June 2011, Volume 2(1)
- 41-55 The economic crisis and its management in Spain
by Andrea ÉLTETÕ - 57-65 On the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights
by Aurora CIUCÃ - 67-79 The role of EU institutions in implementing its monetary policy
by Emilia GEORGIEVA - 81-95 Discursive differences and policy outcomes: EU-Russia relations and security in Europe
by Licínia SIMAO - 97-110 Some considerations on the EU Danube Strategy and the Black Sea Region
by Costel COROBAN - 111-128 Policies for strategic territorial development.Inter-municipality association as a form of network governance: the Italian experience
by Patrizia MESSINA - 129-146 Problems of Romanian SMEs with tapping EU structural funds
by Gábor HUNYA - 147-150 BOOK REVIEW - John McClintock, The Uniting of Nations: An Essay on Global Governance
by Lucian-Dumitru DÎRDALÃ
December 2011, Volume 2(2)
- 7-20 Post-accession economic development of Poland
by Witold Orlowski - 21-30 The Czech Republic – impacts of and experience with EU membership
by Ivo Šlosarèík - 31-48 The Romanian economy - four years after the EU accession
by Laurian LUNGU - 49-60 Some impacts of the EU accession on the new member states’ agriculture
by Judit KISS - 61-76 Financial contagion of the 2008 crisis: is there any evidence of financial contagion from the US to the Baltic states
by Andres KUUSK & Tiiu Paas & Karmen Viikmaa - 77-91 Mutual trade and investment of the Visegrad countries before and after their EU accession
by Gábor HUNYA & Sándor RICHTER - 93-107 Mobility in Europe since the Eastern enlargement: emergence of a European labour market?
by Klára FÓTI - 109-117 The impact of the crisis on the energy demand and energy intensity in Central and Eastern European countries
by Attila HUGYECZ - 119-131 EU transfers and the next financial framework
by Miklós SOMAI - 133-167 Should the EU climate policy framework be reformed?
by David Ellison - 169-188 Impacts of and experience with EU membership of the countries of Central, Eastern and South - Eastern Europe. Country study on Bulgaria
by Nadya Yorgova
December 2010, Volume 1(2)
- 5-19 The investment development path in a globalised world: implications for Eastern Europe
by Rajneesh NARULA & José GUIMÓN - 21-36 Foreign direct investment of Central and Eastern European countries, and the investment development path revisited
by Marian GORYNIA & Jan NOWAK & Rados³aw WOLNIAK - 37-53 Attracting foreign direct investment: the public policy scope for South East European countries
by Christian BELLAK & Markus LEIBRECHT & Mario LIEBENSTEINER - 55-76 Patterns of inward FDI in economies in transition
by Kálmán KALOTAY - 77-91 Inward FDI in seven transitional countries of South-Eastern Europe: a quest of institution-based attractiveness
by Nathalie FABRY & Sylvain ZEGHNI - 93-118 Evidence on the determinants of foreign direct investment: the case of EU regions
by Laura CASI & Laura RESMINI - 119-138 The role of multinational enterprises for regional development in Bulgaria
by Kaloyan KOLEV - 139-164 Does FDI promote regional development? Evidence from local and regional productivity spillovers in Greece
by Vassilis MONASTIRIOTIS & Jacob A. JORDAAN - 165-185 International outsourcing over the business cycle: some intuition for Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
by Sandrine LEVASSEUR - 187-206 Chinese investments in the EU
by Haico EBBERS & Jianhong ZHANG - 207-210 Martinez Arranz, Alfonso / Doyle, Natalie J. / Winand, Pascaline (eds.), New Europe, New World? The European Union, Europe and the Challenges of the 21 st Century
by Adrian IVAN
June 2010, Volume 1(1)
- 5-8 Editorial Foreword
by Vasile ISAN - 9-20 The Danube Region: transformation and emergence
by Erhard BUSEK & Aleksandra GJORESKA - 21-44 Patterns and determinants of business cycle synchronization in the enlarged European Economic and Monetary Union
by Iulia SIEDSCHLAG - 45-62 The impact of EU-accession on farming and agricultural employment in Cluj County
by Kinga KEREKES - 63-86 Current approaches to the European Health Policy
by Vasile PUSCAS & Anda CURTA - 87-112 The relationship between supplier networks and industrial clusters: an analysis based on the cluster mapping method
by Miklós SZANYI & Péter CSIZMADIA & Miklós ILLÉSSY & Ichiro IWASAKI & Csaba MAKÓI - 113-133 Regional inequalities and convergence clubs in the European Union new member-states
by Panagiotis ARTELARIS & Dimitris KALLIORAS & George Petrakos - 135-151 International adoption of Romanian children and Romania’s admission to the European Union (1990-2007)
by Yves DENECHERE & Béatrice SCUTARU - 153-168 A strategic and operational view of competitiveness and cohesion in the European context
by Valentin COJANU - 169-170 BOOK REVIEW International/Transnational Relations (Vasile Puscas)
by Marcela SALAGEAN