEVKIVSKA & Inna LEVKOVYCH - 115-136 Managing the competitiveness in CIS countries and Ukraine: the goal and conditions
by Anna KUKHARUK & Julia GAVRISH & Danyil ZMITROVYCH - 137-155 Within the media earshot: national ideas in the Republic of Moldova prior to the 2016 election
by Onoriu COLĂCEL - 157-176 Concepts, approaches and methods on europeanisation – a meta-analysis
by Zoltán GRÜNHUT - 177-195 Migranthood and self-governing rights: a new paradigm for the post-communist Eastern Europe
by Francesco TRUPIA - 197-203 BOOK REVIEW - Sieglinde Gstöhl and Simon Schunz (eds.), Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy, Abingdon: Routledge, 2017
by Cristian NITOIU
December 2016, Volume 7(2)
- 5-10 Editorial - A new European Neighbourhood Policy to strengthen the European project
by Gilles ROUET - 11-29 The EU’s Eastern Partnership: Normative or Geopolitical Power Projection?
by Kamala VALIYEVA - 31-46 Geopolitical challenges for the post-bipolar Europe
by Nadia ALEXANDROVA-ARBATOVA - 47-70 From cooperation to confrontation: the impact of bilateral perceptions and interactions on the EU-Russia relations in the context of shared neighbourhood
by Adrian POP - 71-90 Soft power geopolitics: how does the diminishing utility of military power affect the Russia – West confrontation over the “Common Neighbourhood”
by Vasif HUSEYNOV - 91-110 The Eurasian Economic Union: prospective regional integration in the post-Soviet space or just geopolitical project?
by Pablo PODADERA RIVERA & Anna GARASHCHUK - 111-144 The EU’s rule of law promotion in post-Soviet Europe: what explains the divergence between Baltic States and EaP countries?
by Martin MENDELSKI - 145-164 Implementing the DCFTA in the context of state capture: assessing the position of Small and Medium Enterprises
by Kerry LONGHURST - 165-184 The evolution of the European Union’s conception in the foreign policy discourse of Armenia: implications for U-turn and the path beyond the Association Agreement
by Aram TERZYAN - 185-206 Europeanization through students’ lens: EU versus EaP citizens. Is there a collective identity?
by Elena-Alexandra GORGOS & Elena-Mădălina VĂTĂMĂNESCU & Andreia Gabriela ANDREI - 207-210 BOOK REVIEW - Pernille Rieker (ed.), External Governance as Security Community Building, The Limits and Potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 218 pages, ISBN 978-1-137-56169-5
June 2016, Volume 7(1)
- 5-33 European Union: fears and hopes
by Gilles ROUET - 35-47 The economic and mathematical analysis of migration of employable population as a factor of national modernization in crisis
by Liudmyla ANDROSHCHUK & Natalya CHERNENKO - 49-61 Who is making informal payments for public healthcare in East-Central Europe? An evaluation of socio-economic and spatial variations
by Colin WILLIAMS & Ioana HORODNIC & Adrian HORODNIC - 63-80 Macroeconomic instability: its causes and consequences for the economy of Ukraine
by Natalia SKOROBOGATOVA - 81-91 An overview of European good practices in public procurement
by Ada POPESCU & Mihaela ONOFREI & Christopher KELLEY - 93-124 The effectiveness of policy interventions in CEE countries
by Alin-Marius ANDRIEȘ & Florentina IEȘAN-MUNTEAN & Simona NISTOR - 125-150 The determinants of exchange rate in Croatia
by Manuel BENAZIC & Ines KERSAN-SKABIC - 151-168 The relevance of the housing market for the banks’ risk profile in Albania
by Erjona REBI - 169-184 The United States and the European Community, 1969-1974: an uneasy partnership
by Thi Thuy Hang NGUYEN - 185-187 BOOK REVIEW - Adrian Liviu Ivan, Teorii și practice ale integrării europene [Theories and Practices of European Integration], Cluj-Napoca: CA Publishing, 2015, 176 pages, ISBN:978-606-8330-43-3
by Adrian Daniel STAN
December 2015, Volume 6(2)
- 5-7 A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of war
by Angelantonio ROSATO - 9-26 Deepening the economic integration in the Eastern Partnership: from a Free Trade Area to a Neighbourhood Economic Community?
by Gabriela DRĂGAN - 27-36 Ukraine in the European arena: a two-dimensional analysis based on macroeconomic criteria
by Sergii VOITKO & Mariia KOKORUZ - 37-53 The impact of the crisis on the national brand of Ukraine
by Oksana OKHRIMENKO & Alexander OKHRIMENKO - 55-81 The multistage nature of labour migration from Eastern and Central Europe (experience of Ukraine, Poland, United Kingdom and Germany during the 2002-2011 period)
by Khrystyna FOGEL - 83-110 Social protection of migrant workers in Ukraine: striving towards European standards under crisis
by Nataliia FEDIRKO - 111-129 The European Parliament in the EU-Ukraine relations - from independence to Orange revolution
by Oleksandr MOSKALENKO & Volodymyr STRELTSOV - 131-158 A new vision of Ukrainian politics or another political trick: reflections on the role of the electoral quota for women in Ukraine and its results
by Liliia ANTONIUK - 159-175 The Ukraine crisis: a multidimensional analysis in China
by Song LILEI - 177-187 Identifying the new Eurasian orientation in modern Russian geopolitical thought
by Toni MILESKI - 189-191 BOOK REVIEW - Andrew Wilson, Ukraine Crisis – What It Means for the West
by Loredana Maria SIMIONOV
June 2015, Volume 6(1)
- 5-29 Urban transition and sustainability. The case of the city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Aleksandra DJURASOVIC & Joerg KNIELING - 31-48 Ombudsman institutions in the candidate countries on the road to EU membership: a comparative view
by Vahap Atilla OĞUŞGİL - 49-61 Spatial differentiation and core-periphery structures in Romania
by Jozsef BENEDEK - 63-89 Growth and convergence in the Central and East European countries towards EU (1992-2002)
by Aleksandar VASILEV - 91-109 The peculiarities of trade specialization in creative industries in the Central and Eastern European countries
by Veronika CHALA - 111-122 Demand for Romanian automotive products in the global value chain
by Alina Petronela NEGREA & Valentin COJANU - 123-135 Reporting on the ‘ever closer union’: narrative framing in national news medias and resistance to EU integration
by Andrew Anzur CLEMENT - 137-150 International development and the ecuation of power within the European Union
by Magda Simona SCUTARU - 151-154 BOOK REVIEW - Daniel Dăianu, Marele impas în Europa. Ce poate face România? [The great deadlock in Europe. What can Romania do?]
June 2014, Volume 5(1)
- 5-20 Income inequality in post-communist Central and Eastern European countries
by Sara ROSE & Crina VIJU - 21-37 The instability of the European Union? A quantitative approach
by Silviu Petru GRECU & Diana MĂRGĂRIT - 39-66 Potential and challenges for the Black Sea regional cooperation
by Galya VLADOVA & Jörg KNIELING - 67-77 Territorial cohesion and regional development in the context of EU integration – the case of Macedonia
by Slavica ROCHESKA & Marjan ANGELESKI & Marijana MILEVSKA & Olivera KOSTOSKA - 79-98 Mortgage lending and house prices in Albania - a co-integrated analysis based on VECM
by Erjona REBI - 99-112 Education and labour market outcomes in Romania
by Laura DIACONU (MAXIM) - 113-129 The EU-UN cooperation for maintaining international peace and security
by Anna YAMCHUK - 131-143 The Eastern Partnership as an expression of the European Neighbourhood Policy: reinforcing the European normative power with the Eastern partners
by Giorgiana MARTÍNEZGARNELO Y CALVO - 145-171 Culture, politics, and identity. An analysis of the European Idea Review 1919 – 1928
by Aura Carmen SLATE - 173-177 BOOK REVIEW - The European Neighbourhood Policy in perspective: context, implementation and impact / Edited by Richard G. Whitman, Stefan Wolff, Palgrave studies in European Union Politics
by Nadiia BUREIKO
December 2014, Volume 5(2)
- 5-11 Eastern Europe - A new field of humanitarian history
by Yves DENÉCHÈRE - 13-32 A hand in salvation or cool calculation? The role of the US humanitarian aid in shaping the American policy towards Poland (1956 -1965)
by Maciej STANECKI - 33-60 Collecting money at a global level. The UN fundraising campaign for the 1956 Hungarian refugees
by Gusztáv D. KECSKÉS - 61-75 Local practices of humanitarian aid: Pharmaciens sans frontières Anjou in Romania during the 1990s
by Beatrice SCUTARU - 77-88 Humanitarian aid and political aims in Eastern Ukraine: Russian involvement and European response
by Andrei SCRINIC - 89-91 The European Union: internal coherence, external relevance
by Rodica Milena ZAHARIA - 93-116 Influential internal and external factors in German policy towards Turkey’s EU membership: more than ‘privileged partnership’; less than full membership?
by Selcen ÖNER - 117-138 How people perceive immigrants’ role in their country’s life: a comparative study of Estonia and Russia
by Tiiu PAAS & Olga DEMIDOVA - 139-158 U.S. policy toward European integration, 1969 - 1974: a continuation
by Nguyen Thi Thuy HANG - 159-180 U.S. chemical policy under review: how much Europeanisation
by Ondřej FILIPEC - 181-183 BOOK REVIEW: Sébastien Farré, Colis de guerre. Secours alimentaire et organisations humanitaires (1914-1947), Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014, 288 pages, ISBN: 978-2-7535-3419-3
by Yves DENÉCHÈRE - 185-190 BOOK REVIEW: Michael Barnett and Janice Gross Stein (eds.), Sacred aid: faith and humanitarianism, Oxford University Press, 2012, 258 pages, ISBN: 978-19-991609-2
December 2013, Volume 4(2)
- 5-10 Editorial: What is the role of Europe in the 21st century?
by Erhard BUSEK - 11-36 Evaluating the role of partnership in the European Neighbourhood Policy: the Eastern neighbourhood
by Elena A. KOROSTELEVA - 37-49 Some considerations on the intergovernmental dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy
by Oana Mihaela MOCANU - 51-73 Political Economy aspects of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements
by Panagiota MANOLI - 75-94 Intervention priorities for economic development in the crossborder area Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova - A’WOT analysis approach
by Marcela ȘLUSARCIUC & Gabriela PRELIPCEAN - 95-110 The socialization potential of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
by Hrant KOSTANYAN & Bruno VANDECASTEELE - 111-121 Higher education as soft power in the Eastern Partnership: the case of Belarus
by Giles POLGLASE - 123-136 After Vilnius: the European Union’s smart power and the Eastern Neighbourhood
by Lucian-Dumitru DÎRDALĂ - 137-140 BOOK REVIEW Elena A. Korosteleva, The European Union and its Eastern Neighbours: towards a more ambitious partnership?
by Teodor Lucian MOGA - 141-143 BOOK REVIEW Jürgen Habermas, The crisis of the European Union: a response
by Lucian-Dumitru DÎRDALĂ
June 2013, Volume 4(1)
- 5-15 Business regulation and economic growth in the Western Balkan countries
by Engjell PERE & Albana HASHORVA - 17-24 Local regulation between formal and informal institutions: analysis by application to the case of the town of Ksar-Hellal (Tunisia)
by Makram GAALICHE - 25-40 Resolving the dilemma between equality and liberty: the Swedish political system
by Nathalie BLANC-NOEL - 41-56 Economy and foreign relations in Europe in the early inter-war period - The case of Hungary's financial reconstruction
by Lucian LEUŞTEAN - 57-79 Integrated in the global value chains - trade developments between Hungary and Asia
by Andrea ÉLTETŐ & Katalin VÖLGYI - 81-103 Foreign trade trends in the Hungarian-Romanian turnover of agricultural products
by Miklós VÁSÁRY - 105-126 A political crisis in an economic tempest (January 2008 – December 2012)
by Davide VITTORI - 127-143 Black swans or creeping normalcy? – An attempt to a holistic crisis analysis
by Olivér KOVÁCS - 145-156 Actual problems of the antimonopoly requirements` observance in the bidding for the sale of land in the Russian Federation
by Alexey Pavlovich ANISIMOV & Marina Jurievna KOZLOVA & Anatoly Jakovlevitch RIZHENKOV - 157-159 BOOK REVIEW Tim Haughton (editor), Party politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Does EU membership matter?
by Danica FINK-HAFNER - 161-163 BOOK REVIEW Pierre Bauby, L’européanisation des services publics
by Lucian-Dumitru DÎRDALĂ
June 2012, Volume 3(1)
- 5-30 Globalization and social inequalities in Europe: assessment and outlook
by Carmela MALTONE & Bernard Yvars & Hannah Brady - 31-48 The Europeanization of official development assistance: EU governance by cooperation - communication and domestic change
by Štìpánka ZEMANOVÁ - 49-66 The EU as an actor at the WTO: its strengths and weaknesses throughout history
by Romualdo BERMEJO GARCÍA & Rosana GARCIANDÍA GARMENDIA - 67-86 Balance of payments adjustment mechanisms in the Euro area
by Martina JIRÁNKOVÁ & Pavel HNÁT - 87-99 The European Union and the Cyprus problem: a story of limited impetus
by George KYRIS - 101-121 Consistency between innovation indicators and national innovation performance in the case of small economies
by Tiiu PAAS & Helen POLTIMÄE - 123-143 Labour market adjustments in Estonia during the 2008/2011 crisis
by Sandrine LEVASSEUR - 145-168 The antecedents of satisfaction with pay in teams: do performance-based compensation and autonomy keep team-members satisfied?
by Ana-Maria Godeanu - 169-188 The social network of actors influencing age discrimination in the human resources recruiting process
by Aurelian SOFICĂ - 189-204 The main characteristics of the Romanian illegal drug markets
by Loredana MAFTEI - 205-208 BOOK REVIEW Barry Tomalin, Mike Nicks, The World’s Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them. Special Chapters on: China, USA, Germany, UK, Russia, India, Brazil, France, Italy and Japan, Thorogood Publishing London, 2007, 270 pages, ISBN: 1 85418 369 9, 978-185418369-9
by Andrea HAMBURG
December 2012, Volume 3(2)
- 9-35 Towards an integrated model of international migration
by Douglas S. MASSEY - 37-59 Worker remittances and government behaviour in the receiving countries
by Thomas H.W. ZIESEMER - 61-86 The impact of remittances on consumption and investment in Romania
by Cristian ÎNCALŢĂRĂU & Liviu-George MAHA - 87-103 Determinants of the remitting behaviour of Romanian emigrants in an economic crisis context
by Zizi GOSCHIN & Monica ROMAN - 105-119 Migration and multi-dimensional poverty in Moldovan communities
by Melissa SIEGEL & Jennifer WAIDLER - 121-139 The effects of immigration on the socio-economic landscape of the United Kingdom
by Anett HODOSI - 141-160 Stories of upward social mobility and migration in one Romanian commune. On the emergence of “rurban” spaces in migrant-sending communities
by Monica ALEXANDRU - 161-176 Attitudes towards immigrants and the integration of ethnically diverse societies
by Tiiu PAAS & Vivika HALAPUU - 177-179 BOOK REVIEW - Sarah Spencer, The migration debate
by Romana Emilia CRAMARENCO - 181-184 BOOK REVIEW - Christien van den Anker, Ilse van Liempt (Eds.), Human rights and migration - trafficking for forced labour
by Teodor Lucian MOGA
June 2011, Volume 2(1)
- 5-11 Optimal taxation and monitoring in an economy with matching frictions and underground activities
by Gaetano LISI - 13-39 The increase of rural development measures efficiency at the micro-regions level by cluster analysis. A Romanian case study
by Maria VINCZE & Elemer MEZEI