2012, Volume 14, Issue 1/2
- 115-124 Leveraging tangible and intangible assets by using a possible firm competitiveness index
by Mihaela Herciu & Claudia Ogrean & Lucian Belascu - 125-138 Caixa Geral de Aposentações: why social responsibility is needed?
by Rute Abreu & Fátima David
2011, Volume 13, Issue 3/4
- 187-203 Assessing quality of financial reporting through audit reports: the case of Greek municipalities
by Sandra Cohen & Nikolaos Kaimenakis - 204-221 On the relationship between systematic risk and financial and operating risk: the case of the Greek listed firms
by Fotini Voulgaris & Athanasia Rizonaki - 222-239 A structural equations approach to assessing alternative service quality metrics within an extended service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty model
by Evangelos Tsoukatos & Maria Koulentaki - 240-256 Where to? – The EU unemployment post crisis
by Simona Mihai-Yiannaki - 257-268 The effects of situational and personal factors on employee motivation for relocation
by Hana Ornoy & Shlomo Yedidia Tarba - 269-280 An analysis of dysfunctions and biases in financial performance measures
by Bernd Britzelmaier & Dennis Schlegel - 281-295 Exploring the history of accounting in Cyprus
by Peter Clarke - 296-310 Isomorphic immigrant effect in foreign entry
by Maud Oortwijn
2011, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 105-125 International business and cross-border education: a case of the Janus face of globalisation?
by Gaby Ramia & Simon Marginson & Erlenawati Sawir & Chris Nyland - 126-146 The value relevance of losses revisited: the importance of earnings aggregation
by Leif Atle Beisland - 147-167 Urban amenities and dwelling house prices in Sao Paulo, Brazil: a hierarchical modelling approach
by Luiz Paulo Lopes Favero - 168-184 The impact of published school performance results on residential property prices: a comparative study of two UK cities
by Joseph G. Nellis & John Glen
2011, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-12 Inflation and US music mechanicals, 1976-2010
by Peter Alhadeff & Caz McChrystal - 13-25 Positive feedback trading: evidence from futures markets
by Antonios Antoniou & Gregory Koutmos & Gioia Pescetto - 26-41 Some issues about the application of the analytic hierarchy process to R&D project selection
by Pedro Godinho & Joao Paulo Costa & Joana Fialho & Ricardo Afonso - 42-56 Time-varying beta risk, volatility persistence and the asymmetric impact of news: evidence from industry portfolios
by Dimitrios Koutmos - 57-70 New panel data evidence of human development convergence from 1975 to 2005
by Laszlo Konya - 71-83 How was the Heisei depression in Japan caused?
by Yasumi Matsumoto - 84-92 Effects of foreign reserve stock in Asian countries
by Yutaka Kurihara - 93-103 On the multifractal properties and the local multifractality sensitivity index of euro to Japanese yen foreign currency exchange rates
by Stavros Stavroyiannis & Vassilis Nikolaidis & Ilias A. Makris
2010, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 267-285 Foreign direct investment and firm productivity: evidence from firm-level data
by Joshua Abor - 286-328 Debt accumulation: do theoretical indicators explain country data?
by Magda Kandil - 329-340 Agent takeover risk of principal in outsourcing relationships
by Alnoor Bhimani & Kjell Hausken & Mthuli Ncube - 341-358 Aid and happiness: untangling the causal relationship in nine European donor countries
by B. Mak Arvin & Byron Lew - 359-383 How sensitive is US-Sweden trade to the kronor-dollar rate: evidence from industry data
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Masoumeh Hajilee
2010, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 171-195 Dynamic capabilities for strategic green advantage: green electricity purchasing in North American firms, SMEs, NGOs and agencies
by Travis Gliedt & Paul Parker - 196-202 Estimating residential water demand in the absence of volumetric water pricing
by Eric E. Houk - 203-229 Towards a model of wind energy industry development in industrial and emerging economies
by Juan Leonardo Espinoza & Harrie Vredenburg - 230-251 Governance of the emerging biofuel markets in European Union: the Portuguese context
by Erica Geraldes Castanheira & Patricia Pereira Da Silva - 252-265 Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and economic investment opportunities in the UK
by Julien Chevallier
2010, Volume 12, Issue 1/2
- 3-20 Amish enterprise: the collective power of ethnic entrepreneurship
by Donald B. Kraybill & Steven M. Nolt & Erik J. Wesner - 21-41 First Nations gaming in Saskatchewan: fostering entrepreneurship, economic diversification, cultural preservation and awareness: a proposed research agenda
by Bob Kayseas & Bettina Schneider & Jo-anne Goodpipe - 42-71 Nunavik, Arctic Quebec: where cooperatives supplement entrepreneurship
by Leo Paul Dana - 72-84 Releasing indigenous entrepreneurial capacity: a case study of the Yolngu clan in a remote region of Northern Australia
by Cecil A.L. Pearson & Klaus Helms - 85-99 Barriers to indigenous enterprise development on communally owned land
by William Nikolakis - 100-114 An examination of the impact of product and service quality perceptions on customer loyalty in rural banks in Ghana: the importance of social networks for nascent entrepreneurs
by Kofi Dadzie & Jocelyn Evans & Rhonda Mack - 115-150 Business success among visible and non-visible ethnic entrepreneurs: a look at the effects of unemployment, co-ethnic involvement and human capital
by Dafna Kariv & Teresa V. Menzies & Gabrielle A. Brenner - 151-170 Ethnic community involvement, entrepreneurial social capital, and business performance
by Jasmine Tata & Sameer Prasad
2009, Volume 11, Issue 3/4
- 199-224 Measuring and modelling risk
by David E. Allen - 225-233 Has capitalism been invalidated?
by Tibor R. Machan - 234-250 Corporate governance: beyond convergence? A comparative analysis in the wake of the global credit crunch
by Helen Berry - 251-263 Inventive economic modelling – the Alice Springs case study
by Megha Raut - 264-271 A value-based approach to recognising CEOs with ethical leadership
by Yi-Jung Chen - 272-280 A multi-dimensional approach toward collective choice
by Yasumi Matsumoto - 281-287 Product differentiation and the choice of alliance partners
by James Sawler - 288-303 Immigration, economic growth and unemployment in Australia, 1972-2007
by Laszlo Konya - 304-316 An integrated FA-FEAHP approach on the social indicators of Taiwan's green building
by Wei-Ming Wang & Amy H.I. Lee & Ding-Tsair Chang - 317-331 Associations of perceived underemployment with in-role and organisational citizenship behaviours: the beneficiary perspective
by Yi-Jung Chen
2009, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 99-115 Application of classical and robust chain-ladder methods: results for the Belgian non-life business
by Martine Van Wouwe & Tim Verdonck & Kristel Van Rompay - 116-140 The globalisation of the Australian passenger motor vehicle industry: lessons for other countries
by Andrew Marks - 141-166 Determinants of non-bank financial institutions' profitability: empirical evidence from Malaysia
by Fadzlan Sufian - 167-179 Trade balance and real exchange rate: new evidence from Mauritius-UK trade
by Rakesh K. Bissoondeeal - 180-197 Determinants of inward foreign direct investment in the Ghanaian manufacturing sector
by Simon K. Harvey & Joshua Abor
2009, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-18 An evaluation of UK risky money: an artificial intelligence approach
by Jane M. Binner & Alicia M. Gazely & Graham Kendall - 19-27 A century of PPP: supportive results from nonlinear unit root tests
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Ali M. Kutan & Su Zhou - 28-43 Malmquist indices of productivity change in Botswana's financial institutions
by Boitumelo Moffat & Abbas Valadkhani & Charles Harvie - 44-64 Financial innovation in the UK: new tier-adjusted household sector monetary services indexes
by Jane M. Binner - 65-87 A strategic matrix model for the apple industry in Lebanon
by Rock-Antoine Mehanna - 88-98 Internal firm structure, external market conditions and competitive dynamics
by Jing Chen & Sungchul Choi
2008, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 379-413 Multivariate GARCH models and the Black-Litterman approach for tracking error constrained portfolios: an empirical analysis
by Giulio Palomba - 414-429 Forecasting exchange rates with linear and nonlinear models
by Rakesh K. Bissoondeeal & Jane M. Binner & Muddun Bhuruth & Alicia Gazely & Veemadevi P. Mootanah - 430-448 Export motivations and barriers: a case study of Greek firms exporting to four south-eastern European countries
by Panagiotis G. Liargovas & Konstantinos S. Skandalis - 449-466 Markets, knowledge and trade in brands
by Teresa da Silva Lopes - 467-490 The role of government policy in post-communist Europe: a multi-country qualitative study
by Leo Paul Dana & Bella L. Galperin
2008, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 243-264 Worldwide anti-money laundering regulation: estimating the costs and benefits
by Raffaella Barone & Donato Masciandaro - 265-283 Illegal finance, interest rates and bank lending: the missing supply side of usury
by Lucia Dalla Pellegrina - 284-308 Implementing the new anti-money laundering directive in Europe: legal and enforcement issues; the Italian case
by Stefano Costa - 309-330 Money laundering and financial means of organised crime: some preliminary empirical findings
by Friedrich Schneider - 331-352 Competing for criminal money
by Brigitte Unger & Gregory Rawlings - 353-378 International standards in anti-money laundering and combating the terrorist financing regulation: compliance and strategy changes
by Concepcion Verdugo
2008, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 145-171 CIBAM and the Symposium on 'Security, Terrorism and Business'
by Christos N. Pitelis - 172-183 Terrorism and business
by Bruno S. Frey - 184-196 Ten propositions concerning security, terrorism and business
by Stewart R. Clegg - 197-206 Not quite inexplicable: exploring the Bush administration's response to terrorism
by Stephen Wrage - 207-210 The war on terror: in search of a definition
by Charles Hampden-Turner - 211-215 War on terrorism: from the bloody clash of civilisations to a nonviolent coexistence of nations and civilisations
by Antonis N. Vgontzas - 216-228 Terrorism and Islamism: differences, dynamics and dilemmas
by Humeira Iqtidar - 229-238 Unintended consequences: how Somalia's business community, in search of stability, and the USA, in search of terrorists, nearly created a radical Islamic state in the horn of Africa
by Chris Tomlinson - 239-242 Terrorism and business: a view from an insurance practitioner
by Adrian Lewers
2008, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-10 The impact of natural events and disasters on the Australian stock market: a GARCH-M analysis of storms, floods, cyclones, earthquakes and bushfires
by Andrew C. Worthington - 11-34 Strategic entrepreneurship and the growth of the firm: the case of Taiwan's bicycle industry
by Ho-Don Yan & Mei-Chih Hu - 35-57 Exporting under private labels: conditions and influencing factors
by Yaron Timmor & Jehiel Zif - 58-67 An econometric analysis of Sri Lankan monetary policy shocks and exchange rates
by Albert Wijeweera & Brian Dollery - 68-92 Consumer response to seasonal clearance sales: experimental analysis of consumer personality traits in self-service stores
by Rajagopal - 93-97 Stability of Walrasian and Marshallian adjustment mechanisms in multiple markets
by E.C.H. Veendorp - 98-122 Exploring the mediation effect of service quality implementation on the relationship between service quality and performance in the banking industry in Jordan
by Mamoun N. Akroush - 123-140 Effect of perception of corruption on outward US Foreign Direct Investment
by Rajib Sanyal & Subarna Samanta - 141-143 Book Review: A Guide to the World Bank by Stephen McGroarty
by Aleksandar Sevic
2007, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 335-352 Trust as an emergent phenomenon in wealth management relationships
by Denise Jarratt & Terry Bossomaier & James Thompson - 353-365 Information technology education for women in developing countries: benefits, barriers and policies
by Nancy Bertaux & Adekunle Okunoye & Jamal Abu-Rashed - 366-380 Using fundamental analysis of financial information to explain unexpected market behaviour
by Daniel R. Brickner & Charles A. Brown & Mark Myring - 381-394 Foreign direct investment and economic growth: some evidence from across the world
by Anita Ghatak & Ferda Halicioglu - 395-417 People, organisations and management: lessons for the industrialised world from the rest of the world
by Graham Elkin & Radha Sharma - 418-428 Some economic determinants of the depreciation policy decisions of firms operating in Greece
by Christos Tzovas - 429-447 The sensitivity of TFP growth in UK manufacturing
by Dolores Anon Higon - 448-457 The role of interest rate in investment decisions: a fuzzy logic framework
by David Han-Min Wang & Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu - 458-468 Accounting in Turkey, yesterday and today
by Nejat Tenker & Nilufer Tetik
2007, Volume 9, Issue 2/3
- 126-150 Seeking a realistic way of individual decision making
by Yasumi Matsumoto - 151-169 The link between incentives and product performance in open source development: an empirical investigation
by Sujoy Chakravarty & Ernan Haruvy & Fang Wu - 170-182 Knowledge and the valuation of public goods and experiential commodities: information provision and acquisition
by Clem Tisdell - 183-201 Examining the impact of relative standing using an ultimatum bargaining game experiment
by Muqun Li & Mark Pingle - 202-210 Behavioural economics and entrepreneurial decision making: two tax measures to help
by Hugh Schwartz - 211-226 The psychology of economic forecasting
by Karl Wennberg & Bjorn Nykvist - 227-254 Note on ways of saving: mental mechanisms as tools for self-control?
by Philipp E. Otto & Greg B. Davies & Nick Chater - 255-270 Entrepreneur's interpretation, innovation and coordination in Austrian subjectivist perspective
by Fu-Lai Tony Yu - 271-285 Ideology and positive economic beliefs: some experimental and survey evidence
by D. Andrew Austin & Nathaniel T. Wilcox - 286-296 Can mass media and the educational institutions change the entrepreneurial culture? A study of how a single story can change the risk-taking behaviour of individuals
by Boicho Kokinov - 297-318 Economic growth, 'globalisation' and labour power
by Morris Altman - 319-334 Tailoring globalisation to national needs and well-being: one size never fits all
by Nathan Berg & Shlomo Maital
2007, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-7 From social insecurity to social security: the genius of democratic politics
by Earl A. Thompson - 8-18 Pricing of exports: exchange rate pass-through and the planning horizon of firms
by Trond-Arne Borgersen - 19-37 Time-varying risk premia in American depository receipt returns
by Richard P. Gregory - 38-61 Does Hong Kong government intervention stabilise the stock market? Analysis of the trading volume and volatility
by Yuli Su & Yewmun Yip - 62-74 The demand for new housing in Turkey: an application of ARDL model
by Ferda Halicioglu - 75-91 On performance persistence in the Greek equity fund market
by Konstantinos Drakos & Paris Zachouris - 92-100 Measurement of international price conditions
by Jerry Mushin - 101-122 Political and economic alternatives for the Central and East European Region and China
by Aristidis Bitzenis
2006, Volume 8, Issue 3/4
- 179-186 The business method patent: a barrier to global harmonisation of intellectual property rights?
by Thomas A. Hemphill - 187-205 Measuring customer value and market dynamics for new products of a firm: an analytical construct for gaining competitive advantage
by Rajagopal - 206-216 Explaining anomalous inferences regarding the expectations theory
by William E. Shambora - 217-246 Predicting bubbles
by Earl A. Thompson & Charles R. Hickson - 247-261 The taxpayer resentment and 'neo ultra-rationality' hypotheses
by Richard J. Cebula - 262-279 Patterns and determinants of intra-industry trade within NAFTA
by Klimis Vogiatzoglou - 280-289 Mutual fund industry in India: development and growth
by S. Mohanan - 290-311 Relationships between balance sheet compositions, profitability, firm size and industry: a study of the Thai manufacturing corporate sector
by Gour C. Saha & H. Paul & Omprakash K. Gupta - 312-327 Industrial restructuring and oligopolistic competition in a small open economy via cross-border acquisition: the case of Greece
by Antonios Georgopoulos - 328-337 Does democracy really promote development?
by Rock-Antoine Mehanna - 338-341 Book Review: The Evolving Economy: Essays on the Evolutionary Approach to Economics
by Earl A. Thompson - 343-344 Book Review: Managerial Economics: A European Text
by Marcus Marktanner - 345-346 Book Review: Transforming HR: Creating Value Through People
by John Nolan - 347-349 Book Review: Islamic Perspectives on Management and Organisation
by Jawed Mohammed
2006, Volume 8, Issue 1/2
- 6-24 Gender aspects of economic transition: attitude towards female labour participation in the new member states of the European Union
by Nathalie Homlong & Elisabeth Springler - 25-43 Learning in time: new institutionalism and the Central and Eastern European economic reform experience
by Paul Dragos Aligica - 44-59 Chinese guanxi as network building: the emergence of the new institutional environment in China
by Rick Molz & Xiaoyun Wang - 60-86 Explaining different FDI inflows in Eastern European countries with reference to economic history
by Ioannis-Dionysios Salavrakos - 87-118 Decisive FDI barriers that affect multinationals' business in a transition country
by Aristidis Bitzenis - 119-132 The role and influence of Foreign Direct Investment on the development process: the case of the software industry in Romania, China, India and the Philippines
by David Floyd & John McManus - 133-160 Was there an optimum model of transition?
by John Marangos - 161-177 Banking socialism in transition: the experience of the Czech Republic
by Eva Kreuzbergova
2005, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 295-310 Sources of volatility in Australia's export prices: evidence from ARCH and GARCH modelling
by Abbas Valadkhani & Allan P. Layton & Neil D. Karunaratne - 311-323 Role of Japan-US relative GDP and broad money supply in determining the yen-dollar exchange rate
by Matiur Rahman & Mihajlo Balic & Charles B. Swindle - 324-342 Is there a diversification benefit from investing in the Arab Gulf stock markets? A multivariate GARCH analysis
by Aktham Maghyereh & Haitham Al-Zoubi & Sadeq Abderraheem - 343-352 Irrigation technology decisions in the presence of waterlogging and soil salinity
by Eric Houk & Marshall Frasier & Eric Schuck - 353-362 Analysis of output fluctuations in Mexico: application of the Romer model and the Taylor rule
by Yu Hsing - 363-380 Did Proposition 2 1/2 affect local public education in Massachusetts? Evidence from panel data
by Ronald J. Shadbegian & Robert T. Jones - 381-389 The development of cost accounting in France: the engineering contribution
by Mohsen Souissi - 390-408 Alternative models of transition and institutional development
by John Marangos - 409-438 Financing problems and the lack of entrepreneurship in Albania: findings from small and medium enterprises
by Aristidis Bitzenis & Ersanja Nito
2005, Volume 7, Issue 2/3
- 133-154 Assessing corporate social performance: linking strategy and stakeholders of the firm
by John F. Mahon & Steven L. Wartick - 155-179 A test of momentum trading strategies in foreign exchange markets: evidence from the G7
by Robert J. Bianchi & Michael E. Drew & John Polichronis - 180-190 Regulation and entry of new players in the electric sector: the Brazilian case revisited
by Helder Queiroz Pinto & Mariana Iootty - 191-202 Challenging boundaries: evaluation of work organisation at Sunderby hospital from a process and patient oriented perspective
by Ylva Faltholm - 203-213 On stability of the demand for money in a developing OECD country: the case of Turkey
by Ferda Halicioglu & Mehmet Ugur - 214-225 Knowledge management in small firms
by Lena Rantakyro - 226-233 Outsourcing: three long run predictions
by Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera - 234-246 Refinancing and coordination among multiple creditors and a debtor firm
by Fumiko Takeda & Koichi Takeda - 247-261 Storage capacity management in a dynamic environment
by Erne Houghton & Victor Portougal - 262-277 Interdependence of fiscal decentralisation and economic development: a vector autoregression analysis
by Hannarong Shamsub & Rock-Antoine Mehanna - 278-291 'Credibility as a trade off' in electricity industries, a first evaluation
by Yannick Perez - 292-293 Book Review: Ethnic marketing: accepting the challenge of cultural diversity
by Egidio A. Diodati
2005, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-15 The impact of globalisation on income inequality
by Simran K. Kahai & Walter Simmons - 16-24 Global managers in the age of globalisation
by Elizabeth Danon-Leva - 25-30 Cooperative moves in a non-cooperative game
by Robert T. Jones & E.C.H. Veendorp - 31-46 An empirical assessment of entrepreneurial behaviour: the case of Italy
by Maria Minniti - 47-58 Recent empirical evidence on the impact of the primary budget deficit on nominal longer term treasury note interest rate yields
by Richard J. Cebula - 59-73 Decision-making environments in which unboundedly rational decision makers choose to ignore relevant information
by Nathan Berg - 74-84 Why do EU countries use inflation targeting?
by Yutaka Kurihara - 85-99 Knowledge management and economic development in developing countries: an examination of the main enablers
by Jamal Abu-Rashed & Nancy Bertaux & Adekunle Okunoye - 100-110 Customer knowledge management or consumer surveillance
by Jennifer Rowley - 111-127 Innovation and organisation in the UK magazine print publishing industry: a survey
by Howard Cox & Simon Mowatt & Stuart Young - 128-129 Assessing Organisational Communication: Strategic Communication Audits
by Patricia Stanton - 130-131 International Financial Reporting Standards: A Practical Guide
by Frank Marino
2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 191-209 Malaysian financial system and the Asian financial crisis
by Sajid Anwar & Desh Gupta - 210-229 The United States' FTAs with Chile and Singapore
by Robert C. Shelburne - 230-238 Can socio-cultural factors aid in the understanding of economic problems? The case of Japan
by Bento J. Lobo & James A. Henley Jr - 239-254 Effects of budgetary deficits on macrovariables in Germany and the UK: 1950-2002
by Anita Ghatak - 255-262 Foreign direct investment and rural location in the United States
by Mark Jelavich - 263-279 Inside ownership and leverage increases
by Robert M. Hull & Sungkyu Kwak & Rosemary Walker - 280-302 Voucher-financed privatisation: lessons from the Armenian experience
by Nancy J. Scannell & Judy Newton
2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-21 Restoring integrity capacity to domestic and international accounting
by Joseph A. Petrick & John F. Quinn - 22-37 Marketing a city: Glasgow, city of architecture and design
by Sofia Daskou & Claudia Thom & Dev K. Boojihawon - 38-54 Tangibility consequences for ethnic marketing strategy
by Guilherme Pires & John Stanton & Patricia Stanton - 55-81 Government policy, industrialisation and the investment development path: the case of Thailand
by Anthony Bende-Nabende & Jim Slater - 82-91 The changing corporate governance in Japan: adapting to globalisation
by Yutaka Kurihara - 92-106 Imagining uncertainty: creative tales of corporate and global futures
by Tom Cockburn & David McKie - 107-133 Why foreign banks are entering transition economies: the case of Bulgaria
by Aristidis Bitzenis - 134-148 Profitable trading strategies using EVA
by B. Brian Lee & Byeonghee Choi & George Kanaan - 149-170 Information technology and long term trends of financial services supply
by Alexandre Rands Barros - 171-183 Externalities, international policy cooperation and systems competition
by Marcus Marktanner - 186-187 Book Review: Intellectual capital: measuring the immeasurable?
by Patricia Gillard - 188-190 Book Review: Network knowledge in international business
by John Stanton
2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 140-175 Financial accounting information and the relevance/irrelevance issue
by Stanley C. W. Salvary - 176-196 The effect of economic integration on economic growth: evidence from the APEC countries, 1989-2000
by Donny Tang - 197-225 A political economy methodology in modelling the transition process
by John Marangos - 226-241 U.S. firms in China: locational choice and organisational performance
by Turgut Guvenli & Rajib Sanyal - 242-264 A new composite leading indicator of inflation for the UK: a Kalman filter approach
by Jane M. Binner & Stuart I. Wattam