2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-15 Employees satisfied with performance measurement and rewards: is it even possible?
by Juhani Ukko & Jussi Karhu & Sanna Pekkola - 16-29 Corporate governance and the information systems excellence factor
by Themistokles Lazarides & Evaggelos Drimpetas & Maria Argyropoulou & Jaideep Motwani - 30-49 Toward the use of internal marketing in networks
by Christian Bach & Joseph Sarkis & Jing Zhang - 50-64 The development of an information systems strategic plan: an e-government perspective
by Sitalakshmi Venkatraman & Stephen Hughes - 65-85 Organisational support during expatriation: a study of New Zealand managers
by Christopher Selvarajah - 86-103 Comparison of profitability between international integrated device manufacturers and virtual integration firms
by Chen-Chi Lou & Shyue-Ping Chi & Shang-Chi Gong
2008, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 375-390 Launch lessons from a growing global supplier of industrial equipment
by Tuula Lehtimaki & Jari Salo & Heikki Karjaluoto - 391-417 Market and collaboration orientations: examining the supply/demand chain effects
by Chad R. Allred & Stanley E. Fawcett - 418-433 The Shingo Prize for operational excellence: rewarding world-class practices
by Satya S. Chakravorty & J. Brian Atwater & James I. Herbert - 434-447 The growth strategies of women-controlled SMEs: a case study on Finnish software companies
by Paivi Eriksson & Elina Henttonen & Susan Merilainen - 448-456 Implementing a lean enterprise approach to achieve business excellence
by Clare L. Comm & Dennis F.X. Mathaisel - 457-483 Performance management of regional clusters and SME cooperation networks
by Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo & Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti & Gunther Seliger & Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Galdamez
2008, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 231-261 Manufacturing competitiveness assessment for business excellence
by Ateekh-Ur-Rehman & A. Subash Babu - 262-281 Excellence: capturing Aristotelian notions of meaning and purpose
by Alistair R. Anderson & Carter Crockett - 282-301 Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence at Shoppers' Stop: a case study
by Jayanthi Ranjan & Saani Khalil - 302-336 Perspectives, practices and future of supply chain flexibility
by Dileep More & A. Subash Babu - 337-352 Quality management systems in tourism companies: the case of travel agencies in Egypt
by Mohammed I. Eraqi - 353-374 Prospective and challenges of internet banking in Yemen: an analysis of bank websites
by Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait & Ainin Sulaiman & Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi
2008, Volume 1, Issue 1/2
- 9-31 Business excellence through supply chain flexibility in Indian industries: an investigative study
by A. Subash Babu & Dileep More & N. Hemachandra - 32-54 Alternative retailer-partner relationships: the role of satisfaction
by Hong-Youl Ha & Siva Muthaly - 55-70 Understanding the subcultures key to ERP implementation: an empirical investigation
by Parag Kosalge & Jaideep Motwani - 71-91 Valuing technological capabilities – the strategic options perspective
by Kalevi Kylaheiko & Ari Jantunen & Jaana Sandstrom - 92-105 Barriers to innovation faced by manufacturing firms in Portugal: how to overcome it for fostering business excellence?
by Maria Jose Silva & Joao Leitao & Mario Raposo - 106-120 Critical incidents in the development of quality management in steel manufacturers' production
by Pekka Tervonen & Niko Pahkala & Harri Haapasalo - 121-140 Optimising performance with distributor managed inventory in a FMCG supply chain
by Joseph Y. Saab Jr. & Henrique L. Correa & Michael R. Bowers - 141-159 Business practices and performance in US manufacturing companies: an empirical investigation
by Purnendu Mandal & Enrique (Henry) Venta & Ashraf El-Houbi - 160-174 Implementation of statistical process control in an Indian tea packaging company
by Bharatendra K. Rai - 175-192 Business excellence through a world-class organisational structure: experience from the Baldrige National Quality Program
by Paulo A. Cauchick Miguel - 193-209 The influence of empowerment, commitment, job satisfaction and trust on perceived managers' performance
by Rachid Zeffane & Hana Ameen Mohammed Al Zarooni - 210-230 The effect of the ISO-14001 environmental management system on corporate financial performance
by Jiangning Zhao