2014, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 356-380 Social responsibility reporting of Islamic banks: evidence from Indonesia
by Faizah Darus & Hasan Fauzi & Yadi Purwanto & Haslinda Yusoff & Azlan Amran & Mustaffa Mohamed Zain & Dayang Milianna Abang Naim & Mehran Nejati - 381-405 Enron and the 12 steps of white-collar crime
by Randy Appel & Jae Fratzl & Ruth B. McKay & Carey Stevens
2014, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 221-242 The effect of institutional investor type on the relationship between CEO duality and financial performance
by Hayam Wahba & Khaled Elsayed - 243-268 Developments and trends in research on board leadership: a systematic literature review
by Daniel Yar Hamidi & Jonas Gabrielsson - 269-292 An investigation of moral judgement of Chinese purchasing professionals
by Yi-Hui Ho & Chieh-Yu Lin - 293-312 Ethical leadership and employee behaviours: an empirical study of mediating factors
by Muhammet Sait Dinc & Muzaffer Aydemir
2014, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 121-135 What have we not researched? And why not? - some reflections on the 'blind spots' of corporate governance and board research
by Thomas Steger - 136-154 Opening the black box of nomination committees: a case study of non-executive director selections in German supervisory boards
by Axel Walther & Michèle Morner - 155-169 Theorising director task performance over time: insights from capture theory
by Stuart Farquhar & Silke Machold & Pervaiz K. Ahmed - 170-196 The glass ceiling in SMEs and its impact on firm managerialisation: a comparison between family and non-family SMEs
by Lucrezia Songini & Luca Gnan - 197-219 Board structures and board behaviour: a cross-country comparison of privately held SMEs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway
by Wim Voordeckers & Anita Van Gils & Jonas Gabrielsson & Diamanto Politis & Morten Huse
2014, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-26 Public policies of promotion of CSR amongst SMEs and effects on competitiveness: the case of Tuscany region
by Massimo Battaglia & Marco Frey - 27-51 Is corporate governance different for Islamic banks? A comparative analysis between the Gulf Cooperation Council and Southeast Asian countries
by Rihab Grassa & Hamadi Matoussi - 52-67 Corporate human rights responsibility and multinationality in emerging markets - a legal perspective for corporate governance and responsibility
by Sascha-Dominik Bachmann & Vijay Pereira - 68-90 Executive compensation and corporate bankruptcy in the context of crisis
by Sarra Elleuch Hamza & Imen Lourimi - 91-113 Women in the board room: one can make a difference
by Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky
2013, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 289-305 Financial distress and corporate governance: the impact of the CEO
by Xavier Brédart - 306-322 Gender stereotyping in Indian recruitment advertisements: a content analysis
by Rahul Anand - 323-347 The relationship between corrupt practices and organisational performance: an empirical investigation
by Anastasia A. Katou - 348-375 Perceptions of real estate agents on the role of professional training in ethical decision making
by Goitom Tesfom & Nancy J. Birch & Mussie T. Tessema - 376-400 SME owner-managers as key drivers of corporate social responsibility in Uganda
by Cedric Marvin Nkiko
2013, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 195-209 Impact of corruption on bank profitability: an analysis of Islamic banks
by Shaista Arshad & Syed Aun R. Rizvi - 210-223 The integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives into business activities: can lessons be learnt from gender diversity programmes?
by Jette Steen Knudsen - 224-241 Effect of property rights on the relationship between legal traditions and corporate governance: evidence from the MENA region
by Omar Farooq & Rouaa AbdelBari - 242-264 Corporate ownership and market valuation in South Africa: uncovering the effects of shareholdings by different groups of corporate insiders and outsiders
by Collins G. Ntim - 265-288 Board of directors and bank performance: beyond agency theory
by Charbel Salloum & Elie Bouri & Danielle Khalife
2013, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 101-115 CEO compensation and timing of Executive Stock Option exercises
by Ahmad Ibn Ibrahimy & Rubi Ahmad - 116-136 Corporate governance, board diversity and firm financial performance: new evidence from Sri Lanka
by Nirosha Hewa Wellalage & Stuart Locke - 137-154 Ethics of social responsibility to indirect stakeholders: a strategic perspective
by Duygu Turker & Ceren Altuntas - 155-180 Earnings management, audit committee effectiveness and the role of blockholders ownership: evidence from UK large firms
by Murya Habbash - 181-194 Does analyst following improve informativeness of earnings? Evidence from the MENA region
by Omar Farooq
2013, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-17 Corporate governance and dispersion in analysts' recommendations: pre- and post-crisis analysis from Asian emerging markets
by Omar Farooq & Hasnaa Amrani - 18-49 Blockholders presence, identity and institutional context. Are they relevant for firm value?
by Mário Sacramento Santos & António Carrizo Moreira & Elisabete Simões Vieira - 50-68 One role is not big enough: a multi-theoretical study of board roles in SMEs
by Eythor Ivar Jonsson - 69-92 Do corporate reforms increase performance of analysts' recommendations? Evidence from an emerging market
by Sheraz Ahmed & Omar Farooq - 93-99 Why women make better directors
by Chris Bart & Gregory McQueen
2012, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 279-300 Determinants of stock options awards: evidence from French firms
by Mohamed Imen Gallali & Mehdi Bouras - 301-330 Political economy of corporate governance: the case of Iran
by Fakhroddin Mohammadrezaei & Norman Mohd-Saleh & Bahman Banimahd - 331-349 Corporate governance and stock price performance of firms during the crisis: evidence from the MENA region
by Omar Farooq & Youssef Chetioui - 350-364 From CSR rhetoric to real business practice: ethical banking in Scandinavia
by Elisabeth Paulet & Francesc Relano
2012, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 173-190 How does state ownership affect pollution control? Evidence from the Chinese iron and steel industry
by Zhi Tang & Delmonize A. Smith - 191-208 The effectiveness of supervisory boards: an exploratory study of challenges in Dutch boardrooms
by Stefan C. Peij & Pieter-Jan Bezemer & Gregory F. Maassen - 209-231 Corporate governance in the Nigerian banking industry: towards governmental engagement
by Emmanuel Adegbite - 232-251 Corporate governance and its effect on the liquidity of a stock: evidence from the MENA region
by Omar Farooq & Mohammed Seffar - 252-278 The contribution of network governance to preventing opportunistic behaviour by managers and to increasing stakeholder involvement: the Eroski case
by Giacomo Manetti & Simone Toccafondi
2012, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 83-95 Corporate governance - a stakeholder model
by Edward Dennehy - 96-117 If not growth, then what?
by Michael L. McIntyre & Steven A. Murphy & Bernard Funston - 118-138 How do we explain corporate board structure in sub-Saharan Africa?
by Vera Fiador & Patience A. Abor & Joshua Abor - 139-152 Liquidity and firm performance: evidence from the MENA region
by Omar Farooq & Fatima Zahra Bouaich - 153-171 The effect of changing economic conditions on attitudes toward corporate social responsibility
by Brenda E. Ghitulescu & Joao S. Neves
2012, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-17 Corporate governance and firms in financial distress: evidence from a Middle Eastern country
by Charbel Salloum & Nehme Azoury - 18-36 The effects of economic freedom on institutional performance in the Western Balkans countries
by Qerim Qerimi & Bruno S. Sergi - 37-62 Impact of forced ranking evaluation of performance on ethical choices: a study of proximal and distal mediators
by Priya Nair Rajeev - 63-81 Does ownership type cause any difference in the perception of Malaysian SME owners/managers towards corporate social responsibility?
by Mehran Nejati & Azlan Amran
2011, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 311-339 Communicating corporate governance through websites: a case study from India
by Martin Xavier Amaladoss & Hansa Lysander Manohar & Fatima Jacob - 340-358 Conflict of opinion on accounting policy judgements: independence, knowledge and problem-solving ability of audit committees in Malaysia
by Rita Anugerah & Takiah Mohd Iskandar & Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi - 359-384 Utilising computer-based scenarios to explore idealism and relativism influences on perceptions of Ethics and Social Responsibilities and ethical decision making
by Lisa Y. Chen & Bahaudin G. Mujtaba & Thomas W. Heron - 385-396 Chief executive officers as white-collar criminals: an empirical study
by Petter Gottschalk
2011, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 225-248 Improving audit committee performance in the Middle East: do Egyptian audit profession norms support international standards?
by Jennifer Bremer & Mohamed Hegazy & Auday Sabri - 249-263 Ethics, bankruptcy and greed: the unintended consequences for landlords of the 2005 bankruptcy amendments
by Harlan D. Platt & Christopher R. Mirick & Marjorie B. Platt - 264-293 The moderating effects of the board of directors on the relationship between R&D investment and firm performance
by Basma Sellami Mezghanni - 294-309 Ethical decision making of accounting students: a cross-cultural comparative study
by Yi-Hui Ho & Chieh-Yu Lin
2011, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 111-134 Context, enactment and contribution of employee voice in the boardroom: evidence from large German companies
by Thomas Steger - 135-161 Ownership structure, board governance, dividends and firm value: an empirical examination of Malaysian listed firms
by Zunaidah Sulong & Pervaiz K. Ahmed - 162-182 Non-audit services and perceived auditor's independence: empirical evidence from an emerging market
by Ibrahim El-Sayed Ebaid - 183-202 Corporate Social Responsibility performance assessment by using a linear combination of key indicators
by Antonio Focacci - 203-223 The association between executive stock options and corporate performance: evidence from Portugal
by Sandra Alves
2011, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-27 The effect of home and host country cultures on the manager's individual decision making related to ethical issues in a MNC
by Virginija Kliukinskaite-Vigil - 28-48 Determinants of sales persons' ethical decision making: the case of real estate agents
by Goitom Tesfom & Nancy J. Birch - 49-67 A multi-dimensional criticism of the Triple Bottom Line reporting approach
by Kaushik Sridhar - 68-82 Attitudes towards business ethics: a cross-cultural comparison of students in Iran and Malaysia
by Mehran Nejati & Azlan Amran & Amirul Shah Md. Shahbudin - 83-109 The financial crisis and corporate governance reform
by Harilaos Mertzanis
2010, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 241-260 Corporate governance metrics for Asian companies: are they reliable indicators of corporate performance?
by Daryl Koehn & Joe Ueng - 261-279 Corporate governance and voluntary disclosure in Malaysia
by Nazli Anum Mohd Ghazali - 280-300 Director independence and performance of listed companies: evidence from Malaysia
by Fairuz Ramli & Anuar Nawawi & Rashid Ameer - 301-322 Active institutional investors and the board of directors
by Tongyu Cao & Ray Donnelly - 323-342 Unravelling the human side of the board: the role of motivational and cognitive compatibility in board decision making
by Michele Morner & Eva-Maria Renger & Reynaldo Valle Thiele - 343-359 Predictors and outcomes of Corporate Social Responsibility: a research framework
by Pavlos A. Vlachos
2010, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 131-156 Board of directors within public organisations: a literature review
by Alessandro Hinna & Ernesto De Nito & Gianluigi Mangia - 157-177 Board structure and firm value: a study on listed banking firms in the Asian emerging markets
by Abdul Hadi Zulkafli & Azlan Amran & M. Fazilah Abdul Samad - 178-195 Indicators of perceived corporate commitment to ethics in top Taiwanese and Turkish companies: An exploratory study
by Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee & Arzu Ulgen Aydinlik & Dilek Donmez & Goran Svensson & Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 196-213 Interpretations of corruption in Intercultural bargaining
by Ambika Zutshi & Andrew Creed & Heiko E.R. Rudolph - 214-240 Private municipal governance and the company town: applications past, present and future
by Brian M. Studniberg
2010, Volume 5, Issue 1/2
- 2-13 Control mechanisms in information security: a principal agent perspective
by Tejaswini Herath & H. Raghav Rao - 14-25 A 12-step process of white-collar crime
by Ruth McKay & Carey Stevens & Jae Fratzl - 26-37 Curbing economic crime with RFID enabled currency
by Lorne D. Booker & Nick Bontis - 38-50 Stock market efficiency, insider dealing and market abuse: the UK experience
by Paul Barnes - 51-63 Measuring identity theft and identity fraud
by Susan Sproule & Norm Archer - 64-75 Curbing the use of Hawala for money laundering and terrorist financing: global regulatory response and future challenges
by M. Nauman Farooqi - 76-86 Innovation dynamics and capability in open collaborative cyber communities: implications for cybersecurity
by George Tovstiga & Ekaterina Tulugurova & Alexander Kozlov - 87-97 Canadian securities regulation and foreign blocking legislation
by Andrew Gray & Graeme Hamilton - 98-111 An analysis of Canadian Audit Committee charters
by Chris Bart - 112-127 Two students and a professor discover what every business person should know about Industrial Security Firms
by Maris Stella Swift & Travis Cornwell & Joseph Woods - 128-130 Commentary: A Dean's educational perspective on economic crime prevention
by P.K. Bates
2009, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 316-329 The role of the board in IT governance: current and desired oversight practices
by Chris Bart & Ofir Turel - 330-348 Board and organisational performance in healthcare non-profit public organisations: the Greek perspective
by Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos & Dimitrios G. Georgakakis & Ioannis P. Gkliatis - 349-371 Director education programs in Canada, Australia and the UK: a comparative study
by Michael L. McIntyre & Steven A. Murphy - 372-389 Business ethics, medical ethics and economic medicalization
by Geoffrey Poitras - 390-399 A citation-based ranking of the business ethics scholarly journals
by Alexander Serenko & Nick Bontis - 400-426 Corporate governance, compliance and valuation effects of Sarbanes-Oxley on US and foreign firms
by Lorne N. Switzer & Hui Lin - 427-442 Internal governance: the neglected pillar of good governance
by Lutgart A.A. Van den Berghe
2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 207-221 Impact of the country context on board director role: the case of directors of international joint ventures based in Serbia
by Jelena Petrovic - 222-249 CEO target compensation and performance standards in privately- and publicly-held firms through a disclosure regulation change
by Patrice Gelinas & Michel Magnan & Sylvie St-Onge - 250-263 Potty-training companies: applying Erik H. Erikson's stages of psychosocial development to CSR
by Tarja Ketola - 264-279 Models of an individual decision-making process related to ethical issues in business: the risk of framing effects
by Virginija Kliukinskaite Vigil - 280-297 How UK companies use their codes of ethics – highlights of the 2007 Institute of Business Ethics survey
by Andrea Werner & Simon Webley - 298-314 Linking board types to key board roles
by Marie-Josee Roy
2008, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 117-131 Practicing the business of corporate social responsibility: a process perspective
by Christa Thomsen & Jakob Lauring - 132-147 Board structure and performance in an emerging economy: Turkey
by Nisan Selekler-Goksen & Abdulmecit Karatas - 148-168 Governance theory and practice for nonprofit organisations
by Debbie M. Thorne & Beverly T. Venable - 169-188 The challenge of business self-regulation: revisiting the foundations
by Paul Dragos Aligica - 189-205 Is environmental reporting changing corporate behaviour?
by Mark Price
2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-16 Social impact as a measure of fit between firm activities and stakeholder expectations
by Lisa Papania & Daniel M. Shapiro & John Peloza - 17-39 Company growth and Board attitudes to corporate social responsibility
by Coral B. Ingley - 40-50 Diving for pearls: the importance of Board induction and re-induction
by Tracy Long - 51-78 Corporate governance practices of small cap companies and their financial performance: an empirical study in New Zealand
by Krishna Reddy & Stuart Locke & Frank Scrimgeour & Abeyratna Gunasekarage - 79-98 Engaging the Board: integrity, values and the Board agenda
by Scott Lichtenstein & Les Higgins & Pat Dade - 99-115 Current practice of FTSE 350 Boards concerning the appointment, evaluation and development of directors, boards and committees post the Combined Code
by Victor Dulewicz & Peter Herbert
2007, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 350-381 Corporate governance practices in publicly quoted companies in Nigeria
by Chris Ogbechie & Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos - 382-393 Improving the board's involvement in corporate strategy: directors speak out
by Chris Bart - 394-406 Family pyramidal holdings and board of directors
by Najah Attig - 407-429 Merger and acquisition related determinants of executive compensation arrangements' adoption
by Virginia Bodolica & Michel Magnan & Martin Spraggon - 430-445 Corporate governance in developing economies – the case of Egypt
by Jennifer Bremer & Nabil Elias - 446-460 An interpretive structural model of corporate governance
by Dimple Grover & Ravi Shankar & Amulya Khurana - 461-472 Board of director effectiveness committees
by Michael L. McIntyre & Steven A. Murphy - 473-487 Accounting standards for employee stock option disclosure
by Geoffrey Poitras
2007, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 205-222 Governance and social information disclosure – evidence from the UK
by Sepideh Parsa & Reza Kouhy & Christos Tzovas - 223-237 Quantifying the social dimension of triple bottom line: development of a framework and indicators to assess the social impact of organisations
by Evonne Miller & Laurie Buys & Jennifer Summerville - 238-249 Organisational approaches to corporate governance: an empirical study on shareholder activism
by Elias Bengtsson - 250-261 SME directors and boards: the contribution of directors and boards to the growth and development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
by Colin Coulson-Thomas - 262-273 The validity of measuring director and board performance: continuum or categorisation?
by Susan P. Jauncey & David N. Moseley-Greatwich - 274-307 From event-driven to period-driven Voluntary Earnings Disclosure? A value-adding disclosure strategy
by Jacques Barnea - 308-329 Effective governance for start-up companies: regarding the board as a strategic resource
by Coral B. Ingley & Kevin McCaffrey - 330-348 Driving value through stakeholder relationships – a discussion using a research-based model
by Andy Ellis
2007, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 106-112 Corporate governance and board effectiveness 2.0
by Richard Leblanc - 113-126 Internal auditing's international contribution to governance
by Kenneth D'Silva & Jeffrey Ridley - 127-138 Leadership at the top: a new instrument for assessing and developing directors
by Victor Dulewicz - 139-149 Managing CEO succession: new models for a new era
by Margaret Exley - 150-162 Directors and their homework: developing strategic thought
by Bob Garratt - 163-178 Price fixing in the Icelandic oil and gas industry: where were the boards?
by Eythor Ivar Jonsson - 179-203 Changing societal and executives' values: their impact on corporate governance
by Scott Lichtenstein & Pat Dade
2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-18 Rationality, morality and Joel Bakan's The Corporation
by Michael Haynes - 19-32 The US Securities and Exchange Commission and shareholder director nominations: paving the way for special interest directors?
by Thomas A. Hemphill - 33-41 Economics, ethics and business ethics: a critique of interrelationships
by Praveen Kulshreshtha - 42-55 Lack of business responsibility: an Islamic perspective
by Zahid Parvez - 56-76 Evaluating sustainability practices in terms of stakeholders' satisfaction
by Shirish Sangle & P. Ram Babu - 77-94 Circles of stakeholders: towards a relational theory of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Rob Maessen & Paul Van Seters & Eleonore Van Rijckevorsel - 95-103 The moral standard of a company: performing the norms of corporate codes
by Aat Brakel
2006, Volume 2, Issue 3/4
- 198-216 An empirical examination of the content and composition of Board Charters
by Chris Bart - 217-236 Ethical values and leadership: a study of business school deans in Canada
by Nick Bontis & Adwoa Mould-Mograbi - 237-253 Contemporaneous relationship between EVA and shareholder value
by Wajeeh Elali - 254-279 Securities market and corporate governance of privatised firms
by Viet Ha Hoang - 280-293 Democratic capitalism and respect for the value of freedom
by Waheed Hussain - 294-328 Corporate governance mechanisms and the performance of small-cap firms in Canada
by Lorne N. Switzer & Catherine Kelly - 329-340 The role of board chair in the relationship between board human capital and firm performance
by Carol Yeh-Yun Lin & Yu-Chen Wei & Ming-Hsueh Chen
2006, Volume 2, Issue 1/2
- 2-22 The governance role of the board in corporate strategy: a comparison of board practices in 'for profit' and 'not for profit' organisations
by Chris Bart & Ken Deal - 23-42 Creativity, convergence or confusion: what do socially responsible investment organisations contribute to the governance debate in Canada?
by Detlev Nitsch & Mark C. Baetz - 43-53 Corporate secrecy: the final barrier to corporate governance
by Robert Chambers - 54-63 Governance in a large organisation
by Brian J. Chartier - 64-83 Growth and corporate governance in transition economies: an adaptation of the Ramsey model
by Giovanni D'Orio & Tsvetomira Tsenova - 84-100 Insider trading, ethical attitudes and culture: an experimental market analysis
by J.C. Gaa & S.M. Khalid Nainar & Mohamed Shehata - 101-115 Where the rubber meets the road
by Sylvia Groves - 116-128 Governance failures also occur in the non-profit world
by Eric W. Hayden - 129-144 The role of management accounting in corporate social responsibility measures: experience with the financial services industry
by Md. Mostaque Hussain - 145-165 Cultural determinants of ownership concentration across countries
by Eelke De Jong & Radislav Semenov - 166-182 Organising cooperative institutional forms in knowledge transfer across borders – a transaction cost approach to comparative firm performance
by Saba Khalid - 183-196 Ethics and corporate governance: banking on scandal
by Justin O'Brien
2005, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 259-276 Does the criminal law have a role in the corporate setting?
by Annabelle James & James Kirkbride & Steve Letza - 277-302 Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder approach: a conceptual review
by Nada K. Kakabadse & Cecile Rozuel & Linda Lee-Davies - 303-316 The United Nations Global Compact: the business implementation and accountability challenge
by Thomas A. Hemphill - 317-328 Clustering consumers according to their attitudes on corporate social responsibility
by Aikaterini I. Vassilikopoulou & George J. Siomkos & John Mylonakis - 329-349 Governance and football: an examination of the relevance of corporate governance regulations for the sports sector
by Stuart Farquhar & Silke Machold & Pervaiz K. Ahmed - 350-362 Can good corporate governance practices contribute to firms' financial performance? – evidence from Malaysian companies
by Allan Chang Aik Leng & Shazali Abu Mansor
2004, Volume 1, Issue 2/3
- 111-125 The governance role of the board in corporate strategy: an initial progress report
by Chris Bart - 126-136 The role of corporate counsel in the new governance model: sound policy or another quick fix?
by Hugh P. Gunz & Sally P. Gunz & Robert V.A. Jones - 137-146 Outside director remuneration and the decision to grant CEO stock options
by Kiridaran Kanagaretnam & Robert Mathieu & Ramachandran Ramanan - 147-161 Corporate governance with a difference: fiduciary duty for a wisdom economy
by Laurent Leduc - 162-174 Beyond compliance: testing the limits of reforming the governance of Wall Street
by Justin O'Brien - 175-191 Market positioning and corporate responsibility
by Ashok P. Ranchhod & Patricia Park - 192-209 Moving beyond compliance and control: building a values-based corporate governance culture supportive of a culture of mutual accountability
by Elisabeth Sundrum - 210-232 Association between board of director characteristics and the amount of voluntary audit committee disclosures
by J-L.W. Mitchell Van Der Zahn - 233-258 Audit committee features and earnings management: further evidence from Singapore
by J-L.W. Mitchell Van Der Zahn & Greg Tower
2004, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-26 Pension funds governance: an overview of the role of trustees
by Nada Kakabadse & Andrew Kakabadse - 27-44 Philosophical and paradoxical issues in corporate governance
by Steve Letza & Xiuping Sun - 45-55 Beyond stakeholder engagement: the challenges of stakeholder participation in corporate governance
by Christopher Low & Christopher Cowton - 56-77 Corporate governance models in emerging markets: the case of India
by Silke Machold & Ajit Kumar Vasudevan - 78-94 Exploring theoretical paradigms in corporate governance
by Clive Smallman - 95-110 Learning from the West: the right medicine for Japan?
by Henri-Claude De Bettignies