- PB15-13 Korea and the TPP: The Inevitable Partnership
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB15-12 From Populist Destabilization to Reform and Possible Debt Relief in Greece
by William R. Cline - PB15-11 Hungary under Orbán: Can Central Planning Revive Its Economy?
by Simeon Djankov - PB15-10 Gains from Harmonizing US and EU Auto Regulations under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
by Caroline Freund & Sarah Oliver - PB15-9 Too Much Finance, or Statistical Illusion?
by William R. Cline - PB15-8 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2015
by William R. Cline - PB15-7 Quantity Theory of Money Redux? Will Inflation Be the Legacy of Quantitative Easing?
by William R. Cline - PB15-6 From Rapid Recovery to Slowdown: Why Recent Economic Growth in Latin America Has Been Slow
by Jose De Gregorio - PB15-5 How Not to Regulate Insurance Markets: The Risks and Dangers of Solvency II
by Avinash D. Persaud - PB15-4 The True Levels of Government and Social Expenditures in Advanced Economies
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - PB15-3 Japanese Investment in the United States: Superior Performance, Increasing Integration
by Theodore H. Moran & Lindsay Oldenski - PB15-2 Service Sector Reform in China
by Ryan Rutkowski - PB15-1 What Next for the IMF?
by Edwin M. Truman
- PB14-26 Rapid Growth in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies: Now and Forever?
by Giang Ho & Paolo Mauro - PB14-25 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, November 2014
by William R. Cline - PB14-24 An Economic Strategy to Save Ukraine
by Anders Aslund - PB14-23 Why Bail-In Securities Are Fool's Gold
by Avinash Persaud - PB14-22 Should Korea Join the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Cathleen Cimino - PB14-21 Is China's Property Market Heading toward Collapse?
by Li-Gang Liu - PB14-20 Debt Sanctions Can Help Ukraine and Fill a Gap in the International Financial System
by Anna Gelpern - PB14-19 US Policies toward Liquefied Natural Gas and Oil Exports: An Update
by Cathleen Cimino & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - PB14-18 The US Manufacturing Base: Four Signs of Strength
by Theodore H. Moran & Lindsay Oldenski - PB14-17 Alternatives to Currency Manipulation: What Switzerland, Singapore, and Hong Kong Can Do
by Joseph E. Gagnon - PB14-16 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2014
by William R. Cline - PB14-15 Internationalization of the Renminbi: The Role of Trade Settlement
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Kent Troutman - PB14-14 What Should Surplus Germany Do?
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - PB14-13 NAFTA at 20: Misleading Charges and Positive Achievements
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Cathleen Cimino & Tyler Moran - PB14-12 Going Beyond Economic Engagement: Why South Korea Should Press the North on Labor Standards and Practices
by Marcus Noland - PB14-11 Managing Myanmar's Resource Boom to Lock in Reforms
by Cullen S. Hendrix & Marcus Noland - PB14-10 Wages and Labor Market Slack: Making the Dual Mandate Operational (DRAFT)
by David G. Blanchflower & Adam S. Posen - PB14-9 IMF Reform Is Waiting on the United States
by Edwin M. Truman - PB14-8 Women, Sports, and Development: Does It Pay to Let Girls Play?
by Barbara Kotschwar - PB14-7 Rethinking the National Export Initiative
by Caroline Freund - PB14-6 A Proposed Code to Discipline Local Content Requirements
by Cathleen Cimino & Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jeffrey J. Schott - PB14-5 Is the European Central Bank Failing Its Price Stability Mandate?
by Angel Ubide - PB14-4 Monetary Policy with Abundant Liquidity: A New Operating Framework for the Fed
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Brian Sack - PB14-3 Income Inequality Developments in the Great Recession
by Tomas Hellebrandt - PB14-2 Addressing Currency Manipulation Through Trade Agreements
by C. Fred Bergsten - PB14-1 Making Labor Market Reforms Work for Everyone: Lessons from Germany
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
- PB13-30 Five Challenges for Janet Yellen at the Federal Reserve
by David J. Stockton - PB13-29 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, November 2013
by William R. Cline - PB13-28 Stabilizing Properties of Flexible Exchange Rates: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis
by Joseph E. Gagnon - PB13-27 US Employment Deindustrialization: Insights from History and the International Experience
by Robert Z. Lawrence & Lawrence Edwards - PB13-26 Financial Services in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
by Simon Johnson & Jeffrey J. Schott - PB13-25 Governing the Federal Reserve System after the Dodd-Frank Act
by Peter Conti-Brown & Simon Johnson - PB13-24 China's Credit Boom: New Risks Require New Reforms
by Nicholas Borst - PB13-23 How to Form a More Perfect European Banking Union
by Angel Ubide - PB13-22 Ukraine's Choice: European Association Agreement or Eurasian Union?
by Anders Aslund - PB13-21 Lehman Died, Bagehot Lives: Why Did the Fed and Treasury Let a Major Wall Street Bank Fail?
by William R. Cline & Joseph E. Gagnon - PB13-20 Role of Apprenticeships in Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States
by Natalia Aivazova - PB13-19 Progress on Sovereign Wealth Fund Transparency and Accountability: An Updated SWF Scoreboard
by Allie Bagnall & Edwin M. Truman - PB13-18 Avoiding the "Resource Curse" in Mongolia
by Theodore H. Moran - PB13-17 A Realistic Bridge Towards European Banking Union
by Nicolas Veron - PB13-16 Preserving the Open Global Economic System: A Strategic Blueprint for China and the United States
by Arvind Subramanian - PB13-15 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2013
by William R. Cline - PB13-14 Shadow Deposits as a Source of Financial Instability: Lessons from the American Experience for China
by Nicholas Borst - PB13-13 Sizing Up US Export Disincentives for a New Generation of National-Security Export Controls
by J. David Richardson & Asha Sundaram - PB13-12 Sovereign Damage Control
by Anna Gelpern - PB13-11 Dealing with Cybersecurity Threats Posed by Globalized Information Technology Suppliers
by Theodore H. Moran - PB13-10 Four Changes to Trade Rules to Facilitate Climate Change Action
by Aaditya Mattoo & Arvind Subramanian - PB13-9 Corporate Taxation and US MNCs: Ensuring a Competitive Economy
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Martin Vieiro - PB13-8 Crafting a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: What Can Be Done
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Cathleen Cimino - PB13-7 The Congress Should Support IMF Governance Reform to Help Stabilize the World Economy
by Edwin M. Truman - PB13-6 Liquefied Natural Gas Exports: An Opportunity for America
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Allie E. Bagnall & Julia Muir - PB13-5 From Supervision to Resolution: Next Steps on the Road to European Banking Union
by Nicolas Veron & Guntram B. Wolff - PB13-4 Reengineering EMU for an Uncertain World
by Angel Ubide - PB13-3 Debt Restructuring and Economic Prospects in Greece
by William R. Cline - PB13-2 A Blueprint for Rebalancing the Chinese Economy
by Nicholas R. Lardy & Nicholas Borst - PB13-1 The World Needs a Multilateral Investment Agreement
by Anders Aslund
- PB12-25 Currency Manipulation, the US Economy, and the Global Economic Order
by Joseph E. Gagnon & C. Fred Bergsten - PB12-24 Europe's Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Long Journey Towards Banking Union
by Nicolas Véron - PB12-23 Updated Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB12-22 Hyperinflations Are Rare, but a Breakup of the Euro Area Could Prompt One
by Anders Aslund - PB12-21 How Can Trade Policy Help America Compete?
by Robert Z. Lawrence - PB12-20 Why a Breakup of the Euro Area Must Be Avoided: Lessons from Previous Breakups
by Anders Aslund - PB12-19 Combating Widespread Currency Manipulation
by Joseph E. Gagnon - PB12-18 The Coming Resolution of the European Crisis: An Update
by C. Fred Bergsten & Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - PB12-17 Southern Europe Ignores Lessons from Latvia at Its Peril
by Anders Aslund - PB12-16 The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Asia-Pacific Integration: Policy Implications
by Peter A. Petri & Michael Plummer - PB12-15 Restoring Fiscal Equilibrium in the United States
by William R. Cline - PB12-14 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2012
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB12-13 Right Idea, Wrong Direction: Obama’s Corporate Tax Reform Proposals
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Martin Vieiro - PB12-12 Japan Post: Anti-Reform Law Clouds Japan's Entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Julia Muir - PB12-11 Will the World Trade Organization Enjoy a Bright Future?
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jeffrey J. Schott - PB12-10 Framework for the International Services Agreement
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & J. Bradford Jensen & Sherry Stephenson & Julia Muir & Martin Vieiro - PB12-9 US Tire Tariffs: Saving Few Jobs at High Cost
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Sean Lowry - PB12-8 Does Monetary Cooperation or Confrontation Lead to Successful Fiscal Consolidation?
by Tomas Hellebrandt & Adam S. Posen & Marilyne Tolle - PB12-7 Projecting China's Current Account Surplus
by William R. Cline - PB12-6 Using US Strategic Reserves to Moderate Potential Oil Price Increases from Sanctions on Iran
by Philip K. Verleger - PB12-5 Interest Rate Shock and Sustainability of Italy's Sovereign Debt
by William R. Cline - PB12-4 The European Crisis Deepens
by Peter Boone & Simon Johnson - PB12-3 Another Shot at Protection by Stealth: Using the Tax Law to Penalize Foreign Insurance Companies
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer - PB12-2 Japan Post: Retreat or Advance?
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Julia Muir - PB12-1 The Coming Resolution of the European Crisis
by C. Fred Bergsten & Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
- PB11-22 Oil Exporters to the Euro's Rescue?
by Philip K. Verleger - PB11-21 What Can and Cannot Be Done about Rating Agencies
by Nicolas Veron - PB11-20 The United States Should Establish Normal Trade Relations with Russia
by Anders Aslund & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - PB11-19 G-20 Reforms of the International Monetary System: An Evaluation
by Edwin M. Truman - PB11-18 The Current Currency Situation
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB11-17 Debt Relief for Egypt?
by John Williamson & Mohsin S. Khan - PB11-16 US Tax Discrimination Against Large Corporations Should Be Discarded
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Martin Vieiro - PB11-15 Sustainability of Greek Public Debt
by William R. Cline - PB11-14 IFSWF Report on Compliance with the Santiago Principles: Admirable but Flawed Transparency
by Allie Bagnall & Edwin M. Truman - PB11-13 Europe on the Brink
by Peter Boone & Simon Johnson - PB11-12 Markets vs. Malthus: Food Security and the Global Economy
by Cullen S. Hendrix - PB11-11 Keeping the Promise of Global Accounting Standards
by Nicolas Veron - PB11-10 America’s Energy Security Options
by Trevor Houser & Shashank Mohan - PB11-9 Lessons from the East European Financial Crisis, 2008-10
by Anders Aslund - PB11-8 What Should the United States Do about Doha?
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB11-7 Logistics Reform for Low-Value Shipments
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Yee Wong - PB11-6 Revitalizing the Export-Import Bank
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Meera Fickling & Woan Foong Wong - PB11-5 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2011
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB11-4 The Outlook for International Monetary System Reform in 2011: A Preliminary Report
by Edwin M. Truman - PB11-3 The Elephant in the "Green Room": China and the Doha Round
by Aaditya Mattoo & Francis Ng & Arvind Subramanian - PB11-2 Corporate Tax Reform for a New Century
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Woan Foong Wong - PB11-1 Getting Surplus Countries to Adjust
by John Williamson
- PB10-30 An Update on EU Financial Reforms
by Nicolas Veron - PB10-29 Strengthening IMF Surveillance: A Comprehensive Proposal
by Edwin M. Truman - PB10-28 KORUS FTA 2.0: Assessing the Changes
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB10-27 How Europe Can Muddle Through Its Crisis
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - PB10-26 Currency Wars?
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB10-25 Will It Be Brussels, Berlin, or Financial Markets that Check Moral Hazard in Europe's Bailout Union? Most Likely the Latter!
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - PB10-24 The Central Banker's Case for Doing More
by Adam S. Posen - PB10-23 Prospects for Implementing the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB10-22 Not All Financial Regulation Is Global
by Nicolas Veron & Stephane Rottier - PB10-21 The Road to a Climate Change Agreement Runs Through Montreal
by Richard J. Smith - PB10-20 Renminbi Undervaluation, China's Surplus, and the US Trade Deficit
by William R. Cline - PB10-19 Revisiting the NAFTA Agenda on Climate Change
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Meera Fickling - PB10-18 Dealing with Volatile Capital Flows
by Olivier Jeanne - PB10-17 Turning Back the Clock: Japan’s Misguided Postal Law is Back on the Table
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Julia Muir - PB10-16 Deepening China-Taiwan Relations through the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement
by Daniel H. Rosen & Zhi Wang - PB10-15 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2010
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB10-14 In Defense of Europe's Grand Bargain
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - PB10-13 Hobbling Exports and Destroying Jobs
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Theodore H. Moran - PB10-12 Assessing the American Power Act: The Economic, Employment, Energy Security, and Environmental Impact of Senator Kerry and Senator Lieberman's Discussion Draft
by Trevor Houser & Shashank Mohan & Ian Hoffman - PB10-11 A Trade Agenda for the G-20
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB10-10 Higher Taxes on Multinationals Would Hurt US Workers and Exports
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Theodore H. Moran - PB10-9 Protection by Stealth: Using the Tax Law to Discriminate against Foreign Insurance Companies
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer - PB10-8 New PPP-Based Estimates of Renminbi Undervaluation and Policy Implications
by Arvind Subramanian - PB10-7 The Sustainability of China's Recovery from the Global Recession
by Nicholas R. Lardy - PB10-6 The Substitution Account as a First Step Toward Reform of the International Monetary System
by Peter B. Kenen - PB10-5 Copenhagen, the Accord, and the Way Forward
by Trevor Houser - PB10-4 After the Flop in Copenhagen
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jisun Kim - PB10-3 Confronting Asset Bubbles, Too Big to Fail, and Beggar-thy-Neighbor Exchange Rate Policies
by Morris Goldstein - PB10-2 Notes on Equilibrium Exchange Rates: January 2010
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB10-1 The Winter of Their Discontent: Pyongyang Attacks the Market
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland
- PB09-22 The World Needs Further Monetary Ease, Not an Early Exit
by Joseph E. Gagnon - PB09-21 The Future of the Dollar
by Richard N. Cooper - PB09-20 Why SDRs Could Rival the Dollar
by John Williamson - PB09-19 The 2008 Oil Price "Bubble"
by Mohsin S. Khan - PB09-18 Setting the NAFTA Agenda on Climate Change
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Meera Fickling - PB09-17 The Economics of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
by Trevor Houser - PB09-16 Pacific Asia and the Asia Pacific: The Choices for APEC
by C. Fred Bergsten - PB09-15 India-Pakistan Trade: A Roadmap for Enhancing Economic Relations
by Mohsin S. Khan - PB09-14 China's Changing Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Profile: Drivers and Policy Implications
by Daniel H. Rosen & Thilo Hanemann - PB09-13 A Solution for Europe's Banking Problem
by Adam S. Posen & Nicolas Veron - PB09-12 US Interests and the International Monetary Fund
by C. Randall Henning - PB09-11 Understanding Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
by John Williamson - PB09-10 2009 Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB09-9 The Alien Tort Statute of 1789: Time for a Fresh Look
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer - PB09-8 Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Global Economic Perspective
by Trevor Houser - PB09-7 US Taxation of Multinational Corporations: What Makes Sense, What Doesn't
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jisun Kim - PB09-6 Pressing the "Reset Button" on US-Russia Relations
by Anders Aslund & Andrew Kuchins - PB09-5 The Future of the Chiang Mai Initiative: An Asian Monetary Fund?
by C. Randall Henning - PB09-4 Money for the Auto Industry: Consistent with WTO Rules?
by Claire Brunel & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - PB09-3 A Green Recovery? Assessing US Economic Stimulus and the Prospects for International Coordination
by Trevor Houser & Shashank Mohan & Robert Heilmayr - PB09-2 Buy American: Bad for Jobs, Worse for Reputation
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jeffrey J. Schott - PB09-1 Did Reagan Rule In Vain? A Closer Look at True Expenditure Levels in the United States and Europe
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
- PB08-8 Financial Repression in China
by Nicholas R. Lardy - PB08-7 New Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates
by William R. Cline & John Williamson - PB08-6 North Korea on the Precipice of Famine
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland & Erik Weeks - PB08-5 World Trade at Risk
by C. Fred Bergsten - PB08-4 A Security and Peace Mechanism for Northeast Asia: The Economic Dimension
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - PB08-3 A Blueprint for Sovereign Wealth Fund Best Practices
by Edwin M. Truman - PB08-2 Strengthening Trade Adjustment Assistance
by Howard F. Rosen - PB08-1 "Fear" and Offshoring: The Scope and Potential Impact of Imports and Exports of Services
by J. Bradford Jensen & Lori G. Kletzer
- PB07-8 The Case for Exchange Rate Flexibility in Oil-Exporting Economies
by Brad Setser - PB07-7 The Korea-US Free Trade Agreement: A Summary Assessment
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB07-6 Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Need for Greater Transparency and Accountability
by Edwin M. Truman - PB07-5 American Trade Politics in 2007: Building Bipartisan Compromise
by I. M. Destler - PB07-4 Global Imbalances: Time for Action
by Alan Ahearne & William R. Cline & Kyung Tae Lee & Yung Chul Park & Jean Pisani-Ferry & John Williamson - PB07-3 China and Economic Integration in East Asia: Implications for the United States
by C. Fred Bergsten - PB07-2 Toward a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific
by C. Fred Bergsten - PB07-1 The IMF Quota Formula: Linchpin of Fund Reform
by Richard N. Cooper & Edwin M. Truman
- PB06-9 Can America Still Compete or Does It Need a New Trade Paradigm?
by Martin Neil Baily & Robert Z. Lawrence - PB06-8 Choosing Monetary Arrangements for the 21st Century: Problems of a Small Economy
by John Williamson - PB06-7 Completing the Doha Round
by Jeffrey J. Schott - PB06-6 China: Toward a Consumption-Driven Growth Path
by Nicholas R. Lardy - PB06-5 Can Doha Still Deliver on the Development Agenda?
by Kimberly Ann Elliott - PB06-4 Negotiating the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Scott C. Bradford & Thomas Moll - PB06-3 Russia's Challenges as Chair of the G-8
by Anders Aslund - PB06-2 The Doha Round after Hong Kong
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jeffrey J. Schott - PB06-1 The United States Needs German Economic Leadership
by Adam S. Posen
- PB05-04 The Case for a New Plaza Agreement
by William R. Cline - PB05-03 Living with Global Imbalances: A Contrarian View
by Richard N. Cooper - PB05-02 After Argentina
by Anna Gelpern - PB05-01 A Currency Basket for East Asia, Not Just China
by John Williamson
- PB04-07 What Kind of Landing for the Chinese Economy?
by Morris Goldstein & Nicholas R. Lardy